Superpowered Roleplaying from the worlds of the comics!
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- DC Comics
- By Rich McGee,
16,576 topics in this forum
- 54 replies
Since I rarely go on Create A Hero thread, I will start a new thread. The ideal is this... Jet Justice and Milinda Terra, once in the Champions dimension, decided to gather many heros together just in case they were needed to fight anyone planning on conquest upon the planet. Their are 8 members total, but since Jet Justice and Milinda Terra take two spots, that leaves 6 to develop. All 6 should be loosely based on comic strip heros (much like Jet being inspired by Buck Rodgers and Flash Gordon). (Also, I just watched me some Defenders of the Earth, which got me in the mood). Humor strips are ok if their are some action in it. . Example strips: Thimble Theater (for Pop…
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
Welcome. This is an expansion of the "Create A Villain" thread for the Jet Justice Revenge Society. I encourage everyone who created a villain for the Jet Justice Revenge Society to create a physical writeup here. First up (currently in incomplete form) is what would be considered his master villain. The Ming The Merciless to his Flash Gordon. The Menton to his Dan Dare, Pilot Of The Future. His name....: Diabolon The Space Devil. Evil alien from the planet Lucifer (who's low tempture in winter is 90 degrees), he is a space pirate and all around no good guy. Value Char Points Roll Extra 23 STR 13 14- Lift: 600kg. Damage 4 1/2d…
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 1 reply
I don't have the Aaron Allison martial arts book, and probably won't have it for a while. What I want to know are... 1: Is Curly 's fall upon the ground and spin in place while kicking repersentive in the art? 2: Is the First Game (as Stooge fans name the maneuver where someone like Moe blocks a punch with his fist and use the momentum to counterstrike the opponent) repersentive? 3: Curly 's power bost when he hears Pop Goes The Weasel?
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 45 replies
When Peter Parker first put on the mask, he was a kid in high school. When he was just starting out would he be considered a “Teen Champion” and built accordingly? Or was he a full superhero right out of the starting gate?
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Would love to hear what is the best quote either your character or villain has ever said in a game.
Last reply by GDShore, -
- 638 replies
Well I've wrapped up the 4th edition Champions and Strike Force conversions, any others people would like to see from olden Champs days converted to 6th edition? Stuff not in more recent products like Enemies, I mean. OK I'm going to list all the character groups completed in this thread so newcomers can find them easily and not have to dig through the whole thread as it gets bigger and bigger. As I do more stuff, this will expand. Aesisinos from 4th edition Champions BBB Champions of the North 4th edition Zodiac Conspiracy, from the module To Serve And Protect module Ninja Hero 4th edition characters New Knights of the R…
Last reply by Christopher R Taylor, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I've been working on purchasing every Champions product I can find, and I've only done it from here. Aside from pretty much purchasing Enemies and Enemies Revised only to find they were the exact same PDF, I haven't been disappointed. However, I'm getting a little frustrated by the fact that I can't seem to find Enemies III from 3rd Edition. I know it exists, but I was surprised to find that, as long as it's been around, it somehow hasn't been made available on this store, but I can manage to buy it everywhere else. Does anyone have any idea why that is?
Last reply by tec-9-7, -
- 27 replies
What is the most grandiose crime your heroes have seen a supervillain attempt in a campaign? Take the mayor hostage? Kill the mayor? Hold an entire city hostage? Destroy an entire city? Hold the leader of a country hostage? Kill the leader of a country? Conquer a planet? Destroy a planet? Conquer a universe? Destroy a universe? I didn’t set this up as a poll because it is more of an open question with many possible variant answers.
Last reply by Sailboat, -
- 7 replies
Alright the current "End Goal Ideas" of my Champions campaign is getting out of control in my head (no rush I'm only at about step two or three out of ten in actual game play) but the ideas keep coming. Backing up a bit before I post: Current heroes consist of: - An armed martial artist immortal knight from Camelot era wales. - An electric based teleporting energy projector, great-grandson of Zeus. - A Chaos driven (both in power and personality) teenage magic user. - And a soul of a distant star/sun given human form flying brick/energy projector, thanks to the actions of the chaotic magic user. Events so far: Keep in mind there wa…
Last reply by Phoenix, -
- 4.3k replies
Just thought I would start a thread for anyone who wanted to post thier images of their characters. This is not a critique thread. I'm not an artist and the images I post are simply templates with a bunch of cut and paste with some shoestring and leather attached. (8^D) This thread is for those who wish to share thier artwork. However, please do not critique any artwork unless the artist asks for it. Thanks. (8^D) - Christopher Mullins
Last reply by urbwar, -
- 27 replies
Comments and critique welcomed. Value Char Cost Roll Notes 55. STR. 45 20- 11d6 HTH damage 18. DEX. 16. 13- 31. CON. 21. 15- 10. INT. 0. 11- Perception Roll: 11- 15. EGO. 5. 12- 30. PRE. 20. 15- Presences Attack: 6d6 6. OCV. 15 6. DCV. 15 3. OMCV 0 3. DMCV. 0 4. SPD. 20 Phases: 3,6,8,12 20. PD. 18 15. ED. 13 26. REC. 22 75 END. 24 15. BODY 5 70 STUN 30 Characteristics Total: 251 Cost/Powers/END 50 Blackhead Pimple Projec…
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 11 replies
Players like having characters that possess great power. However, the greater power one has means that they need more powerful opponents. It quickly gets to the point where normal people are unable to properly deal with those characters. What happens when criminals gain abilities, technology, or something else that is more than normal law enforcement can deal with? Most established groups like Avengers, JLA, etc deal mostly with more powerful threats and government agencies are ment to deal with characters at that level. This leaves the street level characters with little to no backup that is properly qualified. How is this addressed in your campaign, if at all?
Last reply by Scott Ruggels, -
- 5 replies
In the course of having played Champions way longer than I ever expected, I've ended up secretly re-using episodes I've done before. Quite frankly, it's easier for the most part. However, I've made sure that alot of time has passed since the last time. For example, I plan to reuse a Champions episode I ran 5 years ago. Change which heroes are in it, a few changes as to the place or villains used and voila - new episode. One particularly creative episode I've re-used 3 times: a heroine from a different dimension, who is the love interest of another hero, is called home due to unusual circumstances occurring on Earth. The heroes have to solve the problem before …
Last reply by Scott Ruggels, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
Hellos All, I have an unusual request. Are there any “official” as in printed Characters (wether good or evil) that are written as a Stretching character. I never ever ran across one at least not in the Enemies books that I have. Just wondering 💭 f there was any.
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Note: This might look odd, cause I'm using my DSi to post this charaters stats. I also use the 6ed 'Instant Change' power I have created and posted on one of the sub-fourms. Value Char Cost Roll and Notes 12 STR 2 11- Lift: 100kg. 2d6 STR Damage. 13/25 DEX 6 12- (14-) 14/24 CON 4 12- (14-) 14 INT 4 12- 14 EGO 4 12- 14/28 PRE 4 12- 3d6 PRE Attack (15-, 5d6 PRE Attack) 4/8 OCV 5 6/8 DCV 10 4 OMCV 3 4 DMCV 3 4/6 SPD 20 Phases: 3,6,9,12 (Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12) 4 PD 2 24PD, 20rPD 4 ED 2 24ED, 20rED 8/15 REC 4 30/60 END 2 10 BODY 0 40/60 STUN 10 Char Total: 85 Split stat cost is covered in the Powers section. Movements Run…
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
- 21 replies
As a thought experiment, what might be the effect of superhumans on the economy of the world? I was thinking about this today and thought I’d throw it out for discussion. The main comic book universes tend to try to keep their worlds relatively close to “real life” when it comes to your average person, but what if such restrictions were removed? What if the Champions Universe saw the release of tech breakthroughs by superhuman geniuses that our world can only dream of? Would it warp a campaign beyond the point of fun or believability? Energy production? Materials production? Food production? Medical treatments? Space and underse…
Last reply by GDShore, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Spoilers about the Savage Worlds Superhero(SuperVillain) Plot Point Adventure "Necessary Evil" are past this post. This first post will be about the Pre Campaign Adventure. So don't read past this post if you don't want any spoilers. I won't be spoiler tagging anything. Also, if you have spoiler info about upcoming adventure segments PLEASE spoiler tag those parts so my players don't see them. A number of them DO at least lurk here. First about the Campaign it's self 6e 500pts. Averages DC 12 Dex 23, SPD 5, CV 9, Def 24. 75 max points per power. The Characters are Villains of a Silver Age Feel, with some Bronze age about them. ie No Psychokillers, no Silly characters e…
Last reply by starblaze, -
- 24 replies
Who would you consider a “villain in name only?” Someone who acts like a villain but doesn’t really do anything all that bad. Like Gru from Despicable Me, Megamind or Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferv. in the Champions Universe, I’m thinking that Foxbat would qualify. Any other ideas?
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
The Champions universe, like Marvel and DC and the Forgotten Realms, is a kitchen sink of ideas... super science, mutants, magic, aliens, beings from alternate dimensions, you name it, it's all in there. Have you ever run or played in a campaign setting where the source of superpowers was limited to a single source? All mutants, all from an alien virus (Wildcards), all super-science (super soldiers, cyborgs), all psychic manifestations, etc? (Scott Bennie's Gestalt setting always fascinated me.) My wife ran one of my favorite campaigns with an all-cyborgs theme.... there were no innate superpowers, only cyborgs and robots. I find the constraints…
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Teleios has come up with a new experiment. A brain parasite. This body horror monster is a larval creature that enters its hosts through the nose or mouth and burrows its way to the brain without causing any significant damage to the target. Once within, it is able to fairly quickly take control of the target and maintain a high level of fidelity to the original personality. Once in control, after a day or two to settle in, it begins to spawn a few new larva in the sinus cavity. Infected beings seem to have a mild sinus condition. A small batch of them was released at a frat party at Millennium City University by one of his agents, the …
Last reply by Doc Democracy, -
- 31 replies
In looking at Stronghold, a grab bag mix of personalities of the superpowered, it makes me wonder if a different approach is warranted. Consider a super criminal who robs banks. While powerful, they aren’t a significant danger to society at large. I’m thinking the likes of Shrinker or Ogre. They may loot and rob, but they aren’t going to kill a bunch of people or destroy a city. Then consider the members of Eurostar. They are superpowered terrorists. They act to topple governments or hold cities hostage. Should they all go into the same prison facility? Would it be better to segregate the thieves and robbers from the really terrifying v…
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 6 replies
So... I've got two big events coming up in Meta-Earth. First is the invasion by Istvatha V'han's forces from another dimension, and then the campaign's transition to Galactic Champions. (I'm also running the Great Supervillain Contest at the same time... but that's another matter.) I've got this character, the Imp, as readers will attest from a while back. It's easy to send a detective (Thorne) from her race to Meta-Earth to cause trouble while trying to track her down. This helps introduce the Players to the wider multiverse and makes the invasion seem like a less jarring experience. Almost a narrative ringing of a doorbell. Alternatively, there i…
Last reply by Stanley Teriaca, -
- 137 replies
Let's have a discussion about villains. When playing Champions who do you think has been the most annoying villain you have encountered. Whether they be powerful or weak it does not matter. But those villains who just annoyed your character and seemed to be the kind you never could truly get rid of. Could be ones from one of the Hero books or one that your GM created themselves, does not matter.
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Does anyone know of existing character write-ups for the alien invaders? Would save a lot of effort if I didn't have to re-invent the wheel. Thanks!
Last reply by Delthrien, -
- 94 replies
Now and then I get the urge to make a fictional city for my players to game in. New Constantinople, for example, was in the US Pacific Northwest. Lately I've been thinking of going outside my comfort zone .. only a little and I thought "Where would be a good spot to put a Fictional City In Canada?" I figure as there will be some Silver Age logic (Albeit Tarnished Silver in my games), I can BS a lot on reasons for it having happened in the CU (My version of it) where it didn't in the real world. But I figured some of the Canadians (And Canada adjacent) folks we have on our boards might be a valuable source of wisdom and suggestions on things …
Last reply by Steve,
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