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interesting character/adventure idea - memory as danger sense


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okay found this on Slate about the movie Eternal Sunshine:



"Particularly traumatic memories appear to be captured by two separate parts of the brain: the hippocampus, the normal seat of memory, and the amygdala, one of the brain's emotional centers. People incapable of forming long-term memories thanks to hippocampal damage can nonetheless form subconscious memories of traumatic events if their amygdala is intact. Someone suffering from the Memento condition would likely have a feeling of general unease encountering a person or a situation that had caused them harm in the past, though they wouldn't be able to put their finger on what was making them uncomfortable."


Would make for an interesting adventure. Character has lost their concious memories but has danger sense based on their subconcious memories. Could be other weird senses as well.

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Wasn't Amygdala played by Nathalie Portman? Mmmm.... Amygdala... :o:o ...


Oh, where was I...


I was going to say that I once wrote a story based on the idea that the huge portion of the brain that is unused by the average person is actually a storehouse for all the information there is. By using the proper conjunction of consonants and vowel sounds you could tap into people's minds and cause them to see images and to know things. It's also the basis for an incomplete magic system I started in FH.


There, my tangent is over with! Back to the subject.


I like the idea. Could be done as simply as a danger sense on some "primal instinct" about the individual or it could be that they're amensiac and only get "impressions" about people they encounter whom they have met in he past. Sounds like fun.

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Re: interesting character/adventure idea - memory as danger sense


Two amusing Danger Sense special effects (both from real Pcs)


#1. Can hear theme music.


#2. Intuitive Dangersense - the GM would point his finger at the player in question in a specific fashion (meaning, your Dangersense just went off). The player would infallibly say "I have a bad feeling about this". After a while we learned to take him seriously :)

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  • 1 month later...

Re: interesting character/adventure idea - memory as danger sense


Two amusing Danger Sense special effects (both from real Pcs)


#1. Can hear theme music.


#2. Intuitive Dangersense - the GM would point his finger at the player in question in a specific fashion (meaning, your Dangersense just went off). The player would infallibly say "I have a bad feeling about this". After a while we learned to take him seriously :)

I liked this too-short thread, cool ideas.


When I built the Urban Druid, his Danger Sense was based on Trashman, who could sense things based on all sorts of urban zen signs, like cracks in the sidewalk and particularly, IIRC, things like curmpled papers of the East Village Other flying by (that was the paper that initially carried him).


Actually Trashman's world is a neat idea for a campaign.

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