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Public Club · Last active
A place for heroes to show off and brag about their accomplishments. Club houses in every major city. The concept: The Adventurer's club is a place to put up your heroes and post about their adventures. New players can look at how you built the character to gain inspiration or possibly adapt the character design as their own. GMs can use the heroes as NPCs. Posters retain all rights and responsibilities to their posts. This club is unmoderated in general but I or other admins reserve the right to remove strongly offensive posts or other unwanted posts like ads for non-associated things. Please label your posts for any material which would not be suitable for a PG movie. This includes foul language or nudity. Certain common sense subjects are generally banned from this location (ex: Pro-nazism, advancement of child pornography or abuse, etc.). -
Public Club · Last active
Brideswell is a super prison. In my world(s), its a relatively new super prison and I was thinking, I have a lot of ideas of supervillains which get used maybe once or not at all. Wouldn't it be a cool place to create a site which allows people to show off their supervillains to the world? Then the idea of creating a club at the Hero site was formed. The site is public and will not be monitored. People should feel free to post their super and normal villains here. Any applicable rights of anything put here is the right of the poster (i.e. club claims no rights). Its not monitored for content but that being said, I reserve the right to remove unwanted posts (like spam) or posts which violate the general Hero forum rules.