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I want to build a character with mental powers that are actually based upon essentially neuro-ECCM and communications projected by radio. The upshot of the effect is that I want to create a mentalist whose mental powers are unable to block or be blocked, unable to perceive or be perceived by more traditional mental powers. How should I do this?


Note Supreme: I got the idea from a Star Trek book where the Enterprise-D comes across an alien species that communicates "telepathically" by transmitting radio waves to each other. This mystifies the Federation, particularly the vulcans, because though they appear to communicate telepathically, they do not actually possess telepathy.

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Interesting, VERRY Interesting...


I would say buy your powers as AVLD (at the +3/4) to either Flash Defence:Radio or PD, then apply a -1/4 (maybe -1/2 or -0, depending on the game) that power is effected as Radio not Mental (so Mental Darkness, etc will not effect you but radio jamming would, my games it would probably be a -0, but if I was in a generous mood a -1/4)


That is my call, you could also justify a -1/4 does not provide Mental Awarness

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On a side note...


There was a post a while ago about creating a 'secure' radio channel - one that scrambles and descrambles. Without it, theoretically anyone with high range radio hearing could pick it up.


By the same token, couldn't someone intercept a mental communication the same way? I often have groups that have a mind link communication established. I have, in the past, allowed anyone with the ability to detect mental abilities to know it was in effect and if they had mind link themselves, they could 'tap' the communication with a successful ECV attack. Of course, anyone with a mental sensing power could see the tap but I just didn't see why people who can communicate mentally wouldn't "hear" others communicating that way.

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