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1905: The New Century Campaign


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We're about to start our new Pulp Hero™ campaign, and as all of the players/GM's in the campaign are members* of this board we intend to keep an online record of it here.


*Blackjack, DangerousDan, El Tripon, Mentor, Trebuchet


I'll start by posting our "Campaign Rules" and a short introduction story and character writeups will follow.


The New Century


It’s 1905, the end of the Victorian Age and the beginning of the Machine Age. This is the heroic era of young Winston Churchill, the Boer War, the Boxer Rebellion, the moribund Ottoman Empire, King Solomon’s Mines, Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, aircraft pioneers Wilbur and Orville Wright, and gunboat diplomacy. England’s Empire is at its zenith; America is just beginning to appear on the world stage. Trains, coal-powered steamships, and bolt-action rifles are the latest in modern technology; the first primitive automobiles are coming off the assembly lines; Tesla and Marconi are experimenting with wireless transmission; aeroplanes as yet are naught but experimental toys. A stalwart band of adventurers travels the globe, righting wrongs and fighting the forces of evil.


This pulp hero campaign is set in the same world as our Champions campaign, just a century earlier. We are striving for a very international feel so non-American characters are specifically encouraged; particularly ones from parts of the British Empire. (“The sun never sets on the British Empire.”) This is two-fisted adventuring, not low-level supers. Design your character accordingly. Here's what we have so far:


1) 75 base points + up to 75 points in Disads.


2) Normal Characteristic Maxima apply. (Any Primary Characteristic above 20 costs double.)


3) Skills, Talents, & Perks are OK; Powers will probably not be. If you think your character absolutely must have a Power, you'll need a very good rationale. Powers will be considered only on a case-by-case basis, and must be approved by all GMs.


4) Every character must speak English by at least the 1 pt. level.



There are plenty of good pulp archetypes; some of these include:


Square Jawed Hero

Femme Fatale

Last of the Cowboys/Gunfighters

Great White Hunter

Adventurous Archaeologist

Noble Savage

Two Gunned Avenger

Damsel in Distress

Dim-Witted Giant

Master of Disguise

Nosy Reporter

Lord of the Jungle

Absent Minded Professor

Salty Old Sailor

Wealthy Adventuress

Bedouin Prince

Con Artist

Intrepid Explorer

Quirky Scientist

Stout Hearted Sidekick

Treasure Seeker

Kindly Old Doctor

Thrill Seeking Heiress

Occult Investigator

Government Agent

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


The following is an introductory story to the creation of the somewhat ad hoc organization behind the heroes operating in the New Century campaign. A good rule of thmb is that if it happened in fiction or literature, it is fair game for adventure.



New Century


Providence, Rhode Island April 10th, 1905




Professor Erik Thorssen was aware of only the echoing rhythmic tapping of his footsteps as he walked the final fifty feet down the ornate entry hall of the forty room American industrialist's mansion to the double mahogany doors that led to his final destination. He noted with amusement that his escort, the five foot six, white haired but steel muscled American, made scarcely a whisper of sound at his side. The escort opened the left side massive mahogany portal and ushered the Norwegian savant into a darkly paneled, cathedral ceilinged library, dominated by a conference table large enough to accommodate two score of men, save the one empty chair, apparently reserved for Thorssen himself.


Despite the drawn draperies and dimmed lights, Erik Thorssen recognized his primary contact for this momentous conclave sitting nearest the door. Striding up to the broad bodied, florid faced, white haired and mustachioed Englishman sitting beside his equally familiar thin visage brother, Thorssen started to greet the head of the British Secret Service.


"Ah, so good to see you and your brother again Mr. Hol..."


"Please, Professor, no names." interrupted the stout gentleman, "In my professional capacity, I am referred to as 'M', if you please. The delicate nature of this meeting requires that most of our participants observe great discretion if not outright anonymity. While my American counterpart, your escort Mr. West, requires no such secrecy for himself, he has requested it for our host, his employer."


Thorssen only then noticed the bespectacled toothy grin breaking through the moustache of one of the most famous faces in the world. This meeting certainly had to be described as high level at this point.


His American host spoke in a voice that was both commanding yet conversational.


"Gentlemen. We have the honor of being addressed by Professor Erik Thorssen, late of Stockholm and the Nobel committee, although he is a Norwegian rather than a Swede. His unbiased interest in issues of international and ecumenical import seem quite reassuring to those of us intrigued by his written proposal. We have all presumable read his concept précis, but the good professor has graciously offered to elaborate on his ideas. I urge you all to give him your fullest attention."


"Please proceed, professor"


Although Thorssen was quite accustomed to public speaking, even in such august company, he was nervous given the long term possibility of fulfilling what was up to now merest fantasy. Never had his presentations dealt with items of such import and potential.


"Thank, you gentlemen. I have come today to reiterate my admittedly ambitious proposal which hopefully you and those numerous world leaders and people of influence unable to attend have had the opportunity to peruse and study deeply. To whit, I propose the formation of an international enterprise charged with the acquisition of knowledge, the exploration of our diverse and mysterious world, and the performance of deeds of valor, charity, and beneficence. What I ask by way of assistance from yourselves and your governments is nothing less than a carte blanche in terms of travel and access, influence of your powerful nations and organizations and the occasional good word vouchsafing our representatives."


The shocked and amused faces and comments around the table gave the professor no pause.


"Our agents" Thorssen continued, "will be dispatched to the four corners of the world in an attempt to uncover the world’s mysteries, tap hidden wisdom and treasures for the uplifting of the people of the Earth, civilized and savage, prosperous and poor, downtrodden and powerful alike."


A soft but authoritative voice emanated from one of the less shadowed figures whose accent the much traveled Thorssen recognized as belonging to Cardinal Marrazi, a senior papal diplomat, despite the nondescript clothing the balding man wore.


"Admirable intentions, Profesore, but would not such a noble mission be more easily accomplished by a mighty nation," he bowed his head to the bespectacled host and then to the Briton called 'M', "or perhaps by an organization which already possesses agents and influence around the world?"


Steeling himself for the most potentially objectionable segment of his presentation, Erik Thorssen proceeded.


"It is the intent of this enterprise to be independent of any national, religious, regional, corporate or military alliance currently in existence. With all due respect, my good sirs, despite the best intentions and desires of ourselves and our nations, they have proven incapable of bridging the chasm between good intentions and consistent actions. Look around you, good sirs, and witness whose representatives are lacking. The Russians and Japanese refuse to sit at the same table together. The shadow of a general war on the continent threatening a level of bloodshed and destruction never seen before in history quite is real. The Great Powers have been intent on carving up Africa and Asia for their own profits, a process made all the easier by the constant depredations of thousands of warlords, maharajas and rajas, emirs, mullahs, chieftains and princes on their own peoples."


"Bully!" came the exclamation from the head of the table.


"Indeed, sir" continued Thorssen, "Yet in the Americas the indigenous populations have been almost completely eradicated, subjugated, absorbed or isolated, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians or Chileans. The descendants of the Africans taken to the new world in bondage are no longer slaves but not truly free. Latin American nations are looked upon as a resource warehouse for luxury foods and goods by their neighbors to the North, yet themselves ruled by regimes which think of themselves as empowered by divine right to exploit their populations but justified by commanding in Spanish or Portuguese."


"Look to your neighbors at this table gentleman. There is none of the gentler sex present although they comprise one half of our human race. Germany, Russia, Egypt, Abyssinia, Mexico, nor Brazil would sit at table with us. Who sits here from India? We invited Mr. Gandhi, but he is currently protesting that Indian subjects of the crown are not being treated in a manner superior to His Majesty's African subjects, as his higher caste demands. The myriad desert tribes of Arabia are warring and thus unavailable. Which of the Chinese Mandarins, warlords or elders should speak for their people?"


Thorssen let his unflinching gaze sweep the table and his words sink in to the occupants of the mansion's library. His face softened and a smile lit through his beard and moustache as a light through a gloomy fog.


"Think not, gentlemen that I am some dunderheaded naïf or wild eyed anarchist unmindful that such is a constant human condition which has infested the Earth since the fall of Adam and shall persist until the Lord returns. We seek to improve and mitigate the lot of humanity through progress, not destroy it with chaos and revolution. You have heard me describe the monumental challenges, my friends, now let me articulate the hope and vision of the time we live in and the means by which we would kindle more flames of hope and progress."


Erik Thorssen's blue eyes shone with a light from within as he became mindful no longer of the esteemed and elevated company to which he spoke, but of a vision of action and progress and hope.


"The human race has entered a new century. A century portending great danger and great potential. Leviathan motor vessels carry tons of trade goods from all nations across the seven seas. Telegraph cables and Mr. Bell's telephone link the capitals around the globe. Mr. Tesla and Mr. Marconi vie with one another for credit over the invention of wireless communication. Herr Von Zeppelin and the Wright brothers, among others, have conquered the sky."


"Slavery is gasping its last breath while workers and women are demanding and receiving their rights to their equality. Faith and science together and separately seek to slay ignorance, hopelessness and disease. Missionaries teach reading and hygiene as well as salvation and charity in the farthest corners and remotest pockets of our world. My colleagues and I are confident that all that lacks is a focus, a driving force, a motivating ethic to complement and connect the hopes and prayers of Earth's teeming masses just hoping for a better life."


"What I am here to propose, gentlemen, is a global enterprise, operating beyond nationality, on all continents. We shall respond to the recommendations of the independent board of directors as we see fit, but welcome suggestions as to worthy or needful adventures as suggested by your selves or governments."


"We ask a great deal on trust and faith. We promise nothing in the way of credit or notoriety to the participants or the silent supporters. We will deny, disavow and even demean any publicity or claims of our very existence. We do what we do for the joy in the knowledge that it is right, good, and glorious. Who will join us?"

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign




Loved the guest list, loved the speech and stated goals. Great stuff. Hopefully England's experience with Extraordinary Operatives of the Crown will come in handy as the organization develops.


Poor Fu. He wanted a free and united China, but insisted that he alone sit upon the Dragon Throne. If he'd only been able to make peace with the dowager Empress, China might have had a seat at this table. Thus we see that Evil sabotages Evil.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


Here is my PC, Master Zhang Kwan of the Shaolin order:

[b]Zhang Kwan - Master Kwan[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
10    STR     0   10      11-       HTH Damage 2d6  END [1]
20    DEX     30   20      13-       OCV 7 DCV 7
15    CON     10   15      12-
12    BODY    4   12      11-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-
11    EGO     2   11      11-       ECV: 4
10    PRE     0   10      11-       PRE Attack: 2d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
7    PD      2   7             7 PD (3 rPD)
6    ED      0   6             6 ED (3 rED)
4    SPD     10   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6    REC     2   6
30    END     0   30
25    STUN    0   25
7    RUN      2   7"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
4    LEAP     2   4"                4" forward, 2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 67[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
     White Crane Kung Fu
3      1)  Beak of the Crane:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 5d6 Strike
5      2)  Crane Stands Among the Reeds:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 7d6 Strike
4      3)  Touch of a Feather:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2 1/2d6 NND
3      4)  Crane Strikes A Fish:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 4d6 Strike, Target Falls
4      5)  Crane Defends His Nest:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 30 STR to Shove
4      6)  Crane Flaps His Wing:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4      7)  Crane Takes Flight:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4      8)  Weapon Elements:  Blades, Empty Hand, Staffs, Sticks & Clubs, Three-Section Staff
4      9)  +1 HTH Damage Class(es)

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 35[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
3      Analyze:  Style 12-
3      Paramedics 12-
4      WF:  Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons
6      +2 with Kung Fu

3      Scholar
0      1)  KS: Chinese Healing (2 Active Points)) 11-
1      2)  KS: Chinese History (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: Chinese Philosophy (2 Active Points) 11-
1      4)  KS: Shaolin Kung Fu (2 Active Points) 11-

0      PS: Calligraphy (Familiarity) 8-
2      PS: Cooking 11-
3      Acrobatics 13-
3      Breakfall 13-
3      Contortionist 13-
3      Sleight Of Hand 13-
3      Stealth 13-
0      Language:  Cantonese (Native) (4 Active Points)
1      Language:  Mandarin (basic conversation)
2      Language:  English (fluent conversation)

[b]SKILLS Cost: 42[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
6      Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 6[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Psych. Lim.:  Code vs Killing (Common, Total)
20     Psych. Lim.:  Protects Innocents (Common, Total)
10     Distinctive Features:  Shaolin Monk (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15     Hunted:  Chinese Empress 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)
10     Vow of Poverty:  Destitute

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 75[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150


Background:Born in 1850 in Fujian Province in a small village near Zhangzhou, Zhang Kwan joined the Zhangzhou Shaolin temple at age 6. Although Kwan has no problems with foreigners, a small number of his students participated in the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, and for this reason his temple was destroyed by the Empress' armies by order of the European victors. Kwan was the only Shaolin survivor of his monastery, having gone to Peking to unsuccessfully plead with his students to abandon the use of violence. After the destruction of the temple, Kwan decided to petition the authorities for permission to reopen the temple and traveled to Peking to present his case. It was here, struggling to raise funds, that he met Lt. Flashman, and the two became friends when the British officer sought training in Chinese fencing. When Kwan expectedly found himself with a death sentence on his head, Flashman helped smuggle him out of China. Having nowhere better to go and fearful of Chinese assassins, Kwan has elected to travel the world with Lt. Flashman.


Personality: While a gifted fighter, Kwan has always lacked the deep insight necessary to rise to the peak of perfection. Nonetheless, there are very few practitioners of white crane style kung fu who are his equal. He understands his weaknesses, however, and this has not prevented him from continuing to search for true enlightenment.


He is cheerful, possesses a wry sense of humor, and is not above an occasional practical joke at the expense of his "less civilized" (read: non-Chinese) companions. He quotes ancient Chinese philosophy often, but is not above slipping a few tidbits of his own into the mix.


Quote: "The beginning is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return."


Powers/Tactics: A master of White Crane style kung fu (pek hok kun), Kwan prefers to fight defensively. He will not kill, although he would be more than capable of doing so if he so wished.


While Master Kwan is skilled with most martial arts weapons, he prefers a staff as a weapon in combat.


Appearance: A slender middle-aged Chinese man, Master Kwan has a wispy mustache and beard, both of which are more white than black nowadays. Even though he is no longer a Shaolin now that he has fled China, Kwan still shaves his head in Buddhist fashion. He wears traditional Chinese clothing, although he wears pince nez glasses to read and frequently carries a western-style umbrella as well.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


[b]H. Roger Flashman - Ibrahim Gibran, Michael McCloud, Sean O'Conner[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [3]
14    DEX     12   14      12-       OCV 5 DCV 5
15    CON     10   15      12-
11    BODY    2   11      11-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-
11    EGO     2   11      11-       ECV: 4
15    PRE     5   15      12-       PRE Attack: 3d6
14    COM     2   14      12-
7    PD      4   7             7 PD (0 rPD)
3    ED      0   3             3 ED (0 rED)
3    SPD     6   3                 Phases:  4, 8, 12
6    REC     0   6
30    END     0   30
29    STUN    2   29
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   3"                3" forward, 1 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 53[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
5      Defensive Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 3d6 Strike
4      Martial Strike:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5d6 Strike
4      Martial Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4      Martial Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 25 STR to Disarm
1      Weapon Element:  Blades

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 18[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
4      WF:  Small Arms, Blades, Clubs, Fist-Loads, Lances, Unarmed Combat
3      Fast Draw 12-
3      High Society 12-
3      Riding 12-
3      Shadowing 12-
3      Disguise 12-
3      Tracking 12-
6      Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert) 12-
2      Navigation (Land) 12-
3      Tactics 12-
0      PS: Soldier (Custom Adder) 11- [Notes: Profession]
0      AK: British Empire (Custom Adder) 8- [Notes: Profession]
3      Linguist
3      1)  Language:  Arabic (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
1      2)  Language:  Cantonese (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
0      3)  Language:  English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
1      4)  Language:  French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
1      5)  Language:  German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
2      6)  Language:  Hindustani (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
1      7)  Language:  Punjabi (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
1      8)  Language:  Swahili (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
20      +2 Overall
6      +2 with Martial Maneuvers

[b]SKILLS Cost: 72[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
3      Fringe Benefit:  Lieutenant

[b]PERKS Cost: 3[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
4      Mounted Warrior (HTH Combat)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 4[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
10     Psychological Limitation:  Wishes to live up to the esteemed reputation of his grandfather, Harry Flashman. (Common, Moderate)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (Common, Moderate)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Code of Honor (Common, Moderate)
10     Hunted:  Prussian Military  Family 8- (As Pow, Capture)
10     Hunted:  American newspaper mogul 8- (As Pow, NCI, Mildly Punish)
10     Hunted:  Various enemies and rivals of the Flashman legend 8- (As Pow, NCI, Mildly Punish)
5     Social Limitation:  Subject to orders from His Majesty's War Department (Occasionally, Minor)
5     Distinctive Features:  Tall, dark and handsome.  Resembles the famous Hector of Afghanistan. (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5     Rivalry:  Professional, Prussian Junker, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 75[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150

Background: Harry Roger Flashman is the son of the Bishop Harry Albert Victor Flashman and the grandson of the famed puissant cavalry hero Harry Paget Flashman. Unlke his grandsire, Roger, as he is known, to the great consternation of the original Harry Flashman, really is brave, pure, heroic, kind, unselfish and loyal to the end. Grandpapa Harry constantly despairs that Roger always finds himself in the thick of the great disputes of the world yet shy of the glory which should accompany it. Roger is six feet two inches tall and weighs in at one hundred kilograms, bluff and brave.


Powers/Tactics: Roger Flashman is a horseman extraordinaire, a pathfinder at home in the cities of Europe or the wilderness of Africa and Asia. He is a crack shot, brawls like a sailor and wields a blade like the swordsmen of legend. Roger Flashman has apparantly inherited his grandfather's gift of languages and speaks numerous tongues, with the ability to pick up a new one in weeks.


Quote: I have never regarded defending the honour of England or the Flashman family name as burdensome.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


My contribution to the New Century Campaign: Elijah "Eli" Harrison - one of the last generation of the Old West-style lawmen. It looks like he's going to our team's ranged combat expert.




Elijah "Eli" Harrison


Player: Jeff Spurgeon


Val Char Cost

18 STR 8

14 DEX 12

15 CON 10

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

11 EGO 2

13 PRE 3

12 COM 1

4/7 PD 0

3/6 ED 0

3 SPD 6

8 REC 2

30 END 0

30 STUN 3

6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3 1/2" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 50


Cost Skill

24 +3 with All Combat

6 Pen Skill lvls: +3 vs. Hit Location mods with pistols

2 Pen Skill lvl: +1 vs. Range Modifier with Rifles


3 Acting 12-

2 Animal Handler (Equines) 12-

3 Breakfall 12-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Riding 12-

3 Concealment 12-

3 Conversation 12-

3 Criminology 12-

7 Fast Draw 14-

3 High Society 12-

3 Interrogation 12-

0 Language: English (idiomatic)

2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation)

3 Lockpicking 12-

0 PS: Law Enforcement Officer (free) 11-

1 PS: Dancing 8-

1 PS: Play Harmonica 8-

0 KS: United States Law (free) 8-

1 AK: The American Southwest 8-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

0 TF: Equines

2 WF: Small Arms

Skills Cost: 87


Cost Perk

1 Fringe Benefit: Licensed Pinkerton Agent

1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit

1 Reputation: Pinkerton Agent (Law Enforcement and Public Officials in United States) 8-, +1/+1d6

Perks Cost: 3


Cost Talent

4 Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with pistols

6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

Talents Cost: 10


Total Character Cost: 150


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Psychological Limitation: Driven to uphold the law (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Chivalrous (Common, Moderate)

15 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders; May be required to undertake dangerous missions (Frequently, Major)

10 Reputation: Pinkerton Agent, 11-

15 Hunted: Mortimer "Mad Dog" McClendon - gunslinger and assassin 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID, Kill)

10 DNPC: Esther - Sister 8- (Normal)

0 Normal Characteristic Maxima

Disadvantage Points: 75

Base Points: 75

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Background: Elijah Harrison was born in 1872, a generation after the end of the American Civil War. The Reconstruction was giving way to the American advent of the Industrial Revolution, while the grandson of a wealthy Georgian plantation owner found himself surrounded by family and friends still clinging to a dead way of life that was decaying all around them. Though his parents and younger sister fought to maintain the illusion of antebellum aristocracy, young Eli saw no future in the remnants of the past.


He left the plantation at sixteen, taking advantage of the growth of the railroads to explore the rapidly growing and ever-changing frontier of the United States. He found himself in the still largely lawless territories of New Mexico. It was a place where a gun was sometimes the only justice, and where a gentleman either learned to be more barbaric, or made the world around him more civilized. He eventually joined the Pinkerton National Detective Agency in 1895, and soon developed a reputation as one of their most skilled fugitive recovery specialists. Ten years later, when President Teddy Roosevelt was looking for someone to recommend to Professor Erik Thorssen’s new international enterprise, Elijah Harrison’s name was at the top of the list.


Quote: “The law is what defines civilization. Upholding the law is the most noble of endeavors.â€





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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


Be a good lad and run this over to the post for me. My Holiday shedule has been dreadful. I've taken too long in sending this.


Allow me to introduce Mr. Basil Smyth.


[b]Basil Spencer - [/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
13    STR     3   13      12-       HTH Damage 2 1/2d6  END [1]
15    DEX     15   15      12-       OCV 5 DCV 5
13    CON     6   13      12-
12    BODY    4   12      11-
10    INT     0   10      11-       PER Roll 11-
10    EGO     0   10      11-       ECV: 3
13    PRE     3   13      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
3    PD      0   3             3 PD (0 rPD)
3    ED      0   3             3 ED (0 rED)
3    SPD     5   3                 Phases:  4, 8, 12
7    REC     2   7
26    END     0   26
28    STUN    2   28
7    RUN      2   7"                END [1]
3    SWIM     1   3"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   2 1/2"                2 1/2" forward, 1" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 43[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
3      Acting 12-
3      Bribery 12-
3      Bureaucratics 12-
3      Concealment 11-
3      Disguise 11-
6      Gambling (Board Games, Card Games, Sports Betting) 11-
3      High Society 12-
3      Lipreading 11-
3      Mimicry 11-
3      Navigation (Land, Marine) 11-
3      Riding 12-
3      Security Systems 11-
3      Shadowing 11-
3      Sleight Of Hand 12-
3      Seduction 12-
3      Stealth 12-
3      Streetwise 12-
10      Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain, Urban) 11-
4      TF:  Riding Animals, Carts & Carriages, Small Rowed Boats
6      WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms
3      PS: Reporter / Artist 12-
2      PS: Photography / Cinematography 11-
3      +1 with Common Melee Weapons
3      +1 with Small Arms

[b]SKILLS Cost: 85[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
3      Contact:  Winston Cruchhill (His Third Cousin) (Good relationship with Contact) 11-
5      Money:  Well Off

[b]PERKS Cost: 8[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
6      Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
5      Eidetic Memory
3      Lightsleep

[b]TALENTS Cost: 14[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
10     Rivalry:  Professional (Andrew P. Jones - I have regularly scooped him), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Harm or Kill Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry
15     Hunted:  Kalif Omar Salman 11- (Mo Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)
20     Psychological Limitation:  Protective of Women and Children (Very Common, Strong)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Honerable (Common, Moderate)
20     Dependent NPC:  Charlotte Smythe - Niece 14- (Normal)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 75[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150


Background / History:


As a lad, Basil attended Harrow School witn third cousin Winston Churchill, but was not quite the hellion his cousin was. It was usually attributed to Churchill's influence when he did get in trouble. After Graduation, Basil followed Chruchill in attending the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Both men joined different cavalry units upon graduation. The two men met up again at the Battle of Omdurman (The last British cavalry charge in battle). It was here that Basil decided Chruchill was "making a good bit of money writing, and I was as good as him." Basil left the Army and attended Eton. Upon Graduation from Eton, Basil beame a Corespondentt for the London Times. Soon his abilities as a writer and artist had him being sent out of London to cover news.. Now he travels the world selling stories and drawings to the Times.


Personality / Motivation:


He's minor British nobility. Stuffy at home, but ready for a good discussion at the pub.




If Winny can do it (write). I can do it.


Powers and Tactics:


Although not a coward, he prefers not to fight outsside the Pub. Will try to talk his way out of it. If not, he can get nasty.




Average height and build. Wears travel suits (Mostly herringbone and tweed in earth colors) and a bowler hat. Has a bushy mustache and smokes a Meersham Pipe. In a pinch a cigar can substitute.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


DangerousDan has requested that I post his character for our Pulp Hero game:


[b]Kubas Czerny Dalgetty - [/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
13    STR     3   13      12-       HTH Damage 2 1/2d6  END [3]
14    DEX     12   14      12-       OCV 5 DCV 5
13    CON     6   13      12-
11    BODY    2   11      11-
18    INT     8   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
13    EGO     6   13      12-       ECV: 4
13    PRE     3   13      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
3    PD      0   3/6             3/6 PD (0/3 rPD)
3    ED      0   3/6             3/6 ED (0/3 rED)
3    SPD     6   3                 Phases:  4, 8, 12
6    REC     0   6
26    END     0   26
25    STUN    0   25
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
1    SWIM     -1   1"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   2 1/2"                2 1/2" forward, 1" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 45[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
     A combination of dirty hand to hand fighting and fencing
2      1)  Weapon Element:  Blades, Clubs
4      2)  Martial Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort
4      3)  Martial Strike:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5 1/2d6 Strike
4      4)  Sacrifice Disarm:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -2 DCV, Disarm, 28 STR to Disarm roll
4      5)  +1 HTH Damage Class(es)

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 18[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
5      Cramming 
3      Lipreading 13-
5      Sleight Of Hand 13-
9      +3 with Martial Art
3      Climbing 12-
3      Disguise 13-
2      Forgery (Papers) 13-
2      Gambling (Card Games) 13-
3      High Society 12-
3      Streetwise 12-
3      Inventor 13-
3      Mechanics 13-
3      Riding 12-
0      PS: Machinist (Everyman) 11-
1      WF:  Blades, Clubs, Unarmed Combat
0      CuK: Scholars of Europe (who is studying what, where) 8-
0      TF:  Equines
3      Linguist
1      1)  Language:  Bantu (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points) [Notes: A variety of closely related languages spoken in southern Africa]
1      2)  Language:  Bengali (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
0      3)  Language:  Czechoslovakian (idiomatic; Native Language)
2      4)  Language:  English (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
1      5)  Language:  French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
1      6)  Language:  German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
3      7)  Language:  Romani (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
3      Scholar
3      Scientist
1      1)  SS:  General Science 11- (2 Active Points)
1      2)  SS:  Archeology 11- (2 Active Points)
2      3)  SS:  Botany (INT-based) 13- (3 Active Points)
2      4)  SS:  Chemistry (INT-based) 13- (3 Active Points)
1      5)  SS:  Mathematics 11- (2 Active Points)
2      6)  SS:  Physics (INT-based) 13- (3 Active Points)
1      7)  SS:  The Occult 11- (2 Active Points)
2      8)  SS:  Zoology (INT-based) 13- (3 Active Points)

[b]SKILLS Cost: 78[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
3      The Gypsies: Contact, Organization Contact (x3) (3 Active Points) 8-

[b]PERKS Cost: 3[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
6      Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 6[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
0     Normal Characteristic Maxima
5     Distinctive Features:  Fencing scar below left eye (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10     Enraged:  Seeing Gypsies abused (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
15     Psychological Limitation:  Curious (Common, Strong)
10     Physical Limitation:  Overconfident (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5     Reputation:  Unfocussed Scientific Dilettante, 11- (Known Only To A Small Group)
10     Social Limitation:  Harmful Secret: Gypsy by birth and raised as such (Occasionally, Major)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Code against killing (Uncommon, Strong)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 65[/b]

Base Pts: 75
Exp Required: 10
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 150


Background/History: Bastard son of a roving Czechoslovakian University professor and an Italian (Gypsy) woman, he spent his early youth with the gypsies (Roma). When his father discovered that he had a son, the man took over raising Kubas. His mother allowed this because it would allow him to learn to pass in the world as something other than Roma. Kubas is an acknowledged bastard. Kubas (Czech for "the Supplanter") spent his late youth in the company of learned men (and occasionally women), and developed a great thirst for knowledge. He attended (unofficially) a great many classes and social functions at a variety of universities that he was too young to enroll at. He learned fencing in Germany (Heidelberg and Stuttgart), and blended it in with the fighting style he had learned in the Gypsy camps, without ever revealing his past. His fencing instructor in Heidelberg appreciated his very functional approach, while the fencing instructor in Stuttgart thought it lacked style. Kubas is a quick learner (as shown by INT, Cramming, Linguist, Scholar, Scientist), but so far, he has not focused on scholarly subjects outside of the fields of language, the sciences and fencing. Although he hides his Romani background, he thinks of himself not as the half-Czech half-Italian that he presents himself to the world as, but as a full Romani. He hopes some day to settle down with a nice Romani girl, but hasn't figured out how to reconcile the two sides of his life.


Motivation: Insatiable Curiosity


Appearance: Tall, Dark and not especially handsome, but usually at least dignified, with a crescent-shaped dueling scar under his left eye.


Revised 1/24/06

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


Question: how does a fencing scar count as Easily Concealed? (I ask because I am looking to use the same DF for a character I am creating.)


Not Mentor or Treb, but the character has Disguise 13-. A little makeup and a disguise skill roll will hide the scar. As a GM, I'd call that Easily Concealed.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


Question: how does a fencing scar count as Easily Concealed? (I ask because I am looking to use the same DF for a character I am creating.)
Oddhat answered this question exactly as I would have' date=' Randy. But beyond even that, it's more than just an ordinary scar as a DF - It's a [i']duelling scar.[/i] Anyone in the campaign world familiar with the Prussian dueling tradition will recognize it for exactly what it is: A clear indication that the gentleman in question is a swordsman. It's a virtual advertisement to the effect that this gentleman will meet you on the field of honor with naked steel over an insult, real or imagined. That's going to change how people deal with this individual. It's also an indication he's a nobleman, since non-nobles were seldom if ever permitted to join duelling societies (Yes, societies! :eek: ) and a gentleman was never obligated to accept a challenge to a duel from someone of insufficient rank. The virtual historical definition of "gentleman" in Europe was "authorized to carry a sword." Hence commissioned military officers were by definition (and in the US by act of Congress, since the US didn't have nobles) gentlemen.


It's a bit anachronistic by 1905 (Duelling was frowned upon even in Germany by this time), but still perfectly valid and historically accurate. But then, the idea of fighting with steel blades in an era of revolvers and steam engines is an anachronism anyway.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


BTW' date=' Another very cool character Treb. Thanks for posting it.[/quote']We've been blessed with some very talented role-players in our group. And then there's me. :P


Another interesting thing about this group of five players is that every one of is also a GM.

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Re: 1905: The New Century Campaign


Oddhat answered this question exactly as I would have' date=' Randy. But beyond even that, it's more than just an ordinary scar as a DF - It's a [i']duelling scar.[/i] Anyone in the campaign world familiar with the Prussian dueling tradition will recognize it for exactly what it is: A clear indication that the gentleman in question is a swordsman. It's a virtual advertisement to the effect that this gentleman will meet you on the field of honor with naked steel over an insult, real or imagined. That's going to change how people deal with this individual. It's also an indication he's a nobleman, since non-nobles were seldom if ever permitted to join duelling societies (Yes, societies! :eek: ) and a gentleman was never obligated to accept a challenge to a duel from someone of insufficient rank. The virtual historical definition of "gentleman" in Europe was "authorized to carry a sword." Hence commissioned military officers were by definition (and in the US by act of Congress, since the US didn't have nobles) gentlemen.


It's a bit anachronistic by 1905 (Duelling was frowned upon even in Germany by this time), but still perfectly valid and historically accurate. But then, the idea of fighting with steel blades in an era of revolvers and steam engines is an anachronism anyway.


Oh, I defintely agree with it being a DF; like I said I plan on using it as one for a character I am creating. Concealability being tied to the character (or a fellow PC or allied NPC) having Disguise works well.

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1905: The New Century Campaign


Here's a short story I wrote about how Master Kwan and Lt. Flashman met and became comrades. I'd also like to thank Alice Keezer for correcting some of my grammatical errors.



A Sincere Desire For Peace


September 1901 - Zhang Kwan straightened his saffron Shaolin robes and looked down regretfully at the six moaning and semi-conscious Imperial Guards lying at his feet on the dusty Peking street. This was the third attempt by the Chinese authorities to arrest him within the past month. These guardsmen had been more skilled than the city policemen who had tried twice previously, and Kwan had been forced to break an opponent's arm and dislocate another's shoulder during the short-lived battle. He would have much preferred to inflict no serious damage to his adversaries; although it was some consolation that these injuries should heal completely in time. When one is unarmed against six swordsmen; one doesn't always have time for the niceties. He looked up at the dozens of staring passersby in the crowded street, and realized with dismay that it would be impossible to keep this incident secret. By nightfall everyone in the Imperial City would know that Master Zhang Kwan had beaten a half dozen of the Dowager Empress' elite guards, although the number would undoubtedly grow to a score in the whispered retellings. Worse, striking an Imperial Guard was automatically considered treason. So much for just lying low and hoping this would all just pass in time, he thought. Now I have publicly committed treason. They'd be after him again; and soon.


It was certainly ironic, he reflected as he turned and began walking quickly towards his rundown martial arts school, that this should come to pass. In the abortive Boxer Rebellion a year ago, only seven students of the fifty-three monks, acolytes, and students in Kwan's obscure Shaolin monastery near Zhangzhou had participated in the nationwide violent riots organized by the secret Fists of Righteous Harmony society against the foreign devils. At the behest of the temple's Master, Kwan had traveled to Peking to plead with the rebellious students to abandon the path of violence and return to the temple. Kwan recalled his own horror upon first hearing thousands of fanatic Boxers chanting "Sha! Sha!" - "Kill! Kill!" - in unison. Swept up in the widespread rage against foreign interference in the Middle Kingdom's affairs and despite Kwan's impassioned pleas, only one student had agreed to return to Zhangzhou with Master Kwan. The other six, including two of their most promising students, had died under a hail of Western bullets and cannon shells as they charged the foreigners' hastily fortified compound; recklessly counting on their righteous fury and martial arts to protect them from the "evil magic" of the deadly metal projectiles. Fools! Kwan thought with uncharacteristic anger, there is no magic to the Westerners' guns. China has known about gunpowder for well over a millennium. These innovative foreigners have merely found a new and deadly use for an ancient Chinese invention.


The death of so many of the temple's students in the fighting would have been bad enough by itself, but after the rebellion had finally been put down the triumphant Western powers, including the hated Japanese, had demanded the Dowager Empress' government obliterate all martial arts schools and secret societies involved in any way in the attacks. Desperate to keep her throne, the Dowager Empress, who had first surreptitiously encouraged and then openly supported the Boxers, had complied with the foreigner's demands with zeal. Unable to leave Peking for several days, Zhang Kwan had prayed his modest Zhangzhou temple had escaped notice; but he'd returned only to find the temple a smoldering ruin and a official Imperial order closing the temple nailed to the outer gate. Except for Kwan and the single student he'd persuaded to return not a single member of the temple had survived. Heartbroken, the remaining student had returned to his family's farm.


After laying his slain comrades properly to rest, Kwan had meditated for several days on what to do next. He decided his best course of action was to petition the Imperial government to permit him to reopen the temple. Surely his own hands were sufficiently clean of any involvement with the unfortunate rebellion for the government to allow Kwan to rehabilitate his ancient Buddhist temple? Although Kwan was a gifted practitioner of White Crane style kung fu, he was more than aware of his other shortcomings as a Shaolin monk, but he hoped with hard work and meditation he might grow into the role he'd been forced into. He had traveled to Peking hoping to present his petition to the necessary authorities, only to find that navigating the bloated Imperial bureaucracy required either connections or money - neither of which Kwan possessed. He found lodgings in one of the Imperial Capital's poorest districts and began taking paying students wishing to study kung fu in order to scrape by, and in time hopefully accumulate enough silver to bribe his way through the tangled bureaucracy. After a few painful demonstrations that Kwan was not to be trifled with, the local triad decided to leave Master Kwan and his students in peace. Indeed, after Kwan had easily defeated the triad's most skilled fighter, the group's members had become almost obsequious and demanded other area residents also treat Kwan with the proper respect.


Kwan rounded the corner by his school and stopped in surprise. A young foreigner in elaborate military uniform was standing in front of his gate; and Kwan immediately recognized Lieutenant Roger Flashman of the British Royal Army. Shortly after Kwan had opened his martial arts school, he had been amazed when an astonishingly tall foreign soldier with unbelievable sideburns had appeared at his school and requested in halting Cantonese to study Chinese sword fighting techniques. The man had explained that he was attached to the Western diplomatic mission to the Chinese government; and should be in Peking for a numbers of months. Intrigued by the idea of teaching a foreigner (and the gold such a man would also undoubtedly be willing to pay), Kwan had quickly agreed. It had taken only a few practice sessions before he discovered he actually liked this young foreigner with the unpronounceable name and bluff good nature.


Somewhat to his surprise, he also found Flashman was a talented swordsman in his own right; one who was already adept with a number of sword fighting styles. Unlike many foreigners who treated all Chinese with thinly veiled (or even open) contempt, Flashman seemed genuinely interested in learning about China and its inhabitants. Before Kwan knew it he found himself learning English even as he helped Flashman improve his Cantonese, and the two men often walked around Peking for hours after their sparring, talking about China and the outside world. Zhang Kwan never could quite pronounce the young man's name correctly, so he'd taken to addressing him in Cantonese as "Mighty Whiskers." The officer had fortunately taken the mild jest in the humorous fashion it had been intended in; and had responded in kind by henceforth addressing the middle-aged Kwan half-mockingly as "Most Ancient Master." Flashman wasn't due for another training session until tomorrow, and Kwan's heart sank as he realized only bad news would have brought the young officer here a full day early. Has he already heard about the incident with the Imperial Guards?


Lt. Flashman bowed respectfully as Kwan approached. "Good afternoon, Master Kwan. Please accept my apologies for my unexpected visit, but I have unfortunate news." The tall foreigner's unusual formality was also a bad sign.


"Confucius once said 'To have friends coming to one from distant parts - is this not a great pleasure?'" It was, Kwan realized, no mere polite turn of phrase. Flashman had indeed become a friend during the past few months. "Please, come into my home and share t'ee with me. I too have news."


Flashman waited patiently as Kwan prepared the hot piquant drink, accepting that a few quiet moments of peace were of great value in difficult times; and not for the first time Kwan found himself appreciating his youthful student's tact. The two men exchanged innocuous small talk as each girded himself to deliver unwelcome news. Finally Zhang Kwan put his t'ee cup aside and addressed his guest. "Tell me your ill tidings, my young friend."


"The Western diplomatic delegation has concluded its business with the Imperial government, and we will be departing within the week for Canton. From there I will probably receive orders to leave China for a new post. I have learned much from your training, and wished to inform you personally rather than sending a messenger."


"I appreciate your courtesy, my friend. However, I would have been unable to continue your training in any case. I am now wanted for treason against the Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi, and will be executed as soon as I am apprehended by the authorities." He related the unfortunate incident with the Imperial Guards scarcely an hour previously.


Flashman was aghast. "Good Lord! What will you do now, Master?"


"I will flee for my life. Perhaps I can escape to Hong Kong or Macao. It is unlikely I will succeed; but I must try."


"Master Kwan, why not travel with the Western entourage? We have many Chinese servants and bearers with us, and one more won't be noticed. All we need to do is find you a change of clothes and something to hide your shaved head. Once we get you to Canton, I can easily secure you passage out of China on a Royal Navy ship or a British merchantman."


Kwan was stunned by the offer. "You would do that for me? Why?" He'd never imagined anyone would willingly take such a risk for a foreigner.


Flashman grinned. "Would you not do the same for me, Most Ancient Master?"


Zhang Kwan smiled. "If you are typical, then it is clear I know far too little of foreigners, O Mighty Whiskers. Perhaps I need to see more of the world. I have only a sincere desire for peace. But since that will be denied me, I suppose a journey outside the Middle Kingdom is now in order." He bowed warmly towards his guest. "I humbly accept your most generous offer."

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