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Cuttlefish Skin!


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I'm looking to stat out a power which mimics the (rapid) skin colour and texture changes like that of a cuttlefish (let's say our hero got a bunch of cuttlefish DNA spliced in).


Here's an example of what the amazing little critters can do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnKDeuZU1QY


Although this is mostly cosmetic, I guess it could be built as invisibility with the "chameleon" and "only when not attacking" limitations and have the main cosmetic effect as the "special effect". Does this make sense, and do you think an additional limitation of "only effective while naked" is warranted in modern society?

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It really just depends on how realistic you want the limitations to be, what type of game this for and if this for a NPC or PC.  If it's for a PC I would err on the side of simplicity as the limitations would likely just slow down the 'table time' of the game while the player goes through all the extra motions to deal with the limitations. That could get old really fast.

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Yes. That's workable (it's definitely a special effect).


Unless the power is being restricted from being used by the social mores, I would not give a limitation for that specifically. You don't get a limitation (at least in my games) just because you have a Blast power and have to face the consequences of using it.


However, the fact that they have to be naked is a limitation because the power doesn't really work if they are wearing clothes. They will (likely often) have to remove said clothes to use the power. Therefore it can be a limitation. How much will depend on how often they wear clothes, the time to remove, etc.

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