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Building the Party

Manic Typist

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So I had my first meet and greet with 3 of my potential 5 players, and it seems promising.


One is thinking of a magical researcher meets mad scientist (the word "doomship" was said 3 times in a deliberately cheesy faux German accent), wizard. We're thinking he's considered "mad" because he did experiments in which he tried to imbue magical talent into a non-mage - that would definitely quantify as insane.


Another is thinking of a "troubleshooter" (bounty hunter/assassin) who specializes in taking down magic users. Lots of stealth, specialized tools, and probably skill with poisons.


The final one wants to play a socially facing character that I describe as the facewoman (very thankful one person wants to be the diplomat!). Right now we're thinking a former civil servant with gambling problems who was drummed out of the government on either false or legitimate charges. Fast talking, persuasive, fights with a rapier when necessary. A perfect fit for the setting, really.


I'll need to build these PCs, and if the store ever lets me buy the version of HD that supports 6E, I'll post them here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Azaire-Allen Brahmwell
VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- HTH Damage 2 1/2d6  END [3]
13 DEX 6 12-
18 CON 8 13-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-
13 EGO 3 12-
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
6 OCV 15
6 DCV 15
3 OMCV 0
3 DMCV 0
3 SPD 10 Phases:  4, 8, 12
5 PD 3 5 PD (0 rPD)
5 ED 3 5 ED (0 rED)
7 REC 3
30 END 2
13 BODY 3
25 STUN 3
Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]
SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]
LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward
Characteristics Total: 80
Cost Martial Arts
1 1)  Weapon Element:  Clubs, Unarmed
3 2)  Martial Grab:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 23 STR for holding on
4 3)  Choke Hold:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND
4 4)  Joint Lock/Throw:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 1d6 NND ; Target Falls
5 5)  Joint Break:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 2d6 , Disable
4 6)  Reversal:  var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 28 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
5 7)  Disarming Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 18 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls
5 8)  Defensive Block:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
4 9)  Fast Strike:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 4 1/2d6 Strike
4 10) Nerve Strike:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND
4 11) Martial Flash: Eye Gouge:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Flash 4d6
Martial Arts Total: 43
Cost Skills
3 AK: Huma 12-
0 1)  Acting 8-
0 2)  Conversation 8-
0 3)  Deduction 8-
1 4)  Language:  Panalect (idiomatic; literate) (6 Active Points)
3 1)  PS: Bountyhunter 12-
3 2)  Concealment 12-
3 3)  Bribery 11-
3 4)  KS: Criminals, lowlifes, bandits of the Wedge 12-
6 5)  AK: The Wedge 15-
3 6)  Interrogation 11-
2 7)  Navigation (Land) 12-
3 8)  Paramedics 12-
8 9)  +4 with PER Roll
3 10) Streetwise 11-
4 11) Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Urban) 12-
Picking the time, place, and terms
3 1)  Breakfall 12-
3 2)  Climbing 12-
3 3)  Lockpicking 12-
3 4)  KS: Poisons, powders, and herbs 12-
3 5)  Security Systems 12-
3 6)  Shadowing 12-
12 7)  +4 with Shadowing, Stealth, Tracking
3 8)  Stealth 12-
3 9)  Tracking 12-
12 1)  +4 with a short blades
12 2)  +4 with thrown weapons
10 3)  Two-Weapon Fighting 
7 4)  WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Early Thrown Grenades, Flintlocks, Thrown Chain & Rope Weapons
Skills Total: 122
Value Complications
10 Psychological Complication:  Looking for his family Uncommon, Strong
10 Hunted:  The Order Infrequently, Mo Pow, NCI, Watching
15 Rivalry:  Professional (Other fixers and people in the Trade; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
5 Psychological Complication:  Soft spot for animals (Uncommon; Moderate)
Complications Points: 40
Base Points: 200
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 245

Summary Bio

Azaire is a fixer/ bounty hunter descended from a family of bounty hunters.  His grandfather had been some sort of clandestine operative for the government during his younger years and later on would become a bounty hunter of some limited renown for successfully taking down a few magic users with considerable bounties on their heads.  His grandfather had five children and apprenticed three of them (Azaire’s father, oldest uncle and youngest aunt) as bounty hunters.  In turn, Azaire’s father apprenticed Azaire and Azaire’s older brother making sure they learned the skills he had in turn learned from his own father.  


A few years ago, his father, uncle, brother and two cousins as well as other bounty party members vanished without a trace while pursuing a mage they were contracted to track down (
the size and composition of contracted bounty teams varies on the target and payout and for some reason Azaire's father decided Azaire would not be part of that bounty team that was the largest Azaire had ever seen
).  For the last couple of years, Azaire has been looking for information on “the Order”, some sort of group that was apparently watching him after he went looking for his missing family members and who may be involved somehow or know something about their disappearance.  Other than overhearing the discussion of two people assigned to watch him and seeing a unique symbol on a couple of pieces of correspondence from “the Order”, Azaire has little information on the Order.  He doesn’t know what it is, where it is based and who its members are (or even its real name).  Of the three apparent agents or members he has encountered, at least two were spell casters.  Other than that, he has hit dead ends in his search for information on “the Order”.


He sees working for the government or a powerful patron as an opportunity to build up resources and possibly make connections or gain information that can help him with learning more about the Order and possibly find out what happened to his father.    



He has a pretty solemn nature with occasional glimpses of lightness that feels like residue of a different time and person (and has mostly been pushed down).  He tends to keeps things close to the vest.  He does show a particular respect and fondness for animals – in particular, any type of horse as well as animals that are not traditionally domesticated.   



For decades Brahmwell family bounty hunters have been honing techniques geared towards finding and capturing (or eliminating) targets. 


Azaire was years out of apprenticeship and fairly successful as a bounty hunter when members of his family went missing while pursuing a massive bounty.  In the last couple of years, he has further honed his skills and deepened his knowledge as he moved from primarily bounty hunting to acting as more of an overall "fixer" of sorts (spying and information collection, item retrieval, high value target and mage elimination, etc.) looking for bigger payouts, scavenged objects and possible details on the Order


He was trained to track and survive in a variety of environments (wilderness, city streetwise, etc.).  He was also trained to avoid detection, pick locks, scale walls, etc.  He has experience with poisons, toxins and some herbal knowledge.  He can ride horses. 


Combat Technique

Azaire focuses on speed, precision and stealth.  His intention is to incapacitate a target before the foe even realizes he has been attacked.  And, when the occasion calls for it, try to make it out again without others realizing anything has happened or where the attack came from.



Martial Art: Azaire has studied nerves, tendons, joints and muscles of the human body and how to control, incapacitate or damage a foe.  He approaches combat one of two ways: “incapacitate/subdue” or “hurt/ kill”.  He can use a variety of holds, chokes or throws to incapacitate an opponent.  If his intention is to hurt or kill, he may use attacks to joints, eyes, noses, etc. He uses angles, leverage and even the environment to his advantage when engaging a foe.


Weapons: Azaire’s favorite weapon is the throwing knife.  He keeps several with him at all times.  He also utilizes a crossbow for longer range attacks.  He’ll utilize bolas or weighted throwing chains for entangling.  In melee combat, he’ll often use a very long dagger or a short sword.  He also carries a pistol or two for emergencies but, with their loud nature, feels that things have pretty much already hit the fan if they have to be used.

Other: Azaire sees the value of distraction and misdirection in combat and will use smoke grenades, flash bombs and other throwing devices. Additionally, he may tip his blades or bolts with poison or knockout ingredients.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A build of the mad wizard in the party. No character background/bio, so I took a shot in the dark based on what few details I gathered.


VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
8 STR -2 11- HTH Damage 1 1/2d6  END [1]
10 DEX 0 11-
13 CON 3 12-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
20 EGO 10 13-
10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
3 OCV 0
3 DCV 0
8 OMCV 15
8 DMCV 15
3 SPD 10 Phases:  4, 8, 12
6 PD 4 6 PD (0 rPD)
15 ED 20 15 ED (0 rED)
6 REC 2
30 END 2
13 BODY 3
40 STUN 10
Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]
SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]
LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward
FLIGHT 56m/112m
Characteristics Total: 100
Cost Powers
10 I'm an (evil) GENIUS!: Mental Defense (10 points total) - END=0
75 Variable Power Pool (Magical Gadget Pool), 40 base + 70 control cost - END=
0 1) Kindermauer: Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 10 BODY (up to 19m long, 10m tall, and 1/2m thick) (70 Active Points); OAF (A bag of children's building blocks; -1), 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) Real Cost: 23 [Notes: A bag filled with a children's toys that when scattered assemble themselves into a large wall.
(Real Cost 23)] - END=[4 rc]
0 2) Jetpacks of (soulsucking) VROOM!: Flight 56m, Usable By Other (+1/4) (70 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x6 END; -2 1/2), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; Must be made each Phase/use; Piloting; -1), 6 Charges (-3/4), OIF (-1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Leaves A Trail (-0) Real Cost: 10 - END=42
0 3) The "Eyes" Have It MuAHAHA!: Sight Group Flash 3d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (1m Cone; +1/4) (19 Active Points); 8 Charges (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances: Getting more blind eyes; Dessicated human eyes; -1 1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) Real Cost: 6 [Notes: The wizard grinds up a dessicated human eye and blows the dust from her palm towards those whos vision is too limited to UNDERSTAND HER PLANS.
(Real Cost 6)] - END=[8]
0 4) Lecturing Phonograph: Mental Blast 2d6 (Human class of minds), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; Someone opens the musicbox; +1/4), Persistent (+1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (16m Radius; +1/2), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (target is unable to hear; All Or Nothing; +1/2), Constant (+1/2) (65 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2) Real Cost: 22 [Notes: This is a small phonograph that can be prepared to play automatically when opened. It plays a long, technical, somewhat disturbing lecture on a field of magical theory that will eventually force anyone listening to it unconscious - except of course for the brilliant intellect who gave the lecture originally.
(Real Cost 22)] - END=[1]
0 5) Armor of mice: Dispel Mundane armor 10d6 (standard effect: 30 points) (30 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (Enchanted cheese; -1 1/4), OAF (Mousetrap Catapult; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4) Real Cost: 7 [Notes: This spell, if successful, transforms the wearer's armor into a swarm of mice which quickly scurry away.
(Real Cost 7)] - END=[1 rc]
0 6) Bubbles of Pure Madness: Change Environment (-5 INT Roll and all Skill Rolls based on INT, Target must make an INT Roll to make a decision/process information), Area Of Effect Nonselective (8m Radius; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (35 Active Points); OAF (Bubble Sphere Mark II; -1), 4 Recoverable Charges (-1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (For every 5 points of Mental Defense, reduce effect by 1. -0=Spell has no effect.; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Real Cost: 10 [Notes: This spell fills the area with a swirling nimbus of tiny, iridescent soap bubbles. Targets struck by these soap bubbles experience a sudden powerful hallucination which makes it difficult to discern reality from fantasy, make reasoned decisions, or remember important information for the duration of the spell. A great intelligence, a strong will, or protection from mental attacks can reduce or negate the effects of this spell.
(Real Cost 10)] - END=[4 rc]
0 7) Polka Squeezebox of DOOM!: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (64m Cone Explosion; +1/4) (56 Active Points); OAF Bulky (Accordion; -1 1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -3/4), Incantations (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Real Cost: 15 [Notes: Real Cost: 21] - END=6
Powers Total: 85
Cost Skills
3 Deduction 13-
3 Inventor 13-
3 Scientist
2 1)  Science Skill:  Anatomy 13- (3 Active Points)
2 2)  Science Skill:  Chemistry 13- (3 Active Points)
2 3)  Science Skill:  Classical mechanics 13- (3 Active Points)
2 4)  Science Skill:  Steamtek 13- (3 Active Points)
3 Scholar
2 1)  KS: Mad Science (3 Active Points) 13-
2 2)  KS: Magical flaura/fauna (3 Active Points) 13-
2 3)  KS: Magical theory (3 Active Points) 13-
2 4)  KS: Things Better Left on the Drawing Board (Terrible magical inventions) (3 Active Points) 13-
3 Combat Piloting 11-
0 TF:  Jetpacks
3 Mechanics 13-
3 Forensic Medicine 13-
3 Electronics 13-
3 Cryptography 13-
3 Conversation 11-
1 Language:  Panalect (completely fluent; literate, Literate in an illiterate world) (5 Active Points)
Skills Total: 47
Cost Perks
5 Can Use Magic
Perks Total: 5
Cost Talents
5 Eidetic Memory
3 Lightning Calculator
4 Speed Reading (x10)
Talents Total: 12
Base Points: 250
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 249
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The junior civil servant, drummed out of the service and beset by gambling debts.


Adelaide Stork
VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
12 STR 2 11- HTH Damage 2d6  END [2]
13 DEX 6 12-
13 CON 3 12-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 5 12-
18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6
5 OCV 10
5 DCV 10
3 OMCV 0
3 DMCV 0
3 SPD 10 Phases:  4, 8, 12
4 PD 2 4/10 PD (0/6 rPD)
4 ED 2 4/10 ED (0/6 rED)
6 REC 2
30 END 2
13 BODY 3
25 STUN 3
Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]
SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]
LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward
Characteristics Total: 73
Cost Powers
17 Electro-blade: (Total: 52 Active Cost, 17 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (Real sword); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 8 (-1/4) (Real Cost: 0) plus Blast 6d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (1m Surface; Surface of blade; +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (insulation, grounding, magic; All Or Nothing; +1/2) (52 Active Points); OAF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; Sword, cord, battery; -1 1/2), No Range (-1/2) (Real Cost: 17) - END=5
5 Mechanical Potential Converter and Battery: Endurance Reserve  (40 END, 5 REC) Reserve:  (18 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Very Difficult to obtain new Focus; Battery pack, cord; -1 1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act; Crtical overload when submerged in water; -3/4), 8 Recoverable Charges (-0); REC: , Increased Recovery (1 Phase; +1) (8 Active Points); Limited Recovery (Only Recovers when manually cranked; -1), OAF (Charging lever; -1), Gestures (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; Must brace; -1/4) - END=[8 rc]
Powers Total: 22
Cost Martial Arts
0 1)  Weapon Element:  Blades
5 2)  Defensive Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Weapon  Strike
5 3)  Offensive Strike:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, Weapon +4 DC Strike
20 4)  Riposte:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike, Trigger: Immediately After a Block (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Trigger can expire (it has a time limit); +1/2) (20 Active Points)
5 5)  Defensive Block:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
4 6)  Weapon Bind:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 22 STR
4 7)  Root:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 27 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort
4 8)  Shove:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 27 STR to Shove
Martial Arts Total: 47
Cost Skills
1 1)  Language:  Pantalect (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
0 2)  Climbing 8-
Wasted Education
5 1)  Cramming 
3 2)  Deduction 12-
3 3)  High Society 13-
3 4)  Riding 12-
2 5)  TF:  Carts & Carriages, Equines, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles
3 6)  WF:  Early Firearms, Blades
Cahsiered Civil Servant
3 1)  Bribery 13-
3 2)  Bureaucratics 13-
3 3)  Charm 13-
3 4)  Conversation 13-
2 5)  Forgery (Documents) 12-
3 1)  Breakfall 12-
10 2)  +2 with fencing arts
3 3)  KS: Fencing styles, history, and customs 12-
3 4)  Analyze:  Combat Skills and Tactics 12-
3 5)  Fast Draw:  Blades 12-
Knows the Odds
10 1)  Gambling (Board Games, Card Games, Dice Games, Sports Betting, Roulette) 12-
3 2)  KS: Games of chance, gambling customs and locales 12-
Skills Total: 69
Cost Perks
15 Contact:  Various Humarian officials, civil servants, and officers (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 8-
Perks Total: 15
Cost Talents
12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
2 Off-Hand Defense
Talents Total: 14
Value Complications
15 Psychological Complication: Loves a Sure Thing:  Gambling Problems (Common; Strong)
10 Psychological Complication: It's the principal of the matter:  Pride/hates to lose (Uncommon; Strong)
10 Negative Reputation:  On the outs: has debts to families throughout Huma uppercrust society, Frequently (basically anytime after contact with Humarian officials)
5 Poor
Complications Points: 40
Base Points: 200
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 240
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