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Name help - Magnetic armor-guy

Supreme Serpent

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Hmm, normally I'm responding to these types of threads, but this time I need HEROdom's help! :D


I have a basic character concept for a new character in an upcoming campaign, but haven't been fully satisfied yet with any of the names I've come up with on my own. Hoping someone else will be more creative than I am and either provide a perfect one or spark me in the right direction. :)


Going to be for a pretty four-color supers game, so while he might have some deadly abilities he's not going to be a killer so really evil-sounding names probably wouldn't fit. The game will be set in "New Olympia" aka a renamed Seattle, but no requirement that the name be Greek or Northwest-inspired but it's not a disqualifier either. Full details of alter ego not set, might be affected by the name.


Guy has magnetic powers, but instead of just going out bare and hoping there will be plenty of metal available to manipulate, he brings a lot with him. Makes himself an armored suit he manipulates with his powers, flies by moving the suit with him in it, "skates" along magnetically, etc. Steel cables for stretching, ball bearing EBs, stronger in the suit due to having a structure making his TK more effective (making himself the lever), can form up some sort of sword/axe/hammer as needed, maybe just for SFX, maybe for extra damage. Can do regular magnetic TK stuff too, it's just that he tries to "BYOB" (bring your own battlesuit :P).


So far thinking of things like:







Thanks in advance for any help and inspiration! :thumbup:

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Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy


Reading the background the first thing that came to mind is Scrap Iron, something else that comes to mind is the character's preparedness and dynamic take on his abilities. So lidt thingy:


Scrap Iron


Quick Charge


The Fixer (The idea being that he always has the right tools)

The Mechanic (See above)

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Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy


Okay so I'm crap with names BUT I just wanted to take a quick minute and say that I'm REALLY impressed with this character concept. I never thought of a magnetic hero using his own home-made power armor but it makes sense and leaves a lot of room for creativity with how it's put together on almost a DAILY basis. Bravo, my friend! :thumbup:

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Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy


Talos (giant of bronze; Greek myth)

Mjollnir (hammer of Thor; Norse myth)

Munechika (legendary Heian swordmaker; Japanese myth)

Kokaji (alternate title meaning "Little Blacksmith" for Munechika)

Govannon (god of smiths; Welsh myth)

Kaveh Ahangar - Kaveh the Blacksmith (demi-divine hero; ancient Iranian/Persian myth)

Weyland the Smith (prototypic smith god; Germanic myth)

Azael (angel in the Book of Enoch who taught man the mastery of metals; JudeoChristian myth)

Siegfried/Sigurd (demi-divine hero who reforged the sword of his father; Germanic myth)

Ansias (hero-smith of surpassing skill from the court of Charlemagne; Frankish myth)

Galas (hero-smith of surpassing skill from the court of Charlemagne; Frankish myth)

Munifican (hero-smith of surpassing skill from the court of Charlemagne; Frankish myth)

Visvakarma (craftsman-god, creator of - among other things - lightning bolts for Indra; Hindu myth)

Ogoun Feraille (as red represents both blood *and* heated metal, he is both a warrior loa *and* loa of blacksmiths; Voodoo myth)

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Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy


Secret ID name: Ferris Weyland (a tip o' the hat to Haven Walkur for Weyland, Ferris is from ferrous).


Hero name: Rust. "Yeah, Mr. Reporter, make all the jokes you want. Just remind the criminals in this town of one thing --- Rust Never Sleeps." ::hidden speakers blare out a bit of Neil Young & Crazy Horse::

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