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Visual Inspiration: Help Stating Out This Image


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I saw images of the recently released posters of the 'rebels' from the upcoming film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Part 1) and was struck by how the layers of the image(s) lined up to give the appearance of wings on the rebels.


Thus I found myself taking a second or two to generate the attached (modified) image of Natalie Dormer's character Cressida, and have begun playing with what sorts of specs might fit such a character...






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She could be an Angel, who carries holy firearms of Heaven's Armies

She could also just be someone who has wings.


I would be tempted to use one of the Dark Champions Special Forces templates for her Skill set, then decide what the wings mean to the PC. Are they just mundane wings for flying or do they mean someting way different.

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I would be tempted to make her a regenerating healing type (Empathetic Healing, with the Side effect being a Body Drain with normal fade). With all of the Special forces skills and super blaster (it IS Champions, her weapons need to be good enough to damage other supers without killing them)

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I could totally use her for my  UK super black ops team the Tower Ravens


I'm thinking special forces trained raven/crow shape shifter

plenty of mythological hooks from Japanese Tengu demons, to Native American folk lore and Norse mythology


but i think I'd go with one of the Celtic war goddesses Badb Catha ("battle crow")In Irish legends, Badb is associated with war and death, appearing either to foreshadow imminent bloodshed or to participate in battles, where she creates confusion among the soldiers. As a harbinger of doom, she appears in a number of different guises.

so i would go with a special forces skill package then for powers

multi form into a raven form

flight with physical manifestation 

shape shift appearance appear as a hag etc

extra presence only for presence attacks or a presence draining field

Images to create confusing or terrifying illusions



the description also mentions creating mists and rains of fire  so maybe darkness and energy blasts and as a prophet of doom danger sense or precognition might be possibilities

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