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  • Open Club  ·  2 members

    Welcome to the great Midwest city of Votrechoix! Okay, great might be an exaggeration, it's certainly not high tech like Millennium City in Michigan, or got that Southern Gothic meets Florida beach vibe of Vibora Bay, but at least it's not an armpit like Hudson City. It's got the French Gardens (Okay more like a park with a shopping area around it), the Riverwalk, the docks, and quite a few neighborhoods. Sure Votrechoix has seen better days, but it's seen a lot worse. Still, it's going to need you to save it, at least, that's the plan.

  • Open Club  ·  1 member

    The Pittsburgh Batman, Incorporated team

  • Open Club  ·  6 members

    Test bed for Star Trek HERO PbP

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