Shaft Posted December 31, 2006 Report Share Posted December 31, 2006 "I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and this is the longest write up of my life..." *** Jack Bauer Player: Kiefer Sutherland Val Char Cost 15 STR 5, 3d6 base HtH [3] 18 DEX 24, CV 7 15 CON 10 14 BODY 8 18 INT 8, Perception rolls 13- 23 EGO 26 25 PRE 13 5d6 PRE attack 16 COM 3 6 PD 3 4 ED 0 4 SPD 12 act on 3,6,9,12 8 REC 4 30 END 0 35 STUN 5 8" RUN 4 2" SWIM 0 3" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 127 Cost Power 1 "We don't have time for this!": Life Support: Sleeping (only sleeps 8 hrs per week (~ 1hr/day, requires a daily EGO roll with cumulative penalty -3/4, 1 charge w/increased recovery time: 1 week -3) 6 "WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?": 2d6 Aid to PRE, self only -1/2, incantations (yelling) -1/4, only to boost presence attacks made during interogations -1, concentration (1/2 DCV) -1/4 1 "I'll... never... talk...": Mental Defense 4 pts (9 pts with EGO), non persistent -1/4, requires an EGO roll -1/2, only adds to resistance for Telepathy bought as Super Skills or Drugs used in Interogation -1, treat EGO as 32) 4 Glaring Scowl: Observant +2 w/Sight Group (Sight Perception rolls made at 15-) 10 "You survive 8 Seasons on this show?" Luck 3d6, only in combat -1/2 Powers Cost: 24 Cost Talent 6 "You want me to wear a Helmet? How will the viewers spot me among the mooks?" Combat Luck 25 "I think you're making a huge mistake, sir": Danger Sense (area,out of combat, intuitive) 13- 5 "Must recover... by end of episode...": Rapid Healing (from Fantasy Hero, heals 1 BODY per hour of rest) 5 "I'll... never... talk...": Resistance +5 (makes EGO rolls at 19-, 21- if overall levels are used) Talents Cost: 41 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Tae Kwon Do/Commando Training 4 1) Arm Sweep Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 2) Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV Disarm, 30 STR to Disarm 5 3) Flying Side Kick: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 8d6 Strike 4 4) Front Kick: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike 4 5) Knifehand: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, 1d6+1 HKA 4 6) Punch/Elbow Strike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 Strike 5 7) Flying Side Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike 3 8) Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; Target Falls 4 9) +1 HTH Damage Class(es) 3 10) Weapon Element: Blades, Club, Karate Weapons Martial Arts Cost: 30 Cost Skill 20 2 Overall Levels 16 2 Combat Levels 3 1 Level with Small Arms 2 1 OCV levels with pistol 3 Acting 13- 5 Autofire Skill: Accurate sprayfire 5 Autofire Skill: Concentrated Sprayfire 5 Autofire Skill: Rapid Autofire 5 Autofire Skill: Skipover Sprayfire 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bribery 14- 3 Bugging 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Climbing 13- 3 Combat Driving 13- 3 Combat Piloting 13- 1 Computer Programming 8- 3 Concealment 13- 3 Conversation 14- 3 Criminology 13- 1 Cryptography 8- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Demolitions 13- 3 Disguise 13- 3 Electronics 13- 2 Forgery (Documents) 13- 1 Gambling (Chess, Cards, Lives) 8- 1 High Society 8- 3 Interogation 13- 3 Jack (No pun intended) of all trades 1 1) PS: SWAT/Police Officer 11- 1 2) PS: Soldier/Commando 11- 2 3) PS: Espionage/CTU agent/Tradecraft 13- 1 4) PS: Fugitive/Criminal 11- 1 5) PS: Defense Official 11- 0 Language: English (native) 2 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation) 1 Language: Mandarin (basic conversation, in progress as of this writing) 1 Lipreading 8- 3 Lockpicking 13- 3 Mechanics 13- 3 Navigation (Air, Land) 13- 3 Paramedics 13- 3 Persuasion 14- 5 Rapid Attack (Ranged) 3 Scholar 1 1) KS: English Literature 11- 0 2) KS: Martial Arts- Tae Kwon Do & Commando Training 8- 2 3) KS: Military/Espionage World 13- 2 4) KS: Terrorists/Criminals 13- 2 5) KS: Criminology & Law 13- 3 Security Systems 13- 3 Shadowing 13- 1 Sleight Of Hand 8- 3 Streetwise 14- 3 Stealth 13- 8 Survival (Mountain, Desert, Forest, Jungle) 13- 3 Systems Operation 13- 10 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Helicopters, Large Motorized Boats, Parachuting, Basic & Advanced, SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles 3 Tactics 13- 3 Teamwork 13- 1 Tracking 8- 3 Traveller 2 1) AK: Los Angeles 13- 1 2) AK: Mexico 11- 1 3) AK: Balkans 11- 1 4) AK: Washington DC 11- 9 WF: Common Melee, Karate Weapons, Thrown Knives/Axes/Darts, Small Arms, Grenade Launchers, GPMGs, Shoulder fired weapons, Skills Cost: 218 Cost Perk 3 well-connected 0 Resource Points: 60 Equipment pts (60 pt base); includes a cell phone/PDA (with wireless capabilities (access perk), fingerprint scanner, built in camera), 9mm pistol plus ammo, kevlar vest, assault rifle or SMG, CTU ID card. 0 Resource points: 10 Vehicle pts (10 pt base), contributed to CTU motor pool, which includes black armoured SUVs, & helicopters. 22 Resource points: 57 Contact pts (35 pt base, contact with CTU is mandatory) 0 Contact: Tony Almeida & Michelle Dessler or Bill Buchanan 11- (6 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of their own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 0 Contact: CTU 12- (15 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 0 Contact: Friendly Western Intelligence/Military Agency 11- (14 pts from Contact pool) (includes Department of Defense, Homeland Security, MI-6) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 0 Contact: David or Wayne Palmer 8- (5 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 0 Contact: Mike Novick 8- (4 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 0 Secretary of Defense William Heller 11- (5 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 0 Audrey Raines or Chase Edmunds 14- (9 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 15 Follower (Chloe O'Brian 75 pt base) 3 Fringe Benefit: National Police Powers 2 Fringe Benefit: Espionage Rank 1 Fringe Benefit: Passport 2 Fringe Benefit: Concealed Weapons Permit 10 Fringe Benefit: Improved Equipment Availability 1 Fringe Benefit: Int'l Driver's License 1 Fringe Benefit: Alternate ID: Frank Flynn, or other cover ID Perks Cost: 60 Total Character Cost: 500 Pts. Disadvantage 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 5 Age (40+), after Season 3 or 4 0 Dependence (Heroine) has been bought off 5 Distinctive Feature: Spiral Thorn Tattoo around bicep (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 DNPC: Kim Bauer on 8- (Normal) 10 DNPC: floating Romantic Interest on 8- (Audrey Raines, Terri Bauer, Kate Warner, Claudia) 15 Hunted: Watched by CTU 11- (more powerful, NCI, watching, frequently wanted for questioning, occasionally wants to capture him) 20 Hunted: floating personal enemy on 8- more powerful, capture/kill NCI (Drazen family, Stephen Sanders, Christopher Henderson, Nina Myers, China) 20 Psychological Limitation: The end justifies the means: "I will do whatever it takes to do this, sir" (Common, Total) 10 Psychological Limitation: guilt (neglect to family life, wife's death, estranged daughter (Common, moderate) 15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common, strong) 5 Psych Lim: Patriot (Common, Strong), normally worth 15 pts, but Psych Lims have hit disad. max of 50 pts 5 Reputation: uncontrollable CTU agent, 11- within CTU & Division 10 Rivalry: Professional with CTU superior (George Mason, Ryan Chappelle, Alberta Greene, Erin Driscol) Rival is Significantly More Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 20 Social Limitation: Duty to CTU (Frequently, Severe) 10 Unluck 2d6 Disadvantage Points: 160 Base Points: 250 Experience Required: 90 Total Experience Available: 90 Experience Unspent: 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Liaden Posted December 31, 2006 Report Share Posted December 31, 2006 Re: Jack Bauer: Character Write up Nice stuff. This thread contains a couple of good JB writeups, as well as stats for other characters from 24, and discussion of the precedents behind them: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaft Posted December 31, 2006 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2006 Re: Jack Bauer: Character Write up Chloe O'Brian Player: Mary Lynn Rajskub Val Char Cost 8 STR -2, 1-1/2d6 base HtH [2] 11 DEX 3, CV 4 13 CON 6 9 BODY -2 18 INT 8, Perception rolls 13- 11 EGO 2 8 PRE -2 1-1/2d6 PRE attack 12 COM 1 2 PD 0 2 ED 0 3/6 SPD 9 act on 4,8,12/2,4,6,8,10,12 while hacking 4 REC 0 26 END 0 20 STUN 5 7" RUN 2 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 30 Cost Power 1 "I don't have time for your stupid questions!": Life Support: Sleeping (only sleeps 8 hrs per week (~ 1hr/day, requires a daily EGO roll with cumulative penalty -3/4, 1 charge w/increased recovery time: 1 week -3) 6 "Maybe I'll freak out later?": +12 PRE only to defend against PRE attacks -1 7 A Friend of Jack who isn't dead yet?: Luck 2d6, only in combat -1/2 6 "Jack, they're doing something...": Observant +3 w/Sight Group (Sight Perception rolls made at 15-) 12 "Give me a minute to change the access":+3 SPD only when using a computer -1, requires a system operations roll -1/2 Powers Cost: 28 Cost Talent 3 Lightning Calculator 4 Speed Reading Talents Cost: 7 Cost Skill 20 4 Levels with Computer/Hacking Skills 6 2 levels w/ Cryptography, Security Systems and Computer Programming 10 2 levels with DCV 3 Bugging 13- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 0 Climbing 8- 5 Computer Programming 14- 3 Concealment 11- 0 Conversation 8- 3 Cryptography 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 Electronics 13- 2 Forgery (Documents) 13- 3 Jack (No pun intended) of all trades 2 1) PS: Hacker 13- 2 2) PS: Computer Systems Architect 13- 1 3) PS: Espionage/CTU agent/Tradecraft 11- 0 4) PS: Guitar 11- 0 Language: English (native) 1 Lockpicking 8- 1 Paramedics 8- 3 Scholar 2 1) KS: Computers 13- 2 2) KS: Hacking 13- 1 2) KS: Espionage World 11- 1 3) KS: Terrorists 11- 3 Security Systems 13- 3 Shadowing 13- 1 Sleight Of Hand 8- 3 Stealth 11- 3 Systems Operation 13- 0 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, 3 AK: Los Angeles 13- 3 AK: The Internet 13- 1 WF: Pistols Skills Cost: 100 Cost Perk 3 well-connected 0 Resource Points: 60 Equipment pts (60 pt base); includes a cell phone/PDA (with wireless capabilities (access perk), fingerprint scanner, built in camera), 9mm pistol plus ammo, kevlar vest, assault rifle or SMG, CTU ID card. 0 Resource points: 10 Vehicle pts (10 pt base), contributed to CTU motor pool, which includes black armoured SUVs, & helicopters. 15 Resource points: 50 Contact pts (35 pt base, contact with CTU is mandatory) 0 Contact: Tony Almeida & Michelle Dessler or Bill Buchanan 8- (4 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of their own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 0 Contact: CTU 12- (15 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 0 Contact: Allied Intelligence Agencies 11- (14 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources) 0 Audrey Raines or Chase Edmunds 11- (5 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of their own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 0 Contact: Hacker Community 12- (16 pts from Contact pool) (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources Good relationship with Contact includes her ex-husband Morris O'Brian) 3 Fringe Benefit: National Police Powers 2 Fringe Benefit: Espionage Rank 1 Fringe Benefit: Passport 10 Fringe Benefit: Improved Equipment Availability 1 Fringe Benefit: Int'l Driver's License Perks Cost: 35 Total Character Cost: 200 Pts. Disadvantage 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 10 Distinctive Feature: Socially abrassive (Concealed with Difficulty; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 DNPC: Floating Hacker friend in trouble on 8- (Normal) 15 Hunted: Watched by CTU 11- (more powerful, NCI, watching, frequently wanted for questioning, occasionally wants to capture him) 10 Hunted: floating CTU enemy on 8- more powerful, capture/kill NCI 10 Physical Limitation: Asperger's Syndrome- suffers penalties in social interactions (frequently, slightly impairing) 15 Psychological Limitation: uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism (Common, moderate) 15 Psychological Limitation: Sense of Duty to Jack Bauer (Common, Strong) 5 Reputation: irreverent CTU hacker who is loyal to Jack Bauer, 11- within CTU & Division 5 Rivalry: Professional with other hackers (Edgar Stiles, Miles Papazian) Rival is as Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 20 Social Limitation: Duty to CTU (Frequently, Severe) Disadvantage Points: 115 Base Points: 75 Experience Required: 10 Total Experience Available: 10 Experience Unspent: 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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