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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Gin Sang


This African American woman has odd powers. She can make other people tipsy or drunk unless they are immune to gin. Then she can make them sing. It is an odd form of mind control or mental illusion. She wears protective clothing because she is black and American police tend to adopt a 'shoot first, ask questions later' when they are faced with a suspected paranormal of any colour

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Trent Stratton was your typical douchebag frat boy and head of the Phi Tappa Kegga at MCU. One night he and some of his brothers broke into the Chem labs and on a dare Trent shotgunned down the contents of some random test tubes. Somehow this didn't kill him and instead imbued him with telekinesis, telepathy and low grade mind control. Upon discovering his "wicked sick powers" he ditched college and became a amazingly annoying supervillain.

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This villain makes you believe that you are trapped in a coffin or a lift leaving the person paralysed. Once he gets one person under his sway he can work his mojo on other people. Anyone who has survived being buried alive, those from the higher or lower planes, the dead and those who have returned from death are immune to this power. He is an American but is fluent in Oriental languages particularly several Chinese ones. He roams the Orient from Malaysia and Indonesia to Burma. His language skills make him an ideal asset to the others perhaps despite his ethnicity.

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Xuexing De Mao


The Bloody Cat was thought to merely be an urban legend, a dirty rag covered barefoot street urchin who watched over Shanghai's stray cats. However now it is clearly all too real. Whether it is a supernatural entity or an individual with powers that merely adopted the name is unknown. XDM can instill a paralyzing fear of cats in a target and controls an army of stray cats that attack at it's command. It targets any individual who would harm stray cats and especially those who would butcher them for food. 

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Feitian Gui(Flying Ghost)


Zhang Wei Liu was an architect and building engineer who felt his work was overlooked and in some cases out right stolen by his peers. Bitterness and paranoia filled him and finally he snapped. Designing a flying wing suit apparatus Liu sought revenge against those who wronged him as Feitian Gui and preyed upon their fear of heights by snatching them from the ground and then dangling them from the Shanghai Tower or other skyscraper. Sometimes he would spare them merely enjoying the utter fear he saw in their eyes as they begged for mercy. Other times his rage led to them being dropped thousands of feet to their deaths. Since he began his attacks his targets vary between ones of personal revenge, random victims, and those whose intimidation or elimination is advantageous to the Fear Five.

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There have been many who have operated under the aegis of Mr Fear or Dr Fear but the most dangerous of these was the Dr Fear who operated in the 80s and 90s. One of his main disciples was Phobos who would use a variety of different phobias to prey on people. One of the last things Phobos did was to imbue certain people with the power of a certain phobia. Arachnos is the only one who is both still alive and at liberty. Because of what Dr Fear and Phobos did Arachnos in the Americas had to constantly move and after hiding in Australia and the Indonesia, Arachnos relocated to China. Arachnos can cause a mild fear of spiders or amplify to a major fear making people believe they are being menaced by giant spiders or a moving carpet of spiders. But the real danger that Arachnos represents is that he can install his fear into people who ordinarily would not feel fear at all. This was down to Phobos. To make things worse for those who are inflicted, Arachnos can walk up walls like a spider and use image projectors to make him suddenly transform into a spider.

Arachnos is the group's leader by virtue of his pedigree and the fact he defers to his colleagues. They have seen what happens to hardened criminals and police officers when Arachnos cranks up his powers. Also he has quite a few useful contacts in the underworld.


New Topic: The new team will be a villainous version of the X-Men. At least five members with at least one woman.

They have to be recognisable as an X-Men ripoff even if you flip sexes i.e. A male weather mutant

You do not have to pick any specific X-Men but it would help if they were ones that most people would know such as 

Angel, Banshee, Beast, Colossus. Cyclops, Ice Man, Marvel Girl/Phoenix (Jean Grey), Nightcrawler, Professor X, Psylocke, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm 


Bonus points for referencing Wolverine without actually using him. Please note the first one to reference Wolverine can name him and everyone else can follow.

Also X-Men enemies who became XMen like Magneto, Mystique, Sabertooth and Jugernaut for example should not be used.


I have deliberately not named the team as Next Men, Y Men and Hexed Men for example have been used by me or by others.

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Bullet is a good old southern gal who can create a blasting field which propells her through the air like a bullet. She is one of the more recent members of The Geen Twisted, a group of pro-mutant bigot criminals/terrorist and was personally scouted out by the group's savage tracker Savage.


Bullet = Cannonball.

Savage = Wolverine

The Geen Twisted = X-Men/X-Force/X-Factor/New Mutants

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Brain Tyrant was once Profesor Charlene Alphan. One of the most gifted psionics on Earth, she scouted out the original members of The Geen Twisted and brought them together under her rule. An argument with Savage caused her to loose her arms, but she does not miss them, as telekinesis, telepathy, illusion casting, and mind control are only the tip of the powers she posseses. There are a few other mentalist mutants in the group who can come close to rivaling her, and a few can overpower her in one catagory of mental powers or another, but nobody can come close to her in shear number of mental abilities she possesses.


Profesor Charles Xavier, or Professor X, meet your evil counterpart.

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Debbie Scarlett is Psi-co. One of the original members of the team, she was Brain Tyrant's beloved student and lover till a falling out on one mission lead to her apparent drowning in Jamaica Bay, New York. She eventually emerged from her plight with increased mental abilities, including brand new psychokenetic, cryrokenetic, and electrokenetic abilities. For a while, she stalked each member out for revenge, but after seeing Brain Tyrant and Savage again, rejoined the team.


Marvel Girl/Phoenix 1's evil doppelganger. I didn't explain her amazing resurrection on purpose.


In the immortal words of the Mask, "Somebody stop me."
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The Scream


Maggie O'Malley has the ability to generate a powerful sonic blast. She was initially recruited by the Sisterhood of Mutants(Magnetica, GoldRush, Purple Priest, Toadette and Mind Mistress) but Brain Tyrant reached into her mind and convinced The Scream to turn on the Sisterhood and join The Geen Twisted. Magnetica is convinced that Maggie can be saved and freed from Brain Tyrant's control one day.

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The metal man of the group (and brick), Rhodes was the supposed to be the infamous creation of pollution by Lansdale Industries when molten metal was unleashed from one  of their vats in an industrial accident.  A statue of a man covered in metal was exhibited to the public which Brian Tyrant then brought to life. It took a few years for the truth to emerge but the damage to Lansdale had already been done. Rhodes is immune to Savage's claws in his metal form and stays out of the latter's way when in human form

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Nobody remember him. That is his stick. His name was Jones Jhones, but unless your a mentalist like Brain Tyrant or Psy-co your not going to remember it. Recruted into The Geen Twisted after trying to quietly rob Brain Tyrant's mansion hideout (which she got by mind controling the deed into her name and forcing the family to will it to her before comanding the family to die), he became there spy, thieth, and was working on being her assasion before he was captured and slamed into Stronghold and promptly forgotten about. He is Forgotten Jhones.


Forget-Me-Not ladies and gentlemen. Note: He starved to deatn in Stronghold. His powers even work long after his death, as every five years they find his corpse in an "unoccupied" cell, and promptly forget the corpse exists once out of sight.

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6 hours ago, steriaca said:

Nobody remember him. That is his stick. His name was Jones Jhones, but unless your a mentalist like Brain Tyrant or Psy-co your not going to remember it. Recruted into The Geen Twisted after trying to quietly rob Brain Tyrant's mansion hideout (which she got by mind controling the deed into her name and forcing the family to will it to her before comanding the family to die), he became there spy, thieth, and was working on being her assasion before he was captured and slamed into Stronghold and promptly forgotten about. He is Forgotten Jhones.



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Forget-Me-Not ladies and gentlemen. Note: He starved to deatn in Stronghold. His powers even work long after his death, as every five years they find his corpse in an "unoccupied" cell, and promptly forget the corpse exists once out of sight.


Appropriately enough I had never heard of the original character or simply...well you know. :)

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4 hours ago, Quackhell said:

Appropriately enough I had never heard of the original character or simply...well you know. :)

Well, that was ForgetMeNot. The original X-Man nobody actually remembers.




Yes, they retconned him into being a member from the very beginning of the group. Seemed Professor X was originally the only one to remember him, and even he had to make psychic notes on him every hour before the memory of him faded from his mind.

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The Great Green Eye


This member of the group is a man but that is all that is known about him. He has a helmet that covers his head and there is only a giant eye emblazoned on the front. The helmet can see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum and it renders them immune to being blinded or deafened. The helmet is also capable of launching a variety of energy blasts of varying degrees of effectiveness. It speaks with a computer generated monotone. Some think that various of the group take turns and being the eye. They are wrong.


What no-one has worked out so far is that the helmet enhances the abilities of the person who wears it and allows them a greater control of their abilities.

Cyclops obviously


We are now over the minimum so a new team can be started by the person who posts next if they wish

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Damion Alexander Wanger the 4th was a normal rich boy, a heir to a religious products empire. At the age of thirteen, he started to slowly mutate, developing a six finger on each hand, leathery wings, red skin, horns and a ling tail with a stinger. Rescued from being killed by his religious family for having 'wrong powers from the wrong source' (they believe all mutants are angles, except for vary ugly mutants), he becomes Abandon.


New Team

The Monsterous Society of Black Monsters.


Brought together by Prince Mhawallie (Blackula) and Blackenstine, these seven monsters plan to stick it to the Man in a world permantly stuck in the '70s. Can you dig it?


No Zombies.

No Voodoo.

Black copies of "White" monsters welcomed (like, say, Black Jason).

Remember to make it Blackportation.

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Wolfman of Watts


Lawrence Hilton-Talbot was caught up in the Watts riots and was running from the police and ended up hiding in an abandoned building. As he wandered deeper into the building he was stalked and attacked by what he thought was a guard dog and was left for dead. He survived and soon discovered on the next full moon that he was actually attacked by a werewolf and was now cursed to be one himself. He began a killing spree targeting police and other authority figures which brought him to the attention of Blacula. He wants to find a cure for his curse, but part of him does enjoy having the power to fight back against the establishment.  

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Steve Erkette is looking for a cure like Larry Hilton-Talbot. He thought he had a means to teleport worked out, but when he tried it out, it mixed his molecules with a spider. Now he commands his dog-sized offspring to eat any enemies as he tries to get his equipment back from the people the landlord sold it to thinking he was dead.


He is Black Arachniod


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The Creature from the White Lake


This throwback to alternative creation is a water based humanoid that famed African American professor Dr William 'Hey Baby !' Marks found in the lakes of downtown Canada. He tried bringing it back to New York but it escaped from the theatre where it was being exhibited. Supposedly it scaled a building and was subsequently killed but that is what Blacula has caused people to believe. Now he serves as the water based member of the group in rivers, seas and even sewers.

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