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The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


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(A while back, after the passing of Pope John Paul II, I was in the mindset to wonder if the Vatican had a super team, what sort might it have? What motiff would they go with if any? I put the project on hold for a time, but recently finished up the 'rough draft' as it were. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, and if it should begin to lead to heated or non gaming discussions, I'd request the parties take that to the NGD section of the boards. Thanks.)





Membership: Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, and Temperance


Background/History: When Pope Gregory spoke of the seven deadly sins to be avoided, he also mentioned a counter balancing set of values he felt others should adopt.

Yet the Virtues are more than a collection of spiritual and natural gifts, at least in certain times of history, they have been agents of the Church chosen to represent, and embody those concepts. The exact history has been shrouded in mystery, and some theorize the “Virtues†of centuries past were not always heroic, serving the will of intriguing and corrupt popes rather than good and godly holy fathers. Others deny this, and speak of a proud heritage of mystery men who have always sought to do God’s will and make the world a better place for it. The subject can get very heated on internet discussion forums, with each side claiming to have ‘evidence’ to support their claim, so nothing productive will likely come to light on the debate. Besides, entire centuries passed by where no such teams were assembled.


What is known is that when super heroes and villains began to make their appearance, the Vatican was quick to begin studying the situation. What was God’s plan in allowing such power in the hands of mortals? Had the age of miracles returned? Was God the source of all powers, or was the devil seeking to deceive the world with apparent angels of light who were actually demons in pleasing guise?


Ultimately, the Church realized that people with such power would need the guidance of Christ (and the Church) and they should embrace them rather than drive them away… provided, of course, those superhumans lived and acted in a fashion pleasing to the Lord.

They also began to kick around the idea of reviving the Virtues program, this time with super heroes very much in the limelight.


It was the late Pope John Paul II (who was a master of media and public relations whatever one thinks of his policies) that made the idea real. In his first years as Pope, he gathered and assembled the first team of heroes who would become Virtues. It was at first an all male team, but the priority was not gender, but devotion to the Church’s teachings, so finding people of power who fit all the qualifications was not easy. Eventually, the positions would have to be opened to women as well just to keep the team stocked. There was a high turnover rate at first, for the Virtues were held to exacting standards of behavior, but the right men (and women) were found and became a true asset to the faithful. Their identities were known only to the higher ups in the Vatican, both to protect them, and making their replacement a bit simpler when necessary.


Now, the Virtues have been a super hero team for some decades, and a new generation holds the honor of filling those masks. How the new Pope will use them remains to be seen, if anything, the Virtues seem to be stepping up their activities.


Group Relations: A tightly knit team united by a common faith and direction from the Church, the Virtues often seem to click seamlessly. Each takes their duties seriously, and they know that any misconduct on their part could reflect badly on the Church. There are only a few personality conflicts that have arisen, and those tend to smooth out as soon as more important matters arise. Once the masks are off, their time is their own (and God’s, of course) and they do not always socialize in their ‘off’ hours. Still, friendships are forming between quite a few of them.


Faith and Charity, being the only two women on the team, have found themselves interacting a great deal of late. Both are a bit in awe of each other. Faith finds Charity’s sheer knowledge of amazing, and Charity envies Faith’s surety and strength of will. Charity has hinted to Faith that should Lady Brand arise and become a threat, she hopes that her friend will find a way to put her down.


Hope has appointed himself morale officer of the team, and so interacts with everyone. He and Justice get along well enough. Hope’s “all will be well†daredevil attitude mixes well with Justice’s brief moments of spontaneity. Justice’s solo moments annoy Prudence no end who really thinks it just makes sense to keep the team informed. Temperance is the introvert of the group, and both Hope and Fortitude try to coax him out a bit more often. Fortitude gets along with most everyone, until he gets his mind made up about something no matter what the others say and then, well, even a saint would be tempted to bounce a rock off that bullet proof skull.


One common trait among them all beyond their faith is a need for redemption. Many of the team have a black moment in their past. Some feel they have made amends for their individual failings, others still strive to. As this becomes more apparent to each member, it may help them grow closer still.


While technically welcome at any location of the Church, to honor the Trinity, three bases of sorts have been set up around the world. Beneath the Vatican, near the crypts where many a pope rests, is a large and shielded chamber where the team most often meets. There are some worries that having a super hero team there might actually encourage a super battle rather than dissuade it, but things are hardly decided. Mexico City has generously donated an entire building to the team’s use. Indeed, some think that location is, if anything, too lavish. The last location is left blank and for each individual GM to decide for him or herself, but it would likely be a more fortified, remote, and secure stronghold compared to the other two.


Rather anticlimactically, transport tends to be by ordinary plane flights or other mundane means. The team has no official vehicle of its own. There was once a high tech team transport, but it was demolished in a battle with Gravitar and has yet to be replaced.


Tactics: As mentioned above, the Virtues are a tightly knit team, and most of them have the Team work skill. See individual sheets for how each member performs typically. Usually it depends on how many are on hand. Some of the characters seem better suited for support, so are almost always paired up with a more ‘direct’ partner. Before a battle, the team almost always errs on the side of caution and tries to learn everything it can about what it is about to get into, especially how many innocents maybe in the area. Avoiding harm to such is their top priority, and they will take a tactically inferior position without innocents rather than a better one with, given the choice.


They are sometimes outfitted with communication gear, but not always. Justice may yet learn mind link so such devices are no longer needed, or so it is hoped. They do often speak latin to each other, knowing not everyone is versed in its use, but again, it’s not something they rely on too much.


Campaign Use: The Virtues are much like a team of patriots, only instead of being patriots for a particular nation, they work for the Catholic Church and the current pope. A special note, despite real world events, this write up doesn’t presume that any particular GM’s Pope is the same as it is in Real Life. After all, the comics often default to fictional people instead of real life ones in positions of authority. Naturally, just who the Pope is will have a profound impact on how the team operates, what resources it has, etc.

Faith and Politics, it is said, is not to be broached lightly. Player sensibilities should be taken into account and respected, or else this whole group will be a hindrance to your campaign rather than a source of inspiration or fun. You might decide the Vatican in your world is corrupt, and the Virtues are in it for selfish reasons (Fame, Fortune,etc) or are all rabid zealots. You might instead play it as the Virtues and the Church that sponsors them as the closest thing to pure good that the mortal world could provide, sparkling and without blemish. Either way, your players might think you’re ramming your beliefs down their throats, if you’re not careful. End Fussy Lecture ;)

Unless your players think it would be a kick to play a united team of Catholic super heroes, it is probably best to use the Virtues as NPCs to interact with. Any PC heroes who are publicly Catholic in costume might even be asked if they’d like to be put on the waiting list for applicants if a position opens up. As a norm, any team of super heroes that have similar morality/ethics will find the Virtues happy to assist.

For demonic or Pagan PCs, the Virtues might indeed be troublesome foils… or worst.

Since the Virtues are basically ‘standard’ super heroic level, it is very likely that an experienced team of PCs will end up rescuing THEM more often than the other way around and that’s certainly a great way to go to start an introduction. Another possibility is the classic “misunderstanding†where one team is tricked into attacking the other.


Virtues Plot Seeds

1) Crusade The Pope has either been mind controlled, or replaced with an imposter. The Virtues only know that the orders they’ve received straight from his holiness themselves make no sense. They have been assured that they must “retake Jerusalem or else a great evil will ariseâ€. In any other world, that would be 100% nonsense, but between the myriad of improbabilities that take place every day in the Champions Universe, and their own oath of Obedience, some of the team feels they have to at least try, but first at least one of them warns the PCs they’re going to do so, hoping they can be stopped and the truth uncovered before a ‘diplomatic incident’ occurs on a grand scale that could tarnish the reputation of the Church. Justice finds the idea of reading the mind of the pope nigh sacrilegious, so other methods must be sought.


2) The Hero Exchange Program Super teams all over the world get into a proposed program where team members are exchanged. The PCs find in their midst one of the Virtues, and have to deal with the discomfort that may arise from having a person who is totally uninhibited about their faith among them. If they already possess a team mate of a different faith, it may become quite the clash of beliefs. If they don’t, it may cause the characters to wonder about their own spiritual sides and if they’ve been neglecting it. If a GM is running a solo campaign, imagine a lone PC in the midst of at least six of the Virtues and the awkwardness they might feel. More of a twist to shake up the same old same old than a true adventure seed, this can be played as light hearted or as serious as you like. â€I think I have the hots for Faith. Tell me she doesn’t count as a bride of Christ, please.†;)


3) Vices A new super villain team has appeared. Dubbing themselves “The Vices†each one claims a particular Vice as a name. They also claim to have defeated and “done away with†the Virtues. The PCs have to see if there’s any chance of finding and rescuing the Virtues, or worse, what if somehow the Vices ARE the Virtues now corrupted?

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Val** Char*** Cost
10** STR 0
20** DEX 30
20** CON 20
10** BODY 0
13** INT 3
18** EGO 16
20** PRE 10
14** COM 2
5/20** PD 3
5/20** ED 1
5** SPD 20
6** REC 0
40** END 0
25** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 105
Cost** Power END
35** Telekinsis: Elemental Control, 70-point powers*
40** 1) Not up to moving Mountains...yet: Telekinesis (43 STR), Fine Manipulation (75 Active Points)* 7
40** 2) Armor of God: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 Power Defense) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points)* 3
35** 3) Faith Rising: Flight 20", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (70 Active Points)* 3
35** 4) Power of Faith: Energy Blast 8d6, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; Armor Piercing, AE: One Hex, Reduced Endurance, or 1 and 1/2 X KB only; +3/4) (70 Active Points)* 7
39** 5) Faith Shields: Force Wall (12 PD/10 ED/5 Mental Defense; 3" long and 2" tall) (74 Active Points)* 7
Powers Cost: 223
Cost** Skill
6** +2 with any TK Powers*
2** AK: Africa 11-*
3** KS: Catholicism 12-*
3** Linguist*
2** 1) Language: Arabic (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)*
1** 2) Language: English (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 3) Language: Italian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 4) Language: Latin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
0** 5) Language: Nubian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)*
** *
3** Teamwork 13-*
Skills Cost: 22
Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +2/+2d6*
Perks Cost: 5
Val** Disadvantages
10** Dependent NPC: Father Dante Cordova 8- (Normal)*
5** Enraged: If someone attempts to enslave her again (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14-*
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Eurostar 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Hates Slavery, and those who would enslave others (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common, Strong)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Audi Hadi (Frequently, Major)*
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 1.86 m Hair: Black
Weight: 58.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Despite the beatings and harshness of the first half of her life, Audi has healed and matured into a fine example of an African beauty. Her facial features have an elegant cast to them, and her brown eyes cast a serene gaze upon the world about her. Only the most careful scrutiny would notice the scar over her left brow that never did fully fade.


As Faith, like her team mates, she wears a full face mask. Hers is a golden visage of a woman with a look of serenity imposed on it. Her costume is a flowing white apparel made of material that does not dirty easily despite its hue.

Personality: Audi, now Faith, has a calm trust in God's plan and the Church's teachings that borders on the errie. Of course, for her, the line "Faith can move mountains" is not allegorical, but rather a goal that may one day fall in her grasp. Is her absolute certainty in certain things being right and true so surprising then? Of course, it is easy to dimiss her as a zealot and be done with it, but that would be a grave mistake.

She has a kind and gentle nature, and her sterness is mostly self directed. Faith seeks to live up to the legacy that has been passed onto her, and is humbled by tales of the exploits of Virtues gone before. She has discovered a love of languages and hopes to learn more.

Her greatest weakness and spiritual failing (if it is a weakness and failing)is that she can not purge herself of the hatred of slavery and the suffering it brings. She is quite aware that the institution has been around before biblical times, and that no one is likely to remove it anytime soon, but she wishes the Chuch could and would do more. For now, she must content herself battling would be tyrants and conqurers before they can subjugate another part of the population.

Quote:"I can hold back our attackers, get the escapees to safety."Background: Your Holiness,

Audi Hadi was born in the southern regions of Sudan, where those of Christian and Animist Faith alike attempt to survive against persecution, violence, and enslavement. It is indeed troubling in these supposedly modern times that slavery is no lingering spectre, but rather strong, alive, and vibrant. Audi herself was taken from her family at age thirteen. I shall not go into detail here the torments she faced, for I lack words horid enough to sufficiently describe the affronts man brings down upon his own.

Despite this, her faith was strong, and she trusted in God to deliver her from this situation. More than once, she attempted to escape and was beaten for her attempts near death. Finally, it would seem, her prayers were answered. At great risk to themselves, a group of Christian missionaries plotted to smuggle her to safety. They were discovered, and by the time they made it to the archway they thought was clear, it turned out instead the gate had been lowered, and Audi's "owner" and his cohorts came for them with blood in their eyes.

In desperation, not for herself, but to save her would be rescuers, Audi recalled that with enough faith, said the scripture, one could move mountains. Both she and the gate's bars were bathed in a golden light, and it rose! Their escape was made, and Audi found a new life under the Church's protection.

And more than once, others of the Church have been under hers. I believe she will be a worthy succesor to the previous "Faith", not merely for her power (Which bears an uncanny resemblance to her predessor), but for her unswerving trust in God's plan.

Powers/Tactics: Faith is a telekinetic with a simple but not overly limited array of gifts. She can, of course, move objects with a thought, or shield herself from many attacks. The additional protection that her abilities provide against even mental attacks would seem to hint she is a laten psionic, but the illuminating effect of her powers (as they cause whatever they touch to glow due perhaps to molecular agitation) certainly LOOKS to be divine in nature.


In almost any situation, Faith's first priority is to protect innocents. Given her ability to create shielding walls or airlift small groups to safety, she is very good at it. The latter also means she often acts as back up transport for the Virtues. Once she is presssed into combat proper, she fights defensively at first, hoping her foe will expose some weakness. However, should slavers be involved, Faith may forget herself and unleash some wrath of nearly biblical proportions.

Campaign Use: Faith's campaign uses are much like the other Virtues, however, her background means she is more likely to be involved in African missions, and in scenerios involving would be slavers.


One could also explore the cause of her powers, if they count as "Holy", then many a demonic foe in the CU could be in for a world of pain.


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Val** Char*** Cost
20** STR 10
23** DEX 39
23** CON 26
15** BODY 10
13** INT 3
18** EGO 16
25** PRE 15
14** COM 2
8/17** PD 4
8/17** ED 3
6** SPD 27
10** REC 2
46** END 0
38** STUN 1
*8"**RUN43"**SWIM16"**LEAP2Characteristics Cost: 165
Cost** Power END
13** Bringer of Hope: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to Inspire Allies and Resist Despair/Fear PRE attacks; -1/2)*
12** Protective Costume: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (Costume; -1/2)*
10** Hope Rewarded I: Luck 2d6*
17** Hope Rewarded II: +5 Overall Skill Levels (50 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2)*
7** Swingline Club: Multipower, 15-point reserve, (15 Active Points); all slots OAF (Club; -1)*
1u** 1) Hope Dangles by a String: Swinging 15" (15 Active Points); OAF (Swingline; -1)* 1
1u** 2) Not sparing the Rod: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF (Club; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)*
1u** 3) Reach doesn't exceed Grasp: Stretching 3" (15 Active Points); OAF (Club; -1), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), Always Direct (-1/4)* 1
Powers Cost: 62
Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
16** +4 HTH Damage Class(es)*
4** Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
3** Bring Down the Overly Proud: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 +v/5, Target Falls*
4** Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 50 STR to Disarm*
4** God Disposes, Man ducks: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort*
4** Meditate for a while, please: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 NND*
4** Right or Left Cross: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 10d6 Strike*
5** Smite: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 12d6 Strike*
1** Weapon Element: Clubs*
Martial Arts Cost: 45
Cost** Skill
16** +2 with All Combat*
3** Acrobatics 14-*
3** Breakfall 14-*
3** Contortionist 14-*
2** KS: Catholicism 11-*
2** KS: Boxing 11-*
2** KS: Savate 11-*
0** Language: Italian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)*
2** Language: English (fluent conversation)*
2** Language: Latin (fluent conversation)*
5** Oratory 15-*
3** Streetwise 14-*
3** Tactics 12-*
3** Teamwork 14-*
Skills Cost: 49
Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A medium-sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6*
Perks Cost: 5
Cost** Talent
3** Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)*
6** Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)*
15** Combat Sense 12-*
5** Rapid Healing*
Talents Cost: 29
Val** Disadvantages
10** Dependent NPC: Alana 8- (Normal)*
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Eurostar 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Code VS Killing (Common, Total)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Eternal Optimist (Very Common, Moderate)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Aldo Messori (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 1.96 m Hair: Brown
Weight: 91.00 kg Eyes: Blue
Appearance: A strapping bull of a man over six feet tall, Aldo is a grining cheerful fellow with curly brown locks and deep blue eyes. Out of costume, he tends to dress casually and loose (One never knows when one might need to fight after all).


As Hope, he wears a protective costume of skyblue with silver trim. The face mask provided is also silver and bears the visage of a youth with an assured expression.

Personality: Aldo was once a man slowly being digested in the belly of despair. Too many tragedies in too short a time at far too young an age broke him, and only the intervention of the mysterious stranger brought him back on the path. Now, he walks in hope always and lives up to his new namesake. His optimism, his faith that all can and will work out for the best is unbeatable. He has sworn to never take another life.


Hope has no agenda beyond doing his duty and keeping his teammates morale up. He does occasionally hit the streets, the sort of places where young men work in despair as he once did, and tries to show them a better way.

Quote:"If I die, I go to heaven, if I win, you go to jail.

You see, I really can't lose here."

Background: Even as a little boy, Aldo Messori wanted to be, not a priest, but rather one of the Vatican Guard. He idolized them as the "Guardians of God's Chosen", even when he was chastized about the dangers of glorifying violence or potentially violent professions. Had a guard not taken a bullet for a pope still in living memory for many? That aside, it did not change one small fact.


Aldo was an Italian, not Swiss, and he was reluctant to seek citizenship even to furfill his dream. Besides, as he grew up he tried to put away such "childish" dreams. When his mother died a painful death while he was still a teen, he grew embittered and lost hope for his family, and himself. It seemed he was a failure in all things.


For a time he hit a dangerous path of picking fights with any who would take the bait. Less savory sorts did what they always do when they find angry young men who are on a path to self destruction, they encouraged it and sought to capitalize on it.


Soon, Aldo was fighting in pit matches in the seediest areas of Europe. Yet, somehow, his death wish was never granted. Instead, his skills continued to grow. He seemed unbeatable, at least by anyone short of superhuman.


Then one day, some fool came up and asked him to stop fighting.

Who this idiot was, Aldo didn't know. Nor did he particularly care. The stranger seemed too clean, too nice to be in a dive like this. He was frail, and far too pretty to be safe in such depraved surroundings.


Still, the man insisted, "Please, don't fight, not for this cause anyway. Not without hope."

Aldo sneered at the man's pious nature and said he'd fight when he wanted and that hope wasn't what won his battles.

The Stranger's eyes narrowed, "You fight with despair, but it is God's hope for you, that you will awaken from your self pity and sniveling to become what you were meant to be, that has kept you alive thus far. Not your despair."

Aldo was furious! No one talked to him that way, no one!

He attacked the frail stranger... who somehow evaded him with ease.

"I'll fight you," The stranger said, "IF you win, then do what you will, if you lose... you swear never to fight without hope again."

Aldo snarled, agreed with a curse, and they fought.

They were well matched, the stranger's frailty was an illusion. At times, it seemed he was toying with Aldo. Finally, Aldo gained the upper hand, when suddenly the stranger struck a crippling blow that rendered Aldo's legs useless.


The stranger seemed taller now, and there was something kind in his eyes, "These fights always take so much out of me. Will you keep your oath?"


Aldo's eyes widened, old tales returning to him with old hopes, a fleeting hope that what the stranger said was true, that God had not given up hope in HIM, "I ...yes, but what is your name?"


"Call me Gabe," The man chuckled, planted a kiss on his forehead, and left. Aldo found he could walk again, and more importantly, he could find joy in life again. The once angry young man left the fight clubs and never looked back.


Years later, after much hard work and restitution, he would earn the position of "Hope" on the Virtues.

Powers/Tactics: A mish mash of fighting moves makes up Hope's combat style. He was a good boxer even before he turned over a new leaf, and he studied Savate from a master in his attempts to be worthy of joining the Virtues, but Hope is nothing if not ecletic. He's learned to incorporate most of the moves with his swingline club.


Beyond hand to hand expertise, Hope seems to be truly blessed in ways that are hard to quantify. Be it by God's Will, or Fool's Luck, his hope carries him through and inspires others. At some moments, for no logical reason, it seems the impossible for him is no longer out of reach. It isn't something the rest of the team can rely on much, but it has saved them all more than once.

Campaign Use: Apart from the use of all the Virtues, Hope could be used to connect the normally incongruous worlds of faith and fightclubs. He's abandoned the latter to embrace the former, but he might be driven to return on some sort of undercover mission where costumes and flash would fail. PCs might find him a good source of information of the underbelly of Europe, albeit not current.
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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Pretty interesting. Though it is a little wierd thinking of a person called Hope being a guy.


Well, I'm sure he gets some ribbing about it... but one thing to note is that the terms I'm giving are in English since, hey, that's the language I speak/write ;) Perhaps Hope sounds more muy macho in Latin or something? Others would know better than I.

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Val** Char*** Cost
25** STR 15
23** DEX 39
23** CON 26
11** BODY 2
18** INT 8
15** EGO 10
15** PRE 5
20** COM 5
18** PD 13
16** ED 11
5** SPD 17
10** REC 0
46** END 0
38** STUN 2

*10"**RUN85"**SWIM38"**LEAP3Characteristics Cost: 167

Cost** Power END
5** Can gaze on the Glory: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points)*  
33** Lady Brand: Multiform (500 Character Points in the most expensive form) (100 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2)*  
15** Mystic Vitality: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED)*  
17** Sense the Bespelled: Detect Magic 13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Range, Sense*  
50** Contributions: Multipower, 50-point reserve*  
3u** 1) Brigit's Bounty: Minor Transform 5d6 (Hungry to Full, Going without a few meals) (50 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Target ([slightly Limited]; Hungry Living Beings; -1/4)* 5
3u** 2) Earthly Delights: Ego Attack 5d6 (50 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)* 5
5u** 3) Grace bestowed: Aid DEX 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (50 Active Points)*  
5u** 4) Health and Hardiness: Aid CON 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (50 Active Points)*  
5u** 5) Mending the Torn: Healing BODY 4d6+1 (standard effect: 13 points), Can Heal Limbs (48 Active Points)* 5
5u** 6) Shields of Valor: Aid Any one Defense 3d6+1, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), any Defense one at a time (+1/4) (49 Active Points)*  
5u** 7) Strengthen Sinew: Aid Strength 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4) (50 Active Points)*  

Powers Cost: 151

Cost** Skill
10** +2 with HTH Combat*
3** Scholar*
4** 1) KS: History (5 Active Points) 15-*
2** 2) KS: Mythology (3 Active Points) 13-*
2** 3) KS: Occult (3 Active Points) 13-*
0** Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)*
2** Language: Gaelic (fluent conversation)*
1** Language: Italian (basic conversation)*
2** Language: Latin (fluent conversation)*
3** Paramedics 13-*
3** SS: Archeology 13-*

Skills Cost: 32

Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +2/+2d6*

Perks Cost: 5

Val** Disadvantages
10** Accidental Change: When near Celtic Magics/Mystic Sites 11- (Uncommon)*
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Eurostar 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Fearful (slightly intrigued by) of Ancient Pagan Dieties (Uncommon, Strong)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Generous to a fault (Common, Moderate)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
10** Social Limitation: Dark Secret: Powers actually come from a Pagan God (Occasionally, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Bridgit O'Blaine (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
5** Unluck: 1d6*

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 2.00 m Hair: Red
Weight: 100.00 kg Eyes: Green

Appearance: Bridgit was cute before, with freckles and a toss of red hair over green eyes. Now, that mane is long and crimson, those eyes bewitching without intending to be, and cuteness has been replaced by a combination of warrioress and model's beauty.


Her costume is a green garb, full body and slightly flowing at the cuffs, with a solid bronze face plate (Save for eyes, of course) that holds no visage at all. It does little to detract from her loveliness however much she tries.

Personality: Bridgit is a kind young woman who is terrified of both the hold a pagan goddess seems to hold on her, and how attractive it increasingly grows with each slip. True to her position as Charity, she is generous to a fault, always giving and helping. There are times she considers ceasing the use of her powers period, but always it seems someone in need appears, and she doesn't have the heart to turn them away in their need... even at the risk of what she sees as damnation.


Lady Brand, her alter ego (Who she can not simply summon when she likes, not that she would) is also a basically good person in her way, and just as generous, but that is where the similarity ends. Where Bridgit O'Blaine is modest, Lady Brand is boastful and outspoken. Where Bridgit is a chaste woman of shy nature and peaceful ways, Lady Brand is a lusty wench who enjoys a good brawl.


Currently Bridgit seeks a 'cure' to her situation, and hopes the Vatican's archives hold some clue to the secret of finding it. It might be assumed that Lady Brand, on those rare times she is out, has her own agenda.

Quote:"Here, let me heal you."

Background: Bridgit O'Blaine led a relatively normal life. Born and raised in Ireland, her parents were devout Catholics and raised her in the faith. While she never considered herself that religious, she nevertheless attended mass regularly, and went to confession as often as she could. She was also fascinated by history and its less serious (or so she thought at the time) cousin mythology. After college, Bridgit established herself as an archaeologist exploring ancient celtic burial sites as well as old cathedrals. It never failed to amaze her how well some of the aspects of Celtic lore had been absorbed into the Church.


One night, while on a dig, she thought she heard a lovely song. It was a woman's voice, strong, low, and compelling. There was a rhythm to it. Bridgit followed the song to a crumbled pile of stones.


Then the voice paused its song, and instead asked, "Who approaches?"

Filled with wonder that dashed all her anaylitical training and made her certain she was in the presence of something holy, Bridget could only answer, "My name is Bridget...who are you?"

There was a deep and throaty laugh, "What a coincidence, that's my name too."

Bridget gasped, certain she had found some site special to St. Brigid of Ireland. She entered into a warm and lush room somehow contained within the stones themselves.

"Drink, this is my father's cup," The voice asked of her, "So that you might give to the world."

And a fine cup appeared, reverently, Bridgit clasped the cup, and drank deeply.

The wine sank deep into her throat, the draught making her blood pump in a most unwholesome way as her thoughts turned to fire, and forge, battle and glory, Poems and Fertility rites...


Fighting these alien, amoral, and yet attractive concepts, Bridgit O'Blaine realized too late that she had not been the guest of Brigid the saint, but rather, Brigit, daughter of Dagda. A myth that clearly was real!


She ran, even as the change over took her for the first time. Hours later she would awaken far from home, vague memories of being a pagan champion haunting her. Certain her very soul was in danger, Bridgit fled to the safety of the Church. She hopes that using these powers in God's service will clear them of any "Pagan Taint". Her powers were too useful to ignore, and she was granted a chance to take up the mantle of Charity.


Powers/Tactics: Charity gives. She can heal with a touch, or boost strength, grace or health. She can fill empty bellies or toughen flesh or steel alike. Her most embarrasing power is a euphoric touch, that while alarming to those who realize what is happening, simulates earthly delights and pleasures of the flesh. It is useful for knocking foes out, but Charity is loathe to use it. She would much rather boost herself or her team mates to be ready for the coming battle.


Charity's own form is already enhanced all the time anyways. She is stronger, faster, and fitter than most olympic athletes. She is now a great beauty (which she tries to downplay) and her accidental acceptance of Brigit's blessing has given her the ability to stare into a raging fire without blinking, and also smell out magic when it is about.


It is magic of the celtic variety she fears, for it's proximity is likely to bring out her "Baser Half", Lady Brand. Lady Brand has all these blessings and is even more the warrior, wielding a flaming hammer in combat.


Campaign Use: See the team Campaign Use section for general use that applies to all the Virtues.


Clearly, Charity is in a rather precarious situation. It can not be easy to reconcile her strong Catholic faith with her pagan origin. She knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are other gods, or at the least, beings of power claiming to BE Gods out there. Whether that is true or not depends on the GM's plans and setting's metaphysics. If it causes too much trouble, one could say she really did have a visitation from St. Bridgid, or that her powers come instead from some mystic playing a very cruel prank.


As always, take your players sensibilities into account.

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Val** Char*** Cost
70** STR 60
18** DEX 24
30** CON 40
20** BODY 20
10** INT 0
20** EGO 20
18** PRE 8
10** COM 0
30** PD 16
28** ED 22
4** SPD 12
20** REC 0
60** END 0
70** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM014"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 222
Cost** Power END
20** Bah, it doesn't even sting: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack)*
20** Fortitude of the Flesh: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED)*
10** Fortitude of the Mind: Mental Defense (14 points total)*
10** Fortitude of the Soul: Power Defense (10 points)*
13** Grin and Bear it I: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (-3/4), STUN Only (-1/2)*
13** Grin and Bear it II: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Requires An EGO Roll (-3/4), STUN Only (-1/2)*
2** Holding my Breath? No problem: Life Support (Extended Breathing)*
10** Standing Strong: Knockback Resistance -5"*
Powers Cost: 98
Cost** Skill
20** +4 with HTH Combat*
3** KS: Catholicism 11-*
0** Language: Portuguese (Native) (3 Active Points)*
1** Language: English (basic conversation)*
1** Language: Latin (basic conversation)*
2** Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)*
3** Teamwork 13-*
Skills Cost: 30
Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A medium-sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6*
Perks Cost: 5
Val** Disadvantages
10** Dependent NPC: (Mother) 8- (Normal)*
5** Distinctive Features: Registers on Mutant Scanners (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses/Devices)*
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: The New Terror Inc 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Never Gives Up (Very Common, Strong)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Wants to bring Brother to Justice (Uncommon, Strong)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Inacio Raulinio (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 2.08 m Hair: Brown
Weight: 111.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: A burly man with a plain but honest face, Inacio stands nearly seven feet tall, dwarfing even Hope. His musculature is almost overly defined, but symetrical.


His outfit consists of an iron face plate made to simulate the front of a knight's helm, and his outfit is a form fitting dark gray.

Personality: "Fortitude" is more than Inacio's name, it is his attitude and his primary trait. Even more than his powers, it is his enduring nature and never say die attitude that makes him fit to fill his role on the team. Like most of the Virtues, he is a man of deep faith, though he humbly considers himself a "simple man" and will defer to the more academic of the group when it comes to making sense of the more convuluted aspects of Theology.


He does know that his brother must be stopped. Paulo, it would seem, has joined the New Terror Inc, and Inacio still wishes to bring their father's betrayer to justice. Now he has all the more reason.

Quote:"When I run out of cheeks, you will run out of time."Background: Inacio Raulinio was born and raised in eastern Brazil, life was good for them, better than most in fact. He and his brother, Paulo, were well cared for and their mother gave them enough love for three parents. This was a good thing, for their father was often away. A good man if standoffish, Luiz Raulinio made sure his family was provided for, and that his sons were raised in the path of the Church. Well, he tried. The boys were resentful that he put his faith, and his work (which was always unclear) before his family.


They didn't know that their was Fortitude, a member of the Virtues. A mutant with superhuman powers in service to the Vatican. However, a complication soon arose. As Paulo entered puberty, it became rapidly apparent that he was inheriting his father's powers. Reveling in the might, Paulo began to bully others, especially his younger brother. Inacio would develop them too, but rather than enjoying bullying, the second born prefered to goof off using his new might as convient for -him-. Luiz was forced to set his sons down and explain who he was, and try to set them straight again. Besides, with fatherly pride, he realized that Paulo might yet succeed him as the next Fortitude.


So Paulo trained, and became even more powerful, but the real lessons, the moral ones, failed to penetrate. In his pride, Luiz didn't see that. Paulo pretended to do as his father asked, but in private, he continued to make the lives of those around him, particularly Inacio's, a living hell. Rather than break Inacio, the younger sibling stood his ground. Again and again he lost, but that didn't stop him from attempting to keep his brother's tyranzing the locals in check.


Then, one day, father didn't come back. He'd been killed in a battle with Eurostar after somehow being seperated from the other Virtues. A new Fortitude would be needed.


The church took one look at Paulo, and declared him unfit, and instead extended the offer to Inacio. Paulo was incensed! In his rage, it became apparent just who had tipped off Eurostar how to ambush their father. A great battle commenced, and it seemed the brothers might yet kill each other. Then, Inacio saw the huddled priests and his terrified mother were still here. He had to buy them time to slip out quietly.


For the next ten painful minutes, Inacio acted the part of his brother's punching bag, focusing on distracting Paulo instead of defending himself. He was beaten to a bloody pulp. Assuming his "pathetic" brother was dead, Paulo left, to take up the life of a super villain.


Inacio awoke a month later in the best of care, and was again asked to take up his father's mantle.

This time, he accepted.

Powers/Tactics: Like all bricks, Fortitude is incredibly strong. However, his defenses are what really stand out. His mutant heritage has passed on his father's myriad protections. Any mentalists thinking that "Brick=Easy Prey" is in for a world of disapointment. He can hold his breath for a great deal of time, and has been shown to to wade through deadly attacks refusing to drop even against those rare assualts that CAN pierce his skin.


In combat, Fortitude is the sort of foe that just doesn't quit. This is a mixed blessing to be sure, for he will not give up even when it would be tactically wise to do so. His methods in combat are quite straightforward, and not terribly creative. Given that he can endure anything, he doesn't have to be fancy to beat out many of his foes. He just has to outlast them.

Campaign Use: If a GM plans to make a New Terror Inc, Fortitude becomes an automatic hook into that. Either his brother is a member of it, wants to become a member of it, or was briefly a member before he got thrown out. Either way, Inacio's quest for Paulo could lead to quite the donnybrook. PCs could find themselves stuggling to pull damage control while the titans tussle.
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Val** Char*** Cost
10** STR 0
18** DEX 24
20** CON 20
10** BODY 0
14** INT 4
24** EGO 28
15** PRE 5
12** COM 1
5/17** PD 3
5/17** ED 1
5** SPD 22
8** REC 4
40** END 0
25** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 112
Cost** Power END
17** Psychic Reserve: Endurance Reserve (70 END, 10 REC) (17 Active Points)*
33** One can not escape Justice forever: Mind Scan 8d6, +5 ECV (50 Active Points); Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2)* 5
10** Psychic Shields: Mental Defense (15 points total)*
3** Mirror Mask: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Mask; -1/2)*
60** Mental Powers: Multipower, 60-point reserve*
6u** 1) Overwhelm the Will: Mind Control 9 1/2d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (60 Active Points)* 6
6u** 2) Judgement of the MInd: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points)* 6
6u** 3) Turmoil of Memory: Ego Attack 6d6 (60 Active Points)* 6
6u** 4) Unwelcome Visions: Mental Illusions 12d6 (60 Active Points)* 6
** *
12** Protective Costume: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)*
11** Sensing great hostility: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Only works on human mind class Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)* 2
15** Flight Disc: Flight 10", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1)*
Powers Cost: 185
Cost** Skill
3** Analyze: Mental Prowess 12-*
3** Power: Mental Powers 12-*
3** Criminology 12-*
3** Deduction 12-*
3** Interrogation 12-*
2** KS: Catholicism 11-*
0** Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)*
1** Language: Latin (basic conversation)*
1** Language: Spanish (basic conversation)*
3** Lockpicking 13-*
3** Security Systems 12-*
3** Paramedics 12-*
2** SS: Psychology 11-*
3** Shadowing 12-*
3** Stealth 13-*
Skills Cost: 36
Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A medium-sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6*
Perks Cost: 5
Cost** Talent
12** Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)*
5** Eidetic Memory*
Talents Cost: 17
Val** Disadvantages
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: The Ultimates 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devoted to True Justice (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Reluctance to use his powers unless sure of situation (Common, Strong)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
5** Reputation: Mentalist (He could be pulling an Inquisition on your mind!), 8-*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: David Chance (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
Disadvantage Points: 140

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 15Total Experience Available: 15Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 1.75 m Hair: Blonde
Weight: 56.00 kg Eyes: Hazel
Appearance: Justice's mask is a mirror like featureless surface that doesn't even appear to have eyes. The symbolism of being forced to look at yourself when justice is near is not lost on anyone, particularly those he is speaking to. The outfit he wears are pitch black, and give the feeling of judge's robes.


Out of costume, Justice is a slim man of slightly less than average height with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Personality: The experience of taking a human life, has shaken David to the core, and he is determined never to make that sort of mistake again. He is exceedingly cautious (perhaps too much so) in the use of his powers until battle begins. His dedication to Justice has been tempered by a desire to be fair to both sides and learn as much as he can before hand.Quote:"The guilt on your soul is like an oil stain seeping to the surface of your mind..."Background: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned, " said the muffled voice next to the overworked priest in the confessional. The priest proceeded, noting a tone of desperation in the man's voice. When the time came to ask just what crime had been commited, the voice broke once, then went on to declare "I just killed a man... please, accompany me to the police? I'm, afraid I won't have the courage."


So it was, that Judgement, Boston's superhero/vigilante who was feared for his ability to read into a man's very mind and visit nightmares of criminal's own creation upon them in order to 'repay them in kind for the crimes they've done' turned himself in. It had not been his intent to kill the rapist. Judgement had wanted only to punish him. What he didn't know was that the Rapist had a defect in his heart, and the strain of the horrors that were used to 'punish' him were too much for it to stand.


Far too much.


David served his time, the system showing remarkable sympathy given that not only was it accidental, had he not come forward, no one would have known. Even his secret Identity was kept, for the most part, safe.


PRIMUS had hoped to approach him and get them to work for him, but it was the Catholic Church who got him first. They asked him to become their replacement for Justice on the VIrtues. WIth great reluctance, David accepted.

Powers/Tactics: Justice is the most experienced super hero on the Virtues team currently, and it shows. Unfortunately, he was used to working solo, and that sometimes shows as well. He's not above improvising or going off on his own if he thinks it will be more efficient.


His powers are not unique among mentalists, though they do take an oddly karmic twist. He does not simply 'blast' a mind, for example, but rather his psychic onslaught stirs tramautic memories in his target. Justice attempts to craft mental illusions that fit the crime, though since the death that this once caused, he has been more reluctant to use that. He can also override the will and control a mind, something that disturbs those who proclaim free will as part of God's plan. And, of course, he is a telepath. Not only can he read minds, but picking up on surface thoughts and emotions, he can avoid many blows that would otherwise surely strike him. His mind does not draw on his body for energy, so he tends to last much longer than some other mentalists, a fact he is willing to exploit if ever in a psychic duel.


His mode of transport is actually a relic from his days as Judgement, the disk (Which he stands on to fly) belonged to an old nemesis of his. It is flat, gray, and slightly larger than the average manhole cover.

Campaign Use: As with the others, his chief campaign use is defined by his membership in the Virtues.


However, a GM could certainly use Justice as a means to illustrate the possibility that any power taken for granted can lead only to sorrow. Perhaps a relative of the criminal he killed thinks the hero got off too lightly and seeks his/her own "justice". Justice might see a mentalist pc using his powers in what the Virtue sees as a frivilous manner and tries to mentor him so he doesn't make similar mistakes.

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Val** Char*** Cost
28** STR 3
23** DEX 15
26** CON 16
11** BODY 2
23** INT 13
14** EGO 8
15** PRE 5
12** COM 1
5/20** PD 2
6/21** ED 2
5** SPD 15
7** REC 0
36** END 0
28** STUN 1
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM05 1/2"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 83
Cost** Power END
8** Artificial Stamina: +8 CON (16 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)*
12** Enhanced Dexterity: +8 DEX (24 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)*
7** Enhanced Strength: +15 STR (15 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)* 1
7** Reflex Enhancers: +1 SPD (10 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
34** On Wings of Eagles: Flight 18", x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (51 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)* 2
15** Prudent Power Use: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (18 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
37** Questionite Lined Armor: Armor (15 PD/15 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (56 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)*
40** Powered Armor Arsenel: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)*
3u** 1) And thou shalt bind them: Entangle 4d6, 5 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4) (56 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)* 6
4u** 2) He striketh them as wicked men...: Energy Blast 8d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)* 6
4u** 3) Make a joyful noise: Energy Blast 6d6, No Normal Defense (Defense is being deaf or Hearing Flash Defense; +1) (60 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)* 6
4u** 4) Why are thy valiant men swept away?: Dispel KB Resistance 10d6, Does Knockback (+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4) (60 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)* 6
4u** 5) You have eyes, but you do not see: Sight Group Flash 12d6 (60 Active Points); OIF (Powered Armor; -1/2)* 6
** *
13** Radar Array: Radar (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (20 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
7** Radio Array Helmet: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
Powers Cost: 199
Cost** Skill
3** +1 with Multipower*
3** Computer Programming 14-*
3** Electronics 14-*
1** High Society 8-*
3** Inventor 14-*
3** KS: Catholicism 14-*
0** Language: Filipinio (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)*
3** Language: English (completely fluent)*
2** Language: Latin (fluent conversation)*
3** Language: Tagalog (completely fluent)*
3** Mechanics 14-*
3** Scientist*
2** 1) SS: Alternate Energies 14- (3 Active Points)*
2** 2) SS: Computer Sciences 14- (3 Active Points)*
2** 3) SS: Engineering 14- (3 Active Points)*
2** 4) SS: Metallurgy 14- (3 Active Points)*
2** 5) SS: Physics 14- (3 Active Points)*
3** Security Systems 14-*
3** Teamwork 14-*
6** Weaponsmith (Chemical Weapons, Energy Weapons, Firearms, Incendiary Weapons, Missiles & Rockets) 14-*
** *
Skills Cost: 52
Cost** Perk
3** Fringe Benefit: Membership*
10** Money: Wealthy*
2** Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A medium-sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6*
Perks Cost: 15
Cost** Talent
2** Absolute Time Sense (3 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
2** Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
2** Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points); OIF (Armor; -1/2)*
Talents Cost: 6
Val** Disadvantages
15** Dependent NPC: Corazon (Crippled Child and now adopted daughter) 8- (Incompetent)*
20** Hunted: DEMON 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: VIPER (Asian Nests) 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)*
15** Hunted: Vatican 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Devout Catholic (Common, Strong)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Hates to waste resources (Common, Moderate)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Wishes to make amends for past selfishness and use current fortune for betterment of all (Very Common, Moderate)*
10** Reputation: Member of Vatican's Super team, 11- [Notes: Non Catholics are often distrustful that her arrival means a "Papal Agenda" is in the works]*
5** Reputation: Former Weapons Dealer, 8- [Notes: This Disadvantage only applies to his secret identity. It may cause disgust in some people (particularly those who had villages leveled by his devices) or an eagerness to hire in others (who may not like the fact Diego will decline).]*
15** Social Limitation: Secret Identity: Diego Nipay (Frequently, Major)*
15** Social Limitation: Subject to Orders/Missions (Frequently, Major)*
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 5Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 355

Height: 1.72 m Hair: Black
Weight: 70.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: The Prudence Powered Armor has no robe over it is solid black metal that has had its face plate forged to resemble that of an elderly man with a thoughtful expression. The gauntlets and boots seem slightly oversized in comparison to the rest of the armor.


Out of armor, Diego is a darkhaired and slim man who's good looks are more the cause of good grooming and personal attention than anything else. Others have described his features as "Classically Filipino" which is a comment that always makes him amused. He suspects it's just an attempt at a nice way of saying he's really not that distinct when not in his armor.

Personality: Diego is now a humble and changed man, for the most part. Like the others on the team, he is firm in his faith (though it is more newly found for him than others). He has the extra incentive of trying to make amends for the horrors his greed caused so many innocents by now using his technology and wealth to save them. However, poverty has left its mark. While he is generous to charities, Nipay just can't bring himself to "waste money" in other matters. He was a miser before, and he's still frugal in many cases. Nor is it just money, if it were up to Prudence, the team would do what it does with the minimum manpower, fuss, and perks required. He has the perks of wealth, but he's too subconciously fearful about being poor again to enjoy them.


For now, Prudence's only desire is to find redemption for his tarnished history and make the world of the future a better place for children like his new ward, Corozon.

Quote:"You may think you're not hurting anyone now, but there's a ripple to every action. Take it from one who knows."Background: Diego Nipay was born outside of the city of Legaspi in the Phillipines. Born of poor parents, Diego strove always to get ahead of poverty and knew that education was the answer. He soon discovered he had a gift for science, and he pursued it with a vengeance. Science would be his way to bigger and better things. Even though the US military was on its way out, it became clear to Diego that one sure path to job security was weaponry. Oh, he didn't want to wield one, but he saw nothing wrong with making them. After all, if he didn't, someone else would anyway, right?


Years passed, and Diego Nipay gradutated with honors and was on the fast track in not just living comfortably, but (especially by his nation's standards) being very wealthy indeed. His high tech weaponry was just the edge everyone was looking for, and Diego was happy to provide to anyone with the means to pay him. In fact, he had begun work on the pinacle of one man weapon tech, a "powered armor" suit. Deigo wondered who would approach him first to get the rights? The American Government perhaps? Big Bucks there. Maybe Communist China would be looking to beef up their tiger squad with such? And, of course, there were less 'official' organizations that might buy his works. He'd dealt with VIPER before, after all.


Imagine his surprise when it turned out to be a priest from the Vatican. Instead of offering wealth, the man brought in a quadroplegic little girl and several photos for additional proof of Diego's devices and how well they worked, and how indiscrimantly they were being used by his customers. Having never faced the horrors he'd indirectly inflicted, Nipay was shaken to his very core.


He shut down shop over night, making no small amount of enemies by doing so. VIPER especially wasn't thrilled. It attempted to kidnap the repetent weapon maker and put him to work full time, and would have succeded if the Vatican superteam hadn't shown up and rescued him. Still plagued with shame for his actions, and more aware than ever of the grave obligations his intellect brought, Diego became a new man.


And when the old Prudence finally decided to retire, Diego asked if the new one might wear his powered armor, which had been adjusted along more 'support' lines (the weapons inspired by verses, no less). To his shock, the Vatican asked if he would like to be more than the maker of the Prudence Armor, but the bearer of it.

Powers/Tactics: Prudence's technology is, well, prudent! It's may not be the most strongest armor, it may not have the best weapons; however, it is great for providing the sort of support the other Virtues need in battle. Need someone knocked on their rear? The Prudence armor has technology that magnitizes both target and his surrounding area in similar charges making it very hard to stay on your feet. Need someone blinded? Done, thanks to a high strobe pulse. Magno cables can ring about a target if you need someone tied up. And, of course, it can just plain blast people with sonic rays or a concentrated laser beam.


In short, the armor was made for setting someone up for someone else to knock down. The tactics Prudence applies reflect that, and he usually defers to others in that area. Mind you, this may cause them to have to hold phase waiting for him to go, but the results are usually well worth it.

Campaign Use: As with the other Virtues, but Diego's past doings mean a source of additional plots do exist. The free weapon dealing Diego did in his youth before his conversion continues to come back to haunt him, and the PCs may even be someone involved as well particularly if their backgrounds include the military or industrial weapons development. Even those PCs who have nothing to do with such things may find themselves thinking anyone who had their village blown up might have a right to a little payback on Diego, whether he claims to be repentent or not.


Prudence is also tied to Asia more than the other Virtues, so if a GM wants a plot hook with them in that part of the world, he might just be useful.

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Character Write Up: Take Stormfront’s character sheet from CKC.

Take the powers straight as is.

Replace the skills section with KS: Catholicism, Language: English Native, Latin (2), Greek (2), PS: Illumination, SS: meteorology, Paramedics, Teamwork.

Add Perks: 2 A Virtue: Fringe Benefit: Membership

2 Reputation: A member of the Virtues (A medium-sized group) 8-, +2/+2d6

And alter Characteristics thusly: +5 INT, +3 EGO, -2 PRE


Finally, for his Disadvantages, give Temperance a 145 points of them. Share similar hunteds to the rest of his team, similar Social Limiations, and these Psychological Limitations: Devout Catholic, Protective of Innocents, and Strives to embody his Role

The GM may wish to make the Amnesia a infrequent, minor disadvantage. It just doesn’t affect him that much any more.

You may notice this set up means (or should if I did my math right) that Temperance spent his extra five points just buying down his Disadvantages. This reflects his desire to overcome his shortcomings, and his attempts to lead a simple life when not heroing.


Sorry to those who don’t have CKC to compare to, but I thought it better to do Temperance this way because of the possibly questionable ethics of simply copying Stormfront and posting him with such minor alterations.



Background/History: They call him Seth. It’s not his real name, it’s just the first name they priests thought of when they found him in a heap outside the Cathedral on the Isle of Skye following one of the worst storms in the area in years. The stranger was a blank slate, with no knowledge of who he was, or where he came from. One of the priests thought he might be American due to his accent, but that wasn’t much to go on. “Seth†seemed to be a very devout man, though ignorant of Catholic ritual. They decided to keep him around for ‘a little while’.

That little while lasted longer than they intended. Seth studied and debated with the clergy, helped around the Cathedral, and summoned rain once in a while. The last, naturally, surprised everyone, except Seth who shrugged and said “it felt natural.†Beyond helping some local farmers, he rarely used his powers, occasionally he did take flight, but he always returned to the Isle. A few of the monks at the Cathedral felt with his power, surely he had a grander calling than this. When Seth used his powers to stop a storm as powerful as the one that brought him to them in order to save a ship, they were SURE of it. They brought it to the attentions of their higher ups.

A month later, Seth Skye (He took the last name from the Island) was questioned thoroughly. The agents from the Vatican were extremely unsure about taking in an amnesiatic man, but the Virtues needed a new Temperance, and Seth seemed to fit the bill. They decided to take a chance.

To both their and his surprise, Seth has served well. But the mystery remains, who is he?

If he were every to meet Stormfront, a man who seems to be his twin in not just powers, but appearance, it would just get more complicated.


Personality/Motivation: If Stormfront aka James Hailey had never been jaded by life among grifters, conmen, and fakes, he might have ended up like Seth Skye. Temperance is a sincere man of faith as opposed to the pretense Stormfront uses to mask his selfish nature. Seth is a trusting soul who seeks to live a moderate and humble life, but has been thrust into a greater role than he feels he deserves.

At one time, Seth had considered entering the priesthood, but now that he is a Virtue, he feels he has a new calling that is related, but that fewer can fill. He’s not sure he’s the right man for the Virtue he embodies either, but knows that currently other candidates are in short supply. Of all the Virtues, he is probably the one who makes the most conscious attempt to fit the mold he has been put in. He is, after all, a rolemodel.

Seth’s identity is something he has always avoided pursuing. Somewhere in the back of his mind he fears he will find out a truth that could ruin the purpose and happiness he’s found. Still, as identification techniques improve and the world connects more and more via internet and other sources, he suspects eventually the Church will find out.


QUOTE:â€We should proceed cautiously, lives are at stake.â€


Power/Tactics Temperance’s powers duplicate those of Stormfront, but his tactics are vastly different. Always taking into account those around him, he is more reluctant to use his wide spread powers lest they engulf some unwitting innocent. Much like Prudence, he tries to moderate his use of power to just what is needed. There are times, few times, when he had to cut loose with everything he has to buy time for others, and as you can imagine, it is a terrifying thing to behold. He always seems apologetic for it afterwards, even embarrassed that he might have enjoyed it.


Campaign Use: If it weren’t for the fact he seems an exact double in both appearance and powers to Stormfront, Temperance might seem the least interesting of the Virtues. He’s a decent man, not prone to excesses (as suits his nature) and he doesn’t go looking for trouble, nor is he easily provoked.

However, each GM should decide the “true†origin of Temperance for himself. The possible options include:

1. Temperance is a clone of Stormfront, created by Teleios. The villain did a job for Teleios, and is unaware that a genetic sample was taken. WHY Teleios wants a plant in the Vatican super team is uncertain. Perhaps the mastermind wishes to study if there is a “genetic tendency towards faith†among some people, and how to manipulate it. Perhaps he hopes to use Temperance like a Trojan Horse and eventually kidnap another member of the Virtues.

2. Temperance is from “Backworld†That dimension where the villains are heroes, and vice versa. On one of his patrols, the Stormfront of Backworld became embroiled in an adventure that lead to him being thrust into this plane, but the trauma of the moment wiped his memories. Eventually, those memories will come back, which could lead to a hard choice for Temperance. Should he return to his own world, or stay in his new home? And how to handle the James Hailey of this world?

3. Temperance IS James Hailey, but from the future. Thrust back in time when his lightning supercharged an experimental machine he was trying to steal, Temperance is a walking paradox and may cause destabilization of time. The closer it gets to the ‘moment’ the more abnormalities will occur. “Time Masters†such as Captain Chronos may have to do something about it, because if Temperance and his younger self should make contact, well, consult your latest quantum theorists.


Appearance: Seth Skye, as has been mentioned numerous times, looks like James Hailey with the exception that Seth chooses to go clean shaven.


His outfit as Temperance begins with a copper mask crafted to look like a man’s face minus the mouth. He wears a two tone brown costume with copper highlights.

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


And that's a wrap. Again, this is a very 'rough draft' and I probably should have looked it over more carefully, but I figured you guys would forgive a few errors here and there.


I guess I could think of individual plot seeds for each team, but frankly, I'm beat ;)



I realize this team is probably of limited use and even more limited demand(one of the reasons I didn't bother fixing it up even more and submitting it to Digital Hero) but I hope someone gets some mileage out of them, or at least can cobble something from bits and pieces of them :D


PS: If I offended anyone of any faith, or for that matter, of any non faith, please accept my apology and PM me to let me know. I would, in such cases, surely consider taking it down as insult was not my intent.

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Would anybody care to post a HERO write-up for Sinead O'Connor to go along with this? :winkgrin:


Sure... in case the Virtues don't have enough Disads for your liking, add "Hunted by Sinead O'Conner, Less Powerful, Seeks to Whine about them 8-" ;)


EDIT: Just in case folks actually want to get in a serious debate or something, or I've cheesed anyone off... best to either PM or take it to the NGD

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Well I'm Christian and liked it. No reason we cant have Christian suprheroes.



Course now I am tempted to think about a rival Seven Deadly Sins team. Let's see Pride, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath (last one drawing a blank)

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Well I'm Christian and liked it. No reason we cant have Christian suprheroes.



Course now I am tempted to think about a rival Seven Deadly Sins team. Let's see Pride, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath (last one drawing a blank)




That'll be $5 for my consulting fee now that I've helped you out ;)



EDIT: BTW, the Seven Sins idea works well, I had a 4th Ed Team based on them that was useful. Various normal NPCs that the PCs knew were corrupted and empowered by a foul being that called itself "Id".

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Since I'm running a Catholic Church super in my DC campaign, consider these guys pirated. :D


Justicar is far less powerful (250 points) than the members of the Virtues, but he's been sent to America for additional seasoning, so who knows. Or some of them may show up in one of our games as NPC heroes.


Repped. :thumbup:

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Since I'm running a Catholic Church super in my DC campaign, consider these guys pirated. :D


Justicar is far less powerful (250 points) than the members of the Virtues, but he's been sent to America for additional seasoning, so who knows. Or some of them may show up in one of our games as NPC heroes.


Cool, let me know how they work out for you if they do :)


Repped. :thumbup:


Ah, minty repness. Thanks

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Justicar's Skills and Powers look a bit like Hope's, since he also uses a Rod and martial arts to smite the heathen. But he's got some "support" and attack Powers too. He's much more Batmanesque in feel, though; swinging around Hudson City and riding on the roofs of elevated trains to get around town. He's currently wanted for assaulting a HC police officer (He actually only disarmed the officer). He's an actual Catholic priest in his secret ID.

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Just looked at your edit about the Seven Sins team you had created for 4th Ed (your earlier post today) Hermit. Actually the way it worked in my mind was 7 normal humans whose spirit was corrupted by a separate deadly sin. And was now essentially the puppets of a behind the scene entity/demon who had enhanced them. Spookily similar? You named the entity thing Id, huh? (badger pulls out paper) "Where's my pencil, where is it who stole my.... (badger feels around his left ear and finds pencil tucked behind) what the....oh well (badger starts scribbling) :snicker:

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Ah, thank you all for the kind words. This sort of thing helps me recover my EGO Reserve...


Yeah, I know it's normally END reserve, but some of us are wired differently ;)


If anyone has a favorite out of them that stands out for them, please feel free to speak. Not only does it feed the aforementioned ego, it helps me study what I might be doing right.

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


Just looked at your edit about the Seven Sins team you had created for 4th Ed (your earlier post today) Hermit. Actually the way it worked in my mind was 7 normal humans whose spirit was corrupted by a separate deadly sin. And was now essentially the puppets of a behind the scene entity/demon who had enhanced them. Spookily similar? You named the entity thing Id' date=' huh? (badger pulls out paper) "Where's my pencil, where is it who stole my.... (badger feels around his left ear and finds pencil tucked behind) what the....oh well (badger starts scribbling) :snicker:[/quote']


Actually, I'm glad you brought it up. I really need a few more villain teams for my own use, and could make a new version of them in the 5th Ed. Settings like Vibora Bay practically scream for a group called "The Deadlies" ;)

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Re: The Catholic Church's Super Team-The Virtues


And chance of HD files for these heroes, and for the Deadlies (or whatever you decide to call the Sins).


One possible interesting way to use these characters is to have a division of sorts in the Church that forces the various Virtues to make moral choices, which will come into conflict not only with their superiors but with each other as well.

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