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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


A thread to tie things together would be good. It would be entertaining at least.


The Wild West is Dusty Trail. He enjoys horseback riding, lassoing guards and trick shooting. And with a wave of his hat, he's gone in a cloud of dust.


Dusty uses teleport to make his getaway, and high tech weapons to simulate trick shooting.



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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Thanks for fixing Ram. We wanted four cousins. You did three so that is ok. Both Creep and Peep can stay as Cygnia did No 4.


That 70s Guy


This is not is real name nor his supervillain name but that's what all the media calls him. He wears Deeley Boppers and more offensively flaired trousers which has proven his downfall on more than one occassion, he sports an afro and an open neck shirt with a huge medallion. He goes round on Roller Skates and not roller blades and his clothes are a multi coloured abomination which you could only get away with in the 70s. And he listens to Disco exclusively. He likes to be called Macho Man but most people will not call him that. For an idiot he is quite dextrous as he can dance and kick Cossack style while on the skates. He does not really get the others at times but he thinks they are losers so he helps them in their crime careers.


NOTE: Several of the group think they are the leader when really none of them are. ore or less they go with the flow.


QUESTION To EVERYONE: We have a lot of material on the Hero and Villain threads that cross reference each other. I am going to do a thread where I expand on White Sheep's family and all of the occurances of Dr Nymax!. However other people are also referencing various things repeatedly so is there any interest in having a thread which collates this and expands on some of the information to which we can all contribute ?


New Team: The Compass Crew. This is another foursome. North, East, South and West. They can have other Supervillain names but as part of the Crew they use the four directions. The direction should have some bearing to where they are from originally in the world.




I'd read such a thread. Dont know how much I would contribute until it gets started and see how it goes. (though, I might could give some additional background and stuff on my own creations, if needed)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Southern Bell


From Georgia, Belle Pendergrast grew up dirt poor. During her early teenage years, she found out about her family history. How her great-great-great grandparents owned the Pendergrast Plantation until after the war and the family's financial ruin. For some reason she began to imagine herself in the Antebellum South. An antebellum south that became childishly idealized in her mind. When her sonic powers emerged, it was all the excuse she needed to "avenge" her family loss of nearly 150 years ago.


She isnt evil, so much as delusioned and bitter from a hard childhood in extreme poverty. But, nevertheless she is a problem for law enforcement, and needs to be dealt with. Although, given the fact she has apparently immersed herself her fantasy world may indicate mental illness.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Far East is the team's martial artist, having trained in and mastered many different styles. He has oriental features, but not so much that he looks distinctly Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or any other more specific grouping. Actually, his real name is Ken Smith, and he speaks with a midwestern American accent.


- - - - - - -


New team: The Gene Phreaks are six mutants who celebrate their unique nature by taking names that are related to genetics at least indirectly. They also believe in mutant supremacy, since their mutations mark them in some easily-perceived way that they are generally considered, well, freaks and they are rejected by normal society.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Bolo...love the list. Just can't read it over my Nitendo DSi. Will gaze upon it one day (when I get to the public libary).



Double Helix is a proud member of the Gean Freeks. He normaly has four arms, four legs, and two heads, but can create a two legged, two armed, one head duplicate of himself, at a cost of two arms, two legs, and a head untill he recobines himself.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




He's insane and not in a good way. Mutation can suddenly sprout wings or extra legs (like a spider's) or claws or mandibles. He's been locked up a few times but because he causes chaos people tend to make sure he gets included in prison break outs. The others got him in and off he goes. He particularly likes going after people who are on their own and terrifying them, playing with them like a cat plays with a mouse.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Diana Nelly Allen is DNA. She is the leader of the group, and has the ability of what she refers to as 'Genetic Memory'. She can 'record' any genitic structet she touches, then she can manipulate it at will. She can turn powers on or off at will (asuming the powers come from a genitic sourse), heal or harm someone she has recorded, change her genitic structer enougth to 'pass' as the victom for such devices as Mutant Detectors, Retna Scaners, and fingerprints and vocal analisers.


She has a secret which she dosen't even know...she is one of the brainwashed subjects of Headmaster.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


People, like their genes, can be recessive. And then, there is Dominant. Eight feet tall, built like a linebacker with a jaw like a steam shovel, with a condescending sneer permanently etched into his face, Dominant often triggers primordial memories of high school bullies. And, while he is a perfectly serviceable brick with super-strength and bullet-proof skin, Dominant actually gets his name from his power of mind control, which is the equal of Psimon or Hypnos. With this variety of powers, he is a valued member of the team. As a personality... not so much. He is just as pushy, manipulative, headstrong and intolerant as his name would suggest. He believes utterly that he should be leading this team, and occasoinally exhibits symptoms of Starscream Syndrome. He has made serious plays to take over the group in the past, but he has been utterly stymied by DNA's ability to shut his powers off at a whim, as he has a Vulnerability to Adjustment Powers. He has tried to rally the others to help him overthrow her, but it is doomed to failure by his own distasteful personality. Few team leaders would allow one of their own to act like this, but he has proven himself easy for her to control, and entirely too useful to cast aside.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Since we have Genotype, I guess we also need...


Phenotype discovered she can control aspects of herself and others as an early teen, when she slapped a prettier rival and suddenly the girl's face was marred with acne. She has since expanded that well beyond the grossly cosmetic, ranging from healing teammates' wounds, to enhancing or disabling superpowers in others. She also has a limited mind control, only operable while she is touching the target.


Unfortunately, Phenotype also semi-permanently takes on a physical aspect of any person she uses her powers upon. For instance, if she turns off a winged hero's flight, Phenotype may sprout a handful of feathers from her left arm. This is semi-permanent in that this visible mutation can only be replaced by the physical aspect of another. (So she might lose the feathers only when she grows scales on her left arm from healing a lizard-man ally.) She does not control which physical aspects she takes on, so over time she has taken on the look of a patchwork person.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


*nod* Agreed on that. But if JackValhalla dosen't pick, I'm going to sergest an expantion of T.H.O.R.N. (from the Literatie thread). Basicly a group of charaters based on Bond sterotype villians for Bondsman to use. This group needs:

One secatary, proably female, with a name which would make Ian Flemming blush...

One bodyguard type...

One "number one" type, head of day to day operations and agents...

One head of assasinations...

Three other specalists.


Remember, be sterotypical, and also remember that theas guys should not give supers a hard time (but could give an avrage Dark Champions charater some fits).


Again, this is only if Jack dosen't pick anything after a reasonal amount of time, and nobody else sergests anything.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


If I was picking, I'd go with a Halloween / classic movie monsters theme. Frankenstein, mummy, witches, jack-o-lanterns, you get it.


Madhouse brings together six (6) villains who inspire fear, and perhaps nostalgia, in the populace. While the theme might be whimsical, they have achieved higher bodycounts than most of the monsters they resemble. No Code Vs Killing. Brought together by the desire to see terror and blood and panic, they pool their abilities to the detriment of all others.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Phantom of the Opera


Eric is the Phantom and loves music not the drivel they play on the radio now. So much so they he rigged a lighting rig to fall on the boy band Hot Young Teens killing three of them. He also was the person responsible for turning MC Moneybag$ last show into a final one by rigging the entire stage to attract lightning which then killed the MC and a fair proportion of his entourage. He appears in very ornate clothes and costumes and looks like Lon Chaney Sr in the silent version of the Phantom. He is also famous for pontificating about what makes good music as well as threatening those who he feels belittle the industry. He induced panic at a Brittany Spears gig by turning up and unmasking live on stage. He has threatened to kill Tipper Gore on 17 occassions and six times has actually made a serious attempt using methods like exploding gramophones, remote magnetic CD frizbees and a booby trapped chandalier.

Surprisingly he has a humane side and sent Kylie Minogue flowers when she was diagnosed with cancer. He also never attacks charity concerts but all other ones are subject to his interference. He has also never attacked Lady Gaga's or Marilyn Manson's concerts as he gloomily proclaims 'who would even notice me there ?'

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


OK. Madhouse it is. T.H.O.R.N. will have to wait.


My contrubution is Count Superia, a man with semi-vampiric powers from Italy. In fact, he clames to exist as far back as World War 2, and clamed to got his powers from a trio of witches.


Count Superia can fly, has superhuman strength, sharp fingernails and fangs to drink blood, has a mesmerising stair (Mind Control, Eye Contact Requiered, One Comand: Look Into My Eyes), can start fiers by looking at an object hard, can turn invisable for short periods of time, and can control animals to a limited degree (can cause them to become agavated and attack whoever is near them). Count Superia is not a vampier (othoe he enjoys drinking blood). He does have one limitation to his powers...he loses them when it is day (except for anti-ageing life suport). He does, thoe, go out of his way to make others think he is one.


Note: Name in homage to the Three Mothers movies (Superia, Inferno, and The Mother of Tears).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


I thought the first flick was Susperia?


The Bell Witch is real -- and she's hungry. She loves to target young girls especially, making their families think they're nothing but lying troublemakers. Things rattling off the walls? Just a prank...stop misbehaving! Why did the curtain catch fire? New puppy has its throat slit? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Why does your baby brother have those bruises? WHAT DID YOU DO?!


No one will miss you...no one loves you....come away, come away...

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Next up is The Patchwork Man. Made from vareous corpses by a mad scientist with a "Franenstine Fetish" durring the 70's, The Patchwork Man kills for one reasion alone...replacement parts for his decaying body. In spite of his name, he cairs not for the sex of his viction, nor race (othoe he is less likely to kill a woman if the part he needs to replace would show).


He has superhuman strength and durability, and literly can feal no pain. Electrisitc does no help nor hurt him. He can survive anywhere, as long as he can get replacement parts.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Ned Wolfe, Manwolf

Ned Wolfe was once an employee of the circus; Specifically, he was the ventriloquist who made a wolf in their sideshow seem to talk. Then, one day, he and his wolf were struck by lightning. When Ned awoke, he found himself in the body of his wolf. Now, he lives out his days as a dog, and, when the full moon shines down upon him, returns to his human form. However, Count Superia can hypnotize him into turning into the form of a horrifying Manwolf!

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Phantom of the Opera


Eric is the Phantom and loves music not the drivel they play on the radio now. So much so they he rigged a lighting rig to fall on the boy band Hot Young Teens killing three of them. He also was the person responsible for turning MC Moneybag$ last show into a final one by rigging the entire stage to attract lightning which then killed the MC and a fair proportion of his entourage. He appears in very ornate clothes and costumes and looks like Lon Chaney Sr in the silent version of the Phantom. He is also famous for pontificating about what makes good music as well as threatening those who he feels belittle the industry. He induced panic at a Brittany Spears gig by turning up and unmasking live on stage. He has threatened to kill Tipper Gore on 17 occassions and six times has actually made a serious attempt using methods like exploding gramophones, remote magnetic CD frizbees and a booby trapped chandalier.

Surprisingly he has a humane side and sent Kylie Minogue flowers when she was diagnosed with cancer. He also never attacks charity concerts but all other ones are subject to his interference. He has also never attacked Lady Gaga's or Marilyn Manson's concerts as he gloomily proclaims 'who would even notice me there ?'


He'd be noticed at a Lady Gaga or Marilyn Manson one. He'd be the "normal" one.

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