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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Grabbing proxies for a battle I ran last night, on the edges of a circus.


"Ok, you guys are here here and here. Cristobal is Dath Vader, Kyle is the Emperor's Guard, the elf's an elf... Alar, you're the saltwater taffy on top of the slinky."


"Oh oh! Can I be the wookie?"


"Fine, you're the wookie on the slinky. The kidnapped girl is the taffy. The stormtroopers are the bad guys."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Grabbing proxies for a battle I ran last night, on the edges of a circus.


"Ok, you guys are here here and here. Cristobal is Dath Vader, Kyle is the Emperor's Guard, the elf's an elf... Alar, you're the saltwater taffy on top of the slinky."


"Oh oh! Can I be the wookie?"


"Fine, you're the wookie on the slinky. The kidnapped girl is the taffy. The stormtroopers are the bad guys."


"Cosby, you're this piece of glass."


"I don't want to be the piece of glass."


"Okay, what do you want to be?"


"I wanna be the Coke bottle top."



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"Cosby, you're this piece of glass."


"I don't want to be the piece of glass."


"Okay, what do you want to be?"


"I wanna be the Coke bottle top."




Reminds me of a modern-day Call of Cthulhu I was once in. We used sweeties for miniatures.


Me: "I'll shoot him. I want a green one."


Naturally, we ate our kills.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


One of the running jokes in our GURPS Firefly game is that the doctor, who is an accomplished fencer, is always threatening to spar with people that irritate him. In the last session, the merc, the pilot and the doctor were talking about ways to help Liza, the doc's girlfriend (the current plot). The merc kept getting on the doctor's nerves, which led to this exchange:


Doctor (to merc): You know, I haven't practiced with my sword for quite a while...


Pilot: That explains why Liza looks so unhappy.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not actully heard in game, but in an AIM conversation with a friend (edited for spelling, profanity and tengents):


Nighthawk needs a side kick man.


What? Why?


Batman has Robin. When your entire MO is being all dark, brooding and mysterious, you need some annoying kid with a huge DCV to run around and draw heavy fire for you. Why do you think Robin dressed in such bright colors? Dude was a human shield! Plus it adds levity and gives the main hero the opportunity to develop as a more human character.


Ok, lets say I agree with you. What would you do for a write up of this side kick?


I'm not sure, probably a young boy, probably dress him in yellow. Gotta carry on with the homage after all. And i would have to name him after a bird of some kind, which works better for Nighthawk as there is actually some connection there.


Yeah. So you gonna name the kid Canary?


I was thinking "the Swallow". That way on the street they could be known as Suck and Swallow :P

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"The bad news is, if we succeed, that means no Drow Dominatrix Internet Porn."


Me: "We seek an audience with the senechal."

Guard: "Are you the new bards?"

Me: "Sure, let's go with that."


"Either we're being drawn into a remarkably intricate trap that's so insidiously subtle that it appears that the actions are those of a pack of illogical slope-browed morons ... or they really *are* a pack of illogical slope-browed morons."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Gary (Halfling Rogue) decided to poke at the ghost above a Half-Orc warrior's grave to confirm it was real. It swung out a two-handed sword the size of a table and said "I do not mind Halflings... with the proper seasoning. Go, and leave the dead to their slumber."


Matt (Dwarf Cleric) told Gary, "You've got to be the dumbest thing I've seen under five feet tall, you know that?"



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This is a cheat, because it didn't happen this week. And it wasn't in the HERO system. But it was a Pulp Superheroes game.


Let me set the scene.


We have Lawrence, playing snooty, alcoholic and corrupt English archaeologist, Reginald Spencer.


We have Charles, playing somewhat noble flying ace Sam Sterling.


We have Eric, playing a 'Shadow' type martial artist, The Zephyr. AKA 'Arthur Turlington'.


The three PCs were at a black-tie soiree in the 1930's. Reginald Spencer spots his rival archaelogist, vindictive French vixen Marie Belloq (NPC). After a short exchange of quips, the following perfect moment ensued :


Marie : Don't go getting yourself killed, Spencer. Your life is mine to end.

Spencer : Don't worry. I'll stay alive for you, Marie.. Professional Courtesy.

Marie : Since When are you professional?

Arthur, Sam (in unison) : Or Courteous?



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a Dr Who game early on as I was learning to DM.


"Magnum in boot"




(no words, just a slow head shake clearly understandable as "Dont do it. He'll survive, come out and kill you with his bare hands.")




"What did you bring me?"

"Beam me up theyre aftrer me!"

"So.... nothing for me?"

"No nothing! Beam me up!"

"No, I dont think so..."



I had allowed my players to up their stats too high and so we had Scott Smith, with a hugely maxed out Dex who liked to carry an axe, Tsyabyarus the Time Lord with a hugely maxed INT and Drake (not so smart with his points, just a guy with a huge gun and hatred of Scott Smith)


Tsy was a klepto who also had a dislike of Scott for making him give back some of the items, but was smart enough to know not to confront Scott directly. Drake just didnt care, so when Scott went down a ladder into a long narrow pipe Drake pantomimed to Tsy pulling out a grenade and dropping it in, leading to Tsys head shake.


Magnum in boot was during a firefight. His big gun was damaged and he needed a new weapon so asked to borrow a pencil, wrote "magnum in boot" on the character sheet, handed the pencil back and then claimed he had Magnum and was going to shoot with that...


The last quote came much later. They now had a spaceship with a transmat, run by a female monk NPC from a Cult that worshipp plants. Eventually she got tired of Drakes treatment of her and demanded he bring her back a plant everytime she beamed hom down to a planet. After she hung up on him Drake looked around and found a small weed nearby, ripped it out of the ground as the pursuers are almost to him and called her back. She beamed him up and when he got abusive she kicked his ***, gently but firmly. The transmat room was covered in plants in no time.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Background: our power armor wearer (Sentinel) has had sort of a long-running tentative relationship with a lady mage from the 17th century for a while now; and it was obvious to everyone in the group except Sentinel that she really had a "thing" for him...but he just wasn't getting the clues. She was beginning to get frustrated, and finally asked Dr. Anomaly "Am I doing something wrong? What approach should I take?"


Knowing that Sentinel, while a true outside-the-box thinker, tended to be rather clueless in social matters, Dr. Anomaly told her the best way to make sure she wasn't misunderstood was if she just told him, up front, how she felt...leave no room for missed hints or misunderstandings.


Well, it didn't go well.


She did tell him, during a late-night stroll along the beach (the group is at Sanctuary currently, and Shanna -- the lady mage -- is there as a guest of ours). Unfortunately, Sentinel still managed to say the wrong thing; what he said was, in so many words, "I consider you a good friend..."


The problem is, what Sentinel meant by that was, having been burned in the past in relationships, he now considers a really strong, deep friendship a necessary foundation before exploring other relationship possibilities. What Shanna interpreted that as, though, was the "let's just be friends" speech. She teleported away from him and locked herself in her room in the bungalow.


Dr. Anomaly was still up, reading, when that happened and given her body language, etc. had a pretty good general idea that things had gone sour. When Sentinel showed up a while later (having walked back) he and Dr. Anomaly had a rather lengthy talk about perceptions, etc. Sentinel ended up sitting down to try and draft a note he could slip under her door to explain what he'd actually meant, that he was interested, the fault was entirely his, etc. etc.


(Unknown to Sentinel and Dr. Anomaly, another team member was also having a rather lengthy talk with Shanna about perceptions, etc.)


Some time later, having finally concluded it to the best of his ability, Sentinel left the note at Shanna's bedroom door and went to his own room. When he opened the door he stopped in surprise, because he hadn't left a dozen candles burning in his room when last he was there. The door closed behind him, he was drawn across the room to the bed, and before he could manage to say anything else that could have been misinterpreted, Shanna shut him up a full-on kiss...and let his hands discover she wasn't wearing anything under the sheets.


GM: "You know all that stuff you put into your letter to her?"


Sentinel: "Yeah..." (a bit dubiously)


GM: "She's telling you the same things now...except that you get to read her letter in Girl Watcher's Braille."


GM: (pause) "You're going to...busy...the rest of the night, and probably well into morning."


Sentinel: "But...but...I'm only mortal! I can't...!"


GM: "She's got spells for that."





Okay, so that was two good lines, not one, but hey...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Some more snippets from Robert Harrison's Neon Labyrinth game:


PC A is getting poor-as-dirt PC B set up in a hotel:

(PC A OOC): "Something decent, like a Japanese Motel 6. I mean, I don't know what Tokyo motels are like."

(PC B OOC imitating PC A): "Why do they want me to pay by the hour?"

(PC B OOC imitating PC B): "Let's try somewhere else!"


(OOC comment on the PCs casing a small shop): "They're yakuza honey, don't look at them."


(sing-song) "Follow the yellow ichor trail..."

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