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HERO System 6th Edition Documents

77 files

  1. HERO6e_CharSheetDeluxe_TreChriron_FormFill

    This sheet has form fields! The lined areas are multi-line text fields that allow for rich text formatting. The printed lines were removed to accommodate the text fields.
    This is a 3 page character sheet I whipped up for HERO 6th Edition. Here is a summary of the pages;
    Profile - characteristics, movement, senses, points, perks and talents and finally complications. All skills and powers / equipment. Combat profile - vitals tracking, to-hit chart, defenses, combat values, references and maneuvers.  
    Design goals;
    I wanted a sheet that was more "newb" friendly. So I tried to include the full names of characteristics with abbreviations. I also wanted it to be easier on ink, hence the various watermarks.
    I also like my personal info at the top of the first sheet. I feel this approach makes it easier to use.
    During social or interpersonal scenes, you can have sheet 1 and sheet 2 face up. During combat, you can have sheets 2 and 3 face up.  
    This allows for 2 sheets face up side-by-side depending on the focus of the "scene".




  2. HERO6e_CharSheetDeluxe_TreChriron

    This is a 3 page character sheet I whipped up for HERO 6th Edition. Here is a summary of the pages;
    Profile - characteristics, movement, senses, points, perks and talents and finally complications. All skills and powers / equipment. Combat profile - vitals tracking, to-hit chart, defenses, combat values, references and maneuvers.  
    Design goals;
    I wanted a sheet that was more "newb" friendly. So I tried to include the full names of characteristics with abbreviations. I also wanted it to be easier on ink, hence the various watermarks.
    I also like my personal info at the top of the first sheet. I feel this approach makes it easier to use.
    During social or interpersonal scenes, you can have sheet 1 and sheet 2 face up. During combat, you can have sheets 2 and 3 face up.  
    This allows for 2 sheets face up side-by-side depending on the focus of the "scene".




  3. Fantasy Hero Basic

    This is a simplified version of the 6th edition Fantasy HERO Complete rules and is intended for players new to HERO System. It assumes no knowledge of the main rules set, but is playable straight out of the box.
    To keep things simple this document doesn't use all of the rules as presented in Fantasy HERO Complete, and simplifies others. For example the character creation guidelines use pre-generated templates that can be mixed and  matched to create characters. The list of available skills has been reduced, with some skills being rolled into others. It also includes a simple magic system, with lists of spells available for characters, as  well as lists of equipment and weapons. All the spells and other templates have been created using, and are compatible with, the rules as presented in Fantasy HERO Complete.
    I hope you find it a useful introduction to the HERO system.


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  4. SIDs Bulletin - Nefarious Dr. Lirby Koo

    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    S.I.D.s Bulletin is a flyer that will highlight solo villains that have come on to the scene. The same care will be taken with their entry as with those in out S.I.D.s Report. The known history and abilities all will be given.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for you campaign.
    This installment will re-introduce the Nefarious Dr. Lirby Koo
    This individual individual has been linked to many criminal organizations and supervillains over the years. He is believed to have formed the villain group The Geodesics.
    This 7 page PDF includes Hero Designer files & printable cardboard miniature.




  5. Rule of X Calculator

    Moved to a Google Sheet doc now - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_g56HAAm67LRC8u0T5KO-NCryRnBWFyu-aVBNqgip0U/edit?usp=sharing
    This spreadsheet attempts to make a workable 'Rule of X' for my personal campaign use (and personal edification). I'm sharing it for others to use (or not use) as they see fit. The 'Rule of X' states that given input parameters (OCV, Damage Dice, etc.), you should be able to calculate some number to represent a character's combat effectiveness. Read HS62.282 for a more in-depth explanation. I found the official rules vague and hand-wavy, so this would be a fun project to take on and see if I could make something workable.
    This tool is one of many tools and techniques GMs have to bring some hard and fast rules in to balance their campaign. This spreadsheet is not a substitute for a GM's critical character analysis; it's an experiment attempting to make the 'Rule of X' workable for my campaign.  Consider this a tool in your toolkit, and like any other tool, it can be used and abused… munchkins will be munchkins.
    Campaign baselines are vital to the equation, and one should consider their impact carefully!
    Everything is configurable, so if you disagree with how I've weighted abilities, then change it to what you feel is reasonable. The same goes for your campaign baselines.
    Disclaimer: I didn't invent the 'Rule of X,' and I'm not interested in arguing its merits endlessly on the interwebs. If you don't like it, don't use it!
    Theory of Operation
     All campaigns have some notion of baseline stats like DEX, SPD, CVs, etc  The spreadsheet takes those baseline statistics as adjustable parameters and assigns a weight to each  The Rule of X is the sum of all weights  Characters who deviate from the norm are affected like this:   Going above the campaign average costs the character proportionally more, depending on how much more they exceed the norm   Going below the norm discounts the stat for the character in the same manner as going above it does (i.e., proportionally)  There's a column labeled "+/- %" that tells you how close a character is to the campaign Rule of X   I recommend trying to keep characters within +/-10% of the Rule of X, max Notes:
     All input variables (CON, DCV, oAP, etc.) assume the highest possible values a character can generate (without pushing)   it's not about what a character is likely to be at in any given segment of combat   it is about what they could theoretically achieve if they had to put everything into a given task (like hitting a target or evading attacks)  Do not factor in standard or optional combat maneuvers into the variables   if anyone can perform the maneuver, then it's not relevant to the calculation (everyone can Dodge, so we don't include that in the DCV entry, for example)  For Martial Arts:   pick the greatest OCV bonus from your list of offensive maneuvers   do the same for DCV, except Martial Dodge counts as +2 only (the other +3 everyone has access to via standard Dodge)




  6. Stooge Fu

    Description of a new martial arts for with Hero Designer Files as well. Created by tiger, Greg Elkins, and 
    steriaca from Hero Games Forums


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  7. Champions Powers Index

    The PDF index for the Sixth Edition super-powers compendium book for Champions. Formerly offered for free on the Hero Games website.




  8. Agent Group Hits

    A file I created to make running groups of minions easier.  I calculated the odds of all, some or none of the agents hitting a target for groups of 2-5 agents.  This allows the GM to resolve multiple agent to hit rolls with a single 3d6 roll and still maintain the same approximate odds of the various outcomes.  Of course, this only works if all your minions have the same OCV and attack the same target.




  9. Hero GM Screen 6e - 3pg

    My home-made GM screen for 6e.  This is designed to be used with a landscape oriented customizable GM screen (the kind that has pockets for inserts).




  10. Champions Quick Reference 6e

    A player-handout I originally created for 5E and updated for my 6E champions game.  It contains commonly-referenced tables and charts along with explanations of how to do basic things like rolling to hit, rolling damage, complementary rolls and so forth.




  11. Hero in 2 Pages

    Created by Bill Keyes, Narf T. Mouse, and Steven S. Long, this PDF summarizes all the Sixth Edition rule mechanics players need to run their characters in a game, on only two pages. It makes an excellent handout to newcomers to Hero System.




  12. 6th Ed Excel Character Sheet

    This is a character sheet I have been working on to make character creation a little easier. I'm looking for input pn the sheet. There are still portions I want to work on more, but I wanted to start getting some opinions on things to change or add.




  13. Champions - The Inhumans team spreadsheet

    Spreadsheet for 6E character creation. Has 4 sample characters, stun avoidance table, various other notes.




  14. Spell Skill Slot System Version 2

    New/modified magic system for Fantasy Hero Version 2


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  15. HS6E GM Screen - Portrait

    The original file HS6E GM Screen 1 was created horizontally. Lots of people asked about a portrait edition. So I took that GM Screen and rebuilt it for a 8.5 x 11 layout. I did alter some of the included tables so it is not a direct replacement - but rather my own personal version.




  16. Hit Location Probability Tables

    Have you ever wondered what the odds were of your enemies hitting you in the vitals? Or wanted to calculate the appropriate value for an unusual combination protected locations when applying Armor Coverage to a suit of piece mail? Well ponder no longer, I've run the numbers for you! Presented herein is a table displaying the percentage chances of getting any given result on Hit Location Chart, and a break down of the possible results used to calculate that percentage chance.
    Update 1.5: As of this update, this document no longer lists the potential results used to calculate the odds (In other words I'm no longer showing my work). Instead the document simply lists both the odds and percentage chances for every possible result die result, and also for every specific hit location (such as the head or hands). Also included in this update are similar tables for each of the special hit location groups (such as the head-shot or high-shot).




  17. Human Necromancer (Heroic Fantasy)

    For all of you fans of Dark Fantasy I present the Human Necromancer.
    The human necromancer is a standard heroic character suitable for use as a minor villain or PC in an evil campaign. The human necromancer animates and commands a small army of Animated Skeletons to do their bidding, wields dark magic, and carries several macabre wonderous items of thier own creation. The Animated Skeleton's Summoned by the human necromancer are not included in this file, but can be found elsewhere in the Downloads Section; see Animated Skeleton (Heroic Fantasy) for that file.




  18. Animated Skeleton (Heroic Fantasy)

    For all of you Dark Fantasy fans out there I present the Animated Skeleton.
    The animated skeleton is a fairly simple undead creature suitable for encounters against standard heroic characters. This is the Animated Skeleton Summoned by the Human Necromancer's Animate Skeleton and Command Skeleton spells.


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  19. Fantasy Hero Primer

    This is a quick, simple 28-page introduction to some of the basics of the Hero System, especially as it applies to Fantasy Hero. It attempts to walk a new player through some of the system's principles, showing off why Fantasy Hero is worth digging into, but without getting bogged down in math or rules minutiae. The intended audience is someone new to Hero, especially those coming to Hero from D&D or other class-based fantasy systems. The reader is walked through the basics of character creation, three character examples, a sample combat, and a few other bits.




  20. S.I.D.s Report - TITechCorp

    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed.
    It has become a full time job to try and keep track of them as well as update information about the, that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains or superheroes they may need to call for help.
    This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for you campaign.
    This installment will introduce TITechCorp.
    A new corporation that is helping the underworld and villains by selling them weapons, vehicles, super-powered lackeys and even by createing full fledge villains.
    7 page PDF




  21. Bell Cranel (Heroic Fantasy)

    Bell Cranel is the protagonist of the animated series Familia Myth (aka: "Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon"). The version of him presented herein represents his capabilities at the beginning of Episode 8 "(Argonaut) / A Hero's Aspiration". I enjoyed the series, and chose to write the character up for fun.




  22. Plague Zombie (Heroic Fantasy)

    For all of you horror fans out there I present the "Plague Zombie" for Fantasy Hero Complete.
    This terrifying enemy is the bane of the living (and your players), and the perfect adversary for a Zombie Survival horror campaign. The plague zombie's disease ridden bite is highly infectious, and lethal. A single bite from this enemy will kill any human with less than 16 BODY in 32 seconds. Any human that dies within 6 hours of being bitten by a Plague Zombie immediately rises as one themselves.




  23. Smart Phone

    This is a fairly complex write up for all of the capabilities and functions of the modern Smart Phone. Strictly speaking, the construct is not legal by the rules as written because it places special powers in a power framework. Ask your GM for permission before purchasing this equipment for your character.


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  24. Spell Points

    A Spell Point System for Fantasy Hero


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  25. Guilt Complex

    Article by Dennis Mallonee from Adventurer's Club #4 called The Guilty Complex, great article and help give me an idea for a villain group on a up coming project




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