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Robot Warriors

Chris Goodwin

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Since we don't have a general Robot Warriors discussion thread, I thought I'd start one.  :) It's here because RW is under Star Hero in the store.  


Rules questions, questions about how the build system works, mecha builds, weapon builds, character builds, anything Robot Warriors is welcome here.  And for any edition.  


I'll post some stuff shortly!




Mike "Blazer" Machido

VAL CHA Cost Total Roll Notes
15 STR 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
18 DEX 16 18 13-  
10 CON 0 10 11-  
13 INT 3 13 12- PER Roll 12-
10 EGO 0 10 11-  
10 PRE 0 10 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
6 OCV 15 6    
6 DCV 15 6    
3 OMCV 0 3    
3 DMCV 0 3    
3 PD 1 3   3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 2   2 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 3   Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 1 5    
20 END 0 20    
11 BODY 1 11    
23 STUN 2 23    


Movement Combat NCmbat Notes
Running 14m 28m END [1]
Swimming 4m 8m END [1]
Leaping 4m 8m 4m forward, 2m upward


  Basic Martial Arts
4 1) Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4 2) Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5d6 Strike
3 3) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 +v/10, Target Falls


10 +1 with All Attacks
7 AK: American Southwest 16-
7 Combat Driving 15-
7 Combat Piloting 15-
3 Concealment 12-
5 CuK: Alien Culture and Notables 14-
5 KS: Tech Underground 14-
2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)
3 Mechanics 12-
3 Paramedics 12-
3 Streetwise 11-
3 TF: Mecha, Helicopters, Small Planes
6 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Earth Force Mecha Weapons


4 +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. anyone attracted to men)


Hunted: Sirians Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15
Hunted: Tech Underground Infrequently (Mo Pow; Watching) 5
Social Complication: Subject to Orders: Tech Underground Frequently, Major 15
Psychological Complication: Needs to prove his manhood (Very Common; Strong) 20


"Blazer" Machido was a young punk running around the southwest in a jeep when the Slissii came. He was trying to get away from the city where he had grown up. The kids had always treated him as a "pretty boy" and he was always fighting to try to get respect. When the aliens landed he went right on fighting and found his way into the Tech Underground.


Mike "Blazer" Machido is a sample player character for Robot Warriors, and can also be used as an NPC robot pilot.


Mike feels like he has a lot to prove.

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150

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Roger "Scotty" MacDermott

VAL CHA Cost Total Roll Notes
18 STR 8 18 13- HTH Damage 3 1/2d6 END [2]
15 DEX 10 15 12-  
13 CON 3 13 12-  
13 INT 3 13 12- PER Roll 12-
10 EGO 0 10 11-  
13 PRE 3 13 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
5 OCV 10 5    
5 DCV 10 5    
3 OMCV 0 3    
3 DMCV 0 3    
5 PD 3 5   5 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 3   3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 3   Phases: 4, 8, 12
7 REC 3 7    
26 END 2 26    
12 BODY 2 12    
28 STUN 4 28    


Movement Combat NCmbat Notes
Running 12m 24m END [1]
Swimming 4m 8m END [1]
Leaping 4m 8m 4m forward, 2m upward


5 +1 with mecha weapons
5 KS: Tech Underground 14-
7 AK: American Southwest 16-
5 CuK: Alien Culture and Notables 14-
4 PS: Video Games 13-
4 WF: Small Arms, Earth Force Mecha Weapons
3 Climbing 12-
9 Combat Driving 15-
9 Combat Piloting 15-
5 Computer Programming 13-
3 Electronics 12-
3 Inventor 12-
3 Robotics: Mechanics 12-


Hunted: Sirians Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15
Hunted: Tech Underground Infrequently (Mo Pow; Watching) 5
Social Complication: Subject to Orders: Tech Underground Frequently, Major 15
Psychological Complication: Intensely Curious (Common; Strong) 15


"Scotty" MacDermott was a video game designer on a rock climbing holiday, when the aliens landed. His curiousity about the alien technology, along with his clever abilities with computers and electronics, made him a useful mechanic for the Tech Underground. Happily, he also showed great promise as a pilot, and now alternates between examining alien technology and blowing aliens away.


Roger "Scotty" MacDermott is a sample player character from Robot Warriors, and can also be used as an NPC robot pilot.


Scotty loves figuring out how things work. He also loves piloting a giant robot!

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 137




Roberta "Magic" Baker

VAL CHA Cost Total Roll Notes
13 STR 3 13 12- HTH Damage 2 1/2d6 END [1]
20 DEX 20 20 13-  
10 CON 0 10 11-  
13 INT 3 13 12- PER Roll 12-
10 EGO 0 10 11-  
10 PRE 0 10 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
7 OCV 20 7    
7 DCV 20 7    
3 OMCV 0 3    
3 DMCV 0 3    
3 PD 1 3   3 PD (0 rPD)
2 ED 0 2   2 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 3   Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 1 5    
20 END 0 20    
10 BODY 0 10    
24 STUN 2 24    


Movement Combat NCmbat Notes
Running 12m 24m END [1]
Swimming 4m 8m END [1]
Leaping 4m 8m 4m forward, 2m upward


5 +1 with mecha weapons
7 AK: American Southwest 16-
7 Combat Driving 15-
7 Combat Piloting 15-
3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Concealment 12-
5 CuK: Alien Culture and Notables 14-
3 Disguise 12-
3 Electronics 12-
3 KS: Camouflage 12-
5 KS: Tech Underground 14-
2 KS: Trick Tactics 11-
3 PS: Stage Magician 12-
3 Paramedics 12-
3 Sleight Of Hand 13-
3 Stealth 13-
4 WF: Small Arms, Earth Force Mecha Weapons


Hunted: Sirians Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15
Hunted: Tech Underground Infrequently (Mo Pow; Watching) 5
Social Complication: Subject to Orders: Tech Underground Frequently, Major 15
Psychological Complication: Will always try to outmaneuver rather than outfight opponents (Common; Strong) 15


"Magic" Baker was on tour as the assistant of a second rate magician when the aliens attacked. She was picked up by the Tech Underground as a refuge. Her amazing reflexes made her a natural robot pilot, and she had a knack for pulling nasty tricks and tactical misdirections.


Roberta "Magic" Baker is a sample player character for Robot Warriors, and can also be used as an NPC robot pilot.


Magic is a good tactician and pilot, and enjoys proving it to the Slissii.

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 149




Andrew "Tex" Carlton

VAL CHA Cost Total Roll Notes
15 STR 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
17 DEX 14 17 12-  
13 CON 3 13 12-  
13 INT 3 13 12- PER Roll 12-
10 EGO 0 10 11-  
10 PRE 0 10 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
6 OCV 15 6    
6 DCV 15 6    
3 OMCV 0 3    
3 DMCV 0 3    
4 PD 2 4   4 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 3   3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 10 3   Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 2 6    
26 END 2 26    
10 BODY 0 10    
25 STUN 3 25    


Movement Combat NCmbat Notes
Running 12m 24m END [1]
Swimming 4m 8m END [1]
Leaping 4m 8m 4m forward, 2m upward


4 Brawling: Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6 (5 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) 1


10 +1 with All Attacks
7 AK: American Southwest 16-
9 Combat Driving 15-
9 Combat Piloting 15-
5 CuK: Alien Culture and Notables 14-
3 Demolitions 12-
3 Electronics 12-
5 KS: Tech Underground 14-
3 Mechanics 12-
4 PS: Wildcatting (oil drilling) 13-
3 Paramedics 12-
2 Survival (Desert) 12-
2 TF: Mecha, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Small Planes
4 WF: Small Arms, Earth Force Mecha


Hunted: Sirians Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15
Hunted: Tech Underground Infrequently (Mo Pow; Watching) 5
Psychological Complication: Devoted to Personal Freedom (Common; Strong) 15
Social Complication: Subject to Orders: Tech Underground Frequently, Major 15


"Tex" Carlton was a young man learning to be an independent oil driller, or wild cat, when the Slissii landed. His knowledge of the desert, his ability to take care of himself, his ability to drive and fly, and his love of the freedom of the desert made him an early member of the Tech Underground.


Andrew "Tex" Carlton is a sample player character for Robot Warriors, and can also be used as an NPC robot pilot.


Tex is strongly devoted to personal freedom.

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 147

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When I bought Robot Warriors this was the campaign that I’d use. Alas nothing more than dreams. I do have (sorta) some of the Mechs updated though.  

For the Slissil how do you represent their lack of buoyancy? Is it worth bothering? 

My biggest problem (and this goes for Battletech too and man I love Classic BT!) is coming up with a good scenario/game?


One scenario I thought of would be Defector. I’ve felt that even in the short premise of the this particular sample campaign not all Slissil are in unison. Thoughts on that?

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To clarify, I can envision scenarios outside of the Mecha but inside them is the problem.  One idea just hit me before this post would be Scavenger. The heroes learn of a Slissil ship that crashed out in the desert.  The PCs go in the Mechs to check it out and encounter Patrol Mechs. Or at least they have to be the diversion for the NPCs to leave the wreck?

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3 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

My biggest problem (and this goes for Battletech too and man I love Classic BT!) is coming up with a good scenario/game?


One scenario I thought of would be Defector. I’ve felt that even in the short premise of the this particular sample campaign not all Slissil are in unison. Thoughts on that?


I am going to assume the first couple of questions were directed specifically at Chris, since he's posting updates of the old material.


However, I really wanted to comment on this "Defector" idea you have here!  :)


My first thought was "Yeah!  That'd be a _great_ tie-in to large metal action!  Meet and escort under the cover of an arranged "attack" or something-- good idea!"



But before you go with a defector, particularly with the Slissil campaign as laid out in the book, remember that it changes the nature of your campaign _forever_.  Perhaps not in over-the-top unrecoverable ways, but in small ways:

War works because humans have the defensive ability to dehumanize the enemy: if it's not a valid living person, I can kill it; no problem.


That goes away with a defector: you have someone who, if not sympathetic to your side, has some personally-important reason to separate himself-- likely forever-- from his own people.  That's _big_, and not just in terms of what he's doing and how it impacts him, either.  You are showing that, as you said, they are not all in agreement.  You are showing dissent, and you are showing a personal code of ethics so strong as force him to leave his own people and surrender to a hostile alien force.  In short, you are making him a people, and the players may seize on that:  the Slissil asre just like us: they disagree and they argue and have they have rank and file and independent though and and and......


Now if that's not a problem for you-- if that's a direction you are either prepared for or are actually seeking, I say _go_ for it!  :D



If it's not a direction you're wanting to go (at least not yet), but you like the mech action of the defector situation, consider a spy.  A fake defector.  You can do several things with that, and several more long term, but right off the bat you've got someone who can be tracked by the enemy (presumably) and who is reporting back with who knows what sort of intel....   How much of what he shares with the players is deliberate misinformation, and what effect does this have on the war effort?   How do the heroes react when the truth comes out (if it ever does)? This angle gives you the advantage of  keeping a united enemy who cannot be trusted, right back where you started from when the story ends.   Even better!  Suppose a game year or two later, a _real_ defector makes contact!   How do the heroes handle it?  Does the last experience color their actions?  (yeah-- you bet it does!  ;)  ) 



2 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

To clarify, I can envision scenarios outside of the Mecha but inside them is the problem.  One idea just hit me before this post would be Scavenger. The heroes learn of a Slissil ship that crashed out in the desert.  The PCs go in the Mechs to check it out and encounter Patrol Mechs. Or at least they have to be the diversion for the NPCs to leave the wreck?


Salvage and Recon are both classic bits, and work well with _any_ sort of war-themed game.


If you are really having some difficulties thinking up in-armor scenarios, try this:


Where do the superheroes go?  What can you do in this story that would require superheroes to show up and wrestle with the situation?   That's where you put the mechs.  That's why the mechs exist:  people don't have superpowers.  As a result of needing them, we built these beg metal beasts to do the superhuman things we ourselves cannot.


It sounds hokey, but at least give it a practice test or two.   It helps me tremendously.  :D



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For years I've been trying to figure out Construction Points as they relate to the Escape Pod (as opposed to the ejection seat which is part of Life Support).  I just today realized that instead of a small robot that ejects from a bigger robot, it's a big robot that sheds most of its broken mass.  


That means that Combine, Leap (which is a System but relies on the robot's Lifters), and Transform (Multiform) don't come along, but all of the robot's other Systems do.

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21 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

For the Slissil how do you represent their lack of buoyancy? Is it worth bothering? 


I'd probably either go with a Physical Complication or handwave it, as they prefer hot, dry climates.  


12 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

for Battletech, Sarna.net is your friend.


Drinking from the firehose, it was.  I went in to find out what sensors and comms the Locust had, and a couple of clicks took me to a long list of in-universe manufacturers.  


Mechs are assumed to have radio, right?  Do they have anything else?  Are there in-game options to add sensor/comm gear?  

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1 hour ago, Chris Goodwin said:

Mechs are assumed to have radio, right?  Do they have anything else?  Are there in-game options to add sensor/comm gear?  

Yup Mechs have radios and other Sensor equipment. Can you add special? Well what rule set are you looking at? Level 1 -3025 (Basic) no. Level 2-Tournament-depends on Era. Level 3-Optional but non-Tournament? Up to you.

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@Chris Goodwinfor Mecha movement I used (I think wrongly but don’t care) Mega scale modifier at +1/4. I originally bought it also for the free Ground Movement but then that became a pain. So 4” Move is 4m Run +1/4 which is 5 pts. Also I gave all weapon systems +2 vs Range since the Mecha scale is 16m per Hex iirc. Also I made all the Mecha scale 4. Different scales are a neat concept but I don’t feel worth the hassle imo.

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1 hour ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Yup Mechs have radios and other Sensor equipment. Can you add special? Well what rule set are you looking at? Level 1 -3025 (Basic) no. Level 2-Tournament-depends on Era. Level 3-Optional but non-Tournament? Up to you.


I've got level 1, I guess.  1980's Battletech, Citytech, and Aerotech books?  


1 hour ago, Ninja-Bear said:

Are you looking for some custom characters to post? I don’t have any right now but it’ll give me something to do at work.


If you want to, sure!  


52 minutes ago, Ninja-Bear said:

@Chris Goodwinfor Mecha movement I used (I think wrongly but don’t care) Mega scale modifier at +1/4. I originally bought it also for the free Ground Movement but then that became a pain. So 4” Move is 4m Run +1/4 which is 5 pts. Also I gave all weapon systems +2 vs Range since the Mecha scale is 16m per Hex iirc. Also I made all the Mecha scale 4. Different scales are a neat concept but I don’t feel worth the hassle imo.


The initial range increment is based on the Size Class of the target, and is always four hexes at a Ground Scale equal to the target's Size Class, regardless of the size of the attacker or the actual scale being used in play.  In practice, it comes to -2 to Range Mod per Size Class smaller, or +2 per Size Class larger.  


Humans are Size Class 1, therefore Ground Scale 1 (2m hexes), therefore the initial range increment when attacking one is 8 meters.  6th edition effectively plays on Ground Scale 0 (one "hex" = 1m) but against human targets, the initial increment is still 8 meters.  Against a Size Class 4 mech, the first range increment is (4 x 16m) 64 meters.  If a size 4 mech is attacking a size 1 human, it's attacking at a range increment smaller than one of its hexes, which is ok!  In practice, if the mech is attacking the human in the next scale 4 hex (16m away), it's at a Range Modifier of -2; at two hexes it's -4, at four hexes it's -6, at 5-8 hexes it's -8, and so on.   If the SC 1 human is attacking the SC4 mech, the attack is at no penalty out to 64 meters, then -2 for 65 to 125, -4 for 126 to 250, and so on.  


For two SC4 mechs on 16 meter hexes, it's -0 at 0-4 hexes, -2 at 5-8 hexes, -4 at 9-16 hexes, -6 at 17-32 hexes, etc.  


For two SC1 humans, it's -0 at 0-8 meters, -2 at 9-16 meters, -4 at 17-32 meters, and so on.  


To me, this seriously makes everything so ridiculously easy that I wish they'd kept Size Classes and Ground Scales throughout the later editions.  It would have been useful for Size Class -4(?) mice, Size Class 9 super dreadnoughts, Size Class 30 planets, etc.  


For vehicles (4e and on), three increments of the SIZ stat equals one Size Class.  For Growth, from 1-5e, three levels of Growth equal one Size Class; in 6th edition, one level of Growth is one Size Class.  

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Ok when I get to a computer proper I’ll have to upload my Sepoy (Diego Martinez) he came out to 117 pts but I’ll round to 120 pts. Slissil comes out to 134 pts but I’ll round to 135 pts. Also not sure why in my 5th Ed conversion notes I have Slissil having their tails interfere with human vehicles and stuff. So I figure I can combine this with too dense to float for a minor physical complication: alien physiology.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've set myself some challenges, basically: how far can I twist the Robot Warriors rules?  :) 


Smallest Piloted Mecha

Note that the pilot's seat and enclosure takes 2 Mass Units, and the pilot/gunner controls take another +3, for a minimum of 5.  So… 8 Mass Units?  .5 Mass Units for Chassis & Power Plant with Capacity 8, 1 Mass Unit for 10 DEF for a Size 1 mecha.  .5 Mass Units for lifters with Capacity 8.  We are up to 7 Mass Units.  The tables for Movement Hardware and Weapons extend down into fractions of a Mass Unit.  We could get movement and weaponry.  No sensors though, unless we dip into Danger International.  No Life Support either.


One Mass Unit, Total

A Chassis & Power Plant with capacity 4 is .25 Mass Units; Lifters with capacity 4 are likewise .25 Mass Units.  We don't get any DEF, unless we extend the chart; .25 Mass Units is reasonable, giving us 8 DEF at Size Class 1.  We're up to .75 Mass Units, leaving us .25 left for movement.  Or a single weapon, but not both (unless we give it human scale weapons, which we can).  Obviously not piloted.  No sensors either, but see above under Smallest Piloted Mecha.


Smallest Functional Self Aware

If we eliminate DEF and Lifters from the One Mass Unit robot above, we're at .25 Mass Units.  This is literally a Chassis & Power Plant with capacity 4, and nothing more; we could get up to .5 Mass Units with movement hardware.  But, without extending any tables, we don't get Lifters, DEF, weapons, Sensors, etc.  


Non-mecha Mecha

We have methods for building human-scale weapons and armor, which are the same as those for mecha only scaled down (RW p. 86).  In particular, weapons are already considered to have the Carried (+1) Limitation built into them; body armor assumes the mecha armor table extends down to .25 Mass Units (or 25kg), which would be 8 DEF for a Size Class 1 character.  


Weapons are assumed to have 9-16 charges, or a 0 point modifier on the Charges chart.  Note that RW p. 17 has this to say about Charges:  "Each charge gives a weapon one shot, gives armor one phase of protection, or gives one phase of movement."  We could therefore build movement hardware for characters, using the same guidelines, and giving them Charges!  A few things to remember:  characters have their own base movement modes at Ground Scale 1; robot movement modes default to Ground Scale 4; robot movement modes require power (or Charges); robot movement modes would replace character movement rather than augment it.  


(Here's another interesting tidbit: remember that capacity 4 Chassis & Power Plant above?  That's .25 Mass Units, or 25kg.  Small enough for a human scale character to carry around with them!)  


32 Charges would be a -1 Advantage, which for movement hardware means the minimum buy-in would be 2 hexes worth, for 1 actual hex of movement.  For a 1 mass unit "robot", that comes to 0.12 Mass Units.  Probably 0.125, so we'll call it that (12.5 kilograms).  Or 0.06, if we add the power plant (25kg) and eliminate the Charges.  


(Can we apply a +1 Limitation: Power Plant Only to the Chassis & Power Plant?  GM says… sure.  Drops the mass of the Chassis & Power Plant to 12.5kg.  Still has capacity 4; this is the total mass that can be moved by any movement hardware attached to the Power Plant.)  


Our wearer is going to be STR 20, because we want him to be able to have his own capacity of 4 Mass Units, which he'll need in order to carry all of this stuff.  The Power Plant is backpack mounted; the flight hardware is… handwaved.  Maybe built into the backpack as well.  Definitely needs boots though…


We now have: 


  • Armor:  8 DEF.  25kg
  • Chassis & Power Plant:  Capacity 4, Power Plant Only (+1 Limitation), 12.5kg.  Powers flight hardware and any energy weapons.
  • Flight:  2 hexes, 12.5kg.  (We wanted more speed. 16 GS1 hexes, or 2 GS4 hexes, or 32 meters per Phase, with 2x Noncombat.)
  • Whatever weapons our guy wants to carry. 


Comms, sensors, and so on would be personal scale gear, which we'll draw from Danger International if we need to.  Not counting any of this, and not counting weapons, he's up to 50kg.  This is not a ridiculous amount for one combat oriented character to carry!   (Edit to add)  Out of fairness, it should probably be assumed that the above contraption acts at a maximum DEX 10 SPD 2, unless the builder spends points on it as if it were a mecha.  

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  • 2 months later...

I'd love to run a military-themed campaign using my Battletech minis in tandem with Hero System created characters. The Dark Champions book has good military templates, and one could do a special forces game where the players are a scout team working for a mercenary company in the Inner Sphere. If I get the Clan Invasion box, it could be either a clan game or an inner sphere game.


Dark Champions has tons of guns in it too, and one could just "re-skin" them using the lore and weapons manufacturers of the Battletech Universe. I'm picturing a mech pilot loadout with a PDW, camouflage cloak, survival kit and rations for a long-range scouting unit, for instance. Something like the long-range desert patrols in World War 2.

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