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40KHero - Space Marine Template


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Val Char Points Total Roll Notes

10 STR 0 20 13- HTH Damage 4d6 END [4]

10 DEX 0 10 11- OCV 3 DCV 3

10 CON 0 13 12-

10 BODY 0 15 12-

10 INT 0 10 11- PER Roll 11-/20-

10 EGO 0 10 11- ECV: 3

10 PRE 0 10 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

10 COM 0 10 11-

2 PD 0 12/18 12/18 PD (0/6 rPD)

2 ED 0 12/18 12/18 ED (0/6 rED)

2 SPD 0 2 Phases: 6, 12

4 REC 0 14

19 END 0 39

20 STUN 0 20

10" Running 8 10"

5" Swimming 3 5"

4" Leaping 0 4" Total Characteristics Cost: 11


Cost Powers END

5 Astartes Genetic Implants: Elemental Control, 10-point powers

3 1) Phase 1: Secondary Heart: +3 CON (6 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

Notes: The simplest and most self-sufficient implant. The secondary heart is capable of boosting the blood supply or maintaining full life functions even with the destruction of the recipient's original heart. The phase 1 implant enables Marines to survive low oxygen concentration and traumatic injury.

5 2) Phase 1: Secondary Heart: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes) (4 Active Points)

3 3) Phase 2: Ossmodula: +5 BODY (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

Notes: This is a tubular shaped organ whose small size belies its complex structure. The ossmodula monitors and secretes hormones affecting epipheseal fusion and ossification of the skeleton. At the same time, the specially engineered hormones encourage the forming of bones to absorb ceramic based chemicals administered in the Marine's diet. Two years following implantation, this will have caused considerable strengthening of the long-bones, extreme ossification of the chest cavity (caused by growth of the ribs forming a solid mass of inter-laced bone plates) and a general increase in the size of the recipient's skeleton.

3 4) Phase 3: Biscopea: +10 STR (10 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

Notes: This organ is implanted into the chest cavity. It is small, aproximately circular and, like Ossmodula, its primary action is hormonal. The presense of the biscopea stimulates muscle growth throughout the body.

5 5) Phase 4: Haemastamen: +20 END (10 Active Points)

Notes: This tiny organ is implanted into a main blood vessel. The haemastamen serves two purpose. It monitors and to some degree controls the phase 2 and 3 implants. The organ also alters the constituent make-up of the recipient's blood. As a result, Marine blood is considerably more efficient than ordinary human blood, as it has to be when you consider the extra biological hardware a Marine carries inside him!

5 6) Phase 5: Larraman's Organ: +5 REC (10 Active Points)

Notes: This is a liver shaped. dark, fleshy organ about the size of a golf-ball. It is implanted into the chest cavity along with a complicated array of blood vessels. The organ generates and stores special 'larraman cells'. If the recipient is wounded. these cells are released into the blood stream. They latch onto leucocyres in the blood and are transported to the site of a wound. Once in contact with air, the larraman cells form a skin substitute of instant scar tissue, staunching the flow of blood and protecting any exposed wound area.

5 7) Phase 6: CataIepsean Node: Life Support (Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) (1 Active Points)

Notes: This brain implant is usually inserted into the back of the skull via a hole drilled into the occipital bone. The pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body's response to sleep deprivation. Normally, a Marine sleeps like any normal man, but if deprived of sleep, the catalepsian node 'cuts in', A man implanted with the node is capable of sleeping and remaining awake at the same time by 'switching off' areas of the brain sequentially. This process cannot replace normal sleep entirely, but increases a Marine's survivability by allowing perception of the environment whilst resting.

8 8) Phase 7: Preomnor: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents) (20 Active Points); Conditional Power: Only ingested into digestive tract Power does not work in Common Circumstances (-1/2), Incantations (Requires Ingesting; -1/4)

Notes: The preomnor is a large implant which fits into the chest cavity. It is a pre-digestive stomach which allows the Marine to eat a variety of otherwise poisonous or indigestible materials. No actual digestion takes place in the preornnor. Individual sensory tubes assess potential poisons and neuualise them or, where necessary, isolate the preomnor from the rest of the digestive tract.

4 9) Phase 8: Omophagea: Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Marine, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Mountain, Underground, Urban) 9- (16 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Native Animal; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Incantations (Must Consume Native Animal; -1/4)

Notes: This is a complicated implant. It really becomes part of the brain, but is actually situated within the spinal cord between the cervical and thoracic vertibrae. Four nerve sheaths called neuroclea are implanted between the spine and the preomnoral stomach wall. The omophagea is designed to absorb genetic material generated in animal tissue as a function of memory, experience or innate ability. This endows the Marine with an unusual survival trail. He can actually learn by eating. If a Marine eats a part of a crearure, he will absorb some of the memories of that creature. This can be very useful in an alien environment. Incidentally, it is the presence of this organ which has created the various flesh and blood drinking rituals for which the Marines are famous, as well as giving the names to chapters such as the Blood Drinkers, Flesh Tearers, etc.

3 10) Phase 8: Omophagea: KS: Native Information Known By Consumed Creature (14 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Native Animal; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Incantations (-1/4) 21-

7 11) Phase 9: Multi-lung: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents) (20 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works for Airborne Reagents (-1)

Notes: This is another large implant. The multi-lung, or 'third' lung, is a tubular grey organ. Blood is pumped through the organ via connecting vessels grafted onto the recipient's pulmonary system. Atmosphere is taken in by means of a sphincter located in the trachea. In toxic atmospheres, an associated sphincter muscle closes the trachea and restricts normal breathing, thus protecting the lungs. The multi-lung is able to absorb oxygen from poorly oxygenated or poisonous air. Most importantly, it is able to do this without suffering damage thanks to its own efficient toxin dispersal, neutralisation and regeneration systems.

5 12) Phase 10: Occulobe: +2 PER with Sight Group (4 Active Points)

Notes: This small slug-like organ sits at the base of the brain. It provides the hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a Marine's eyes to respond to optic-therapy. The occulobe does not itself improve a Marine's eyesight, but it allows technicians to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells. An adult Marine has far better eyesight than a normal human , and can see in low light conditions almost as well as in daylight.

5 13) Phase 10: Occulobe: Nightvision

2 14) Phase 11: Lyman's Ear: Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works in extreme disorientation (-1)

Notes: The organ enables a Marine to consciously enhance and even filter certain types of background noise. Not only is hearing improved, but a Marine cannot become dizzy or nauseous as a result of extreme disorientation. Lyman's ear is externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear.

5 15) Phase 11: Lyman's Ear: +2 PER with Normal Hearing (2 Active Points)

4 16) Phase 12: Sus-an Membrane: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Longevity: Immortal; Self-Contained Breathing) (18 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1)

Notes: This flat, circular organ is implanted over the top of the exposed brain. It then grows into the brain tissue until completely merged. The organ is ineffective without subsequent chemical therapy and training. However, a properly tutored Marine may then enter into a state of suspended animation. This may be a conscious action , or may happen automatically in the event of extreme physical trauma. In this condition a Marine may survive for many years, even if bearing otherwise fatal injuries. Only appropriate chemical therapy and auto-suggestion can revive a Marine from this state -a Marine cannot revive himself. The lonngest known period of de-animation followed by successful re-animation is 567 years in the case of brother Silas Err of the Dark Angels (d. 321 M.27).

2 17) Phase 13: Melanochrome: Life Support (Safe in High Radiation); Activation Roll 11- (-1)

Notes: The melanochrome, or melanochromic organ, is hemispherical and black. It functions in an indirect and extremely complicated manner. It monitors radiation levels and types bombarding the skin. and if necessary, sets off chemical reactions to darken the skin to protect it from ultraviolet exposure. It also provides limited protection from other forms of radiation.

6 18) Phase 13: Melanochrome: Force Field (6 PD/6 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (18 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works vs Radiation (-1)

5 19) Phase 14: Oolitic Kidney: +5 REC (10 Active Points)

Notes: This red-brown and heart shaped organ improves and modifies the Marine's circulatory system enabling other implants to function effectively. The oolitic kidney also filters blood extremely efficiently and quickly. The secondary heart and oolitic kidney are able to act together, performing an emergency detoxification program in which the Marine is rendered unconscious as his blood is circulated at high speed. This enables a Marine to survive poisons and gases which are otherwise too much for even the multi-lung to cope with.

2 20) Phase 14: Oolitic Kidney: Life Support (0 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1 1/2)

5 21) Phase 15: Neuroglottis: +5 PER with Normal Taste

Notes: Although the preomnor protects a Marine from digesting anything too deadly, the neuroglouis enables him to assess a potential food by taste. The organ is implanted into the back of the mouth. By chewing, or simply by tasting, a Marine can detect a wide variety of natural poisons, some chemicals and even the distinctive odours of some creatures. To some degree a Marine is also able to track a target by taste alone.

5 22) Phase 15: Neuroglottis: Tracking with Normal Taste

5 23) Phase 16: Mucranoid: Life Support (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) (4 Active Points)

Notes: This small organ is implanted in the lower intestine where its hormonal secretions are absorbed by the colon. These secretions initiate a modification of the sweat glands. This modification normally makes no difference to the Marine until activated by appropriate chemo-therapy. As a result of this treatment the Marine sweats an oily, naturally cleansing substance which coats the skin. This protects the Marine against extremes of temperature and even offers a slight degree of protection in vacuwn. Mucranoid themo-therapy is standard procedure on long space voyages and when fighting in vacuum or near vacuum.

3 24) Phase 16: Mucranoid: Life Support (Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (2 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2)

4 25) Phase 17: Betcher's Gland: Sight Group Flash 1 1/2d6 (8 Active Points); Reduced By Range (-1/4)

Notes: Two of these identical glands are implanted, either into the lower lip, alongside the salivary glands or into the hard palette. Betcher's gland works in a similar way to the poison gland of venomous reptiles by synthesising and storing deadly poison. Marines are rendered immune to this poison by virtue of the gland's presence. The gland allows the Maline to spit a blinding contact poison. The poison is also highly acidic and corrosive. A Marine imprisoned behind iron bars could easily chew his way out given an hour or so.

3 26) Phase 17: Betcher's Gland: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (1/2d6 w/STR) (5 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2)

5 27) Phase 19: Black Carapace: +10 PD (10 Active Points)

Notes: This is the last and the most distinctive implant. It looks like a film of black plastic when it's growing in the tanks. This is removed from its culture-solution and cut into sheets which are implanted directly beneath the skin of the Marine's torso. Within a few hours the tissue expands, hardens on the outside, and sends invasive neural bundles deep inside the Marine. After several months the carapace will have fully matured and the recipient is then fitted with neural sensors and transfusion points cut into the hardened carapace, These artificial 'plug-in' points mesh with features integral to the powered armour, such as the monitoring, medicinal and maintenance units, Without the benefit of a black carapace a Space Marine's armour is relatively useless.

5 28) Phase 19: Black Carapace: +10 ED (10 Active Points)

Phase 18: Progenoids

Notes: There are two of these glands, one situated in the neck, the other deep within the chest cavity. These glands are imporrant to the survival of the Marine's chapter. Each organ grows within the Marine, absorbing hormonal stimuli and genetic material from the other implants. After five years the neck gland is mature and ready for removal. After ten years the chest gland becomes mature and is also ready for removal. A gland may be removed anytime after it has matured. These glands represent a chapter's only source of gene-seed. When mature, each gland contains a single gene-seed corresponding to each zygote implanted into the recipient Marine. Once removed by surgery, the progenoid must be carefully prepared, its individual geneseeds checked for mutation, and sound geneseeds stored. Geneseeds can be stored indefinitely under suitable conditions.


Astartes Close Combat Art

4 1) Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike

4 2) Killing Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 1d6 +1

4 3) Crush: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 8d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

4 4) Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 35 STR vs. Grabs

3 5) Grab: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on

3 6) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 5d6 Strike, Target Falls

3 7) Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; Target Falls

4 8) Charge: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, 6d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove

4 9) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort



4 Contact 13-

1 Fringe Benefit: Astartes Rank

3 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance



3 Resistance (3 points)



2 +2 OCV with Assault Rifles

9 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Flamethrowers, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Off Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons

2 Weaponsmith (Firearms) 11-

3 Demolitions 11-

3 Concealment 11-

3 Tactics 11-

3 Climbing 11-

2 Navigation (Land) 11-

3 Stealth 11-

15 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Marine Surface, Mountain, Underground, Urban) 11-

3 Tracking 11-

3 TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic

2 KS: The Imperium 11-

2 KS: Adeptus Astartes History And Customs 11-

2 KS: Astartes Chapter History & Traditions 11-

2 KS: Astartes Combat Arts 11-

2 PS: Adeptus Astartes 11-

Total Powers & Skills Cost: 233


Total Cost: 243


200+ Disadvantages

15 Distinctive Features: Astartes Physique (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Astartes Chapter 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

10 Social Limitation: Subject to Following Orders (Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)

Total Disadvantages Points: 40

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


2 17) Phase 13: Melanochrome: Life Support (Safe in High Radiation); Activation Roll 11- (-1)

Notes: The melanochrome, or melanochromic organ, is hemispherical and black. It functions in an indirect and extremely complicated manner. It monitors radiation levels and types bombarding the skin. and if necessary, sets off chemical reactions to darken the skin to protect it from ultraviolet exposure. It also provides limited protection from other forms of radiation.

6 18) Phase 13: Melanochrome: Force Field (6 PD/6 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (18 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works vs Radiation (-1)


Sorry, but the Melanochrome isn't an official organ anymore. It's not in the 5th Ed rulebook.


Also, there's really no need to make most of that stuff individual powers. It's not like your internal organs can be removed or suppressed. Just make the appropriate changes directly to the stats, and leave off all those "no figured characteristics" disads.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


It's overly complicated. Making all their implants into a single EC means they can be defeated with a single drain. It looks impressive, but is going to be really really hard to actually play. Simplify, simplify.


Oh, and I meant 5th edition Codex: Space Marines, not the main rulebook.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Well you know they grow the skeleton out a bit to give themselves more room.


I like what you've done here Stormhawk, you've captured the incredible power of a Space Marine pretty well, this is the kind of warrior who can slaughter lesser foes by the dozen. 10/10 for attention to detail.


One slight problem, although you've given them quite a few Martial Manouevres you don't seem to have added any close combat CSLs. Unless he wants to tackle or legsweep someone this guy is going to be hitting with the same OCV as an imperial guardsman, or for that matter a healthy civilian with a knife. That's just not right. I'd suggest a level or two in OCV with HtH combat or a Fast Strike.


You might also consider adding a rapid fire ability to simulate the old Bolter Drill rules, not that those are canon anymore.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Possibly. It's hard to tell from the 40K stats which don't distinguish between dexterity and skill when it comes to attacking or dodging.


I don't recall any mention of Space Marines being unusually agile. In battles they are usually described as overwhelming their foes with brutal strength, ferocity and discipline.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Granted that's true. I remember from trying to play Rogue Trader. Good strategy system, horrible rp system. One fight with one hit and your character is very dead.


But given that your average soldier (in the hero system) has a Dex of 12-14 I would think that Space Marines would be at least a 12.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Granted that's true. I remember from trying to play Rogue Trader. Good strategy system, horrible rp system. One fight with one hit and your character is very dead.


But given that your average soldier (in the hero system) has a Dex of 12-14 I would think that Space Marines would be at least a 12.


They are also in fluff, often described as moving faster than any normal man, being "blindingly fast", "surpassing human physical maximums" "Physical paragons" etc.


I think it's safe to assume that a normal space marine is both faster and more dextrous than a normal human.


cheers, Mark

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


They are also in fluff, often described as moving faster than any normal man, being "blindingly fast", "surpassing human physical maximums" "Physical paragons" etc.


I think it's safe to assume that a normal space marine is both faster and more dextrous than a normal human.


cheers, Mark


That bit I don't recall from my forays into Inferno and the like.


But I guess I'll concede the point. :D

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Long time no post, but I've been GMing Dark Heresy so this is kind of in my mind (not that I would run DH using Hero -- I think the rules are fine for the genre).


According to GW's highly variable fluff, an unarmored Space Marine is supposed to be able to crush a man's skull in his hand. This sounds like higher than a 20 STR to me. (?)


I wrote up a basic Astartes a while ago in Heroese and gave him STR 25, DEX 23, CON 23, and BODY 20. SPD 4. They basically are Supers.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


I think the main thing I'd point out about any of the DEX talk is that this is meant to simply reflect their PHYSICAL alterations and nothing more.


If you applied a Green Beret Package to this, they'd end up with about a 12 DEX and Marital Arts enough to apply quite the vicious Killing Strike.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Fair enough.


Does that mean you're not going to stat up bolters and power armour?


Pity. :rolleyes:


Off the top of my head I'd call the first 8 points of hardened ED and PD and the second a 2.5 d6 RKA with all the usual gun limitations. I might even post a proper write up at some point, possibly even after working out how Power Armour would translate into the Hero System.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Given their unshakeable resolve' date=' I think they need more PRE.[/quote']


And high EGO.


Really, Astartes are superhero-class characters. Think Defender from the Champions, only it's grim and dark and there is only war and overpriced miniatures.


Their enemies are either also superhero-class characters, or come in enormous numbers. I think of Marines as superheroes and Imperial Guardsmen as Primus Agents. With artillery.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


And high EGO.


Really, Astartes are superhero-class characters. Think Defender from the Champions, only it's grim and dark and there is only war and overpriced miniatures.


Their enemies are either also superhero-class characters, or come in enormous numbers. I think of Marines as superheroes and Imperial Guardsmen as Primus Agents. With artillery.


And big tanks.


cheers, Mark

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


FWIW I noticed that I still have on my desktop a (very crude) Heroization of a Space Marine I did a few months ago while I was avoiding work. :) Like I said, it's very crude and should have various other features added it: the various implant effects, a radio communications system, the monomolecular knife, etc. The boter could also be done differently. Anyway, here's what I got (The OIF stuff is all part of the armor).


Cost CHA Val


13 STR 23/35

39 DEX 23

26 CON 23

16 BODY 18

3 INT 13

2 EGO 11

10 PRE 20

0 COM 10

5 PD 10/20/22

5 ED 10/20/22

7 SPD 4

0 REC 10

0 END 46

0 STUN 42





2 Tough: 2 PD 2 ED Damage Resistance

3 Enhanced Skeleton: 2 PD 2 ED Armor (6 Active Points), Activation

Roll (12-; -1)


3 +1 PER Roll with All Senses

2 +1 PER Roll with All Senses (3 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)


9 Powered Armor Servos: +12 STR, Reduced Endurance Cost (0 END; + ½)

(18 Active Points), OIF (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

20 10 PD 10 ED Armor (30 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)


3 IR Vision (5 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)

3 Nightvision (5 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)

5 Shock Absorbers: +5 CON (10 Active Points), OIF (-1/2), No Figured

Characteristics (-1/2)

4 Absolute Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense (6 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)


27 Holy Bolter: 2d6 Ranged Killing Attack, Armor-Piercing (+1/2), Autofire

(x3; +1/4), 65 Charges (+1/2) (67 Active Points), OAF (-1), Real Weapon

(-1/4), Beam (-1/4)


4 +2” Running

2 +2” Swimming

5 +10 PRE (10 Active Points), Only to Make or Resist Fear-Based Presence

Attacks (-1)




7 5 Sight and Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)







4 Martial Strike

5 Offensive Strike

4 Martial Block

4 Martial Dodge




16 +2 with All Combat

3 +1 with Bolters

2 KS: Chapter History 11-

1 KS: Foul Enemies of the Emperor 8-

1 KS: Imperial Theology 8-

1 KS: Adeptus Astartes 8-

3 Breakfall 14-

2 Climbing 11-

1 Systems Operation 8-

1 KS: Powered Armor 8-

1 KS: Codex Astartes 8-

5 WF: Common Small Arms, Common Melee Weapons, Exotic Weapons (Bolters)

2 Tactics 11-

2 Teamwork 11-

2 Navigation (Land) 11-





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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Kudos to anyone brave enough to tackle a 40K conversion. The basics seem simple enough, but the disconnect between the fluff and the rules is scary.


I've read books where a marine lifted the edge of an APC to get it out of a ditch.




I tried doing some conversions and just gave up as I got frustrated between trying to make them reflect the 40k rules, or "feeling" right.


So again, my kudos for taking a whack at it.

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Kudos to anyone brave enough to tackle a 40K conversion. The basics seem simple enough' date=' but the disconnect between the fluff and the rules is scary.[/quote']


Yep: the fluff really is disconnected from the rules. I explicitly went with the rules in my conversions, because if you are used to a squad of marines charging another squad of marines and losing 1-2 guys to fire on the way in, you are likely to be a bit surprised when your marine stands up and is instantly shredded by a couple of rounds of bolter fire.


We have actually played Hero system Inquisitor using the builds I posted and while I was initally a bit concerned about Marines being underpowered, I was surprised at a) how tough the Marine PCs proved in practice and B) how quickly the other PCs learned to get behind the marine whenever anything shooty or bitey appeared.


cheers, Mark

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


I would not convert the 40K wargame, in part because of reasons already mentioned and in part because the rules are designed for a wargame, not an RPG. I would try adapting Dark Heresy -- and there is by the way a very well done Dark Heresy fan-made Astartes supplement here: http://www.geocities.com/peacekeeper_b/page2.html ).


Great stuff on Tyranids too. :)

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


I would not convert the 40K wargame, in part because of reasons already mentioned and in part because the rules are designed for a wargame, not an RPG. I would try adapting Dark Heresy -- and there is by the way a very well done Dark Heresy fan-made Astartes supplement here: http://www.geocities.com/peacekeeper_b/page2.html ).


Great stuff on Tyranids too. :)


Glad you liked the Tyranus Conclave Adeptus Astartes book and it was a pleasure to co-write it. :)

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Re: 40KHero - Space Marine Template


Oh' date=' that was you! BRAVO!! I've spent hours making up Astartes characters using those rules. :)[/quote']


I'm glad that you've gotten good use out of the book and I hope your group uses it. If you'd like to search through the Star Hero section you could find another book I've written that was specifically for the Hero System. It was BSG Hero and I never finished it, but it's a pretty solid book that just needs a bit of tweaking.


@Stormhawk: My suggestion would be to use the TC: AA book as a basis and convert it over to the Hero System. Build a base template for a neophyte then just use the ranks as a guideline for package deals. It would be a pretty easy conversion considering Dark Heresy is built upon the 1d100 system.


The effects you've used in the base template doesn't match the desciption given for each organ which is problematic. I'd also stay away from Fearless since Astartes aren't Fearless, but rather well indoctrinated. Once the indoctrination breaks down it unravels fast to where a Marine falls to Chaos in a relatively short time. Shorter then even a standard human does.


The EC is an excellent idea, however, there is a shortfall in your implimentation. The EC should have an IIF built into it since the background states that Marines can and will lose those organs to combat. Also, not all Chapters have all of the implants so that should be taken into consideration. My recommendation would be to build a template for each First Founding Chapter since there is numerous mutations in the organs. The upside to building the templates for each Chapter is that you can include in the disadvantages that are specific into that Chapter. Thus, an Ultramarine Marine would have a different set of organs and disadvantages then a Blood Angels Marine. Once the base package deal is done the package deals for job speciality can be done by following the progression as specified in the background. An example progression for speciality packages could be:


1. Neophyte (150 points)

2. Scout (175 points)

3. Brother Marine/Techpriest/Chaplain/Librarian (200 points)

4. Assault/Tactical/Devastator/Medicae Marine (225 points)

5. Veteran Assault/Tactical/Devastator/Medicae (250 points)

6. Assault/Tactical/Devastator/Medicae Sergeants (300 points)


Techpriests, Chaplains, and Librarians would have their own special packages available every 25 points. You could even go beyond the regular company Marines and enter into the First Company Veterans progression, but each progression could be 50 points per package.

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