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To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star

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Say I take a paper, draw 3 circles on it, and number these circles from 1 to 3. I glue the paper on a ground I know is secure and won't be messed.

Now I go around and grap a rock. I put the rock over the circle 1, and leave to do my things. This is year 1.

3 years later, on year 4, I come back to the paper. No matter what I find, if the rock is over circle 1, I take it. I go back 2 years.

Now I'm on year 2. I go back to the paper. I see the rock on circle 1. I leave the rock there and place the rock on my hand over circle 2. And go 5 years to the future.

Now I'm on year 7. I go back to the paper. No mattter what I find, if there's a rock on circle 2, I take it. I go back 4 years.

Now I'm on year 3. I go back to the paper. I place the rock on circle 3. Then I go 7 years to the future.

Now I'm on year 10. I go back to the paper. If there's a rock on circle 3, I grab it and leave.

This is a non-conflicting time travel. The same rock meets itself most of time, there were times that 3 rocks were together, but they never affect each other. Let's review how it was, now following the normal world chronology. These are the circles that had rocks for each year:

year 1: the rock is "born" on circle 1
year 2: circles 1,2
year 3: circles 1,2,3
year 4: circles 2,3
year 7: circle 3
year 10: the rock "dies" on circle 3

This example is perfectly fine and doable, considering that time travel is a reality.

But now, let's get back to me when I arrive on year 4. Say I see the 3 circles each with its rock. If I follow the plan I created, I'll just ignore the rocks on circles 2 and 3 and grab the rock on circle 1.

But what if I break my plan, and grab the rock on circle 2?

See, the plan is perfect and should work, if followed. And I was following it up till now. Using logic, if all 3 circles are filled, I know that *I WILL* arrive on years 2 and 3 and put the rock on those circles. Otherwise, they'd not be there.

But still by knowing that, I'm still a normal person, in my current time, totally capable of making choices and acting over the choices I make. So, considering the 3 circles are filled with rocks, I can just choose to disregard my original plan and grab the rock on circle 2.

Then I return to my original plan. I go back 2 years to year 2. Circle 1 is filled because I filled it on year 1, and the other 2 circles are empty. I just place the rock on circle 2 and continue my job. I go to year 7, to grab the rock that would be on circle 2. But now I face circle 2 empty.

I filled (did I?) on year 2, but I emptied it (did I?) on year 4. And now, on year 7, circle 1 should be empty by my original plan, but no it's filled. Because I didn't empty it on year 4!

In the original plan, I was traveling the rock thru time. Yes, the rock met itself and there were 2 and even 3 rocks living together, but it was still a unique rock, traveling in a linear way.

But I *CHOSE* to disobey my plan, and now I have a huge issue here. I'm on year 7 and the rock I placed on circle 1 is still there, it never left its place, it never traveled thru time! And the rock I grabbed (did I?) on year 4 from circle 2 and placed (did I?) on circle 2 on year 2 is... *another* rock! A rock that never existed! I grabbed it before I placed it, I "killed" it before it could be "born"!

My point is, even if time travel exists, everything must have an origin, and in that object's own timeline, its origin *must* happen before its destruction.

See Back to the Future 3. Doc would die around 40 years before he was born. In the world's timeline, he'd die before he was born. But in his own timeline, he *still* was born before he died: he was born in 1925, in 1955 he was 30yo, in 1985 being 60yo he went back to 1885, then died.

In my example, on year 4, I can't grab the rock on circle 2. Because, in my and in its timeline, the rock on circle 2 still *doesn't* exist. I can't take before putting it.

I either:

1) follow the plan, see rocks on the 3 circles, grab the rock on circle 1 and continue, or
2) disobey my plan, not grab the rock on circle 1, the rock *never* travels thru time, and *that's it*!

If I disobey my plan, on year 4 there will be rock only on circle 1. The other circles will be empty. I *can* choose what to do, I *"can"* travel thru and fold time, but I *can't* use time travel and folding to create things over nothing. And if I try to do so, that thing will just not exist to begin with. I'll imagine it existing, but it won't.

We can start talking about alternating timelines, so that I arrive on a timeline that I follow the plan and grab the circle 2 rock, then this action breaks the plan on a second timeline where the rock never travels, then I arrive on that second timeline and find only the rock on circle 1 and decide to grab it, this fullfills the plan on the first timeline where I then arrive and find the 3 rocks, and so on.

But this is a theory where parapell worlds exist. This means that there's not only 1 rock, there are infinite rocks on infinite paralell worlds. And I'm not time traveling, I'm actually traveling thru dimensions and moving rocks not thru time but thru dimensions.

Back to my point, our brains are able to imagine what happens in Predestination, but even if time travel was possible, what we see on the movie would *still* be impossible. As, in the movie Inception, we can dream of folding space and change the direction of gravity, and even live that on our imagination (and watch it on a movie), but that can't happen in reality.

Our brain is just able to imagine things that don't exist on reality.

John Jane can't exist, he can't give birth to himself. There *must* be a parent *before* the child is born. The child *can't* exist before the parent and become it. As we can have non-chicken eggs before chicken existed, and we can have an egg that gives birth to a chicken who puts many other eggs, but we can't have a chicken put an egg and be born from it. As a rock can't appear and vanish in loop on circle 2.

And, if we suppose that somebody, anybody, gives birth to a "Prime John Jane", then the loop continues impossible. John Jane can travel thru time as many times as he wants, he'll still have an origin and a history outside of the loop. And he can make as many babies as he wants with himself, these babies will *never* be him.

We can have centuries worth of generations of hermafrodites having time traveling babies, and this generation will still have its serial (if not linear) timeline.

If we try to replace a person for his son, this attempt just destroys the timeline and nobody else starting from that moment will be born. The person we try to grab won't be there when we arrive. As on year 4 the rock will either be on circle 1 or on circle 2 (and 1 and 3). We either find a rock on circle 1 and have the plan broken, or we find a rock on circle 2 (and 1 and 3) and have it fulfilled.

We *can* choose, but the result of our choice will either be the plan working or not working, it *can't* be the rock remaining on circle 1 and a rock "born from itself" existing on its own on circle 2.

Another interesting brain puzzle is the irreal numbers. We can't have the square root of a negative number. That's because any number multiplied by itself will always be a positive number, regardless of the number being multiplied by itself being positive or negative.

Still, there were math operations that people were making, where a negative number was coming inside a square root, when made reversely. Those operations don't exist in reality, but exist on math operations.
Still, there were math operations that people were making, where a negative number was coming inside a square root, when made reversely. Those operations don't exist in reality, but exist on math equations.

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I don't engage in fear based voting. I don't engage in slippery slope fallacies. I won't vote for Hillary.

I don't vote for a candidate that:

- Supported the Iraq War.
- Pushed Obama into Libya (what he says is his biggest mistake).
- Pushed military action for Syria (and wants a no fly zone).
- Pushes for military action against Iran (or at least the option, gee, very Republican eh?).
- Supported the TPP (her state department helped write it and she lobbied for it 45 times!).
- Supported NAFT.
- Supported/lobbied for the Omnibus Crime bill for the tough on crime part (not for the violence against women part or the assault rifle ban).
- Flip flops on gay marriage.
- Flip flops on guns.
- Engages in dirty politics to "artfully smear" her opponents (Bernie Bros and Obama Boys and using Kennedy assassination or Sandy Hook against her opponents).
- Sold weapons to nations around the world while pretending to be anti-weapon (BTW, one of those weapon manufacturers she helped sell weapons for was the same one that created the assault rifle used in Sandy Hook).
- Pushed fracking around the world (climate change advocate? Yeah right).

I can go on and on. There are so many negatives with Hillary. I will never support her as my vote is earned, not given. No, I won't vote Trump either. And a vote for another is not a vote for a different candidate. That's a false dichotomy fallacy.

They can keep their tribalism.

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The criminals ran through the dark alley, fear clearly evident in their eyes. A garbage can wobbles loose, causing the thug on the left to scramble in his panic. They come to the end of the alley, only to see him!
"G'day, scum." With twin slicing motions, the costumed man tears open the money bags of the would be heisters, "You're next." He replies.
One kicks, but his blow is neatly dodged, the other falls back...
and accidentally knocks a wall over. 
'The Claw' let loose a groan, "For crying out loud. Can we get a set that holds up a little bit more?" One of the prop guys started to apologize, but Daniel cut him off with a dismissive swipe of his hand. "I'll be in my trailer."
The fur trimmed star huffed off, trying to lose his agent, Stephen. No dice.
"Daniel, what the hell's wrong with you? You almost lost the accent."
Daniel popped open a beer, and glanced at it. Even the beer he had was Australian. He took a drink, then turned to Stephen, and snapped with accent attached, "And a G'day to you too, you bludging bastard." The accent dropped like a brick, and he smirked, "That better?"
"Loads," Stephen sighed, "Just remember, you maybe America's favorite new prime-time superhero, but those guys on the set don't necessarily like you. One of them might sell you out in a minute if they found out you were ..."
"A fake?" Daniel let his eyes narrow just a bit.
"Well, yes Daniel, you pretend to have powers, you're not Australian, and your whole crime-fighting career is paid for. The public doesn't know that, but that's okay. You're SUPPOSED to be fake, this is show business."
Daniel took another drink, he realized Stephen was right. He did sign up for this once Stephen told him the plan. It had paid off. Daniel's study of Kali had translated well to the claws provided him, and his training with a stunt man made him seem to take hits stronger than he could actually survive. A little spin, a little magic, and they had him faking near supernatural senses and recuperative powers as well. The excuse being his fighting style was nothing more than 'animal instinct'. Not true of course, but he could fake it, just like he faked the accent. It was decided being from another country would make Claw more exotic.
Daniel glanced over at the new load of fan mail he'd been sent. It always cheered him up to hear the praise of how cool he was, how he could kick this hero's butt, or nail that villain to the wall. Other times, it just served to remind him just how many they'd fooled.
"You're thinking about it again." Stephen warned.
"Mmm?" Daniel came out of his reverie. "What do you mean?"
"You're not a super hero. Don't ever try to BE a super hero. Do you want to ruin what we've got? Do you want to be the Milli Vanilli of the spandex set?"
"Fine." Daniel said through gritted teeth, "I'll be out in five."
Daniel walked through the alley way. Millennium City was too high tech sometimes, too impersonal. He preferred Hollywood. Sure, it didn't care for you either, but it tried to look that way, and right now Daniel could sympathize with a fellow actor. The shoot earlier had been grueling, and despite Stephen's protests, Daniel was enjoying the city solo. Not like too many would recognize him out of the costume. Or so he hoped.
There was a scream. For one surreal moment, Daniel was sure he was on the set again. Then he ran towards the sound as fast as he could. He banged up against a garbage can, trying not to curse as he did so. He turned the corner to see a little girl with a knife to her throat. The hostage taker was a big man that stank faintly of garlic.
"Just back off."
Daniel fell into character, "Easy there, Mate. Not my bizzo I know, but let's not be a dill. You know who I am?" 
The girl apparently knew, her eyes widened, and Daniel thought he saw something there, hope. The hostage taker knew as well, but the reaction wasn't what Daniel hoped, "The Claw? You ain't taken me in man, you ain't taken me in..." The assailants's breathing grew panicked, and he looked at the girl again, "Not when you need to take this kid to the hospital!" The knife at the girl's throat started to slice forward. 
Only to have another knife thrown to intercept and disarm. Smoke filled the alley, there were several thumping sounds. When it cleared, everyone in the alley could finally see each other by the straying lights. There was the girl (who flew to Daniel's arms), the thug ( who was unconscious), Daniel (who was confused as heck), and Nighthawk.
The hawkcowled figure shot a withering glance at the actor, "Your attempts to be a real hero nearly got this girl killed, you moron."
Daniel felt like taking a swing at the arrogant vigilante, but the sniffling of the girl holding to him held him back. He almost lost the accent again though, "Look Galah, you know who you're talking to?"
Nighthawk replied coldly, "You're the actor who plays Claw. You, or someone working on your behalf, occasionally pays some ex-stronghold con to lie and say you beat them. Yeah, I know who you are. Every super hero does. We can't do much about it without facing some lawsuit, and no one would believe us any ways, but we do know who you are."
"That's not true!" the girl yelled at Nighthawk, "Claw's the greatest hero ever, don't you talk to him like that!"
The super hero looked at the girl, then at Daniel. His voice filled with disgust for the latter, "You're not worthy of the trust she shows in you. You've got nothing." There was more smoke, and Nighthawk was gone.
"You okay, Claw?" The girl asked eyes shining.
Was he okay? This girl had nearly been sold on some sick slave market, and she was asking if he was okay? The show, Daniel thought, must go on. "I'm fine." He smiled, "let's get you home." The smile, was fake. Then again, Daniel mused, it seemed a lot of things were.
The next day, Stephen droned on in the limo they shared, "Okay, when you get out at the rally, remember you've got to play up the sex appeal... raw animal magne..." The limo stopped, and Stephen pressed the com button and asked the driver, "Hey, what's the hold up?"
Daniel fidgeted in the costume, popping the claws in and out. These gauntlets were the real deal, the fans would be too close to fool with some break away material. 
The chauffeur's voice responded, "Sorry sir, it's all over the news, Mechanon is in town. Looks like the Champions and a lot of other heroes are banding together to take him down. This whole street is being detoured for public safety."
Stephen sighed, "Great, what else could go wrong, eh Daniel?" 
There was no response, the Claw was no longer in the car. Stephen felt his throat dry out as he read the note in the seat were a moment ago his meal-ticket had been.
It said: Gone to see what I've got-Claw

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