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Basic Gods

Doctor Agenda

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Here's a set of Talents I gave to a River God character



3 I sense the flow of time: Absolute Time Sense

3 I know where I'm going: Bump Of Direction

24 All the tongues of man: Universal Translator 18-

15 or beast: Beast Speech

20 Animal Friendship

5 Eidetic Memory


Lucius Alexander


Apotheosizing a palindromedary

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  • 8 months later...

What about the ability to bestow powers upon mortals? Is that an inherent Godly ability or is it restricted to only some gods?

It's for any God that can get a mortal to spend their own points on a Power with a Limitation "Only to serve the Deity's Purposes"


Lucius Alexander


Apotheosizing a Palindromedary

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Does the God have any actual control over their river? Should they have powers to reflect that? If the God were the actual river, the ability to control its flow might be considered analagous to the power of humanoid characters to move about.

if you like, I can track down and repost the entire character.


Lucius Alexander


Unless the palindromedary ate it

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  • 1 month later...

The Deity is built as an AI and assumed to be Extradimensional - on a Higher Plane even in the mechanical sense.


When He manifests, the avatar is STR 20, DEX 21, DEF 33 and twice hardened, but should only have a few BOD points.


Note that the only way to destroy Old Man River is to destroy the river itself but if deprived of worshippers and places of worship his power would be severely curtailed.



Old Man River

Val Char Cost Roll Notes


21 DEX 33 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

6 SPD 29 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12



Total Characteristic Cost: 101




Cost Powers END

60 Divine Powers: Elemental Control, 120-point powers

34 1) Clairvoyance: Clairsentience (Sight And Perceive into a related Groups), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 48" per Phase), Transmit, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (128 Active Points); Only in or near river (on, under, or over ground that drains into the river or its tributaries.) (-1)

34 2) Clairaudience: Clairsentience (Hearing And Perceive into a related Groups), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 48" per Phase), Transmit, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (128 Active Points); Only in or near river (on, under, or over ground that drains into the river or its tributaries.) (-1)

38 3) Epiphany: Clairsentience (Sight, Perceive into a related, Hearing, Smell/Taste And Touch Groups), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 48" per Phase), Targeting, Transmit, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (145 Active Points); Only in or near river (on, under, or over ground that drains into the river or its tributaries.) (-1), Physical Manifestation (-1/4)

29 4) Manifestation: Telekinesis (20 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Transdimensional (Related Group of Dimensions; +3/4) (125 Active Points); Only in or near river (on, under, or over ground that drains into the river or its tributaries.) (-1), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) 12

27 5) 2X Hardened on up to 99 Active Points of DEF for Manifestation: Hardened (x2; +1/2) for up to 99 Active Points of Up to DEF 33, Usable By Other (+1/4), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (122 Active Points); Only in or near river (on, under, or over ground that drains into the river or its tributaries.) (-1), Limited Power Only to Harden the DEF of the Physical Manifestation of Powers (-1/4)


150 All the Power of the River: Endurance Reserve (1500 END, 0 REC)

1 Power of Prayer: 2 REC for END Reserve (2 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), Conditional Power Prayer: Every petition or prayer of thanksgiving or praise directed at the River God activates this power. (-1/4)

5 Shrines: 30 REC for END Reserve (30 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Day, i.e. every day the shrines exist, this RECovery works.; -4), IAF Bulky (Focus (Every shrine contributes 1 REC); -1), Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness (+1/4)

7 Temple: 50 REC for END Reserve (50 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Day, i.e. every day the shrines exist, this RECovery works.; -4), OIF Immobile (Focus ; -1 1/2), Crew-Served ([3-4] people; Temples function only if priests are in attendance; -1/2)

10 Double Focus Rule: total 4 Temples (10 Active Points)

4 Annual Rituals: 50 REC for END Reserve (50 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Hour, i.e. every day the shrines exist, this RECovery works.; -3), 1 Charge which Recovers every 1 Week (-2 1/2), Window Of Opportunity (once per Month, approximately; window remains open for 1 Day; Assorted holy days throughout the year; -2), OIF Immobile (Focus ; -1 1/2), Crew-Served ([9-16] people; -1), Requires A Background Skill Roll (One of the priests present must make a PS: Priest skill roll. (Normally they take all day to get the bonus); -1/4) [1]

20 Active Sonar (Hearing Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees)

5 Infrared Perception (Sight Group)

5 Nightvision

10 Discriminatory with Smell/Taste Group

57 River Awareness: Detect A Class Of Things: The River and everything in and on it 16- (Mystic Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Perceive into a related group of dimensions, Range, Rapid: x10, Targeting, Telescopic: +3, Tracking

54 Hear Prayers: Detect A Class Of Things: Prayers, Oaths, any use of any Name by which the God is known 18- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Perceive into a related group of dimensions, Targeting, Telescopic: +5, Tracking, Transmit (Can choose to acknowledge a prayer and answer directly)

15 Power Defense (15 points)

15 Mental Defense (20 points total)

280 River God Powers: Variable Power Pool, 200 base + 80 control cost, (300 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Slightly Limited (Only River God themed powers. ; -1/4)

Notes: Example: Resurrecting a character who drowned may be possible. Resurrecting a character dead of wounds or sickness may not be.

0 1) Punish by Drowning: Entangle 4d6, 5 DEF, Takes No Damage From Mundane Attacks Limited Group (Can be effected by magick; +1/4), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups (+3/4) (146 Active Points); Limited Power Only to bind someone already in the water (-1) Real Cost: 73 15

0 2) Cause Fall: Telekinesis (30 STR), Indirect (Any origin, always to pull into the water; +1/2), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2) (112 Active Points); Limited Power Only to cause someone on a boat, bridge, or shore to fall into the water (-1), Affects Whole Object (-1/4) Real Cost: 50 11

0 3) Bless Journey: (Total: 112 Active Cost, 112 Real Cost) Succor Boat Movement 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX - Favorable winds, lack of sand bars, rowers just don't get tired.....; +1/4), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (27 Active Points) (Real Cost: 27) plus Luck 4d6, Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1), Area Of Effect (6" Radius; +1), Selective (+1/4) (85 Active Points) (Real Cost: 85) Real Cost: 112 2

0 4) The River gives up its Dead: Healing BODY 6d6, Resurrection, Indirect (Same origin, always fired away from attacker; +1/4), Transdimensional (Single Dimension; +1/2) (140 Active Points); Limited Power Only drowning victims (-1), Limited Power Body must be in the River (-1/4) Real Cost: 62 14



32 Contact: Other Gods, spirits, and heroes (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact), Spirit Contact (x2), Organization Contact (x3) (32 Active Points) 11-



3 I sense the flow of time: Absolute Time Sense

3 I know where I'm going: Bump Of Direction

24 All the tongues of man: Universal Translator 18-

15 or beast: Beast Speech

20 Animal Friendship

5 Eidetic Memory



10 Master of Destiny: "Computer Programming" 18-

10 Master of Destiny: "Computer Programming" 18-

Notes: Because this God is bought as an "AI" it technically needs a "Programming" skill to program itself. The skill is bought twice at a high roll so that if it were ever to fail, another roll could be taken immediately. There should be a less than one in forty thousand chance of a God doing anything but what They want to do. In essence, this is paying 20 points to be considered completely self-willed.

3 Concealment 14-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Deduction 14-

4 Navigation (Astral, Dimensional, Riverine) 14-

2 Animal Handler (Aquatic Animals) 9-

6 Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Mountain, Underground) 14-

3 Conversation 18-

3 Trading 18-

3 Paramedics 14-

3 Analyze: Water 14-

3 Oratory 18-

6 TF: Large Rowed Boats, Large Wind-Powered Boats, Rafts, Small Rowed Boats, Small Wind-Powered Boats, Swimming Beasts

24 +3 with all non-combat Skills

10 +1 Overall

3 Scholar, Old Man River, He must know something we don't know

2 1) KS: Mythology (personally knows some of the principals...) (3 Active Points) 14-

4 2) KS: Flora and Fauna of the River (5 Active Points) 16-

3 3) KS: Flora and Fauna of the Riverbanks, valleys, deltas, and so forth (4 Active Points) 15-

6 4) KS: History of the River (7 Active Points) 18-

3 5) KS: River Lore (everything I didn't think of) (4 Active Points) 15-

3 Traveler, from the mountains on down to the sea

7 1) AK: The River (8 Active Points) 19-

5 2) AK: Headwaters, tributaries, deltas of the River (6 Active Points) 17-

3 3) AK: Towns along the River (4 Active Points) 15-

5 4) CuK: Societies native to the River's region (6 Active Points) 17-

3 Jack of All Riverine Trades

6 1) PS: Fishing (7 Active Points) 18-

4 2) PS: Boatbuilding (5 Active Points) 16-

3 3) PS: Bridgebuilding (4 Active Points) 15-

2 4) PS: Priest (3 Active Points) 18-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 1122

Total Cost: 1223


1000+ Disadvantages

10 Distinctive Features: Numinous Presence (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Social Limitation: Divine Obligations; has a duty to priests and worshippers (Occasionally, Major)

10 Psychological Limitation: Protective of the river, its animals, and its people (Uncommon, Strong)

193 Experience Points

(607 points unspent)


Total Disadvantage Points: 1223




Quote: I am Old Man River, and I have forgotten and washed out to the sea more than you will ever know.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says we cut and pasted it from the original thread

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