Star Hero
Science Fiction Roleplaying in the worlds of the future!
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- 3 replies
GILBERT GILGAMESH HAMILTON Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage 13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4 / DCV: 4 11 CON 2 11- 10 BODY 0 11- 12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11- 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 10 COM 0 11- 3 PD 1 Total: 3 PD 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED 3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 REC 0 22 END 0 21 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 37 Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4" Cost Powers & Skills 3 Imaginary Arm: TK (2 STR), Fine Manipulation, Indirect (+1/4), Invisible To Sight Group (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Transdimensional (Video Screens; +1/4); No Range (-1/2), TK Limited To Very Small Amounts (i.e. only a few o…
Last reply by Lowly Uhlan, -
- 2 replies
And I do mean very small... I hope to get to more during the week...
Last reply by Ben Seeman, -
- 0 replies
Traveller/Hero Starship Hull Chart: Hull Size:[DT] Size: STR: Body: DCV: 1 5 35 15 -3 2 7 45 17 -4 3 8 50 18 -5 5 9 55 19 -6 10 10 60 20 -6 15 11 65 21 -7 20 12 70 22 -8 50 14 80 24 -9 100 15 85 25 -10 200 17 95 27 -11 400 18 100 28 -12 600 19 105 29 -12 800 20 110 30 -13 1,200 21 115 31 -14 2,000 22 120 32 -14 3,000 23 125 33 -14 5,000 24 130 34 -16 8,000 25 135 35 -16 10,000 25 135 35 -16 20,000 27 145 37 -18 30,000 28 150 38 -18 50,000 29 155 39 -19 60,000 29 155 39 -19 75,000 30 160 40 -20 100,000 30 160 40 -20 200,000 32 170 4…
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 2 replies
some basic weapon conversions from Traveller to Star Hero, Maximus Arms 1115 Catalog: These weapons come from various versions of Traveller, along with a couple of my own creation. The damage conversions are based on the 2nd edition Star Hero draft tables of long ago. Infantry Weapons: DVS-8R: 12mm Macromag. 2D6+1 RKA,+2 OCV scope, 8 Shots, STR min, OAF/RW NOTES: Standard issue heavy pistol, can take HEAP rds, these guns are standard tech slugthrowers except for the use of binary propellants instead of standard powder. Standard tech, Law Level 4 Real Cost: 13 Maximus Spitfire 4mm Gauss Pistol: 1D6+1 RKA AF5, Invisible to sound gro…
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 19 replies
It may sound like a "plot-device weapon", but since i HERO people like to point-cost everything out I was wondering how one would design a weapon of si\ufficient power to eradicate a planet from orbit. It could work several different ways, from boring into the core of the planet and causing it to explode (leaving a rapidly-expanding bunch of rocks) to igniting the entire atmosphere 9leaving an airless, burnt-out husk where an inhabited planet once was). If something is attacking a planet in this fashion, is it safe to assume that any lviing thing that was on that ufnrotunate world automatically perishes? Hopefully no PCs were planetside when it struck.... or could an…
Last reply by Vondy, -
- 47 replies
Here is a quick rundown of my group's current Terran Empire adventure. The Crew: Janner “Cap†Marineris (Martian – Male) – Captain (Captain) Kyrella “Ky†Purvree (Fex - Female) – Second in Command and Engineer (Commander) Harmond “Hard†Burlle (Heavy - Male) – Security Specialist (Lt. Commander) Nathan “Nate†DuMont (Human - Male) – Espionage Specialist (Lieutenant) Gremlik “Rem†Ver’shara (Mon’dabi - Male) – Communications Specialist (Lieutenant) Xerxesterus “Xerx†Yllarziz (Catavalan - Male) – Navigation Specialist (Ensign) Public Identity: The crew of the Fearless Coward are mercenary traders, and sometimes sm…
Last reply by Monolith, -
- 33 replies
In the period from 1955 to 1990, the British Broadcasting Corporation produced several remarkable science fiction series for its television service. It was the age of Quatermass and the Pit , Doctor Who ,Blakes 7 and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy . The shows were marked the the paradoxical combination of cheap, often cheezy effects and often truly creative storytelling. The era ended when Star Trek: the Next Generation proved concolusively that a government agency that relied on TV license fees could never raise the financial resources to compete. Since then BBC SF has been limited to satires like Red Dwarf , which have proved popular but not quite as satisfying…
Last reply by Michael Hopcroft, -
- 1 reply
Seeing all of the work Steve is putting into TUV, the only thing that bothers me is the written assumption in Star Hero that looks to me as if Steve is saying Hovercraft dont exist yet. Is anyone else here bothered by that?
Last reply by Monolith, -
- 4 replies
Page 51 of Satr Hero lists HotShot Pilot +2 to to Combat Piloting +2 DCV ,Useable by Other, ship under 100 ktons LimitOnly for Starship Charcater is Piloting -2.0 I get 16 Active points and 5 Real points The book says 24 points Who is with me?
Last reply by AnotherSkip, -
- 5 replies
How do you do Symbiots in Hero? We're using 75pt characters (+75 disads). Basically a player in my upcoming Star Hero game wants to play a symbiot (ala Stargate SG1) and one of the other players or an NPC will be his host. He's planning on selling off most of his physical attributes, so he'll end up with low stun/body. The relationship will be like the Tokra, rather than Gould. Both will share the consciousness equally. The problem that we're mostly concerned with is Taking Damage. Assume the host takes a shot from a blaster and takes 30 stun and 10 body. How much, if any, damage does the symbiot take? My personal thought on the matter is: …
Last reply by JohnTaber, -
- 7 replies
Well, it looks like I have been roped into doing a campaign based on the, now defunct, FOX tv show FIREFLY. I love science fiction and since HERO is my system I am of course going to doing Firefly HERO. I know people have talked somewhat about it on this list and I have gone through the internet and found as much information as I feel I am going to reasonably find about the show. However, I do have a couple of questions. How cinematic do you feel Firefly should be? Should Hit-locations be used? Wounding? What would you reccomend?
Last reply by Herolover, -
- 1 reply
Here are a few sites that might help get your crew into the game. They both have interior pictures / deck plans for ships. This is the NEW home of, a D6 Star Wars site that I couldn't find for a long time. This site has models of the decks for Star Trek, most of the ships that I can think of. Enjoy! Nezeray
Last reply by Agent X, -
- 7 replies
I thought this question had been asked, but now I am not sure. What kind of Terran Empire campain are you in or have plans of running?
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 10 replies
I'm planning my Terran Empire campaign set in the Frontier area, using a Dreadnaught as the "main base" that the characters are sent out from. Trying to figure out how many people would go on a big dreadnaught-type ship, and a basis of company and squad organizations for the Navy folks and Marines. Good resource page?
Last reply by Toadmaster, -
- 1 reply
Here's a new site for Trek Mini's that was posted over ar RPGnet
Last reply by Tempuswolf, -
- 0 replies
Just wanted to let the DIGITAL HERO subscribers know that the ALIEN WARS manuscript is now available for playtesting/testreading. You can find it in the usual place. If you have any questions/comments, please post them in the "Company Questions" thread of the same title.
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 2 replies
I am wondering for those that play and GM star hero campaign how often do you do "normal" star hero compared to "star hero plus." In other words how often do you throw supernatural or high powered psionics, or strange inexplicable races into your campaigns? Or do you just stick with basic sci-fi?
Last reply by Sketchpad, -
- 1 reply
A while back... For the Alternity game... I created a starship map for a Paladin class Corvette. Here is the info blurb on it, minus the stats for now: History The Paladin class corvette is a paradox; it is both one of the oldest, and one of the newest additions to the Concord fleet. Originally called Venus class in the Union of Sol, these ships were designed for support and escort duty. Lightly armored and heavily weaponed, they were made for multi-role combat situations. Over 100 years old, they served well in the old Union, and many were lost during the Second Galactic War. The Paladin itself was heavily damaged in a battle around the Union world of T…
Last reply by Tim, -
- 6 replies
This topic is for people with psionics in their campaigns. What type of these do you have in your campaign? In my sci -fi campaign I have the Esper Guild. They are a shadowy guild. There is not a lot known about them. Members have blocks put in to prevent them from talking about the guild and its goals. At the present time they are coming slowly out of the shadows. You can always spot them, they were black robes and usually travel in groups. It is rumored that they have their own space fleet. It is rumored that they are controlling part of the gov't
Last reply by NuSoardGraphite, -
- 7 replies
I am gearing up to run a Star Wars campaign. We have mapped out a PILE of the force powers utilizing a multi-pool, with some being separated for functionality (or define abilities better, applying all points to the character). The area I am having the hardest time is figuring out how the Dark Side impacts a character. Especially dealing with the idea of physical and psychological corruption of a supernatural nature that gradually accumulates for the character and gradually affects them. Short of simply tracking behavior and assigning disadvantages arbitrarily (something I want to avoid). There is the flip side to this relating to the “path of the Dark Side is intox…
Last reply by NuSoardGraphite, -
- 49 replies
I have just picked up Star HERO and while reading it have been considering just how I want my Sci-Fi campaign set up. Then I remembered, I have all this Stuff for Classic Traveller and MegaTraveller. Has anyone out there thought about or done any work on creating a Star HERO campaign in any part of the Traveller Universe/Timeline?
Last reply by Al_Beddow, -
- 29 replies
Check out the sector designing software!
Last reply by Ben Seeman, -
- 5 replies
In the Star Trek vs Star Wars debate someone mentioned adding a "technobabble" talent for when an engineer pushes "physics" to its limits. In the Farscape RPG they have a feat (which can easily be transfered to a talent) called "the touch" which allows a charcter to encourage a machine to work with a bit of physical violence (a rather common concept for most modern and sf films). (I can give details if someone wants the details on this one). What other talents can be used by the under appreciated engineers (or other professions) to encourage technology to work in your favor in a sci fi campaign? Suggestions for new ones, or ones that you use in campaigns.
Last reply by austenandrews, -
- 11 replies
I'm starting to get a bit impatient. The whole Alien Wars thing is my cup of tea. I think it can and probably will be a much cooler setting than Terran Empire. I'm assuming we can run around as Space Marine blasting xenos for all they're worth. Anyways, are there going to be hovertanks or anything similar in the book? I'm really hoping you go all out on military hardware for this.
Last reply by Checkmate, -
- 3 replies
Somewhere out there in internet land I remember there being a package deal made up for Time Lords out of Dr. Who. Does anyone have/remember where this package deal is ?
Last reply by Herolover,
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