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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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The Mourners are a group of five individuals who each suffered personal tragedy, and as a result want to inflict pain on others in return.  They're not good at teamwork, but misery loves company, and they're determined to create as much company as they can.  Each should have powers or a gimmick based on a mourning custom.

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10 hours ago, Opal said:

Thats 5 (6 if you include my example), and nothing in almost a month.


Guess they got canceled.  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)


6 hours ago, SKJAM! said:

The Mourners are a group of five individuals who each suffered personal tragedy, and as a result want to inflict pain on others in return.  They're not good at teamwork, but misery loves company, and they're determined to create as much company as they can.  Each should have powers or a gimmick based on a mourning custom.


Veil is able to cloak anyone and anything.  He thought it would be fun to drive his car really fast while cloaking it from sight so the cops couldn't see him.  The thing is, neither could the other drivers, and one of them slammed into Veil's car, causing it to spin out and flip.  Thanks to airbags, Veil survived, but his girlfriend didn't.  While cloaking things from sight isn't inherently lethal, he's been known to hide innocents from sight during the Mourners' battles so they get caught in the crossfire more often.


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Premature Burial


You hear of all sorts of examples where people survive building collapses or mine collapses/explosions. That did not happen with Robert Crane. The building collapsed and he lost his family and friends. A report stated that he saw or heard all of them die and it drove him insane. Although he was rescued and revived in a hospital it turned him misanthropic. He now actively tries to cause bridge, building, cave, tunnel and mine collapses so that everyone else can suffer the same way he does. He fully intends doing the same to his own team mates given half a chance.

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Ever since he was born,  Martin Oscers had a fascination with the darker side of things. Being from the poorer part of town,  no one really noticed,  until there was a shooting at the store that he worked for.  Not only did he stop the shooter,  but everyone else suddenly got to know their darkest nightmares right away.  So glorified by this,  he decided to leave the humdrum job and start terrifying people simply because he can. 

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When Dylan Scurlock's wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer he tried to stay brave for her. As her physical and mental health deteriorated she expressed deep fear of her soul being tainted by her sins. She was inconsolable and Dylan in desperation vowed to her that he would utilize the ritual of eating her sins to save her soul. When she passed, he felt obligated to follow through with his promise. However the ritual changed him. He could feel the sin eating away at him. He knew he was damned by his actions. He also hungered for more as it seemed to grant him strength and a dark animal cunning. He began killing victims and consuming their sins, not to save them, but to temporarily sate his appetite. He uses the group to help provide him with victims, but he also views them as bodies ripe with sin that he will someday harvest.

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New Team: Crime Cabal


Formed in the early 80s at one time they were THE supervillain team. Now years later what remains is a pale imitation. The current 7 members are a mix of older villains past their prime trying to hang onto glory, legacy villains who don't measure up to their predecessors, newbies trying to use whatever juice the groups name still has and whatever else fits the bill.

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It's the New Dr Magecraft


Yes that is his name. When he debuted he kept using the phrase 'It's the New Dr Magecraft' and the press, media and then everyone else used it sarcastically. But it goes right over his head. It is unknown what relation to the original Dr Magecraft he is, and the original who was a mage can't say as he vanished in one of the internecine wars that DEMON waged against anyone who used magic. The new one does not even use magic, it is some kind of force that he can use to fly and project. This guy is full of himself. He sees leadership of the team as his right in time despite what anyone else may think.

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Young Punk is the group's brick. A mutant who is the son of the Punk (who was a melee fighter with regeneration powers), he is riding on his father's reputation as a bloodthirsty combatant, but he definitely does not have his father's edge.

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Scandalous is something of a hanger-on to the group. She's claimed to be the daughter of the Scarlet Temptress a few times, but everybody laughed at that (she's clearly way too young), so she doesn't bring that up any more. On the other hand, she knows where all the secret bases and hideouts are...


She is actually useful in a fight, being extremely agile and a better then average martial artist. The problem is, her costume is made up of strings, straps and patches, clearly designed to show as much skin as possible...and often shifting during her acrobatics to show a lot more than can be shown on the six o'clock news. Which has as good a chance of distracting members of the team as it does who they're fighting. Especially with her habit of stopping to pose for the cameras rather then getting on with what they're supposed to be stealing/breaking/getting away with.

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Rebel Gurl


the Confederate-battle-flagsuited Renegade was a strangely popular villain in the 80s, maybe because The Dukes of Hazard were wildly popular at the time, maybe because he semi-successfully kept a sort of Robin Hood narrative going.  He had modest powers - super-strength and regenerated rather than being invulnerable -  which, combined with exceptional practical backwoodsy skills, like Stealth, survival, tracking, and the like, made him reasonably effective.  Renegade 'retired' and vanished, leaving his teammates in the lurch right around the turn of the millennium 


actually, he turned State's Evidence and went into witness protection, changing his ways because he had discovered he had a daughter.


15 or 20 years later, a similarly-costumed young lady managed to track the current members of the Crime Cabal to a secret meeting and invited herself to join on the pretext that she was the "scion and rightful heir" of the original Renegade.  Someone who can both lay down and take a beating for the team is always welcome, and her relative naiveté made her an ideal addition, someone who could be taken advantage of.  She turned out to be fractious, though, for one thing, she manages to be simultaneously old-fashioned southern-democrat hyperconservative racist, while also being stereotypically millennial 74-genders/special-snowlflakeesque in ways that did not remotely add up - by all rights she should be hunting /herself/, twice - she seems to keep deeply-held convictions in her head simultaneous that are entirely contradictory.  (in 1984, we call that doublethink)  So, if she even has a good side, it's very hard to stay on.


Rebel  Gurl is not quite as strong, tough, or as outdoorsy as her 'father,' but her regeneration is faster and can apparently bring her back from death (at least, injuries that should have been immediately fatal), she has a little martial arts training, and is much more street-savvy.  In addition, while not quite able to change shape, she can selectively change her features and body shape with continuous effort.  She is extraordinarily good at short term disguises (she never lasts too long before either her form slips or she blurts out something out of character) and frequently acts an an infiltrator or scout in the groups' more carefully planned jobs.


Her FBI file says "... with a great deal more training, experience, and discipline, could become a powerful figure in the underworld..."  also "...shoot on sight - and keep shooting ..."


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This is one of the older members of the group. They have a helmet which has a visor which is opaque to people so people are not sure if it is a man or woman they are facing. Due to their extensive experience they serve as leader. Shadowmind can dampen mental powers and produce dark fields which obscure where his colleagues are. They use hand signals and mindlnks o that the others know what to do and when. They have martial arts ability and a padded costume to absorb physical and energy damage. It is commonly believed that this villain has been ripped off several times and so must continue to work to get money to retire.

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Oh, hey, we need some old guys...




For 20 years, Marble was the big dumb brick of the Crime Cabal, the leg-breaking enforcer, the literal heavy.  But he had two dirty little secrets.  For one, he really wasn't that tough by superhero standards, sure, his flesh was literally as hard and massive as stone - but have you seen what a super can do to a stone wall?  Faced with supers, he'd throw wild haymakers, toss around the bulkiest things he could lay his hands on, and generally try to intimidate enemies into dodging his attacks long enough for him to find a way out, failing that he'd roll with the first punch, play possum, then play dumb.  Which brings us to the second:  he wasn't dumb, not at all.  In fact he was a scientist - technically a 1930s eugenicist, but a PhD is a PhD, even if your field was utterly discredited not 10 years after you earned it - who accidentally gave himself powers, and has grown over the decades into a classic mastermind villain.  

With the groups downfall and slide into second-rate status, he has taken over a lot of operational planning and mostly runs the organized-crime side of things (still playing the role of Cabal enforcer).  He may not be the acknowledged leader (he prefers not to be - they do the most time), but he does a lot of leading, none the less.

Finally, as he's much older than even his 40 year career would imply, he's painfully out of touch with the post-modern world of the 21st century.  If a younger member can convince him some plan or idea of there's will work because 'social media' or something he'll often just let them try it, rather than try to catch up.

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Blitz Kid


Blitz Kid is a British mutant psionic and master of Illusion who was heavy into the New Romantic movement in London during the early 1980's and was a natural rival with the Punk. He went by the name of Simon Strange although that is thought to be an alias or "stage name" as he put it. He committed his crimes with style and flare and was more than happy to play the dandy if for no other reason than to get under the Punk's skin. Since none of his colleagues ever saw Blitz Kid with his illusion powers off it is unclear whether the man now calling himself Blitz Kid is indeed the same man or an imposter cashing in on the name. One thing's for sure, once the plan is in action, he'll at least look good doing it. 

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I'm going to put up a group that is in my universe and see how you all play with the concept.



The Nuclear Wing.


This 31st century mercenary unit has has something that puts the fear of God in every sentient lifeform in the known universe; its own private nuclear arsenal. The threat of using one of these devices is usually enough for the target to concede but for exceptionally stiff resistance, there is a 6 man unit to really get the point across. Each member has abilities that mimic certain aspects of nuclear warfare from straight-up WMD to its after effects and everything in between. 



Once the six spots are filled I will reveal my members of the Nuclear Wing and compare the two. 

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Sicken is, like the others, mildly radioactive.  Sicken himself is an android which induces radiation sickness via the slightest flesh to flesh content. He is most always fully clothed, and anyone he touches with an empty touch gets the target sick. Their strength diminishes, they get sick to there stomach, and prolong exposed promotes cancer.

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Burner embodies the nuclear heat pulse of a deployed device. He can emit waves of searing heat to burn and scorch and melt anything in his way. Burner's power come from advanced cybernetic implants - ironically, the damage he suffered which made him a cyborg in the first place, came from being in the radius of a terrorist nuke.

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Private Idaho


Named after the famous nuclear war romance film of the 20th Century, Private Idaho can project a blast wave out to a distance of several miles damaging buildings, vehicles and people. He can tailor his blasts to merely knock people down, knock them unconscious or kill. He can also tinker with the range. Apparently he was genetically engineered to be able to do this. He obeys the others as he is not really gifted with leadership.

Several people have tried to point out that Private Idaho is not well named and the film is nothing to do with nuclear war but Private Idaho follows the teachings of the prophet Robertson Limbaugh and ignores these Liberal Communists.

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With mutant powers of cold & darkness, Winter chose the name in reference to the quaint 20th century belief that an Earth incinerated by a massive nuclear exchange would get really cold afterwards.  Fortunately, no one ever actually proposed that as a solution to Global 'Warming.'   Winter wears an all-black costume with loose folds and tatters instead of a cape, which flutter about dramatically in the winds that whip up as a side effect of evoking extreme cold in an otherwise normal temperature/pressure environment.


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Tumour is custom designed to terrify. His "withering touch" actually a combination of gamma radiation, carcinogenic chemicals and particularly nasty nanotech, all designed to shred and wreck DNA, making his victims weak and ill in seconds, and virtually guaranteeing multiple aggressive cancers within months. Even with modern medications and treatments a victim has no better than a fifty percent survival rate. As the embodiment of long-term cellular damage, Tumour is often referred to as the most evil of the team. He certainly looks the part, gaunt and cadaverous, and with a sickening and putrid odour.

But the truth is that Tumour isn't evil at all, though his wielders may be. Tumour is a non-sapient robot, built specifically to order. It is entirely incapable of malice or any sort of emotion, and simply does as it is ordered.

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Hermandad de la Sangre


All-female ("sisterhood"), all mutants ("of the blood"), and all from Spanish-speaking Latin America, each member has good reason to despise the American Imperialism that they oppose by every means possible, not shrinking from criminal acts and even terrorism, but ironically, sometimes opposing certain criminals (such as coyotes or drug cartels - since they're doing business with the US).

They also target regimes friendly with the US and can count on aid, or at least shelter, from rebels and states hostile to them.


Each of the 5 "sisters" is from a different country, the leader should be from Venezuela (or Cuba, or a prominent rebel faction if from a state friendly with the US).  Some may have one name they use, while the American media has a different English villain-name for them.  





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La Araña


La Araña (the spider) hails from El Salvador. She was raised as Esmeralda Anna Mariana Perez, an orphan following the brutalities of the civil war there, managing to attain a good education despite her bereft status by winning a variety of scholarships and prizes, and wound up with doctorates in physics and chemistry, but was careful not to let people know how easy that was for her - her mutant capability is intellect. She could have gotten ten doctorates in the time she took to get two.


She settled into a comfortable position with the current government, and was soon running her own research establishment. She kept climbing the ranks...until one day she found that her newly acquired clearances had revealed something about herself.


Her parents had not been killed in a guerrilla ambush, as she had been told. Her father had not been a country doctor. He and her mother had been peace activists, seeking to find a peaceful solution to the country's woes. So the government of the time, in colludance with the CIA, had them murdered. She even found her real name.


Over the next six months, the men who killed her family died horrible, lingering deaths from untraceable and exotic toxins. Then she did the same to the CIA agents involved - but a couple of top flight FBI investigators managed to trace the chemicals back to her, and she was forced to flee.


La Araña (She now uses no other name) took most of the budget for her research establishment with her when she left. A stay in Cuba got her access to old Soviet supertech, which she repurposed into her iconic battlesuit - four arms (the lower two run by AI servitors), capacities to spray a wide variety of entangles and swing lines, and several varieties of sprayable, injectable and contact poisons. Then she went looking for people who hated the USA as much as she did.

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