HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,906 questions in this forum
Social Complications & Parentheses
6E2 Chapter 8 any sample character write-up (also any other book that has a write-up with a social complication). All the social complications have parentheses encompassing the frequency & effects, such as "(Frequently, Minor)". I'm asking because Hero Designer doesn't put the parentheses in. P.S. Negative Reputation has the same problem.
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How does the penetrating advantage work with the hit location rules?
How much damage does someone take if they are hit with a penetrating killing attack in a game that uses hit locations? For example let’s say I have a 2d6 RKA hit in the head for average damage against a target with enough defenses to stop the attack, but the defenses are not impenetrable. Since I rolled 2 for the “Body” that means that 2 points get through no matter how much defense or damage reduction the target has. But a head shot has a x2 multiple for body. So does that mean the target takes 4 Body, or do they take 2?
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What happens to CP after using charge that doesn't recover?
"This is a good way to simulate magic scrolls whose writing disappears after the spell on it is cast one time..." Ok, I'll bite: Scroll of Fly: Flight 30m (30 Active Points); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 5 Minutes which Never Recovers (-2 1/2). Real Cost: 8 cp. Depending on speed, that's 1.5 - 3 km which can be useful in a magical medieval society sure, but... what happens to those 8 cp after you use the scroll? Maybe I'm running a superheroic campaign and the player had to buy it with CP, or maybe a heroic campaign using resource points from the Advanced Players Guide, but either way, 8 character points got spent on a non-recoverable charge. Do yo…
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Damage Negation and Penetrating
How does damage negation and penetrating work against each other? I tried searching the forum as I thought this was asked a while back but didn't find it. i.e. If someone has 6d6 of damage negation and is attacked by a 4d6 blast penetrating(say 6,4,3,1 in damage for a minimum of 4 stun), how much damage would they take?
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Guns and endurance
So I have finished reading Champions Complete, am working on understanding everything so I can run a game with my kids (seems like a great way to spend some quarantine quality time), and have a question. If a character, super or otherwise, uses a normal firearm (no powers added to it), does it cost Endurance somehow? I found one passage in Champions Complete that pointed out that firearms have to have the Charges and Beam limitations, so perhaps there is no endurance requirement because you already pay a price with those limitations? I see in some of the examples in the book that weapons that have powers attached (like a bow that shoots arrows with various abilities such …
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Help: Changing Colors
How can a character simply change its skin color without spending too many points on a purely self affecting, non-combat power? Something like this would still cost 3 Points, cost 1 END and require 2 ZERO PHASES to activate: Change Hair/Skin Color: Cosmetic Transform 3d6 (9 Active Points); Limited Power - Self Only, power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), No Range (-1/2), Gestures - Must shake out hair (-1/4). Seems a bit much for just changing your color...
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5e tires
@Steve: If this is not the proper forum for this 5e question (you don't seem to have a forum for 5e questions), please move it to the proper forum. Thx. Under The Ultimate Vehicle page 41 there is a tire chart. I don't understand how to build the tires to get the point cost that's on the chart. Let's say the standard tire has 2 BODY and costs 0 points. What I'd like to do is to just simply add +x BODY (but keep the DEF at 2) to get a nonstandard tougher tire. I'm especially having problems with the DEF calculation. It has +4 DEF, Only Versus Blunt Attacks (-1) and this is supposed to add +2 to the cost, but I calculate 6 for this. Am I missing somethin…
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Flash and cumulative
Can flash be used with cumulative? I was thinking of making a power which acts as a painkiller or localized anesthesia.
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Desolidification and Touch Sense
While desolidified, per 6e1p190 all senses work except Touch. 1) Does this mean you are effectively Touch flashed while desolid to people who are not? 2) If you have Affects Physical World (+2), does it give you the Touch sense too? 3) It seems to state or infer that if you have Affects Physical World on your strength, you can use martial arts with it. Just to clarify, that means you prorate the martial damage based on the +2 advantage right?
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Effect of Size
How does relative size affect matters?
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Growth power questions
Hi, I'm trying to make my first character using Hero System (version 6, if that helps), and I wanted to make him a size-altering superhero. But I have a question about how the Growth power works. I'm looking at the Size Templates and it says you have to pay more Endurance for each succeeding size (25 for Large, 50 for Enormous, etc.). That's completely understandable, but when I test it out in Hero Design, it only lets me pick one Template when I assign the Growth power to my character. Here's an example of what I mean; Let's say I equip my hero with a Growth template of Huge. It costs 90 endurance, and it lets him grow up to 8 times normal size. It even says …
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Ranged Martial Arts, Multipowers, and Advantaged Attacks
Hi Steve, when HSMA, p 9 says that "... characters with innate Ranged attacks buy Ranged Martial Maneuvers, in which case you should consider that Ranged attack as a “weapon”...", is each attack power slot of a Multipower it's own attack (I'd need to pay a WF for each slot past the first), or can the whole Multipower be treated as the "weapon" the Ranged Martial Maneuvers apply to? Also, how does one apply a Martial Maneuver to an attack power that is advantaged, like AoE/Explosion? Thanks!
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Fantasy Hero 1 1/2 handed weapons
On the weapons table in fantasy hero it has a Battle Axe that does 2d6 damage with the Notes stating 1 1/2H. How much damage does it do one handed?
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How does Cover maneuver work?
So how does this work in regards to actions. The way it seems to read is that if someone establishes Cover before a combat starts, they could effectively attack twice once it does (since inflicting the damage 'takes no time'). We had a scerario where a character was covered last night (the cover being established before the characters were in actual combat), and when the pc took his action, the covering npc took the shot (in phase 12) and then when it rolled around to the npcs DEX, he was going to go again. Is that correct? Or should his phase have been spent already?
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Advantage example confusion
It's embarrassing but I can't seem to wrap my head around this simple example..Take the one on pg. 43, Advantages for Strength: "Example: Grond (STR 90) wants the ability to do a "Shockwave" - to slam the ground with his fists and damage anyone standing nearby. He buys that as a naked Area of Effect (Radius Explosion) Advantage for his STR, witch certain Power Modifiers: Area of Effect (16m Surface Radius Explosion; +1/2) for up to 90 STR, Hole In The Middle (the 1m radius area Grond stands in when he uses the power;+1/4) (56 points); Can Only Be Applied To Horizontal Surfaces (-1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Only Does Knockdown, Not Knockback (-0).…
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Aoe and selective targets.
Can you multi attack aoe that has selective targets. I came across a situation last night were a character has earth powers shooting two columns at two targets. He rolled to hit his target hexes then rolled each target twice. First attack was normal ocv and the other 3 attacks was -6. He cast his two aoe on two different hexes giving him two separate attacks on each targets. I was wondering if this is correct or does he get a -2 for the 2nd hex then instead of -6 its -8 total for the 3 other attacks? I was wondering how it would work if even you could multi attack a aoe with selective targeting. Sorry I am new to 6th edition but been fan of champions for long time.
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Martial grab and crush
Thanks Steve! Dont worry about taking so long to answer. You restated exactly what I was trying to ask.
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Absorption of Mental attacks
If I have read the volume 1 of the sixth edition rules correctly one can not have absorption of a mental attack. Short of the GM allowing such, any other way to have Mental attacks absorb and increase a power?
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Sharing Personal Immunity
I have a character that would like to make one other person immune to one of his powers (Darkness, in this case). My preferred method is to to buy Personal Immunity as a Naked Advantage, Usable Simultaneously by one other person. Several questions have arisen. Will this do what I think it should? If the immunity is bought through a Focus, does the character need to pay 5 points for a second copy of the Focus? If the character pays 5 points for a duplicate Focus, does he need to buy it as Usable By Others? (Assume it will be routinely shared.) (The power build that generated these questions is in the, "Blocking Transmissions One Way" thread in …
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AI Questions
Hi, I'm trying to build an AI character that can shift to another body at will or when the current shell is damaged, and was wondering two different things 1) if an AI is sentient would you need to buy programs or just skills and 2) how to build the Automatons so that the AI is the brain
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Form-specific END Reserve state
Character has an END Reserve that's specific to one of his forms (multiform, OIAID, or the like). When he assumes that form initially, what is the state of the END Reserve, assuming it doesn't have an unusual, narrowing limitation on its Recovery?
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Persistent Uncontrolled Constant Flash at 0 end
Persistent Uncontrolled Constant Flash at 0 end would rob the target of the sense until the situation which would cancel the uncontrolled power would shut it off, right? (Assuming the flash lasts long enough between phases.) Also, if the power is running, I assume the user can cancel the power. Is this a bad assumption?
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Holding an action
6E2 pg 20 states "Typically, a character must either Hold his Action until a specified lower DEX, or ...". Does this mean that if I hold until DEX 15, when DEX 15 come up I can no longer hold until DEX 12 ? ie: Could I on my DEX of 20 I say 'hold until DEX 19', then on DEX 19 I say 'hold until DEX 18', etc.? (I know this is a laborious way of holding generically) Really I just want to know if the intention of the rules was to block this micro-second holding pattern or not? Because if not then most held actions become easier to GM as a generic one.
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Area effect selective/non-selective autofire with charges
Area effect continuous selective/non-selective autofire(5) with charges, does the power use up 5 charges or 5 charges per target? It seems more disadvantageous if it uses more charges per target. How much more would that be?
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Darkness Invisible to sight group
I've created a darkness field and was thinking it would be neat if it was invisible to sight group. The issue I am having is how to explain the workings of this for the GM. Would it be where I cast the darkness it would just become an invisible area with say portions cut off such as the stern of a boat disappearing? Any help will be appreciated. I thought I found it in the book, but now I can't find the reference. Always happens that way. Good to have you back Steve, I have been away a while as well. It is Larry Whalen the old Monkeygod Enterprises owner. Take care.
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