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How would a sleeping target be Affected by Mental Illusions



If a character was using Mental Illusions, how would you determine how hard the attack is to do on the target. I know that they will be at 0 EDCV and would still get any mental defense, but if the mentalist has no idea what they are dreaming how would he/she cause any changes in what they are experiencing and get the effect they want. Would they have to get EGO +30?

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Typically, Mental Illusions do allow the illusionist some idea of what the victim is perceiving as far as the illusions are concerned.  Note that this wouldn't allow any other form of mental contact, but with GM permission, and an appropriate effect roll, the illusionist might be able to get an idea of what the target is dreaming.  See 6e1 p  251 for more discussion about this. 


As far as levels of effect are concerned, treat the dream as the setting for purposes of levels of effect.  The illusionist can affect the target's perceptions of the dream in exactly the same ways as they could affect the target's perceptions of reality, if the target were awake. 

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