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Variable Limitations


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I *think* I already know the answer to this, but:


6E1 396: "The power always has a set total of Limitation values, but the character

can alter the exact type of Limitations to fit the circumstance."

Does this mean a variable set total of Limitation values which is a strict number?
Or does this mean a variable *minimum* set total of Limitation values?
For example: Variable -2 worth of limitations (worth -1) and must have ONLY -2 worth or limitations. Or,
Same power actually has -3 worth of limitations, but can only switch around -2 worth of those?
DC :)
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I treat Variable Limitations as setting a minimum. So, a Power might need to have at least -1 worth of Limitations (however that total shall be achieved), but can have a greater total Limitation value. But then, in most cases I create a fixed set of possible Limitations, such as a spell with -1/2 Variable Limitations that could be achieved through Restrainable (at -1/2), by an OIF talismanic ring, or -- if the character lacks these options -- by an Activation Roll with Side
Effect. The last option is very much a last-ditch choice, though, since the total there might be -1 or even higher. I define the Limitation options to reflect other aspects of character premise and design, or otherwise nudge characters in particular directions.


Another example might be a gadgeteer who can reliably produce Powers from his OAF Omni-Pack (or whatever), but can kludge the necessary gear from Materials (whatever mundane tech he has on hand), Extra Time, and maybe a Skill Roll -- the total might be more than the -1 for the OAF, to represent how Gadget Guy isn't *completely* screwed if he loses his main gadget, but it's still a serious hindrance. Or to reverse it, he's easy to disarm in the short term but he'll come back almost as strong as ever if he has 20 minutes in a hardware store.


Dean Shomshak

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A power can have Limitations on top of those bought with Variable Limitations, but those are fixed. As far as the ones bought with VL, they have to add up to the value purchased. So:


Loki's Magic Fun Stick: 6d6 Transform, OAF(-1), 4 charges (-1) Variable Limitation (-1)


This would require an additional -2 worth of Limitations (twice the value of the cost saving purchased with VL). One configuration might be: Requires Two Charges (-¼), Lockout (-½), No Range (-½), Extra Phase (-¾). Or the user might choose to replace Lockout with Requires a Roll (Magic).


It's probably best to leave lingering special effect Limitations like Focus and Charges out of VL (especially Charges) to avoid arguments and cheap use of the power. On the other hand the GM has final say about what is allowed, and it may make sense with some special effects. As well, the principle from VPPs that lingering effects will lock a variation in place until they are resolved should probably apply - if you make one of the VL limitations Charges, you can't change that until all the charges are recovered.

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I use this one with my Kryptonians


EB 8d6, Variable Special Effects [Heat/Cold] (+1/4), Variable Disadvantages (-1/4)


A -1/4 Variable Disadvantage means that you must take Disadvantages of at least -1/2.  For Heat Vision I use No KB (-1/4), and Beam attack (-1/4).  For Super Cold Breath I use Not Underwater (-1/4), and Not in a Vacuum (-1/4).  Of course these are not fixed and you can simply take 2x END (-1/2) for example.


One bonus:  You can take a STUN Only (-0) "Disadvantage" for free, which is a boon for all superheroes out there.

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