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How often to charge for Powers that have the limit Cost END to Matain?



Example Powers:

Gravitic Drag   Drain(Suppress) 2d8 Movement power (Advantage: Alternate Die Type: d8 +1/2)(30 Active)(Cost END to Mateine -1/4, Concentration -1/4, Gestures -1/4, Untified Powers -1/4, Variable Limit: does not work on Teleports -1/4)



Should the Hero level Character be paying the END for this power as Part Post-Segment 12 Recovery Phase, or every one of their actions or every phase, or is it my choice as GM. 


So, they pay 6 end to activate and then how often do they pay another 6 to mateine it?

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V1p374 provides that costing END to maintain (for a power that normally does not) is a -1/2 limitation. END would be paid every phase. That discussion also suggests the GM might allow a -1/4 limitation for "costs half END", which would mean the character spends half the normal END cost on activation and on each subsequent phase.

Suppress is a variant of Costs END to Maintain, is still a -1/2 limitation and requires END be spent on each of the character's phases (V1p196).

Leaving aside that element, a Drain (or Suppress) needs an advantage to apply to more than one power at a time, The base power could drain running, or swimming, or flight, etc. It would require very pricy advantages to suppress all forms of movement other than Teleport (see V1p137 and 142).

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