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Man, I thought the original looked like a variant picture of Wolverine/Logan.

And I thought I was the only one. I thought the same thing about McCree originally. It is the sidebuns, I guess. They are just so "Hugh Jackman Wolverine", if you know what I mean: http://digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/17/09/768x506/gallery-1488560580-wolverine-hugh-jackman-x-men-days-of-future-past.jpg



"Beware, evil takes forms far from foul." is among the first things one might think when seeing Kassandra, the Lavender Knight. This is even more true if one sees her places of activity after she is finished - full of corpses.

But in this specific case, it would be asuming the wrong thing, for Kassandra is not a murderes and indeed not affiliated with the Undead. She is a Deathless: A being that while no longer living, also the anathema to undeath creatures. Where undead are re-animated by black magic, Deathless are animated by purified lifeforce and still/again posess their full soul. And without a exception, they hate the undead and hunt them (and their creators) across the earth.



Being a deathless, Kassandra has the Absolute Live Aura, also called the "Life Terror Field" by Sentient undead: This energy field protects her equally against harm from both undead, magic and mundane sources and actually is painfull for Undead to be in contact with. It also has the added benefit that it repells any kind of dirt - especially the tainted bodyfluids from the slain undead - keeping her always looking perfect. It also smells slighly like Lavender, wich is the reason for her byname.


Her original weapon of choice is Gravedagger, a sword that was once created during a "undead civil war" and has the ability to drain the dark magic right out of Animated bodies. While it would augment a undead wielder with the Absorbed powers, Kassanda can only use it to more effectively destroy undead with exceptional amoutns of dark magic. Her own Aura destroys the undead energies as the sword "feeds" it to her.

In the modern age she updated her weaponry a bit, as it now includes pistols and a flamethrower.


Thanks to the absolute life aura she does not actually need a helmet and indeed protetion is not why she carries the Lichs Redoubt around. One of the first arch-lives she slew was especialyl crafty and had a inestructible skull-shaped phylactery. However he understimade what would happen if it was converted into a helmet and kept close to a Deathless - the Absolute Life Aura effectively "locks him inside" of the Phylactery, never able to actually gather a new body. Moreover it is slowly erroding the dark magics, so baring any other way to destroy or it being "rescued" the lich should be permanently dead in a about a milennium.

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hmm, 3 days without a post.


Non inspirational picture ? Should I pick up another one ?


Apologies. a computer problem put me offline and sadly sometimes what we think will get people to post ideas just draws silence.

The Rhinemaiden


Sometimes referred to as 'The Cleaner's Cleaner', The Rhinemaiden is feared by heroes and villains alike. When she is dispatched her orders are to sanitise the area which means in practice kill everything and everyone. Some believe that she is the Gestalt (if you are using this product) of relentlessness. She does not stop until she has completed her mission.regardless of the consequences. While she wears the helm, which has a skull and sports horns, it is safer but when she removes it all bets are off.

Witnesses claim she has been shot or stabbed but no marks or scars are ever seen on her skin. It should be noted that witnesses tend to 'disappear'. Some theorise that she is a weapon of the last resort. She has been disarmed beforehand and then unfortunately people find out just how good a hand to hand fighter is.

It has also been stated that The Rhinmaiden is a title and that when one dies another is activated.

Her weapons are not ordinary as they can punch through armour, forcewalls and forcefields leaving those who depend on them at an extreme disadvantage.

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Horseman War: WarIt has always been with us. From the first instinctive savagery over terrritory and hunting grounds to the complex geopolitical, religious and ideological driven conflicts across the modern world, the spectre of war has been a part of mankind from our beginning. And it has been always been there as well. 


Myths speak of Four Horseman and as with many legends there is a kernel of truth to them. But they are not men, nor women or even human though they comprise a part of of us. Demons, angel, gods? Exactly what they are is a question for scholars of the occult and theology, but they appear as objects, in the case of War, a black skull faced horned helm. Its appearance has varied slightly over the millennia: from tribal masks to black eyed WW2 gas masks but it always seems to revert to this basic, terrifying form in the end. The helm of War appears amid conflict, in the thick of the most terrible and brutal slaughters where inevitable someone will find or is perhaps selected by it.


And they will be overwhelmed, subsumed into the cosmic entity: War, their thoughts and drives replaced by its alien will. The host's new appearance is in part drawn from its human psyche, taking the form of an ideal dark warrior, an icon of death, a cold comfort for most. For the most Horseman War will observe the conflict and stir it using its powers to augment and spread the rage and bloodlust beyond all norms, occasionally stepping in personally to deal with anything that threatens to dampen the conflict before the time it deems right. And it harvests, selecting the most brutal, implacable and skilled killers and drawing the life energy from their corpses when they fall (ensuring that happens personally if required) for some unknown purpose. Some think its to gather warriors for the Apocalypse, others that it is just a morbid collection of souls. No one is certain of anything beyond its like a dire purpose. 


Horseman War's hosts gain a great deal of physical power and virtual invulnerability. It can summon any weapon it wishes and usually selects ones that are appropriate for the current battlefield. All of its weapons are supernaturally powerful and lethal to even the strongest superhumans. Regardless of the period, Horseman War's panoply will include a sword in some form. The host body is not susceptible to mortal issues like fatigue, hunger, thirst or mortal poisons and toxin including military grade biological and chemical weapons. War can exert a magical influence that creates, amplifies and directs emotions such as hatred, bloodlust and rage either in one person or across vast swaths of territory. Oddly, War doesn't like to simply create those drives from nothing preferring to work with already extant ones unless its hand is forced. 


Horseman War's strangest ability is to summon/create the Black Standard, a gruesome tattered battle flag adorned with grisly trophies that exude a magical effect that unleashes that darkest urges in warriors inspiring acts of callous barbarism and all manner of brutality while granting those that indulge with nigh superhuman stamina and recuperative abilities ensuring epic levels of slaughter ensue for miles around as long as its grip holds. Creating the Standard takes some effort on Horseman War's part and destroying it can rob it of some potency for awhile as well as immediately freeing those under its influence. 


Horseman War is shown here with its latest and longest lasting host: Carolyn Eves, a prize winning war correspondent who's seen dozen of conflicts around the globe and won several awards in her young career. Carolyn's boundless ambition and fearlessness are born from a morbid fascination with war, battle and death, a fascination that has forged a bond between her and Horseman War. She is the only known repeat host and welcomes it, savoring the experiences their bond allows her to share and revels in the power it grants her. While her fellow reporters would be horrified to learn the truth behind the luck that has allowed her to visit so many hot spots and emerged unscathed, their relationship is more a symbiosis than a possession.  Perhaps even more as the few that know of their bond have referred to Carolyn and Horseman War as lovers. 

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked Horseman War.


Does this image give anyone ideas?



He is a hepcat superhero wizard Hepcat. His incantations are beat poetie. His spells have a 50's-60's flavor to them. And criminals fear his finger snapping.


He recently aquired the Cloak of Pandemonium, which has a portal to Hell inside it. The demons must obey Hepcat, but his cloak is slowly corrupting him to the side of evil.

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked Horseman War. 


Does this image give anyone ideas?



Creature Feature


Originally known as Master PhobiaCreature Feature has become his new name after Phobia was able to only summon forth monsters after reading a book called the Necro something or other. What he now summons forth are the things of nightmare and either causes people to curl up and scream or panic and run. Staying to fight can have the problem of being torn into shreds. Phobia is thought to be slowly going mad.

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Feeling like creatng a villain so :



HellGate was originally known as François de Closet, a bored wealthy heir of an ancient french family. He tried it all twice, got even more blased and bored, till finally his wealth permitted him to get new acquaintance with very shaddy persons. They trained him into the occult arts, but he was not very good at it. They made him use his wealth in order to help their cult, as part of a new DEMONhame. But it was destroyed by a french cape, and François barely escaped. Although, in his flee, he grabbed what he could and looted on the corpse of the DEMON brother, a large brown cloak, that should have been an artefact, but that no one could activate.


The instant the cloak was on his shoulders, it went back to life. And it leeched all sanity François might still have, to replace it with it's own will. And granting him the dangerous powers of been a living portal to the Hells. Since then, the puppet that was once François de Closet obeys the whispers and whims of a thousand devilish voices. But what is the goal of the Hellgate

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked Horseman War. 


Does this image give anyone ideas?



"People always think it is the cape" - the Demon Seer.


Trevor Sight had the gift of magic, but it seemed it was a useless one in his case: He had no real knack for spells, curses or anything else but self defense and utiltiy spells. The only part he was somewhat good was summoning and controling of extradimensional horros. Somewhat because while he was good at controlling and summoning them, he had issues targetting them with his minds eye for he suffered from a form of Face Blindness when it came to said extradimensional horrors. A really vexing combination of traits.


The solution turned out to be rather simple: The Seer glasses. These deceptively simple shades allow him to see into those extradimensional spaces without loosing sight of the real world and actually see the beings he is summoning. With those his extended training in summoning really kicked off. As he has to summon portal for the being on a "plane surface" and he likes to show off his control a bit, he tends to summon them on the inside of his cape. But that is not a actually requirement and even the ground or the enemies constume would do. As such many enemies have asumed it is the cape that maters, never going for the glasses that actually do mater.

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First, i want to say that I was very impressed by all the submissions and their similar but distinct spins on the image. They almost could have been reimaingings of the character for different 'ages' of comics from Gold to Silver to Bronze/Iron. It leaves me in a little bind since I liked all of them but I have to pick one.. so with no slight intended to other writers I will go with Sterica's submission Hepcat which edges out the others by a tiny margin due its lighter, more humorous approach to a seriously creepy image. 

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Crime was soon to run rampant on the streets of New Osaka. The police were fighting a losing battle between the supervillians and  Crime League. Then she appeared. Fast as a wink, agile as a cat, and with a whip that could bring down the most armored of villain. New Osaka has a fighting chance and that chance is Catlash Lass

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