Star Hero
Science Fiction Roleplaying in the worlds of the future!
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Last reply by Hermit, -
- 7 replies
Anyone have any websites or other suggestions that would have blueprints for spaceships? I just really need a floor plan, as the hero books have stats and such.
Last reply by tiger, -
- 4 replies
On Pages 8-9 of Terran Empire the history mentions an independent little colony called Capac, that didn't want to join the new Terran Empire right at it's start. The plucky little planet paid the price and it's capital city was seized.... fair enough. For some reason, that intrigued me right there. When we got into planet descriptions starting on pg. 68, I went looking for a description of it. Only it wasn't there. Not a big deal, I figure there are a few options on 'where' it is... 1. It's destroyed utterly somehow. 2. It's name was changed (Maybe it's Triumph?) 3. It's no longer imporant enough to bother putting on the map. While any official …
Last reply by Hermit, -
by Guest oddbatt- 2 replies
I was going over the Psionics rules and noticed that they lack any information on Pyrokinetic powers. Most of them can easily be created, except one so I need some help. How do you simulate psionically igniting objects without external flame? Not really an EB because it does not immediately eradicate the object you are igniting. Not really a Transform because the item is destroyed (however slowly) in the process. So... any ideas? Thanks! Pax.
- 14 replies
My copy of Terran Empire finally arrived in the mail today! Now I can start making devious plans for my Embassy to Mon'da campaign (no doubt further complicated by the contents of The Spacer's Toolkit once I have a hard copy of that).
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 7 replies
I just got my copy of Terran Empire, and so far I'm finding it pretty good. One thing which concerns me though is all the jokes my players are inevitably going to make when they find out about the existence of the Fex. I'm wondering if Mr Cambias knew what the word meant when gave the name to a major alien race? I'll give you a clue: the plural is "faeces".
Last reply by Hermit, -
Alien Wars
by Ron- 15 replies
Who is writing this book? Also, what kind of goodies should I expect to help me in a military Star Hero campaign?
Last reply by allen, -
- 6 replies
DARTH VADERDark Lord of the Sith Val CHA Cost Roll Notes30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600 kg; 6d6 HTH Damage21 DEX 39 13- OCV: 7 / DCV: 723 CON 26 14-15 BODY 10 12-15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 830 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d66 COM -2 10-8 PD 2 Total: 14 PD (6 rPD)7 ED 2 Total: 13 ED (6 rED)4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 129 REC 046 END 050 STUN 10Total Characteristics Cost: 165Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4"Cost Powers & Skills345 Force Manipulation: Variable Power Pool (150-point pool), Powers Can Changed As Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1), Invisible To Sight Group (+1/2); Slightly Limited Powers: Force Powers only (-1/4) Martia…
Last reply by Kevin Scrivner, -
How would you do the force for a character built on 150 points?
Last reply by austenandrews, -
- 8 replies
I was thinking of converting this type of Jedi for my game. I'm just having some questions on how to make this power for linking to people/objects I was considering basing on the mind link power. I'm curious to see wht the other Herophiles think.
Last reply by RadeFox, -
- 5 replies
Greetings, I am building a starship that has FTL travel. One of the optional adders is "Rapid Non Combat Movement" does not have a description in FREd. Can someone shed some light on what this advantage means?? Thanks! Polaris
Last reply by Polaris, -
- 11 replies
Greetings all, One of the neat things about playing Star Hero is the wide variety of worlds that can be explored. In our game, some of the players are playing heads of their own governments (like Starfire). One of the empires is more of a fantasy flare (one of the worlds in that empire is Fearun). The player who plays the empire filled with mostly magic was going to send a probing task force into Thorgan space (why pick on a small empire when you can provoke one of the biggest bullies on the block). She contends that the Thorgans would not likely have much resistance to the magic weapons of her warships. Any thoughts?? I don't know if this would be overly…
Last reply by Polaris, -
- 1 reply
Terran Empire Weapons Systems Table (page 56): The Armor Depletion Beam has a listed A/R Cost of 2617, and a Price of 11. Protective Systems: Defense Packages 3.T and 4.E (Page 58): The Hull Armor in each package is not Hardened (+¼). The Hull Armor in Terran Empire (page 166) for Defense Packages 3 and 4 IS Hardened; this is inconsistent. Point Defense Systems: Elite Point Defense System (Page 58): The table lists this system as “Elite PDS Mark X.†The text has it as “Elite Point Defense System Mark II.†Also, the computed total in the text is incorrect. The total given is 28 Real Points; the Real Cost should be 36. Thorgon IBL “Hammerhead†War…
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 1 reply
My Lovely Wife is running a human of the Spacer variety (spindly, feet are also hands, etc). A male one, which I mention primarily because we are racking our brains trying to find a picture of one to throw onto her character sheet. Anybody got any pointers to one that's either in a gaming book or easily-accessed non-gaming book, or available freely on the Web somewhere? jk
Last reply by DigitalGolem, -
- 11 replies
How would one effectively run a campaign using time travel over which the PCs have no conscious control? The basic idea iwa first described in a Different Worlds article by Tony Lee that I still wish I have. Basically this fantastically powerful being has recruited agents to go all over time and space to 'fix" what he sees as having gone wrong. They go on their mission, leave the area through a "nexus" portal, and emerge fully healed, rested, fed and recovered 9but with no conscious memory of eating, sleeping or healing) at the site of their next mission. Since the portals are completely under the control of the superbeing, the PC agents have no control over where or…
Last reply by Mordacius, -
- 1 reply
Finally got around to reading the Star Hero and Terran Empire books - wowzers, what a great buy. Kudos once again to the Hero folks, and many thanks for a great intro Star Hero game at Gencon!
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 5 replies
I've posted this same post at RPGnet today. However, I figured you guys here would probably be of a lot more help to me. I'm looking for a system to run games set in the Perry Rhodan universe (some obscure sci-fi series that most of you won't have heard of). Military style adventures and characters, mutant powers (teleport, telepathy, etc), hyperdrives, laser guns, alien races, primitive to ultra-advanced worlds, force fields, etc. Anyhow, I was wondering if which of the Hero System books I would purchase to make this setting a reality. From what I have read the Hero System is indeed the best suited for my purposes (I am not a big fan of GURPS), but I need to …
Last reply by Farkling, -
- 2 replies
Is it possible to designa campaign where the pCs start out with no greatert goal than making a buck int eh starlanes and then find themselves suddenly having the save the sector from some great threat? Maybe they've been shipjacked and, in the process of revoering their ship, but inflitrate and destory a nest of pirates that threaten trade throughout the sector? How well equippmed will characters built to be merchants be to cope with more serious threats? True, the starlanes are a danegrous place so an indpendent trader has to be tough, but what kind of essential skills will they lack? How amny ship's hands can transfer the skills of powereing an exoskeleton for lo…
Last reply by JohnTaber, -
- 3 replies
Well I have just received my copy of Peter Hamilton's The Confederation Handbook which details the Night's Dawn Trilogy (The Reality Dysfunction, Neutronium Alchemist, Naked God IIRC) in all of it's glory (except for the Deus ex Machina (sp?) ending). Star Hero should be able to emulate the Edenists and the Adamists with nanites, dataviz, and all the other high-tech goodness. I will be creating HD prefabs for character templates, ships and weapons. Later, Natural Twenty
Last reply by ShadowRaptor, -
- 3 replies
An Android PC is built the same way as any other PC -- same poitn base, etc. But what speicial abilities would an adroid have to buy to represent his android nature, and would they make him less effective a character than a human character of the same point base?
Last reply by Lupus, -
- 13 replies
Name: Long John Silver Cyborg Val Char Cost 15* STR 5 15 DEX 15 15 CON 10 15 BODY 10 18 INT 8 15 EGO 10 25 PRE 15 10 COM 8 PD 5 8 ED 5 3 SPD 5 6 REC 30 END 31 STUN *25 STR with Cyborg Arm Characteristic Rolls: STR: 12-/14-, DEX: 12-, CON: 12-, INT: 13-, EGO: 12-, PER: 13- Run: 6", Swim: 0", Jump: 3", Lift: 800 kg Cost Powers END/Roll 30 "Cyborg Weapons," Multipower 3 u - "Bulkhead-Buster Missile," RKA 3D6, +1/2 adv …
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 2 replies
On page 93 of Star Hero, Step 12 of the Quick Planet Creation checklist says, "Step 12: Roll on the Life Forms Table to see what kind of creatures exist." Can anyone tell me where the Life Forms Table is? I've looked through my copy of Star Hero several times, and I don't see any table with that title. (Maybe my Density Increase only affects my brain today.)
Last reply by Edsel, -
- 22 replies
I was always happy with the damage scales used in the old d6 based Star Wars games, and thought it did add a lot to games and realism in play. I like my Sci FI both operatic and hard at the same time, which can be a damn hard thing to pull off or find, I admit. Anyways, I was toying around with some ideas with our group for a suitable means to incorporate similar damage scales into Hero system. Here is what we came up with, put forth for perusal and polish. Standard: Would be personal/character or small vehicular scale. Damage and Defenses are normal. Fighter Scale: Equivalent to weapons/armor mounted on fighters, tanks, Mecha, or other military styled vehi…
Last reply by Mordacius, -
- 8 replies
I have posted a version of Kei and Yuri of the Dirty Pair to the Other Genre board. Its kind of a hybred Anime Hero / Star Hero so I stuck it there. Anyway below is a link to those of you who may be interested. Dirty Pair Link
Last reply by Trencher, -
- 2 replies
Bob Greenwade sent a whole shipload of goodies for the STKO, and I've just uploaded a good stash of weapons and some sensors. Good stuff, Bob! There are more to put up, including some Medical and Nano technology, robots, vehicles and starships, but I wanted to get this stuff up onto the site now. I've also added an Update Log that lists all of the updates that have been made tot he Toolkit. Enjoy!
Last reply by BlackSword,
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