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7 Screenshots

About This File

A 6e multipage HTML export format for Hero Designer 


In addition to using it as is, a user can also enable the "Notes 5" tab using HD's Campaign Preferences feature, allowing a given character using such a Campaign Preferences ruleset to opt into altered and / or enhanced output when exported using this template.


The more prominent options available are:

  • Combat Page:
    • Hit Locations
    • Hit Location notes
    • Range Modifier notes
    • Suppress any of the standard maneuvers that have common Martial equivalents
      • For instance, on a character with Martial Throw, it can be convenient to omit standard Throw from the Combat Maneuver chart
      • The format is "var flagShow<Standard Maneuver Name>=false;"
  • Bio / Background page:
    • Suppress the entire page from the output (useful for minions, and generic write ups)
  • Other:
    • Change colors (main, alt, link)
    • Change fonts
    • inject custom logic to interject whatever valid javascript logic you want
      • function applyExportSettingsOverride(){ /* whatever js code you want here  */ }
    • Various header and subheader text replacements (which I should make the time to document, but currently are discoverable by reading the function applyExportSettings() in the template document)


What's New in Version 2.6.0   See changelog


  • Tweaked layouts.
  • Changed "default" mode to "ALL" instead of "PROFILE" (In other words, originally the page would load / refresh to show the 1st page with the other pages hidden; this apparently confused people. Now all the pages are shown unless a user clicks a button to filter to a specific page)
  • Removed sub headers from page; this reclaimed vertical real estate.
  • New font family (Roboto font family replaces a mix of Monda and Quantico) 
  • Added support for a new Notes variable, flagShowBio (boolean), which if set to false will cause the Bio page to be entirely hidden (in some cases I have minion files with background field data populated but opt to not output it for specific use cases; having a runtime bool variable allows selectively suppressing outputting the info without deleting the background fields from HD to trigger the IFBACKGROUND placeholder in the template)

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I just resize the image to maintain aspect ratio and avoid forcing large image dowloads, personally. 400-450px height and no more than 350px width works. You're free to modify your copy of the export format however you like, of course.

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FYI, if you edit your Campaign Rules, on the Settings tab, to enable Notes 5, you can include various js variables which will be included in the export and drive some dynamic behavior. The most significant use of this is to include rDEF values to output in the hit location chart. It can also be used to put range levels and hit location notes on the combat page. For instance, the following text included on the Note 5 tab:


var loc3 = '0/9';
var loc4 = '0/9';
var loc5 = '0/9';
var loc6 = '0/9';
var loc7 = '0/9';
var loc8 = '0/9';
var loc9 = '0/9';
var loc10 = '0/9';
var loc11 = '4/13';
var loc12 = '4/13';
var loc13 = '4/13';
var loc14 = '0/9';
var loc15 = '0/9';
var loc16 = '0/9';
var loc17 = '0/9';
var loc18 = '0/9';

var tdHitLocationNotes= '+6 to offset Called Shot Penalties to hit location 4 with Guns<br />+2 to offset Called Shot Penalties with Glock 20';
var tdRangeModifiersNotes= '+2 PSLs vs Range Mod with Glock 20';



produces this output:



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You can also override many of the headers with more flavorful values. For instance, the following text block:


var tdQuote='SOUND BITES';
var tdPersonality='WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET';
var tdBiography='ONE OF A KIND';
var tdNonPowers='TRADECRAFT';
var tdCampaignUse='BEING JOHN WRATH';

personalizes this character's sheet: 


http://www.killershrike.com/SybylyneConspiracy/Timelines/Charlie/John Wrath the Solo Avenger.html




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You can also override colors...and font families...

var colorMain='blue';
var colorAlt='silver';
var colorLink='silver';
var fontFamilyHeaders = 'Quantico, sans-serif;';
var fontFamilyMain = 'Helvetica, sans-serif;';



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