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What would you do if YOU could travel in time?

Michael Hopcroft

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Originally posted by dbsousa

I would meet my Freshman high school self, and give him $1000, and the following advice:


I don’t think I’d go for that. All in all, I’m in a pretty good place now, and I’d be scared of messing that up. Besides, if I corrected all my old mistakes, past-me would probably just go off and make new ones anyway. :(


But I would say yes to the gambling and investments, then take the money uptime for a little medical tuneup. After that, I think I might just keep going forward for a while. The past would be nice to see, but I’m really curious what happens next. I’d love to see what kind of screwed-up theories historians will have come up with about the 20th century a few thousand years from now, or what this planet will look like in a few million.

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First, go forward in time and catch some movies I'm anxious to see.


Then go back in time and make some investments to get rich. Go forward in time and use the money to buy health, immortality and immunity from diseases. Return to the present and put together a staff of explorers. As a career, make excursions to the past to record major historical events. Pick up more staff members from various time periods, to use as "moles." For vacation, dally in the future to partake of advanced technologies.



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Re: What would you do if YOU could travel in time?


Originally posted by Michael Hopcroft

People always think of these super-dramatic things that they or their characters would do if they had access to time travel. Which leads me to ask what sounds like a personal question -- if you had access to time travel technology, what would YOU do with it?


On November 22nd, 1963, I'd be watching the grassy knoll very very carefully.

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