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Analysis, Mr. Spock


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This was put up originally by Megaplayboy and I thought it was terrific.


Analyze: Any Darn Thing! 14-, VSFX (Any SFX; +1/2) (13 Active Points)


I'm playing 5e, but this seems to be the classic Mr Spock or  Commander Data ability to provide cogent analysis of just about anything from plasma physics to agriculture. Is this valid? 

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I think you may be confusing the information gathering side of analysis (which is what the power provides - plain facts derived from what the senses involved can detect) with interpreting those facts (which is what Spock or Data are actually doing). The latter is basically them using their appropriate skills, backed by their mighty intellects.


Analyze can provide the WHAT, WHERE and WHEN of something, but not the WHY or HOW.


There's also a general principle in HERO that the less specific a field is, the less specific the information will be. KS: Everything will give less information than KS: Physics, which will give in turn less information than KS: Plasma Physics when dealing with plasmas.


The same applies to Analyze. Analyze Everything gives far less information than Analyze Planets would. 

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17 hours ago, g3taso said:

My presumption was that the SFX was the subject.  If that doesn't work, perhaps I could figure out how to gain a 1pt familiarity on all technological subjects (or galactic history, or whatever happens to be a pretty "basic" subject).


I think you're missing a basic point about HERO knowledge skills.


YOU define the scope.


KS: All Technological Subjects




KS: Galactic History


are perfectly valid skills. If you want to take those at 1pt for an 8- familiarity roll, just do so. If you want them at 11-, ay 2pts, or 3pts for an INT based version.


Now, the actual information you'll get from such general skills will also be very general. Galactic History may not give you very much about the history of any particular planet, and All Tecnological Subjects is unlikely to give more than an overview. You get what you pay for.

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  • 6 months later...

Analyze Anything might be a little abusive, but it depends on what the other players are doing and what the GM is allowing.


I made a character with a lesser version of this ability by creating a modifier like Scholar/Linguist/etc, but applying it only to Analyze rolls.

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Given the broad nature, you're going to want that at at least 20- or 25- to overcome large penalties to the roll.


While I'll agree Analyze won't give a Reason, or motivation (the Why) - it can certainly give a How to something. . . Analyze Fighting Style will give a how someone fights easily enough.

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