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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Here's a nightmare from ancient times, upgraded to supervillainous standards -- courtesy of Hades

(from the 4th Ed. sourcebook The Olympians) -- the Stymphalian:






Missing the "good old days" when his fellow Olympians threw challenges at the heroes of ancient Greece

both to test them and to entertain themselves, Hades -- lord of the Underworld -- decided that it was long

past time to revive the practice. Enlisting the aid of the sorceress Circe, Hades chose his subject -- a par-

ticularly cunning and sadistic criminal -- and had him transformed into an avian horror, one possessing

the powers of the legendary Stymphalian birds, which the hero Hercules had slain as part of his Twelve

Labors. Once the criminal had adjusted to his transformation, Hades sent him out into the world to wreak

havoc, and sat back to enjoy the show. Needless to say, he's been more than satisfied by the results.


One thing that Hades didn't anticipate happening, however, was that the Stymphalian -- when he wasn't

terrorizing innocent people and battling superheroes -- has lately begun to abduct young women from

around the world, and imprisoning them within his secret lair deep within a mountain; once he has enough,

he intends to use them to create a race of beings like himself. The other members of the Pantheon of

Olympus, having only recently discovered this threat, have begun to send warnings to the heroes of the

modern age, mostly in the form of dreams. Only time will tell if these warnings can be acted upon in time

to avert this threat.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Here's a power-armor character that I was originally going to post over on steriaca's Jet Justice/DoS

thread -- Skybolt:






The idea behind the Skybolt armor was that it was intended to be a small-scale adjunct to the high-

altitude, Mach 3+ reconnaissance aircraft (such as the SR-71 Blackbird) used by the U.S. intelligence

community. To this end, the most advanced technologies -- both mundane as well as those verging

on the superheroic -- were incorporated into the design.


The heart of the flight system is the dual PDWE (Pulse Detonation Wave Engine) thruster pack mounted

on the back of the armor. Using liquid methane for fuel, the thruster pack is capable of propelling the

armor through the air at velocities approaching Mach 5; the fuel also serves as coolant, protecting the

operator from the extreme heat generated by its velocity. It also aids in reducing the effects of high heat

on the alloys which make up the outer shell of the armor. The outer shell itself is made up of the same

alloys used in the construction of the SR-71, plus several highly-classified exotic alloys (rumors that

the alloys are of alien origin continue to persist to this day).


The fuel system was the only part of the armor's design that was proving to be insurmountable for the

armor's design team, due to the lack of sufficient space for fuel storage -- until a genius scientist with

expertise in extradimensional technology was able to provide the team with a means to equip the armor

with an extradimensional "fuel tank". Basically, the armor would draw upon its liquid methane fuel from

a fuel tank located in an extremely-classified, top-secret location by means of an extradimensional link

built into the suit itself.


Because Skybolt was intended as a high-altitude recon unit, it was equipped with the most advanced

high-resolution sensors available; these sensors are capable of "looking at" their target coordinates

from outside the boundaries of the country that they happen to be in. Due to the absence of weapons

on the armor, the only real option for the operator is to withdraw from the area at maximum speed,

while its onboard ECM/ECCM provides protection from surface-to-air missile systems.


Skybolt's life-support system is not unlike those used by astronauts, in that it protects its operator from

the hazards of operating in high-altitude environments -- low air pressure, extreme cold, etc. -- for the

duration of a mission. A g-suit is worn by the operator as well, in order to protect him (or her) from high

g-forces resulting from evasive manuevers.



Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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La Boum


Quote: "Pendant trop longtemps, les Anglais ont contrôlé Québec. Aujourd'hui, cela arrête . Aujourd'hui, une nouvelle révolution va commencer . Les gens du Québec exigent un nouveau jour . Aujourd'hui commence avec un boom!"

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