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Here is what I plan to use for the basic Jedi/Force training package. Remember, that when using VPP's, its the real cost thats your limit to the number of powers you can have active. So, new users will be taking extra time, concentrating harder, etc, to produce effects the masters can do with but a thought. :)


Cost Power END
15 Feel the Force: Detect the Force (User or Activity) 12-, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Telescopic (+6)
22 Force Intuitive: Danger Sense (Area: Immediate Vicinity, Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 11-
15 Force Sensitve: Combat Sense 11-
3 Force (Weaving, Control, Manipulation, etc....Choose a name): (EGO-based) 11-
45 Newbie Force User: Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 15 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (60 Active Points); Side Effect: Transform, 1d6-EGO, Cumalative, Heals only with Atonement; To turn Force user into a Dark Sider; Only when Force user does an evil or selfish act. If a Force Power is used evilly or selfishly, Transform has 2x Effect. (-1/2), Limited Class Of Powers- Force Powers only (Slightly Limited) (-1/4), Gestures or Incantations or Concentraion(Half)(-1/4)
Powers Cost: 100


I placed the Gestures or Incantations or Concentration in as a limit, for two reasons- Even the masters (Qui-gon, Yoda, Vader) seemed to use gestures with their powers often. Only with great meditative concentration did anyone Levitate, Choke, or Affect anything without using a gesture (Luke on Dagobah in training). So I think that letting a player choose one of the three (when a power is called on) is most dramatically appropriate for a Star Wars feel. :)


Hope this helps. You could always pare down the cost by dropping the Danger Sense or the Combat Sense, but if you follow the canon and movies, these are some of the very first abilities learned in traditional training, even before the Powers.


As the character grows in power, his base Force Senses hone and sharpen, and his VPP grows to represent his greater control. Hence he can do larger effects, or smaller ones with less effort (less limitations). I think it captures the flavor of the Force pretty well. :)


And as always- Keep in mind the GM has total control over any and all VPP slots. Keep them padawans in line!

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I'm running a Star Wars game soon, myself, and this is precisely the type of thing I had in mind to give the Force wielders. Now that someone's written it down, I'll *steal* it! No one will ever know!


Actually, I'm probably going to not give it the Dark Side problem: I don't think the players in question would tolerate this kind of thing. But it's what I'd take if I was the player.


Originally posted by RadeFox

Cost Power END
15 Feel the Force: Detect the Force (User or Activity) 12-, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Telescopic (+6)
22 Force Intuitive: Danger Sense (Area: Immediate Vicinity, Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Sensitivity: Out of Combat) 11-
15 Force Sensitve: Combat Sense 11-
3 Force (Weaving, Control, Manipulation, etc....Choose a name): (EGO-based) 11-
45 Newbie Force User: Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 15 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (60 Active Points); Side Effect: Transform, 1d6-EGO, Cumalative, Heals only with Atonement; To turn Force user into a Dark Sider; Only when Force user does an evil or selfish act. If a Force Power is used evilly or selfishly, Transform has 2x Effect. (-1/2), Limited Class Of Powers- Force Powers only (Slightly Limited) (-1/4), Gestures or Incantations or Concentraion(Half)(-1/4)
Powers Cost: 100

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Glad you like it, and May the Force Be With You! :P


Its a big chunk for a standard 75+75 game to start out buying, but most Force users in a typical game are likely to be fresh barely padawan'd folks, who've likely spent the better part of their early lives sequestored away in a jedi enclave or monastery studying the force. The 50 points left can buy some stats and maybe a few skills.


A Common thing I am likely going to add when I start my SW game, is allowing the Jedi Code disad to be taken as part of the above package, and not counting towards the 75 pts in disads. Call me a softy, but a Jedi's life is a hard one, and I like a player willing to take on the challenge.


Or you COULD give jedi players an extra 25pt disad (hunted, either by Empire or Sith, or Mandalorians, or the Foe of the era) and let them sort of 'go over' the campaign standard. This allows for at least some more well rounded force users, and gives the GM a nice solid hook for stories. ;)


Either way, I consider the extra disad well worth it from a GM POV, since in Star Wars the conflict between the light and dark is one of the best story arcs, and having players really caring about it makes the game much more enjoyable, and easier to run. :) Cookies well spent!

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I assume you mean to build something like a Jedi. I've got a type of magic in my FH game that works out somewhat like that. One of the biggest factors is simply +3 Overall Skill Levels. That simulates a lot of Force-like effects. For cost efficiency I might stick them in a MP (see below). Probably add in more CSLs for lightsaber, though not in the MP.


A high DEX seems like a must.


Then I'd add a Senses EC (if that's still allowed?) with Combat Sense, Danger Sense (maybe), Clairvoyance and perhaps a couple others.


For the more overt abilities I'd make a MP (probably around 40 pts) with the following:

- TK

- Missile Reflection

- A slot with tons of DCV levels (to simulate casually deflecting lots of laser blasts without Reflecting them)

- A slot with more Overall Skill Levels bought with Concentration (to simulate Luke's Death Star shot, Obi-Wan killing Darth Maul, Yoda meditating, etc.)

- Superleap

- Mind Control


Then one or more slots with the following (though I'm not sure if the power level will make them practical):

- Telepathy

- Mind Scan

- etc.


On 150 points, though, you're going to have to play a lot with the numbers to come up with a convincing Jedi.



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