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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Free Don.


Donald J. Jones was always trouble shoplifting burglary and no matter how often someone caught him he always seemed to slip there grasp and get away it wasn't until he was 15 and the cops found him at home after an accomplice ratted him out he was too freaked out to run they cuffed him and loaded him into the cop car.


As the car drive him to the station all he could think was how much he wanted to run suddenly there was a clatter the cuffs where on the floor of the car as the cops turned to see what happened the watched in amazement as Don fell through the seat and landed hard behind the car.


Don knew he had an amazing ability

And his ticket to the big time breaking and entering was his bread and butter us I mg h his desolidication powers. Then one day he got caught some no account rentacop actually pulled a gun on him and fired Don thought he would just slip through it but his instincts went the other way and he found the bullets just bouncing off him.


Now with a full understanding of his density shifting powers he became a successful freelance villain before joining the NYCRVB now he acts as the free safety using his abilities to dodge around of through anyone getting in his way of the target and then hit very hard with an increased density tackle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok its been 11  days since the last post i have an idea for the dime back but need death tribble's permission to break the rule on posting sequential characters again( I do try hard not make a habit of it)

Well, if not. I did have an idea until you put out nickelback, that it might be interesting if nickel and dime were brothers. I might could think of something when I get up tomorrow afternoon on that.

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Bradley Ronald Kroeger is Dimeback, as well as Nickelback's older brother.  He promised their mother when he was little to always look after his brother.  But, this promise has become quite a chore.  Daniel was always their mother's favorite.  ANd while he found his way into sports,  Brad had to eke out a living among the streets, joining up with gangs and eventually the Albertian mob, going in and out of prison like a revolving door.  He got his brother into the mob, when his brother p!$$ed away his pro career.  Though, he secretly seethed that his brother given everything managed to screw his life up, once again.  While if he could have given half the, no, a tenth the chance, he could have made something of his ownself.   A short time before Nickelback acquired his own powers, they were on a job.  The elder brother was shot and paralyzed, what was worse, when finally given a chance to repay all that had been done for him, the younger brother fled, just ran away, leaving behind his older brother for dead.



THe elder a paraplegic, in custody, caught the attention of Blitzkrieg, who was building up the defensive squad at the time.  He was given a special exoskeleton  (the blueprints were another memento from Blitzkrieg's grandfather, Blitzkrieg find a scientist willing to give a try) in exchange for his loyalty.  Now able to move again, he joined the defense.  The exoskeleton giving him as well as movement, superhuman speed, jumping ability, a forcefield, and a limited energy blast.  Eventually, his brother reappeared on the scene, and he found himself vouching to Blitzkrieg on his behalf (though Nickelback insist Blitzkrieg sought out his greatness). 


Nickelback and DImeback work great as a team often forming a double team on an opponent.  SOmetimes getting referred to as the "Spare Change" Brothers.  Dimeback often finds himself intervening to protect his brother from their teammates quite often.  Even though, inside even he hates his brother, perhaps more than anyone,  only protecting him as the dutiful son fulfilling the promise he gave so long ago.



Note: Hope I didn't step on your ideas of Nickelback too much, I was doing the best I could with their personality dynamic basing nickelback from your post.

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Nearly two weeks and no-one wanted to do the Cornerback and finish the team ? Ok I'll do it AND pick the next team.


The Cornerback is another one who shares his villain ID with the position he plays. He is just a man. With a man's courage. You know he's nothing but a man. And he can never fail. No one who is impure of heart would ever rob the mail. But Flash Thomson did. And yes he has heard all the Spiderman jokes and all the Flash Gordon jokes. A good runner and mid level brick, he is quite adept at keeping an eye on what is happening so he can stop the opposition from getting through and defeating the team. That is one thing when it is the cops and quite another when it is heroes and their vast bag of tricks including desolidification and flight. It is rumoured that he has several devices to deal with people's abilities.

The others in the defense believe he has some influence with the management as they can be called out of a situation or made to stay based on what he says. However they know he is not paid anymore than any of them nor does he use his hierarchical authority to make their lives miserable. If anything he is supportive of the group and helps them get out of a jam or off to the medics.

he is a team player and get on with the offensive unit and special teams as well.


New Team: The Chessmen. This is a team based on the game of Chess and can come from any period from the 1960s to date. I am assuming that there have been several teams and that each one gets defeated so someone else gets to start the team anew.

The team comprises the following:-

The Pawns who are the bulk of the group and are treated as one entry so these are the SHIELD agents to the Avengers who would be King/Queen/Rook/Knight/Bishop.

The Rook(s), Knight(s) and Bishop(s). Minimum 1 of each maximum 2 of each

the Queen minimum of one and maximum of one

The King, minimum of one and maximum of one.

The following rules apply:-

(1) The Pawns are the first entry, the Rook/Knight/Bishop follow in any order but the penultimate one is the Queen and the last one is the King

(2) The person who posts the Pawns gets to decide the time period. If this is later than the 60s you can refer back to previous incarnations and can go into as much detail or as little as you wish. The later the time period the more powerful the team can be.

(3) The second entry can be one of three but there need not be 2 of them so you could have 1 Rook, 1 Knight and 1 Bishop or 2 of each or some combination. If there are 2 of say the Rook, then there does not need to be 2 Bishops or 2 Knights. Also order is unimportant. Rook, Knight, Bishop is the way it goes on the chessboard but you don't have to do it that way.

(4) Once one each of Rook, Knight and Bishop have been posted you can then post The Queen. BUT once posted ONLY the King can follow.

(5) The Rook can be referred to as a Castle if that is what you want.

(6) The Pawns are a mob so would not be described individually. The Rook/Knight/Bishop however can be male or female.

(7) The Queen does not necessarily have to be a woman but it would help. Also The Queen is the most powerful of the group.

(8) The King can get himself out of trouble but usually requires his team to help. he could even be immortal or can only die under set circumstances like Barbossa in Pirates of the Carribean.

(9) If you post one entry then you cannot post the next. So if you have a good idea for the Queen/King collaborate with someone.

(10) be genre specific. Comic genre specific to be exact. Batman Adam West for the 60s, Batman Michael Keaton for the 90s.

Minimum no of entries 6, maximum of 9

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It was 1973 and most of the original chessmen where in jail or otherwise removed from play. The heroes of the time where confident in their victory , until the new chessmens pawns swooped down from the sky on high tech flying discs. They ransacked jewllery and other high end stores in the cities most wealthy area with rapid smash and grab tactics.


The PAWNS wore a simple one piece jump suit in white with a ball like motorcycle helmet with a white visor that completely obscured their faces. Each was armed with potent but short ranged blaster rod.


Of course this was all a distraction and while the heroes battled the PAWNS the chess men where busy with a much more lucrative crime.


The PAWNS that where captured where all low grade criminals well k own to the police. Despite intense interrogation and offers of immunity they where unable to help the authorities with information on the identities of the Chessmen.


any attempt to remove the helmet resulted in them releasing a cloud of gas that caused amnesia making the pawn forget the last few days.


Many claimed to have been mind controlled but that may have just been them attempting to build a defence.



The rest of their gear self destructed or disappeared before the local heroes and authorities could analyse it.


There was a suggestion that one of the PAWNS was actually the leader but because of their interchangeablity no one could be sure.

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Queen's Rook is Crusher Carver.  Yes, that's his real name.  His father was a huge sports fan, and encouraged by how large his son was at birth, gave him an aspirational name.  Young Crusher, however, did not share his father's enthusiasm for athletics, but funneled his interest into science, particularly chemistry.  His father did not take this well, becoming physically abusive towards Crusher (and emotionally neglectful of his daughter Cutie, who did love sports and excel at them.)  Crusher won a scholarship to a prestigious college, but on a trip home was so badly beaten that he was hospitalized for several months and lost the grant.


To pay his hospital bill, Crusher began supplying customized chemicals to shady enterprises that did not mind his lack of a formal degree.  He moved up the ranks of criminal scientists until he was picked up by the Chessmen.


Queen's Rook uses various chemical sprays and mists to defend the team.  He invented the amnesia gas that the Pawns are rigged with.  In combat, he will generally be called upon to lay down smokescreens, knock out opponents the Chessmen want to capture alive, and assist teammates who have gotten in over their heads.  His white armor is equipped with several impact-released sprays to make engaging him in hand to hand dangerous--he can control which one is released by toggles inside his helmet.  He is not otherwise a good melee combatant.


QR's biggest psychological weakness is a rivalry with other criminal scientists--he hates it when they lord their completed degrees over him.

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Queen's Knight is Clifton DeGray, an electronics expert who also happens to be a medieval history buff.  He fashioned some "plate mail" of high-tech composites, along with his Electro-Lance and (over the years) a succession of various electronic mounts ranging from his Electro-Steed (what can we say, it was the early 1960s) up to his current antigrav Flying Steed.  Not surprisingly, he is very good at jousting, which is his signature attack. 


Though he has an electrical engineering degree, Cliff has repeatedly pointed out the value of "real-world applications" over "classroom instruction," so he and Crusher get along fairly well. 


Edit:  The above is based on a 1970s team, as stated in the Pawns post.  A more modern version of the Chessmen could have Cliff's son Norman DeGray, who shares many of Cliff's talents and interests.

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Queen's Bishop is Mike Mendelson.  A slight, professorial figure, he can channel the power of gravity to become utterly immovable - shrugging off all known physical or energy attacks.  However, this ability only works when he is in direct contact with the ground.  Occasionally, heroes have defeated him by tricking him into jumping or entering enough water to sever the connection (or 'dark-squared' as his teammates sometimes refer to it).   He wears monastic robes and carries a shock-staff to provide him with some offensive punch - on rare occasions, he will wear his namesake's mitre!

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Kings rook Aka The Castle


Kenny Fortner was the largest baby born in ohio history not always the brightest child but always the biggest Kenny knew he would be a big football star and he would have been if the compulsory meta talent testing hadn't come to college football during his senior year in high school.


Kenny was bared from playing. his remarkable strength to far above peak human for him to play. barely graduating high school  and unable to follow his dream Kenny ended up working construction. Kenny just wanted to be liked and was easily led  falling in with a rough crowd he was quickly convinced to use his superhuman strength for robberies. mostly it went pretty well kenny would smash locks or rip out security bars and the guys would grab the valuables kenny enjoyed it up until the cops arrived as the gang where leaving their latest heist some one pulled a gun the cops returned fire and the gang and kenny went down in a hail of bullets.


It was the second worst way to find out the super strength didn't come with invulnerability kenny woke up in hospital under guard after taking 5 bullets and almost dying in surgery it took him months to recover fortunately a paperwork mix up sent him to a normal prison and he was able to bust out with his super strength. using heavy steel boiler plates stolen from a junk yard he constructed a suit of armour and robbed banks as the super villain iron clad for a couple of years before being recruited by the king for a new incarnation of the chessmen he has since modified his armour painting it white and adding crenelation like shapes to the helmet shoulder and knee guards.


kenny is still not a big thinker his main tactic is charge in a straight line through anyone who is in his way using his size and mass of his armour to plow straight through. he is also very protective of the King and is more than willing to dive in front of an attack aimed at him.

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King's Bishop is Willard Cummings. He was noted for coming at things at a different angle leading to his bishop nickname. He studied martial arts and again came at fighting at a different angle which angered purists. But it did attract attention from the wrong side of the tracks. Thugs sent to intimidate him into doing things for them were surprised when he agreed to help them and improve their takings. His reputation began to spread and he came to the attention of the Chessmen who inducted him. he has not looked back.

Unlike those martial artists who fight honourable duels, Willard does not. He will look at defeating an opponent in a way that he might not be expecting.

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Well, SKJAM gives me inspiration for   (assuming she hasn't been used before somewhere, I could change slightly otherwise)


King's Knight.  



Crusher's sister Cutie, always neglected by her father, she eventually gave up on her father's approval in her teen years.  Despite having the potential to be a college basketball point guard, she gave up the sport at the end of her junior season of high school, as she spiraled into a deep unending rebellious phase.  It was probably inevitable she would soon join the chessmen.


Since joining despite being one of the younger of the group (non-pawns anyway) she has been trained to be a premier martial artist for the group (training with Cummings).  Wearing a special light armor to improve her abilities (possibly created by her fellow knight).


Her biggest negative trait comes from her neglected childhood.  As while you might expect the member she would be closest to is her brother.  It is rather the King himself,  as she is motivated by the approval f a surrogate father.  Even if it means sacrificing herself with fanatical loyalty.


Edit:  Asthetic edit, like a lot in the day of the late 60s, early 70s she wears her hair long.  But, she ties it up in battle and it has been remarked to look like a flowing horse's mane when she is moving about fighting (wanted to tie her into the knight aka horse persona

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The Queen


She has the looks and the moves to prove it. She can also throw a throw a car through a skyscraper, fly faster than a speeding poulet and use enough martial arts manoeuvres to make Bruce Lee raise an eyebrow and go 'Hmm'. She has enough mental defense so that no-one can work out who she is. Enough armour to deflect bullets. And enough skills to get the best out of any situation. She is loyal to and takes orders from the king but will help the others as and when necessary showing no favourites.

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The original king's story is well known. beloved college football star Gregory King is put into a coma in a tragic car accident.


he awakes with a total personality change and embarks on a one man crime wave hiring his bowler hatted Pawns and the assembling the rest of his team.


King was killed during the team's most audacious heist and the rest of the team was defeated and either killed or incarcerated.


Only this isnt the full story..


The real story starts with Roy Brenin scrawny and bookish Roy was a brilliant student head of the chess club and wargaming society but always felt overshadowed by the Football team and its star player Greg King.



Roy worked his ass off getting accepted to his dream college to study Neuroscience only for Greg to get a full ride scholarship based on his ability to run with a ball. Roy was bitter but through him self into his studies getting fascinated by the newly expanding field of Parapsychology. It was while studying ESP that he met Susan Royal. She as stunning as she was brilliant Roy fell hard for her but she just saw him as a study buddy when she started dating Greg that was the end.


Roy rigged Gregs brakes but Susan joined Greg at the last minute susan was killed in the accident and greg was put into a coma. Roy cracked the guilt and anger tearing him up he withdrew from society doing nothing but work on his ESP research it was deep in this mental breakdown that Roy had a epiphany he designed a telepathic transceiver a crown like ring of electrodes that would allow to wearers to communicate Mind to mind. he manufactured the first device and his first test was to see if he could reach the comatose mind of Gregory king.


Roy found that Gregory wasn't just in a coma but was actually brain dead and that he could take complete control of his body and thats when Roy truly Broke.


Drunk on the feeling of being in a powerful handsome body. it started small. girls and fights and drugs then he started committing crimes small at first then bigger and bigger because there was no danger to his real body. eventually to fund his Telepathic relay research he created his Pawns the black bowler hats they wore disguising simplified telepathic relays. The relays allowed Roy incredible control to coordinate their heists. soon he recruited more like-minded super powers and the Chessmens reign of terror began. 


Roy was overconfident though the strength of Gregs body he believed that nothing bad could happen to him because his real body was safe that was until the final heist a wild energy blast from one of the heroes struck Gregs head damaging his hypothalamus and the Telepathic crown Roy used to possess his body Gregory's body finally died and the psychic feedback  disoriented the rest of the team making them easy pickings for the heroes.


fortunately for Roy one of the pawns was set to watch over his body managed to get him to a hospital in time, his own nervous system had been badly damaged by the psychic feedback he required a full suite of life support equipment just to keep him breathing and his mind was fragmented it took years for Roy to put himself back together.


Reknitting his tattered mind took years but when roy was finished he found that the trauma had rebuilt his minor psychic talents more potent than before Now the KIng has returned with his new Chessmen. while his body is twisted and reliant on machines his mind is more powerful than before .


At long range KING is fairly weak able to link all of his PAWNS and the lieutenants into a mind link and he is able to use astral projection to get a birdseye view of proceedings using his tactical acumen he can coordinate the team making them much more dangerous than they would be individually.


at close range (a couple of meters) KING can use telekinesis to create  near impenetrable barriers ,throw around huge weights or bolts of pure psychic force. he can also implant post hypnotic suggestions bending all but the most powerful of minds to his willing (the amnesia gas does work but not as completely as the Psychic blocks and booby traps King also puts in the minds of the Pawns). 

 King has limited mobility His hovering throne is filled with life support equipment and his latest Telepathic Amplifier/relay


he appears as a emaciated and twisted figure surrounded by complex life support machines and wearing a golden crown covered in flashing lights with thick cables running to it



King mostly stays at the back out of range as he has learnt the hard way that if he is defeated the rest of the Team will follow.

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Sorry ment to post this yesterday but didn't have time


The Dark Legacy


Many stories have been told of the origins of the dark orb cave paintings in northern France suggest it fell from the sky and caused war between Neanderthal and home sapiens scrolls in lemurs suggest it is a fragment of a previous universe the distilled essence of an entire universes anger hate and pain . a hidden temple beneath the Namibian desert proclaims it to be the gift of three dark gods working together to overthrow their pantheons. All that is known is that the orb gives Great power to those the posses it that it seems to find or create evil people to wield it and it can not be contained hidden or discarded it will always end up I.


The hands of someone who will revel in the power it grants. Now 7 of it's most wicked and powerful wielders from all through history have been drawn to the present for some purposes and until it is revealed they have joined together to subjugate the world and have some FUN.


7 members each from a different time period please explain how they acquired the orb and what they used it for in their own time


the orb is a black sphere seemingly made of swirling darkness it's usually about the size of a large marble but can shift at the whim of its user the smallest it can be is around the size of a large pea and the biggest a grapefruit. It can also be bonded to the flesh of its wielder.

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I'll take a go at it.


The story of the homo sapien-Neanderthal war has some truth to it.  Groc was a Cro-Magnon hunter that just happened to find it after it hit Earth.  He simply used it to infuse his physical strength to unfathomable levels to become chief of his clan and eventually brought together a large army of his kind to wage a war of genocide upon his Neanderthal competitors/neighbors. Heading the army as its most terrifying warrior with his mountain-pounding strength and nigh-invulnerable skin.  Evidently worked right?  Little has been revealed to Grok's demise in his own time, after this occurred.


His new teammates have given him the moniker Groc the Pulverizer.


Edit: I had to give him a cool moniker.

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You remember when Senegal conquered the world ?

You don't ?

Oh yeah, that's right. Several high powered heroes managed to turn back time when they hurled the Master of the Orb into the void. This man was only known by his cognomen. That and that he was from Senegal in Africa.

First he conquered sub Saharan Africa and then India and the Middle East before taking on the Far East and then Japan and China. By the time Russia fell it was almost too late. He would hold the Orb above his head and use it as a weapon to control the minds of many and at other times to cause devastation.

He appears as a bald clean shaven African wearing a simple green robe. He works well with the others as he has an endgame in sight. It may take time but he will either be their leader, share in their triumph or will die.

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Europe never did manage to find Prester John's Kingdom.  But, it did once exist but it didn't after a certain point.


Prester John XII had a brother. Unlike the noble Prester Johns (kind of a job title more than a name) and the people. The brother worshipped dark forces.  Eventually, Edwin, (also referred to as The Beast, and most often the Dog of Hell ) and his followers were exiled from the land.  In his nomadic travels he found the evil thing.  Treating it as a "sacred gift from the Devil himself, he began using it in the creation of a Kingdom of his own. 


The orb fused long (if not near-immortal) life.  And powers of cataclysm and devastation.   He used it to fuel his armies to cut out a large swath of the African continent to bow to his will in terror and submission.  And soon after crossing the Ocean he would do so to nearly all of South America,  Destroying cultures, to never be seen again.  Leaving the people in destitute and misery as he demanded tribute and sacrifices for him and his gods.  He could only be stopped by 2 peoples, the Mayans in the New World, and his old nemesis his family's kingdom in Africa (going with the "Ethiopia" references of Prester John, btw).


Ironically, the Mayans and the Prester John Kingdom assaulted his forces simultaneously across the world inbeknownst of one another's action.  In the New World, a group of 11 Mayans magic-users would pit their magic against his recently teleported over self, leading to a standstill of magic.   But, to the east the orb sensed the army of Prester John had broken through and were headed for his dark capital, he teleported back too late.  As he emerged out of the shadows from his teleport, Prester John XVII sacrificed his life to destroy his evil ancestor.  Unfortunately the repercussions of Edwin's defeat was severe, though he was banished from his world (likely to hell).  The two kingdoms fighting him would also suffer.  The Mayans were nearly destroyed, forced to leave many of their cities, losing much of their influence.   The KIngdom of Prester John, however, was no more.




By then it was led by Prester John XVII. 

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Welcome to the Badger and Death Tribble show ! Where only Badger and Death Tribble post !


Black Eye


This Chinese member of the group implanted the orb in her head. Although it gifted her with long life and power, it revolted many and they came to oppose her. Despite the Orb's powers there were many attempts to overthrow her and she was eventually cut into pieces and her skull buried along with the orb. What else there is remains obscured as several accounts are contradictory or may refer to someone else. How big the organisation was and who fought her are not known. How the orb was brought into and out of China as well is not clear.

When she was brought back into being the orb decided that the past was not relevant so she does not know anymore. She knows the others and that they serve and that is enough.

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