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need help Reusing Island of Dr Destroyer


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So I decided to reuse the Island Of Dr D, with a few changes


I am having a small problem with the middle so some background

The group of players, this will be their first session

  • Vixen: A doctor, trained by (NOT BATMAN)...basically an investigator with lots of PRE skills, Combat wise probably the poorest of the group, but a fairly decent MA
  • Ojusi: Chameleon Shape Shifter Martial Artist, Latino Pop Singer
  • Vortex: Gravity controlling Scientist (Similar to spider man in some ways)
  • Copy Cat: reporter with the power to mimic the abilities of others
  • Count Zero: Techpath /Power Armor Computer Programmer

Regarding the adventure

I am replacing Dr D with Red Winter

I have modified Red Winter as follows: I  reduced all members power (as almost anyone of them could have creamed my heroes) except White Wolf.  Replaced Draco with Red Army, a summoner of agents.  Red Dawn has lost his armor and is using a loaner (No where near as good)


Adventure opens up with all of the heroes at the "Science is Cool" charity banquet.  It is being put on by Vixen's mentor/father figure, everyone else has reason to be there.  While there two individuals in trench coats enter carrying music cases.  At this point a few of the heroes will have grounds to make a PER roll, but as they will all be in there Secret ID's they will be limited in what they can do. 


When the two men get on stage the cello player will open the case, remove a helmet from the case, turn around with a blaster rifle in hand and become 33 agents (Red Army).  The other will turn into a white werewolf. 


During the chaos the agents will kidnap a scientist at the banquet, while other agents and the werewolf will keep others in line (This is suppose to turn into a big fight, heroes vs White Wolf)

---plan is for White Wolf to be captured but Red Army to get away with scientist




Here is where I have a gap




Heroes go to formal naval base on nearby island, while there they need to deal with defenses on the island, more agents, and Hammer and Sickle




Get to base, go through base dealing with automated defenses, till they get to the command center where Soviet Guard is planning on launching a satellite that will take control of America's nuclear arsenal, once he has done this he will launch a missile at the heart of Moscow, thus forcing Russia to return to communism and attack America. 

Obviously the heroes are to stop them...


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Ojusi manages to take the place of the target when the team engages the villains.  Using the teams radio link he is couched on science by Vortex.  He manages to shut down the island defenses allowing the heroes to get the final battle.

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If the problem is getting them from the charity banquet fight to the island naval base, the key will be the missing scientist.  He could have worked on a project with another scientist who was Red Winter's first choice, but the scientist bolted and died (hit by a car, perhaps, or fell out an upper-story window) with one of Red Army getting spotted by a witness.  Regardless, the dead scientist combined with Red Army's presence would get the PCs to find the link between the two -- they both worked on the same satellite (similar to the one Red Winter is going to use), or were part of a Pentagon project to protect the nuclear arsenal from hackers.  This gets the PCs onto the right line of investigation.  They could then learn of shipments of key components to the island naval base. 


Personally, rather than Red Winter launching their own satellite, though, I'd consider the possibility that the US (and Russia) put satellites carrying nukes into orbit way back when, and that's what Red Winter is going to use to fire on Moscow.  The scientist and his recently-deceased colleague are both older, retired Cold War relics, and the former naval base was the launch and command center for the orbiting nuke platform which has since been shut down.  By the time the naval base was decommissioned, the secret underground command center was long forgotten, but the automated defenses still exist (and are fixed / upgraded by Red Winter).  But RW still needs at least one of the original scientists to help re-activate the satellite and launch the nukes.  (Hence the kidnapping.)


You can introduce another former colleague to assist the heroes, a crotchety old guy (COG) who insists on going along (and thus needs protecting) when they storm the island, but he can provide key info to help them get past some of the defenses (or occasional bad info, since RW upgraded or changed some of the defenses).  If you want, the heroes could even stop more of Red Winter's forces from kidnapping that scientist (as a backup plan in case the first scientist can't be forced to cooperate).  That would serve two purposes:  gives the players a feeling of success after their pre-ordained failure to stop the other kidnapping, and warns Red Winter that the heroes are quite likely on his tail.


I'm a big fan of colorful NPCs, so the COG would be played up (waxing nostalgic about the 1960s/1970s nuke satellite project, maybe a rambling seemingly unrelated story about the three of them doing something that might actually be useful for the PCs later on), maybe intro his devoted grand-daughter as a possible romantic interest to a PC.  Perhaps some retired admiral who was part of the original project realizes what's up but is anti-cape and at first tries to get the PCs arrested and later uses his influence to get a SEAL team sent in to stop the plot, but mis-informs them that the PCs are working with RW (since the admiral has convinced himself that they actually are).


The mix of older (1960s/1970s) hard-wired tech with some modern upgrades from RW could present amusing challenges to Count Zero.  ("How the heck am I supposed to hack in over a 28k telephone modem?!  Who the hell programs in FORTRAN?!")  But the older tech could work in the heroes' favor too.


Anyway, just an idea.  Feel no obligation to use it.

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