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Subway Cars


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Re: Subway Cars


Where'd you get the physical data for the dimensions?
The subway car I used here is basically a Kawasaki R143 (New York subway car) with a few modifications for clarity and such. The Engine Car is an "A Car" and the Passenger Car is a "B-Car".


As with all of my drawings of this type btw, the blue indicates furniture and other "ground fixtures", I try to reserve black for solid floor to ceiling type objects, the car itself and the poles for example ('floor to ceiling' is also mighty subjective on a subway car). Green indicates a elevation change (none on this drawing, but we are talking "in general" here).


Yes, a bus would be a good idea. They are used in hostage situations and that sort of thing, so they are something that the intrepid character might run into.

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Re: Subway Cars


Suggestion: do a bunch more stuff like this' date=' and submit it to Digital Hero. GMs are always on the lookout for more maps.... :D[/quote']If there are any specific needs, let me know, I would love to submit something. I loved the base from the last DH, truly beautiful work. My style is totally different, more spartan by far which has advantages and disadvantages.


Actually, I have a bunch more stuff like this that I have collected as the Indalo Map Sampler, a book I am distributing on a small scale at some of the local cons and a FLGS where one of my players works. It contains maps of things like Greek Temples, nightclubs and warehouses (like I say, it is a sampler). I've been thinking about putting the Sampler onto one of those websites like Drivethru and charging something realtively low just to see it get out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Subway Cars


We want more! We want more! Uh.....pretty please?


Very nice work. :celebrate


Excellent work, and quite useful.


As others have said, some more of your maps and diagrams would be very, very appreciated. :)


Just in case you aren't cruising by those boards, I have posted my Zepplin living area plans in the Pulp area. Who knows what will strike my fancy next? (I actually have a train half done that I have wandered away from)

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Re: Subway Cars


Just in case you aren't cruising by those boards' date=' I have posted my Zepplin living area plans in the Pulp area. Who knows what will strike my fancy next? (I actually have a train half done that I have wandered away from)[/quote']


I have indeed copied the Zeppelin plans, and I thank you for them.


If you have other things you might post, let me recommend you set up a thread specifically for them. That way, we your fans would not have to prowl through the boards looking for the latest goody. :)

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Re: Subway Cars


Didn't Keith Curtis do a similar map at one point in time?
Wouldn't know. I have several HERO projects which he has done some work for, but I don't know if I have seen anything like this. Didn;t really think about it too hard either. Not that it is altogether difficult plan to do mind you, as it is basically a box with seats. I used a common New York subway car as my basis for verisimilitude.


I guess I just put it up because I thought it might be helpful to have something like this for GMs: a simple, easy to use map for a quickie-hostage adventure or that sort of thing. I used it in my Shadowrun Adventure last week as an elevated train in 2064 Detroit (a properly funded People Mover in essence, which right now is a kind of mini-me version of an El-train :cough: pork:cough: that doesn't really do much for general mass transit).

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