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Hey all, I'm running an MHI campaign in about 2 weeks and I'm world building. I picked up the Bestiary so I'd have more options than just what's at the back of the MHI book. I was wondering if pretty much everything in there would be puff apllicable and if you guys had any suggestions on how to come up with a puff for something that isn't listed in mhirpg.




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in the MHI setting, PUFF= Perpetual Unearthly Forces Fund an off the books fund set up by Teddy Roosevelt to pay bounties on monsters. The monster needs to have corporeal remains for the party to claim the bounty, and the bounty is

relative to the difficulty of the monster.


For example, a Banshee is worth $250,000  and a hobgoblin is only worth $10,000. Some creatures like vampires scale, vampires are worth $20K-100K depending how powerful they are with Masters being kinda at GM's discretion. A few

creatures are exempt per the book, currently Elves, Sasquatches, and Pixies.

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Please pardon my ignorance, but could you define "puff?"

P.U.F.F. is the Perpetual Unearthly Forces Fund - which is used to pay the bounties on supernatural creatures/beings in the universe of Monster Hunter International.


As far as assigning bounties to creatures not listed, I'm not exactly sure how to go about it... i did a quick comparison, and there doesn't seem to be a correlation between point costs and bounty amount.  So maybe just use a rough comparison of Defenses + Attack powers (Damage Classes) and base a bounty on that.  You could always throw in a little extra cash if the battle went badly  ;)

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If you have access to the d20 Modern Monster Manual (which leasts classic DnD creatures and how they are adapted to the modern world) or the 3.5/Pathfinder OGL manuals (which are available for free here http://paizo.com/prd/ there are many creatures within that are convertible with effort (check out Killer Shrike's website http://www.killershrike.com/FantasyHERO/Conversion3e/conversion3e.aspx for more information).

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As Spence suggests, use existing bounties on the list and extrapolate for a beastie that isn't on the list and tweak. You have to look at them not as a GM, but as a bureaucrat in the government would. How dangerous is this critter? How likely will an attack by it reveal to the public that monsters really exist?

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