HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,906 questions in this forum
Teleport passing strike
Can you combine Teleport with passing strike? Allowing yourself to make a full move and to strike at a target somewhere along the path?
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Star HERO Warship Propulsion
I'm reading the Star HERO 6e Warship example (p. 250) and I'm a bit confused about the warp drive multipower. I see that the Costs Endurance limitation was put on the multipower reserve, and then applied to each power slot. But wait, flight already costs endurance as per the power. So this appears to me to be one of those "limitations that doesn't limit the character" situations. Wouldn't the Costs Endurance limitation be prohibited on the multipower reserve because not every power slot costs no endurance, and be applied only to the FTL travel power? This would mean the reserve costs the full 28 points, standard flight cost 2f, and FTL flight cost …
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Clarification on Two Weapon fighting: Will two weapon fighting allow for a character to use martial block for one "attack" and counterstrike all in one phase?
My concept is to fight defensively by waiting for an opponent to attack and then using martial block with one weapon to set up a counterstrike with the other. I know that this is normally a two phase procedure but will two weapon fighting allow one "attack" to be allocated to the martial block and a second attack allocated to counterstrike? Thought?
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Allocation of VPP and MP Framework points
Hi Steve, I have a quick clarification to ask you. Allocating points of a MP or VPP (with the "Change Powers As A Zero-Phase Action" Advantage) is defined as a Zero Phase Action. But 6e also says things like "point reserve can be allocated only once", but then gives an example of what can't be done which would involve allocating points, using the activated power, and then taking those points and reallocating to a different power and using that one - all in the same Phase. Implying (to me) that the restriction is on "double-pumping" reserve points. So is there only a single opportunity at the start of a Phase to allocate one's framework(s) and if not taken then too…
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Takes No Damage From Attacks for Mental Paralysis build
In Entangle under 'Mental Paralysis' (6e1 p217) it says one of the required Advantages is 'Takes No Damage From Attacks(+¾)'. But under 'Takes No Damage From Attacks' (6e1, p219), there is no +¾ option. What am I missing? Does making a Mental Paralysis follow the rules of the +1 level of TNDFA where I have to define "one reasonably common and obvious way to remove the Entangle"? And does it follow the +1 level that no outside help/attacks can free the target - only the target can free themselves?
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Regenerating other stats than Body
In the Advanced Player Guides, they mention the option of regenerating characteristics other than Body, which makes sense and is a useful concept. However, there is no real details on how to do this. There are three possibilities that I can think of that might be used: 1) You regenerate 1 (insert characteristic here) per time interim; 1 Body, 1 END, 1 Speed, etc 2) You regenerate 1 character point of (insert characteristic here) per time interim; 1 Body, 5 END, 1/10th Speed, etc 3) You regenerate your recovery worth of (insert characteristic here) per time interim (based on the rules on how to use regeneration to recover drained or otherwise lost p…
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Armadillo's Palm Blasters
I was doing a mock fight to prepare for this weekends game and came across a problem. Armadillo got knocked back and stood up to shoot his palm blasters. I can't find dual weilding or is it 2 attacks with one being the off hand and getting -3 or can you even shoot both blasters?
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Resistant Protection? My brain hurt
I am looking at the Brick on pg. 252 of the Champions book, and one of the powers is "Super Tough Body 28pts." I went with this because I took the Basic Brick characteristics 28 PD/ 28 ED but I just don't get the math. First, I thought it was a power from 6E1 pg 275 and I did 3 x 28 = 84 (Because 3CP/ 2pts), so that wasn't right. Then I saw the advantage on 6E pg 147 where I find Resistant (+½) but I can't find how it adds up. Is it 28ED/28ED = 56 divided by 2 x 3 or 28 x 3 = 84 with advantage (+1/2) = 42. I don't understand how you get a point cost of 28 for 28PD/28ED
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Effect on CVs of Fully Invisible
When an Attack Power with the Advantage Fully Invisible (also conceals Source Effect; +1¼) (E61 338) is used in combat by an attacker who is visible to the defender, what is the impact (if any) on the characters' CVs? Example: The Cauthon has the Power Unlucky Break: Blast 10d6, Fully Invisible (also conceals Source Effect; +1¼). The Cauthon and King Caribou are fighting over who gets the last beer. The Cauthon's player says that the Cauthon is using Unlucky Break against King Caribou, who is right there and is familiar with the Cauthon's superpowers. Is the Cauthon's attack made normally against King Caribou? Does the Cauthon get a bonus to his OCV? Is King C…
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Mental Powers & Desolidification
Hello there ! I have quite a complex question around the use of Mental Powers and the Desolidification power combo. For the example I'm using a 5th edition book, but I guess there wasn't major changes in the rules around my point in the 6th. In Vibora Bay book, Dr Ka is defined with an Astral Form, which is Desolid. And has a bunch of mental powers to use, but without Affect Desolid adder. The Ultimate Mentalist book doesn't help in explaining that, just giving some tips on what happen when the target or the mentalist becomes Desolid AFTER a Mental Power has been used. I understand that EGO represents the "mind" of a person, and could be affected…
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Resistant Defense with Charges
How would resistant defense with the charges limitation work? Say a character has 10 rPD purchased with 1 charge. He or she takes 5 killing damage from an attack. Does the character have 5 rPD left afterwards? It seems like this could be a useful construct to simulate armor that "ablates" point by point of damage taken instead of incurring an activation percentage.
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Multiple attacks with multipower
Hello, new to 6th edition of Champions, and to forums for that matter. A player has a multi-power with 60 pts. Several of the slots have 15 pts. Their intention is to use both as required, basically combining two attacks into one. The Hero System Combat Handbook, pg 19, says "...a character may not combine two or more slots form a single attack, even if (they have) sufficient reserve or base points to use both slots at once." I do not see a similar restriction in Champions Complete. In first edition there were examples of characters shifting points between blast, flight and force field, but not more than one attack.
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Building weapons with +1 OCV
Hello Y’all, Quick question. I’m writing up the Dragon Staff from Resplendent Dragon. Since it says it basically a Staff though it is a Multipower due to its claws. I’m using a quarter staff stats as a basis. A quarter staff is listed as having a +1 OCV. I noticed that a 2pt CLS will work BUT I don’t add any modifiers on it. Do I just buy the CSL separately? IOW, not in each slot?
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Damage Over Time with additional damage
So here's the power: Blast 3d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), AVAD (Mental Defense; NND; +1/2), Damage Over Time, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (5-6 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +2) (56 Active Points) Now, let's add Basic (or Quick) Shot as a ranged martial maneuver, and +1 Ranged DC. So the net is +3 DCs. Assuming the attack hits and is allowed to run its course: 1. What's the damage in the initial segment? 2. What's the damage in the following segments? I can't find anything on this. My feeling: The martial DCs apply only to the first segment; anything else feels grossly overpowered. If t…
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Summon or Duplication in a Multipower
If a character has Duplication and/or Summon (expendable duplicates) in a Multipower, what happens to the additional bodies if the Multipower slot changes to something else? I checked the rules for Multipower, Summon and Duplication and didn't see a concrete answer. The Duplication and Summon notes on Adjustment Powers seemed to indicate they would vanish, but an Entangle doesn't vanish if its Multipower slot is switched. If there are specific rules covering this, please let me know where. Chris.
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Hopefully a simple question that I think I know the answer to but want to confirm. Does the Area of Effect: Cone advantage extend the power into a 3 dimensional or 2 dimensional cone. IE: Does the above image accurately depict an AoE: Cone (at the end of the effect, would the cone extend R hexes upward and downward from the axis plane of the original target hex)? - E
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Two-Weapon Fighting Questions
6E1 92 states: "Two-Weapon Fighting is the ability to use the Combat Maneuver Multiple Attack (6E2 73) with greater skill and accuracy than normal when using two weapons (one in each hand)." 6E2 73 states: "Multiple Attack allows a character to: make multiple strikes against a single target with a single attack make multiple strikes against a single target with multiple forms of attack make multiple strikes against multiple targets with a single attack make multiple strikes against multiple targets with multiple forms of attack" If you look at the bold highlighted conditions, does this mean the the second (offhand) we…
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Hi! I want my character to be able to look at physical object and be able to analyze its properties, what is made of how much it weighs, etc...Do I have to buy detect physical objects or is that implied with normal sight? thanks!
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Charges and powers with lingering effects
If you buy a barrier, by default, it sticks around until destroyed, dismissed or the GM says it disappears (6e1, p170): Summon also has its own rules for how long it lingers (6e1, p289): And summon addresses Charges tangentially on 6e1, 291: These seem to be contradicted by the Charges text (6e1, 367): My guess here is that the intent of the wording above is to lay out the general case for Constant or Persistent powers and not powers that are Instant and have lingering effects such as Barrier, Entangle, Mind Control and Summon? Am I correct on that? - E
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+0 Advantage -0 Limitation
I sometimes see in the rules something like "the player could be allowed to take a -0 perceivable Limitation", or "not worth more than a +0 Advantage". Other than being a descriptor of the power or a function of the special effect does this have any other in game effect? I am interpreting it as flavor text rather than something which alters the rules. Truth is I'm confused because I'm thinking of it as follows and I'm betting I'm wrong. Example: The Torch could have a -0 Limitation that his flames are perceivable or a +0 Advantage that his flames can provide light in the dark.
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Heroic Martial Arts, weapons, and Damage Classes in 6E
In a 6E Heroic campaign, such as Fantasy Hero or Star Hero, are the Martial Arts damage classes exempt from the "double weapon base damage" rule? Example, my Viking character has a 2D6K Battle Axe and 20 STR and Martial Arts. Without any extra DCs, he can do 4D6K with a Cleave attack. Now he buys +2 Damage Classes with his Martial Arts. Does he now do 4 1/2 D6 with the Cleave, or does he only do 4D6? If he puts his +4 Combat Levels into additional damage, that according to the rules exceed the 4D6 K, and buying Weapon Master exceeds the 4D6 K, so it seems to me as the DCs would also increase damage regardless of the double damage limit in Heroic campaigns. For th…
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If I summon something that heals and I either dismiss it or it gets killed when I summon another one will it be able to heal the same person?
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Interrupting a zero phase action
So activating a non-attack power is a zero phase action. If said power has Gestures or Incantations (both of which stop the power from activating if the user takes damage or is affected by an attack or MCV roll), there would seem to be a window of time to interrupt them. Would this be limited to someone who acts on the same Dex or who has a held phase and can act on that dex? Or is there some other method to use? - E
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What is a Ranged Strike?
References below, emphasis mine. 6e1, pg 70 6e2, pg 80 So what are things that are not a ranged strike? Anything HTH, obviously. Ranged Martial arts not based on Strike, likely. Ranged Maneuvers like Hip Shot, Ranged Disarm and Snap Shot, probably not? Not sure about the effect of Set and Brace with this type of CSL. I am guessing / hoping that it's limited to only damaging effects like KA, TK, Blast, Mental Blast? Or would it apply to all Attack Powers (6e1, 144)? Then there is this to confuse things further for me: 6e2, 83 They call out Blast here specifically. Help?
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Power Up
https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Up Does anyone know if it's possible to create this technique? It boosts the user's power to new heights, through a power up. Refer to the link for a better description. If possible, what all would go into this Power? Note: Sorry, asked this in the wrong place. Ignore this post.
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