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How to handle "resurrection/possession" power?


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I want to create a character that, when killed, gets possessed and immediately comes back to life in a semi-demonic form. The demonic form attacks whatever killed the character, then the original character is restored to perfect health. The closest thing I've seen in fiction is the connection between Remo Williams and the Shiva entity from "The Destroyer" book series.


Here's one way that I think it can be done. Please let me know if you see any rules gaps, or have a cleaner technique for taking care of the whole thing.


1) Main character buys "extra BODY", only to avoid being killed. It functions as extra negative BODY and doesn't add to any characteristics. For example, assuming a 10 BODY character and 5 points of "extra BODY", the character would be "dead" at -10 BODY, yet remain alive until actually hitting -15.


2) Main character buys Multiform to cover the demonic form. No conscious control, triggered whenever damage spills over to the "extra BODY" (between -10 and -15 BODY)


3) Multiform takes all the demonic powers. Lots of BODY, since damage carries over to the new form. Aid, healing, or regeneration for up to 25 BODY, so that all damage is healed when the multiform gets shifted back to the human form.

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I did the same thing when creating a super-powered version of the The Undertaker (WWF wrestler). At enough damage, he would appear dead, but still be lying there taking Recoveries and Regen. I used the same construct as your point one, but with the following interpretation:


20 BOD 20 (bought normally).


10 +10 BODY (-1: only to avoid death). This actually lets him take another 20 BODY without actually dying. Remember, each point of BODY is really 2 BODY for purposes of how much it takes to kill a character.


Also bought:


10 +20 STN (-1: only to determine Recovery increment). For example, if he were at -25 STN, he would take Recoveries as though at -5 STN.


The rest of your construct looks great.

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