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Global Guardians website question

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This is a weird question, I just know it. I’m also probably putting the cart well ahead of the horse in terms of website design, but here goes…


Back when the GG site was still functional (early oughts), I (like many others) was a big fan of the Master List of Limitations (now Complications). One of the things I liked was how the site displayed them - a (very) long column on the left, and a main “window” that would show each one you selected one right after another, as opposed to opening a new “page” each time; I assume that was for easier comparison. You could remove individual entries by clicking on the X button. I remember thinking it was a rather elegant bit of design.


Does anyone know how that was done - was it a feature of the hosting company (Angelfire) or the webpage development software they used, or something fairly common I’ve somehow managed to not see elsewhere ever again? I’m planning out a personal website/wiki for storing the absurdly large amount of spells I’ve been working on (and converting), and I thought that bit was really neat.

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From what I'm seeing, it varied.  The Wayback Machine is, of course, the 8th wonder of the modern world.


A snapshot from 2003 did not have the Master List.  This one does:



But it doesn't act as you suggest.  Perhaps a later version does, so here's the general link to ALL the snapshots:

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You want to look up FRAMES for HTML.


You have separate files, one for the master list, header, footer and then each entry. Your main.html (index.html whatever) will have at least two frame calls with each one being "named", so list and entry for example.


When you click on the link in the master list the A tag will have a target= attribute and you'll have that to your entry frame.



Oh, as an afterthought. The Java Docs that Dan put up for Hero Designer in the downloads uses that method - HTML frames. You may want to dl that and pick it apart if that's really what you're looking for.

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