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Best/Worst Deathtraps


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The best deathtraps were the one time I caught all the heroes and didn't know what to with them.


So I told my players that for each hero, all the other players would devise each heroes trap. :cool:


"At the bottom of the shaft is a pool filled with robotic pirhana that can strip a caddilac in 30 seconds!"

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I haven't been in all these, but my gaming companions were...


A visibly cybernetic hero was trapped at the bottom of a naptha tank (only some naptha was left.. enough to cover his ankles). The only way out: to climb a large metallic chain dangling down into it... one spark & kaboom!


A martial artist trapped in a double cylinder of glass. In between the two layers of glass - enough acid to kill the martial artist should he jump through the glass and break it.


A team of superheroes located almost at ground zero of several thermonuclear devices in a large alien desert.


A non-flying brick trapped in a sphere of glass floating on a lake of acid.


I think all of us managed to escape these deathtraps except the poor soul trapped in the first one.


ACROYEAR - do you remember any others?

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A personal favorite that I invented.


Originally used in D&D, but adaptable to almost anything as long as the characters involved don't have Flight or something similar. It also will not do a terrible amount of damage to High Physical Defense characters.


Characters are walking down a hallway and begin to notice a bit of a downward slope. The passage also begins to curve to one side. (If you could see it from above it would appear to be a large spiral.)


The characters reach a certain point and notice that the floor is more sharply sloped and has become quite slippery.


At this point the GM innocently states that they need to make a DEX roll to stay on their feet.


The characters usually begin scrambling desperately to get to and stay on their feet as they accelerate along the downward spiral.


The end of the trap: A solid stone wall, rather painful to slam into at speed, but not really deadly, but a few feet in front of that is the "fun" part, an extremely sharp, nearly invisible blade positioned across the hall at waist level.


That's right. The characters who fall down and stay down will have a nasty impact with a wall, but the "fortunate" ones who keep their feet and smugly "surf" down the hallway are at great risk of being split in two!



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It wasn't supposed to be a death trap, but . . . lol


Had a two tiered attack. PRE Drain, Invisible. Forget the dice, but it was pretty nasty. ;)


Part two: A hologram of Mechanon, who they'd had several recent run-ins with and barely survived. With the hologram? Linked PRE Attack. Probably not legal, but it was all in fun just to see if I could make one of them wet themselves. Shoulda known that us using a critical failure rule, the guy would roll nothin' but sixes. lol Had a heart attack. Poor guy.

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A couple of heroes found themselves in a secret stairwell in a library that had been built at during the time of the Roman Empire. There were four blocks next to the door with the Following letters K M L X inscribed on them. Only one button was correct, the other three would cause the walls to crush the heroes for 6d6 of killing damage. The heroes failed three times in a row (Well they healed themselves between each failure) before getting the right one.

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Originally posted by Hermit


Once I had a scene with Foxbat, a door marked "The Foxbat Deathtrap, copyright 1996" Would you believe not one of them entered? Wimps.


That is where you keep the thing they are looking for/the exit/the prisoner/something the'll kick themselves for not finding/or better yet the thing that will work as a deathtrap for Foxbat (ie. kill him) (it is the Foxbat Deathtrap)


So on a realted topic: How do you tempt your players into these fiendish devices (apart from knocking them out and placing the there or 'making sur its behind the next door' ie cheating.)

KEEP OUT sign used to work well (PC curiousity and all). Now? Not so much.

Authorised Personel Only sign is good unless they know the Authorised Personel have Flight/Desolid/Someway of avoiding the traps effect.

Place it in the airducts (PCs love airducts)

Put it in a room marked 'Personal safe/Loot/Experimental deathray/whatever will peak their intrest' on the base plan and make sure the plans fall into the PCs hands.

Put it in an unmarked room on the plans.

Have the Bad guy (who is immune to its effects), or a hologram of said badguy, stand in the middle of it and make sure the trigger is just before they reach max range to him with their powers.

Any other suggestions?

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