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More CoC/Dreamlands Creatures


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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600 kg; 6d6 HTH Damage
14	DEX	12	12-	OCV: 5 / DCV: 5
25	CON	30	14-
23	BODY	26	16-
16	INT	6	12-	PER Roll 12-
21	EGO	22	13-	ECV: 7
25	PRE	15	14-	PRE Attack: 5d6
4	COM	-3	10-
15	PD	9		Total: 15 PD (9 rPD)
15	ED	10		Total: 15 ED (9 rED)
4	SPD	16		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
11	REC	0
50	END	0
51	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost: 163

Movement:	Flight: 11" / 22"
Leaping: 0' / 0"
Running: 7" / 14"
Swimming: 2" / 4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
20	Bite: HKA: 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), END 2
40	Extraterrene Form: Damage Reduction: 3/4, Physical, Resistant, Only vs 
Impaling Attacks (-1/2)
9	Thick Hide: Damage Resistance (9 PD / 9 ED)
8	Heavy: Knockback Resistance (-4" KB)
22	Wings: Flight 11", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Restrainable (-1/2)
2	Slithering: Running +1" (7" Total), END 1

10	Combat Skill Levels: +2 with Hand-to-Hand
4	Tail Lash: Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV with Grab
0	AK:  Home Territory 8-
0	Analyze Animal 8-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Language: Hunting Horror (native)
0	PS: Hunting Horror Abilities 8-
0	Shadowing 8-
0	Stealth 8-
0	Survival (various) 8-
3	Tracking 12-
118	Total Powers & Skills Cost
281	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages
15	Physical Limitation: Cannot Abide Night/Sunlight (F, G)
10	Physical Limitation: Enormous, up to four times human size (F, S)
10	Physical Limitation: Near Human Intelligence (F, S)
5	Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap; cannot leap (I, S)
15	Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation (F, G)
151	Experience
281	Total Disadvantage Points


Hunting horrors may be native to Earth's Dreamlands or they may come from somewhere else. They are often summoned by various Elder beings to pursue and attack those who have annoyed them.



Most of the time, a hunting horror is summoned for a specific purpose -- to chase down someone the summoner wants either captured or destroyed. In either case, the hunting horror will do as it is bid relentlessly, not stopping pursuit until either it, or its quarry has been destroyed.



Hunting horrors have two main forms of attack -- biting, or grappling prey with their prehensile tails. They often grapple with the tail first, and then nip at their victim with a mouthful of sharp teeth. Anything capable of harming a hunting horror while so bound may simply be dropped (usually from a great height).



A hunting horror is roughly 40' of black, ropy, serpentine foulness. They have two (or one!) bat-like wings, which they use to fly. Because of their physical make-up, hunting horrors tend to change shape constantly, and are hard to look at for an extended period.


Designer's Notes:

Hunting horrors are creatures of the Cthulhu/Dreamlands Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft. This design was based upon the hunting horror presented in the 5th Edition of Call of Cthulhu. Hunting Horrors can range in size from Large to Huge. Game Masters may wish to give hunting horrors additional powers, such as a tail slap (i.e. +4d6 HA), various forms of Life Support (Aging, Pressure, Cold), and spells.

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
35	STR	25	16-	Lift 3200 kg; 7d6 HTH Damage
10	DEX	0	11-	OCV: 3 / DCV: 3
25	CON	30	14-
25	BODY	30	17-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
11	EGO	2	11-	ECV: 4
23	PRE	13	14-	PRE Attack: 4 1/2d6
4	COM	-3	10-
20	PD	13		Total: 20 PD (9 rPD)
18	ED	13		Total: 18 ED (9 rED)
3	SPD	10		Phases: 4, 8, 12
12	REC	0
50	END	0
56	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost: 131

Movement:	Flight: 30" / 60"
Running: 6" / 12"
Swimming: 2" / 4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
25	Bite: HKA 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 with STR), END 2
9	Thick Hide: Damage Resistance (9 PD / 9 ED)
8	Heavy: Knockback Resistance (-4" KB)
16	Can Fly Through Space: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Safe Environment: 
Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Radiation, Intense Cold)
50	Wings: Flight 30", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Restrainable (-1/2), END 3
22	Fly Through Space: FTL: 64 Light Years/year; Restrainable (-1/2)

4	Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV with Bite
0	AK:  Home Territory 8-
0	Analyze Animal 8-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Language: Shantak (native)
0	PS: Shantak Abilities 8-
0	Shadowing 8-
0	Stealth 8-
0	Survival (Mountains) 8-
134	Total Powers & Skills Cost
265	Total Character Cost

75+	Disadvantages
15	Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (F, G)
10	Physical Limitation: Enormous, up to four times human size (F, S)
5	Physical Limitation: Reduced Leap; cannot leap (I, S)
15	Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation (F, G)
15	Psychological Limitation: Utterly Terrified Of Nightgaunts (U, T)
130	Experience
265	Total Disadvantage Points


Shantaks live in great caves in the mountains of Earth's Dreamlands. There they live off of yaks, mountains goats, and anything else they can catch. They also serve as mounts for many of the servants of the Outer Gods and can be pressed into serve as a mount for a brave rider. However, care should be taken the shantak doesn't fly off into space and deliver its rider straight to the god Azathoth.



Typical animal motivations. Shantaks have a notable fear of nightgaunts and will flee from one of these beings immediately.



A shantak attacks by biting. If needed, it might Grab a target with its teeth and then drop it from a great height.



A shantak is said to be larger than an elephant with a horse-like head and bat-like wings. Their bodies are scaled and covered with "rime and nitre".


Designer's Notes:

A shantak is a creature from the Cthulhu/Dreamlands Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft. This design was based upon the shantak presented in the 5th Edition of Call of Cthulhu. Shantaks can range in size from Large to Huge (or greater). Game Masters may wish to add abilities from the Wyrm (or other dragons) seen on page 67 of the Hero System Bestiary.

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