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Minor Magics

Lord Mhoram

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Originally posted by JakSpade

These are all coming out pretty nice... I was thinking about writing up a quick trick for storytellers/puppeteers, but it would have required too many points... :D


Hmm, although it's a bit of a stretch (pun intended), for short range, low str, high manipulation I would use the following...


1" Stretching (2" Non-combat)

+1/4 Invisible to normal sight {6}

-1/4 Incantation

-1/4 Gestures

-1 0 DCV throughout

-1 5 minute to start initially

-2 only affects prepared puppets

-1/2 Required skill roll PS: Puppeteering


He... sort of... astrally projects his enlongated fingers, hands and arms down to the receptive puppets. With a good PS: puppeteering, he controls the puppet with one, two or more fingers (as needed).

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Originally posted by GrimJesta

Im so glad I peeped this thread. This is a fantastic idea. I mean... yea. Freakin fantastic!

I gotta toy with this one...



Stretching with Invisible power effects is only quasi-legal, so it should only be used when Telekinesis would be overkill. But in 5th edition, they pretty much made anything short range can be simulated with stretching.


Although, I'm now offical worried that GrimJesta will have (apperently) flying, pickpocketing, slight-of-hand, lockpicking puppets (add invisible extra limbs). And for that, I apologize to any GM that has to deal with that.

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Candlelight: creates a small harmless flame that produces just enough light to read a book or pick a lock. I suppose the color of the flame could vary just for kicks. Maybe Nightvision with various modifiers like no range, extra time, and charges.


Hot Pot: Makes the interior of a small pot hot enough to cook with. No idea how to do this. Very useful as you could place the pot anywhere, cook with it and even pick it up safely.


Dancing Quill: Enchants a quill withthe ability to write what you say. How do you make something like that?

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There are many ways to do the Dancing Quill. I like this way because I'm have fun with low cost Summoning and I think it gives the flavor of a self-motivated Dancing Quill.


Description: This animates a quill to write what you say. All the materials must be provided for. The quill can also turn the pages of the book, but no one has quite figured out how. Assume that the quill has low but functional stats and roughly 10 points of language and writing skills (Everyquill skills) but no greater than the casters.


Mechanics: Summon Slavishly Loyal Quill {2}

-1 1/4 OAF, Fragile - Quill, Book, Ink

-1/2 Incantations throughout - "My dearest friend...blah...blah...blah"

-0 Lim: Slavish is a relative term, bored quills have been known to doodle (especially if the caster is an artist), insert unkind comments to the writer (if the caster is a critic) and the like. Replacing the quill usually helps as well as not using alcohol-based inks, although some will blame the caster's own inability to focus clearly while dictating.

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I like the idea of Candlelight being done with Nightvision. Oddly enough, no one else can see your light, great for thieves. This doesn't take any charges, but 5 minutes is a long time in complete darkness.


Mechanics: Nightvision {5}

-1/4 Gestures

-1/4 Incantations

-1 Extra Time: 5 Minute

-1/4 Lim: Unable to see more than 13 feet away using this spell

-1/4 Lim: Dispelled by being in bright light

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Stretching with Invisible power effects is only quasi-legal, so it should only be used when Telekinesis would be overkill. But in 5th edition, they pretty much made anything short range can be simulated with stretching.
LOL, I meant the thread in general, not the stretching thing above my post. It took me like 5 minutes to figure out what you were talkin about... lol. ;)



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Man, I've been falling down on the job... here's one I thought up the other day...


"Pass me by..."

Description: Mortally wounded soldiers or those who don't wish to fight any longer (due to injury or cowardice) use a small cantrip to mask themselves from the enemy, as they prowl the battlefield, looking for wounded. This cantrip camoflages(sp?) the soldier from the eyes of his enemy by making him appear to be part of the dead lying about, or covering him to the local terrain (rocks, trees or leaves). This cantrip has been abused by several thieves and assassins to gain an upper hand on the enemy during and after a battle.


Images vs. Normal Sight (10pts), User must be prone or 0DCV (-1), 1 minute preparation (-1 1/4), Incantations (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), Requires a Stealth skill roll (-1/2), Does not work in darkness (-1/2); Cost: 2pts




Simulate Death (3pts), User must be 0DCV throughout (-1), Requires a Stealth skill roll (-1/2), Does not work in darkness (-1/2); Cost: 1pt


How's that?


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  • 2 weeks later...

For those still following this thread here are a couple more - both likely to be adventurer's favorites:



Description: The user of this trinket is immune to most of the normal effects of weather.

Mechanics: 1/1 FF 0 end. LS - cold & heat {7}

1 minute to start (-3/4), gestures Incantation -1/2, Cost end to start -1/4 Limited only vs Environmental effects (-2)



Description: By concentrating really hard, the user knows where he is facing, and which direction north is.

Mechanics: Bump of Direction {3}

Gestures, Incantation -1/2, Full phase -1/2, 0 DCV


And a couple that are a little "adult" - I thought of these while watching the Firefly DVDs while working on my game.


That feels good

Description: The caster’s actions relax the target, and make him feel better. The target may not be aware that this ability is involved.

Mechanics: Transform minor 1/2d6 (target to target with more relaxed muscles, and more apt to feel nice) partial transform +1/2, 0 end +1/2, Uncontrolled contin +1 1/2

Limited target (sentient) (-1/4), Non ranged -1/2, 0 DCV (-1), Extra time 5 minutes to start (-1), “gestures†(-1/2), 1 turn per attack (-1/4), Limited to willing target (at least unconciously willing (-2)


What do you like?

Description: After talking to the client, the user of this knack is much better at her job.

Mechanics: +5 to PS courtesan roll

Incantations (-1/4) lasts only for the duration of the one client (-1), 5 minutes to start -1


Think of your Dreamgirl

Description: While discussing things with the client, the caster becomes more beautiful to him.

Mechaincs: +10 comliness

Incantations -1/4, only lasts for the duration of the client -1, 5 minutes to start -1

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This one may not work in "realistic" fantasies campaigns, but I include it under the "adult" section.


I'm too sexy for my armor

Description: By use of this spell, the wearer is protected as if wearing light, full-body armor. Oddly enough, the more skin exposed, the better the protection. Too much exposure, however, has its own problems.

Mechanics: 4 PD, 1 ED Armor {7}

1 minute to start (-3/4), Lim: Only to cover unarmored, exposed parts of flesh (-1), Gestures (-1/4), Incantation (-1/4), Requires a minimum 16 COM (-1/2)

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The Needle one could be done using Penalty Skill Levels with PS: Sewing, only to offset penalties for lack of proper equipment (the needle).


Actually, Penalty Skill Levels work very well for this kind of thing. How 'bout:


Just Kidding:

This is a handy knack to have when among people of higher social status than you. It's easy to slip up and say or do something wrong that might offend or make a bad impression. Using this knack, the people around you will dismiss your faux pas as just a joke on your part.

High Society (10 + PRE/5) - 5 pts., plus 5 PSLs to offset unfamiliarity with social customs - 5 pts. Only to cancel simple honest mistakes for which you are genuinely sorry (-2), Incantations (self-depricating remarks or laughter) (-1/4), Doesn't work on anyone actively hostile to you (-1). 2 points.

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Grandma's Secret Recipe


Description: This is the family's secret cure-all recipe. Guaranteed to put hair on your chest (and other places). Lots of bed rest is also recommended.



1D6 Heal to CON and BODY

+1/2 Variable Effect: Both CON and BODY

+1/4 Trigger: Drink potion

-1/2 Requires a Cooking Roll

-1/4 Cost END to Cast

-3/4 Charges [6]

-3 1/2 Extra Time: 6 Hours

-1 OAF: Potions

-1/2 Gestures & Incantations

-1/4 Side Effect: Unsightly Hair Growth and 2D6 Drain END, always, recipient only

-1 Lim: Body Damage only healed if due to illness, disease or posion.

-1 Gradual Effect: 20 minutes

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Shadows Mask


Description: A cloud of darkness covers the hooded face of this knacks user. Allowing the user to go more places with less chance of someone recognizing him.


Darkness (sight group):

Personal Immunity +1/4, Reduce End (0) +1/2

Cost end to activate -1/4, Extra time 1 min -3/4, Gestures -1/4, Incantation -1/4, Must be used in conjunction w/ a black hooded cloak -1/2, Only affects the face -1/2, No Range -1/2, Dispelled if person is uncloaked -1/4, Dispelled in bright light -1/2, cost 3x end -1/2, Concentration durring use -6/4


Active:17.5 , Real:3.0


I know that kacks should be 2 or less but I couldn't think of other ways to lower it.


I don't have the time right now to write it up but a good combo. would be this knack along with a like knack that 'masks' the voice.



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I have always wanted a system with such tiny magics. I usually try and wing it with a cantrip substitute. As names go, I vote for Charms. It evokes the feeling of something taught in late childhood, early adulthood. I am sure I have some RPG's somewhere in storage that have a couple good candidates for conversion. Anyway, here are my additions.


Oh, and I have close to zero experience with Hero (just got FReD), so I don't have the skills to stat them out and make sure they are appropriately weak.



Shut Eye - By going through a small ritual and reciting a poem/prayer, a soldier can fall asleep anywhere, in most conditions, and get a decent few hours of sleep. (represented by either functioning on less sleep, or being able to sleep like a baby while wearing armor and sunk up to your neck in a foul smelling bog.)


Tuck In - Similar to above, but allows you to eat slop, and eat it quickly.



Far Sight - Slight Telescopic vision. Gestures, Incantations, and Extra time are the obvious limitations, plus a few others.


Fair Maidens/Kids/Old Folks/(Possibly mages):

Roll of Quarters/Brass Knuckles - When someone offends you, insults you, or pushes you around until you are so angry you crack, your first punch does far more damage than should be reasonably expected. (Not sure whether more damage, or regular damage with knockdown would be better. There should be a maximum STR to use this charm.)


Zap - Kills small rodents and bugs, damages smallish animals (enough to stun a small bird), and has no effect on larger creatures (other than a possible small sting). Handy if you are allergic to cats, or are afaid of spiders.


A one point Flash would also be appropriate, to give them just enough time to jump on the heel toe express. Couldn't have Extra Time limitation obviously.


Forgetful People:

Red Rover - By spinning around and chanting a rhyme you can locate any misplaced personal object in the room/vicinity(not sure on range, if not visible, will most likely give you a direction). You must own, and be reasonably familiar with the object.


Hmm.. running with my preferance of calling them Charms:

Charm Bracelet/Necklace, etc. - Either work as a Charm spellbook of sorts (each charm being a spell), or it could work to store charms so you could cast them instantly if you were prepared. Obviously you can't have two identical charms on the same bracelet, I mean come one, you ever seen two identical things on a girls keychain?



Hurry up and Wait - When waiting for something that has a reasonable chance of happening soon (someone to arrive, hitching a ride on a well traveled road, pot to boil, girlfriend to get ready) by performing a simple "downtime" activity (smoking a pipe, playing solitare) ritualisticly, the event will happen when you finish. (By GM fiat of course). Like Change of Pace, but instead of being less boring, it *encourages* the event to happen sooner.


I yanked the general idea for many of these from Underworld. Since I just parsed through it I have to mention (though it is waaaaaaay overpowered for this thread):


For people who are scr..eh.. in serious trouble:

Umbrella of Impending Doom - Open the ubrella and cower under/behind it. Oh, and no peeking. Completely negates one ranged "attack" (EB, hail of bullets, falling boulder, subway train, etc.) If you peek, it doesn't work. If another attack is coming soon, finding real cover would be good.


Wow, this is really long. That's what I get for writing at 4am.

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Alot of things can be done by just making a general bonus to appropriate skill rolls.



Preservatives: Keeping food from spoiling, prevent rust/wear & tear

Love charms: +2 for seduction rolls, only to a previous acquaintance who is at least interested



Evaluation: +2 to Perc rolls only to determine value and validity of goods, or +2 to appropriate PS

Re-evaluate: -2 to others perception rolls

Tipping the Scales: Tk 0 str, invisible effects, only to affect a scale reading up to +/- 20%

Speakade-engrish: Universal translator, lots of gestures and extra time, 0 DCV, speech only, only the most common language of the area, only on topics related to money or exchange, side effects: make serious faux pas and engender a killing frenzy among all natives within hearing.



Midnight Oil: Life support, no need for sleep, only up until deadline, OAF: caffeine

Understanding the Customer: Telepathy. Believe me, it is the only way.

I don't know, maybe blue...: Mental control, only to make customer decide and not change their mind.



Eyes in the back of your head: Targeting sense for hearing, only to identify perpetrator, only in classroom, etc.

Parent/Teacher Conference: Presence drain, 1 hour extra time, only in presence of parent, only at school, 1/day

Fingernails on the chalkboard: Sonic energy blast, stun only, area effect, immobile oif,

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Neat ideas, Grym. Good ideas are always welcome.


Here's Red Rover, since PCs should spend more time spinning around looking for lost things. :D I also added the fact that it finds a misplaced object, but not neccessarily the one that was being searched for. Since I always find the strangest things trying to find something else.


In Hero, there are no range penalities for up to 8 meters (the creators were obviously farsided) and -2 for each doubling after that. Since I wrote this as a Detect, this will find things that are not in direct line of sight. It is written with a +2 bonus built in, and another +2 can be assumed for taking a full phase at 1/2 DCV. Note there are minuses for size, most handheld things are -4. Really tiny things (buttons, needles, etc) can be up to a -8.


Red Rover

Description: By spinning around and chanting a rhyme you can locate any misplaced personal object in the room/vicinity. You must own, and be reasonably familiar with the object. Note that the misplaced object found might not be the one that was being searched for.

Mechanics: Detect Lost Things +2 {5}

-1/2 Incantations throughout

-1/2 Gestures throughout

-11/2 Cost END, Cost x3 END

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I like Red Rover... you know, if there was a "Diviner" occupation, Red Rover would be a great ability. Anybody care to write up a quick Diviner occupation? (I'm currently not at home, and without a BBBook or FH book).


I see the Diviner as a minor magician, one who is hired to help guide adventurers, find lost items, and even locate mineral deposits and well water. Sounds good, eh?



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  • 4 weeks later...

feel safe effect


I like the way you work that father's aura trick. I've been trying to figure out how to add an effect like that to a light spell (basically enhances that natural tendency to be less afraid of things when they're clearly seen in the light).

Here's an idea I've been working on that might fit your theme.


Watchman's blessing (aka COFFEE)


Many guardsmen and militia members have found this minor enchantment to be invaluable for sentry duty. By muttering a brief enchantment over their evening ale, they are able to remain awake and alert throughout the night


mechanics (rough draft):

Life support: 8 hours per week (2 pts), uncontrolled: 4 hours (+1/2) OAF:cup of beverage (-1), incantations (-1/4), extra time: 1 turn (-1 1/4),

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Safe Treasure


By running a finger around the seal of a closed container, its contents are proof against everything as long as the container is not broken or opened. To open it, one must either run his finger around the seal in the opposite direction or risk breaking the container by using force. The amount of time it takes to seal depends on the BODY of the container.


1/2D6 Minor Transform (Container to Timeless Container)

-1/4 Gestures

-1/4 Extra Time: (Varies with Size and BODY of Container)

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Blacksmith Hands


This minor enchantment is a blessing to those who risk injuring their hands but refuse to wear thick protective gloves. Some say the color of the glow of their hands reveal their inner soul, but it is mostly a personal preference.


5 PD, 5ED Force Field {10}

-1 OAF: Bracelets

-1/4 Gestures

-1/4 Incantations

-2 Lim: Force Field only covers bracelets and hands

-1 1/4 Extra Time: 1 Turn



Optional: Replace Extra Time with Independent (for a cheap but "handy" magic item)

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