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Scion Hero Conversion


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I am not intending to do a full White Wolf conversion, but I do want to a good rough conversion of the work. It may take me a bit to get 'er done


I do not yet have the Scion:Hero book and am working off the WW wiki. The following is a conversion of the Knacks....at least the first three. There are some that are missing and I am sure that there are some problems with some of the powers listed below. Please feel free to chime in an critique.





Strength Knacks




Power: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand

Name: Crushing Grip

Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (3d6 w/STR), Constant (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Must Follow a Grab (-1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4)



Power: Naked Advantage

Name: Armor Crusher

Naked Advantage: for up to 30 Active Points, Armor Piercing (+1/4) (0 Active Points); Requires - Holy Rampage (-1/4)





Power: Aid

Name: Titanium Tools

Aid PD 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Constant (+1/2) (48 Active Points); One Use At A Time (-1), Only for Mundane objects the Scion uses as weapons. (-1), Only to Aid Others (-1/2)




Power: Leaping

Name: Divine Bound

Leaping +10m (18m forward, 9m upward) (x4 Noncombat)

x4 Noncombat




Power: Leaping

Name: Holy Bound

Leaping +4m (18m forward, 9m upward) (x4 Noncombat)

x4 Noncombat




Power: Naked Advantage

Name: Holy Rampage

Naked Advantage: Penetrating (+1/2) for up to 30 Active Points (15 Active Points); Only Against Inanimate Objects (-1)





Power: STR

Name: Hurl To the Horizon

+5 STR (5 Active Points); Only for determing distance of thrown objects (-1)





Power: STR

Name: Mighty Heave

+10 STR (10 Active Points); Only for determing distance of thrown objects (-1)





Power: STR

Name: Hurl To the Moon

+20 STR (20 Active Points); Lifting and Throwing Objects (-1/2)





Power: STR

Name: Uplifiting Might




Power: Deadly Blow: +1d6

Name: Divine Rampage

Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Only Against Inanimate Objects) (12 Active Points); Requires - Holy Rampage (-1/4)





Power: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand

Name: Knockback Attack

Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (3d6 w/STR), Does no Body Damage (+0), Double Knockback (+1/2) (22 Active Points); -2 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/2)





Power: Killing Attack - Ranged

Name: ShockWave

Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Does No Body (+0), Area Of Effect (1m Radius Explosion; +1/4) (37 Active Points); -2 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4)

-2 Decreased STUN Multiplier





Power: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand

Name: Divine Wrath

Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (4d6+1 w/STR) (15 Active Points); Requires - Crushing Grip (-1/4)







Need to add Shock Wave






Dexterity Knack




Power: Flight

Name: Lightning Sprinter

Flight 24m (24 Active Points); Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -1/2), Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Must be on relatively horizontal surfaces (-1/4)





Power: Flight

Name: Fast As Thought

Flight 48m (48 Active Points); Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -1/2), Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Must be on relatively horizontal surfaces (-1/4)





Power: Flight

Name: Anti-Gravity Climber

Flight 12m (12 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Requires - Spider Climber (-1/4)





Power: Combat Skill Levels

Name: Untouchable Opponent

+5 with Dodge




Power: Flight

Name: Divine Balance

Flight 1m (1 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (But not on fluid surfaces; -1/4), Must be on relatively horizontal surfaces (-1/4)




Power: Contortionist

Name: Escape Artist

Contortionist 17-




Power: Penalty Skill Levels

Name: Shot to the Heart

Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Hit Location Pentalies with to offset a specific negative OCV modifier with all attacks




Power: Naked Advantage

Name: Ricochet Symphony

Naked Advantage: Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path is indirect, but the same with every use; +1/2) for up to 30 Active Points (15 Active Points)





Power: Clinging

Name: Spider Climber

Clinging (normal STR)




Power: Teamwork


Teamwork 15-, Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +1), Grantor can take back power at any time (22 Active Points)




Power: Resistant Protection

Name: Roll With It

Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Requires A Roll (12- roll; -1/4)





Power: Compound Power

Name: Omnidexterity

(Total: 8 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) Extra Limb (1) (Real Cost: 5) plus Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty) (Real Cost: 3)





Stamina Knacks




Power: Resistant Protection

Name: Damage Conversion

Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Only to reduce body damage from killing attacks (-1/2)




Power: Life Support

Name: Holy Fortitude

Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week)





Power: Life Support

Name: Inner Furnace

Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat) (3 Active Points); Must consume any organic matter on a regular basis (-1/2)






Power: Regeneration

Name: Self-Healing

Regeneration (1 BODY per Hour)




Power: Resistant Protection

Name: Solipsistic Well-Being

Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Conditional Power - Only for the first suprise attack in a scenario Power does not work in Extremely Common Circumstances (-1 1/2)




Power: Resistant Protection

Name: Body Armor

Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED)




Power: Life Support

Name: Devourer

Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat) (3 Active Points); Must consume any form of matter and any form of liquid on a regular basis (-1/4), Requires - Inner Furnace (-1/4)




Power: Life Support

Name: Divine Fortitude I

Life Support (Sleeping: Character does not sleep) (3 Active Points); Requires - Holy Fortitude (-1/4)





Power: Life Support

Name: Divine Fortitude II

Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat) (3 Active Points); Must still drink fluids to sustain life (-1/2), Requires - Holy Fortitude (-1/4)

Must still drink fluids to sustain life




Power: Life Support

Name: Divine Fortitude III

Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat) (3 Active Points); Must still eat food to sustain life (-1/2), Requires - Holy Fortitude (-1/4)

Must still eat food to sustain life




Power: Regeneration

Name: Regeneration

Regeneration (1 BODY per Minute), Can Heal Limbs (19 Active Points); Requires - Self-Healing (-1/4)




Power: Life Support

Name: Extended Youth

Life Support (Longevity: Immortal)



Power: Resistant Protection

Name: Impenetrable

Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Requires - Body Armor (-1/4)





Power: Life Support

Name: Internal Refinery

Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial diseases; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons) (10 Active Points); Requires - Devourer (-1/4)

Requires - Devourer





Power: Naked Advantage

Name: Tireless Worker

for up to 10 Active Points of Strength, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (0 Active Points); Requires - Divine Fortitude (-1/4)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Scion Hero Conversion


Here is the list of virtues....Not sure if I need to reword these since they came out of the book. If there is an issue with copyright, let me know and I will remove the text until I get it reworded.


The way I see these as working is that the Scion will choose two virtues and will choose the strength...the GM can pick the how often it occurs.


It is going to take me a bit, but I will get it done.






10 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Conviction (Common; Moderate) [Notes: The character is selflessly devoted to a cause and is willing to take any measures necessary to further the cause or take action against those who oppose the character's beliefs.]


15 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Courage (Common; Strong) [Notes: The characters seeks to test his mettle against the deadliest opponents he can find. Death is something to be faced stoically, even embraced, for it is better to die in an epic struggle with a worthy foe than to live a callow life without struggle.]



15 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Duty (Common; Strong) [Notes: Putting aside personal ambition and devoted to maintaining and contributing to community, authority and the laws that govern a decent society. Personal sacrifice for the greater good is to be expected and celebrated, for a prosperous and safe society reflects its glory on each one of its citizens.]


10 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Endurance (Common; Moderate) [Notes: Character endures hardship beyond mortal limits in order to overcome the challenges. He embraces the stoic ideal, taking strength from the suffering they must endure. They grit their teeth and accept what comes.]



5 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Expression (Uncommon; Moderate) [Notes: This is the Virtue of artistic excellence, which venerates the musician, the painter the skald and the story teller. This virtue seeks to create new works of art, restore damaged works and assist in musical, theatrical or oratorical performances.]


10 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Harmony (Common; Moderate) [Notes: Holders of this virtue believe in the cosmic forces that govern creation, which even the gods themselves are but part of a grander design. The Scion seeks order and peace within a society and groups. Sometimes creating or even maintaining that peace requires very harsh measures. Scions with this virtue fight aspect in society that causes change to occur too rapidly and they are not above using violence to ensure Harmony is restored.]


5 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Intellect (Uncommon; Moderate) [Notes: It exalts the power of reason as the link that joins the moral to the divine. Scions with this virtue believe that raw power must be harnessed to the engines of logic and imagination in order to truly master the secrets of the cosmos. They hone their minds through diligent study, relentless inquiry and various debate, constantly grappling with the myriad of riddles of creation and the complexities of everyday life. . They will not destroy or delete sources of information or knowledge, suppress or censor knowledge, silence debate, or promote ignorance in any form.]


15 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Order (Common; Strong) [Notes: The belief that the rule of law forms the foundation of mortal civilization. AS the bulwark against the threat of anarchy and chaos, laws must e upheld and enforced, even when their applications seem harsh or unjust. For society to function it must trust in the impartiality of its laws which demands courage and steadfastness on the part of lawgivers. The scion will not commit a crime, turn a blind eye to a criminal act, allow a criminal to escape, bend the rules or selectively apply rules to himself or anybody else.]


10 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Piety (Uncommon; Strong) [Notes: The scion exalt and respect their god (or gods), their ancestors, and traditions of their forbearers. Taking strength from the wisdom of the ancients. Those who break with tradition insult the hard work and sacrifice of their predecessors and show reckless arrogance that can only lead to misfortune. The scion will not defy the wishes of her god, family or break with tradition or custom and will step in if someone does break with tradition or advocate new thinking.]


10 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Valor (Uncommon; Strong) [Notes: The scion believes in defending the helpless, fight with honor and offer up her life in necessary in service of a worthy cause. They do not believe in fighting for its own sake. They master the art of battle so evil cannot impose its will on decent folk. They fight honorable and will not ambush a foe or use underhanded means, will not avoid battle because of personal safety, nor will the allow others to suffer at the hands of evil.]


5 Psychological Complication: Virtue - Vengeance (Uncommon; Moderate) [Notes: Those who offend the gods or commit crimes against mankind must be made to suffer in kind, regardless of the cost. It is not about petty revenge, but in redressing of the cosmic balance, paying back a dept incurred by violating the divine order in some fashion. They will not let a criminal go unpunished, forgive a crime against himself or another, show mercy or leniency to a criminal, or give up the pursuit of an offender for any reason.]

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Scion Hero Conversion


15 Nature: Architect (Common; Strong) [Notes: You are a methodical planner.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 112.]


15 Nature: Autocrat (Common; Strong) [Notes: It's your way or the highway.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 112.]


15 Nature: Bravo (Common; Strong) [Notes: You live life on the edge.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 112-113.]


15 Nature: Caregiver (Common; Strong) [Notes: You are a wellspring of compassion.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 113.]


15 Nature: Competitor (Common; Strong) [Notes: You are driven to be the best.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 113.]


15 Nature: Cynic (Common; Strong) [Notes: You are quite familiar with Murphy's Law.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 113-114.]


15 Nature: Fanatic (Common; Strong) [Notes: You zealously champion your beliefs.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 114.]


15 Nature: Gallant (Common; Strong) [Notes: You protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 114.]


15 Nature: Gambler (Common; Strong) [Notes: You risk all to win.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 114.]


15 Nature: Judge (Common; Strong) [Notes: You are the law.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 114.]


15 Nature: Libertine (Common; Strong) [Notes: You live each day like it's your last.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 114.]


15 Nature: Loner (Common; Strong) [Notes: You rely on yourself alone.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115.]


15 Nature: Pacifist (Common; Strong) [Notes: You endeavor to solve problems peacefully.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115.]


15 Nature: Pedagogue (Common; Strong) [Notes: You live to teach.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115.]


15 Nature: Penitent (Common; Strong) [Notes: You seek to expiate the wrongs you've done.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115.]


15 Nature: Perfectionist (Common; Strong) [Notes: You strive for flawlessness in all your endeavors.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115.]


15 Nature: Rebel (Common; Strong) [Notes: You constantly seek to challenge authority.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 115-116.]


15 Nature: Rogue (Common; Strong) [Notes: You believe laws were made to be broken.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 116.]


15 Nature: Survivor (Common; Strong) [Notes: You preserve against everything life throws at you.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 116.]


15 Nature: Tradionalist (Common; Strong) [Notes: You believe the old ways are the best ones.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 116-117.]


15 Nature: Trickster (Common; Strong) [Notes: You live to deceive.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 117.]


[ATTACH]40947[/ATTACH] (Common; Strong) [Notes: You see the World for what it could be, not for what it is.

Source: Scion: Hero, pp. 117.]

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Re: Scion Hero Conversion


Questions to answer:


1. Scions

-----A. Have they always been around or are they just now emergent?


2. Magic in the World

-----A. Is it rare or is it common?

-----B. Has is always been around or is it “just now” emergent?

-----C. Is it obvious or is it veiled?


3. What is their origin:

-----A. They are children of deities.

------------If each deity can have children, what is the limit to the number of children? How do the children relate?

-----B. They are manifestations of various deities. Perhaps they re-emerge ever so many aeons. Perhaps there is one Platonic ideal, but each plane as some sort of manifestation of each deity.

-----C. They are incarnations of Virtues/Ideals/Concepts (Gesalt Hero or Incarnations of Immortality series - Piers Anthony).

-----D. Are they re-imagining of the the heroes/demigods of old?

-----------For example...the trials of Heracles...Jason and the Argonauts.


4. Is there are multiple pantheons or there is just one?

----- A. If there are multiple pantheons what is the relationship—what are the attitudes towards each other?

------B. If there are multiple how to resolve sharing the same domains?


5. How do we handle classic and iconic characters/creatures?

-----A. Named.....Circe, Cerberus, Oracle of Delphi, etc...

-----B. Types......Werewolves, Fae, giants, etc.


6. What is their conflict?

-----A. Against other pantheons?

-----B. vs evil in general?

-----C. vs. “TITANS”?

-----D. vs their new “family”? (everybody scrambling for control)

-----E. Based on the conflicts already laid out in mythology.


7. How does the presence of Scions affect the present day reality?

-----A. What keeps them from running the world?

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Re: Scion Hero Conversion


1. Scions have been around at least as long as civilization.


2. Magic is...kind of common. There are lot of supernatural things. However humans can only use magic if they have supernatural ancestry. Most magic is relatively inobvious, and the gods don't have a sense of humour about freaking the mundanes with the magic that isn't.


3. They are all the children of deities. Certain deities get their scions by adoption, but they can only adopt the children of deities.


4. Yes, there are multiple pantheons. They have treaties controlling their interactions (and use their scions to evade the strictures of those treaties)


5. Circe was a scion. Cerberus is a minor god in canine form. The Oracle of Delphi was a human servant of a god, or another scion. Supernatural races like fae and giants are just that with their most powerful members being gods.


6. Gods have a common foe in the Titans, but still use their scions against each other in various ways.


7. The gods will not allow their scions to run the world, and they wouldn't be united enough to do it anyway. Still certain scions do become big wheels.

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Re: Scion Hero Conversion


#3. Are the children free moral agents or do they generally follow the basic "alignment" of their parents...or are they completely their one persons?


#4 I was thinking something along the lines of Night Watch/Day Watch. Perhaps at one time the pantheons warred but finally had peace by "settling down" to geographic regions. But with modern travel those boundaries are messed up to the point that perhaps a new contract was written. One thing I had thought on, but wasn't sure if I wanted to implement was that no scion could kill another scion of a different pantheon without being marked. And Scions so marked cannot be aided by their brethren if the other pantheon wants revenge.


# 5 One aspect I was asking was....do they exist and how common. Are there orcs welding cars for Ford in Detroit or are there small covens and such hidden here and there?


#7 One thing i thought of was.....maybe this earth isn't that important to them. Maybe they have limits to that amount of direct involement in world history, (which limits may wax and wane....for example..the World Wars could have been major Scion involement). But other than occasional matters...maybe the other planes are or perhaps WERE more important.

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Re: Scion Hero Conversion


3. It's a White Wolf game so being a scion of Thor or Isis is like being a Gangrel or a Toreador. Only with the founder actually there to call the shots and put you up for adoption if you are too much of a nuisance.


4. No weather would be really weird if it was under the total control of different individuals by geographic area. Any weather god can shape weather anywhere, and yes that can cause storms created by nothing but a battle for control.


5. There are dwarfs, elves and kitsune all over the place.


7. That may be true about the gods, but it isn't about the scions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Scion Hero Conversion


Some other thoughts after doing a bit of reading GURPS Wierd War II.


1. WW2 setting - the nazis have wakened the Titans and as Scions..you are to put a stop to it.....a' la' Hellboy...and a lot of Hellboy and BPRD material to cull.


2. WW2 setting - The Germans have awakened the Germanic pantheon and perhaps another pantheon(s) seeks to counter balance


3. WW2 setting ... the mindless zealousy of the Italians, Germans and Japanese have opened the portal to the respective panteons. Perhaps the jealousies within the pantheons make it such that they are not behind each nation. For instance...maybe zeus is behind Italy but Posiedon isn't.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Scion Hero Conversion


Tentative Plan


Scion Hero


On Dec. 21st, 1979 a strange phenomenon occurred all over the world in which women, who were not previously pregnant, suddenly (and without warning) gave birth to a child. Needless to say, this had profound effects on the lives of these women. Some women, after giving birth walked away in shock and disbelief. Some took the children to be a divine gift, and cared for them. But for the vast majority of these children, they were given up for adoption.


While news of this event did make the tabloids, this went mostly unnoticed by the world at large, except for those watching and waiting for this to happen.

The children born on this date are of unearthly origin...they are the "children" of the beings known to us as the pantheons of ancient world religions. Born of the Titans, they are beings of immense power but it was that power, and their own, will that placed them in opposition to the Titans, of whom they imprisoned. But that imprisoning isn't permanent, with every cycle the bonds on their prison weakens and they try to break free. It is during those cycles that the deities send forth their seed to bring forth children, Scions, keep the Titans properly imprisoned.


Mythology has, with surprising accuracy, recorded the personality and essence of both the deities and the relationships between them. While they are beings of immense power, they are plagued by petty rivalries and behavior, by modern mortal standards, that is questionable at best

Their fear of the Titans is so great that they exiled themselves unto another plane, creating more layers and more barriers between themselves and the eternal enemies, the Titans. Earth the first in a line of defenses erected to protect themselves.

While both the Titans and the deities stand are blocked from earth, they still have the ability to affect and to influence life here on earth. During cycles, the barriers are their weakest. For the pantheons, this allows them to send forth their seed to raise up champions to defend their interests.


For the Titans, it is during these cycles that their human followers work to further weaken their bonds so they might be free. The Titans have other children, those that vary in power , motivations and influence. Some living among mankind, while others who stayed in deep and remote places.

There is a coming conflict, between the Titans and the ancient Pantheons and mankind stands in the middle. Can the Scions, work together to save the world, or will their own squabbling and weaknesses bring forth their ruin?


Players start the game:

* As 33 year olds whose back story and profession and personality aligning with their celestial parent.

* Knowing who they are.

* With a back story of how they know at least one other Scion playing the game.

* As a Scion to a member of the Greek Pantheon

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