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OK, I guess you are waiting for me to make the team.


The Devil Killers.

Members: 7


Dedicated to slaying demons that get to the world of the living. And preventing the horrors of the end times from coming to past.



Note: Figured something "devilish" for Halloween week.

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For reasons best known to himself, John Templar fights crime and otherwise seeks to do good as the costumed martial artist Freedomsong, but he is also called The Paladin of the Streets. He has saved the life of more than one critically injured person with apparently paranormal healing abilities, and escaped ambushes and deathtraps with miraculous good fortune. John knows that Somebody Up There Loves him. Somebody Up There Listens. And it terrifies him. He has a woman he's courting, he has dreams of fostering children from the orphanage he volunteers at, he likes taking a night off for beer and darts once in a while, he has a LIFE of his own. And that is why, so far, he has withheld his consent, his commitment - the one thing required to make him a perfect vessel of angelic power. For as far as he knows, it could be a one way transformation; once the Archangel manifests, once truly invoked rather than evoked, it will be "Thy will, not mine" that is done, and he may never get his own life back.


Make me an instrument of Thy peace: Multiform (750 Character Points in the most expensive form) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances (at the Will of a Higher Power); -3), Personality Loss First Roll After 1 Turn (-2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (New form has 150 pts of Complications; -2), Conditional Power Only in dire need (And cannot be OWN need; for example, not merely to save own life; -1), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -3/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Delayed Phase, -1/2), Conditional Power Requires a state of Grace (-1/4) Real Cost: 13


Lucius Alexander


Answering to a Higher Palindromedary

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Father Mathew Stevens is Priest and is the most well known of the Devil Killers. Of course when you battle a devil on live television even if it is a rare live screening of The Jerry Springer show it will be commented on, and perhaps as a result laughed off as a put up job.


Father Stevens was on the show with other religious figures from the Baptist and Methodist communities in particular when The Beast Azal put in an appearance. Mathew had been sidelined by the charisma and fast talk of his religious brethren and snide rejoinders from the audience about church corruption and a fondness for those in the church for young boys. Then chaos descended as a full blown evil put in an appearance an took out the security on stage and back stage. The Beast Azal vowed to kill the audience, he reduced the Baptist and Methodist ministers to quaking jelly and he robbed Jerry of speech. However when he threatened to devour the unborn child of a pregnant woman in the audience a lone voice defied him. Father Mathew rose from his seat and with a confidence and an utter conviction in his faith that he had never felt before in his entire life he set himself against The Beast Azal informing him that his days of preying on anyone and anything were over. His opponent mocked him but Father Mathew advanced on him slowly reciting religious phrases in Latin and English and brandished his crucifix prominently. The Beast Azal grew furious and threw power at the priest engulfing him but to the devil's horror the priest appeared unscathed bathed in the light of the righteous. As the beast howled and threw himself at Father Mathew the priest called upon God to grant him the power to vanquish the unholy one and then threw the light of the Lord at him. This put paid to The Beast Azal once and for all.


Father Mathew Stevens is now a dedicated Devil Hunter/Killer and opponent of evil. While The Corruption and The Dream Stealers see him as a puppet of the Church or simply deluded, Infernal Affairs are more concerned. They knew how powerful The Beast Azal was and that it was completely and utterly obliterated; The Beast Azal will never trouble either the realms diabolic or material ever again. This concerns them as it means that the Arch Angels may be behind him or even God ?

Also that several subtle, and some not so subtle, attempts to corrupt and destroy him have backfired spectacularly although no trail back to Infernal Affairs has come to light which was close.


the Vatican publicly has distanced themselves from Father Stevens but privately has ensured he has their full backing and has also ensured his training as a full blown exorcist which has come in handy as he has expelled more than a few demons from children and vunerable adults.

Sceptics say the whole Jerry Springer show was a fraud and a fix, something that got one of them a broken nose when Jerry took exception and decked them. They also point to the fact that Father Mathew has refused to do TV since and won't put his faith and 'powers' to scientific test. They don't appreciate that he does not need to. He gave himself up to God, quite prepared to sacrifice himself in order to save the unborn child and now hunts some of the most dangerous prey of them all. He knows that he may die as a result and has accepted that utterly which is what makes him a very dangerous foe.


For the Devil Killers he provides spiritual guidance and access to various places across the world. The Catholic church has a wide reach indeed. This has enabled him to travel the world battling devils in Australia, China, India, Finland, Sudan and all over South America.


He is mild mannered and polite until facing the forces of darkness when he goes all out Old Testament on them. He does not proselytize and will defend the innocent and helpless of any and all faiths from the powers of darkness except the Church of Satan who he will convert. Against gunmen he can do little but against the Undead and the forces of darkness he is a truly formidable foe and with a rosary from Assisi he can be all but invincible.


Other well known figures of devilish descent and allegiance such as Diabolicus avoid him especially as he attracts other opponents of theirs like Battle Angel and The Cardinal.




the Sophia and the Sybll have both been covertly helping him as they want to at the very least thwart the designs of Infernal Affairs and other devil based groups. Father Mathew is no fool. He knows someone else has been helping him but is wise enough not to comment on it or more importantly depend on it.



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Arggghhh so annoying just finishing a nice long one when my phone died and of course it doesn't save a backup like it does on my lap top short one i came up with in the meanwhile until i can sit down and rewrite the long one grr.


The Chorister


You've seen him a quite unassuming man in nondescript but clean and neat clothes with a wonderful singing voice weather he is busking for a charity or filling in for a sick member of a local choir or maybe just adding his fine voice to the congregations rendition of a well loved hymn during a midweek service.


Of course there is more too him he is a member of an ancient order for as long as there has been worship there have been songs of praise.


The chorister is a master of the spiritual power of song with just his voice he can sanctify everywhere within earshot. He can heal with gentle melody and like the israelites at the walls of Jericho with joyous sound bring down even the strongest walls.


He is the chorister and legend says that when the final battle is joined on the the plain of Megiddo when light rises to oppose the darkness then he and the rest of the wandering choir will join together in one final glorious chorus.

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Born in Mexico City, a quarter century ago, Marta Garcia has lived a tragic life.  Her parents died when she was 9.  She was taken in by her brother, a priest.  Not only a priest, one who performed exorcisms.  She admired his dedication.  Unfortunately, several years later, the day before her 15 birthday.  Her brother died performing an exorcism.  Another tragic loss.   Her brother had been prepared, knowing this could happen and knowing her fascination with his work, he had blessed 2 old Colt .45s as well as a crucifix necklace.  This was to be her "inheritance" from her brother.  Her final years before 18 were unremarkable living with a distant relative.  On the day of her 18th birthday, she became La Cazadora.   Ever since then she and her 2 blessed guns have fought the infernal and fiendish.   Although, she sometimes teeters between her Catholic faith and the desire to avenge her brother.  She has remained strong, though one wonders what happens if she encounters the demon who killed her brother.


The 2 guns that are blessed have proven to have special abilities.  Namely the bullets shot from it will only do harm to the unholy.  If necessary the bullets "seek out" the unholy target she aimed at (think Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing) proving dodging to be of limited use at best.  Her blessed necklace somehow forms a "forcefield" to protect her from attack.


Probably closest to Father Stevens in the group.  Given the similar background to her brother, she often seeks guidance from him when her life's work proves emotionally difficult.

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ok lost her again hopefully third times the charm




Sigrid sally Gunderson was  pretty normal minnesotan 7th grader until her father was killed in a tragic hunting accident mauled by a bear that's when she started to see the scary Viking her mom sent her to a child psychologist and eventually she stopped seeing the Viking. 


only she didn't she just accepted the truth...


Gunder Blood-bather was a viking raider sometime around 780 and perhaps one of the most feared and dangerous of his age a legendary berserker famed for his berserk fury and the huge Bronze battle axe he had stolen from an ancient barrow. he and his crew ravaged sites across the english coast . eventually he and his crew attacked a remote monastery. only it was much more heavily defended than they expected each of the brothers seemed to be a retired warriors the fight was brutal but eventually the reached the monks final redoubt a mighty vault with a huge iron door inlaid with silver crosses and inscribed with latin text.  


The monks fought to the last man and Gunder knew that behind that huge door must be a great treasure indeed and with his powerful bronze axe he split  the stout iron chains and thick bars that held the door closed.


his men grasped the huge iron rings and stared to pull it open but as they did the door was forced open from the other side and a seemingly endless horde of terrifying monstrous beasts burst forth gunder and his crew fought bravely but they where just men and these where demons. they fought like vikings should but already weakened by the monks and out numbered 200 to one they stood no chance the tide of hell beast washed over them Gunder was the last to fall his berserker fury and magic axe letting him account for dozens of the monsters he died atop a pile of corpses....


and found himself watching the horde stream from the vault as if through thick fog watching as the valkyries rode down and plucked his fallen crew from amongst the corpses and carried them to Valhalla but they did not take Gunder the fog closed in hiding the carnage of the vault and gunder was alone in that silent fog filled void and then two ravens descended and suddenly there was a huge man standing in the mist the figure turned the two ravens perched atop his powerful warriors shoulders a golden spear in his hands he faced Gunder .


Gunder dropped to his knees Knowing he looked upon non other than Odin the all father the huge man looked down at Gunder with one single piercing eye and spoke with a voice like crashing waves in a winter storm Gunder Blood bather Gunder Pact Breaker Gunder Tomb defiler and Gunder Hel bound . you have freed things which where never meant to be allowed to roam the world you have broken an ancient trust and you and all of your line will never enter the halls of asgard until you have restored that which you have sundered.


From this day forth you will walk this world as a shade to aide the eldest of your blood in destroying the evil you have unleashed on the world.


But All father gunder exclaimed my eldest son is only just a man how can he hope to stand against those creatures?


I will Give him your axe it is a great and powerful weapon forged long ago it will protect him and allow him to defeat the demons you freed and i will allow him access to the Biforst so that he can journey swiftly to any place in midgard to seek and destroy this pestilence you have unleashed.


and with that Odin vanished into the mists. 


Gunder watched in amazement as the mists faded away and he found him self standing beside his eldest son as he worked on their farm and his axe fell through a rip in the sky to land at his sons feet. the moment his son gripped the axe he could see Gunder and Gunder explained the Curse


and so it was down 1200 years until his line depleted by the predations of the demons and there human servants the last male heir died his mutilated body was found in the forests far from his home and it was considered a bear attack but the truth was just as so many generations before him had Bjorn Gunderson had died fighting a demon and as he died his axe passed to the last of the Line 12 year old Sally gunderson.


Now Sally must hunt Demons because they are surely hunting her fortunately Hel-Striker the Ancestral axe is a potent weapon. Despite being almost as tall as she is she is able to swing it as if it weighed nothing but it strikes as if wielded by ten men. the blade is impossibly sharp so sharp it can cut between worlds allowing Sigrid to travel via the bifrost bridge to any point on midgard and even to leave the axe there until needed it will fall from a rainbow coloured gash in the sky into her hands when called. the ancient magic of the axe also protects her making her tougher and more resilient than a normal person and offering considerable protection from the malign magics of the forces of darkness.


Gunder watches over and tries to protect her as best he can he has 1200 years of watching his descendants train in every type of combat with the greatest masters of their age and knows techniques for hunting demons and other secrets of the hidden world. in the most extreme circumstances he can also posses sally joining with her and giving her enhanced strength as well as berserker rage and power.


The family have hunted down and banished most of the demons freed from teh great vault but the three most powerful remain at large and they have used human servants to summon more footsoldiers for their war Sally and her mother will not be safe until all three of these demon generals are finally defeated,




Sally wanted to be known as Sparkle princess badass or rainbow warrior awesome but to those who battle the minions of Hel her line has always been known as The HEL-STRIKER

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I think thats 7


ok I have a couple of villain teams from earlier in the year that need heroic counter-parts so first up


The Recess Rescuers


 Albert Layden is 8 he is also probably the most powerful reality manipulator on earth. Fortunately (for those who have seen The Twilight Zone) he is also a very good boy and doesn't use his powers except to save lives. well he doesn't use his powers much except for at recess when his reality power change his classmates into heroes and villains and manipulates time and space so his classmates can experience epic battles now every Recess 8 heroic classmates have taken it upon themselves to defend the school yard and the world from their villainous counter parts the Recess Rogues.


The original villain post for those looking for a Nemesis

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  • 4 weeks later...

Greg Lopinsky is a short, pudgy, quiet kid who just wants to be left alone to read, but the Recess Rogues won't let him.  As the hero Glop, however, he can create a sticky morass that can even stop Jungle Jim in his tracks, or a slick substance that causes Rundown to slip-and-slide into a wall. If desperate, he can even turn his body into the slick substance (allowing him to get out of a Rogue's grip and avoid the dreaded Noogies).

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Long tall Sally


Sally Longman is the girl who got tall early tall and skinny early taller than all her classmates and gawky because she hasn't got used to her height yet during recess she gains the ability to grow to 30 feet in height with overly long arms and legs she looks a lot like Jack skelington from a nightmare before Christmas she can grow at high speed and tends to attack by grabbing and dropping people her long legs make her move really fast and her skinness makes her hard to hit.

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Amarillo Armadillo (the Yellow Armadillo) is Alejandro Azteco, a (legal) Mexican immigrant.  A brilliant engineer, he had already designed his power armor in his hometown, but was dismayed when he learned that the company building it was owned by a notorious drug-lord.  By cooperating with the DEA, Alejandro got a jump on green card processing, but the drug lord's gang has never forgiven him.  When not adventuring with the A Team, Amarillo Armadillo is improving his armor or assisting the Anaheim police with combating drug trafficking.  

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Ada Azule mysterious mistress of mystical matters this tattooed temptress twines transdimensional topologies through tangled twisted swirling symbols summoning scintillating solar spears and solid shields of steely crystal closely cocooning her cohorts. Her occult observations and obvious offensive virtuosity virtuous valor and vibrancy. deliver decisive domination to the team

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Named after the State and the fact that he is tattooed with a map of the state and various things associated with the state such as the Ozark and Ouachita mountains, the Arkansas river, Crater of Diamonds State Park and Blanchards Springs Caverns. Arkansas is a mid level brick who operates in Anaheim as he is in training for when his home state can support a team on its own. One odd fact is that the tattoos never show any damage despite what may be done to him.

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from Hawaii comes Aloha !. He looks like the stereotypical native Hawaiian and takes every opportunity to go topless except when it is bitterly cold, you know around 60 degrees Fahrenheit and colder. He can sing and shout which can incapacitate and damage opponents. He is also a mid level brick and quite the dab hand with a surfboard which he can use to chase down suspects who try to flee out to sea. He is also the most easily spotted as he wears the usual garish Hawaiian shirt.


New Team: Six Flags

a team of six crimefighters banded together to fight crime, they are all flag suits.

Each must come from a different country and no, Texas, Alaska and Rhode Island are not separate countries.

They are all from the country they choose to represent but do not necessarily have to be a patriot.

It is preferred that they all do not come from the same continent at most two thirds can come from the same continent.

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from Hawaii comes Aloha !. He looks like the stereotypical native Hawaiian and takes every opportunity to go topless except when it is bitterly cold, you know around 60 degrees Fahrenheit and colder. He can sing and shout which can incapacitate and damage opponents. He is also a mid level brick and quite the dab hand with a surfboard which he can use to chase down suspects who try to flee out to sea. He is also the most easily spotted as he wears the usual garish Hawaiian shirt.



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