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[Campaign] The Plot Device


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It was like any other small frontier town. Meadville was nestled along the north bank of the Niobrara River in the southwestern part of Keya Paha County. It was a friendly little place.


Like any other small frontier town, it had all the trappings of civilization. A general store. A blacksmith and stable. A church. A saloon. The latter two of which were 100 paces apart, per request of the pastor; of course. And the folks were friendly and welcomed anyone that passed through. Though, I mentioned that already.


Like any other small frontier town, Meadville's existence was temporary. As other towns sprung up and offered more of the best civilization had to offer, Meadville's importance quickly faded. The last know resident died in 1947. By the mid 50's, it became a popular place to camp, fish or hunt. My friends and I started particpating in that tradition in 1983. The place had an appeal, something magnetic about it; which we could not deny. Nor could many, many other visitors.....

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


Small town, big stories:


My friends and I starting to camp at Meadville in 1983. The seven of us had so much fun and we always looked forward to those trips. We hardly ate or slept during those times, but being young; we could recover rather quickly.


One of the appeals was the storytelling. With the camp fire roaring, all sorts of stories were told. Some true, most completely made up. Some nights, all we did was laugh. Other nights, scary stories made every sound around us seem unnatural. Sometimes we would talk about life, but being a bunch of 14 year olds like we were; most of the stories were geared towards amusement, excitement or even something that gave us a rush.


I always tried to tell stories of a fantastic, fictional nature. I stole concepts outright from other authors and storytellers and told tales of my own variety. Being the only one that spent any time at all in the library, I knew my friends would never know the difference. I had no idea that on one such night, life would imitate art and everything from that night onward would change...for all of us.

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


Wherein, a story became sn incantation:


It was my turn to tell a story.


When God created Humanity, the Heavens echoed with songs of praise. However, not all of the Angels sang. Some were jealous and felt that they were above being mere messengers. Those Angels fell from the chorus of praise and began to plot trouble for the new children of God.


Days later, Humanity was introduced to their first adversary; a fearsome beast called The Dragon. The Angels of the Chorus watched with sadness as The Dragon challenged Humanity. The Dragon ate livestock and stole the belongings of the Humans. It hoarded the minor treasures in its dark retreat. Then, The Dragon did the unbelievable: it demanded that the Humans serve and worship it; as only it could decide their fate. God and all of the Angels of the Chorus were outraged! The Fallen Angels went into hiding.


God sent his most accomplished Angel, Michael; to punish The Dragon. God sent his next most accomplished Angel, Gabriel; to protect Humanity. Finally, God sent the Angels of the Chorus to find and punish the Fallen Angels.


Now, Michael charged into The Dragon's dark retreat. It was Angelic fire and sword against Draconic claws and teeth. When the mountain fell in due their combat, time stood still-for a moment. Like a volcano, The Dragon erupted from the rubble with Michael following quickly behind. Debris the size of a houses crumbled back to earth. Michael caught up with Dragon and landed upon his neck. Michael severed the Dragon's neck, causing its lifeless body to fall back to earth. The Dragon landed in a lake-emptying it. The Dragon was trapped by its own weight, in the mud. Michael landed and handed out a death sentence.


As the Dragon's blood flowed, it spoke its final words: 'My blood shall be the seeds of all things monstrous and humanity shall never be safe!' The Dragon blood crawled or flew away, beyond Michael's reach. And God recalled Michael...

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


.....I paused. Everyone was quiet. When I grew quiet, they asked that I continue. So, I did.


Everyone and their Angel...


In the days that followed, the Fallen Angels were subdued and imprisoned. Their days of being beyond space and time were gone. Too, Gabriel was praised for protecting Humanity from the fallen debris. Though, the songs for Michael were more eloquent-as even Gabriel joined in.


But what of all the other Angels of the Chorus? They too performed a great task. Michael led a song in their honor and God was pleased. Then, God began assigning Angels to various tasks. Michael's role was obvious as was Gabriel's. Raphael treated Michael's wounds, so his role was also sealed. Uriel promised to ensure that the sun would never set on Humanity, so too; his role was sealed. But what of all of the other Angels of the Chorus?


Raziel stepped forward: 'I know the nature of Humanities' adversaries, I know their secrets; I propose that each Human be assigned an Angel for their protection-a Guardian Angel. And if need be, I shall pass on secrets to my kin in order that they may protect their charge-if the need shall ever arise'.


'and so shall it be!' God declared...

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


He left me his business card:


'So, Pete; that story was about how we all got our Guardian Angels?' Chad sounded let down in some way.


'Yes, that and more!' I replied.


At that moment, lightning struck nearby and thunder rolled. Everyone grew silent for a second, then burst out in nervous laughter. Everyone got that rush that we were all looking for from a story. I, on the other hand was just too skeptical to believe it was a coincidence.


'Next you're going to tell us that there really are monsters out there too!' Chad managed to get out while still laughing.


'Well, yes!' I retorted trying to get out from under his ridicule. Again, lightning struck nearby and thunder rolled longer and with more intensity. Again, everyone laughed; though with more fear. Lance stood up and threw another log on the fire.


'Quick, someone tell a funny story before Pete starts talking to his imaginary friend!' Chad continued. I threw a marshmellow at him in protest.


'I thought it was a good story!' I protested further.


'It was!' The forest seemed to say.


At that moment, everyone-including I; stood up and demanded to know who was out there. Again, lightning struck nearby and the thunder seemed to roll just slightly over our heads. Cocky ridicule was replaced by legitimate fear.


'Who's out there Pete?' Everyone demanded to know.


'If you have to ask, you'll never know!' I laughed.


'Okay, enough of this...I've got a story...' Todd interrupted and everyone began to settle back down on their sleeping bags. Though, they did spend the next few minutes looking around...paranoia had set in.


Cliche'? Yes, but not coincidence.


The next morning.


I walked over to the side of the hill to take care of some personal business. When I was done, I stretched and started to walk back to the campsite. I wanted to get the fire going to fight off the morning chill. It was then that I noticed that I had a card in my front shirt pocket.


It was a business card:


'The Plot Device: Problems Solved!

Ra Ziel, owner and operator.

Say the name and you'll get a reply!'


The card appeared to be a professionally made card, it appeared to be legitimate. Obviously, I didn't say the name right then and there; I decided to wait...'I'll try this!' I said to myself.


At that moment, the pile of wood I had set out up; ignited itself.

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


For the next few months, the card sat in my desk drawer. Every night, I took it out and looked at it. I had to muster up the bravery to say the name. On November 1st, All Saints Day; my birthday-I spoke the name.


I was standing on the road that ran along side the Niobrara. Suddenly, I felt a hand upon my shoulder and a arm over my back. Someone had put their arm around me and we began walking together.


'Your story was true. I know. I am Raziel. Open your mind and accept the rest of it. If you can handle it. Only then, can you become a Champion. A Champion of the Chorus'.


In an instant, a story was added to my memory. An instant later, I found myself back in my room, on my bed; with a nosebleed. I laughed. 'Wow! I accept!!!' I exclaimed.


A box of business cards appeared right next to me.


'The Plot Device: Problems Solved!

Gadodel, Champion of the Chorus.

Say the name you'll get a reply!'


'Cool! Gadodel? An anagram of my last name, how creative...' I laid back and fell asleep. I dreamt of monsters. It wasn't a nightmare. It was a series of pictures of their kind and how to defeat them...as if I were watching a movie. A really great movie....

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


Game Information:

HERO 5e/Sidekick 5e.

Dark Champions

Some Fantasy Hero.

Some Champions.

Some Star Hero.


Characters will start out at 100 CPS + a Max of 100 in Disads.


Yep, Monster Hunting in the Modern age; with some twists...


You wanna read about them? Just the say the name....:cool:

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


More Game information:


Angels: plot devices. I am not going to bother trying to write them up as they are not the main protagonists...anymore.


Fallen Angels: They lost all of their powers save one: they don't age. They simply can not die from old age. They are mortal in all other ways save one: they are infertile. However, Fallen Angels have had several thousand years to gain experience, to improve themselves, gain many perks/skills/talents-etc. Typically, they are in the 750 CP range.


Monsters: the legends and lore kind are mostly extinct-the monster hunters have been successful in that regard. Most are parasite symbiotic creatures. They prefer to attach and burrow themselves in humans whom are living the life of crime, sin and vice. Somehow, a corrupted conscience gives them the means to survive. In return, their host gains the benefits of 'The Monster Package Deal'. Part of that package deal gives the host the abilities necessary to find, communicate with and lead monsters of legend.


Champions of the Chorus. They must buy a Perk, Contact-Guardian Angel. In addition, they must have the Power Skill: Plot Device. Champions of the Chorus pick a 'Gift Category', make a deal (RSR: Power Skill, Penalty to roll of -1 per 10 points ) with their Angel and the Angel grants the use of that Gift.


Some 'Gift' category examples:


VPP for Super-Skills (pool size dependent upon initial roll for 'gift')


Item of Power-High Tech or even items considered Magical-only one, but it is replaceable on successful rolls


One special power


Information-Angel literally answers questions, if they are posed correctly...


The Angel will withdraw the 'Gift' if the character ever attempts to use it for any reason other than what the character and Angel agreed upon.

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Re: [Campaign] The Plot Device


Now that I've given you enough details..I think, what are your suggestions?


What sort of Monsters of Legend should I use or not use?


I am thinking about incorporating the 'classic dungeon crawl' in the campaign somehow. Some good guys hunt for bad guys allegedly hiding out in a cave somewheres and other good guys hunt down other sorts of monsters in vast underground mazes....What things would you suggest?



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