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Create Hero/Villain link thread

death tribble

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The purpose of this thread is to tie up links between the groups in the Create Hero and Villain Theme threads and discuss them.

It will also state where names have come up in more than one post such as the Golden Guardian and Lamia.

It will also contain a list of the Heroes and Villains in a quasi notepad form which will enable us to quickly reference the names and ideas on the site. (as opposed to Bolo's excellent PDFs. And provided I can keep it up to date).

This post will also contain an index for the rest of the thread and mention which themes have been done or repeated.

Post 2. Hero and Villain team themes and creators

Post 3 Hero teams and members

Post 4 Villain teams and members to team 300

Post 5 Villain teams and members from team 301

Post 6 Preordained links

Post 7 Recurring heroes and villains

Post 8 The White Sheep family tree

Post 9 Ideas for teams.

Post 10 Potential links (for discussion and agreement)


Themes that have been done more than once. Arsonists, the Seven Sins, the Undead, teams operating only at night or during the day, users of cold powers, sports, agents, constellations, chemical elements, giants, retired heroes/villains, aliens, pirates, anime, toys, Information Technology, cowboys, Lovecraft/Cthulhu mythos, yellow journalism, maths, school/college, families, cops, villain support groups, holidays, heroes who are villains, monsters, halloween, darkness/shadow/night powers

Teams from Africa, Japan, Soviet Russia, Britain, India and based on American history have been done.

The 12 labours of Hercules, the 7 days of the Week, the compass points, the 4 seasons, planets, dinosaurs, extinct animals, earth/air/fire/water powers, flying/water based heroes/villains, American Indians, Nazis, snakes, bikers, gangsters, blades, gun, martial artists, clowns, the weather, colours of the rainbow, cooking, alcohol, fairies and weight have also been themes.

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

Hero and Villain Team themes that we have used. Updated July 24th 2021 by hand


Hero Teams


1. The Even-Odds (the unofficial Poker Police; 7) Cygnia

2. Guardians of History (protect timestream; 6) SKJAM!

3. The Crusaders (legacy heroes; 7) Chris Goodwin

4. Defenders of the Sea (sea/ocean; 6+) BoloOfEarth

5. The Bermuda Triangle (PI’s; 3) Legatus

6. Agents of Change (transformation; 5) SKJAM!

7. Stellars (aliens; 5) Chris Goodwin

8. Constitutional Guard (patriotic; 6) Badger

9. Graveyard Shift (undead; 5) SKJAM! Pg 5

10. Seekers (Champions reserve wannabes; 4) BoloOfEarth

11. Owls of Rome (toys; 7) csyphrett

12. Capital Contingent (corporate sponsored DC team; 5) BoloOfEarth

13. Nekketsu Yuusha-tachi (anime; 6) SKJAM!

14. Historicals (androids of famous people; 5) Mathew

15. SWAT (LAPD super-SWAT team; 4) Legatus

16. Disaster Corp (cleanup; 4+) Utech

17. Victory Corps (publicity-seekers; 7) Enforcer84

18. The Replacements (wolves in sheep’s clothing; 5) BoloOfEarth

19. New Youth Pioneers (Russian teens; 6) The Arc

20. The Redeemers (restore reputation hurt by villainous relatives; 6) Cygnia

21. The Knights of Saint Nicholas (protect children; 4) SKJAM!

22. The Zodiac (astrology signs; 12) Lucius

23. Threshold G (incredibly dangerous; 5) SKJAM!

24. The Shinsengumi (official Japan patriot team; 10) gaberegan

25. Vigilance Inc. (vigilante justice; 9) Cygnia

26. The Exiles (MegaCorp-sponsored team of exiles; 6-9) death tribble

27. The Seven Lights (faith-based heroes based on seven virtues; 7) SKJAM!

28. The Farm Belt (Midwest farmer heroes; 6) BoloOfEarth

29. Project Beta (clones of other heroes; 5) Hermit

30. The Saturn Five (NASA team; 5 + base) BoloOfEarth

31. Mighty Insects (insect/arthropods; 7-9) Lucius

32. Sisterhood of Eowyn (women fighting a mystic supervillain; 6-8) Hermit

33. Party Animals (partying part-time heroes; 5) quozaxx

34. The Explorers (expand knowledge; 6) death tribble

35. League of Giants! (giants, y’think?; 5 + base) Hermit

36. Time Rangers (heroes from different eras; 12) Cassandra

37. Olympus Corps (one-of-a-kind powers; 9-12) Log-Man

38. The Hard Line (Harding family members mutated by meteor; 7-10) Hermit

39. Offcasts (college castoffs from Room 507; 6-8) Nothere

40. 2nd Chance Inc (former supervillains; 5-7) Hermit

41. Sidekick Associates (old former sidekicks, now retired heroes; 5) quozaxx

42. The Alliance (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender issues; 6) SKJAM!

43. Justice Defenders (HERO board members’ names, 6) BoloOfEarth

44. Dirty Deck (cards, 7) Nothere

45. Golden Oldies (retirees, 4) SKJAM!

46. Fishnet Five (powers from fishnet stockings, 5) Hermit

47. Prime Time (based on TV characters, 6) BoloOfEarth

48. Union Underground (former villain minions, 6) Cygnia

49. Golden Legion (junior heroes of Golden Guardian, 6) Nothere

50. Outsiders (legacies that don’t fit in, ? Enforcer84

51. Blue Shield (law enforcement from different countries, 10) Enforcer84

52. Ministry of Heavy Weapons (power armor with heavy weapons, 6) death tribble

53. Magical Princess GemStars (magical girls with gem names, 5) Cygnia

54. Avalon Guard (reincarnated Round Table knights, 6) Enforcer84

55. Holiday Heroes (give others the day off + holiday themes, 5) SKJAM!

56. The Faculty (professors with area of expertise, 5) BoloOfEarth

57. Alternates (names/powers of supervillains, 5) Nothere

58. Countdown (numbers, 5) csyphrett

59. Idealists (mentalists, 5) Old Man

60. Litatureers (book titles, 7) csyphrett

61. Acoustics (sound, 6) Old Man

62. Star Chamber (vigilante lawyers, 6) Cygnia

63. Ivory Knights (formerly bad but turned good with powers, 5-6) Hermit

64. Delaware Defenders (not cool powers, 4) Cygnia

65. Texas Titans (Texas-centric, 5-6) Badger

66. Acadamia Nuts (Hawaii teachers connected to subject taught, 6-10) Lucius

67. Knights of Lupus (rabbit-themed heroines for hire, 6) Cygnia

68. Majo Shoujo (Sailor Moon, 7) csyphrett

69. The Pantheon (deities from different pantheons, 7) Enforcer84

70. The Relics (artifacts from fallen hero, 6) csyphrett

71. Drawings (DEMON-battling, pull pic from superhero art thread, 7) csyphrett

72. Space Aces (keep peace in galaxy, 5) csyphrett

73. Knights of Righteousness (strictly follow law and personal vow, 6) Christopher

74. The Compact (mages and such defending normals from fey, 7) The Arc

75. Team Justice (joining and leaving the team, 7) death tribble

76. Go Family (teleporters, 5) csyphrett

77. Team America (rejects from other official teams, 5-8) death tribble

78. Cosplay (GenCon costumes, 6) BoloOfEarth

79. Kit Cat Club (feline cosplayers, 9) Lucius

80. The Veterans (Golden Age military heroes out of retirement, 6) BoloOfEarth

81. Nobles (famous kings, 5) csyphrett

82. Cheap Refurbished Laptops (see the name, ? Christopher

83. Rewrites (take existing names, 6) Cygnia

84. Rebels (children of supervillains, 5) Hermit

85 Punch and Judy Show (clowsn, 6) csyphrett

86 League of Giants (North) (giants, 6) Lucius

87 Untouchables (Desolid-like powers, 5) SKJAM!

88 Mantle (heroes ruling islands, 6) Hermit

89 League of Non-Humanoid Heroes (non-human form, 6) Christopher

90 Weather Warning (weather powers, 7) csyphrett

91 The Resistance (from future to stop Mechanon, 5) Badger

92 Young Radicals (1960s counterculture, 6) SKJAM!

93. International Foxbat Heroic Planning and Intervention Society (Batmen-like heroes based on Foxbat) - csyphrett

94. Playboys (Heroes with the wrong motives) Cygnia

95. Workmen (Working class heroes) Lucius Alexander

96. International Foxbat Heroic Endeavor Corps of All Nations (Foxbat inspired heroes of the Americas) Christopher

97. The Seven (Heroes hired to protect a border town) csyphrett

98. Malefactors (Heroes disguised as villains) Hermit

99. University Challengers (Academics as heroes) Death Tribble

100. Seattle Specials (Handicapped Heroes) BoloOfEarth

101. Buff Warriors (Heroes who fight without clothes) Christopher

102. The Songs (Heroes created from Weird Al songs) csyphrett

103. The UNIT (Task force set up by the UN Security Council) Opale

104. Near Earth Orbit (Space based protectors of the inner planets of the solar system) JackValhalla

105. Team Crayola (Kids turned into superhumans) Badger

106. Nicknamers (Heroes based on nicknames) csyphrett

107. The Reborn (Heroes who were broken by the Dream Stealers) BoloOfEarth

108. The Dogs of War (Canine Opponents of the One Trick Ponies) Badger

109. The Star Complex (Heroes based on shows) Michael Hopcroft

110. 4th World (Heroes created using Jack Kirby characters) csyphrett

111. Second Chances (Heroes rejected from other teams) Christopher

112. The Teen Tartans (Teenaged heroes of Scottland) Megaplayboy

113. The Planetary Patrol (Crew of the EDseila) csyphrett

114. The Winter Wardens (Ice based heroes) SKJAM!

115. The Nomadic Nine (Heroes forced to wander the Earth) 9 Badger

116. The Shooting Stars (Heroes blasted across the universe to a hostile planet) csyphrett

117. Louisville Lovers (Tean created by an alien to see if love is stronger than hate) csyphrett

118. Hot Young Teens (Members of a group from the 80's)6 Death Tribble

119. The Fit Five (Heroes enlisted by the Department of Health to promote fitness) SKJAM!

120. Team UK (4 heroes representing Great Britain) Martin2

121. Micro 7 (seven heroes based on shrinking) -Werehawk

122. Expendables (heroes fighting a menace from Demon - csyphrett

123. Caribou Lodge (based on Santa's reindeer) Badger

124. National League of Superheroes (based on professional sports teams)Michael Hopcroft

125. Knights of the Saints 7 representing an attribute of a Saint csyphrett

126. Home team (heroes with sheets posted on forum) Lucius

127. Extreme Duel Fighting Champions csyphrett

128. Chorus (music based heroes 5) death tribble

129. Erinyes (female heroes based on Greek myth/legend 6) cygnia

130. Guardians of Monchmart (heroes who have guarded said community since founding 9) csyphrett

131. The Flock (flying heroes) csyphrett

132. Vatican Secret Service (heroes working for the Catholic Church 5) death tribble

133. Hunt Club (bounty hunters 5) Hermit

134. Superheroines of Superhero City nothere

135. Heat Seekers (fire and heat powers) - cygnia

136. Aesir (based on Norse gods and heroes) - csyphrett

137. I-Spies (freelancers who infiltrate, investigate and incinerate) - csyphrett

138. Kings in Hiding (they look for the Man behind the Man) - Cygnia

139. The Underground (preparing for the big one) Badger

140. American Dream (patriotic teen heroes) - The Arc

141. Four Rocketeers (they have rocket packs) - Hermit

142. MMI (Me, Myself and I) - Christopher

143. Supercandidates (trying to become the President of the US) - Cygnia

144. Butterflies (winged heroes trying to maintain diversity on the planet) - Matt Holck

145. Human Targets (all defence, little offence) - csyphrett

146. Teen Sceptics (Scooby Doo rip off) Cygnia 5

147. Fearless Five ! (Vanished heroes) Death Tribble 5

148.The Force Tank (heroes doing the Think Tank's bidding) - Nothere 6

149. Pageant (Women who gained powers after being gassed at a beauty pageant) Hermit 6+

150. Mustangs Horse related heroes on South 5 Bolo of Earth

151. Justice Avengers patriots csyphrett 5

152. That 60's team Heroes from the 60s  Death Tribble 5-10

153. Animals A band who can turn into animals 6 csyphrett

154. Hexagram Mages (6 mages battling DEMON who each have a speciality) - Bolo of Earth

155. Abnormals Curing people of conditions Nothere 5

156. Constellations. Based on the stars 9-10 Badger

157. Death Squad America Heroes accused of acting as a death squad 5 Death Tribble

158. Tranquility Acres Heroes coming out of retirement 5 csyphrett

159. Nar Neo Knights. Nar Cola corporate team 4 Hermit 

160. Streetbeat. Minor powers 5 Old Man

161. Snak Attack Based on snacks Bolo 4 contributors 

162. Dave Five Robots to fight giant monsters 5 Old Man

163. Mythos Obscure gods children 5 csyphrett

164. HBF (Heroes Best Friends) Heroes pets 5 Hermit

165. Anti Magic League (heroes out to prove magic is a fraud) 6 Death Tribble

166. Shooters (sponsored by NRA and they use guns for good) 6 SKJAM!

167. Avalon, High Tech Knights - 7 Black Ops

168. Tennessee Volunteers (based around Tennessee) - 5 csyphrett 

169. Mask Inc (protect the secret IDs of others) - 5 Hermit

170. Pens of Wabash (based on pens and writing instruments) - 6 csyphrett

171. Easter Brigade (based on Easter) - 5 Nothere

172. Mechanico Inc (backup group who look at tech and phenomena, build stuff etc) - 6 csyphrett

173. The Sunshine Boys (heroes active only in the Summer months) - 5 Death Tribble

174. Court of Dreams - (7 male and 7 female mystics and sentai) 14 PhantomGM1601

175. Haneyville Hard Hitters (World War 2 homefront heroes) 5 csyphrett

176. 'The Zen Team' (it needs no name) cultist fights from the 30s 5 Nothere

177. The LA Rangers (ad-hoc group fighting gangs in LA) 5-10 Death Tribble

178. Reversibles (heroes who are villains unknowingly from an idea by death Tribble in Vilains thread) 5 csyphrett

179. Aqua Teen Force (teen heroes who fight on/in/under water) 5-10 death Tribble

180. Monster Patrol (non humans who fight in the night) - 6 csyphrett

181. The Bookwyrms (powers from favourite books) - 5 Bolo of Earth

182. Daytimers (heroes who only operate during the day) - 6 SKJAM!

183. Nightshift (heroes who only operate at night) - 6 Freakboy6117

184. Heo Support (People who suport the hero community) 4 - Bolo of earth

185. Team Fabulous. (They fight crime and they look good) 4+ Death Tribble

186. Oversight (keeping an eye on heroes - Bolo of Earth

187. The Morphium Club (temporily/dimensionally displaced people) - Freakboy6117

188. Alien Reputation Renewal (normally hostile alien races as heroes) - 6 csyphrett

189. Seven Wonders (heroes based on the Ancient Seven Wonders) - 7 Freakboy6117

190. Legendary Creatures (using mythic creatures as their IDs) - 6 csyphrett

191. Defenders of Sol (8 heroes who resemble comic strip characters)- csyphrett
192. New Republican Guard
(6 French heroes) - The Arc
193. Thunderbirds
(6 Hopi Indians) - morpheus Rex
194. Devil Killers
(7 Demon/Devil Slayers) - Badger
195. Recess Rescuers (8 opponents of the Recess Rogues) - freakboy6117
196. The A Team (6 Anaheim based heroes all starting with A) - freakboy6117
197. Six Flags (6 flagwearing heroes) - Death Tribble
198. Rock Band (
6 rock/mineral/semi precious stone) - freakboy6117
199. The Cool Crusaders
(5 Winter based heroes) - Nothere
200. team New Orleans
(6 heroes based there) - Badger
201. Seven Ups (based in Florida and have a connection to 7) - csyphrett
202. Supporter
s of the Rock Band (6 they help team 198) - Bolo of Earth
203. Grocery Greens (
6 Vegetable themed heroes) - csyphrett
204. The Sins of the Father (
6 descendents of supervillains) - freakboy6117
205. The Able 8
(8 heroes with disabilities) - freakboy6117
206. The Freys (
5 family hero group killed in Detroit, Eagles connection) - csyphrett
207. USA 5-0
(5 ex cops not Federal agents) - death Tribble
208. Compass Roses (a direction and a flower 4) - freakboy6117
209. The Three Graces
(3 women with different powers) - Death Tribble
210. Cloud Base 9 (5 rangers who work for UNTIL) - csyphrett
211. XLR-8 (
8 speedsters with one other archtype) freakboy6117
212. The Underground (
5-6 heroes who can operate underground) - death Tribble
213. The Ex Cons (5 former super criminals) - Lixivious
214. Justice Defenders 6 Merged Heroes (DC and Marvel) -
215. Euro Guard Espana (5 national Spanish heroes) - freakboy6117
216. Antarticana (
6 heroes operating in the Antarctic) - Badger
217. Ryan's Rejects (6 minor superpowers) - Freakboy6117
218. Speed Squad
(5-7 based on Formula 1 teams) – Death Tribble
219. Sanctum Six guards etc of hero bases - freakboy6117
220. The Dimension Defenders Good
5 allegories of villains - Nothere
Pharaoh Force Five (named after a Pharoah) - Death Tribble
222. The Risers (
5 coming back from death) - csyphrett
223 Five Jade Wanderers (Practitioners from the Temple of Jade) - freakboy6117

224. NATO Meta Ops (5 elite super soldiers) freakboy6117

225. From Russia With Lob (4-7 private Russian team) – Death Tribble

226. The Lords of Justice (5 aristocratic adventurers) – freakboy6117

227. Land Sharks (5 Australian shark type heroes) – csyphrett

228. Roustabouts 5 wandering circus/carnival folk - freakboy6117

229. White Gear (7 cyborg opponents of Black Gear’s team) – freakboy6117

230. Unlimited Liability Corporation (6 enemies of the Corporate Raiders) – Bolo of Earth

231 Ectoplasmic Exterminators INC (4 aginst ghosts and extradimensionals) – csyphrett

232. The Phoenix Five (5 who died but have been returned to do more work) – freakboy6117

233. Dynamic Duos (3 pairs who join up when necessary) – freakboy6117

234 The Stolen 6 thieves now doing good - freakboy6117

235. Zodiac Force (3 4 person groups) – Death Tribble

236. National Park Service Super Rangers (7 Wild Bunch) – freakboy6117

237. Sons of Liberty (6 battling China and North Korea) – csyphrett

238. Buxom Battling Babe Brigade (6 attractive women) – Nothere

239. The Rescue Express (7 based on delivery services) – csyphrett

240. Society of Sherlocks (10 based on TV detectives) - csyphrett

241. Australia’s Avengers (9 based on the Avengers work in Aus) - csyphrett

242. Zeroes to Heroes (5 minor heroes whose powers are specific) -steraica

243. The Movement (5 Cuba’s defense force) – freakboy6117

244. Rocky Mountain Rangers (6 based out of Denver) - Bolo of Earth

245. Continental Centurion and the First Thirteen - freakboy6117

246. Seven Hills of Rome (7 heroes based on the seven hills of Ancient Rome) – Death Tribble

247. The Silver Star (5 who protect important people) – freakboy6117

248. Diamond Conspiracy (6 people with disabilities and earth powers) csyphrett

249. Young Strike Force 5-7 steraica

250. Shelled Shields of Justice (6 turtle/tortoise inspired heroes) – csyphrett

251. Spring Renewal (5 hippy heroes) – Bolo of Earth

252. The Quadrilateral (4 heroes who are squares) – death Tribble

253. Table Tops (6 based on table top games) – Bolo of Earth

254. Stars of Africa (5 heroes operating in Africa) Death Tribble

255. Mutant Interdiction Office (6 undercover agents) – csyphrett

256. Argonauts (8 heroes opposing Echidna) – csyphrett

257. Children of Peace (5 kids fighting for peace)- freakboy6117

258. Firewall (6 people named after Internet Games fighting malware) -csyphrett

259. The Twelve Knights of Christmas (12 suits of mystical armour) -freakboy6117

260. The Foot Pads (6 heroes sponsored by Dr Scholl) – csyphrett

261. Disney Royalty (6 heroes protecting Disney assets) – Bolo of Earth

262. Animal Assemblers (5 animals protecting the environment) - csyphrett

263. STEM (Science, Technology engineering and Mathmatics) Brigade 4 Bolo of Earth

264. The Last Chance (6 heroes to beat the Apocalypse)

265. Los Guerilleros (5 South American)

266. Indian group death tribble

267. QUEST (High Tech Heroes) – Bolo of Earth

268. HALO (4 heroes with a halo) – freakboy6117

269. Seven Pillars (7 Islamic heroes) – Death Tribble

270. Gamers (6 heroes based on different role playing games) – Bolo of Earth

271. Undying Patriots (5 flag wearing supernaturals) freakboy6117

272. Bigguns (6 fat or large heroes) csyphrett

273. HERO team (4 heroes named HERO) – Death Tribble

274. 4H club (hands, health, heart and head) – dsatow

275. The Puppet Pals (5 puppet based) – freakboy6117

276. Torches of Liberty

277. Astro Man (6 counterparts of Astro Man) – csyphrett

278. The Marvels (6 based on Stan Lee creations) – Hermit

279. Teen Brigade (5-10 teen team) – Death Tribble

280. Fruit frodown (4 fruit based heroes) – Bolo of Earth

279. Carolers (7 heroes based on Christmas music) csyphrett

280. Colombo Champions (6 heroes based in Sri Lanka) csyphrett

281. The Crowley Special investigators (6 mystic TV detectives)

282. Redoubt (former teen heroes) Death tribble

283. Majestic 12 (12 heroes who inherited Majestic’s power) Quackhell

284. The four Gospels (4 religious based heroes)

285. Devil's Brigade - csyphrett

286. The Utility Players - Quackhell

287. The Music Society - Death Tribble

288. France's School of the Gifted (5 French hero students) - csyphrett

289. Stunners aka (Opera Gloves gang) (5 good looking women who wear opera gloves) - Hermit

290. The Ten Commandments (they enforce their commandment) - Death tribble

291. ESPies (6 psionic spies) - Quackhell

292. star Car drivers - csyphrett

293. Saintly Six (heroes based on Spiderman's Sinister Six) - Death Tribble

294. Second Raters (based in Chicago with bad rep) Quackhell

295. Reconstruction Ltd - Bolo of Earth

296. Champions 2050 - steraica

297. The Doomed (4 heroes who will die soon) - Quackhell

298. Locks (6 heroes Mormon and Indian protecting something in Utah's desert) - csyphrett

299. United States Authority Team (rip off of the JLA) - Death Tribble

300. Toybox Golems - csyphrett

301. The Ozlanders (based on the Wizard of Oz) - Badger

302. The Golden Agers - Sundog

303. The Power Couples - Sundog

304. America's Best (7 heroes taken from all agencies) - Death Tribble

305. Virtue Capital – Jack Valhalla

306. Battle of Philadelphia (heroes)

307. Birds of Paradise (South America bird based heroes) – csyphrett

308. The Freedom League (named after Allied WW2 equipment) – Death Tribble

309. Lords of Battle (7 alien warriors defending Earth) - Sundog

310. The Odyssey (named after 5 Greek heroes of legend) – Death Tribble

311. New Republicans (7 heroes based off Disney villains) - csyphrett

312. The Anti Magic Society (hate magic but manipulated by The Sophia) – Death Tribble

313. Liaden’s Legionnaires - csyphrett

314. The Six Stalwarts (heroic versions of Spirderman’s Sinister Six) – Death tribble

315. Zen Team 2 - csyphrett

316. The Little Legion - Sundog

317. All Star and the Legionnaires of Victory (trainees for this group) – csyphrett

318. The Twelve Apostles (faith based heroes) – Death Tribble

319. The New Shooting Stars – csyphrett

320. The Russian Avengers (named after Soviet WW2 equipment) – Death Tribble

321. Gaston’s Greats (Hunters of men) – csyphrett

322. Constables of Caledonia (defend Britain based off 60s TV shows) – csyphrett

323. The Revolt (they fight the evil group known as The Mission) – Quackhell

324. Three Musketeer – Death tribble

325. Technoplex Six tech heroes – csyphrett

326. Sacred Ground (Earth based powers or ties) – Lorehunter

327. Chicago Transit Authority - csyphrett

328. Messengers of the Goddess – Lorehunter

329. Champions Antarctica – csyphrett

330. The Fabulous Quartet – Death Tribble

331. Bleeding Edge Brigade (using technology to protect everyone) – Lorehunter

332. The Air War (hero Edition) – Death Tribble

333. Good Samaritans (7 helping the fallen) – Lorehunter

334. Seven Samurai (Various takes on Samurai not necessarily Japanese) – Death Tribble

335. The Legion of Progress - Sundog

336. The Rainbow Warriors (San Franciscan group based on the Pride flag) – Opal

337. Southern Cross (New Zealand heroes) – Quackhell

338. Righteous Teens – Death Tribble

339. Pentacle (5 heroes with one foot in the dark) – Sundog   
340. The Informers (4 young adult heroes using STEM) – Opal 
341. The Pentagon (heroes who ultimately failed min 5) – Death Tribble   
342. Lords of the Green (British and French dedicated to the Wild 4-6) - Sundog 
343. League of Travelling Gentlemen (based on Jules Verne books 6) – csyphrett 
344. Protectors of the Skies (4 heroes who can operate in orbit) – Sundog 
345. All Africa Force (protectors of the continent 5) – Death Tribble 
346. The Austin Bulwark (5 heroes protecting Austin Texas) – Hermit
347. Second Start (heroes making a comeback) – Death Tribble
348. Avant Guard (six doomed heroes rescued by Captain Chronos) -Dshomshak
349. Union (Which of these 6 heroes killed The Dark Prince) – Death Tribble
350. The Mighty Metropolitans (6 heroes protecting New York 3 old 3 new) – Quackhell
351. Hex and the City (MegaCorp’s team of attractive witches) – Death Tribble
352. Freed Radicals. Shout-Out’s previous team mentioned by Quackhell in a write up
353. The Peacekeepers (support to UN Peacekeepers) - Sundog
354. Hatband aka The Mad Hatters – Hermit
355. The Enemies of the Villainous Mr Speed (Flash’s Rogue’s gallery as heroes) – Death Tribble
356. Curse Breakers – Quackhell
357. The Undershadowed (the eclipse powers 5 selfish people to good guys) – Hermit

Villain Theme Teams (updated May 17th 2019 by hand)


1. Mainframe (computers; 5) BoloOfEarth

2. The Globe (Shakespeare; 7) Cygnia

3. Neo-Luddites (anti-technology; 5) Utech

4. The New Peace Armada (cause of the week; ? Enforcer84

5. Counter Measures (music theory; 6) Enforcer84

6. Sin-dicate (seven deadly sins; 7-8) Hermit

7. Guardian Angels (light / utopia; 9) shadowmage87

8. The Decathletes (sports; 10) Cygnia

9. Children of Shiva (India; 5) The Arc

10. Cry of Gaea (eco-terrorism; 6) Cygnia

11. The Big Top (circus; 9) Badger

12. The Ciphers (racial stereotypes; 7) BobGreenwade

13. The Time Masters (history; 10) Badger

14. Gold Bandits (gold; 6) Mathew

15. The Chemists (chemistry; 5) Utech

16. The Anti-Americans / The Real Americans (overthrow US; 5+) death tribble

17. Tesla Rangers (hero team; SCIENCE!; 6) BoloOfEarth

18. The Network (yellow journalism; 6) Cygnia

19. The Synthetics (synthetic organism; 10) shadowmage87

20. Vengeance League (former members of above seeking revenge; 7) BobGreenwade

21. Kill-Stompy-Samas (aka Costume Business; anime/cartoons; 6) BoloOfEarth

22. The Little Folk (politically-motivated midget saboteurs/terrorists; 5) SKJAM!

23. The Continental Conquerors (one from each continent; 7) Badger

24. The Sisters of Blood (women who sold souls to demons; 6) Legatus

25. The Warsaw Pact (Eastern European countries; 5+) death tribble

26. Gaia’s Vengeance (Depopulate Earth; 4) SKJAM!

27. The Vultures of Naples (cartoon-based; 7) csyphrett

28. Millennium Bugs (MC-based thieves/saboteurs; 5) BoloOfEarth

29. The Arctic Circle (cold; 5) Legatus

30. The Sportsmen (sports; 5) Mickael

31. The Iron Eagles (pro-Axis Americans and English; 7) Cygnia

32. Revenants (undead enemies of Graveyard Shift; 5) BoloOfEarth

33. Revenge Squad (seek revenge for personal grudges; 4) SKJAM!

34. Interruption (12-second robbers; 5) Matt Holck

35. Fury’s Muse (music; 5) Matt Holck

36. Wild Hunt (assassins/thieves/kidnappers for hire; 6) Cygnia

37. Punnishment Society (vigilante cyborgs/freaks with plays on words; 7) BobGreenwade

38. Dream Stealers (crush human spirit; 5) Matt Holck

39. Smash Ltd. (British Commonwealth bricks; 7) Utech

40. The Collectors (steal/use artifacts of power; 6) BoloOfEarth

41. Beast Blood (non-threatening animals; 6) BobGreenwade

42. The Terrors from Outer Space! (annoying aliens; 5) Cygnia

43. The Mascots (cereal mascots; 6) csyphrett

44. Hired Guns (gun-based; 7) Utech

45. The Crossed Swords (blade-based; 7) Cygnia

46. Brute Force (hand-to-hand; 6) BoloOfEarth

47. Numbers (mathematical concepts; 9) BobGreenwade

48. The Margin (marginalized freak with single metahuman thing; 6) Utech

49. Hangtime (acrobatic/superleap burglars; 5) Legatus

50. The Masters (masterminds; ? Badger

51. The People (American Indians; 6-8) death tribble

52. Living Weapons (weapons from Clue; 6-8) BobGreenwade

53. Psirens (female mentalists dominating men; 5) Cygnia

54. Pentagram of Terror (real/imaginary masterminds; 5) death tribble

55. Vice Squad (bad behaviors; 6) SKJAM!

56. Alien & ET Earth Defense and Assault Brigade / Bug Hunters (human alien killers; 6) Cygnia

57. The Byters (data theft; 4) Terminal

58. The Group (non-costumed paranormals; 5+) death tribble

59. The Predators (radical US nationalists + predatory animals; 7) BobGreenwade

60. Renegades (augmented teens; 5) Hermit

61. The Crossroads (blues band who sold souls for power; 6) Enforcer84

62. High School Bullies (bullies; 7) Matt Holck

63. Hidden Agenda (Heroes forced to crime; 7) quozaxx

64. The Culinary Institute of Assassins (culinary killers; 6) Cygnia

65. Shadow Lords (horror serial killers; 6) Nothere

66. Robber Barons (rotten SCA members; 5) Hermit

67. The Corruption (to morally break a Hero Theme member; 7) Cygnia

68. Psychotic Seven (MC mental ward escapees with theme crimes; 7) quozaxx

69. Cream of Thieves (theft with style and flair; 6) Nothere

70. The Nightmare League (Dreamland beasts; 5) BobGreenwade

71. Phantasm (non-powered secret agents; 5) Matt Holck

72. True Men (macho men trying to restore women to “rightful place”; 5) SKJAM!

73. The Infused (demon-possessed from each continent; ? quozaxx

74. Marine Marauders (one from each ocean + Great Lakes; 5-7) death tribble

75. Bad Seeds (evil children; 7) Cygnia

76. Social Insecurity (retired villains returned to crime; 6) BoloOfEarth

77. Seven Syndicate (increasingly ridiculous deaths; 7) death tribble

78. The Forgotten (rejected or outcast; ? Badger

79. Red Right Hands (considered henchmen and servants; 6) Cygnia

80. The (Trademark) Violators (famous heroes’ names; 5) SKJAM!

81. Starkillers (interstellar villains wanting to enslave the galaxy; 5) BobGreenwade

82. Pantzers (humiliate heroes; 5) Matt Holck

83. Escape Clause (break other villains out of prison; 6) BoloOfEarth

84. Telions (flawed Teleios creations; 5) Nothere

85. The Secrets (psychics that don’t know it; 5) csyphrett

86. Dark Blossom Knights (flower-themed foes of the Princess Gem Stars; 5) Cygnia

87. Sisters of Ultimate Evil (SUE) (established female villains; 5-10) death tribble

88. 5erpent (serpents; 5) Dxpenguinman

89. Unnatural Predators (harmless animals; 7) Cygnia

90. Planetary Pantheon (planets; 9) Badger

91. Anarchy Over Europe (spoiled euro types; 6) Enforcer84

92. Angels of Music (female singers; 5) FrankL

93. Decepticons (metamorphs; 6+) novi

94. Corporate Raiders (anti-corporate types; 7) Clonus

95. Amalgamated Construction, Mechanicals, and Expertise, Inc.(provide services to supervillains; 6) BoloOfEarth

96. Dragon Transport Service (package delivery; 5) csyphrett

97. Full Spectrum (colors of rainbow; 7) BoloOfEarth

98. Draconians (all crimes punishable by death; 5) Gent

99. The Pride (felines; 7) Cygnia

100. The Centurions (Roman Legions; 10+1) BoloOfEarth

101. Supervillain Army (members from other groups with flaws; 7) death tribble

102. The Chrononauts (alternate versions of prior villains; 10) csyphrett

103. The Jury (court-related vigilante justice; 12) Badger

104. The Fantasticks! (lost touch with reality, 6) Cygnia

105. Automatonics (robot-themed, 5) Gent

106. International Intrigue (super-mercenaries, 7) Badger

107. Motifs (theme villains that double as barbershop quartet, 4) SKJAM!

108. Infernal Affairs (demonic cops, 6) Cygnia

109. Arson Squad (fire-related, 5) BoloOfEarth

110. Toybox (using Black Harlequin’s toys, 6) Nothere

111. The Condition (physical or mental handicaps, 5) csyphrett

112. Atomagetion (mutants following Holocaust, 6) steriaca

113. Long Riders (western/cowboy, 4) Big Monkey

114. Barflies (powers from alcohol, 5) Cygnia

115. Aquarium (pirates and rogue Atlanteans, 8 – include ships) Badger

116. Hitler’s Brain in a Jar (Nazi villains, 6) csyphrett

117. Nixon Gang (names of people in Nixon scandals, 5-8) death tribble

118. Heaven’s Devils (bikers, 7-9) Badger

119. Emergency Ward 10 (theme, 5-9) death tribble

120. Sanction (flagsuits from state sponsors of terrorism, 5-8) Big Monkey

121. The Capone Gang (gangster era, 5-8) death tribble

122. Jolly Roger Bunch (pirates, 5-9) death tribble

123. Dread Titans (giants, 6) death tribble

124. Academia Diabolica (college faculty, 6) Gent

125. Literati (villains from fiction, 6) Nothere

126. Orochi (high-tech samurai, ? steriaca

127. Double Trouble (identical twins, 5 sets) Badger

128. Navigators (map symbols, 5) csyphrett

129. Cold Comfort (winter sports, 5-9) death tribble

130. High Finance (banking & finance, 6) BoloOfEarth

131. ComicCons (cosplayers given powers, ? Badger

132. Youth in Revolt (cousins of White Sheep, 4) death tribble

133. Fad Five (fads, 5) Cygnia

134. Compass Crew (four directions, 4) death tribble

135. Gene Phreaks (based on genetics 6)

136 . Madhouse (horror villains 7) - Jack Valhalla

137. Human Z00 (Humans who become/became animals 5) Gent

138. Hoovers (people with vacuum powers 5) csyphrett

139. Dinosaurama (Dinosaur villains 5) death tribble

140. Rough Sects (misnamed villains 7) Jack Valhalla

141. Freemason Elite (members of Freemasons ?

142. Agents of THORN (9) steraica

143. Rebranded (Villains with new names, 6) death tribble

144. One Trick Ponies (villainous ponies literally, 5) SKJAM!

145. Dark Illuminati (min 5) Death Tribble

146. Harem (Henry Cranham;s bodyguards) (6) Death Tribble

147. Nation Builders (6) Badger

148. New Terror Inc ! (6) Steraica

149. Breachers (escape the Dark Illuminati prison, ? csyphrett

150. Egomaniacs (7) Cygnia

151. The Seniors (Old crooks 5) Lawnmower Boy

152. Howl-Oween (scary cooks ? Badger

153. Vampires (6) csyphrett

154. 80s Action Figures Villain Edition (Rejected toys for 80s Action figures, ? Steraica

155. Mad Intellectual Think Tank (MITT, Mad Scientists 5 by Death Tribble, 5 by others 10) Death Tribble

156. Skinwalkers (Were creatures 6) cygnia

157. Intolerant (villains with a lack of tolerence of a particular thing/group 6) SKJAM!

158. Immortal Weapons (Oriental Martial Artists 6) csyphrett

159. Deadly Dozen (Members of famous villain group 5) Death Tribble

160. Knights of the Unstable (fragments of a mind with powers Arthurian theme 7) cygnia

161. Writers Club (creative writers in prison 6) Lucius

162. League of Naughtiness (Teen Hero villains, 5) Death Tribble

163. Twilights (based on Twilight Zone episodes ?

164. Telemachus Terrors (RPG people summoned to earth by exploding machine 7)

165. Home Team (4) Lucius

166. The Restorers (Trying to return time to how it was 7) Death Tribble

167. Squadron Squad (different squadrons of specialised mercenaries making up the team 5) - cygnia

168. Boston Commons (based on or linked to Boston) 7 - Bolo of Earth

169. Labors (Based on Labours of Hercules 12) - Badger

170. Terror Tubbies (created by reality warper when Telly Tubbies cancelled) 4 Christopher

171. Nocturnals (hatred of sunlight) 7 Badger

172. Days of Destruction (based on the days of the week) 7 Laundry Knight

173. The Table (chemical villains) - Lord Liaden

174. Tyrants (very powerful villains) - Matt Holck

175. Axis of Blood (Axis descendents) - Hermit

176. Dakota Destroyers (villains tryng to take over Mid West) cygnia

177. Heavy Metal (metal based villains) Badger

178. Birdcage (oppose the Flock) - Bolo

179. 15 seconds forever (Hermit)

180. Colors (anti US independence movement) 7 - Nothere

181. PSI Japan (PSI people in Japan) - Hermit

182. Descendants (heroes descendents are villains) - death tribble

183. Named Ones - steraica

184. Circe and the Stallions (female version of Adonis and her followers) death tribble

185. Most Evil (evil villains) death tribble

186. Black Triangle (13 villains) steraica

187. Wilders (kids) csyphrett

188. Council of Knives (blade users) nothere

189. Agents of THORN Wave 2 (more agents) steraica

190. Politicos (villains with political agendas 5)

191. Mass Extinction (animals now extinct 6)

192. Cancer Corps (Villains dieing from cancer 5)

193. Fugitive Five (Escapees from the Planetary Patrol 5) csyphrett

194. Order of Sagitarrius (Archers 6) Cygnia

195. Fey Five (villainous fey 5)

196. Nostradamus Effect (mystics trying to make the prophercies come true 5)

197. Badmen (six Western themed villains) SKJAM!

198. Sacremento Courthouse Five (five villains sentenced to death for what happened at the Sacremento Courthouse) death tribble

199. Martial Arts and Crafts (5 villains who use household hobbies as martial arts) csyphrett

200. Postermen. (based on hero board posters 4) psyber624

201. Death Metal. 5-10 Based on Metallica songs badger

202. Goldfingers. Six Female thieves Legatus

203. New Punks. Based on ages and revenge against Steam Punk 6 Christopher

204. Maestos. Art inspired 7. Laundry Knight

205. Tempus Force. Time travelling enemies of TED 6 Steraica

206. Wacky Racers. Based on the cartoon 5+ Death Tribble

207. Christmas Evil. 7-12 Based on holiday things Bolo of Earth

208. Obsidian Mirror. Clerics trying to create armageddon. 5 csyphrett

209. Death Squad. Aspects of death. 6-10 Badger

210. Rogue Battalion. Group infamous for disdappearance of Fearless Five ! 7 Death Tribble

211. Gang Green. Colour Green based powers 5 csyphrett

212. Five Horseman of the Apocalypse. New ideas on horsemen. Old Man

213. Prime Times. Based on TV shows 5 psyber624

214. Evil Hours. Vilains from history 6 Steraica

215. Robbery Syndicate. Alleged group involved in the 1995 Chicago-San Francisco Run maimed or killed by American Protector. 7 Death Tribble

216. Multiplicity. Seven people actially split personalities of one person. Psyber624

217. Fraternity Row. Fratboys with powers 5. Bolo of Earh

218. Revenge of the Nerds. Geeks. 5 Psyber524

219. Images. Cinema posters come to life. 5 csyphrett

220. Walking Dead. Undead. 6. Badger

221. Darkest Africa. 7-12. Based on animals and environment of Africa. Death Tribble

222. Red Army Time Squad. Russians from 1957. Looking to restore Communism. 6 Cygnia

223. Cthulhu Mythos. 6 Lovecraft types. Bolo of Earth

224. Dexnij's Evigard. Copies of Metagard's foes. 6 Steraica

225, Apps. Villains summoned by iPhone. 5 Bolo of Earth

226. Agents of Thorn. James Invasion/ All called Jane/James and based on Bond actors. 6 Steraica

227. Mad Scientists Club. Famous mad scientists liked by the Mad Intellectual Think Tank 5. Death Tribble

228. The Remotes. Villains working through proxies 5 Bolo of Earth

229. Five Giant Kaiju Atlantic Rim. Giant Monsters. 5. Old Man

230. Hive. Insect themes villains 6. Steraica

231. Collegium. Professors of Crime. 5 Cygnia

232. Janus. Opposites. 5. Nothere

233. Dining Society (based on eating) 5-8 Death Tribble

234. Shadow Court of Hate 4 or 8 Steraica

235. Unholy Days (Low powered villains based on holidays) 7 SKJAM !

236. The Cybermain. Modern pirates who revere the past 

237. Hand of Undeath. Undead martial artists 5 Bolo of Earth

238. Money Matters, Money related mercenary team. 4 SKJAM!

239. Superfight Club. They live to fight and are from the archetypes 6-8 Badger

240. Wetworkers. Killers who respect each others professionalism  7 Black Ops

241. Aspen Assaulting Attackers. Cold and snowboard powers 5 csyphrett

242. Castaways. Undead based on Gilligan's Island and 7 deadly Sins 7 Badger

243. Dynamic Duos. 7 pairs who work for contract Death Tribble

244. Mutants of Mythos. Based on Greek myths 8 Badger 

245. Devil's Mathmaticians. Based on maths. 5 Badger

246. The Staff. Worked for now dead millionaire and now have powers 6 Nothere

247. Sore Losers. They lost big and will now inflict their losses on others. 7 Cygnia 

248. Brides of Malkronos. Women from time used by Malkronos the Elder to guide his younger self 8 Steraica

249. The Raiders of Wong Tong (D+D players who want to save the world from heroes/villains) 7 csyphrett

250. The America Smashers (superhimans out to destroy America but based on the original 13 Colonies) 5 SKJAM!

251. The Suppliers (villains who provide services to other villains) 5 plus - Death Tribble

252. The Behanians (villains based on constellations) - 15 Tigereye

253. Tartarus Ten (Tartarus and th 9 villains who work with him) - 10 Steraica

254. Church of Dio Brando - 6 Steraica

255. Revenge Society (Rogues gallery of The Cardinal who operated in Monchmart) 6 csyphrett

256. Grab Express (subset of GRAB who specialis in robberies from vehicles) - 5 Death Tribble

257. Firepower (arsonists) 4 SKJAM!

258. Floodplain (water using villains) - 4 Death Tribble

259 Airopirates (flying villains) 4 Steraica

260. Grounpounders (people with power over earth) 4 Steraica

261. The Crazy Eight. Members of the 8 or so groups who operated under tnhis name) 8-16 Steraica

262. Mindslaves of the Headmaster (3 villains who report to the Headmaster) 3 Steraica

263. The Retaliators (heroes and villains ruined by the Grudge Report) - 5-20 death Tribble

264. 20th Century Limited (villains obsessed with particular decades of the 20th century) 5 Steraica

265. Invaders Seven. (7 aliens capable of taking the world on their own have banded together) - 7 Steraica

266. Reversibles (villains who are also unknowingly heroes) 5 Death Tribble

267. Goats of the Galaxy (Horned monsters who are mercenaries) 6 csyphrett

268. Black Moon Clan (new members to take on Crystal Tokyo) 5 Steraica

269. October Oddballs (mayhem makers; monsters made up of different creatures to create something new - csyphrett 

270. Mid Knights (Aliens who look like classic monsters) 6 Steraica

271. W.I.T.C.H. The 13 Mothers - 13 women of power within the organisation Steraica

272  The Devil's Knights (Pyros based in Detroit who remind people of Devil's Knight) -7 Echo3Niner

273. Boston T Party (Villains based in Boston whose names all start with T) - 6 Bolo of Earth

274. The Fountains (a villainous family) upto 20 Death Tribble

275. Sin'Ister Royalty (based on the 7 sins) Echo3Niner

276. Potter's Phantoms (based on It's a Wonderful Life what happens if you do not exist ?) Badger

277. The Eliminators Elseworld version of the Guardians (6) - Steraica

278. The Anti-Disney Society (corrupt version of Disney characters) (7) Death Tribble

279. Yellow Journalism (Based on 'who', 'what', 'when', 'where', 'why' and 'how') (5-6) - Bolo of Earth

280. Clatter (sound based power but no sonics) 4-7 Steraica

281. Alexandrian Order (use magical items to fight DEMON but ends justify means) 6-7 Bolo of Earth

282. League Against Giants (they hate giants) 5 death tribble

283. The Fluffies (kid toys gone bad) 6 csyphrett

284. Tons of Fun (they are fat) 5 death tribble

285. Fun Sized (small characters) 6 Badger

286. 3-D Six (based on Hero published characters) 5 Bolo

287. Speed Kings (speed based villains) 7 Death Tribble

288. Great Supervillain Contest (Great Claw henchmen) 5 Steraica

289.The Night Battalion (Diabolicus's old team) 5 Death Tribble

290. Medicins Sans Moralite (evil ambulance chasing organisation) 5 freakboy6117

291. Hounds of Tir De Danaan (ex IRA supervillains) 5 csyphrett

292. Hollywood Blacklist 5 Comic

293. Hollywood Grey List Comic

294. Hollywood Brown List Comic

295. The Wild Cards 5 Steraica

296. The Unkindness (of Ravens) 5 Freakboy6117

297. Red Wedding (things you find at a wedding 6) - csyphrett

298. Jet Justice Revenge Society (cancelled comic characters now in real world) 12 Steraica

299. Seven Plunderers of the Ancient World (based on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) - death tribble

300. BRIC Brats (villains from Brazil, India, China and Russia and South Africa) 5 freakboy6117

301. The Three Kings (three kings/rulers) - Death Tribble

302. Polestars (villainous Arctic based on wildlife) - 6 csyphrett

303. Bootlegs (Rip offs of heroes/villains) - 6 Freakboy6117

304. Dayjobbers (based on 'useless' majors in college) - 6 SKJAM!

305. Crazy 8 part 2 8-16 Steraica

306. The Magnificent Seven - Death Tribble

307. Stereotypes (based on stereotypes of a country) - 8 Freakboy6117

308. Sports Jargon - Lixivious

309. Armor of Krim - 6 Steraica

310. The Society of Masks (Servants of Milos Stempf)- 5-7 Death Tribble

311. Rocket Racers (redoing the races between two cities) - csyphrett

312. Bitter Spirits (named after alcohol) - SKJAM!

313. Vegan 5 (opponents of nsack attack, vegetarians) 5 - Bolo of Earth

314. H.I.D.E. (thieves who are all named after HIDE) -4 Nothere

315. Rejects of the Universe - steraica

316. New Eropean Outlaw Nation (based on 80s songs) - Freakboy6117

317. Hidden Hand (helps villains) - Nothere

318. Scene Stealers (based on film terms) - Freakboy6117

319. Ten Plagues (based on the ten plagues of Egypt) - death tribble

320. Seven Seas of Crime - Freakboy6117

321. Empire's Avengers - (based on British adventuring types) Death Tribble 5 plus

322. Advanced Armoured Recombinent Enhancement System - Bastille 4 (all by author)

323  Zakhvatchiki - The Arc (Russian deadly half dozen)

324. The Marsian League (heroes who split from Aquarian League and became villains) 6 - freakboy6117

325. WIMPS (Weakly Interactive Massive Particles) 5 - procyon

326. Pacific Pirates (7 mid to low level people) - Legatus

327. Recess Rogues (bullies) - Freakboy6117

328. team Onyx (Superpowered women all by author) - Lunatic Fringer

329. The Crime Network - Steraica Masterminds (mostly fictional) 6

330. The Refugees - Freakboy6117 trying to amend time here and now for their own reality 8

331. The 4 Seasons - Death Tribble

332. Microoks (Pint sized criminals) 5 - Captn Strawberry

333. Floral Theft Directive (flower themed) 5 - Bolo of Earth

334. Shadow Seven (shadow/night/Darkness powers) - Freakboy6117

335. The Aristocrats - steraica (after the joke) 7

336. Performance Art (based on the arts) - Bolo of Earth

337. The New York Really Vicious Bastards Part 1 Offense (football team) upto 11 - Death tribble

338. Inferno League (demonic names but no connection to magic etc) - steraica

339. Roundheads (British Criminals) - The Arc

340. The New York Really Vicious Bastards Part 2 Defense (football team) upto 11 - Death tribble

341. The Chessmen (continually occurring organisation) - Death Tribble min 6 max 9

342. Dark Legacy - freakboy6117 (people who used the orb from different time periods) 7

343. Section 8 (kicked out of military most are Americans) 8 - Badger

344. Two Fat Ladies - Death tribble

345. Cooper Manson's Dark Pantheon 5 (quasi vampires) -steraica

346. Mud Root Menacers (enemies of the Farm Belt, based on cereal mascots) - csyphrett

347. The Invertebrates Insects and Spider themes mainly but no spines, no plants - Captn Strawberry
348. The Great 8 (villains believing they are doing heroic things) - steraica
349. Curse of the Tomb victims of a cursed tomb max 20 -death tribble
350. Mainfame 2.0 (remake of team 1 computers) steraica
351. MDG (Most Dangerous Game hunter) - freakboy6117
352. The Festive Connection 4 Death tribble
353. Fighting Ferrets (mustelids ? - csyphrett
354. The Awakened (coma victims recover with powers ? freakboy6117
355. The Highway Robbers - Lucius
356. Los Rudoes Luchadors - steraica
357. Petumverate 5 mystic powered teenagers - freakboy6117
358. Three of a Kind - Death Tribble
359.The Purian Call 4 anti magic - lixivious
360. 4 Seasons - Badger
361. Queens of the Carnival 5 Legatus
362, Task Force Death ! (superteam creatd by Dr Nymax!)_ Death Tribble
363. The Evils (4 evil Monkeys) steraica
364. The Sensations (6 heroes gone bad, sensory input powers) - csyphrett
365. The Suicide Six (merged villains of DC and marvel) freakboy6117
366. Black Company (super mercenaries 5) - csyphrett
367. Wermacht (based on German weapons) Death Tribble
368. Los Conquistadors (5 Spanish pro monarchy and re-establish the empire villains) -csyphrett
369. The Mages of Darkness (7 evil wizards) - steraica
370. The Sinister Ones (enemies of the Atomic Fist) - freakboy6117
371. Der experimentelle-Scheitern-kader (6 reject Nazi super soldiers) - freakboy6117
372. The Fearful Four (cowards) - Freakboy6117
373. The Night Skulkers - Nothere
374. Allies o Captain Nemo freakboy6117
375. Death Dealers 5 people in armour named after tanks  - freakboy6117
376. The Star Smashers (alien haters 6) - Bolo of Earth
377. Crazy Eight War Team A (originals) vs Team B (killers) - steraica
378. Six Pack (bodybuilders gone bad) - Death Tribble
379. Dimension Destroyers - Nothere
380. The Clive Five (enemies of the Teen Tartens) - csyphrett
381. Five Fallen Warriors of the Temple of Jade - freakboy6117
382. The Gunsight Boyz (rappers) - steraica
383. Bad Eggs (egg themes villains) - freakboy6117
384. The Killer Hobos (5 killer tramps) steraica
385.  Black Flags (5 people who fell out of favour with their countries) freakboy6117
386. The New York Really Vicious Bastards Part 3 Special Teams - Death Tribble
387. The Pelicans 5 Australian amphibious fliers – csyphrett
388. Black Gear. 5-7 cyborgs loyal to Black Gear steraica
389. Barklers (minor branch of Sylvestri’s ? -csyphrett
390. Despair (8 people who work for the Shadow Boss) – steraica
391. The Memphis Belles (5 villainesses with local flavour) – Bolo of Earth
392. Three Faces of Fear Death tribble
393. Faultless Four – csyphrett
394 . The Avenging Amazons (6 women out to avenge Guillaume Duvall) - death tribble
395. Four Seasons (spices) – Bolo of Earth
396. The Lolita Mob (based on Lolita fashions) – steraica
397. The Revenants (they survived their deaths. 3 -5 to join Vesta) Death Tribble
398. Red Dragons – (6 fighting in Korea) – csyphrett
399. Fight or flight (they fight or fly) – Death tribble
400. The Shady Squad (5 who have all used name Shade) – Nothere
401 Seven Shadows (seven covert criminals) freakboy6117
402. Lost Legion 5 who have lost something – Bolo of Earth
403. The Fiends of Stephen (based on the 12 days of Christmas) – Death tribble
404. The Ten (ten low powered villains)- freakboy6117
405. Mortal Calibre Fighter ! - Death Tribble (4-6 pastiches of fighting games characters)
406. Xarriel’s Elite – steraica (7-13 minions of Xarriel)
407. Five Barbarians (based on barbarians from history) – Death Tribble
408. Millenial Menace (5 under 25 rich and spoiled crooks) - Badger
409. The Dark Side (based on Star Wars equipment 7) – freakboy6117
410.  The Evil Emissaries (6 globes which corrupted people) – Nothere
411. Dinosaurama Marine Edition (4-5 marine dinosaurs) – Death Tribble
412.  Budget Baddies (villains using junk to be baddies) – freakboy6117
413. Aboriginal Avengers (6 natives with powers) – freakboy6117
414.  The Wrong Side (villain team with sense of humour 5 min) – Death Tribble
415. The Order of Mordred (enemies of the Knights of Excalibur 6-13) – steraica
416. Black Shield Inc (5 security specialists) - freakboy6117
417. Lucky 13 (use bad luck to fuel powers) – csyphrett
418. The Fashionistas (Fashion Industry 5) – Bolo of Earth 
419. The Expendables (villains pressed into service in WW2 4-6) – steraica
420. The Pack (dog themed villains 4+Dog Summoner) -Nothere
421. Six Gunns (gun themed or gun puns) – freakboy6117
422. Dinosoars (5 Dinosaurs with wings and cybernetics) – csyphrett
423. 2016 Pop 5 – Freakboy6117
424. Coven of Nightmares – PhantomGM2602 (Opponents of Court of Dreams 7)

425. Tech Lords (5-7 ARGENT sponsored opponents of Nova) – steraica

426. Shooting Stars Rogue’s Gallery (6 ex-foes of the Shooting Stars) csyphrett

427. The VPs (6 based on Village People) – Death Tribble

428. Knights of the Crimson Court (5 based on King Crimson songs) - steraica

429. The Crushers (5 Star Trek fans of Wesley Crusher) – Badger

430. Bad Medicine (6 former medical professionals turned bad) – freakboy6117

431. The Deadlytantes (6 members of a finishing school) – Nothere

432. Hounds of Hades (7 artifacts based on Greek myths) – freakboy6117

433. Media Moguls (6 they exist to get media exposure) - Bolo of Earth

434. Covert Cobra (6 Viper agents working undercover) – csyphrett

435. Rogues of Ratman (5 villains who oppose Rat Man) – Nothere

436. Eight Bells (Eight sonic/bell/sea villains) – Death Tribble

437. The Female Cabal for Ultimate Power (FCUP 5 augmented women) – freakboy6117

438. The Legion of Losers  (6 non very good villains) - Nothere

439.  Grand Gulag (8 escapees from the Gulag) – The Arc

440. Three Little Pigs (3 pig related) - Death Tribble

441. Party Crashers (5 minor supervillains who met at J.M.R. Zyron’s estate) - steraica

442. Pandora's Vault (5 criminals sealed in a vault in 1956 USA) - mrinku

443. The Three Wise Men (3 clever criminals) - Death Tribble

444. The Mad Mob (6 lunatics recruited by Oddball after he escaped the asylum) - Nothere

445. Conspiracy Theorists (5 conspiracy theorists with odd ideas about the world) - Bolo of Earth

446.Viper Young Dragons Seven (7 young villains working for Viper) - steraica

447. Anti Time Warner Brigade (six villains out to destroy Time Warner) - csyphrett

448. Four Eyes (4 villains with eye motifs or powers) - Death Tribble

449. The Black Cardinals (4 based on compass) - freakboy6117

450. The Transcenders (5 who may use powers to ascend) – csyphrett

451. The Scottish Terrors (5 to join Highland) – Nothere

452. The Five Tigers of Fist Mountain (5 evil monks and weapons) – csyphrett

453. Lives of the Great Commanders (5-10 descendants of great commanders) – Death Tribble

454. The Coalition - Sean Waters

455. The Conquistadores (5 South American villains) – csyphrett

456. FUN (5 ‘harmless’ criminals) - quozaxx

457. The Seven Ages of Man (representing the different stages of life) - Death Tribble

458. Horns (4 men who have horns oppose Halo) – csyphrett

459. The Gamble (4-8 mercenaries based on Gambling) – steraica

460. The Appliances (4 budget household item rogues) – csyphrett

461. Justified League of Anarachists (7 villains based on the JLA) – Death Tribble

462. The Contraptions (4-6 armoured villains) – Amorka

463. Aladin Sane’s band (6 music based vilains) – steraica

464. Mayborne Manor 6 (six villains Colonel Croc is trying to kill) – csyphrett

465. The Thin Men (6 who oppose the Bigguns and are thin) – csyphrett

466. Pack (have dog code names 6) - Death Tribble

467. Rail Barons/Baronesses (5 tied to railways) – Bolo Of Earth

468. The Puppetmasters (5 evil puppets) - freakboy6117

469. Fab Five (5 blacklisted entertainers) – Badger

470. The Four Feathers (4 feathered motif villains) - Death Tribble

471. Nightfright (6-8 Halloween gimmick) – steraica

472. Dr Entropy (6 Dr Entropy to oppose Astro Man) – csyphrett

473. Pasione USA (4-6 music based) – steraica

474. 6 Wildstorm villains – csyphrett

475. Hells Belles (6 Deep South based women) – Badger

486. The Octagon (8 martial artists) – Death tribble

487. Tamil Terrors (6 Sri Lankan crooks) csyphrett

488. Seven Nation Army (7 members from different countries Death tribble)

489.Periodic Perils (7 based of chemcal elements) csyphrett

490. Leapfrog (4 based on frogs) Bolo of Earth

491. The Returners (five dead Golden Age villains returned to life) cayphrett

492. The Cold Front (4 cold based villains Quackhell)

493. The Victims of Los Asesinos (6 villains eliminated by Los Asesinos) steraica

494. Heist of a Lifetime (Viridian Bat’s 5 Stooges) Death Tribble

495. White Army Supremicists (5 opponents of the Devil's Brigade) -csyphrett

496. The Hunting Party (3 alien hunters on earth) Quackhell

497. The Savage Seven (villainous allegory to the Magnificent 7) - steraica

498. The Doppel Gang (6 villain copies of heroes) - Quackhell

499. Honour Among Thieves (H.A.T.) 4 gentleman/woman thieves - Quackhell

500. Starlight Brigade (5 kids salvaged alien tech) - csyphrett

501 Roget's Academy (5 evil French students) - csyphrett

502. The Magpies (5 evil students from Ravenswood Academy) - Hermit

503. Nine Circles of Hell (9 members conforming to the circles of Hell cf Dante) - Death Tribble

504. The Cleaners (6 villains cleaning up a crime scene) -Quackhell lead by SuperVisor

505. Lucky 13 (Viridian Bat and Dr Nymax! team up) - Death Tribble

506. Fear Five (enemies of Persona Joker) - csyphrett

507. The Green Twisted (villainous X-Men) - Death Tribble

508. Monstrous Society of Black Monsters (7 black copies of white monsters)  - steraica

509. The Revengers (villainous versions of the Avengers) - Death Tribble

510. The Monster's Brood (children of the Monster) - Steraica

511. The Seven Sisters (all women) - Death Tribble

512. The Babylon - Quackhell

513. Army of Supervillains (Villains based on Legion of Superheroes) - Death tribble

514. The Ones Above - (Cthulhu like min 6) steraica

515. Battleships (5 based on WW1+2 battlerships) - Death Tribble

516. Word Birds (6-8 birds with rhyming names) - Steraica

517. The Blancmange that Never Slept caper a Viridian Bat enterprise (5) - Death Tribble

518. deadsperdoes (undead cowboy gimmick - Quackhell

519. X-Mas Men (5 villains who want to ruin Christmas and are other holiday based) - Badger

520. Decagon (10 villains linked by knowledge of each other) - Death Tribble

521. New Year's Evil - Steraica

522. Fateful Five (5 Reality Warpers) - jack Valhalla

523. Killjoy Collection (6 golems created by Kilroy Killjoy) - Quackhell

524. Chinese Zodiac (based on the Chinese Zodiac) - Death Tribble

525. Slingshots (5 tech thieves) - csyphrett

526. The Spectres (3 stealthy thieves) - Sundog

527. The Servonts (Servo Savant’s 6 robots) - Quackhell

528. Groundhogs (5 villainous voles) - csyphrett

529. The Almighty (6 based on Gods) – Jack Valhalla

530. The First Raters (Opponents of the Second Raters) – Death Tribble

531. Lords of the Seven (a ruler for each continent) - Sundog

532. Battle of Philadelphia (villains involved) - Death tribble

533. Champions of Zorb – Steraica

534. Tracey Richard’s Rogue’s Gallery – Death Tribble

535. Instruments of Destruction (cyborgs) – Badger

536. Jaguars of Inferno (Birds of Paradise enemies) - csyphrett

537. Chinese Zodiac Mk 2 (not in the actual Chinese Zodiac) – Death Tribble

538. Kings and Queens of Fae – csyphrett

539. Los Angeles Trust Bank Robbers (3 outside 4 inside) - Death Tribble

540. The Big Men (size does matter) – Sundog

541. The Feasters – steraica

542. The Conundrum Collective - Quackhell

543. Golden Guardian Revenge Society – Death Tribble

544. Terrible Toads (amphibians) - csyphrett

545. The Alien Resistance Demanding Inner Space – Death Tribble

546. Pantheon Machines (robots as old gods) - csyphrett

547. Six Degrees of Syndication (media villains) – Death Tribble

548. New Shooting Stars Enemies - csyphrett

549. Wehrmacht Irregulars – Death Tribble

550. Viral Load (paramedics) – Bolo of Earth

551. The Hallows (spooky villains) - steraica

552. The decade of the Iron Gorilla (Viridian Bat strikes again) – Death Tribble

553. Fugitive Force – Quackhell

554. Unseasonable Weather - Freakboy6117

555. Hexagon (six parodies of Power Rangers) – Death Tribble

556. The Caverns - csyphrett

557. The Black Ocean – (aquatic villains) – Werehawk

558. Enter the Ninja (a team of Ninja) – Death Tribble

559. Fun House Gang – Lorehunter

560. The Adrift Seven (destroyed universes survivors) - steraica

561. The Nine Terrors (villains from 1830s to 1850s London) - Opal

562. TUSK (5 poachers in the Ivory trade) -csyphrett

563. The Air War (villain edition upto 10 villains involved in the New York battle) – Death Tribble

564. Flower Power (5 flower themed villains) – Opal

565. Teen Bandits (5+ teenage villain group from 60s-70s) - Death Tribble

566. The Capitalists (5-7 promoting a free market) Sundog

567. The Legion of Cancelled Heroes (0-6) -Opal

568. The Mourners (5 individuals who suffered personal tragedy) – SKJAM!

569. Crime Cabal (villain team past its prime) – Quackhell

570. The Nuclear Wing (31st Century Mercenary group based on a-bomb effects) -Werehawk

571. Hermandad de la Sangre (5 South American women against the US) – Opal

572. The Seven Savages (members of a group killed by the public and LEOs) -death Tribble

573. The Circle of Life (Animal Extremists) – Sundog

574. META4 (Aliens waiting to leave earth 4) – csyphrett 
575. Lethal Labours (based on Hercules labours 6) – Quackhell 
576. The Seven Dwarves (min 5) -  Death Tribble 
577. IMP Expression (want to join IMP 3) – steraica 
578. Wild Feral Battalion (anthropomorphic villains min 5) – - Death Tribble 
579. ThinkBank (wealthy doing it for fun types 5) – Doctor Impossible 
580. The Thieves Council (thieves taken down by Henry Cranham’s plan) – - Death Tribble 
581. Team Amerika (Russians duplicating the Pentagon team 5) – Opal 
582. The Masters of Silence (time travellers aiming to kill humanity 4) – Sundog  
583. Divine Right (they can see the future 6) – Bolo of Earth 
584. Meggido’s Minions (working for Meggido in the Boston job that was a trap) – - Death Tribble 
585.The Gem Concord (given powers by mad scientist, have to eat gems 4) – Sundog 

586. The Mite Have Beens (shrunk villains menacing the Budgerigar 4) – Jack Valhalla 
587. Minions of MAX (Robots/Androids working for Mechanon’s MAX AI 6) – Sundog 
588. The Terrible Nine (Wild West baddies) – Steraica 
589. Vegan Rising (Nature extremists 5) – Sundog 
590. American Outlaws (links to the Old West min 5) – - Death Tribble 
591. The Demon Lords (Nerds who use names from D+D Demon Lords ) - Opal 

592. The New Flesh (5 People modified by the Great Beast from Horror Enemies) – steraica
593. Versailles (based on the 1914-18 war from both sides) – - Death Tribble
594. The Omegans (supervillains gathered together to destroy their hero foes) – steraica
595. Sweethearts (three couples and a polycule. Powers depend on their relationships) – Captain Coulson
596.Force Majeure (mercenaries used by evil orgs ) - Dshomshak
597. Anti-Social Media (remaking society through social media) – Bolo of Earth
598. Indecency Brigade (Virtuous’s Rogue’s Gallery but which one killed him) – - Death Tribble
599. Denizens Dark (apartment residents turned evil by mad scientist) – Hermit
600. Pauline’s Perils (villains rename themselves for new employer) – steraica
601. The Games Masters (villains based on board/dice/card games) – Bolo of Earth
602. Central Casting (based on Pyramid on the Sky) – steraica
603. Triad (Wo Hop To oldest Triad in Hong Kong) – Death Tribble
604. Kinematic’s Group (more mutants for the mastermind) - steraica
605. Empire of the Golden Scorpion ! (Pulpy goodness) – Death Tribble 
606. Wicked Revival (Timelapse restores various villains to health) - Hermit
607. Clown Town characters (3-4) - Rich McGee
608 Hyde’s Havocs (65dug addicts) – Steraica
609 Nursery Crimes (5 based on Nursery rhymes) – Death Tribble
610. The Limbs (5) – steraica
611. The Hateful Eight (8 criminal masterminds taking on a hero) - steraica
612. Adonis and his Ladies (based on thread of same name) - Hermit

Edited by death tribble
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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

Hero Teams and members. Updated October 14th by hand


1. The Even-Odds (the unofficial Poker Police; 7) Cygnia

One-Eyed Jack (former military with cybernetic eye) Mathew

Ace in the Hole (fast brick with gun and increasing luck) Utech

Queen of Hearts (empathy) BoloOfEarth

Lucky Streak (speedster with luck) SKJAM!

Chip (create round discs of any size) csyphrett

The Cooler (ice powers) Cygnia

Texas Hold-Em (shapeshifter) SKJAM!


2. Guardians of History (protect timestream; 6) SKJAM!

Mustang Sally (1870s stagecoach driver with great aim) Cygnia

US Marine Corpse (Vietnam-era revenant) death tribble

Sir Richard Greenville (Roanoke colony survivor) The Arc

The Sky Avenger (pulp-era pilot with airship and planes) csyphrett

Timekeeper (1700s craftsman with unusual timepiece) BoloOfEarth

Mykəl Tanənbom (future man with powered exoskeleton) Chris Goodwin


3. The Crusaders (legacy heroes; 7) Chris Goodwin

Force (3rd wielder of alien bracelets) JmOz

Golden Knight (5th knight, wears high-tech battlesuit) BoloOfEarth

Lakshmi (avatar of Hindu goddess of fortune) Cygnia

Liberty and Justice (grandkids of WWII-era crimefighters) Chris Goodwin

Laughing Mask (mystic mask wearer with twin pistols) SKJAM!

i (psionic) Utech

Eternus (immortal with regeneration) BoloOfEarth


4. Defenders of the Sea (sea/ocean; 6+) BoloOfEarth

Narwhal (super strong being of unknown origin) Cygnia

Dolphin (boy raised by dolphins) Chris Goodwin

Captain Danger and The Engineer (sailor and ship designer) Chris Goodwin

Nautilus II (submersible designed by The Engineer) Chris Goodwin

Cirripede (battlesuited oceanographer) BoloOfEarth

Harpoon (harpoon-wielding SCUBA diver with JetSki) Chris Goodwin

Tangaroa (immortal cosmic-powered alien) Legatus

Warmblood (renegade daughter of Lovecraftian “Deep Ones”) Haven Walkur


5. The Bermuda Triangle (PI’s; 3) Legatus

Mister D.K. (shadow-powered Jamaican) Cygnia

Desaparecer (Puerto Rican shapechanger) Chris Goodwin

Cauteloso (Cuban infiltration expert with silence powers) SKJAM!


6. Agents of Change (transformation; 5) SKJAM!

Weakness (targets or creates weak points) csyphrett

Periwinkle (size shifter) Cygnia

Opposite Day (can turn any dualistic concept into its opposite) SKJAM!

Apex (takes on abilities of nearest predator) Utech

Dr. Super (doctor of paranormals) Chris Goodwin


7. Stellars (aliens; 5) Chris Goodwin

Zin (alien xenobotanist with equipment) BoloOfEarth

Nightfire (astronomer melded with alien symbiote) Cygnia

Fulgurite (half-alien with levitation, teleport, and electric powers) SKJAM!

The Intern (alien intern charged with helping Earth advance) Utech

Agent Walsh (former MIB with power armor) Badger


8. Constitutional Guard (patriotic; 6) Badger

Gator (alligator powers) kahuna’s bro

Posterity (telepathic contact with forefathers and descendents) Utech

Franklin (super-genius gadgeteer) Cygnia

Amendment (duplicator) BoloOfEarth

Captain Justice (WWII hero sent to our time) Chris Goodwin

Melting Pot (can temporarily merge two Americans into one) SKJAM!


9. Graveyard Shift (undead; 5) SKJAM!

Pg 5 Uriah Cygnia

Mr. Quinn csyphrett

The Medium Chris Goodwin

Tolling Utech

“Deadman” Donner BoloOfEarth


10. Seekers (Champions reserve wannabes; 4) BoloOfEarth

The Alternate Cygnia

Wonderful Woman Utech

Lince SKJAM!

White Rabbit csyphrett


11. Owls of Rome (toys; 7) csyphrett

Zealot Cygnia

Optimum One csyphrett

Action Figure BoloOfEarth

Lupus Northstar Chris Goodwin

Pocket Monster and Bit csyphrett

Krystal Cygnia

Buckaroo BoloOfEarth


12. Capital Contingent (corporate sponsored DC team; 5) BoloOfEarth

Rig Utech

Captain Nascar csyphrett

Miss Kansas Cygnia

Zee BoloOfEarth

Anodyne SKJAM!


13. Nekketsu Yuusha-tachi (anime; 6) SKJAM!

Shadow Mask Cygnia

Go! Go! Go! The Arc

Nine Lives Badger

Saru BoloOfEarth

Musashi Utech

Mecha Mathew


14. Historicals (androids of famous people; 5) Mathew

Jeanne D'Arc SKJAM!

Elvis Cygnia

Renaissance Man Cygnia

Ashoka the Great Utech

Gandhi Legatus


15. SWAT (LAPD super-SWAT team; 4) Legatus

Trigger Cygnia

Shotgun Mike Pol Ruadh

BearCat Utech

Whiskey Tango BoloOfEarth


16. Disaster Corp (cleanup; 4+) Utech

Relief Worker BoloOfEarth

Earth-Speaker Cygnia

Scrap! Golden Age

Bastion Enforcer84


17. Victory Corps (publicity-seekers; 7) Enforcer84

Photogenic Girl SKJAM!

Victor BoloOfEarth

Karysma Cygnia

Bumpkin Chris Goodwin


Gold Rammer csyphrett

Triage BoloOfEarth


18. The Replacements (wolves in sheep’s clothing; 5) BoloOfEarth

Pratfall (acrobat/martial artist; actually from The Globe) Cygnia

Peacebringer (drain emotions/will; from PSI) SKJAM!

Steven Scry (mage; from DEMON) csyphrett

Dr. Dark (martial artist with dark bombs; from Project Sunburst) Yansuf

Ushas (light powers; from Children of Shiva) The Arc


19. New Youth Pioneers (Russian teens; 6) The Arc

Czarina (beautiful brick) Cygnia

If (rewind time 3 seconds) Utech

Beton (concrete brick) BoloOfEarth

Alklha (winged dragon) csyphrett

Alkonost (singer able to animate objects) csyphrett

Illyana the Ever-Daring (powerful sorceress) Cygnia


20. The Redeemers (restore reputation hurt by villainous relatives; 6) Cygnia

Sparrow of Sicily (trying to save Falcon of Florence) csyphrett

Lightning Lad (electricity; trying to save Lady Nothing) BoloOfEarth

Shadow Wing (fallen angel; seeing to redeem Michael) Cygnia

Bodhi (embodiment of calm; antithesis of Kamadeva) Utech

Dashing Swoardsman 2 (grandson of first, redeeming his memory) SKJAM!

Doll Girl (animate toys; retrieve Kitty-chan) SKJAM!


21. The Knights of Saint Nicholas (protect children; 4) SKJAM!

The Sandman (dream-weaver) Mr. R

Kid Whisper (scout/infiltrator) Cygnia

The Piper (enchanted flute) Badger

Sir Dumachus of Bari (pirate with mystic tools) Lucius


22. The Zodiac (astrology signs; 12) Lucius

Archer (Sagittarius; trick arrows) Lucius

Moonchild Gold (Cancer; force fields) SKJAM!

Kolben Wildmane (Taurus; Tauren druid) Cygnia

Scorpion (Scorpio; man-scorpion) csyphrett

Sea Goat (Capricorn; protector of the seas) csyphrett

Libra (Libra; former lawyer) gaberegan

Ophiuchus (Ophiuchus; financial backer) gaberegan

Yin and Yang (Gemini; twins) Mr. R

XK-7 (Virgo; sentient robot) Cygnia

Ganymede (Aquarius; immortal with magical cup) Utech

Fauntleroy (Leo; tabby cat) csyphrett

Seimmer in Shadows (Pisces; renegade Deep One) SKJAM!


23. Threshold G (incredibly dangerous; 5) SKJAM!

The Fat Man (atomic explosion) Cygnia

The Blot (black hole) csyphrett

Felix Arundman (drain lifeforce and alter reality) death tribble

Little Bear (lychanthrope) Haven Walkur

Terror (subconscious psionic constructs) gaberegan


24. The Shinsengumi (official Japan patriot team; 10) gaberegan

The Kappa (water creature) Cygnia

Go Squad (Power Rangers types) SKJAM!

Shonen Agent (mental projection) csyphrett

Wa (martial artist and natural leader) Utech

Eternal Sun (light powers) BoloOfEarth

Sword of the Emperor (Samurai warrior) death tribble

Hideko (pop star brick with gliding) death tribble

Squeak (mechanic extraordinaire) Utech

Taifun (weather control) SKJAM! Hinokami (fire control) Cygnia


25. Vigilance Inc. (vigilante justice; 9) Cygnia

Gunny (Marine weapons master) death tribble

Blue Shield (former cop) BoloOfEarth

Khamsin (Muslim woman with wind powers) Cygnia

Protocol Four (intelligence expert) SKJAM!

Fangs (former VIPER agent) Utech

Karla (ex-Soviet spy) death tribble

Hi-Q (consulting detective and inventor) SKJAM!

Redjack (battlesuited ATF agent) Cygnia

Bulldog (French Interpol agent) death tribble


26. The Exiles (MegaCorp-sponsored team of exiles; 6-9) death tribble

Golden Boar (metallic martial artist, exile from China) SKJAM!

Japanese Schoolgirl Hero (nearly ageless girl) death tribble

Fleur de Lys (Canadian speedster) Cygnia

X-Pat (Aussie speedster-brick) Pol Ruadh

Goat Boy (spellcaster faking as a brick able to eat anything) csyphrett

Elegance (demon) SKJAM! Liber-teen (other-dimensional patriot) BoloOfEarth

Deluxe Girl (alien flying brick, actually a shapeshifter) SKJAM!


27. The Seven Lights (faith-based heroes based on seven virtues; 7) SKJAM!

Living Will (Will; overcome obstacles by channeling willpower) csyphrett

Naomi (Courage; Israeli martial artist) Cygnia

Aisha (Charity; Lebanese healer) Cygnia

John Doe (Modesty; duplicator) BoloOfEarth

Samaritan (Generosity; immortal wielder of life force) Enforcer84

Reciprocal (Peace; redirect damage) BoloOfEarth

Advocate (Ethics; lawyer and minor psychic) BoloOfEarth


28. The Farm Belt (Midwest farmer heroes; 6) BoloOfEarth

Silo (android brick from Kansas) Cygnia

Amber Waves (beauty pageant winner with prehensile hair) Hermit

The Combine (energy wave taking on strengths/skills of others) csyphrett

Agrarian (plant powers) Enforcer84

Catfish (man-fish with water powers) death tribble

Brewer (mistress of microbiology) SKJAM!


29. Project Beta (clones of other heroes; 5) Hermit

Mr. Liberty (brick/speedster) kahuna’s bro

Bluestone (Sapphire clone) SKJAM!

Miss Mystique II (clone of 1940s heroine) quozaxx

Ron (smart Grond) csyphrett

GI Jones (US Marine Corpse clone) BoloOfEarth


30. The Saturn Five (NASA team; 5 + base) BoloOfEarth

Telstar Omega (orbital base with AI) Cygnia

Pioneer (alien revolutionary) Hermit

Star Probe (probe drone that gained sentience) GoldenAge

Opportunity (teleporter) BoloOfEarth

Skylark of Space (gravity control) SKJAM!

Goliath (alien force merged with an astronaut) Lucius


31. Mighty Insects (insect/arthropods; 7-9) Lucius

The Flea (shrinking) quozaxx

Adamant Ant (shrink with same mass) Lucius

Red Mantis (sword-wielding former VIPER agent) Golden Age

Pillbug (armored roly-poly) BoloOfEarth

Viceroy Butterfly (winged woman with choke gas and cocoon) Cygnia

Bombadier (armored energy projector) csyphrett

Cricket (gadgeteer with sonic powered armor) Badger

Bugshido! (beetle carapaced martial artist/samurai) death tribble

The Caterpillar (sorcerer) Hermit


32. Sisterhood of Eowyn (women fighting a mystic supervillain; 6-8) Hermit

Strider (walk anywhere and cut anything in half with “broken” sword) csyphrett

Cheer Girl (cheerleading martial artist and sometimes man) SKJAM!

Brick (I’ll let you guess what kind of character she is) death tribble

The Sophia (immortal sorceress) Cygnia

Blue Streak (speedster) Hermit

The Truth (psychic) csyphrett

Freebird (sonic powers) SKJAM!

Plain Jane (unassuming, overlooked woman) quozaxx


33. Party Animals (partying part-time heroes; 5) quozaxx

Spuds (former Green Beret with enhanced senses and stamina) Badger

Headbanger (brick move-through specialist) BoloOfEarth

Doctor Whatever (time-manipulating son of Captain Chronos) Hermit

The Professor (precog able to pinpoint weaknesses) Cygnia

Shield (enhanced presence, strength, and durability) death tribble


34. The Explorers (expand knowledge; 6) death tribble

Chris Munson (technoorganic vehicle forms) cspyhrett

Lady Aileen MacKenzie (heightened reflexes and occult empathy) Cygnia

The Cartographer / Finder (map-maker extraordinaire) Utech

N’taka Umbulu (zoologist / hunter) SKJAM!

Deep (sea powers) Hermit

Thought (telepath) Hermit


35. League of Giants! (giants, y’think?; 5 + base) Hermit

Kouzan (alien giant mecha type) Cygnia

Sigrid (12-foot Amazon warrior) Enforcer84

Human Blimp (growth with flight) SKJAM!

American Heart (growth from pride of others) Log-Man

Cornwall Grand Estates (base) Hermit

Mind Titan (giant telepath) Enforcer84


36. Time Rangers (heroes from different eras; 12) Cassandra

Weaver (leader; detect chronal anomalies) Cygnia

Tyrant King (intelligent T-Rex) SKJAM!

Marshall (old west sheriff) Hermit

Melody (ghost of French peasant girl from Great Plague) Badger

Konchuu (future saboteur/hacker) Hermit

Anchor (temporal stability and time travel) Enforcer84

The Highwayman (former old-time highwayman) Nothere

Doktor Zeit (former Nazi scientist) SKJAM!

Doctor Hoo (con man with time portal generator) BoloOfEarth

Avery Parks (1970s black cop) Hermit

Rocinante (2112 woman with 10-second time travel) Cygnia

Galileo (yes, that Galileo) Log-Man


37. Olympus Corps (one-of-a-kind powers; 9-12) Log-Man

Walkthrough (walk through solid objects invisible) kahuna’s bro

Balefire (flame projector) Hermit

Warbeast (genius alchemist with a combat vehicle) Haven Walkur

Griffin (human griffin) Enforcer 84

Red Shifter (teleporter) csyphrett

Stoplight (time controller) csyphrett

Cyclops Squad (agents with visors) Hermit

Tactile (remote sense of touch) Utech

Upgrade (mechanic with growth) Hermit

Downsize (number cruncher with shrinking) Hermit


38. The Hard Line (Harding family members mutated by meteor; 7-10) Hermit

Rex the Wonder Dog (Rex; intelligent talking dog) The Arc

Chimp (Adam Harding; muscular man-chimp detective) csyphrett

Coach Harding (Hiram Harding; gramps with a bat, able to instruct) SKJAM!

Omega (Megan Harding; flying brick) The Arc

Misty (Aunt Misty; mist cloud with clairvoyance) Matt Holck

Miles (Myles Harding; speedster) Hermit

Kazam! (Uncle Owen; magician) quozaxx

Deuce (Olivia Cooper-Harding; duplicating brick) Cygnia

Hardforce (Jerry Harding; telekinetic) Nothere


39. Offcasts (college castoffs from Room 507; 6-8) Nothere

LARPer (invisibility, enhanced senses, and “rock-paper-scissors”) Grimble

Skip Time (teleport self or others 24 hours forward or backward) BoloOfEarth

Pink (martial artist with steel-melting punch) csyphrett

Box (agoraphobic precog) Cygnia

Big Brass One (brass-covered brick) Hermit

Pawn (teleport in “L” shape and neuroshock) SKJAM!

Rasa (shapeshifter with acting ability) Hermit


40. 2nd Chance Inc (former supervillains; 5-7) Hermit

Burden (former Powerfist; brick?) Enforcer84

Nightside (energy control) death tribble

Sherm (eldritch abomination) csyphrett

Doctor Gremlin (gadgeteering supergenius) Log-Man

Methuselah (old brick speedster) SKJAM!

Night Terror (fright powers) quozaxx


41. Sidekick Associates (old former sidekicks, now retired heroes; 5) quozaxx

Scarlet Storm (Stormy, sidekick to Capt. Thunder; weather control) Hermit

Lady Luck (Miss Mystic, assistant to Korzax; luck powers) BoloOfEarth

Oberon (???, sidekick to ???) csyphrett

Sparkplug (Bravery Girl, sidekick to Captain Courage; ???) Nothere

Calculus (Brain Boy, sidekick to Slaughterhouse Jack; brains/precog) SKJAM!


42. The Alliance (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender issues; 6) SKJAM!

Starstrike (lesbian; light powers) BoloOfEarth

Synapse (gay; speedster) Enforcer84 Rapport (transgender; empath) Cygnia

Captain Fantastic (advocate; equipped) Concord

Scarlet Angel (bisexual; martial artist) death tribble

Torgazok (alien transgender; not specified) BoloOfEarth


43. Justice Defenders (HERO board members’ names, 6) BoloOfEarth

Hermit (martial artist) BoloOfEarth

Querysphinx (shapechanger) csyphrett

Satin Kitty (gun-toting martial artist) SKJAM!

Lucius (precognitive) Lucius

Oddhat (master of disguise and criminology) death tribble

Logman (wood powers) Nothere


44. Dirty Deck (cards, 7) Nothere

Dealer (cards to summon Deck members and capture others) Nothere

Ace (martial artist at range) BoloOfEarth

Four of Clubs (four-armed brick) Lucius

Queen of Diamonds (diamond-wielding reluctant heroine) death tribble

Shuffle (air manipulation) Cygnia

Card Shark (cutting card-creatures) csyphrett

Page of Cups (healer) SKJAM!


45. Golden Oldies (retirees, 4) SKJAM!

Arclighter (pulp masked crimefighter with explosives) csyphrett

Professor Powerful (flying brick) Enforcer84

Phenom (alien-engineered superhuman) GoldenAge

DragonEye (psychic) Hermit


46. Fishnet Five (powers from fishnet stockings, 5) Hermit

Xanthippe (intellect) GoldenAge

Horrorshow (shapeshifting mimic) SKJAM!

Merry (brick) death tribble Legs (quick brick) SKJAM!

Bewitcher (magic tricks) BoloOfEarth


47. Prime Time (based on TV characters, 6) BoloOfEarth

Night Rider (gadget-wielding horse rider) Cygnia

Battle Star Galactica (battle armor) csyphrett

Quantum Leap (teleportation) csyphrett

.357 Magnus (gun-wielding PI) BoloOfEarth

Johnathan Bluebird (ninja PI) kahuna’s bro

Blake’s Seven (duplicator) Cygnia


48. Union Underground (former villain minions, 6) Cygnia

Pureblood (ex-Sisters of Blood; gadgets) BoloOfEarth

The Unknown (ex-Dream Stealer/Corruption; not noticed by others) death tribble

Hard Man (ex-Dream Stealer; near-invulnerable) SKJAM!

Black Wasp (ex-Vultures of Mars Talon; stealth suit with darts) Cygnia

Physicist (ex-DEMON; reality alteration) csyphrett

Igor (ex-Shadow Lords; gadgeteer/inventor) Nothere


49. Golden Legion (junior heroes of Golden Gladiator, 6) Nothere

Gold Star (Trekkie with shield wall) csyphrett

Gold Goliath (growth, unable to control) death tribble

Gold Standard (highly trained and equipped normal) BoloOfEarth

Gold Leaf (TK force whips) Cygnia

Gold Nugget (shrinking and density increase) Hermit

Golden Swordsman (strong, swift swordsman) Enforcer84


50. Outsiders (legacies that don’t fit in, ? Enforcer84

Brightforge (Asgardian inventor) Enforcer84

The Wall (son of mages; brick with immunity to magic) death tribble

The Day (son of dark powered villains; light powers) csyphrett

Sky Wolf (daughter of cat burglars; pilot detective) SKJAM!

Ivana (daughter of dancing heroine; brick without dance skill) The Arc

Pelican (Atlantean with defective gills; flight) csyphrett

Rainbow (daughter of Doom & Gloom; perky strong psychic) Nothere

Legacy (son of supers; normal with power-mimic battlesuit) Enforcer84


51. Blue Shield (law enforcement from different countries, 10) Enforcer84

Sincaller (New Zealand; psychometry) Cygnia

Deadshot (Hong Kong; sniper) csyphrett

The Bear (Russia; invulnerable brick) death tribble

Peeler (England; brick with razor claws) SKJAM!

Outback (Australia; can track anyone anywhere) The Arc

Bollywood (India; reality-defying combat moves) BoloOfEarth

Chaleur (Cameroon; heat powers) Cygnia

Relentless Pursuit (China; energy powers) death tribble

Rover (Japan; telepathic link to comatose detective) SKJAM!

The Confessor (Mexico; induce confessions) death tribble


52. Ministry of Heavy Weapons (power armor with heavy weapons, 6) death tribble

Warthog (incredible defenses and minigun) BoloOfEarth

Tackle-Loco (tackling with vertical launch missiles) concord

Sarge (flexible weapons, MG to flame to frost to mini-gauss cannon) death tribble

Nailer (artillery) csyphrett

Kaboom (low yield nuke without radiation) Nothere

Thanator (flexible weapons, infrasound, pulsed energy, thermobaric) Utech

Mt. Toho (deal arranger) Cygnia


53. Magical Princess GemStars (magical girls with gem names, 5) Cygnia

Charging Light Emerald (speed and strength) csyphrett

Super Magical Sailor Ruby (fire powers) Badger

Princess Topaz (wand to pacify or restrain) death tribble

Sparkling Impact Diamond Lily (faceted force fields) SKJAM!

Glorious Angel Amethyst (healing and big purple hammer) Enforcer84


54. Avalon Guard (reincarnated Round Table knights, 6) Enforcer84

Quest (King Pellinore; summon questing beast) Cygnia

Strongarm (Sir Bedivere; gadgeteer martial artist) Lucius

Gail Strong (Sir Gwaine; strongest at noon) csyphrett

Saracen (Sir Palamedes; go without food, water, or sleep) SKJAM!

Idyll (power mimic) Lucius

Knight of Sorrows (Sir Tristan; smooth-talking ladies man) SKJAM!


55. Holiday Heroes (give others the day off + holiday themes, 5) SKJAM!

The Saint (touch burns evil and heals the good) csyphrett

Gatekeeper (magic) Nothere

Cinco de Mayo (5 brothers who can combine into one) csyphrett

April Fish (illusion powers and gag gadgets) SKJAM!

St. Patrick (snake summoning) BoloOfEarth


56. The Faculty (professors with area of expertise, 5) BoloOfEarth

Willie Scott (maintenance; plant control?) csyphrett

Doc Fermi (high-energy physics; bio-electricity) BoloOfEarth

Dr. Knox (history; retrocognition) Badger

The Divine Sarah (theater; shapeshift) Cygnia

The Substitute (various; skill/power absorption) Nothere


57. Alternates (names/powers of supervillains, 5) Nothere

Kinesis (form and powers of Force of Crowns of Krim) BoloOfEarth

Jack of Fools (look of Black Harlequin) csyphrett

Flying Fox (look and powers of Foxbat) Lucius

Dr. Dess, Lawyer and his Dess Droids (name of Dr. Destroyer) Old Man

Dormouse (powers of Cheshire Cat) csyphrett


58. Countdown (numbers, 5) csyphrett

Tricolor (powers vary by color) SKJAM!

Split Second (speed) Lucius

Thirteen (induce phobias) Cygnia Hundred (duplication) csyphrett

Zero (nullification, including of memory) BoloOfEarth

Billionaire (brick) Old Man


59. Idealists (mentalists, 5) Old Man

Simon (child with mind control) Badger

Muse (precog with transmission telepathy) BoloOfEarth

Omni-Woman (telekenitic) Enforcer84

Crosswire (autistic teen with telepathy and mental damage shield) Cygnia

Swordsman (psychic blades) csyphrett


60. Litatureers (book titles, 7) csyphrett

Bullfinch (light and lightning) csyphrett

Dunce (drain intellect) Cygnia

Divine Comedy (duplication with fire, void, and euphoria powers) BoloOfEarth

Gargantua (giant with density control) Lucius

Lolita (mentalist perpetually looking like 13 year-old girl) Old Man

Captain Courageous (invulnerable brick) freakboy6117

The Old Man and the Sea (water control) Old Man


61. Acoustics (sound, 6) Old Man

Sound Wave (boost ambient sound) csyphrett

Rumble (absorb sound into strength) Clonus

Dead Air (nullify sound) freakboy6117

Amplifier (amplify sounds) Dxpenguinman

Woofer (dog-faced boy whose bark induces fear) Cygnia

Tweeter (bird-faced girl with a sonic screech) Cygnia


62. Star Chamber (vigilante lawyers, 6) Cygnia

Vega (corporate law; plant control) BoloOfEarth

Sirius (criminal defense; telepathy) SKJAM!

Bad Penny (bankruptcy law; ???) csyphrett

Virgo (defense; robot) Christopher

Castor (criminal law; ghost powers) Hermit

Pollux (divorce law; ghost powers Hermit


63. Ivory Knights (formerly bad but turned good with powers, 5-6) Hermit

Sanctuary (former gang enforcer; brick) Enforcer84

Sympath (former slumlord; empathy and telepathy) BoloOfEarth

The Goth (ancient warrior moved forward in time) Lucius

Rescuer (former serial killer) csyphrett

Morphic (former mad scientist; shapeshifter) Enforcer84

White Sparrow (former lothario; shrinking) Christopher


64. Delaware Defenders (not cool powers, 4) Cygnia

Miss Liberty (speedster) Enforcer84

Coachman (transport) csyphrett

Minute Man (shrinker) Clonus

Flatulencia (magic powers with flatulence names/effects) Christopher


65. Texas Titans (Texas-centric, 5-6) Badger

Lone Star (solar powers) csyphrett

Midland Minotaur (werebovine) Badger

Rio (water control) SKJAM!

Black Gold (energy projection) Lucius

Bravo (mentalist) BoloOfEarth

Bigger (shrinker) Lucius


66. Acadamia Nuts (Hawaii teachers connected to subject taught, 6-10) Lucius

Historian (history teacher; time travel) Christopher

Hibiscus (botany; pheromone) Cygnia

Catalytic Converter (chemistry; alter compounds) csyphrett

Geothermal (geology; fire and lava control) Badger

Coach Powers (math + PE; duplicating brick) Lucius

Issyl (magical theory; mage) Christopher

Errol Deavers (principal; stealth, weapons, and martial arts) csyphrett

Kahuna Haha (health + school nurse; diagnosis) Lucius

Poly Theistos (theology; robot) Christopher

Aestethica (arts; super detective) Christopher

White Tornado (custodian; speedster) Lucius

Null (English lit; power damper) Cygnia


67. Knights of Lupus (rabbit-themed heroines for hire, 6) Cygnia

Thumper (super-strong legs) Enforcer84

Bunny Love (duplicating martial artist) Clonus

Upfront (invulnerable chest) kahuna’s bro

Rampant Rabbit (seduction) Martin2

Blade Bunny (animal-human hybrid ninja) Christopher

Lagomorph (shapechanger) csyphrett


68. Majo Shoujo (Sailor Moon, 7) csyphrett

Home Run Queen (magic) SKJAM!

Righteous Fox (invisibility and illusions) Cygnia

Typhoon (wind powers) death tribble

Quarterback (throwing) csyphrett

Lyra (songs that protect and heal) Cygnia

Yellow Avenger (trained normal able to turn green) Christopher

Mad March Hare (teleporting acrobatic mystic) freakboy6117


69. The Pantheon (deities from different pantheons, 7) Enforcer84

Hyacinth (minion of Apollo; sun powers) Lucius

Kartikeya (Hindu god of war) Cygnia

Huang Di (Chinese; science) csyphrett

Janus (dual-faced, precog/retrocog and project/bypass barriers) Lucius

Gefjon (plowing and foreknowledge) FrankL

Vesta (goddess of hearth and home) freakboy6117

Shango (god of thunder, drums, and dance) csyphrett


70. The Relics (artifacts from fallen hero, 6) csyphrett

Voyant (helmet; perception) csyphrett

Bournemouth Runner (boots; speed) death tribble

Mon Droit (shield; leader with tactical acumen) BoloOfEarth

Crimson Cape (cape; shapechanging brick) Christopher

Harness (utility belt; gadgets and hand weapons) BoloOfEarth

The Glove (gloves; telekinesis) csyphrett


71. Drawings (DEMON-battling, pull pic from superhero art thread, 7) csyphrett

Ambient (light) BoloOfEarth

Slaughterhouse Five (possessed by killer) Cygnia

Dusk Knight (shadow fey) Cygnia

Magilla the Gorilla (wrestler transformed to gorilla) csyphrett

The Oni (ronin) Cygnia

Whoosh (speedster) csyphrett

Rose Ronin (martial artist/speedster) csyphrett


72. Space Aces (keep peace in galaxy, 5) csyphrett

Captain Starman (self-proclaimed leader) death tribble

Haggis Mac Mornin (space engineer) csyphrett

Camus (armored mercenary) Cygnia

B’lea (cephlapod pilot) freakboy6117

Timarasu (shapeshifting biology expert) Christopher


73. Knights of Righteousness (strictly follow law and personal vow, 6) Christopher

Preacher (jack of all trades, follows the Ten Commandments) death tribble

Knightmare (battlesuited recovering drug/alcohol addict) Clonus

The Man in Black (western gunman who feels truth must be told) death tribble

Straight Arrow (mid-level brick vowing to keep America free) death tribble

Arlo Guts (natural tracker and possible retrocognitive) csyphrett

Saint (seeking redemption) The Arc


74. The Compact (mages and such defending normals from fey, 7) The Arc

Hexed (witch with ability to erase memories) death tribble

Lost Soul (transmigrated soul) death tribble

Hob (Sidhe with minor transformations and illusions) Cygnia

Black Dog (bad luck and powerful jaws) csyphrett

Green Druid (druidic magic) death tribble

Obviator (erase memories) csyphrett

Wild Hunt (raise an army of those who see him) csyphrett


75. Team Justice (joining and leaving the team, 7) death tribble

Big Red (growth brick, left after pregnancy) SKJAM!

Hand of Justice (martial artist, left after “Teddy” incident) death tribble

Human Icicle (drain heat, blew himself up saving world) csyphrett

Deep Sleep (mentalist, unhinged after revenge for “Teddy” incident) Badger

Firefist (fire control, left after “Gore Blimey!” scandal) death tribble

Red Might (shrinker with molecule control, left after Doll scandal) Nothere

The Voice (sonic projector, died when he brought the house down) csyphrett


76. Go Family (teleporters, 5) csyphrett

GoBot (adopted Mechanon robot with automaton summong) Christopher

Barrage (teleport rain of metal onto target) csyphrett

Fellow Traveler (long-distance teleport and X-dim travel) death tribble

Crater (dig by teleporting material away) csyphrett

Defence of the Nation (teleport away attacks) death tribble


77. Team America (rejects from other official teams, 5-8) death tribble

Audit (fomer IRS cyberpath, likes human/animal porn) Cygnia

Arsenal (former CIA with gadgets, thinks he’s a giant squirrel) csyphrett

Col. Sanderson (former military, wants to kill Jayhawker descendants) death tribble

Quick Draw (former FBI, precog who effectively executed people) death tribble

Quiet American (former NSA, invulnerable brick, rabid womanizer) death tribble

Redman (former Treasury agent with force fields, vocal communist) death tribble

Truthfinder (former Secret Service, know truth, must reveal truths) BoloOfEarth

Mass Mistress (former Wts & Meas, grow & shrink, shrunk senator) BoloOfEarth


78. Cosplay (GenCon costumes, 6) BoloOfEarth

Overlord of Ooooze (gelatinous cube) Christopher

Gamma Queen Senshi Usagi (geek guy as magical anime girl) Cygnia

Doctor Whomever (regeneration and sonic screwdriver) BoloOfEarth

Blue Eyes (20-foot dragon) csyphrett

Anime Girl (quick Japanese schoolgirl martial artist) Nothere

Leia (Force powers) Lucius


79. Kit Cat Club (feline cosplayers, 9) Lucius

Lord Muffin (stuffed cat with TK and force fields) Cygnia

Sekhmet (Egyptian goddess of war) Lucius

Thirteen (Black Cat powers) csyphrett

Familiar (mind link, invisibility, and boost teammates powers) Lucius

Ani-Mayhem (cat-girl with anime physics and martial arts) Big Monkey

Catgirl (generic catgirl with claws) death tribble

Wildcat (catgirl hunter with male sidekick Feral) BoloOfEarth

Red (anthropomorphic red lion) csyphrett

Cat Herder (psychic link, mind control) Lucius


80. The Veterans (Golden Age military heroes out of retirement, 6) BoloOfEarth

Sea Bee (SeaBees; flight and construction/demolition powers) csyphrett

Battleship (Navy; transform to ship) death tribble

Screaming Eagle (Army paratrooper; flight) csyphrett

Guardian (Coast Guard; swimmer and deep-sea diver) death tribble

Phantom Belle (WAVEs; ghost with keening wail) Cygnia

Faceless Man (OSS; infiltration with clairvoyant TK) csyphrett


81. Nobles (famous kings, 5) csyphrett

Armin (Germanic chieftan with powerful sword) Christopher

Great Pretender (master of disguise) death tribble

Montezuma (curses and hexes) csyphrett

Queen Lil (Hawaiian singer with storm control) Cygnia

Undying Queen (artificial being built for combat) Christopher


82. Cheap Refurbished Laptops (see the name, ? Christopher

Mor Memory (overwrite memories with damaged recollections) BoloOfEarth

Spamalot (create meat product) BoloOfEarth

Upgrade (makeshift battelesuited gadgeteer) BoloOfEarth

Bambi (martial artist) BoloOfEarth

Battery (electric touch) csyphrett

Renovate (human rhino make things seem new) csyphrett

Virtua Girl (screen saver / hacker) csyphrett

Massive Growth (giant with stretching) Cygnia


83. Rewrites (take existing names, 6) Cygnia

Foxbat (Russian engineer in battlesuit) Hermit

Spider-Man (man-arachnid hybrid) BoloOfEarth

Captain Ultra (???) csyphrett

Batman (alloy baseball bat) Lucius

Captain Marvel (miracle worker) csyphrett

Diamond (diamond-themed weapons) Hermit


84. Rebels (children of supervillains, 5) Hermit

Automaton (robot of Mechanon’s) Big Monkey

White Sheep (son of Visgoth; strength, agility, energy powers) death tribble

Ritter (son of Aryan and Poinsettia; physically perfect) SKJAM!

Mindmaster (son of Menton; mentalist) death tribble

Victor (son of Dr. Lirby Koo; relief aid worker) csyphrett


85 Punch and Judy Show (clowsn, 6) csyphrett

Chuckles the Clown (bag of tricks) Big Monkey

Shriner (invulnerability and super strength with Healing) Lucius

Joey (constant pain but can cause laughter) death tribble

Red Nosed Ranger (clown martial artist) Hermit

Whiteface (mime, impervious to damage and absorbs energy) BoloOfEarth

Kushali (power mimic) Lucius


86 League of Giants (North) (giants, 6) Lucius

Boom-Boom (giant speedster) Badger

Blue Ridge Mountain (30-foot mini-mountain) death tribble

Big Boy (giant hamster) csyphrett

Titanos (growth but slowly shrinking) BoloOfEarth

T-Boy (shapeshift to dinosaurs) csyphrett

Storm Giant (giant with weather control) SKJAM!

Dunranin (castleship that looks like a cloud) SKJAM!


87 Untouchables (Desolid-like powers, 5) SKJAM!

Mr. Mist (pulp hero able to turn into living fog) Hermit

Power Politician (desolid to attacks) Christopher

Kvarteto de Elemento (four classic elements) Christopher

Shadowman (shadow powers) death tribble

Doctor Flux (density control) Hermit


88 Mantle (heroes ruling islands, 6) Hermit

Solomon (wise mentalist) BoloOfEarth

The Blob (big tentacled creature) Christopher

Independence (very moral brick with light powers) Big Monkey

Dr. Machine (technician) csyphrett

Katrina (hurricane powers) Badger

Fridolin (strong hammer-wielder) Christopher


89 League of Non-Humanoid Heroes (non-human form, 6) Christopher

Octopod (alien with 4 arms and 4 legs) BoloOfEarth

Rover (floating sphere) death tribble

Glory (My Little Pony) Cygnia

Shokusho (tentacle demon) Clonus (p. 52)

Winterwolf (transform to giant wolf with wind and cold attacks) Clonus

Stone Sucker (skin of concrete) csyphrett


90 Weather Warning (weather powers, 7) csyphrett

Deluge (flood powers) Badger

Windchill (wind and cold) SKJAM!

Sunwoman (solar powers) death tribble

Weatherdamage (destructive weather phenomena) Christopher

Alberta Clipper (speedster with ice/snow powers) csyphrett

Santa Ana (wind powers with dehydration) BoloOfEarth

Sleet (ice, snow, and sleet) Badger


91 The Resistance (from future to stop Mechanon, 5) Badger

Warrior Unit 15432z (robot) Hermit

Brother John (suppress and dispel technology) Cygnia

Firefox (future Foxbat) BoloOfEarth

Vulcan (weaponsmith) csyphrett

Robot Ripper (smash metal plating with bare hands) SKJAM!


92 Young Radicals (1960s counterculture, 6) SKJAM!

Flowerchild (induce arousal) Christopher

The Radical (outspoken brick) death tribble

Demonstration (skill mimic) BoloOfEarth

Underground (transportation) csyphrett

Mary Jane (Plant Control) BoloOfEarth

Tied Dyed (Animate and Control Objects) csyphrett


93 International Foxbat Heroic Planning and Intervention Society (Batmen-like heroes based on Foxbat from different countries in the world) csyphrett

Mechano-Foxbat (Mechanon Drone based on Foxbat) Christopher

Spacefox Batliona (Time traveler) Christopher.

Foxi (Cheerleader) Christopher

Foxwing (Shaman opposing Joseph N’Langa) csyphrett

Spirit Fox (Vigilante in China) csyphrett

Ermine (British Nut) Cygnia


94 Playboys (Heroes with the wrong motives) Cygnia

The Reverse Engineer (Power Armored Hero that steals villain tech to sell as his own) JackValhalla

Thunder Rabbit (Martial Artist who likes to maim people) SKJAM!

Bunny (Exhibitionist Brick) Lucius

Alexander Playboy (Philanderer) Death Tribble

Suppression Fire(Trigger happy blaster with ray guns) Christopher

Tripod (Glory Hound Triplicator) BoloOfEarth

Auric (Greedy telekinetic and teleporter) Lucius Alexander


95 Workmen (Working class heroes) Lucius Alexander

Longshoreman (Dock working brick) Death Tribble

Miner 49'er (Miner brick/human mole) Death Tribble

Steelman (Force field projector steel worker) Death Tribble

Temp (Office worker with random powers) Cygnia

Mechanic (Mechanic with some machine control) Death Tribble

Mason (Stone earth elemental) Lucius Alexander

Roadsign (Shapeshifting road crewman) Christopher

Dustman was posted by Freakboy6117. His power is to be dust.


96 International Foxbat Heroic Endeavor Corps of All Nations (Foxbat inspired heroes of the Americas) Christopher

Foxpuck (Canadian iceskating hockey hero) BoloOfEarth

Coyotebat (American shaman) JackValhalla

Batfox (Vigilante) Death Tribble

El Murcielzorro (Mexican Luchador) Freakboy6117

Bush Bat (Brazilian flyer) csyphrett

Red Fox (Haitian hougan) csyphrett


97 The Seven (Heroes hired to protect a border town) csyphrett

Devil Eyes (Albino tracker mystic creature) Death Tribble

Sundancer (Light controller) BoloOfEarth

Magnificent (Brick) Freakboy6117

Scotty (Gadgeteer) csyphrett

Fist of the Seven (Martial Artist) Death Tribble

Leopard (Mentalist) Death Tribble

Sling (Metamorph) Hermit


98 Malefactors (Heroes disguised as villains) Hermit

Captain Gruesome (Shapechanger brick) Death Tribble

Private Army (Duplicator) JackValhalla

Hawkeye (Sniper/teleblaster) csyphrett

Punk (multiple personality martial artist) Christopher

The Black Mage (Magician) Christopher

Detroit Spinner (Telekinetic object thrower) Death Tribble


99 University Challengers (Academics as heroes) Death Tribble

Alan Granite (dinosaur specialist) Lucius Alexander

Dr. John William Tall (Retrocognitive archeologist) csyphrett

Kathy Reichs, Bones (Forensic Anthropologist) Lucius Alexander

Myron Pellweather (Forensic Accountant) BoloOfEarth

Steve Railo (expert in collections and history) Christopher


100 Seattle Specials (Handicapped Heroes) BoloOfEarth

The Burning Wheel (Speedster in a wheelchair) csyphrett

Push (One armed telekinetic) csyphrett

Stonemonster (Blind stone humanoid who uses touch to compensate for sight) Christopher

Burnout (Burned pyrokinetic) Opale

Contact (Blind mentalist) BoloOfEarth


101 Buff Warriors (Heroes who fight without clothes) Christopher

Gypsy (Invisibility) BoloOfEarth

Breakdown (Selfexploder) Opale

Baredevil (Blind man with heightened touch) Lucius Alexander

The Streak (Speedster) Lucius Alexander

Illustrated Woman (Mystic tatoo user) Torchwolf

Dancing Shoes (Mystic shoe wearer) csyphrett


102 The Songs (Heroes created from Weird Al songs) csyphrett

Yo-Yo-Yo-Yo-Yoda (replica of Yoda) Lucius Alexander

Triggerhappy (Summoner of firearms) csyphrett

Fat (Enlarging hero) Christopher

Eat it (Mentalist) Christopher

Pentium (Gadgeteer) csyphrett

Polka Mix (Power mimic from Weird Al themes) Christopher


103 The UNIT (Task force set up by the UN Security Council) Opale

Motherland (Russian plant controller) BoloOfEarth

Big Ben (English giant) Christopher

The Standard (American mentalist/martial artist) JackValhalla

The Eternal Dragon (Chinese Dragon) csyphrett

Decibel Force (French power armor user) Opale


104 Near Earth Orbit (Space based protectors of the inner planets of the solar system) JackValhalla

The Fang (Sentient spaceship) Christopher

Parsek (Power suit) Christopher

Asteroid (Mutant that turns into a flying mountain) csyphrett

Goliath (Energy creature fused with a human) Lucius Alexander

Tentacles (Alien pilot) Badger

Gooey (Humanoid Acid) Christopher


105 Team Crayola (Kids turned into superhumans) Badger

Blue Sky (flier) csyphrett

Purple Dragon (Martial Artist) Christopher

Yellow Submariner (Aquatic heroine) Christopher

Orange Juice (Speedster)

Badger Black Sun (Blaster) Cygnia

Red Rover (Mind Controller) BoloOfEarth

Green Slime (Creates different powered green slime) Lucius Alexander

Brown (Invulnerable) csyphrett


106 Nicknamers (Heroes based on nicknames) csyphrett

Invisible Elephant (Invisible brick) csyphrett

Gumby (Stretcher) BoloOfEarth

Maybe (Teleporter and teleportation tricks) csyphrett

Nicknamer (Transformer) BoloOfEarth

Johnny Five (Foxbatdrone) Christopher


107 The Reborn (Heroes who were broken by the Dream Stealers) BoloOfEarth

Stephen Scry (Mage whose life has been taken over by the other Stephen Scry) csyphrett

Tangled Web (Spider based vigilante that lost his pregnant wife) BoloOfEarth

Dreamcatcher (Possessor of Magic Sword) Christopher

Peace Of Dream (Mentalist spirit in the dream zone who lost body) Christopher

Lucid (Immortal who lost personal history) Badger


108 The Dogs of War (Canine Opponents of the One Trick Ponies) Badger

Pack (Werewolf Pony duplicator) Lucius Alexander

Grayhound (Speedster) Death Tribble Bloodhound (Tracker) Death Tribble

Snafu (Mind Controlling German Shepherd) Cygnia

Snowball (American Eskimo magician dog) BoloOfEarth

Torbellino (Speedster Chihuahua) Michael Hopcroft


109 The Star Complex (Heroes based on shows) Michael Hopcroft

The Pirate of Penzance (Swordsman/acrobat) csyphrett

RENT (Drone body used by remote control) csyphrett

Lord of the River Dance (Holder of a pair of dancing shoes that lets him control water) csyphrett

Cats (Human cat) csyphrett

Book of Mormon (Possessor of a magic book) csyphrett


110 4th World (Heroes created using Jack Kirby characters) csyphrett

The Sandman (Protector of dreams) csyphrett

Darkside (Immortal) Cygnia

The White Zero (Limited cosmic awareness and heightened reflexes) SKJAM!

Almanya (German Supersoldier) Christopher

Victory (Galactic Ranger) csyphrett

Challenger of the Unknown (Monster hunter) csyphrett

The Avenger(s) (Duplicating cowboy) Christopher


111 Second Chances (Heroes rejected from other teams) Christopher

Pavlow (Mentalist dog/Dogs of War) Christopher

Dot (Stranded dimensional traveler/4th World inspired) Lucius Alexander

White and Nerdy (Songs) Lucius Alexander

Indiana Joan (Archeologist/University Challengers) Lucius Alexander

Merry Poppins (Teleporter/Star Complex) csyphrett

The Moray (Aquatic hero rejected from the Replacements) csyphrett

Liberator (Son of the original power armor pilot who was part of the Veterans) BoloOfEarth

The Hound of Ulster (demigod kicked out of the Exiles) csyphrett

Red Eye (Mage asked to step down from the Saturn’s Five) csyphrett

Crashdown (Flying brick who left to the Party Animals) csyphrett

Bubbles (Force field projector kicked out of the Punch and Judy Show) csyphrett

The Flamingo (Martial Artist wounded in action with the Even/Odds) csyphrett

Duel Monster (Shapechanger that changes to attack his opponent’s weakness. Left the Owls) csyphrett


112 The Teen Tartans (Teenaged heroes of Scottland) Megaplayboy

Donald (Changes into a red lion) csyphrett

Blue Ribbon (Light Brick) SKJAM!

Lady Thistle (Plant Controller) Cygnia

St Andrew (Shield bearing martial artist/brick) csyphrett

The Piper of the Black Watch (Music using mentalist) Death Tribble

Dr. John Psmith (Psychic skill mimic) csyphrett

The Glaswegian (Berserker) csyphrett

The Dragon’s Pen (Uses a pen that transforms things) csyphrett


113 The Planetary Patrol (Crew of the EDseila) csyphrett

Lt SueLou (Controls wind/Pilot) csyphrett

Mor Tox Ki (Transformer/Chief Engineer) csyphrett

Lt Commander Shlub (Energy projector/ Commander of marine detachment) csyphrett

Lt Han Slytov (Telepath/Supply Officer) BoloOfEarth Captain

Jaim Stering (Luck powers/Captain of the ship) csyphrett

Dr. Cyu Sumtim (Healing touch/ Chief medical officer) csyphrett Krigal (AI) Christopher

Morph (Shapechanger/Grunt) Death Tribble

Lt Commander Oak(Mage/ Head of Research and Science) csyphrett

T’koolrin (Universal translator/Communications) SKJAM!


114 The Winter Wardens (Ice based heroes) SKJAM!

Stormalong (Summons a flying ship of ice) csyphrett

Snowdog (Dire wolf) Cygnia

Snowflower (Ice person) Christopher

Wampa (Were-Yeti) Badger


115 The Nomadic Nine (Heroes forced to wander the Earth) Badger

Jack Lamp (ghost) csyphrett Newmann (Uncontrollable powers) BoloOfEarth

4th Dimension (Controller of time and space) Christopher

The Littlest Hero (Cursed dwarf with growth and random powers) Death Tribble

The Flying Dutchman (Hero cursed to hover off the ground) Death Tribble

The Destroyer (A partial Grond clone that gets stronger and dumber the madder he gets) csyphrett

Hell on Wheels (Demon cursed to help people) Badger

The Raz (Trickster acrobat with trick weapons) csyphrett

The Guitar Man (magician bard) csyphrett


116 The Shooting Stars (Heroes blasted across the universe to a hostile planet) csyphrett

Rocket (Flying Brick) csyphrett

Cumulative (Weather wizard) csyphrett

The Flying Tiger (Martial Artist) csyphrett

Baseline (Magician that uses living energy for spells) csyphrett

The Captain (Martial artist and leader of the team) csyphrett

Velocity (Controls speed of movement in herself and others) csyphrett

Psi Eye (Clairvoyant) csyphrett


117 Louisville Lovers (Tean created by an alien to see if love is stronger than hate) csyphrett

The Slugger (Uses trick balls) Black Ops

The Priestess (Tolerant clergy) Death Tribble

Paladin Benatar (Knight of Love) Lucius Alexander

The Green Ghost (Minor vigilante) Badger

Pure (Heals breaks) csyphrett

Hope (Empath) Death Tribble


118 Hot Young Teens (Members of a group from the 80's) Death Tribble

Kid Claw (Wolverine type/Killed by Miss Kitty) Death Tribble

The Oracular Kid (Magician that became Red Eye) csyphrett

Unity (Energy projector that went home to Germany) Christopher

Gunchick (Gunslinger that lost her secret identity) Cygnia

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Beetle (Martial artist who became Bugshido) Lucius Alexander

Max Cool (Ice Person who fell victim to Liefeld Syndrome) SKJAM!


119 The Fit Five (Heroes enlisted by the Department of Health to promote fitness) SKJAM!

The Gymnast (Acrobat and martial artist) csyphrett

Sailor Man (Brick that takes a special formula) Lucius Alexander

Dr. Teeth (Gadgeteer dentist) Cygnia

Calcium (Light powered armor and spike guns) csyphrett

Pogo Stick Girl (Removed member that used pogo stick) Martin2


120 Team UK (heroes representing Great Britain) Martin2

Robert the Dark (Ghost/Scotland) Cygnia

The Cardiff Giant (Stone come to life to defend Wales) csyphrett

Lady Thistle

The Lion


121. Micro 7 (small heroes) Werehawk

Electron Electra csyphrett

Q csyphrett

Fun Guy Lawnmower Boy

Crimson Cockroach assault

Big Guy Christopher

Micron Man death tribble

Ant Atom csyphrett


122. Expendables (heroes fighting a crisis 6) csyphrett

Demorg - badger

Johnny Underworld - csyphrett

Kaiju - csyphrett

Helldiver - csyphrett

Sea Change - badger

Pygmalion - csyphrett


123. Caribou Lodge (heroes based on the deer who pull Santa's sleigh ?

Thunder - csyphrett

Lightning - csyphrett

Dasher - death tribble

Dancer - death tribble

Vixen - cygnia

Prancer - christopher

Comet - csyphrett

Cupid - Michael Hopcroft


124. National League of Superheroes (based on professional sports teams ? Michael Hopcroft

Revolutionary cygnia

Checker csyphrett

Beaneater badger

The Bronco assault

Seahawk Werehawk

Mariner Werehawk

Sounder Werehawk

Globetrotter csyphrett


125. Knights of the Saints csyphrett

Sir Dumachus (knight of St Nicholas) - Lucius

Isidor (saint of technology) - Christopher

Knight of St Jude - csyphrett

Knight of Saint Christopher - csyphrett

Constantine - christopher

Xenia the Righteous - christopher

Xenia 2 - christopher

Knight of St Francis - csyphrett

Sir Valdamaar the great (St Vladimir) - Lucius


126. Home team (heroes with sheets posted on forum 4) Lucius

Super Silver Astro Force Man - csyphrett

Ghost Girl - csyphrett

Scion - death tribble from an idea by Enforcern84

Hotspur - csyphrett


127. Extreme Duel Fighting Champions (7) csyphrett

Stonestaff - christopher

Thousand Dragon Punch - csyphrett

Kickstarter - bolo of earth

Cinnamon - badger

Peppermint - badger

Micropunch - christopher

2Xtreme - death tribble


128. Chorus (music based heroes 5) death tribble

Munch - Christopher

Seraph - csyphrett

Lyre - csyphrett

Couplet - death tribble

Fortissimo - cygnia


129. Erinyes (female heroes based on Greek myth/legend 6) cygnia

Tisiphone - SKJAM!

Hippocampus - csyphrett

Medusa - Badger

Scylla - cygnia

Echo - csyphrett

Thetis - csyphrett


130. Guardians of Monchmart (heroes who have guarded said community since founding 9) csyphrett

Alicia Cardwell - badger

Cardinel - csyphrett

Spirit of Independence - death tribble

Red Staff - christopher

Dr Clive Carter - csyphrett

Son of Liberty - death tribble

The Capitalist - SKJAM!

Peacer - csyphrett


131. The Flock (flying heroes 5) csyphrett

Iron Eagle - death tribble

Thrust - Hermit

Roc - csyphrett

Aloft - Bolo of Earth

Chopper - death tribble


132. Vatican Secret Service (heroes working for the Catholic Church 5, max 10) death tribble

Father Scourge SKJAM!

Sister Shadow Hermit

Right Hand csyphrett

Plaguemaster badger

Rosenkreuz cygnia

The Caller csyphrett

Cardinal death tribble

Father Confessor death tribble

The Cross csyphrett

Steel Crusader Hermit


133. Hunt Club (bounty hunters 5) Hermit

James Arnett death tribble

Fairy Man csyphrett

Hard Cash death tribble

Lonesome Cowboy Christopher

Trouble nothere


134. Superheroines of Superhero City (6 but 8 done) nothere

GoGo Girl Nothere

Slime Girl Hermit

Golden Idol csyphrett

Crimson Mole csyphrett

Stevedora Death Tribble

Black Art christopher

Psithriller Cygnia

Vestia Christopher


135. Heatseekers (6) cygnia

Penny Brighter csyphrett

Shaitan cygnia

Flaming Fist

Crimson Heartfire csyphrett

Captain Volcano csyphrett

Human Furnace csyphrett


136. Aesir - csyphrett

Woad csyphrett

Valdar csyphrett

Phoenix Christopher

Magni Crimson

Goat Eater csyphrett

Hildegarde csyphrett


137. I-Spies (named after parts of the Eye 5) csyphrett

Lens csyphrett

Retina Christopher

Iris Christopher

Facet Christopher

Blind Spot Christopher


138. Kings in Hiding Cygnia

Captain Sargasso csyphrett

Oberon XIX badger

Thomas King Laundry Knight

Pharoah Christopher

King of Spain SKJAM!

King Nothing Badger


139. The Underground (preparing for the big one ? Badger

Captain Absalo Winters badger

Idiot Savant Laundry Knight

Damage Control csyphrett

Seer Badger

Fabrique csyphrett

U4 badger

Line Man csyphrett

Sasquatch Christopher


140. American Dream (5) The Arc

Vigilant Christopher

Red Glare csyphrett

Molly Pitcher Badger

Starstripes csyphrett

American Athame Hermit


141. Four Rocketeers Hermit

Ram csyhrett

Wild Storm Christopher

Firefly Christopher

Swift Thought Christopher


142. MMI (Mirror versions of heroes/villains who have flame names 6)Christopher

Smoulder Nothere

King Ray csyphrett

Torchbearer cygnia

Blazer X csyphrett

Burn Notice Badger

Flamebreaker Cygnia


143. Supercandidates (5) Cygnia

Captain Crewcut

Professor Recycler

Comrade Christopher

Darrick Direction Matt Holck


144. Butterflies (6) Matt Holck

Adept Matt Holck

Swallowtail cygnia

Tiger Lily csyphrett

Iris Matt Holck

Papillion Cygnia

Bayanna csyphrett


145. Human Targets (people with defence but no real offence 6) csyphrett

Stand In SKJAM!

The Block csyphrett

Hostage Girl nothere

Mr Nowhere Christopher

Living Cadaver death tribble

The Medic cygnia


146. Teen Sceptics (A Loving Scooby Doo rip off)

Martian (scooby) csyphrett

Flasher (Shaggy) Nothere

Perception (Velma) csyphrett

Moldy Skull (Daphne) Psyber624

Man of Action (Fred) death tribble


147. The Fearless 5 ! (Superteam vanished when fighting Rogue Battalian) Death Tribble

Cyberia Psyber624

Herd Badger

Princess Z csyphrett

Double Dribble Psyber624

The Lark Nothere


148. Force Tank (6) Nothere

Cerebella Psyber624

The Rainmaker csyphrett

Robot Master Laundry Knight

ManofWar csyphrett

Project Supervisor csyphrett

Egress Hermit


149. Pageant (6) Beauty Contestants gassed who then got powers. Hermit

Smoke Panther csyphrett

Gurza Cygnia

Miss United Kingdom Death Tribble

Fist of the Dragon csyphrett

Miss Ganesha Death Tribble

Miss Greenland Bolo of Earth


150. Mustangs Horse related powers (5) Bolo of Earth

Old Paint csyphrett

Rodeo Bolo of Earth

Pooka Cygnia

Hippocampus csyphrett

Ironhorse csyphrett


151. Justice Avengers 5) Red,white and blue Supersoldiers csyphrett

Liberte Cygnia

Ultramarine csyphrett

Patriotic patsy Kahuna's Bro

Starlight csyphrett

Le Grand Breton Death Tribble


152. That 60s Team ! (heroes from the 60s) Death Tribble

Weed Bolo of Earth

Phoenix csyphrett

Addam Munster Badger

Peaceman Nothere

Hebean csyphrett

Moonbeam Bolo of Earth

Major Djinn csyphrett

Agent Orange Badger

Guardsman Bolo of Earth

Woodstock csyphrett


153. Animals (team that is a band that turns into animals)  6 csyphrett

Gibbon (drummer) csyphrett

Leaping Lizard (lead singer) Death Tribble

Jaguar (bass guitar) Bolo of Earth

Joe Cool (backup) Bolo of Earth

Keynine (piano/organ) Zen Archer

Electric Eel (electric guitar) Bolo of Earth


154. Hexagram (mages defending Earth) 6 Bolo of Earth

Pweta - csyphrett

Planar Bolo

Full Metal Golem

Omen - Psyber624

Exorcist Morocosi - csyphrett

Whitegiard - Nothere


155. Abnormals (helping people changed into other forms) 6 Nothere

Hunter Nothere

Werewolf by Day death tribble

Black Hole csyphrett

Overdrive Bolo

Diamond Mage Bolo

R.B. - Badger


156. Constellations (based on constellations in the sky) 6-10 Badger

Cassiopeia Bolo

Pleiades - Lores Lost

Orion - csyphrett

Cetus - Death Tribble

Ursa Major csyphrett

Gemini badger

Draco Lores Lost

Swan csyphrett

Pisces Death Tribble


157. Death Squad America ! (heroes accused of acting as a death squad in magazine article) Death tribble

American Protector - Death Tribble

Captain Zeo - csyphrett

Red Skin - Hermit

Pscanner - Bolo of Earth

Foementor - Old Man


158. Tranquility Acres heroes (Golden Age heroes back in action) 5 csyphrett

Trifecta - Bolo of Earth

Kid Comet Hermit

Unicorn Shield csyphrett

Master Zhong - Old Man

Dream Queen - Hermit


159. Nar Neo Knights (heroes working for Nar Cola) 4 Hermit

Fizz csyphrett

Hardstone death Tribble

Cherry Bomb - Hermit

The Rush - Old Man


160. Street Beat (heroes with not very strong powers) 5 Old Man

Ballerina - csyphrett

Wrapper - Bolo of Earth

Rockabilly - Lucius

Souncheck - csyphrett

Salsa - Bolo of Earth


161.Snak Attack (heroes based on unhealthy eating between meals) 4 distinct posters Bolo of Earth

Big Mac - Bolo

Powder Puff csyphrett

Pop Tart Bolo

Fry csyphrett

Whopper Badger

Deep Dish Bolo

Twizzler csyphrett

Porkrind Old Man

Chips Bolo


162. David Five (giant robots to fight giant monster threat) 5 Old Man

Macon Missile Massacre Mammoth - csyphrett

Gear csyphrett

Blockbuster Venus - csyphrett

Egg - Nothere

Hexapod - csyphrett


163. Mythos Children of obscure Gods 5 csyphrett

Son of Bachrior csyphrett

Daughter of Tefnut - death tribble

Son of Nin-Ildu - Enforcer84

Son of Egeria - SKJAM!

Joe Terminus - Hermit


164. The HBF (Heroes Best Friends) Heroes pets who have adventures 5 Hermit

Ruffin - SKJAM!

Mogo - csyphrett

Smoky - Cygnia

Americat - SKJAM!

Nebucanezzer - death tribble


165. Anti Magic League (out to destroy magic/prove that it is a fraud) 6 Death Tribble

Witchfinder General - death tribble

Professor O'Haire - cygnia

Dr Harrison Houdan - csyphrett

Antithesis - Nothere

Skeptech - Bolo of Earth

Cursebreaker - SKJAM!


166. Shooters (sponsored by NRA and they use guns for good) 6 SKJAM!

Long Gunner - csyphrett

Last Gunslinger - Badger

Rifleman - Death Tribble

Terminus - Bolo of Earth

Darringer - csyphrett

Heckler - Black Ops


167. High Tech Knights (modern knights) - 7 Black Ops

Last Knight - death tribble

Flaming Sword - christopher

Blythe Stager - csyphrett

Lancer - Nothere

Night Knight - Bolo of Earth

Ser Plate - csyphrett

Platelet - csyphrett


168. Tenessee Volunteers (based around Tenessee) - 5 csyphrett

Memphis Belle - cygnia

Atomic City Sentry - Hermit

Fat Elvis - csyphrett

Appalach - christopher

Mockingbird - Hermit


169. Mask Inc (protect the secret IDs of others) - 5 Hermit

Deadman - csyphrett

Mr Nebbish - Mr Log

Wipe - Hermit

Daydream Believer - Bolo of Earth

Financeer - csyphrett


170. Pens of Wabash (based on pens and writing instruments) - 6 csyphrett

Spring - csyphrett

Gel Pack - csyphrett

Ink - csyphrett

Clicker - csyphrett

Word - Nothere

Crayola - Badger


171. Easter Brigade (based on Easter) - 5 Nothere

Bouncer - Nothere

Bunny - Badger

Egg Man - csyphrett

Dr Cadbury - Badger

Peeps - csyphrett


172. Mechanico Inc (backup group who look at tech and phenomena, build stuff etc) - 6 csyphrett

Dr Menlo Hurst - csyphrett

Diffuse - Cancer

Temporal Titan - csyphrett

Cog - csyphrett

Dr Pioneer - Death Tribble

Dr Element - Death Tribble


173. The Sunshine Boys (heroes active only in the Summer months) - 5 Death Tribble

HeatWave - csyphrett

Mercury - JmOz

Sunshine Girl - Lucius

Argyte - Nothere

Polarizer - SKJAM!


174. Court of Dreams - (7 male and 7 female mystics and sentai) 14 PhantomGM1601



175. Haneyville Hard Hitters (World War 2 homefront heroes) 5 csyphrett

Protector - csyphrett

Blasto the Magician - SKJAM!

Myterious Duck Man - csyphrett

Ragtime Gal - ~SKJAM!

Victory Garden - Nothere


176. 'The Zen Team' (it needs no name) cultist fights from the 30s 5 Nothere

No One - Nothere

Magga - Lucius

Shui - csyphrett

Han - csyphrett

Zen - Death Tribble


177. The LA Rangers (ad-hoc group fighting gangs in LA) 5-10 Death Tribble

Breaker - SKJAM!

Hand of Justice - Death Tribble

The Medic - Death Tribble

Sikes - csyphrett

Urban Spaceman - Death Tribble

Hollywood Hawk - csyphrett


178. Reversibles (heroes who are villains unknowingly from an idea by death Tribble in Vilains thread) 5 csyphrett

Judge - Steraica

Lady Light - Death Tribble

Stellar - Nothere

Carrier - csyphrett

Sunbeam - Death Tribble


179. Aqua Teen Force (teen heroes who fight on/in/under water) 5-10 death Tribble

Teen Tempest - csyphrett

Cowabunga - Nothere

Squid Nelson - Death Tribble

Sea Gull - csyphrett

Teen Lifeguard - Death Tribble

Leviathana Jopnes - csyphrett


180. Monster Patrol (non humans who fight in the night) - 6 csyphrett

Lady Gorgon - Death Tribble

Dust - csyphrett

Horror - Echo3Niner

Hunter - Nothere

Gloria the Good - Death Tribble

Troll'r - Bolo of Earth


181. The Bookwyrms (powers from favourite books) -5  Bolo of Earth
Felix - Echo3Niner
Dilvish - csyphrett
Sherlock - csyphrett
Babel Fish - Hermit
Ap-Peale - SKJAM!

182. Daytimers (6 heroes who can only operate during the day)
Apolla - PsiJudge McCabe
Sunwolf - Bolo of Earth
Clock Watcher - csyphrett
Dawn - Quozaxx
Shine - Death Tribble
Dr Abraham Hallsinger - Freakboy6117

183. Night Shift (heroes only operative at night) - freakboy6117
Nightmind - Bolo of Earth
Stein - csyphrett
Luna Tic - Bolo of Earth
The Hand - csyphrett
Glenda the Good - Death tribble
Goodwill- Bolo of Earth

184. Hero Support  support services for heroes - Bolo of Earth
Kate Kiley (analysis) - csyphrett
TacMaster - Bolo of Earth
Angel's Advocate - SKJAM!
Kevin Barrett (founder) - Death Tribble

185.Team Fabulous (they fight crime and they look good doing it) - Death Tribble
Model Man - Nothere
Armani - Echo3Niner
Carol Caress - csyphrett
Fashionista - Death Tribble
Quickchange - Bolo of Earth

186. Oversight _ Bolo of Earth
Colonel William Rogers (American Protector) - Death Tribble
Arsenal - csyphrertt
Warren Gatland - Death Tribble
Chamelia Lions - Christopher
Analysis - SKJAM!
The Commander - Freakboy6117

187. Morphium Club
Skiptime - Bolo of Earth
The Legionary - Death Tribble
Kay Shan, the dragon of Shanghai - csyphrett
Magnificnet Marconi- csyphrett
Timewalker - Death Tribble
Dr Jeddidah Fix - csyphrett
Mau - freakboy6117
William Savage - freakboy6117

188. Alien Reputation Renewal 6 Normally hostile aliens who act as heroes - csyphrett
Adam Silver - Freakboy6117
Tracker - Death Tribble
kylyq - Freakboy6117
Hugh Albert Mann - Freakboy6117
Alstoy Alwof - csyphrett
Prince Iormo - freakboy6117

189. Seven Wonders (based on the 7 wonders of the Ancient World)
Nike - freakboy6117
Phantom Lighthouse - csyphrett
Gardenia - Freakboy6117
Artemesia the Bereaved
Pyramid - csyphrett
The Mental Colossus - freakboy6117
Hope- csyphrett
moon Stalker - Freakboy6117

190. Legendary Creatures csyphrett (based on creatures from myths)
tikbalang - csyphrett
Chimera - freakboy6117
Knocker - Freakboy6117
The Sphinx - Death Tribble
Koo-Shee - Lucius
Hantu Raya - csyphrett

191. Defenders of Sol 8 csyphrett
Saffon the Sorceress - freakboy6117
Gray Ghost - csyphrett
Sailor Man - Lucius
Kimya - freakboy6117
Operative X-1 Agent of the Majextic 12 - Freakboy6117
Bert Wall - csyphrett
Captain Trident - freakboy6117

192. New Republican Guard 6 French heroes - The Arc
Porthos - The Arc
Menhir - freakboy6117
Worrier - csyphrett
Maginot - freakboy6117
faconner - freakboy6117
Musketeer - Death Tribble
Fusionner - freakboy6117
Tonnerre Noir - Bolo of Earth

193. Thunderbirds - morpheus Rex
Butte - Nothere
Walks Far - Death Tribble
Eagle Eye - Lucius
Smile - csyphrett
Setting Sun - Death Tribble
Sand Spirit - Badger
Dog Soldier - freakboy6117

194. Devil Killers 7
Van Hell Sling - Death Tribble
Freedomsong - Lucius
Priest - Death Tribble
War Beast - csyphrett
The Chorister - freakboy6117
La Cazadora - Badger
Hel Striker - freakboy6117

195. Recess Rescuers 8
Hound - csyphrett
Tank Girl - csyphrett
Copier - csyphrett
Glop - Bolo of Earth
Survive - csyphrett
Bat Man - csyphrett
Long Tall Sally - Freakboy6117

196. The A Team
Amarillo Armadillo - SKJAM!
Ada Azule - freakboy6117
Arkansas - Death Tribble
Anchor - csyphrett
Awol - csyphrett
Aloha! - Death Tribble

197. Six Flags - Death Tribble
Solomon the Mighty - csyphrett
Greek Fire - Badger
Captain Peru - Death tribble
Parkport - Bolo of Earth
The People's Champion of Light - csyphrett
Crown Raven - freakboy6117
Drak - freakboy6117

198. Rock Band (rock/mineral/semi precious stone) - freakboy6117
Emerald Toro - csyphrett
Alabaster - Bolo of Earth
Diamondelle - csyphrett
Topaz - csyphrett
Citrine - Bolo of Earth
Fordite - freakboy6117

199. The Cool Crusaders - Nothere
Frostbite - Nothere
Iceblock - Badger
Chillax - Bolo of Earth
Silver Skater - csyphrett
Cool Runnings - freakboy6117
Zero - csyphrett
Snosstorm - Badger

200. team New Orleans
Papa Os - freakboy6117
Levee - csyphrett
St Jude - csyphrett
barrataria - csyphrett
The Muse - csyphrett
katrina - csyphrett
Doc Salvage - freakboy6117

201. Seven Ups (based in Florida and have a connection to 7) - csyphrett
Sevenfold - Rails
lucky 7 - Bolo of Earth
Warp 7 - csyphrett
Seven Sea of Rhye - Death Tribble
7 League Bett - freakboy6117
seven Tons - cyphrett
Seventh Son - Bolo of Earth

202. Supportera of the Rock Band - Bolo of Earth
Club Pillar - csyphrett
O.P.A.L. (online Personal Assistant Limited) - Bolo of Earth
The Rock Tumbler - freakboy6117
Jasper Smithson - Bolo of Earth
George Geode - csyphrett
Sgt Stephanie Stone - csyphrett

203. Grocery Greens (Vegetable themed heroes) - csyphrett
Cauliflower Ear - Bolo of Earth
Brock Lee - Freakboy6117
Spinach Man - Lucius
popcorn - csyphrett
Ketchup - Lucius
Pea Shooter - freakboy6117

204. The Sins of the Father (descendents of supervillains) - freakboy6117
The Friar - Death Tribble (son of Dr Nymax!)
Mercy (daughter of an assassin) - freakboy6117
Lullaby (daughter of Brown Note) - csyphrett
Dietician (son of Monsieur Souffle) - Bolo of Earth
Ticky (creted by Tak the Lich) - csyphrett
Restitution (son of Art Thief) - freakboy6117

205. The Able 8 - freakboy6117
Rajit Iron Hands - freakboy6117
Strobe- lixivious
Voyeur - csyphrett
The Squid - csyphrett
Zen Arrow - csyphrett
Dragon's Breath - csyphrett
Moonblade - csyphrett
Touch - csyphrett

206. The Freys (family hero group killed in Detroit, Eagles connection) - csyphrett
Queen of Hearts - csyphrett
Axel F - Bolo of Earth
Fast Lane - csyphrett
Easy - Amorkca
Midnight Flyer - Death Tribble

207. USA 5-0 - death Tribble
Mindtouch - Bolo of Earth
Nightstick - Lixivious
The Wire - csyphrett
Blooper - csyphrett
Jack Nil - freakboy6117

208. Compass Roses (a direction and a flower 4) - freakboy6117
Eastern Alchymist - Amorkca
West Tulip - csyphrett
Southern Kudzu - csyphrett
Northern Rose - Death Tribble

209. The Three Graces - Death Tribble
Thalia - csyphrett
Retiaria - freakboy6117
Aglaea - csyphrett

210. Cloud Base 9 (5 rangers who work for UNTIL) - csyphrett
Purifier - Bolo of Earth
Resonator - freakboy6117
Clemente - csyphrett
particler - csyphrett
Manna - freakboy6117

211. XLR-8 (speedsters with one other archtype) freakboy6117
The Swift Hand (martial artist) - Death tribble
Mighty Missile Man - csyphrett
Speed Read (mentalist) - Badger
Quick Draw McCall (weaponsmaster) - Bolo of Earth
Stars and Stripes (energy projector) - freakboy6117
Quick Change (morph) - csyphrett
Doc Quick (gadgeteer) - freakboy6117
Time Lash (energy projector) - Death Tribble

212. The Underground (heroes who can operate underground) - death Tribble
Caverner - csyphrett
Rock Solid - Badger
The Albino - Bolo of Earth
The Miner - Death Tribble
Abyss - Amorkca
T.A.R. - Lixivious

213. The Ex Cons (5 former super criminals) - Lixivious
Extremity - Bolo of Earth
Countess Yorga - Death Tribble
manipulator - Nothere
The Thousand Cuts - csyphrett
Big Show - freakboy6117

214. Justice Defenders 6 Merged Heroes (DC and Marvel)
USA BAT - Death Tribble
moon Lantern - csyphrett
Professor Spectre - csyphrett
Dr Kent - Bolo of Earth
Curious Cat - Captn Strawberry
power - freakboy6117

215. Euro Guard Espana - freakboy6117
El Cid - csyphrett
The Republican - Death Tribble
El Minotauro - Captn Strawberry
El Capa - csyphrett
The Pyrenean - Badger

216. Antarticana (heroes operating in the Antarctic)
Frosty - freakboy6117
The Penguin - csyphrett
Atomic Warrior - freakboy6117
Ice Skater - csyphrett
Ice Ursa - Nothere
Super Dude - freakboy6117

217. Ryan's Rejects (6 minor superpowers) - Freakboy6117
Sidestep - Bolo of Earth
battle Beast - Lucius
Quartermass - csyphrett
Gentleman Bat - Badger
peat - csyphrett
Deadeye - Death Tribble

218. Speed Squad
Hexagon - freakboy6117
Force India - csyphrett
red bull - nothere
Aguri Aka - freakboy6117
Walter Wolf - csyphrett
Golden lotus - Bolo of Earth
HAAS - freakboy6117

219. Sanctum Six guards etc of hero bases - freakboy6117
Joshua - Bolo of Earth
Donald morgan - csyphrett
Sofa Surfer - Old Man
Margarite Bonaducci - csyphrett
Djinni S - Old Man
Blip - Nothere

220. The Dimension Defenders Good allegories of villains - Nothere
Ubernazi - Nothere
Luthor Black - csyphrett
proizvodstva - freakboy6117
Exo Man - bolo of Earth
The Mechanism - Death Tribble

221. pharaoh Force Five - Death Tribble
Psusennes - csyphrett
Menpehtyre Ramsesses - Death Tribble
Ahmosis - Bolo of Earth
Sobekneferu - Freakboy6117
narmer - csyphrett

222. The Risers (coming back from death) - csyphrett
Necromanca - Death Tribble
crash - csyphrett
Monkey's Paw - Badger
Claim Jumper - Badger
Reboot - freakboy6117


223 Five Jade Wanderers

Jade Tiger – Death Tribble

Jade Elephant – csyphrett

Jade Water – csyphrett

Jade Eye – Cygnia

Jade Razor – freakboy6117


224. NATO Meta Ops (5 elite super soldiers) freakboy6117

Alexander – Nothere

Hercule – csyphrett

Mountain King – death Tribble

Juro – freakboy6117

Aurelius – Death tribble


225. From Russia With Lob – Death tribble

Shepherder - csyphrett

The Mongol – Death Tribble

Laika – csyphrett

Volga – Death tribble

Prince Ivan – csyphrett

Arkonast – csyphrett

Nemoy – freakboy6117


226. The Lords of Justice 5 – freakboy6117

Doctor Bunyip – csyphrett

The Green Knight – Death Tribble

Princess Santichai – Old Man

Lung Tik – Death Tribble

Pele Tiki - csyphrett


227. Land Sharks (5 Australian shark type heroes) – csyphrett

Pygmy Shark – Death tribble

Tiger Shark – csyphrett

The Great White – csyphrett

Carchariniform – Death Tribble

Pool Shark – freakboy6117


228. Roustabouts 5 wandering circus/carnival folk - freakboy6117

Stuntjumper – csyphrett

Roustabout – Death Tribble

Coin Dozer – freakboy6117

Gus Cramer - csyphrett

Whirlitzer and Dodgem – freakboy6117


229. White Gear (cyborg opponents of Black Gear’s team) – freakboy6117

Automated Reconstructed Marine (ARM) – Death Tribble

ROT – csyphrett

Legendary Estonian Giant (LEG) – Death tribble

EEL – csyphrett

Tactical Operations Engineer (TOE) – Death Tribble

ROM – csyphrett

Remote Interdiction Being (RIB) – Bolo of Earth-Speak


230. Unlimited Liability Corporation (enemies of the Corporate Raiders) – Bolo of Earth

Router – Death Tribble

Bear – csyphrett

Detroit Steel – Death tribble

Gamesman – csyphrett

Five Hundred – csyphrett

Good Hand – csyphrett


231 Ectoplasmic Exterminators INC – csyphrett

Spirit Trap – csyphrett

Chalk – freakboy6117

Streams – Death Tribble

Deadeye – freakboy6117


232. The Phoenix Five (5 who died but have been returned to do more work) – freakboy6117

Mercury – csyphrett

Carl Machin – Death Tribble

Miss Might – freakboy6117

Velocity – csyphrett

Old Glory – freakboy6117


233. Dynamic Duos (3 pairs)

Heckler – csyphrett

Vex – freakboy6117

Libertarian – Death Tribble

Librarian – Bolo of Earth-Speak

Spoon -csyphrett

The Bohemian – freakboy6117


234 The Stolen 6 thieves now doing good freakboy6117

Nocturnal – Badger

cetaceus – JackValhalla

Mighty Star – csyphrett

Corsican - Bolo of Earth

Perceptor – Badger

Revenant – death tribble


235. Zodiac Force – Death tribble

Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius – jack Valhalla

Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Virgo – csyphrett

Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Aries – freakboy6117


236. National Park Service Super Ramgers (Wild Bunch) – freakboy6117

Ranger Smith – csyphrett

Yogi – Bolo of Earth

Spore – nothere

Woodpecker – csyphrett

Trailblazer – freakboy6117

Smoke Jumper – csyphrett

Canyonero – csyphrett


237. Sons of Liberty (6 battling China and North Korea) – csyphrett

Commando Ten – csyphrett

old Glory – Death Tribble

Commando 42 – Bolo of Earth

Captain Airwave – csyphrett

Lady Liberty - Christopher

Blood Warrior – Nothere


238. Buxom Battling Babe Brigade – Nothere

Kaboom - Nothere

Fire Rocket – Death Tribble

Switchblade Sally - freakboy6117

Dipsomancer – csyphrett

Betty Rage – freakboy6117

The dangerous Daredoll – csyphrett


239. The Rescue Express (7) – csyphrett

Jay Jay – Bolo of Earth

Domino – csyphrett

Door to Door – freakboy6117

UPS _ Death tribble

Fed X – freakboy6117
Amazon – Bolo of Earth
Papa John – csyphrett
240. Society of Sherlocks (10 based on TV detectives0  - csyphrett
Kick Charleston – csyphrett
Manx – csyphrett
Faulkner – freakboy6117
Ironseid - Death tribble
Todd – Death Tribble
Citadel – PsiJudge McCabe
Jack Stave – freakboy6117
Dave Howitzer – Death Tribble
Nero Cannon Wulf – steraica
Templar – csyphrett
Ghost in the Machine – freakboy6117 (extra entry)
241. Australia’s Avengers (9 based on the Avengers) csyphrett
Blue Bullroarer – csyphrett
Kookaburra – Death Tribble
Iron Ranger – freakboy6117
Boomerang – Death Tribble
Dropbear – freakboy6117
Tan Thylacine – csyphrett
Recluse – freakboy6117
Captain Australia – Death Tribble
Tarantula – JohnnyAppleseed098
242. Zeroes to Heroes (5 minor heroes whose powers are specific)
Enhance – csyphrett
Moon Girl – freakboy6117
Homerun – freakbou6117
Cat Scan – Nothere
Thermostat – freakboy6117
243. The Movement (Cuba’s defense force) – freakboy6117
Supreme Soviet – Death Tribble
El Guardian de Hierro de la Revolution – freakboy6117
Blanc Grande – csyphrett
La Dama de la Isla – Badger
Plantacion – Bolo of Earth
244. Rocky Mountain Rangers (6 based out of Denver) - Bolo of Earth
Mountain Man -  Old Man
High Guy – Freakboy6117
Boulder – freakboy6117
Coloramando – csyphrett
Great Divider – csyphrett
Telluride – freakboy6117
245. Continental Centurion and the First Thirteen
Delaware Detective – Lucius
Georgia on my Mind – Death Tribble
Cardinal – csyphrett
Pittsburgh Steel – freakboy6117
Rhode Island Red – Death Tribble
Sol – Bolo of Earth
Double Aught Buckley- freakboy6117
Blue Crescent – csyphrett
Blue and the Gray – csyphrett
The Mysterious Ong – freakboy6117
Keene Mind – freakboy6117
Constitution – csyphrett
Little Bill – Death Tribble
246. Seven Hills of Rome (7 heroes based on the seven hills of Ancient Rome) – death Tribble
La Quercia Ninfa – freakboy6117
Vigile – freakboy6117
Aventinus – csyphrett
Il Presidente – Death Tribble
Caput – csyphrett
Caelus – csyphrett
Roma Lupo – freakboy6117
247. The Silver Star (5 who protect important people) – freakboy6117
Star 1 – Death Tribble
The Globe – csyphrett
Phospher – csyphrett
Death Watch – freakboy6117
Hatch – csyphrett
248. Diamond Conspiracy (6 people with disabilities and earth powers) csyphrett
Block – freakboy6117
Avalanche – csyphrett
Blcakstone – Nothere
Dazzle – Bolo of Earth
Pebble – csyphrett
Shard – csyphrett
249. Young Strike Force 5-7  steraica
Arcanos the Mighty – csyphrett
Forcestar – Bolo of Earth
Charred – csyphrett
Rapier – csyphrett
Sidestep – Black Ops
Projected Kid – Nothere
Beastling – csyphrett
250. Shelled Shields of Justice (6 turtle/tortoise inspired heroes) – csyphrett
Chelydra – Bolo of Earth
Tactical Urban Reconnaissance for Total Law Enforcement TURTLE – Death Tribble
Gartule – Nothere
Young Kappa Commandoes – Lucius
Redc Snapper – csyphrett
Tort – Bolo of Earth
251. Spring Renewal (5 hippy heroes) – Bolo of Earth
Antiforce – Nothere
Moon Dance - csyphrett
Gentle Breeze – Bolo of Earth
Chill Bill - freakboy6117
Flower Power – Death Tribble
252. The Quadrilateral (4 heroes who are squares) – death Tribble
Fair and Square – freakboy6117
Right Angle – Bolo of Earth
Four Corners – csyphrett
Trapezoid – Bolo of Earth
253. Table Tops (6 based on table top games) – Bolo of Earth
Munchkin - csyphrett
Four of Clubs – Lucius
Clue – Death Tribble
Crit! - freakboy6117
Kobold – csyphrett
Scrabble – Death Tribble
254. Stars of Africa (5 heroes operating in Africa) Death Tribble
Sahara – Bolo of Earth
Captain Starlight – csyphrett
Ulama – Death Tribble
Missionary – csyphrett
N’Longa – csyphrett
The Sphinx – Badger
255.  Mutant Interdiction Office (6 undercover agents) – csyphrett
Black Swordsman – Steraica
Middleman - csyphrett
Primrose – Death Tribble
West Wind – csyphrett
Wren – Death Tribble
Vincet Terranova – csyphrett
256. Argonauts (8 heroes opposing Echidna) – csyphrett
Hydrax – freakboy6117
Basilisk – csyphrett
ARGUS – freakboy6117
Ligeia – Bolo of Earth
Peg – Death Tribble
Charon -csyphrett
Nemea – Bolo of Earth
Electric Rat – csyphrett
257.  Children of Peace (5 kids fighting for peace) - freakboy6117
Rag – csyphrett
Kutuzov – Death Tribble
Maria – csyphrett
Almaz - csyphrett
Quan - csyphret
258. Firewall (six Internet game named anti-malware heroes) - csyphrett
Nevermore - csyphrett
Diamone Drop - csyphrett
Go!Trainer - mrinku
Popul - csyphrett
Spartan 3.0 - The Arc
Candy - Freakboy6117
259. The Twelve Knights of Christmas (mystical armour related to the Winter season) - csyphrett
Shinging Star - csyphrett
Sir Log - Bolo of Earth
Mikado - Death Tribble
Bleak - SKJAM!
The Menorah - csyphrett
Mister Merry - Hermit
Wise Man - Hermit
Bag Man - Hermit
Christmas Rush - Hermit
The Knight of the Lights - Death Tribble
Gayle Goat - csyphrett
Twelth Knight - csyphrett
260. The Foot Pads (6 Dr Scholl sponsored group based around feet) - csyphrett
The Sole of Monty Python - Death Tribble
Fleet Runner - csyphrett
Achilles Heel - Death Tribble
Footprint - Bolo pf Earth
The Long Foot of the Law - Nothere
Foot Locker - Bolo of Earth
261. Disney Royalty (6 Disney backed heroes protecting their assets) - Bolo of Earth
Beauty's Beast - Death Tribble
The Rescuer - csyphrett
New Broom - Death Tribble
Wrecker - csyphrett
Tron - freakboy6117
Madam Min - csyphrett
262. Animal Assemblers (5 animals protecting the environment) - csyphrett
R.O.U.S. - freakboy6117
Grizzly - Death Tribble
T-Bird - csyphrett

Felinius – csyphrett

Crankcase – csyphrett

Delphinius - Bolo of Earth


263. STEM (Science, Technology engineering and Mathmatics) Brigade 4 Bolo of Earth

Professor Calculus – Death Tribble

Fractal – dsatow

Mike Mechanio – csyphrett

Weyland – csyphrett


264. The Last Chance (6 heroes to beat the Apocalypse)

Prometheus – Death Tribble

Argyle – csyphrett

Fluidronic Man – csyphrett

Master Chen – Death Tribble

Captain Terra – freakboy6117

Actinic – Watchman Mk IV


265. Los Guerilleros (5 South American)

Carnival – Death Tribble

La Bandera de Oro - csyphrett

Jungle Master – Badger
Capybara – csyphrett

Gaucho – Death Tribble


266. Indian group death tribble

Lion of India – Death Tribble

Mr Bengal – csyphrett

Vasu Shastra – csyphrett

Maharaja - Death Tribble

Byangoma – csyphrett

Officer Singh – Death Tribble

Gaijet – Mr R

Hathi – Bolo of Earth

Cobraster – csyphrett

Rik - csyphrett

Rakshesha – Death Tribble

Khukuri – Bolo of Earth


267. QUEST (High Tech Heroes) – Bolo of Earth

Quanta – Death Tribble

Universal Ubuntu – csyphrett

Explorer – csyphrett

Stargazer – Death Tribble

Tribe – freakboy6117


268. HALO (4 heroes with a halo) – freakboy6117

Hardwyre – Bolo of Earth

Mad Madison Madcheck – csyphrett

Seraphina – Death Tribble

The Saint of nails – freakboy6117


269. Seven Pillars (7 Islamic heroes) – Death Tribble

Pilgrim – Bolo of Earth

Conflict – csyphrett

Hazim – csyphrett

Sakat – csyphrett

Wask – Bolo of Earth

Nelson – csyphrett

Taharah – Bolo of Earth


270. Gamers (6 heroes based on different role playing games) – Bolo of Earth

Hero Unlimited – csyphrett

Sentinal – csyphrett

Fellow Traveller - Death Tribble

Cyberpunk 20/20 – freakbou6117

Fate – csyphrett

Shadow Runner – freakboy6117


271. Undying Patriots (5 flag wearing supernaturals) freakboy6117

Yowie – Bolo of Earth

Train Ghost - csyphrett

Senor Murcielago – csyphrett

Wehrmacht – Death Tribble

Tikoloshe – csyphrett


272. Bigguns (6 fat or large heroes) csyphrett

Boomer Boxcaiser – csyphrett

Minnesota Fats – Death Tribble

Thinner – Bolo of Earth

OBCity – Death Tribble

Pumper – csyphrett

Butterball – Death Tribble


273. HERO team (4 heroes named HERO) – Death Tribble

Hercules – csyphrett

Earnest – Bolo of Earth

Railgun – csyphrett

Oscar – dsatow


274. 4H club (hands, health, heart and head) – dsatow

Manos – csyphrett

Athlete – csyphrett

Cortex – Bolo of Earth

Empathy – freakboy6117


275. The Puppet Pals (5 puppet based) – freakboy6117

Howdy Doody – clnicholsusa

DA – csyphrett

GI Guy – Bolo of Earth

Bilateral Man – csyphrett

Bosco the Friendly Doll Possessor


276. Torches of Liberty

Masquerade – csyphrett

Holy Blaze – Bolo of Earth

The Promethean – csyphrett

Werewolf by Givenchy – Death Tribble

Dr Yodi – csyphrett

Jim The Monster Steele – csyphrett


277. Astro Man (6 counterparts of Astro Man) – csyphrett

Astro Man (Earth 10) – csyphrett

Astro Man (Earth 7) – Death Tribble

Astrodamus (Earth 17) – Bolo of Earth

Astro Man (Eartb X) – csyphrett

Astro Turf Man – Archer

Astro Namer – Death Tribble


278. The Marvels (6 based on Stan Lee creations) – Hermit

The Compass – csyphrett

Spider Moon – csyphrett

Impenetrable Bulk – Badger

Excelsior – Bolo of Earth

X-Man – csyphrett

The Odd Dentist – Death Tribble


279. Teen Brigade (5-10 teen team) – Death Tribble

The Atomic Bikini – Cancer

The Ice Skater – csyphrett

Roller Derby – Bolo of Earth

Kid America – Death Tribble

Moon Webster – csyphrett

Joe Cool – Bolo of Earth

Mary Jane – Bolo of Earth


280. Fruit frodown (4 fruit based heroes) – Bolo of Earth

Applejack – csyphrett

Coconaut – csyphrett

Pineapple Jack – Death tribble

Bananagram – Bolo of Earth


279. Carolers (7 heroes based on Christmas music) csyphrett

Little Drummer Boy – Bolo of Earth

Twelve – csyphrett

Hark the Herald Angel – Death Tribble

Randolph – csyphrett

Good king Wenceslas – Death Tribble

Carol of the Bells – Bolo of Earth

Blue Christmas – csyphrett


280. Colombo Champions (6 heroes based in Sri Lanka) csyphrett

Viverrine – Death Tribble

Clarke – csyphrett

Doctor Garuda – csyphrett

Mesua Ferrea – Death Tribble

The Trigram – csyphrett

Vijaya – csyphrett


281. The Crowley Special investigators (6 mystic TV detectives)

Monk – Bolo of Earth

Grizzly Gill – csyphrett

Ironside – Death Tribble

Mr Bog – csyphrett

Fetch – csyphrett

Cannon - Death Tribble


282. Redoubt (former teen heroes) Death tribble

Iron Iapetus - csyphrett

Aspis – Death Tribble

Knight of Justice – Death tribble

Scarrow – csyphrett

Doc Copper – Quackhell


283. Majestic 12 (12 heroes who inherited Majestic’s power) Quackhell

UFO - csyphrett

Gort – Death Tribble

The Grays (3) – Quackhell

Little green Man – Quackhell

Men in Black – Quackhell

The Human Dalek – Death Tribble

Comet – csyphrett

Blue Book – csyphrett

Strongarm – Bolo of Earth

Lightspeed – Death tribble


284. The four Gospels (4 religious based heroes)

Revalator - csyphrett

The Healer - Death Tribble

The Evangelist - Quackhell

Unknown Prophet - csyphrett


285. Devil's Brigade - csyphrett

The Disappearing Man - Death Tribble

Moravian Mole - csyphrett

Lt Nico Garibaldi - Quackhell

The Spirit - Death Tribble

Corporal Maya 'Lucky' Lopez - Quackhell


286. The Utility Players - Quackhell

Power Man - csyphrett

Gasman - Death Tribble

Waterworks - Quackhell

Jet Stream - csyphrett

Sanitos - Death Tribble


287. The Music Society - Death Tribble

Il Conduttore - Quackhell

Johnny Banjo - Death Tribble

The Orchestrator - Quackhell

Blue Note - csyphrett

Marsalis - csyphrett


288. France's School of the Gifted (5 French hero students) - csyphrett

Tricolore - Death Tribble

Baguette - archer

Reveuse - Quackhell

La Petite Marianne - Death Tribble

Masque de Fer - Hermit


289. Stunners aka O.G. Gang (Opera Gloves) (5 good looking women who wear opera gloves) - Hermit

Ingenue - Death Tribble

Noir - Thumper

Partition - csyphrett

Lady in White - Quackhell

Lady Sings the Blues - Death Tribble


290. The Ten Commandments (they enforce their commandment) - Death tribble

Bear Witness - Death Tribble

The Cad - csyphrett

Zabzel - Quackhell

Simplifier - Death Tribble

gus Florshem - csyphrett

Votary - Quackhell


291. ESPies (6 psionic spies) - Quackhell

Mindspear - csyphrett

Overlook - Death Tribble

Somnus - Quackhell

Kurogane - csyphrett

Travelling Show - Death Tribble

Ghost Mask - csyphrett


292. star Car drivers - csyphrett

Griem Ghast Spooky Spoiler - csyphrett

Mako Magnifico SabreShark Supercycle - Quackhell

Champagne Charlie Crimson Corvette - Death Tribble

See Plus Near Automaton - csyphrett

Klipspringer Supreme Bouncy Bouncy ! - Death Tribble

Princess Zelink Marpeach Royal Ride - csyphrett

Sayonara Sarah Scarlet Ray - Death Tribble

The Dasterdly Hood Haunted Hatchback - Death Tribble


293. Saintly Six (heroes based on Spiderman's Sinister Six) - Death Tribble

King Calamari (Doc Octopus )- Quackhell

Mighty Unicorn (Rhino) - csyphrett

Honey Buzzard (Vulture) - Death Tribble

The Mysterion (Mysterio) - csyphrett

Silica (Sandman) - Quackhell

UnSub (Chamaeleon) - Quackhell


294. Second Raters (based in Chicago with bad rep) Quackhell

The Bull of Chicago - Death tribble

The Train Man - csyphrett

Solar Scarab - csyphrett

Animagus - Bolo of Earth

Pop - Death Tribble

O'Hair - Bolo of Earth


295. Reconstruction Ltd - Bolo of Earth

Quantum Flex - csyphrett

Manpower - Quackhell

Complex - Quackhell

The Hammer - csyphrett

Toater - steraica


296. Champions 2050 - steraica

The Black Owl - csyphrett

The Wanderer - Bolo of Earth

Red Rover - csyphrett

Cavalier - csyphrett

Legacy - Quackhell


297. The Doomed (4 heroes who will die soon) - Quackhell

Parkour Jack - csyphrett

Charrua Guerrero - Quackhell

The Legionnaire of the Damned - Death Tribble

Duplicator - csyphrett


298. Locks (6 heroes Mormon and Indian protecting something in Utah's desert) - csyphrett

Brother Ammon - Quackhell

White Crow - csyphrett

Missionary Man- Death Tribble

Wakinyan - Quackhell

Lucy Dean Smith - Quackhell

Thunder in the Night - Death Tribble


299. United States Authority Team (rip off of the JLA) - Death Tribble

Brood - Jack Valhalla

Yellow Light - Death Tribble

Vape - Quackhell

HydroHuman - Sundog

Egoman - csyphrett


300. Toybox Golems - csyphrett

Rainbow Sprinkles - csyphrett

Soldier John - Death Tribble

Mannequin - Sundog

Melog System Construction Kit - Jack Valhalla

Monkey Rong - csyphrett

Monsterball - Badger


301. The Ozlanders (based on the Wizard of Oz) - Badger

Chopper - csyphrett

Jack Straw - Quackhell

Dorothy - Badger

The Cowardly Lyin - Sundog


302. The Golden Agers - Sundog

Glacia - Mr R

Commando X - Death Tribble

Light Blade - csyphrett

RIP Royale - Quackhell


303. The Power Couples - Sundog

Luchado Rojo and Mujer Maravilla - Death Tribble

Jan Nenesdotter and Julie Crane - Sundog

Mike Gold and Matt Silver - csyphrett

Belle Star and Belle Atrix - Death tribble


304. America's Best (7 heroes taken from all agencies) - Death Tribble

Trakker - Quackhell

Cowboy - Sundog

Quickling - Mr R

Tank Murdoch - Death tribble

Inquest – Jack Valhalla

Gail Harper - csyphrett

Warrant – Jack Valhalla


305. Virtue Capital – Jack Valhalla

Heavy Metal - Sundog

Nanobot Prime – Death Tribble

Doctor Tombs - csyphrett

Ultimatum – Jack Valhalla

The Technical Detective – Death Tribble

Master Boom – Death Tribble


306. Battle of Philadelphia (heroes)

TATA – Death Tribble

Red Crescent

Philadelphia Freedom - Quackhell

Nightwatch – Death Tribble

Cartune - csyphrett

Flechette – Death Tribble

The Great Dan - csyphrett

Red Bolt – Death Tribble

Invisibelle - csyphrett

Richtor-1 – Death Tribble

Burning Eagle - csyphrett

TATA_1 – Death Tribble

Tumbler – csyphrett

SWAT – Death Tribble

Go – csyphrett

The Philadelphian – Death Tribble

Judy Blue Eyes – Sundog

Whispering Wind – Death Tribble

Majesty – Quackhell

Cube of Custard – csyphrett


307. Birds of Paradise (South America bird based heroes) – csyphrett

Scarlet Macaw – Death Tribble

Andean Condor -Quackhell

Steamer Duck - csyphrett

Scarlet Tanager – Death Tribble

Pincoya - csyphrett

Crimson Topaz – Death Tribble


308. The Freedom League (named after Allied WW2 equipment) – Death Tribble

Flying Fortress – csyphrett

Lancaster – Death Tribble

Repulse – Badger

Sexton – csyphrett

Beaverette – csyphrett

Spitfire – Badger

Dukw - Sundog


309. Lords of Battle (7 alien warriors defending Earth) - Sundog

Gallius – Death Tribble

Levin – csyphrett

Silver Angel – Death Tribble

Vulgarian – Hermit

Despiondor – Badger

Luzon – csyphrett

Koldar the Many Armed – Death Tribble


310. The Odyssey (named after 5 Greek heroes of legend) – Death Tribble

Jason – csyphrett

Atalanta – Death Tribble

Bellerophon – Quckhell

Medea – Sundog

Arachne – csyphrett



311. New Republicans (7 heroes based off Disney villains) - csyphrett

Beneficent – Badger

Admiral Hookless – Badger

ED209 – csyphrett

Cicatrix – Death Tribble

Sir Percival Bedivere

Rafja – Quackhell

Judge Ollorf – Death Tribble


312. The Anti Magic Society (hate magic but manipulated by The Sophia) – Death Tribble

Anwar Mustafa – csyphrett

Charles Prail – Death Tribble

Clair Deswell – Sundog

Richard Ashworth – Death Tribble

Ezra Manning - csyphrett


313. Liaden’s Legionnaires - csyphrett

Argenta – Death Tribble

Rain – Sundog

Cross Adder – Quackhell

Little Mac Winston – csyphrett

American Demon – Death Tribble

Ground Zero – Quackhell

Weatherman – csyphrett

Mourn – Death Tribble

Dr Cavorite – csyphrett

Starshine- Death Tribble


314. The Six Stalwarts (heroic versions of Spirderman’s Sinister Six) – Death tribble

Caracara – Death Tribble

Water Buffalo - csyphrett

Xahtep - Quackhell

Squidward - csyphrett

Gecko – Death Tribble

Grit - csyphrett


315. Zen Team 2 - csyphrett

Youkai Watcher – csyphrett

Coordinator – Sundog

The Stone Samurai

Golden Springer – Quckhell

Flash – Unclevlad

Sizzle – Unclevlad

Redemption - Sundog


316. The Little Legion - Sundog

The Dragon Fairy – Death Tribble

The Borrower – csyphrett

Blip – Quackhell

The Shrink – Death Tribble

Micromolecular Man – csyphrett


317. All Star and the Legionnaires of Victory (trainees for this group) – csyphrett

Eagle Claw – Death Tribble

Morrisey – Csyphrett

Infernal Crane – csyphrett

Flying Fox – Death Tribble

Iron Captain – csyphrett

Dark side of the Moon – Death Tribble


318. The Twelve Apostles (faith based heroes) – Death Tribble

Sadhana – Death Tribble

Eliza Corey – Badger

Harpooner – csyphrett

Preceptor – Death Tribble

Jacob the Rock – Badger

Revelations – Aurora Sing

Telum Sanctus - Quackhell

Witness – Death Tribble

Dudley – csyphrett

Qatal alghawl – Badger

Absolution – Death Tribble

Verbal - csyphrett


319. The New Shooting Stars – csyphrett

Captain – csyphrett

Meteor Man – Death Tribble

Prospero – Quackhell

Silent Monkey - Death Tribble

Seeker – csyphrett

Sublime Mastery of the Mind – Death Tribble


320. The Russian Avengers (named after Soviet WW2 equipment) – Death Tribble

Shchuka – Quackhell

KV2 – Death Tribble

Limonka – csyphrett

Zuckerman – csyphrett

Stalin’s Organ – Death Tribble

Zis 2 - csyphrett


321. Gaston’s Greats (Hunters of men) – csyphrett

Chasseur – Sundog

Cazadora – Death Tribble

Jager – Quackhell

The Faceless Man – csyphrett

Sonde Mentale – Bolo of Earth

Os Olhos – Quackhell

Big Game Hunter – Death Tribble

Man With the Suitcase - csyphrett


322. Constables of Caledonia (defend Britain based off 60s TV shows) – csyphrett

The Gentleman – Sundog

Dick Daring – Death Tribble

Number 12 – steraica

Tracy Nelson – csyphrett

The Sinner – Quackhell

The Professor - Steraica


323. The Revolt (they fight the evil group known as The Mission) – Quackhell

Red Rover – csyphrett

The Mister – Death Tribble

Ruse – Quackhell

Rose – csyphrett

Remnant – Quackhell

The Slowman – Death tribble


324. Three Musketeer – Death tribble

Captain of the Watch – Quackhell

Wingman – csyphrett

Gigantes – freakboy6117

Maximum Maxim - csyphrett


325. Technoplex Six tech heroes – csyphrett

Le Voyageur – Sundog

Ace Argo: Ultranaut – Quackhell

Dr Lightning – csyphrett

Adaptor – Death Tribble

Wave Front – Lorehunter

Aqua Star – Death Tribble


326. Sacred Ground (Earth based powers or ties) – Lorehunter

The Man of Ice – Death Tribble

Sahara – Werehawk

Draoi – Quackhell

Amazon – Werehawk

Sinkhole - Lorehunter

Bloodmoney – Sundog

Jung Gall – Death Tribble

St Peter’s Mask - csyphrett


327. Chicago Transit Authority - csyphrett

No Time – csyphrett

L Train - Opal

Blues Man – Quackhell

The Chef – Death Tribble

Windstorm - Lorehunter


328. Messengers of the Goddess – Lorehunter

The Lady of the May – Death Tribble

Hern the Hnter – Lorehunter

Moon Witch – Death Tribble

The Coven - Opal

The Reader of Signs – Death Tribble

Triskaideka - Opal

Seer Serena - csyphrett


329. Champions Antarctica – csyphrett

Max Cthulhu, Detective – Death Tribble

The Bug – Sundog

Kthanid – Lorehunter

Yith – Opal

Shady Mel – Death Tribble


330. The Fabulous Quartet – Death Tribble

Hot Flash – Lorehunter

Ms Fabulous - Opal

Stallone – Death Tribble

Ms Fabulous – Lorehunter


331. Bleeding Edge Brigade (using technology to protect everyone) – Lorehunter

LOGOS – Opal

The Insensitive Irony Man- Opal

Glenda Jomes – Death Tribble

Hermatite – Opal

Westman – Death Tribble


332. The Air War (hero Edition) – Death Tribble

The Silver Sentinel – Lorehunter

Sky Knight – Death Tribble

Air MARTA – Death Tribble

Tankhunter – Sundog

Firefly – Opal

Maximillion Marithian – Lorehunter


333. Good Samaritans (7 helping the fallen) – Lorehunter

Saving Grace – Death Tribble

Epiphany – Lorehunter

Levi – Opal

Redeemer – Death Tribble

Star Spawn of YHVH – Opal

Churchman – Death Tribble

Remidi8 – Death Tribble

334. Seven Samurai (Various takes on Samurai not necessarily Japanese) – Death Tribble

Jack Silver – Sundog

Stainless Steel Samurai – Death Tribble

Rising Son – Opal

Masayoshi – Quackhell

O-Jiro – Opal

Scarlet Star Samurai – freakboy6117

Totategumo – freakboy6117


335. The Legion of Progress - Sundog

You Can’t Stop the Signalman – Death Tribble

Avant Guardian – Quackhell

Gynoid - Opal

C2 Shining C – Opal

Kinetic Dad – Opal


336. The Rainbow Warriors (San Franciscan group based on the Pride flag) – Opal

The Green Woman – Death Tribble

Captain Apollo – Death Tribble

Afrodisia – Quackhell

Cinnibar - Death Tribble

Miki James – Sundog

Selene – Opal

Young Turq – Death Tribble

Lady Marmalade – Quackhell


337. Southern Cross (New Zealand heroes) – Quackhell

Warrior – Sundog

The Black Sheep - Opal

Captain Kiwi – Quackhell

The All Black – Death Tribble


338. Righteous Teens – Death Tribble

Dream - Opal

Shout Out - Quackhell

Righteous Kid – Death Tribble

Kid Pureheart - Sundog

Astro Boy – csyphrett

Steel Squire – Quackhell

Mighty Mike – Death Tribble

Genesis – Sundog


339. Pentacle (5 heroes with one foot in the dark) – Sundog 
Obsidian – Mr R 
Darkrazor – Death Tribble 
Vulgore - Quackhell 
Kid Vampire – Death Tribble 
Darth Carna – Opal 
340. The Informers (4 young adult heroes using STEM) – Opal 
Vector Rainbow (science) – Quackhell 
Math Man ! (Maths) - Death Tribble 
Railman (engineering) – Sundog 
Block and Chain – Opal 
341. The Pentagon (heroes who ultimately failed min 5) – Death Tribble 
Proud American – Sundog 
Blitz – Quackhell 
Virginia – Death Tribble 
Stars and Stripes – Opal 
Silversmith – Sundog 
342. Lords of the Green (British and French dedicated to the Wild 4-6) - Sundog 
The Forester – Death Tribble 
The Lady of the May - Opal 
The Piper at the Gates – Sundog 
Biou – Death Tribble 
Jack in the Green – freakboy6116 
Cairn – csyphrett 
343. League of Travelling Gentlemen (based on Jules Verne books 6) – csyphrett 
Dr Space – csyphrett 
Professor Hieronymous Arbogast - Quackhell 
The Strong Man – Sundog 
Martin Country – Death Tribble 
Professor Rosetta Marie Champion – Steraica 
Phuilo Mist – Sundog 
344. Protectors of the Skies (4 heroes who can operate in orbit) – Sundog 
Astronaut – Death Tribble 
Ace of Space – Quackhell 
Space COP (Cyborg Over Person) – Opal 
Modular – Death Tribble 
345. All Africa Force (protectors of the continent 5) – Death Tribble 
Proud Man – Sundog 
Berber – Death Tribble 
Mlinzi – Quackhell
The Lioness – Opal
The Legionnaire Etrangere – Death Tribble
Makoma – csyphrett


346. The Austin Bulwark (5 heroes protecting Austin Texas) – Hermit
Weird Beard – Quackhell
Thrust – Death Tribble
Musico – csyphrett
Lady Triumph – Hermit
Bizarre Bazaar – Death Tribble


347. Second Start (heroes making a comeback) – Death Tribble
Olympian – Sundog
The Spy – Death Tribble
Historian – csyphrett
Jana – Death Tribble
Ghost Girl – Dshomshak


348. Avant Guard (six doomed heroes rescued by Captain Chronos) -Dshomshak
The Serious Man – Sundog
Dusk – Death Tribble
Mongoose – Quackhell
Celerity – Death Tribble
Immortal - DShomshak
Freethinker - DShomshak
349. Union (Which of these 6 heroes killed The Dark Prince) – Death Tribble
Street Hawk – Death Tribble
Darkraven – Sundog
Mindpower – Death Tribble
Bastion – Death Tribble
The Maiden of Might – Death Tribble
Indy 5 – Death Tribble
Scraper – Death Tribble
Touchstone – Death Tribble


350. The Mighty Metropolitans (6 heroes protecting New York 3 old 3 new) – Quackhell
Skydancer - Sundog
Tec – Death Tribble
Manhattan Skyline – Death Tribble
Citymaster – Sundog
Huracan – Quackhell
New York State of Mind- Death Tribble


351. Hex and the City (MegaCorp’s team of attractive witches) – Death Tribble
Goody Garlick - Quackhell
Witch Queen of New Orleans – Death Tribble
Bruxa Dos Selvagens – Sundog
Hex It – Death Tribble


352. Freed Radicals. Shout-Out’s previous team mentioned by Quackhell in a write up


353. The Peacekeepers (support to UN Peacekeepers) - Sundog
Sanctuary – Death Tribble
Crooked Mick – Hermit
Ruby of Fire – Hermit
The Gardener – Death Tribble
Goldcrest – Hermit


354. Hatband aka The Mad Hatters – Hermit
Opera Knight – Rich McGee
Hardboiled Harry – Quackhell
Framboise – Hermit
Soldier of the Empire – Death Tribble
Mind Wrangler – Hermit
The Gent – Death Tribble


355. The Enemies of the Villainous Mr Speed (Flash’s Rogue’s gallery as heroes) – Death Tribble
The Crimebusting Cameraman – Rich McGee
Ape Alexander, The Simian Samaritan – Quackhell
Icecapader – Death Tribble
Black Ice – Sundog
Joke Shop = Death Tribble


356. Curse Breakers – Quackhell
Lawrence Talbot – Death Tribble
Ed Grim the Undead Detective – Quackhell
Resurrection Man- Death Tribble
Carebear – Hermit


357. The Undershadowed (the eclipse powers 5 selfish people to good guys) – Hermit
Maxima Justice ! - Death Tribble
Beacon ! - Hermit
Asclepius – Quackhell
The Citizen – Death Tribble

Edited by death tribble
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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

Villain Theme Teams (updated October 16th from Villain List)


1. Mainframe (computers; 5) BoloOfEarth

Scramble (interference field) Nuclear Fridge

Reader (remote data access/alteration) csyphrett

Modeler (fighter / analyze style) Utech

Formatter (magnetic energy) BoloOfEarth

Hacker (brick with axe) Cygnia


2. The Globe (Shakespeare; 7) Cygnia

The Shrew (female speedster with claws) BobGreenwade

Playwright (leader, excellent planner/strategist) BoloOfEarth

Capulet (cat burglar with fast reflexes and healing) concord

Montague (cat burglar with fast reflexes and healing) concord

Puck (shapeshifter) csyphrett Imagination (illusionist) Utech

Animated Skull (telepathic mind controller) Badger


3. Neo-Luddites (anti-technology; 5) Utech

Boy Genius (steampunk gadgeteer) BoloOfEarth

Voice of Reason (orator, possible mind control) Chimera 12

Brother Inner Path (martial artist) Hermit

Plowshares (suppress & dispel technology) Cygnia

Hammerette (Amazon strong woman) Enforcer84


4. The New Peace Armada (cause of the week; 8) Enforcer84

Lever (strong man) Log-Man

Newswire (cyborg with radio implants) Log-Man

Major Compassion (flying brick) Hermit

Reefer Gladness (drug bombs) Hermit

FemmaNessie (aquatic brick) Hermit

BMOC (growth with summoning) Utech

Hippie Biker (biker with rockets) Badger

Ranger Rick (animal rescue) csyphrett

Foreman (strong scrapper) Enforcer84

Typhon (pollution elemental summoner) Enforcer84


5. Counter Measures (music theory; 6) Enforcer84

Prestissimo Fortissimo (speedster with sonic boom attacks) concord

The Diva (telekinetic) Cygnia

Backbeat (martial artist) BobGreenwade

Metronome (trance-inducer) Log-Man

Composition (matter-manipulator) BoloOfEarth

Axe! (guitar MP) Hermit


6. Sin-dicate (seven deadly sins; 7-8) Hermit

Tony Scacciata (gluttony; huge gangster) The Arc

Slacker (sloth; RC robot) Log-Man

Pica Pica (envy; duplicating bad luck birdman) BoloOfEarth

Desiree (lust; drug-expert with minions) Cygnia

Berserkerer (hate; induce rage in others) BoloOfEarth

The Orator (leader; pride; orator / mind control) shadowmage87

“Boss” Dominic Marelli (avarice; money/resources) shadowmage87


7. Guardian Angels (light / utopia; 9) shadowmage87

Shepherd’s Crook (mind control) BoloOfEarth

Archangel Michael (angel with fiery sword) Cygnia

Insight (super-intelligence) Utech

Cherub (musical mind control) The Arc

Raphael (healing) BoloOfEarth

The Herald (PR) Cygnia

Order of the Seraphim (power-endowed agents) Badger

Panchaea (island base) BoloOfEarth


8. The Decathletes (sports; 10) Cygnia

Basketball Man (basketball; ball thrower) Matt Holck

Grid Iron (football; steel juggernaut) csyphrett

The Reffury (referee; ghost with sonic attacks) Matt Holck

The Foreman (leader; golf) BobGreenwade

306 (bowling; ball thrower) Matt Holck

Sprint (track; speedster) BoloOfEarth

Glide-Shot (shot put; ball thrower) BoloOfEarth

Vault (track & field; stretching) BoloOfEarth

Dismount (gymnast; cat burglar) novi

Kricket (cricket; bat-and-ball) The Arc


9. Children of Shiva (India; 5) The Arc

Savitr (solar) BoloOfEarth

Durgha (short-range telekinetic) Log-Man

Styracosaurus (9-tusked elephant) Matt Holck

Rudra (weather manipulation) Utech

Kamadeva (telapath/psionic) Cygnia


10. Cry of Gaea (eco-terrorism; 6) Cygnia

The Druid (nature magic) death tribble

Tree-Hugger (tree-brick) BobGreenwade

Car Crusher (anti-car brick) Matt Holck

Parity (eye for an eye) Utech

Entropy’s Pocket (energy redirect/suppress) Matt Holck

Guardian of Gaia (energy siphon) Badger


11. The Big Top (circus; 9) Badger

Loose Cannon (human cannonball) BoloOfEarth

The Barker (sonic) BoloOfEarth

Fiore Albani (pyrokinetic) Cygnia

Umberto Albani (ferrokinetic) Cygnia

Pia Albani / Il Mostro (beast form) Cygnia

Old Man Jack (roadie, zero-range telekinetic) Log-Man

Giggles the Clown (slapstick gadgets) BobGreenwade

The Trainer (psionic tiger trainer) BobGreenwade

Ariel (speedster aerialist) BobGreenwade


12. The Ciphers (racial stereotypes; 7) BobGreenwade

Red Meat (US nationalist; brick with x-ray vision) Matt Holck

Inscrutable (Chinese; martial arts and strategist) BoloOfEarth

Pole-Axe (Polish axe wielder) Cygnia

Blackface (psionic assassin) Log-Man

Wetback (water control) BoloOfEarth

WASP (psychic vampire) Prestige

Lep-hick-kahn (Irish martial artist) Badger


13. The Time Masters (history; 10) Badger

The Oracle (ancient Greece; precognitive) Legatus

The Shorn One (Aztec warrior) Legatus

The Imperturbable (future?; insect/mammal) Utech

Tiger Eye (India 256 BC; killing gaze) Legatus

Cannoneer (British sailor 18th century; gun hand) Legatus

Flux (future?; steam form) Cygnia

Chernobyl (radiation) BoloOfEarth

Disaster Groupie (future; disaster knowledge + future tech) BoloOfEarth

The Historian (19th century England?; leader; precog martial artist) BoloOfEarth

Will-o-the-Wisp (teleporter) Matt Holck

Mr. Science (scientist with time travel) csyphrett


14. Gold Bandits (gold; 6) Mathew

Gold Brick (brick, formerly Blockhead) BoloOfEarth

Gold Exchange (speedster, formerly White Lightning) BoloOfEarth

Spun Gold (metal hair, formerly Rapunzel) Cygnia

Golden Apple (thrown balls; formerly Atalanta) Utech

Goldbug (insect control; formerly Palmetto Bug) Haven Walkur

Golden Ratio (martial artist; formerly Phi) Utech


15. The Chemists (chemistry; 5) Utech

Acid Queen (acid projector) Cygnia

The Biochemist (biochemist shapeshifter) Badger

Antibond (molecular destabilization) BoloOfEarth

Gasmask (gasses) BobGreenwade

Elementalist (chemical transformation) death tribble


16. The Anti-Americans / The Real Americans (overthrow US; 5+) death tribble

The Man Called Joe (crack shot with illusion) Cygnia

The Nucular Family (4 strong invulnerables with radiation) BoloOfEarth

Minuteman (marksman/tactician) Badger

The Prohibitionist (alcohol ignition) Mathew

Southpaw (body control) BoloOfEarth


17. Tesla Rangers (hero team; SCIENCE!; 6) BoloOfEarth

Arc Angel (electricity) Cygnia

The Doctor (patent knowledge) Utech

The Nerd (gadgeteer) The Arc

Quarterflash (speedster; undercover ARGENT operative) BoloOfEarth

Archimedes (brick) Cygnia

Clarke (financial backer) Cygnia


18. The Network (yellow journalism; 6) Cygnia

Rags (info broker) BoloOfEarth

Money Shot (photographer) BobGreenwade

War Correspondent (reporter) Cygnia

Joe Q (publisher with magical typewriter) BoloOfEarth

Air Time (physical sensation projector) Utech

The Spinner (teleporter with disguise) Matt Holck


19. The Synthetics (synthetic organism; 10) shadowmage87

Helix (new life creation) Utech

The New Man (artificial organs) Mathew

Upgrade (cyborg gunner) BoloOfEarth

Cypher (cyborg sensors/hacking) BoloOfEarth

White Knight (energy absorption / light projection) BoloOfEarth

The Model (andoid) Legatus

Eve (android control) Cygnia

Deathbringer (alt-dimensional warrior) Legatus

Insect Booster (robotic bugs) csyphrett

Wormhole (teleporter) BobGreenwade


20. Vengeance League (former members of above seeking revenge; 7) BobGreenwade

The Director (former of Globe & Counter Measures; mental defense) Cygnia

Mister Sleep (former Gold Dust of Gold Bandits; sleep powers) BoloOfEarth

Do-Over (former Recapitulation of Counter Measures; repeat actions) Utech

Glob (former of Synthetics; shapeshifter) Badger

The Commentator (former of Decathletes; lethal verbal barbs) death tribble

Nicola Tesla (former of Tesla Rangers; animated skeleton) Utech

BSOD (former of Mainframe; virus generator) BoloOfEarth


21. Kill-Stompy-Samas (aka Costume Business; anime/cartoons; 6) BoloOfEarth

Pretty Princess Slaughterhouse (magic meat cleaver, other weapons) SKJAM!

Kitty-Chan (teleport exchange with Hello Kitty products) Utech

Dragonnut-X (martial artist) Badger

The Gamemaster (video game weapons) csyphrett

Cartoon Kid (physically-manifested TK) BoloOfEarth

Miss Mecha (mech builder) SKJAM!


22. The Little Folk (politically-motivated midget saboteurs/terrorists; 5) SKJAM!

Imp (pyrokinetic) Cygnia

Leprechaun (explosives) Badger

Woman Spider (tiny spider-woman) Utech

Mini-Saddam (dictator) The Arc

Toy Soldier (18 inch-tall soldier) Badger


23. The Continental Conquerors (one from each continent; 7) Badger

Abominor the Unfathomable (Antarctic; giant penguin with sharp beak) SKJAM!

Andy of the Andes (S. America; giant) Utech

The Bunyip (Australia; dream control) Cygnia

Eyjafjallajokull (Europe; superheated gas/ash powers) BoloOfEarth

Lady Wu (Asia; rich powerful mastermind) death tribble

The Tribesman (Africa; permanently duplicating warrior) Legatus

Whalesinger (N. America; Inuit sonic projector) Legatus


24. The Sisters of Blood (women who sold souls to demons; 6) Legatus

Lady Nothing (Invisibility powers and dimensional shift) Cygnia

Incarnadine (beautiful actress with a blade) Utech

Succubus (mind control vs. men and shape shift) Chris Goodwin

Sister Superior (match skills/powers of any man opposing her) SKJAM!

The Shade (spirit with transfer ability) BoloOfEarth

Nightmare (energy blaster with aura of dread) death tribble


25. The Warsaw Pact (Eastern European countries; 5+) death tribble

Madame Strigoi (Romania; vampire) Cygnia

Perak (Czechoslovakia; leaper with blades) BoloOfEarth

Wolf (E. Germany; werewolf) Utech

Wojtek (Poland; illusionist) Cygnia

Gremlin From the Kremlin (Russia; imp with tech interference) SKJAM!


26. Gaia’s Vengeance (Depopulate Earth; 4) SKJAM!

Drought (dehydration) BoloOfEarth

Tezcatlipoca (giant jaguar with earthquake powers) Cygnia

Sympathy (transfer pain) Utech

Zoolander (animal control) csyphrett


27. The Vultures of Naples (cartoon-based; 7) csyphrett

Cavalier (weapons master) Cygnia

Lightning Felinus (cat with sword) csyphrett

Soldiers of Fortune (plastic army men) BoloOfEarth

Lord Darkke (ravendragons, troopers) Chris Goodwin

Key Man (stealth and B&E) csyphrett

Dischordia (computer expert with sonic cannon) Cygnia

Mac (master of disguise) BoloOfEarth


28. Millennium Bugs (MC-based thieves/saboteurs; 5) BoloOfEarth

Doctor Worm (computer viruses and malware) Cygnia

Mantis (martial artist) Badger

Gnat (entry specialist with forgettable face) Utech

Clockwork Swarm (spider robots) csyphrett

La Cucaracha (flexibility) Legatus


29. The Arctic Circle (cold; 5) Legatus

Permafrost (brick) Prestige

Sorrowchill (heat vampire) Cygnia

Superconductive (electricity) SKJAM!

Glacier (cold/ice projector) Legatus

Ice-Skater (bladed ice creator) Mickael


30. The Sportsmen (sports; 5) Mickael

Winter’s Killer (biathalon; assassin) Cygnia

Beanball (baseball; trick balls) BoloOfEarth

Lips (competitive eating; fat) Utech

Slapshot (hockey; trick pucks) BobGreenwade

Amazon (weightlifting; brick) Cygnia


31. The Iron Eagles (pro-Axis Americans and English; 7) Cygnia

Dashing Swordsman (swashbuckling actor) SKJAM!

Lone Hawk (pilot) BoloOfEarth

Spider (financier) Utech

America’s Dream (precognition/retrocognition) Cygnia

The Voice of Reason (mind control) SKJAM!

Bugsy (metal-skinned mobster) BoloOfEarth

Sir Giles Brightford (mage) Cygnia


32. Revenants (undead enemies of Graveyard Shift; 5) BoloOfEarth

Lamia (ghostly child-hater) Cygnia

Corpse (zombie seeking extra parts) Utech

Doktor Eternity (immortality serum maker) SKJAM!

Dead Ringer (shapeshift to imitate the dead) Badger

Krados the All-Seeing (dead mind-controlling demigod) Ice9


33. Revenge Squad (seek revenge for personal grudges; 4) SKJAM!

Blind Man’s Bluff (steal sight; vying for Queen of Hearts) Cygnia

Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen (steampunk robots; vs. Timekeeper) Cygnia

Falcon of Florence (flier with claws; vs. Owls and Vultures) csyphrett

The Rigger (mechanical trapster; vs. Orca) Matt Holck

Repulse (repel objects; vs. Melting Pot)


34. Interruption (12-second robbers; 5) Matt Holck

Interview (mentalist at speed of thought) BoloOfEarth

BFG (big f’ing gun) Utech

Whippet (speedster) BobGreenwade

Myriad (duplicator) Cygnia

Contingency (teleporting martial artist) Matt Holck


35. Fury’s Muse (music; 5) Matt Holck

Vuvuzela (sonic voice) Legatus

The Drummer (brick with SPD Aid) Matt Holck

Stradivarius (violinist with sleep / control abilities) BoloOfEarth

Jigglepuff (singer) Matt Holck

Dirge (songs of pain) Cygnia


36. Wild Hunt (assassins/thieves/kidnappers for hire; 6) Cygnia

Master of Hounds (psionic hounds) Utech

Sir Thomas Nigel Baskerville (crack shot hunter) Badger

Tictoc the Crocodile Man (the name says it all) SKJAM!

Profiler (information gatherer) BoloOfEarth

Nightjar (battlesuit) Cygnia

Beater (sound projector) Matt Holck


37. Punnishment Society (vigilante cyborgs/freaks with plays on words; 7) BobGreenwade

Spectacle (rope mistress with trick eyeglasses) Utech

Spotted Dick (powered spots) SKJAM!

Slugworth (slug brick) Matt Holck

Horehound (prostitute cyborg) Cygnia

Eyeball (enlarged eye with head-explody ability) csyphrett

Corporal Punishment (resurrected soldier) Badger

Isabell (beacon of broadcast) Matt Holck


38. Dream Stealers (crush human spirit; 5) Matt Holck

Tormenter (telepath) BoloOfEarth

Thief of Everything (master thief) Cygnia

The Crippler (physically maim and cripple) death tribble

The Bogeyman (disfigured entity able to enter anyplace) BobGreenwade

Displacer (destroys identity) Utech


39. Smash Ltd. (British Commonwealth bricks; 7) Utech

Good Day Bruce (stereotype Aussie) death tribble

Papa Tembo (Kenyan misunderstood giant) Legatus

Flying Anvil (Welsh living steel; likes falling on targets) BobGreenwade

Stonehenge (British pagan smashing places of worship) Cygnia

Parashurama (Englishman from India who ramps up his power level) Legatus

Prism (crystal man with invisibility) Matt Holck

Blood Diamond (crystalline with light powers) BoloOfEarth


40. The Collectors (steal/use artifacts of power; 6) BoloOfEarth

Maelstrom (fury of oceans; has Eye of Triton pearl) Cygnia

Goblin (immortal with minor magics; drank from Well of Eternity) Matt Holck

Hexenmeister (Spear of Destiny) death tribble

Power Paladin (various armor and weapon pieces) BobGreenwade

Librarian of the Elders (various mystic tomes) BobGreenwade

The Card (enchanted playing cards) csyphrett


41. Beast Blood (non-threatening animals; 6) BobGreenwade

Hagfish (eel-like marine animal) Cygnia

Princess Manyfoe (rabbit) Lucius

Mad Cow (cow) SKJAM!

Tapir (pig-like mammal) Legatus

Pinecone (pangolin) Haven Walkur

The Puffin (fish) Cygnia


42. The Terrors from Outer Space! (annoying aliens; 5) Cygnia

Yugaat T'b'kydng-mi (short, skinny incect-alien klutz) BobGreenwade

Gigantus X-40 (tiny alien in human-sized “giant mech”) SKJAM!

Disaster / silleegekko (small lizard with flying disk) Lucius

WORgfRORWF (laid-back jello monster) csyphrett

Snowflake (tiny crystalline alien) csyphrett


43. The Mascots (cereal mascots; 6) csyphrett

The Quaker (Quaker Oats; brick) Cygnia

The Chocolate Count (Count Chocula; vampire) BobGreenwade

Shamrock (Lucky Charms; good-luck charms) csyphrett

Urkel (Urkel-Os; annoying personality) gaberegan

Trixie Rabbie (Trix; process server) Bodkins Odds

Swedish Chef (Croonchy Stars; dangerous food) Utech


44. Hired Guns (gun-based; 7) Utech

Bullet Time (short-term speedster) SKJAM!

Killdeer (sniper with silence field) Cygnia

OSOK (one-shot-one-kill with single-shot pistols) BobGreenwade

Howitzer (plasma-cannon arm) Legatus

The Jackal (regeneration, fires combat shotguns) gaberegan

Flechette (flechette-firing rifle and shotgun) BoloOfEarth

Deadeye Jane (info and communications) Cygnia


45. The Crossed Swords (blade-based; 7) Cygnia

Cleaver (big reptilian alien with a big greatsword) BobGreenwade

Scimitar Spider (six-armed man with six scimitars) SKJAM!

Ares of the Thousand Swords (sword-summoner and collector) gaberegan

Samurai (Honorable Japanese Samurai with super-sharp sword) death tribble

Campeador (Spanish swordsman with El Cid’s sword) BoloOfEarth

The Black Kris (bloodlust-inducing magic blade with possession) Cygnia

Il Condottiere (Italian able to transform limbs to blades) Legatus

Backstab (thief and assassin with piercing stilettos) BoloOfEarth


46. Brute Force (hand-to-hand; 6) BoloOfEarth

The Anaconda (pro wrestler) Cygnia

Phoenix Hand (Chinese kung fu master) death tribble

Golden Gloves (boxer able to transform self to metal) BoloOfEarth

The Beast with Five Fingers (disembodied hand) Haven Walkur

Rig (turns anything into a weapon) Utech

Norm (avoid attacks and bypass any defense) csyphrett


47. Numbers (mathematical concepts; 9) BobGreenwade

Ratio (sliding-scale brick) BoloOfEarth Fibonacci (precog) Cygnia

Pie (radiating force field) Badger

Long Division (thug with magic axe) BobGreenwade

Artist formerly known as MC (teleportation) Badger

Minus (make things vanish) csyphrett

Subtraction (friction control) csyphrett

Expression (shapeshifter) BoloOfEarth

Scalar (polymorph others) Utech


48. The Margin (marginalized freak with single metahuman thing; 6) Utech

Battery (never knocked out) BoloOfEarth

Rusty (instantly destroys any metal) BobGreenwade

Dodge (insane DCV) Cygnia

Freewau (unimpeded movement) csyphrett

Reflector (reflect attacks) death tribble

Ampere (electric shocks) Legatus


49. Hangtime (acrobatic/superleap burglars; 5) Legatus

Jump Shot (basketball player with superleap) BoloOfEarth

Pogo (punk with super-pogo) Cygnia

The Cat (cat burglar) death tribble

Elevator (turn on/off gravity) BoloOfEarth

Spring Heeled Jack (leaper with Badger


50. The Masters (masterminds; 8) Badger

Shiva (alien superweapon) death tribble

Mood Master (empathy) SKJAM!

Akira Lucani (summoner) Cygnia

Canaan (ultimat warrior) Badger

Catharsis (tech expert) death tribble

Tome (sentient picture book) Utech

Atomus (atomic energy) death tribble

Dragon Hand (martial artist) death tribble


51. The People (American Indians; 6-8) death tribble

Nederakke (insane luck) Cygnia

Apache Joe (undying warrior) Badger

Thomas Screaming Hawk (psychokinetic “spirit” projections) BoloOfEarth

Powhatan (medicine man) Badger

Cheyenne Autumn (appear and disappear; animal abilities?) death tribble

Rattlesnake (multiform into giant rattler) SKJAM! Billy

Two Trees (10 year-old able to transform others) csyphrett

Steel Warrior (battlesuited Lakota) BobGreenwade


52. Living Weapons (weapons from Clue; 6-8) BobGreenwade

Thugee (rope; strangler able to access pocket dimension) Cygnia

Candle (candlestick; arsonist) csyphrett

Blade (knife; master knife wielder) death tribble

The Mechanic (wrench; hit man with tools) BoloOfEarth

The Waiter (poison; hit man chef/waiter) BoloOfEarth

Lucky Lou (horseshoe; good luck) BoloOfEarth

Quick Draw (revolver; gun man) csyphrett

Piper (lead pipe; misandry) Cygnia


53. Psirens (female mentalists dominating men; 5) Cygnia

Rush (telepathy / empathy) csyphrett

Dream Date (fantasy illusionist) SKJAM!

Confession (telepath with mind control to confess) BoloOfEarth

Fixer (targets gay men with mind control) Cygnia

Dominator (mind control) death tribble


54. Pentagram of Terror (real/imaginary masterminds; 5) death tribble

The Supplier (minons and equipment) BoloOfEarth

Evilutionist (evolve/devolve others) SKJAM!

Dr. Dark (energy projector) death tribble

Checkmate (possible air elemental) Cygnia

Grendel (ugly brick) Enforcer84

Mother (robotic creator) SKJAM!


55. Vice Squad (bad behaviors; 6) SKJAM!

Big Red (smoking) Cygnia

Tags (control through graffiti) BoloOfEarth

Stallion (sex) Enforcer84

Pill Popper (drugs) quozaxx

Litterbug (littering) death tribble

Motormouth (malicious gossip) Cygnia


56. Alien & ET Earth Defense and Assault Brigade / Bug Hunters (human alien killers; 6) Cygnia

Cloudkill (poison gas generator) BoloOfEarth

Vivisectionist (alien dissector) The Arc

Scout (cyborg) Hermit

Buzzkill (alien brain-eating bugs) SKJAM!

Gustator (cooks aliens) Terminal

Spanner (engineer) BoloOfEarth


57. The Byters (data theft; 4) Terminal

Shoulder Surfer (remote viewing) SKJAM!

Snatch N Grab (Hulk-style brick) death tribble

VR Snuffy (sentient computer program) Cygnia

Number Cruncher (energy projector getting power from computations) BoloOfEarth


58. The Group (non-costumed paranormals; 5+) death tribble

Urban Spaceman (medic and assassin) death tribble

Stopwatch (can stop time for all but him) BoloOfEarth

Ur (immortal) SKJAM!

Librarian (could locate anybody by writing; deceased) death tribble

Crowd Control (mass emotion projection) BobGreenwade


59. The Predators (radical US nationalists + predatory animals; 7) BobGreenwade

Bald Eagle (winged self-proclaimed leader) SKJAM!

Pike (fish-man) Hermit

Timber Rattler (rattlesnake-man) Badger

Hyena (quiet night hunter with savage jaws) Cygnia

Lupus (red wolf-man) BoloOfEarth

Greedy Glutton (wolverine; eat anything) csyphrett

Puma (cougar powers) Hermit


60. Renegades (augmented teens; 5) Hermit

The Spot (create holes) csyphrett

Brute (bully) BobGreenwade

Mandragora (put targets to sleep) Cygnia

Cutter (open wounds through telekinetic force) Enforcer84

Diva (sonic powers) Enforcer84


61. The Crossroads (blues band who sold souls for power; 6) Enforcer84

Soul Man (saxophone player able to drive to depression) BoloOfEarth

Susie Styx (drummer corrupting girls) Hermit

The Hellhound (piano player manager) Cygnia

Phat Pat (bass player brick) BobGreenwade

Johnny Guitar (guitar with luck powers) csyphrett

Paige (songwriter able to steal emotions and thoughts) Matt Holck


62. High School Bullies (bullies; 7) Matt Holck

Rumor Mel (tear people down online) Utech

Benny Vang (control fibers) SKJAM!

DJ Ambush (invisibility) Hermit

Nikki Gaston (luck of the evil) Cygnia

Giant (former victim now bully with shrink ray) SKJAM!

Pounder (brick twin of Brute from Renegades) BobGreenwade

Mindset (mentalist) quozaxx


63. Hidden Agenda (Heroes forced to crime; 7) quozaxx

Slamfest (Jupiter; gravity manipulator acting as a brick) Hermit

Werewolf (Zooman animal polymorph in wolf form) SKJAM!

Energy Master (Energon; energy projector) death tribble

Hydra (Dragon’s Claw; duplicating martial artist) BoloOfEarth

Stunner (Construct; exoskeleton battlesuit) Nothere

Spring Heeled Jack (Puck; mage in training) Cygnia

The Boss (Nightbane; master detective) Cygnia


64. The Culinary Institute of Assassins (culinary killers; 6) Cygnia

Cutie-Pie (suffocating pies) Hermit

Monsieur Souffle (explosive desserts) BobGreenwade

The Trencherman (rich, heavy foods) Cygnia

Smiling Hsien (forced overeating) SKJAM!

Flambe (flaming foods) death tribble

Dice (cut up bodies) Nothere


65. Shadow Lords (horror serial killers; 6) Nothere

Hoxton Creeper (big ugly brute) death tribble

Mister Mannheim (mild man harboring a savage murderer) Cygnia

Scarlet Veil (sultry seductress) Hermit

The Hound (black mastiff) SKJAM!

The Shadow of the One That Is Not There (shadow killer) Badger

Casey Bones (killer railroadman) Hermit


66. Robber Barons (rotten SCA members; 5) Hermit

Winter Baron (battleaxe-wielding faux-Viking) SKJAM!

Lady Blackwing (flaming sword with winged armor) Hermit

The Viking (racist sword-wielder) death tribble

Baron Badknight (non-honorable knight with projectile sword & shield) Nothere

Silver Swallow (mandolin player) Cygnia


67. The Corruption (to morally break a Hero Theme member; 7) Cygnia

Proxy (character assassination on Golden Knight) Log-Man

Backer (bring assets together) death tribble

Bedlam (brainwash others to get Psimon) Nothere

Genet (character assassination on Powerfist and Nighthawk) Cygnia

Addictive (cause chemical addiction to her to get the Exiles) SKJAM!

Powerbroker (well-connected Senator) death tribble

Nano (nanobot puppet master) quozaxx


68. Psychotic Seven (MC mental ward escapees with theme crimes; 7) quozaxx

Scaredevil / Pandemonium (psychoactive pheremones) Lucius

Joe Friday (literary killer) death tribble

Revelation (light-projecting conspiracy theorist) BobGreenwade

Fleyshmakher (bloodlust butcher) Cygnia

Swoop (flight with katanas) Badger

Printer’s Devil (typewriters and ink) Log-Man

Redburn (cunning planner) Nothere


69. Cream of Thieves (theft with style and flair; 6) Nothere

Panache (French; thefts with high degree of difficulty) death tribble

Checkmate (Russian; thefts from supers) BoloOfEarth

Sangre (Maltese; bleedin’ teleporter) Cygnia

Barcelona (Spanish; lying kleptomaniac) death tribble

The Thieving Magpie (Naples; unspecified powers) death tribble

Sneaky Pete (British; spy turned cat burglar) BobGreenwade


70. The Nightmare League (Dreamland beasts; 5) BobGreenwade

Fluffy the Cottontailed (superstrong giant bunny) Enforcer84

The Alicorn (winged unicorn) Haven Walkur

Evil Midget (maniac midget cannibal) Badger

Mr. Chuckles (evil clown) BoloOfEarth

Fishhead (poison gas) Matt Holck


71. Phantasm (non-powered secret agents; 5) Matt Holck

Admin (administrative assistant with access to everything) Cygnia

Rigger (trap maker) death tribble

Lady Spider (burglar with climbing equipment and gadgets) Badger

Judas (everyman sneak-in) csyphrett

Long Lankin (skinny break-in specialist) SKJAM!


72. True Men (macho men trying to restore women to “rightful place”; 5) SKJAM!

Johnny Century (anachronistic man with exploding pocket watches) Nothere

Breed (seeking to propagate his family line) Cygnia

Minister (conversation) death tribble

Artillery (elemental magic) SKJAM!

The Sheik (rich and connected) quozaxx


73. The Infused (demon-possessed from each continent; 8) quozaxx

King of Pain (Europe; sadistic psionic) Cygnia

Surtur (Antarctica; VIPER agent) SKJAM!

Incubus (S. America; DEMON agent) death tribble

Leviathan (Atlantis; giant) csyphrett

General Mboto (Africa; leopard man with an army) Badger

Deadly Dreamer (Australia; dream control) death tribble

Mahendri (Asia; sorceress) ned-kogar

Spirit of the North (N. America; Inuit with winter powers) death tribble


74. Marine Marauders (one from each ocean + Great Lakes; 5-7) death tribble

Snakehead (Great Lakes; mutated carp-man) Cygnia

Deep Rigg (Atlantic; diving armor) BoloOfEarth

Sea Beast (water elemental) death tribble

Njörðr (Norse god) Cygnia

Underwater temple (base) and former Aquanauts’ equipment death tribble

Wave Rider (speedster) csyphrett

Coral (alien with rock-hard skin) Cygnia


75. Bad Seeds (evil children; 7) Cygnia

Firestarter (pyromaniac able to create a small flame anywhere at all) BoloOfEarth

Bad Seed (sneaky manipulator) death tribble

Hellscreamer (sonic-screaming brat) BobGreenwade

Mary Contrary (mind control) Cygnia

Knuckle Sandwich (brick bully) Badger

Have and Have Not (teleportation) BoloOfEarth


76. Social Insecurity (retired villains returned to crime; 6) BoloOfEarth

The Rush / Pershing (speedster) death tribble

Baron Von Donner (former Nazi supervillain) The Arc

Flim-Flam (confidence man) SKJAM!

Silver Stryker (martial artist; actually henchman of the original) Cygnia

The Jewel (formerly Judy of Punch and Judy) death tribble

Proud Mary (blue blood with radical political causes) death tribble


77. Seven Syndicate (increasingly ridiculous deaths; 7) death tribble

Black Tiger (intelligent martial artist; gunned down by Hired Guns) BobGreenwade

King Speed (speedster; slipped on banana peel and hit head) death tribble

Scarlet Steel (battlesuit; had stroke and died of dehydration in armor) SKJAM!

Dr. Atmosphere (flying battlesuit; out-of-control flight without helmet) Badger

Farseer (precognitive; pushed precog abilities too far) Cygnia

Caged Rage (hand-to-hand; choked on a swallowed bug) The Arc

Ice Mistress (ninja with ice powers; crushed larynx) Badger


78. The Forgotten (rejected or outcast; 8) Badger

Lucifer (former mega-hero with former existence eradicated) SKJAM!

Scarlet (master swordsman from alternate dimension) Cygnia

Judd Crater (mystery powers with amnesia) csyphrett

Shock & Awe (telepathic siblings with invisibility and mind control) Badger

Shadowreach (darkness and psionic powers) BoloOfEarth

Indefatigable (invulnerable brick) death tribble

Last Laugh (trick guns) Cygnia


79. Red Right Hands (considered henchmen and servants; 6) Cygnia

Richthofen (Bismark’s henchman; cloning) death tribble

Grunt (Xombie’s confidant; brick with mindgem) Enforcer84

Supremum (Modeler’s muse; unidentifiable variable) Utech

Nick (armorer) csyphrett

Lucius Alder (physician to Doctor Mayhem; pawn of cat Muffin) Cygnia

Domo (San Angelo Volunteers heroes’ AI) SKJAM!


80. The (Trademark) Violators (famous heroes’ names; 5) SKJAM!

Captain Comet (flight with hard skin and growth) csyphrett

Unus the Untouchable (frictionless) Utech

Wolverine (were-wolverine) Badger

Batman (baseball player with alloy bat) Lucius

The Tick (clock-obsessed speedster) BobGreenwade


81. Starkillers (interstellar villains wanting to enslave the galaxy; 5) BobGreenwade

Mendok the Ominmind (absorb psychic powers) The Arc

The Propeller (giant hydrogen pinwheel) Matt Holck

Shamballah the Huntress (minion of Lord Dark Matter) Major Tom 2009

Tinker and Gaiter (gadgeteer and humanoid crocodile) Badger

Conductor (symphony wand and electrical powers) Matt Holck


82. Pantzers (humiliate heroes; 5) Matt Holck

Prank Call (voice mimic able to fool people into doing things) Badger

Computron (hidden robot army)

Storm Shadow ??? (trick jokes) Nothere

Coodaytah (short-term superspeed) SKJAM!

Pratfall (friction control and minor TK) BoloOfEarth


83. Escape Clause (break other villains out of prison; 6) BoloOfEarth

Exit Man (create teleportation gates) csyphrett

Phabrykater (manufacture tiny devices to smuggle) BobGreenwade

Second Skin (polymorph master of disguise and actor) BoloOfEarth

Circuitbreaker (electrical control, neutralize security) Clonus

Advocate (mentalist defense lawyer) rcv

Egress (create dimensional gates) Nothere


84. Telions (flawed Teleios creations; 5) Nothere

John Doe (amnesiac with weakness knowledge) BoloOfEarth

Femme Fatale (burglar with pheremonal perfume) Clonus

Salamander (invisibility) Badger

Leonidas (man-lion hybrid) BoloOfEarth

Poison Dart (poison touch and frog jump) csyphrett


85. The Secrets (psychics that don’t know it; 5) csyphrett

Epee (manifests swashbuckling psychokinetic construct) BoloOfEarth

Hellwheeler (free-roaming car) csyphrett

Rage Woman (manifests 8 foot tall Amazon) SKJAM!

Doctor Klein (telepathy?) Matt Holck

Cyber Wylde (internet ghost) Cygnia


86. Dark Blossom Knights (flower-themed foes of the Princess Gem Stars; 5) Cygnia

Chrysanthemum River (water powers, chases Charging Light Emerald) SKJAM!

Ravaging Tiger Lily (displacer beast, chases Glowing Angel Amethyst) Cygnia

Teal Tulip (water control, chases Super Magical Sailor Ruby) BoloOfEarth

Tarnished Goldenrod (make pollen clouds, chases Princess Topaz) SKJAM!

Imperial Snap Dragon (dragon form, chases Diamond Lily) death tribble


87. Sisters of Ultimate Evil (SUE) (established female villains; 5-10) death tribble

Entropy (wormhole gates) BoloOfEarth

Delta Dawn (well-trained and equipped former mercenary) Cygnia

Black Raven (martial artist) death tribble

Virago (brick) Clonus

Strongarm (brick) Dxpenguinman

Firering (fire powers) BoloOfEarth


88. 5erpent (serpents; 5) Dxpenguinman King Kobra (constriction) Dxpenguinman

Adder (probability manipulation) BoloOfEarth

Rattler (sonic device) Nothere

Krait (undetectable martial artist) Cygnia

Hamadryad (poisons) Cygnia

Snake Charmer (control) quozaxx


89. Unnatural Predators (harmless animals; 7) Cygnia

Vorpal Squirrel (giant fanged squirrel) BobGreenwade

Tyrannosaurus Hamster (giant carnivorous hamster) Badger

Maggie May I (magpie with mental domination) Cygnia

Badger! Badger! Badger! (duplicating badgers) death tribble

The Great Wyrm (giant carnivorous earthworm) SKJAM!

Croaked (zombie frog) Cygnia

Donald Chimp (billionaire chimpanzee) Badger


90. Planetary Pantheon (planets; 9) Badger

Jupiter (weather control) csyphrett

Pluto (necromancer) Badger

Mercury (speedster) death tribble

Venus (show-stopping beauty) death tribble

Eris (Mars; shapeshifter) Cygnia

Saturn (brick) death tribble

Earth (former Luna, liquid control) csyphrett

Uranus (sky powers) Badger

Neptune (ice mage) Enforcer84


91. Anarchy Over Europe (spoiled euro types; 6) Enforcer84

Bella Donna (Wales; assassin with whips and poison) Enforcer84

Riot (Barcelona; empathy with laser pistol) Enforcer84

Smart Alec (Poland; technical genius) BobGreenwade

Panzerkrieg (Germany; battle armor) death tribble

Le Charmeur (France; pheromone powers) BoloOfEarth

Rock of Gibraltar (Gibraltar; empowered guitar) FrankL


92. Angels of Music (female singers; 5) FrankL

Keening (probability manipulation) Cygnia

Octave (duplication) Cygnia

Vibrato (sonics) death tribble

Diva (brick) novi

Brown Note (make things fall apart) csyphrett


93. Decepticons (metamorphs; 6+) novi Pink Slime (empathic slime) csyphrett

The Shape of Things to Come (futuristic vehicles) death tribble

Memory Metal (moldable metal) BoloOfEarth

Dr. Density (turn body parts into solids, liquids, or gasses) Badger

The Goof (insane shapeshifter) death tribble

Shrink-Rap (shrinking rapper) Clonus


94. Corporate Raiders (anti-corporate types; 7) Clonus

Factory Recall (powered armor, mistaken for robot) death tribble

Downsizer (shrinking usable against others) BoloOfEarth

Union (mentalist) Badger

Fat Cat (obese but quick cat-man) Badger

Mark Futures (precognition) csyphrett

Rainwalker (control weather) Cygnia

Daytrader (speedster) BoloOfEarth


95. Amalgamated Construction, Mechanicals, and Expertise, Inc.(provide services to supervillains; 6) BoloOfEarth

Electrode (weapons crafter) BobGreenwade

Top Kick (extra-dimensional minion training) SKJAM!

Quickrete (base design, matter manipulator / speedster) BoloOfEarth

Satanic Mechanic (vehicle design and construction) death tribble

Coyote Red (resurrection from death) Cygnia

Dr. Chaim Mist (chemist) csyphrett


96. Dragon Transport Service (package delivery; 5) csyphrett

Hideaway (invisibility UOO and increased perception) BoloOfEarth

Gunner (weapons) Badger

Cargo (vehicle metamorph) csyphrett

Sceloporus (human/bat/lizard hybrid) Gent

The Man in Brown (locate recipient, bypass all barriers, invulnerable) BoloOfEarth


97. Full Spectrum (colors of rainbow; 7) BoloOfEarth

Jay (blue; teleporting assassin) Gent

Indiglo (indigo; light powers) BoloOfEarth

Cyan (master of disguise and poison) Cygnia

Red Giant (big rage-fueled brick) Badger

Violent (weapons and demolitions master) csyphrett

Mellow Yellow (empathic controller) death tribble

Conductor (copper-colored human superconductor) Gent


98. Draconians (all crimes punishable by death; 5) Gent

Water Dragon (liquid control) BoloOfEarth

Metal Dragon (metal-wielding killer) BobGreenwade

Fire Dragon (demon-possessed) Gent

Earth Dragon (earthen control) death tribble

Wood Dragon (sorceress / dragon) Cygnia


99. The Pride (felines; 7) Cygnia Ulthar (control herds of cats) Gent

Siamese (claws, duplication, and enthrall housecats) BoloOfEarth

Weretiger (lycanthrope) death tribble

Cerulean Cougar (pouncing cat) csyphrett

Desert Lynx (katar-armed mistress of invisibility and stealth) Cygnia

Cat’s Paw (demon-possessed accountant) csyphrett

Snow Panther (evolved albino leopard) BoloOfEarth


100. The Centurions (Roman Legions; 10+1) BoloOfEarth

Marcus Aurelius (Germany; empathic mind control) death tribble

Dido (north Africa; seductive spies and saboteurs) Cygnia

Coriallanus (Italy; brutal fighter) death tribble

Scipio Americanus (USA; behind-the-scenes dealings) death tribble

Hadrian (UK; powerful druid) Cygnia

Gallica (Middle East; telekentic with ties to terrorist groups) BoloOfEarth

Pompey (Australia; lava projection) csyphrett

Conquistador (S. and Central America; genetic engineering) Gent

Longinus (Pakistan/Afghanistan/India; powerful mystic spear) Badger

Gaius Marius (Russia/Mongolia/China/Japan; brick with tactical mastery) death tribble

Censor (leader of the Legions; teleporter including extra-dimensional) BoloOfEarth


101. Supervillain Army (members from other groups with flaws; 7) death tribble

Diablocus (big demon from Night Batallion, crippled by doubt) death tribble

Ren the Space Weasel (speedster from multiple groups, burning out) death tribble

Sergeant Stryker (super soldier from Technus Prime, wants real powers) BoloOfEarth

Miseri (teleporter from Shadowed Queen, desperately lonely) Clonus

Tank on Legs (war mecha from the Anarchy Army, addicted to war) Gent

Cronus (former Saturn of Planetary Pantheon with lust for power) Badger

Marv (agent of many agencies with great skills, bored easily) csyphrett


102. The Chrononauts (alternate versions of prior villains; 10) csyphrett

Threadbare (alternate Historian; precog martial artist) Cygnia

Grey Angel (future armor and weapons) Christopher

Timeslip (alternate Dominator; time traveler) death tribble

Crowsbane (alternate Tank on Legs; war mecha) Gent

Secret (alternate Insight; incredible intellect) csyphrett

Dreamtime (alternate Deadly Dreamer; dream control) death tribble

Backlash (alternate Circuit Breaker; cyborg) Clonus

Muddy Wolfe (alternate Johnny Guitar; luck powers) csyphrett

Scar (alternate Rumor Mel; inflict psychic pain) Cygnia

King Lear (of the Globe; madman) Badger


103. The Jury (court-related vigilante justice; 12) Badger

Hung Jury (strangling/hanging) death tribble

Final Justice (killer of bent cops) death tribble

Disbarred (lawyer killer) death tribble

Steno (mind reading) Cygnia

Court Reporter (mind control) Cygnia

Bull (bailiff brick) BoloOfEarth

Post Mortem (medical examiner dismantling killers’ bodies) BobGreenwade

Defendant (biokinetic) BoloOfEarth

Maskhunter (martial artist who kills racists) Christopher

Jury Foreman (precog/retrocog) BoloOfEarth

Bill Gavel (teleporter with big hammer) Gent

Habeus Corpus (desolidification) Cygnia


104. The Fantasticks! (lost touch with reality, 6) Cygnia

Mister Stick (stretchy comic book geek) BoloOfEarth

Captain Cadin (serial fan with rocketpack, raygun) Nothere

The Duke (western fan with magical pistols) Badger

Bad Trip (make people dream) death tribble

The Writer (what she writes comes true) death tribble

Donald Trump (nightmare version of real Trump, induce incompetence) Gent


105. Automatonics (robot-themed, 5) Gent

Robert in Disguise (metamorph into objects) death tribble

Halfman (cyborg) death tribble

Femmebot (woman with android bodyguard) Cygnia

Professor Crackpot (robot designer) death tribble

Symbiote (psychic-linked battle armor) Badger


106. International Intrigue (super-mercenaries, 7) Badger

Legionnaire Etrange (scout with light weapons) death tribble

Assault (heavy weapons specialist) death tribble

Signals (radio / computer specialist) death tribble

Bailarina (dancer/seductress) Cygnia

Longshot (sniper) csyphrett

Chameleon (infiltration and assassination) Badger

Volcanus (demolitions) SKJAM!


107. Motifs (theme villains that double as barbershop quartet, 4) SKJAM!

Blues Traveller (steal blue things) death tribble

Legume (plant use in robberies) csyphrett

Photogenic Man (photo-related thefts) death tribble

Mr. Sunday (thefts on Sunday) Cygnia


108. Infernal Affairs (demonic cops, 6) Cygnia

Catspaw (demon-inhabited spy for their masters) death tribble

Wormhole (infested with worm-like demon to alter space, time, gravity) Badger

Mr. Average (corrupting others in exchange for alternate persona) death tribble

Turnkey (parole officer corrupting parolees) Cygnia

Unforgiven (ageless sorcerer) Badger

Corrupter (property officer tainting evidence and corrupting innocents) BoloOfEarth


109. Arson Squad (fire-related, 5) BoloOfEarth

Disco Inferno (burns places for dancing) death tribble

Blastphaney (burn down churches) steriaca

Salamander (arsonist) csyphrett

Smoke (choking smoke) Cygnia

Hotcha (plasma generation, burns modeling agencies) Nothere


110. Toybox (using Black Harlequin’s toys, 6) Nothere

Pongo (Pogo sticks) death tribble

Frizbe (flying discs) BoloOfEarth

Yo-Yo (take a wild guess) death tribble

Toybreaker (cyborg bully with slingshot, marbles, etc.) steriaca

8-Ball (precog) BoloOfEarth

Cherry Bomb (explosives) csyphrett


111. The Condition (physical or mental handicaps, 5) csyphrett

Beli & Ajax (alien with immune weakness, in mecha) Christopher

Bot-Man (cripple in battlesuit) death tribble

Fantasyland (psychotic break with reality, create illusions) Big Monkey

Tendril (former cancer patient with tentacles) csyphrett

Sinister (energy projector whose powers burned off half his body) steriaca


112. Atomagetion (mutants following Holocaust, 6) steriaca

Steadfast (invulnerable) death tribble Rhino (dwarf brick) Big Monkey

Temper (heat and cold generation) steriaca

Great Dismal Swamp Monster (brick) Badger

Switchboard (telepath) death tribble

Vermin (alien rat-man) Big Monkey


113. Long Riders (western/cowboy, 4) Big Monkey

Gunslinger (throws gun-shaped boomerangs) Gent

Billie the Kid (gun-toting female trick shot) death tribble

Gambler (flings trick cards) BoloOfEarth

Cactus Joe (spine-covered brawler) Cygnia


114. Barflies (powers from alcohol, 5) Cygnia

White Lightning (more he drinks, the faster he goes) steriaca

Red Bull (lycanthrope changes to bull when drunk) BoloOfEarth

Beer Belly (beer projection) Big Monkey

Mixer (random powers when drunk) csyphrett

Moonshine (manifests hallucinations after drinks moonshine) Badger


115. Aquarium (pirates and rogue Atlanteans, 8 – include ships) Badger

Dorcas the Questor (Atlantean puppet master) death tribble

Yellow Submariner (former submariner dismissed for cowardice) death tribble

Cumberbund (high-tech tuxedo) BoloOfEarth

Golden Dragon (Q-ship with RC gunboats for Yellow Submariner) BoloOfEarth

Captain Nemo / Sub-Marine Legion (submariner with alien tech clones) Gent

Mighty Morphin Ninja Pirates (form-shifting artificial lifeforms) Christopher

Free (growth and whale powers) csyphrett

Bob (create coral underwater) csyphrett


116. Hitler’s Brain in a Jar (Nazi villains, 6) csyphrett

Qu Tsungchan (Medicine and alchemy, martial arts) steriaca

The Centurion (ancient Roman soldier) Nothere

Leibwachter (electricity) Christopher

He Who Lurks in the Tall Grass (vampiric homo habilis) Big Monkey

Ocelot (martial arts and guns) Badger

Lorelei (siren song) death tribble


117. Nixon Gang (names of people in Nixon scandals, 5-8) death tribble

McCord (stretching) BoloOfEarth

Liddy (pickpocket with pocket dimension) steriaca

Hunt (sniper) BoloOfEarth

Haldeman (destroy enemy) csyphrett

Agnew (induce negative emotions) SKJAM!

Haldeman (ghost powers) Big Monkey

Colson / Special Counsel (obtain information) Badger

Stans (teleport) stereica


118. Heaven’s Devils (bikers, 7-9) Badger

Speed Demon (speed up or slow down vehicles) death tribble

Bull (sentient motorcycle) Christopher

Tanker (low-level brick who can spray gasoline) BoloOfEarth

Wrecks (“summon” a motorcycle or other ride) Lucius

Patch (reshape flesh and bone) Hermit

Rusty (brick with swords who can rust metal) steriaca

Mad Dog (wolfman) BoloOfEarth

Banshee (sonic scream) Badger

Skids (bike trick rider) death tribble


119. Emergency Ward 10 (theme, 5-9) death tribble

Halo Nurse (Battle armor and guns) death tribble

Trdlk’dorg (share pain) Christopher

Shadowjack (underworld doctor) steriaca

Atropos (murder with medicine) Cygnia

Nurse No (firearms and thrown weapons) SKJAM!

Malady (infect others with diseases) Big Monkey


120. Sanction (flagsuits from state sponsors of terrorism, 5-8) Big Monkey

The Persian (Iran; brick) death tribble

Glamorous Fist of Kim Jhong Il (N. Korea; strength with flash) steriaca

Elfriede (East Germany; super-soldier with hammer and shield) Christopher

Hammer of Hamas (giant brick) Badger

Katanga (Congo; powered armor) Big Monkey

Skull of Muerte (San Muerte; martial arts and weapons) steriaca

Little Havana (Cuba; energy powers) death tribble

The Balkan (Sarajevo; mystic sight with retrocognition) Badger


121. The Capone Gang (gangster era, 5-8) death tribble

Yale (precognition) Cygnia

Bootlegger (driving) BoloOfEarth

Nitti (scrapper) death tribble

Kelly “the Machine” Gunn (machine gun-wielding cyborg) steriaca

Torrio (minotaur-alien with a Tommy gun) BoloOfEarth

Little Caesar (leader) Badger

St. Valentine (spy and driver) death tribble


122. Jolly Roger Bunch (pirates, 5-9) death tribble

Pogo (cyborg) BoloOfEarth

Cayman Beard (crocodile) csyphrett

El Canionero (master shooter with long tom) csyphrett

Zui Quan (martial artist when drunk with rum) Christopher

Sentinel (detect anything in or above the ocean, and ninjas) Christopher

Bloody Grace (captain; undead revenant) Cygnia

BilgeRat (power over water) Nothere

Shade (stealth and disguise) Lucius

Crew (duplicator) death tribble

Dread Jolly Lobert (undead pirate) steriaca


123. Dread Titans (giants, 6) death tribble

Titanium (giant robot base) Badger Nessie Locke (turn into sea life) csyphrett

Overshadow (steal size and mass from others) SKJAM!

Gerontes (giant with energy powers) death tribble

The Mound (legless giant) death tribble

Hurricane (giant with storm powers)

Gent Nar (alien with energy gun) steriaca


124. Academia Diabolica (college faculty, 6) Gent

Headmaster (mentalist) steriaca

Heatherington Hall (base) death tribble

Registrar (demon) death tribble

Bursar (extra-dimensional purse) Lucius

Dr. Truestone (unnatural and mathematical sciences) Lucius

Prof. Moriarty (antisocial and misbehavioral sciences) Lucius

Prof. Sardonicus (arts and inhumanities) Lucius

Cataclysm (precog/retrocog of historic calamities) BoloOfEarth

Prof. Chaos (phobia and antiestablishment) Nothere


125. Literati (villains from fiction, 6) Nothere

Bondsman and THORN agents (amalgam of Bond villains) steriaca

Big Bad Wolf (wolf-man with powers from fairy tale wolves) Christopher

Dr. Sikh and Mr. Fynd (transform to brick) BoloOfEarth

Beater Ban (flying pirate with band of animal kids) csyphrett

Evil Witch (amalgam of witches from fiction) Christopher

The Rake (handsome rake) steriaca


126. Orochi (high-tech samurai, 8) steriaca

General Taira (powered armor) Big Monkey

Ieyesu (samurai with blade that can cut through anything) death tribble

Yuzuki & the Neo-Wokou (pirate with telekinesis and force fields) Christopher

Typhoon (battlesuit with ability to control weather) death tribble

Golden Geisha (battlesuited geisha) death tribble

Youkai (monster) csyphrett

Earth Branches (shapeshifter) Christopher

Great Metal Warrior (mecha) Badger


127. Double Trouble (identical twins, 5 sets) Badger

Twist & Shout (stretching and sonics) steriaca

Mind & Body (mentalist and brick with speed) Badger

Sugar & Spice (pheromones and pyrokinesis) Cygnia

Split & Merge (duplication and brick after merge in duplicates) SKJAM!

Rick & Roll (monitoring and move-throughs) csyphrett


128. Navigators (map symbols, 5) csyphrett

Terra Incognita (temporarily banish to other dimensions) SKJAM!

Legend (teleportation and x-dim gates to summon legendary creatures) BoloOfEarth

Contour (shape changer) csyphrett

Cardinal Point (magnetic flight and cause vertigo) steriaca

Scale (shrink or enlarge others) death tribble


129. Cold Comfort (winter sports, 5-9) death tribble

Luge (luge; speedster) BoloOfEarth

Stick (hockey; high-tech hockey equipment) steriaca (p. 73)

Snowdragon (lizardman with hand weapons) Christopher

Snowathlete (soldier with snow weapons) Christopher

Puck (hockey; high-tech hockey equipment) steriaca

Bi-Athlete (duplicating sniper) BoloOfEarth


130. High Finance (banking & finance, 6) BoloOfEarth

High Risk (?) death tribble

Cut-n-run (speedster) steriaca

Vault (leaping brick) BoloOfEarth

Teller (knows answers to questions, security specialist) csyphrett

Box (weapons in dimensional portal) csyphrett

Wall Street Wolf (lycanthrope) Badger


131. ComicCons (cosplayers given powers, 8) Badger

Fate Valentine (Cowboy BeBop Faye) death tribble

Dr. Fourarmedfox (amalgam of Grond, Foxbat, and Dr. Dair) steriaca

Henry the Sith (sith warrior) Hermit

Ghoststalker (ghost able to paralyze opponents) Cygnia

Dial-a-Villain (Ben-10 alien clone generator) csyphrett

Stormtrooper Dave (duplicator) Badger

Leader Deschar and the Green Comet (otaku with plastic robot) steriaca

Sapphire Star (energy powers) death tribble


132. Youth in Revolt (cousins of White Sheep, 4) death tribble

The Ram (brick with running and climbing) steriaca

Glow Peep (energy blaster) steriaca

Bo Creep (razor fingernails/teleport) steriaca

Capri (polymorph wizard) Cygnia


133. Fad Five (fads, 5) Cygnia

Pog-Meister (high-tech pogs) SKJAM!

Electro-Buggieboo (breakdancing robot) steriaca

Chris Cross (energy blaster from back of his hand) Badger

Tamagotchi (mini-computer AI) Christopher

That 70s Guy (roller-skating kick-dancer) death tribble


134. Compass Crew (four directions, 4) death tribble

North Pole (magnetics) BoloOfEarth

Wild West / Dusty Trail (cowboy with teleport and trick shooting) csyphrett

Southern Bell (sonics) Badger

Far East (martial artist) BoloOfEarth


135. Gene Phreaks (based on genetics 6) BoloOfEarth

Double Helix - steraica

Gentotype - csyphrett

Mutation - Death tribble

DNA - steraica

Dominant - Jack Valhalla

Phenotype - Bolo


136 Madhouse (horror villians 7) Jack Valhalla

Phantom of the Opera - Death Tribble

Count Superia - Steraica

Bell Witch - Cygnia

Bad Witch - SKJAM!

Patchwork Man - Steraica

Lagoon - Bolo

Manwolf - Gent


137 Human Zoo (humans who became/become animals 5) Gent

Dolph Grin aka Orca - csyphrett

Mindhive - Jack Valhalla Zuba

Lion Man - steraica

Hidden Serpent - Death Tribble

Pigeon Master -Csyphrett


138 Hoovers (vacuum powers 5) csyphrett

That's Gotta Suck - death tribble

Holder - death tribble

Boy in the Bubble - death tribble

Upright II - Jack Valhalla

De-Energiser - death tribble


139 Dinosaurama (dinosaur villains 5) Death Tribble

Pterosaur - Bolo

Tri Terror Tops - Hermit

Velocity Raptor - Steraica

Tyrant - csyphrett

Whipsnake - Jack Valhalla


140. Rough Sects (misheard villain names 7) Jack Valhalla

Rear Entry - Bolo of Earth

Nancy Boy - Steraica

Blowjob - Lucius

Villain Mattress - Christopher

Sea Man - Bolo of Earth

Kenny - Christopher

Discharge - Badger


141 Freemason Elite (based on Freemasons 8) Badger

Stone Ghost - Lucius

Mocking Fool - Lucus

Master of the Lodge - death tribble

Master Shadowwall - steraica

Tyler - death tribble

itax - death tribble

Almoner - steraica

Enoch - Badger


142 Agents of Thorn - Steraica

Miss Laid - death tribble

Number Two - Bolo

Helmsman - Bolo

Clarence - Badger

Darwin - Bolo

Li R - death tribble

Dermis - Bolo

Su Chee - death tribble

Suts Yu - death tribble


143. Rebranded (Villains with new names, 6) Death Tribble

Twilight Knight - Bolo

Strate - death tribble

Powermind - steraica

Kneecapper - Jack Valhalla

Nightwolf - Lucius

Deathsting - SKJAM!


144. One Trick Ponies (villainous ponies literally, 5) SKJAM!

Mister Dread - steraica

Corral - Jack Valhalla

Portamino - Steraica

Kick - csyphrett

Bubbles - death tribble

Carrier - death tribble


145. Dark Illuminati (members and associates of this group) (8) - Death Tribble

Nicholas H Scratch - steraica

Benjamin Brewster - Bolo

Raucus - death tribble

Regina - Cygnia

Empirion - Death Tribble

Coulson, Welby and Raybourne (lawyers) - csyphrett

Dark Visionary - death tribble

Cyclax the Destroyer - death tribble


146. Harem (bodyguards of Henry Cranham) (6) - Death tribble

Brunhild (valkyrie) - csyphrett

Dark Damsel (sniper) - Sterica

Crimson Raven (martial Artist) - Death Tribble

Genie (reality warper) - SKJAM !

Aerial (gymnast and martial artist) - Badger

Lista (gymnast and martial artist) - Badger


147. Nation Builders - Badger

Detriot Iron (armoured suit) Death Tribble

Macob (supernatural gadgets) steraica

Moab (tentacles) csyphrett

Mob (shapshifting duplicator) Lucius

God Mind (Mentalist) Death tribble

Rusher (runner) Sterica


148. New Terror Inc - Sterica

El Bandito Gaucho (martial Artist) Death Tribble

No Giganto (brick)  - Lucius

Macaw - csyphrett

Voice of Muerte - steraica

Leopard - csyphrett

Mosquito - csyphrett

The Jivaro - Badger

Tengo - csyphrett


149. Breachers (escape the Dark Illuminati prison, 8) csyphrett

Felix (lucky) - death tribble

Hammerhead - steraica

No 6 (he is a free man...) - csyphrett

Shadowstone - Badger

Seven - steraica

Mole (tunneller) - csyphrett

Megakiller1991 (IT) - death tribble

Aleph - cygnia


150. Egomaniacs (7) Cygnia

Monolith Prime - steraica

Particle Man - csyphrett

KA-BOOM ! - death tribble

Doctor DeMental - Bolo

Mama Oya - cygnia

Professor Arcane - Lawnmower Boy

Halcyon - christopher


151. The Seniors (Old crooks 5) Lawnmower Boy

Dr Maynard Lawnmower Boy

Professor Depower steraica

The Cathedral (brick who takes shape of building) death tribble

Death Trap Dennis (designs death traps) csyphrett

Burnout - Badger


152. Howl-Oween (scary crooks 8) Badger

My Pet Dinosaur (reptile) death tribble

Mad Monk of the Moors (ghost) death tribble

The Cat cygnia

Molock the Mad steraica

Rag man csyphrett

1-800-ZOMBIES (duplicating zombie horde) death tribble

Spider Queen csyphrett

Child of the Fox csyphrett


153. Vampires (6) csyphrett

Ocean Leech death tribble

Peter Vannevar Delano Lodge III lawnmower Boy

Creeping Jungle death tribble

The Horla cygnia

Melvin Dejuglar steraica

Leatherwind steraica


154. 80s Action Figures Villain Edition (Rejected toys for 80s Action figures, 8) Steraica
Wheels of Steel (villainous car) death tribble

Cupcakes (villainous My Little Pony) csyphrett

Jackpot badger

El Macheta (gay hispanic martial artist) death tribble

Leopardess (female beast a la Thundercats) death tribble

Mr Brownie csyphrett

Mr Gloom csyphrett

Allen Sherwood The Arc


155. Mad Intellectual Think Tank (MITT, Mad Scientists 5 by Death Tribble, 5 by others 10) Death Tribble

Assistant (forced into life of crime as once assisted Dr Nymax!) - Death Tribble

Designer (infamous as the guy who built Wheels of Steel) - Death Tribble

Dr Nymax! (mad sorceror and scientist) - Death Tribble

Prof Mayhem (Russian scientist specialising in big weapons/vehicles) - Death Tribble

Architect of Desire (works on traps and buildings) - Death Tribble

Professor Robert Steraica (weapons) - steraica

Dr Robert Corpenin (resurrectionist) - csyphrett

BB (works on beneficial additions to animals) - christopher

Dr Maximinian - Lawnmower Boy

Dr Sykosis - cygnia


156. Skinwalkers (Were creatures 6) cygnia

Grizzletooth (werebear) death tribble

Haj csphrett

Serpentine steraica

Neander Ned (were Mammoth) badger

Duckbeak (were Platypus) christopher

Were Man SKJAM!


157. Intolerant (villains with a lack of tolerence of a particular thing/group 6) SKJAM!

Riotous - csyphrett

White Dragon - steraica

Man's World - death tribble

Scar - steraica

Painter - csyphrett

Champion Killer - SKJAM!


158. Immortal Weapons (Oriental Martial Artists 6) csyphrett

Fist of the Summer Lightning - death tribble

Hei Wong - csyphrett

Master Ninja (ultimate Ninja) - death tribble

Meiko of the 13 Tails - steraica

Beast of Fu Shan - csyphrett

Master of the 15 Blades - death tribble


159. Deadly Dozen (Members of famous defunct villain group 5) Death Tribble

Blackwind - steraica

Crimson Gnat (flyer) - death tribble

Chessmaster - csyphrett

Ballistic - Badger

Eduardo - cygnia


160. Knights of the Unstable (fragments of a mind with powers Arthurian theme 7) cygnia

Green Knight of the Thorns steraica

Sir Gal the Lad - death tribble

Lamork le Sauvage - cygnia

Wayne Knight csyphrett

Pellinore Palomedes lucius

Black Knight Christopher

Cologrim Bolo

Knight of the Questing Beast Lawnmower Boy


161. Writers Club (creative writers in prison 6) Lucius

Illustrator bolo

Booster csyphrett

Origami christopher

Typist nothere

Bludgeon lucius

Editor (Death Tribble)


162. League of Naughtiness (Teen Hero villains, 5) Death Tribble

King Octobot XV (Cygnia)

Spore (csyphrett)

Toystealer (Death Tribble)

Dr Devilegg (steraica)

Comet (Badger)


163. Twilights (based on Twilight Zone episodes 8)

Gremlin - Cygnia

Atnas - steraica

Maskmaker - SKJAM!

Talky Tina - Badger

The Aunt - Csyphrett

Mr Dingle - csyphrett

Doc Hollis - Ozymandias

Max Micron - csyphrett


164. Telemachus's Terrors (RPG characters summoned by explosion 7)

Blackwing - csyphrett

Eye Tyrant - Laundry Knight

Red-e-O - csyphrett

Gia Mondavi - Cygnia

David Dawnstar - Steraica

Evil Schoolgirl Amaya - Badger

Swordlord - Lucius


165. Home Team (character sheets exist on the boards 4)

Apotheosis (SKJAM!)

Cerebellum (Death Tribble from an original idea by Worldmaker)


Penny Ante (Death Tribble from an original idea by Worldmaker)


166. The Restorers (trying to restore the time stream 7) death tribble


Infidel (csyphrett)

Restorer (Death Tribble)

Minion 38

Colonel Kentucky




167. Squadron Squad (Squadrons making up the team 5)

1001st Airborne Squadron (Death Tribble)

Waterboys (Death Tribble)



Recon in Force (Bolo of Earth)


168. Boston Commons (based on Boston or linked to it) (5)

Whitey (cygnia)

Common Man - badger

Gerrymander - (death tribble)

Sense - Bolo

Dyer - csyphrett

Splendid Splinter -badger


169. Labors (of Hercules 12) - Badger

Sagitarrius christopher

Amazon csyphrett

Muck Raker cygnia

Grappler Lucius

Hydrox csyphrett

Apple csyphrett

Cerebata death tribble

Deerfoot badger

Roadhog csyphrett

Mare Christopher

Cretin the Bull csyphrett

Geryon the Giant Christopher


170. Terror Tubbies (villainous Telly Tubbies 4) Christopher

Tipsy csyphrett

Tingle csyphrett

Slo csyphrett

Nya na Badger


171. Nocturnals (cannot stand daylight) badger

Manspider death tribble

Daymare Bolo Gator steraica

Living Blot csyphrett

Urban Hunter Christopher

Binary Christopher

Star Strider Laundry Knight


172. Days of Destruction (villains based on days 7) Laundry Knight

Selene death tribble

Fryday Chrsitopher

Saturday's Child Cygnia

Dromedan Lucius

Two csyphrett

Blazon Lord Liaden

Apollo Badger


173. The Table (Chemical villains) Lord Liaden

Lead csyphrett

Oxygen Hermit

Iridia Christopher

Doctor Lithium cygnia

Silver Bullet badger

Leprachaun's Gold badger

Hydrogen csyphrett

Carbon Chain Matt Holck

Boron Matt Holck


174. Tyrants Matt Holck

Atlas steraica

Supreme Being death tribble

Sixteen Tons csyphrett

Tireal Marko Vasil christopher

Jezebel Vile Hermit


175. Axis of Blood Hermit

Guderian (stratagist) death tribble

Schwarz csyphrett

Fading Sun steraica

Blitzkreig nothere

Deadly Fist (martial artist) death tribble

La Llorona (causes pain by touch) cygnia


176. Dakota Destroyers cygnia

Wheat Master steraica

Deadwood badger

Trailer of Tears csyphrett

Rushmore Bolo

Snowdrift badger


177. Heavy Metal (based on heavy metals) Badger

Rhodium SKJAM!

Mercury Mercenary (from V+V Crushers) death tribble

Osmium Bolo

Arson Nick csyphrett

Kid Bronze badger

Titanium csyphrett

Brass Monkey Bolo


178. Birdcage (oppose the Flock) Bolo

Ghost of the Earth Christopher

Obdurate Hermit

Skytracker Badger

Robber Cement csyphrett

Blast Cannon death tribble


179. 15 seconds forever ! (reality TV show for villains) Hermit

Dodgeball csyphrett

Drama Queen SKJAM!

Bilious (makes people sick) death tribble

Plain Jane death tribble

Webstar csyphrett

Big Blast nothere


180. Colors (anti-US Independence) Nothere

The Blacks (assassins) death tribble

The Yellows (IT) badger

Mr and Mrs Red Christopher

The Greens (finance) Bolo

The Browns csyphrett

The Purples Steraica

The Blues (transport) Hermit


181. PSI Japan Hermit

PK Starstorm csyphrett

Red Esperblade steraica

Tengu cygnia

The Quiet Man death tribble

Kaiju death tribble


182. Descendents (heroes descendents are villains) death tribble

Poison Oakley death tribble

Paul Revered badger

Davy Rocket csyphrett

Maltese steraica

Harm Man csyphrett


183. Named Ones steraica

Maxicore christopher

Zorxannon badger

Galzuka badger

Abaddonmal csyphrett

Logore badger

Xanosynn death tribble

Razornan csyphrett

Quzeen csyphrett

Dadorn csyphrett

Scanadora csyphrett


184. Circe and the Stallions (a female Adonis and followers) death tribble

Circe (the boss) Cygnia

Whoa (compresses time) csyphrett

Katana (martial artist and loyal guard) death tribble

Ulysses cygnia

Heartthrob crimson

Locust csyphrett

Midas nothere

Big Tusker csyphrett

Mr Wonderful - death tribble


185. Most Evil death tribble

Silencer - Badger

Dr Pox cygnia

Chatsworth csyphrett

Babykiller nothere

The Killer death tribble

deathspan steraica


186. Black Triangle steraica

The Devilfish (quasi Deep One with stage magic) death tribble

The Cold csyphrett

The Dark Badger

The Brain christopher

The Corruptor csyphrett

The Laugh death tribble

The Puppet csyphrett

The Mirror badger

The Claw csyphrett

Homoculus christopher

Corpse nothere

The Fear csyphrett

The Index csyphrett


187. Wilders csyphrett

Red E steraica

Max Turbo csyphrett

Hack R steraica

Wild Hotdogger Laundry Knight

Slip nothere


188. Council of Knives nothere

Claymore Laundry Knight

Bowie badger

Slice csyphrett

Gladius cygnia

Stilleto steraica


189. Agents of THORN Wave 2 steraica

Captain West - csyphrett

Gemini - Badger

Fadeaway - csyphrett

Finder - christopher

Puerto 8 - csyphrett

Blank - csyphrett


190. Politicos (political villains 5) csyphrett

El Presidente - (Legatus)

Bishop - csyphrett

Dr Wiez (csyphrett)

La Capatana - steraica

Bo - Badger


191. Mass Extinction (animals that are now extinct 6) Badger

Dodo - Christopher

Bison - Christopher

Carrier - csyphrett

Dr Baiji - Steraica

Galapogo - csyphrett

Tasmanian - Badger


192. Cancer Corps (dieing villains 5)

The Talon (Death Tribble)

Shadow Phoenix



Smoker (csyphrett)


193. Fugitive Five (Escapees from the planetary patrol 5) csyphrett

Wentai - (Death Tribble)

Cos - (csyphrett)

Swal - (csyphrett)

Torchbearer - (Legatus)

Queen Slotter - (Cygnia)


194. Order of Sagitarrius (villainous archers 6) Cygnia

Archer of Love (Death Tribble)

Black Hole Bowman (csyphrett)

Crimson Longbow (Badger)

The Hunted (Legatus)


Crooked Arrow


195. Fey Five (villainous Fey 5)

Leaping Leprachaun - Death Tribble

Iron Shoes - csyphrett

Blossom (enchanted deer with bow) - Legatus

Nemesis - Badger

Mr Stumpy (troll) badger


196 Nostradamus prophercies (mystics trying to make the prophercies come true)

Nostradama (descendent of Nostradamus) - death tribble

Quatrain - csyphrett

Hister - cygnia

Nostradrama (French mystic who make a crisis out of a drama) - death tribble

Grey Djynnya - SKJAM!


197 Outlaws (villains with a South West flavour/cowboys) 6

Rustler - death Tribble

Cannon - csyphrett

Buffalo Gal (were bison) - badger

Gambling Man (gambler and killer) - death tribble

Claim Jumper - Matt Holck

Rebel Yell - Death Tribble


198. Sacremento Courthouse Five (villains sentenced to death following 'their actions' during attack on said courthouse) 5 Death Tribble

Heartless - Cygnia

Exergis - death Tribble

Recluse - Badger

Alumini-Gater - Matt Holck

Macheath - csyphrett


199. Master of Martial Arts and Crafts csyphrett

Julia the Child (cooking) - Badger

Paperback - cygnia

Laundryman (laundry) - death tribble

Crowshay (crochet) - Psyber624

Needle (knitting) - csyphrett


200. Postermen (based on your own ID here) - Psyber624

Death Tribble - death tribble

Csyphrett - csyphrett

Badger - badger

Psyber - Psyber624


201. Death Metal (based on Metallica songs) 5-10 Badger

Sandman - Death Tribble

One - cygnia

Caller of Ktulu - Psyber624

Creeping Death - Badger

Master of Puppets - Death Tribble

Disposable Heoes - csyphrett

Seek and Destroy (2) - Badger

The Memory Remains - Death Tribble

Page - csyphrett

King of Nothing - Legatus


202. Goldfingers. Female burglars 6 Legatus

Pinkie - Steraica

Grifter - Psyber624

Fingerman - csyphrett

Metal Maid - Death Tribble

Sylvestra - Badger

Lady Cerebellum - Badger


203. New Punks (based on ages i.e. Iron Age, Stone Age) 6 Christopher

Stone Punk (stone age) - Psyber624

Luddite (Industrial) - Death Tribble

Control/Alt/Delete (Information age) - Badger

New Black Knight - Psyber 624

Dr Nuklo (atomic age) - csyphrett

Spartan - Laundry Knight


204. Maestos (art inspired villains) 7 Laundry Knight

Rapture - Psyber624

Snapshot - Quozaxx

Living Sculpture - Badger

Devil Charlie Webster - csyphrett

Prima Ballerhino - Bolo of Earth

Comedian - csyphrett

Superflat - Steraica


205. Tempus Force (Enemies of TED) 6 Steraica

Lord of Time - Death Tribble

Relocator - Bolo of Earth

Woody Wilcox - csyphrett

Quantix - Psyber624

Backstep - Major Tom 2009

Unstable Man - Death Tribble


206. Wacky Racers (Based on the cartoon Wacky Races) 5-11 Death Tribble

Danger Prone Dani aka Decoy - Cygnia

Richard Denasty and Bowzer - Steraica

Dr Traitor - csyphrett

Peter Perfection - Bolo of Earth

Slag - Hermit

Sgt Buster - Nothere

Grim and Grave DiGigger - Steraica

Scarlet Strafer - csyphrett


207. Christmas Evil (based on the holiday season gone wrong) 7-12 Bolo of Earth

Boxer - csyphrett

Sugar Kookie - Steraica

The Humbug - Psyber624

Jingle Belle - Bolo of Earth

Bad Christmas Fairy - death tribble

The Wrapper - Steraica

Old King Coal - csyphrett

The Elf - Badger

Insane-T Nick - Bolo of Earth

Rudolph the Ripper - Psyber624

Silent Knight - csyphrett

Misteltoe - csyphrett


208. Obsidian Mirror (mesoamerican priests trying to bring on end of the world) 5 csyphrett

Batkin, Herald of the Coming Doom - Psyber624

Malo - Steraica

Fen the Wolfman - Badger

Yum Cimil - Bol of Earth

El Hombre dr Sombra - Csyphrett


209. Death Squad (aspects of Death) 6-10 Badger

Crazy Ivan (madness) - death tribble

Solo (Loneliness) - Bolo of Earth

Dolzilla (Destruction) - csyphrett

Boozehound (intoxication) - badger

Endure (sacrifice) - Bolo of Earth

dr Rotwing (decay) - csyphrett

Nothing (emptiness) - Psyber624

Gold King (Greed) - csyphrett

Red Rage (rage) - death Tribble


210. The Rogue Battalion (members of supervillain group founded in early 90s) 7 Death Tribble (exclude any entries Tribble makes)

The Colonel - Death Tribble

Silver Claw - Steraica

Firewall - Psyber624

Malcontent - Bolo of Earth

Potential - csyphrett

Bang Flash - Bolo of Earth

Wolfblood - csyphrett

Lamprey - csyphrett

Named and dead: Blue Shadow, Iron Hawk, Iron Hawk 2, Gold Man, Mindmaster, Dr Devious, Fire Falcon, Kreigterra, Inhuman Weasel, Magistrate, Felonious Ferret

Named and missing: Yorktown

Named and Imprisoned: The Alarum, Devil Cop, The Major (Lady Night), Pain Princess, Rockface


211. Gang Green. Colour Green based powers 5 csyphrett

Clover - Death Tribble

Emerald - csyphrett

Sweet Pea - Bolo

Envy - Psyber624

Overgrowth - Old Man


212. Five Horseman of the Apocalypse. New ideas on horsemen. Old Man

Baner (renders worthless) - csyphrett

Despair - Lord Liaden

Thirst - Death Tribble

Apathy - Zen Archer

Revenant - Psyber624


213. Prime Times. Based on TV shows 5 psyber624

Arrow (based on Green Arrow) - csyphrett

Mutilator (based on Bones and CSI) - Death Tribble

Phat Albert - Steraica

Mythbuster - Bolo

Mister Radar (MASH) - Steraica


214. Evil Hours. Vilains from history 6 Steraica

High Noon - Bolo

Elebth Hour - Zen Archer

Watchmaker - Old Man

The Alarm - csyphrett

Quarter Till - Bolo

Doomsday Clock - death Tribble


215. Robbery Syndicate. Alleged group involved in the 1995 Chicago-San Francisco Run maimed or killed by American Protector. 7 Death Tribble

Loopy Lou (maimed and imprisoned) - Bolo

The Acrobat (maimed) - Steraica

Hodag (thrown into orbit. Missing presumed dead) - csyphrett

Sonic Sara (maimed, her dog killed) - Badger

Scarlet Hawk (killed) - death Tribble

Max Millions (beaten into a coma) - Death Tribble

Laddie Luck (killed) - Bolo

Laffy Taffy (killed) - Psyber624


216. Multiplicity. Seven people actially split personalities of one person. Psyber624

Monty Hall - csyphrett

Tantrum - Old Man

Spyman - Death Tribble

Tock Tick - Bolo of Earth

The Goof - Steraica

Overarc -csyphrett

Detective Brown - Bolo of Earth


217. Fraternity Row. Fratboys with powers 5. Bolo of Earh

Bee Goggles - Steraica

Mr Improbable - Lores Lost

Food Fight - Bolo

Party Animal - csyphrett

Miss Behaviour - Steraica

Toga - Psyber624


218. Revenge of the Nerds. Geeks. 5 Psyber524

Poindexter - Bolo

Phys Ed Brody - csyphrett

The Dream - Steraica

The Geek - Death Tribble

Ornithologist - csyphrett


219. Images. Cinema posters come to life. 5 csyphrett

Frank N'Further - Zen Archer

Forestshadow - Steraica

Sparkles - Bolo

Alpha - csyphrett

Rebel Princess - Badger


220. Walking Dead. Undead. 6. Badger

Dead Man Talkin ! - Death Tribble

Jonnie Rot - Steraica

The Mortician - csyphrett

The Ghoulfriend - Death Tribble

Ghostbuster - Bolo

Lady of the Manor - Badger


221. Darkest Africa. 7-12. Based on animals and environment of Africa. Death Tribble

Drakensberg - Death Tribble

Savanna - csyphrett

Honey Badger - Badger

Kgala - cygnia

Kilimanjaro - Steraica

wildebeest - Bolo

Sahara - Death Tribble

Agulhas - Death Tribble

Hippo - cygnia


222. Red Army Time Squad. Russians from 1957. Looking to restore Communism. 6 Cygnia

Katyusha - Death Tribble

Dragonuv - Cygnia

White Archer - csyphrett

Laika - Bolo

Kolkhov - dbsousa

Collective - Bolo


223. Cthulhu Mythos. 6 Lovecraft types. Bolo of Earth

Keeyontoa (Jackel headed Nightwraith) - Cygnia

Creature from the Black Lake (Deep One) - Death Tribble

Yub-Sholoth (That which is swallowed and consumed) - Hermit

Trapezoid - csyphrett

Kloshotha, the Eternal Worm God - Old Man

Gazorkalisk, the Thing Beyond Time - Steraica


224. Dexnij's Evigard. Copies of Metagard's foes. 6 Steraica

Demolisher - Bolo

Buzzkill - csyphrett

Half N Half - Bolo

Equidistant - csyphrett

Old Man Wrath - Bolo

Rebound - Bolo


225. Apps. Villains summoned by iPhone. 5 Bolo of Earth

Cheesecutter - Steraica

Angry Bird - csyphrett

Fat Sam - Death Tribble

Tetris - csyphrett

Madman - Steraica


226. Agents of Thorn. James Invasion/ All called Jane/James and based on Bond actors. 6 Steraica

Agent 24 Jane Craig - Old Man

Agent 6 James Moore - Death Tribble

Agent 34 James Niven - Bolo

Agent 42 James Dalton - csyphrett

Agent 3 James Lazenby - csyphrett

Agent 12a James Brosnan - Death Tribble


227. Mad Scientists Club. Famous mad scientists liked by the Mad Intellectual Think Tank member 5. Death Tribble

Dr Victor Von Frankenstein (Dr Corpse) - Bolo

Dr Annihilation (Prof Mayhem - Death Tribble

Professor DePower (Dr Steraica) - Steraica

Dr Shanghai (?) - Old Man

Frank Lloyd Wong (Architect) - Bolo


228. The Remotes. Villains working through proxies 5 Bolo of Earth

Mastermind - csyphrett

Ambrose - Bolo

Madame Butterfly - Old Man

Otaku - Steraica

Arethusa - Death Tribble


229. Five Giant Kaiju Atlantic Rim. Giant Monsters. 5. Old Man

Octor - csyphrett

Terrance the Terror Turtle - Death Tribble

Shipping Crand - Matt Holck

Walruvore - Bolo

Tiamatra, Queen of dragons - Steraica


230. Hive. Insect themes villains 6. Steraica

Buzzkill - Bolo

No Flies on Me ! - Death Tribble

Beetle Metamorph - Matt Holck

Queen Bee - Steraica

Horned One - Nothere

Brown Recluse - cygnia


231. Collegium. Professors of Crime. 5 Cygnia

Cancer - Old Man

Professor Monoj - csyphrett

Doctor Damnation - Steraica

Potion - Nothere

The Cracksman - Death Tribble


232. Janus. Opposites. 5. Nothere (not including his own entry)

Othello - Nothere

Opposites Attract/Attack - Death Tribble

Pushpull - csyphrett

Whisperscream - csyphrett

Calm Anger - Badger

Hated Love - Badger


233. Dining Society (based on food and drink) 5-8 Death Tribble

Hi No Gaki (Hungry Ghost of Fire) - SKJAM!

Bacchus - Sociotard

Sin Eater - Steraica

Guzzler - csyphrett

Leonus - Badger

Gourmand - Death Tribble

Leecher - csyphrett

Hun Gore - Steraica


234. Shadow Court of Hate 4 or 8 teenage pawns of Lady Nightmare

Lady Schadenfreude - SKJAM!

Lady Gloom - Death Tribble

Lady Snark - cygnia

Lady Ennui - SKJAM!


235. Unholy Days (low powered and based on holidays) 7 SKJAM!

The April Fool - Badger

Shadowmaker (Groundhog Day) - Badger

Five Mays - csyphrett

Excuse Me, Mr President ! (President's Day) - Death Tribble

Blackface (Black History month) - Logman

Firecracker (Independence Day) - Enforcer84

Sweetie Pie (Sweetest Day) - Cygnia


236. The Cyber Main (Modern day pirates who hanker after the old days)  Cygnia

Black Bart - Death Tribble

The Captaiin - csyphrett

Sam the Axe - Steraica

Freejack - Death Tribble

Ching Shih - Old Man

Captain Facehook - Bolo of Earth


237. Hand of Undeath (Undead martial artists) 5 Bolo of Earth

Oda (possessed sword) - csyphrett

Asam Arum - Badger

Vampire Ninja - Death Tribble

Bakeneko - Cygnia

Snow Lily - SKJAM!


238. Money Matters. (Money related mercenary team) 4 SKJAM! 

Coinpurse - Bolo of Earth

Mamon - Steraica

Bitcoin - csyphrett

Aurum - Badger


239. Superfight Club (they live to fight and come from power archetypes) 6-8 Badger

Left Hook (speedster) - csyphrett

Regen - Steraica

Gibralter (brick) - Nothere

Mad Monkey (Sandra Watkins) (Martial Artist) - Death Tribble

Mind Gladiator (Mentalist) - SKJAM!

Hand Signal - csyphrett

Underhand - Bolo of Earth

Snipe the Invisble Man - Black Ops


240. Wetworkers. Killers who respect each others professionalism 7 Black Ops

Silent Fury - Old Man

Mr Shush - Death Tribble

Red Warthog - csyphrett

Seventh Seal - Bolo of Earth

Wet - Nothere

Backdoor - Hermit

Vehicular Homicide - csyphrett


241. Aspen Assaulting Attackers. Cold and snowboard powers 5 csyphrett

Snowplow - Hermit

Ramp - csyphrett

Polar Vortex - Badger

Airdog - Hermit

Halfpipe - Badger


242. Castaways. Undead based on Gilligan's Island and 7 deadly Sins 7 Badger

Gotsby (anger) - csyphrett

Dr Getteson (pride) - SKJAM!

Mr Munch (gluttony) - Nothere

Spectre (envy) - Death Tribble

Cal Bryner (sloth) - Death Tribble

Caroline Bittons (lust) - csyphrett

Barnabas Heath (greed) - Badger


243. Dynamic Duos. 7 pairs who work for contract Death Tribble

Schemer and Black Velvet - Death Tribble

Red Devil and Cold Sign - csyphrett

Kent Rigel (white stallion and Yellow Flash) - Chrisopher

Side and Kick - Bolo of Earth

Distressed Damsels - Death Tribble

Ojo and Molar Mole - csyphrett

EEM5 and The Mad Mime - Badger


244. Mutants of Mythos. Based on Greek myths 8 Badger

Faun (mind control animals) - csyphrett

Eris (golden chaos grenade) - csyphrett

Sphinx - death tribble

Daedalus (inventor) - badger

Hydra - Death Tribble

Minotaur - Nothere

Helios (solar energy) - csyphrett

Echo - BhelliamRahl


245. Devil's Mathmaticians. Based on maths. 5 Badger

Pi Lord - Steraica

Angle Man - Death Tribble

Calculus the Mastermind - Wick

Zero - csyphrett

Decimal - nothere


246. The Staff. Worked for now dead millionaire and now have powers 6 Nothere

Chauffeur - Nothere

Cook - csyphrett

French Maid - death tribble

Majordomo - steraica

Poolboy - wick

Attache - cygnia


247. Sore Losers. They lost big and will now inflict their losses on others. 7 Cygnia

Lard Assman - wick

Rat Trap - csyphrett

Sorrow - death tribble

Sob Story - death tribble

Broken Soldier - steraica

Black Cupid - steraica

The Mime - csyphrett


248. Brides of Malkronos. Women from time used by Malkronos the Elder to guide his younger self 8 Steraica

Nitocris - death tribble

Ninjato - csyphrett

Ghulmacher - cygnia

Sharpshooter - death tribble

Quartermaster - csyphrett

Bulvana - Steraica

La Contessa Serenissima - death tribble

Captain Yellowhair - csyphrett


249. The Raiders of Wong Tong (D+D players who want to save the world from heroes/villains) 7 csyphrett

Bartan the Red - Steraica

Trandon the Mystic - Death Tribble

Gomer Thief - csyphrett

Silas the Silent - Nothere

Runt - Streraica

Lady Wu - csyphrett

Hapon Goldentongue - SKJAM!


250. The America Smashers (superhimans out to destroy America but based on the original 13 Colonies) 5 SKJAM!

The 14th Star - csyphrett

Treeder - steraica

\Mayflower - death tribble

A - Steraica

Roanoke - Death Tribble


251. The Suppliers (villains who provide services to other villains) 5 plus - Death Tribble

The Widow - (arms)  - Death Tribble

The Planner - Death Tribble

Dr Headshrinkler (psychiatry) - SKJAM!

Templord (provides work) - Steraica

Oversight (warns others) - csyphrett

Evil St Laurence (clothes) - Death Tribble

Landlord (property)- Nothere

The Fence - Death Tribble


252. The Behanians (villains based on constellations) - 15 Tigereye

Alderbarran - Steraica

Spica - Death Tribble

Alcameth - Death Tribble

Geniah - Death Tribble

The Pleidies (six sisters)) - steraica

Acuris - Steraica

Capricorni - csyphrett

Sopdu - csyphrett

Procyon - steraica

Regulus the great - steraica

Cor Scorpii - Death Tribble

Vulturs Cadens - csyphrett

Elphiea - csyphrett

Alkaid - SKJAM!

Algol- Steraica


253. Tartarus Ten (Tartarus and th 9 villains who work with him) - 10 Steraica

Eager Beaver (man sized Beaver) - Death Tribble

Tartarus - Steraica

Daniel Webster VII - Death Tribble

Knockoff - SKJAM!\

Barcode- csyphrett

Enigma - Death Tribble

Tellerman - Death Tribble

Oddball - Steraica

Garlon and Frolon (imps) - Steraica


254. Church of Dio Brando - 6 Steraica

Delius Amitri - Death Tribble

Drop Kick Murphy - csyphrett

Hobgoblin of little Minds - SKJAM

(Four Horseman of Dio - Steraica!

REM - Death tribble

Floyd Pinkerton - csyphrett

Dan Dragon Reymnolds- csyphett


255. Revenge Society (Rogues gallery of The Cardinal who operated in Monchmart) 6 csyphrett

Man Behind the Mask - Steraica

Wu Fei (Iron Hand Tong) - csyphrett

Fatal Femme - Death Tribble

Lord Mystery - Steraica

Ivan Orfulkoff - Death Tribble

Doctor Derenger - Steraica


256. Grab Express (subset of GRAB who specialis in robberies from vehicles) - 5 Death Tribble

Toadrunner - Steraica

Rose Bandit - csyphrett

Brazen Hussar - Death Tribble

Lift Ticket - Steraicas

Velocivore - SKJAM!


257. Firepower (arsonists) 4 SKJAM!

Contact - csyphrett

Forest Firestarter - death tribble

Smolder - steraica

Coal - csyphrett


258. Floodplain (water using villains) - 4 Death Tribble

Aqualaw - Steraica

Ursacane - csyphrett

Flood - Death Tribble

Water Whip - Csyphrett


259 Aeopirates (flying villains) 4 Steraica

Captain Aerojack - Steraica

Breeza - csyphrett

Sussurus - SKJAM!

Black Wind - Steraica


260. Groundpounders (people with power over earth) 4 Steraica

Rock Roller - csyphrett

Geokinetic - SKJAM!

Avalanche - csyphrett

Rocksteady - Steraica


261. The Crazy Eight. Members of the 8 or so groups who operated under tnhis name) 8-16 Steraica

Octagon (1st, 3rd, 5th-6th, 8th) - SKJAM!

Crazy Paving (2nd) - Death tribble

Ka Pow ! (3rd-5th teams) - Death Tribble

Teeth MacAfee (5th) - Death Tribble

Oversight (all 8 teams) -csyphrett

Norm the Tunnel Rat (6th) - csyphrett

Number Eight (2nd, 4th-6th) - death tribble

Zorlore the Mystery (1st, 4th, 7th) - steraica


262. Mindslaves of the Headmaster (3 villains who report to the Headmaster) 3 Steraica

Ranger Rick (New Peace Armada spied on Radicals) - csyphrett

ProTempore (Inholy Days) - SKJAM!

Rebel Yella (cousin of Rebel Yell in Badmen) - death tribble


263. The Retaliators (heroes and villains ruined by the Grudge Report) - 5-20 death Tribble

Grave (molested by family member) Steraica

Equipper (formally Dodge who supplied a gun that killed a cop) - Death Tribble

Fatemaster (powerless; a fraud) - steraica

Crom (family killed by villains when ID revealed) - csyphrett

Lady Terror (formally BLine and then Night Warden) - Death Tribble

Airstrike formally Cloud - csyphrett

Vacuum (old photoes of hium as Girl Hitler) - SKJAM!

Doctor Vor (accussed of cannibalism) - Steraica

Mock (outed as gay) - steraica

Alba (formally Silverflame who killed 9 cops) - death Tribble


264. 20th Century Limited (villains obsessed with particular decades of the 20th century) 5 SKJAM!

Cool McCold (obsessd with 50s) -steraica

Disco Dan (70s) - csyphrett

SS (Germany in war) - death Tribble

Green Black (80s ?) -csyphrett

Little Bertha (20s) - Steraica


265. Invaders Seven. (7 aliens capable of taking the world on their own have banded together) - 7 Steraica

Replikant - SKJAM!

Captain Losex - csyphrett

Cyslax - Death Tribble

Sev-Zar-Sev - Steraica

Disaster - Lucius

Trinary - SKJAM!

Star - Death Tribble


266. Reversibles (villains who are also unknowingly heroes) 5 Death Tribble

Savage - Steraica

Gloom - Death Tribble

Gruesome Ghoul - Nothere

Porter - csyphrett

Gavrax - Death Tribble


267. Goats of the Galaxy (Horned monsters who are mercenaries) 6 csyphrett

Mouflon - SKJAM!

Curly Joe - csyphrett

Gunner Bah - Steraica

Space Rhino - Death Tribble

Krappokora - Steraica

Mac Macadoo - Csyphrett


268. Black Moon Clan (new members to take on Crystal Tokyo) 5 Steraica

Pearl Aquamariner - csyphrett

Jet Black - Death Tribble

Sand Turquoise - csyphrett

White Opal - Steraica

Cyan Agate - csyphrett


269. October Oddballs (mayhem makers; monsters made up of different creatures to create something new - 5 csyphrett 

Count Watt (Vampire and Pikachu cross) - csyphrett

Franklinstein's Mobster (Frankenstein's monster) - Bolo of Earth

Cyberwolf (werewolf ?) - steraica

Jackal Lantern pun on Jack A Lantern - Lucius

Chain and Saws Charlie looks like Frankenstein's monster - steraica


270. Mid Knights (Aliens who look like classic monsters) 6 Steraica

Sir Ghoulahad - Bolo of Earth

Sir Koi (fish) - csyphrett

Sir Gwangi trhe green knight (Tyrannosaur) - Death Tribble

Sir Trist - csyphrett

Sir Gillvanus of the Black Nebula (Gillman)m- Nothere

Sir Lurchalot (clockwork) - Steraica


271. W.I.T.C.H. The 13 Mothers - 13 women of power within the organisation Steraica

Frau Blucher (Germany) - Death Tribble

Mother Borden (new England) - Steraica

Money Maker/Rising Sun  (Japan) - Death Tribble

Mator Sperfurnosign (Italy) - Steraica

Mother Hubbard (Arizona) - csyphrett

Mother Zen (China) - Death Tribble

Mother Need (Canada) - Steraica

Mother Hen - csyphrett

Mata Bruja (Mexico) - steraica

La Belle Dame Sans Merci (France) - Death Tribble

Mother Terroresa (India) - Bolo of Earth

Mama Moran - csyphrett

Mother Jezebel Ankh (Egypt) - Echo3Niner


272. The Devil's Knight's (fire based operate out of Detroit - 7 Echo3Niner)

Lord Pyros  Death Tribble

Pitchfork - Steraica

Lady Arson - Lucius

Hand of Glory - csyphrett

Dragoness - Badger

Firebar - Steraica

Acceleramnt - Bolo of Earth


273. Boston T Party (7 T named villains around Boston) - Bolo of Earth

Tantrum - Steraica

Tougher - Echo3Niner

Turbine - csyphrett

Therewolf - Death Tribble

Tenacious - Badger

Trilight - Bolo of Earth

Triggerhappy - Death Tribble


274. The Fountains (a villainous family) upto 20 - Death Tribble

Crush (Gregory) -  steraica

Master Armourer (Dan Fountain, Greg's son) - Bolo of Earth

The Tabby (Melissa Fountain, Greg's daughter) - Badger

Tendril (Gloria, Gregory's wife) - steraica

Geyser ('Tobias Mount', Greg's brother) - Death Tribble

Buckler (Fred Fountain, Greg's dad) - csyphrett

Rio Grande ('Luis Ortega', Stephen Fountain) - Death Tribble

Dread (Allen Fountain, Greg's older brother) - Steraica

Buletin (Red, Greg's uncle) - csyphrett

Gwendolyn the Bad (Mother Fountain) - Death Tribble

Annie Oakleaves (Annie Fountain, Greg's sister) - Death Tribble

Lisa the Good, (Mrs Fred Fountain the 2nd) - Steraica

Pouncer (Stanley Fountain, son of Stephen) - Steraica

Charles Nelson (Melissa's cat) - Death Tribble

The Cleanser (Blake Waters, illegitimate son of Dread) - Steraica

Magical Thief Glamour Linda (Shirley, Greg's niece, Stephen's daughter) - Steraica

Transoptical (Darren fountain, Red's grandson) - csyphrett

Fountains of Wayne (Geyser's son, Greg's nephew) - death Tribble

Stormlady (Rachel fountain, Stephen's wife) - Steraica

Monstrosity (son of Dread altered by Gwendolyn and now her pet) - Steraica


275. Sin'Ister royalty (based on the 7 sins/vices) - Echo3Niner

Superbia The magnificent (Pride) - Badger

Gula (Gluttony) - Death Tribble

Satin Knessel (wrath) - csyphrett

Acedia the Dream Master (sloth) - csyphrett

Avaritia (greed) - death tribble

Invidia - Badger

Luxuria (lust) - Bolo of Earth


276. Potter's Phantoms (all wished to disappear and life was better without them. They want revenge) (5) - Badger

Saveed Diviljani - SKJAM!

Tom Carlyle - csyphrett

Harpy - Death Tribble

Xamyn-er - Bolo of Earth

Want - Steraica


277. The Eliminators (Elseworld version of the Guardians) (6 minimum) - Steraica

Fee Fi Fo Fum (Goliath analog) - Death Tribble

Sharpshooter (Marksman analog) csyphrett

Stoneface (Gargoyle analog) - Bolo of Earth

Blizzard (Icicle analog) - csyphrett

Corpse flower (Rose analog) - steraica

Flash (Flare analog) - Death Tribble


278. The Anti Disney Society (hate the Disney Corporation and attack it) (7) - Death Tribble

Sheer Carnage - Death tribble

Red Dwarfs - Bolo of Earth

Al-Adin - csyphrett

Mu Ling - Steraica

Drumbo - Proycon

Bay Max - csyphrett

Monster - death Tribble

Ella D'Ville -Bolo of Earth


279. Yellow Journalism (based on 'Who', 'What', 'Where', 'When', 'Why' and 'How,) (5-6) - Bolo of Earth

Incognito (who) - Steraica

killfile (what) - Cygnia

Motive (why) - SKJAM!

Wire (where) - csyphrett

Psychom (how) - Bolo of Earth

Temploss (when) - steraica


280. Clatter (sound based but no sonics) 4-7 - Steraica

Amped - Nothere

The Voice - Bolo of Earth

Tell Tale - Hermit

Sonar - csyphrett

Resonating Man - Bolo of Earth

The Roadies (duplicator) - PsiJudgeMcCabe

Gabble - Bolo of Earth


281. Alexandrian Order (use any means to defeat DEMON) 6-7 Bolo of Earth

Aeriel (uses Horn of Gabriel) - Cygnia

Lord of Elements (uses Staff of Elemantal Power) - Death Tribble  

Gift - SKJAM!

Illustrated Man- csyphrett

Vorick - Steraica

Odric Master of Magic - Death Tribble


282. League Against Giants (they don't like Giants) - Death Tribble

Rockshot - steraica

Snow Black - Death Tribble

Ms Mite - Bolo of Earth

Jack taylor - Logan 1179

Virus - csyphrett

Pancake - SKJAM!

283. The Fluffies (based on stuffed toys) - csyphrett
Pain de Bear - Bolo of Earth

Kowa Bear - steraica

Bun-bun-bunny-wunni- csyphrett

Punk Unicorn- Bolo of Earth

Fuzzy Wuzzy - Christougher

Mr Tiger - Death Tribble


284. Seven Tons of Fun (fat) - Death Tribble
Gamer Dude - Bolo of Earth

Toxic Event - csyphrett

Mega Toni - steraica

Two Ton Tessie - Death Tribble

Large Charge - SKJAM!

Mammoth Mal - Bolo of Earth

Roly Poly - proycon

285. Fun Sized (small villains) Badger
Thumbelethal - proycon

Chaos Butterfly - SKJAM!

Lineman - Bolo of Earth

Tommy Run - csyphrett

Tex the Kid - Badger

Small fry - Death tribble

Reductio - Bolo of Earth

286. The 3-D Six (obscure takes on villains) - Bolo of Earth

Excavador (bulldozer) - csyphrett

Prismatic Flight (Rainbow Archer) - Death tribble

Black Ice (White Flame) - steraica

Refractor (Orb) - Bolo of Earth 
he Stupendous Lightman (darkman) - Death tribble
Battlewagon (Juggernaut) - Death Tribble


287. Speed Kings - (speedsters) Death Tribble
Flash Step - csyphrett

Speed Kong - steraica

Neutrino - csyphrett

Speed King III - Death Tribble

pronto - steraica


288. The Great Superhero Contest - Steraica
Mind Mini - Death Tribble

Barbican - Death Tribble

Lord Obsidian - Clonus

Apostrophe - csyphrett

Finder - Bolo of Earth

Refractor - Death Tribble


289. Night Battalion (Old Team of Diabolicus) - Death Tribble

Nightcore - steraica

Captain Furlong - csyphrett

Jack Lantern - steraica

Speed Demon - steraica

Nacht - Death Tribble

Dr Fear - steraica

Doom Raven - Freakboy6116

290. Medicins Sans Moralite - freakboy6116
Dr Malcolm Veillant - Freakboy6116

Lockjaw - steraica

Dr Sondebar - Freakboy6116

Dr Robert Paul Fallicer

Infirmiere - Death Tribble

Reach - steraica

Causeway - csyphrett


291. Hounds of Tir De Dannann (IRA based) - csyphrett
Blazer Hund - steraica

largon Crash - steraica

C4 -csyphrett

Semtex - freakboy6116

Red Death - freakboy6116

Fail Innis - Freakboy6116


292. Hollywwod Black List - Comic

293. Hollywood Grey List - Comic

294. Hollywood Brown List - Comic

295. The Wild Cards (teenagers) - steraica
Twist of Fate (alters probability) - Death Tribble
Slim - csyphrett
The Intruder - steraica
Grunt (brick) - steraica
Plan Bee (unleashes insects) - csyphrett
Mindkey (mentalist) - steraica
Suicide King - freakboy6116

296. The Unkindness (Corvid themed) - Freakboy6116
Tengu - steraica
Hugin - csyphrett
Evermore - SKJAM!
Magpie - Death Tribble
Carrion Crow - Bolo of Earth
Rook - Freakboy6116

297. Red Wedding (wedding themed) - csyphrett
The Wedding Slinger - Bolo of Earth
The Caterer - Death Tribble
The Bouquet - csyphrett
Father Brimstone - Heroic Halfwit
Piece Holder - Steraica
Ring Bearer - freakboy6116

298. Jet Justice Revenge Society (foes of Jet Justice now in the real world) steraica
Terra Farmer - Death Tribble
Rocket Ravager - Freakboy6116
Plantlet - csyphrett
Psi Wren Songbird of the Spaceways - freakboy6116
1G0R - freakboy6116
Savge Magnus - Nothere
Monk of Krezzlor - csyphrett
Thaluna, Empress of Space - Death Tribble
Diabolika star Scourge, the Pirate Princess - freakboy6116
President Jon Terra - SKJAM!
May Linda Terra - Death Tribble

299. The Seven Plunderers(based on the Seven Wonders of the World) - Death Tribble
Professor Pyramid - freakboy6116
The Gardener - Death Tribble
crusader - freakboy6116
The Olympian - csyphrett
Pharos - Death Tribble
Silver Owl - freakboy6116
The Colossus of Rhode Island - freakboy6116

300. the BRICbrats - Freakboy6116
Supremo (Brazil) - Death Tribble
Iron Flower (India) - steraica
red Sormovo (Russia) - Lixivious
Dragon's Breath (China) -csyphrett
The Boer (South Africa) - Death Tribble

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

Villain Theme teams from 300 onwards


301. The Three Kings - Death Tribble
King Canute - Freakboy6116
Emporer of the Fist - Steraica
Congo King gorilla - csyphrett

302. Polestars (Arctic based villains) - csyphrett
Cariboo - Bolo of Earth
Walrus - Death Tribble
Snow Goose - steraica
Narwhal - Steraica
Arctic Fox - Death Tribble
Water bear - freakboy6116

303. Bootlegs (Rip offs of heroes/villains) - Freakboy6116
Foxrat (Foxbat) - Nothere
Placebo - Lixivious
Tak the Lich (takofanes) - csyphrett
Mentock (Menton) -steraica
The Mood Doctor (Dr Doom) - Death Tribble
Shoddy - SKJAM!

304. Dayjobbers - SKJAM!
Wordsmith - steraica
Major Art - The Arc
Mr Bad Business - Lixivious
Herstory - csyphrett
Bad Penny - Steraica

305. Crazy 8 Part 2 - Steraica

Loco Ocho - Freakboy6116

mighty Brandon - Death Tribble

Uno Saint Croix - Freakboy6116

Deadeye - Freakboy6116

Mindful - Death Tribble

Greg/Just Greg - Death Tribble

Pole Position - csyphrett

Swoop - Death Tribble

Mr Infinite - Freakboy6116

Incandescent - Death Tribble

speedstar - Death Tribble

Strategos - Death Tribble

Cracksman - Death Tribble

4x4 - Freakboy6116

J'Ber -n Death Tribble

Hex'En Dreadful - Death Tribble


306. The Magnificent Seven - Death Tribble
Michael 'Mack The Knife' McKenzie - Freakboy6116
The Lancer - csyphrett
Oxbow - Bolo of Earth
Viv Tanner - Death Tribble
Big Boy - freakboy6116
Steel maiden - SKJAM!
Deadeye - Freakboy6116

307. Stereotypes (national stereotypes) - 8 freakboy6116
Oignon Vendeur (France) - Death Tribble
Whistling Dixie (Southern American States) - Steraica
Red Leaf (Canada) - csyphrett
Russian Steamroller (Russia) - Captain Strawbery
The Otaku (Japan) - freakboy6116
Aggro (England) - Death Tribble
Herr Winksamkeit (Germany) - freakboy6116
Al Dente (Italian) - Lixivious

308. Sports Jargon - Lixivious
Double Header - freakboy6116
freethrow - csyphrett
Hat Trick - Lucius

Slapshot- Freakboy6116

Own Goal - SKJAM!

12th Man - Captain Strawberry

Count Out - Steraica


309. Armor of Krim (people wearing the armor of Krim) - Steraica
Chesterfield (breastplate) - Death Tribble

Black Jet -

Ghost Porter - Bolo of Earth

Friend - csyphrett

El Mano de Sinister - Steraica

Lord Protector - Death Tribble

310. The Society of Masks (work for Milos Stempf, The Creator) - Death Tribble
Venus of Milos - Freakboy6116
Gaze - Steraica

Steel Mask - Death Tribble
Crystal Skull - Freakboy6116

Guy Faux - Luciusmenagerie - Freakboy6116

Bagman- csyphrett


311. Rocket Racers (illadvisedly doing a city to city run) -csyphrett
Rocket Jock - Steraica
Mr Zzz - Freakboy6116
Captain Hadow- csyphrett
Hotdog - Bolo of Earth
Speed King VII - Death Tribble
T.I.C. (Transit Intelligent Co-Pilot) - Freakboy6116
Sweet Pea - SKJAM!

312. Bitter Spirits (named after drink) - SKJAM!
Demon Rum - SKJAM!
Everclear - Lucius
Green Fairy - Freakboy6116
Jim Beam - csyphrett
Johnny Walker - steraica
Absinthe - Bolo of Earth

313. Vegan 5 (opponents of snack attack) Bolo of Earth
Vegana - Death Tibble
Brocko Flora - steraica
Obligate - SKJAM!
Captain Cauliflower- csyphrett
Killer Karrott - Nothere
Paul Powers - Freakboy6116

314. H.I.D.E. (thieves whose names correspond to HIDE) - Nothere
holo - Freakboy6116
Invidious - SKJAM!
Denial - Bolo of Earth
Everglow - Steraica

315.  Rejects of the Universe (not good enough to be with Skeletor or Hordak) - steraica
Mansack - freakboy6116
Creepor - Death Tribble
Spindrill - csyphrett
Lazora - Steraica
Womandrill - Death Tribble
Mothmolla - csyphrett
Fakora - Steraica
Bikina - Death Tribble
Nun of the Above - Death Tribble
Porko - Captain Strawberry
Buzzbomb - Freakboy6116
Aracknos - Freakboy6116

316. New European Outlaw Nation (based on 80s songs) - Freakboy 6116
Eyes Without a Face - freakboy6116
Invisible Touch - steraica
Dare - steraica
King o Pain - Captain strawberry
Dandy Highwayman - Freakboy6116
Everywhere - Nothere
the Shout - csyphrett
The Model - Death Tribble

317 Hidden Hand (aids criminals with services) - Nothere
Strife - Nothere
Legman - Steraica
Laundress - Freakboy6116
Getaway - csyphrett
The Fixer - steraica
Triage - freakboy6116

318.  Scene Stealers (based on film terms) - Freakboy6116
Gaffer - Freakboy6116
Best Boy - Steraica
Foley - csyphrett
Razor Cut - Freakboy6116
Body Double - Captain Strawberry
Jump Scare - freakboy6116
Pyroteknik- Freakboy6116

319. Ten Plagues of Egypt (based on the plagues as described in the Bible) - Death Tribble
Bloodwater - Steraica
Frog Father - csyphrett
Flea Master - Death Tribble
Belzabud, Lord of Flies - Steraica
Ann Thrax - freakboy6116
The Boil - csyphrett
Stormsinger - Death Tribble
Locust - Freakboy6116
Phantom Lighthouse - csyphrett
DFB (Death of the First Born) - freakboy6116

320. Seven Seas of Crime - 7 water based to seas and oceans Freakboy6116
Dead Sea - Death Tribble
Arctic - csyphrett

Red Sea - freakboy6116

Chunnell - csyphrett

Sue Nami - Death Tribble

Voodoo Jack Carrow - csyphrett

Ancient Marina - Death Tribble


321. Empire's Avengers - Death Tribble 5 plus

Captain Oliver Lawrence Smith - steraica

Burgundy Bucaneer - Death Tribble

Black Tartan - csyphrett

Great White Hunter - Death Tribble

The Missionary - freakboy6116

Sir Lawrence Strange of Blackmere - The Arc


322. Advanced Armoured Recombinent Enhancement System - Bastille (all by Bastille)




Mother Mayhem


323. Zakhvatchiki (A Russian Deadly Half Dozen) - The Arc

Mucmep Manny Mehei (Mr Tatoo less0 - freakboy6117

bagrovyy Khranitel (Crimson Guardian) - Real Gabe regan

The Zek - csyphrett

Mactep the Mister - freakboy6117

z- naut - csyphrett

Red Mercury - freakboy6117


324. The Marsian League heroes who split from the Aquarian League becoming villains in process Freakboy6117

Winter Soldier - Steraica

The Radical One - steraica

Flower Power - csyphrett

Daytripper - steraica

Mind Expander - csyphrett

Gary Mede - procyon


325 WIMPS (Weakly interavtive Massive Particles) - Procyon

non Sequitor - SKJAM!

Kaon - procyon

Supercollider - Legatus

Super Massive - csyphrett

Rift - Legatus


326. Pacific Pirates seven mid to low pirates in the Pacific - Legatus

Captain Carbasher - Steraica

Billy Longwood - Steraics

Ensign Pullover - csyphrett

Red Widow - Captn Strawberry

Henri the Navigator - Death Tribble

De Chiurg - Freakboy6117

Peg Leg - Freakboy6117


327. Recess Rogues (bullies) - Freakboy6117

Jungle Jim - Bolo of Earth

Wet Willy - Freakboy6117

Snot - Freakboy6117

Rundown - csyphrett

Hyper- Freakboy6117

Glutton - steraica

Slingshot - csyphrett

mean Bella - steraica


328. Team Onyx (Superpowered Women)- Lunatic Fringer (all by lunatic Fringer)



Black jackie

Black Note


Black Pearl


329. The Crime Network (network of criminal masterminds)

H H Holmes - Death Tribble

Svengali - Steraica

Francisco Scaramanga - Freakboy6117

Alex Varney - csyphrett

War Operation Plan Response - Captn Strawberry

Senator Wheellock - Freakboy6117


330. The Refugees - Freakboy6117 Correcting time here for their own alternate universe/timeline

Gamma Flux - Bolo of Earth

Breaker - steraica

X-O - Freakboy6117

St Treylane - csyphrett

Warchest - freakboy6117

Hack - Freakboy6117

Tim Time - csyphrett

Sorias - Death Tribble


331. The 4 Seasons - Death Tribble

Spring - Freakboy6117

Autumn - Csyphrett

Summer Knight - Freakboy6117

Winter - Captn Strawberry


332. Microoks (Pint sized criminals) - Captn Strawberry

Meastro - freakboy6117

Tiny Giant - Bolo of Earth

Droplet - csyphrett

Macron - Captn Strawberry

Animatron - Bolo of Earth


333. Floral Theft Directive (FTD) flower themed - Bolo

Bakerman (flour power) - Lucius

Wallflower - freakboy6117

Nectar - Captn Strawberry

The Leaf - csyphrett

Tumbleweed - freakboy6117


334. Shadow Seven (shadow/night/darkness) - Freakboy6117

The Dwelling in Darkness (base) - death tribble

Ash (dust powers based on fire ash) - freakboy6117

Black Wind - csyphrett

Black hand - Steraica

Pitch Dark - Captn Strawberry

Twin Shadow - Bolo of Earth

Fell Shadow - Steraica


335. The Aristocrats - Steraica

Mother Dearest - freakboy6117

Lil Sally - freakboy6117

Reggie - Bolo of Earth

Pa - csyphrett

Uncle Pete - Steraica

Fido - csyphrett

Grandpa Poopalota - Steraica


336. Performance Art - Bolo of Earth

Flash Mob - Major Tom 2009

Marble - Badger

Sketcher - csyphrett

Silk Dancer - freakboy6117

Abstract - Badger

Laureate - Death Tribble


337. The New York Really Vicious Bastards (Villainous Football Team) Part1 Offence - Death Tribble

Midway (Center Guard) - Death Tribble

Dispersal - Bolo

Stiff Arm - Captn Strawberry

Steel Shield - csyphrett

Little M - Badger

Iron Shoulder - steraica

Thwart - Death Tribble

Sideswipe - freakboy6117

Sinister - freakboy6117

Pancake - Basger

QB (Quarterback) - freakboy6117


338. Inferno League - Demon names but not demons nor any connection with magic

D'Hoffryn - Lucius

Maxwell (maxwell's demon) - Lucius

B L Zebub - Bolo of earth

The Lord of the Flies - freakboy6117

Demo Gorgon - Death Tribble

lilith - The Arc


339. Roundheads - (british criminals) The Arc

Diamond Geezer - Death tribble

Irish Jack - steraica

The Conservative - Death Tribble

Chap - Lixivious

Footpad - Nothere

Scouser - Death Tribble


340. The New York Really Vicious Bastards (Villainous Football Team) Part 2 Defence - Death Tribble

Overrun - Death Tribble

Quasi Ozzie (halfback) - Freakboy6117

Blitzkreig - Badger

Ceaser - Death Tribble

Armoured Soul - Steraica

Nickelback - Freakboy6117

Strong Safety - Death Tribble

Free Don - Freakboy6117

Dimeback - Badger

Cornerback - Death Tribble


341. The Chessmen (repeating group based on Chess first seen in the 60s) - Death Tribble

Pawns - freakboy6117 (1973 version)

Queen's Rook (Crusher carver) - SKJAM!

Queen's Knight - Bolo of Earth

Queen's Bishop - Captn Strawberry

King's Rook - Freakboy6117

King's Bishop - Death Tribble

King's Knight - Badger

The Queen - Death Tribble

King - Freakboy6117


342. Dark Legacy - freakboy6117 (masters of the orb from different time periods)

Groc the Pulveriser - Badger

Master of the Orb - Death Tribble

Edwin John (The Beast, Dog of Hell) - Badger

Black Eye - Death Tribble

Hanover the First - Lucius

The Crafter - Death Tribble

N.Y.B.O.R.G. - Lucius


343. Section 8 - Badger (8 members) kicked out of the military. Mostly American

Corporal Granite - Death Tribble

TBS - Freakboy6117

Ghost - Badger

X-Marine - Death Tribble

Lovebot -SKJAM!

Grenade Deer - Death Tribble

Keyhole - Freakboy6117

Major Catastrophe - Death Tribble


344. Two Fat Ladies - Death tribble

Auntie 8 - Freakboy6117

Bertha Big - Steraica


345. Cooper Manson's Dark Pantheon - steraica 5 quasi vampires

Ziggy Starburst - Death tribble

YMCA - Bolo of Earth

Tiny Dancer - csyphrett

Big Jim Walker - Bolo of Earth

Lunatic - csyphrett


346. Mud Root Menacers (enemies of the Farm Belt, based on cereal mascots) - csyphrett
Baron Von Redberry - Death Tribble
SuperCrisp - csyphrett
Cocoa Puff - Bolo of Earth
Captain Cruncher - Death Tribble
Quazy Quisp - Captn Strawberry

347. The Invertebrates Insects and Spider themes mainly but no spines, no plants - Captn Strawberry
Urtica - Captn Strawberry
Eyrthwyrm - Bolo of Earth
Tapeworm - csyphrett
Mongolian Death Caterpiller (MDC) - Death Tribble
Locutis - Bolo of Earth
Starfisher - Steraica

348. The Great 8 (villains believing they are doing heroic things)
Bobbin Spool - csyphrett
Il Professore - Death Tribble
Ransomware - csyphrett
Night Nurse - csyphrett
Black Metal - Death Tribble
EMPulse - Bolo of Earth
The Accident - csyphrett
The Auditor - Death Tribble


349. Curse of the Tomb victims of a cursed tomb max 20
Manos - csyphrett
Essence - Bolo of Earth
Death Bug - Nothere
Astrogeddoner - csyphrett
Acquisitor- Death Tribble
Shadow of his Former Self - Death Tribble
The Flying Caiman - csyphrett
Omnivore - csyphrett
Xiopathic - csyphrett
Go Between - Death Tribble
Jacquero - csyphrett
Xymoti - Badger
X-Ray - freakboy6117
The Hanging Tree - csyphrett
Attendent - Death Tribble
Poison Frog - csyphrett
Astrologer - csyphrett
Miguel Fernandez - csyphrett
Breakage - death tribble
Ruin -steraica

350. Mainfame 2.0 (remake of team 1 computers) steraica
Emulator - steraica
Easter Egg - csyphrett
B1tr0t - freakboy6117
Driver - csyphrett
R.A.I.D. - Death Tribble
WYSIWYG - freakboy6117

351. MDG (Most Dangerous Game hunter) - freakboy6117
Fletcher - csyphrett
Null - csyphrett
Slaymore - freakboy6117
Minecrafter - csyphrett
Harrier - csyphrett
Julius Darkman - Death tribble

352. The Festive Connection 4 Death tribble
New Year - csyphrett
The Fool - freakboy6117
Devil's Knight - Bolo of Earth
Lent - csyphrett

353. Fighting Ferrets (mustelids ? - csyphrett
Sea Otter - Death Tribble
Skunk - Badger
csyphrett - Weasel
Badger - Death tribble
Sable/Mink - freakboy6117
Grison - csyphrett
Marten - Death Tribble
Polecat - freakboy 6117

354. The Awakened (coma victims recover with powers ? freakboy6117
Clarion - Amorkca
Bartos - Amorkca
Clock Knife - csyphrett
gravity Mistress - csyphrett
Gorou Matsumoto - Death Tribble
Leaper - Bolo of Earth
Sign - csyphrett
Deflector - Badger

355. The Highway Robbers - Lucius
Freeway Bandit - Death tribble
Highwaywoman - steraica
Never Mind - Bolo of Earth
Matt Walker - csyphrett
Highway Star - steraica

356. Los Rudoes Luchadors - steraica
Professor Caotica - freakboy6117
El Matador - Death Tribble
Rapida - Lixivious
Diamond Caballo - csyphrett
Amazonia - freakboy6117
Cuchracha - csyphrett

357. Petumverate 5 mystic powered teenagers - freakboy6117
Scarlet Saber - freakboy6117
Silver Stiletto - Bolo of Earth
Black Claw - Badger
Gray Gunner - csyphrett
Cerulean Chain - Death Tribble

358. Three of a Kind - Death Tribble
Cracker - csyphrett
Go Joe - Bolo of Earth
Triad = Lixivious

359.The Purian Call 4 anti magic
Roderick Decker - steraica
Gary Kanto - csyphrett
Spirit Killer - Death tribble
Mundame - Badger

360. 4 Seasons - Badger
Beachboy (Summer) - steraica
Winter Melody - Death Tribble
Spring Fling - Freakboy6117
Fell - csyphrett
Harvester - Legatus

361. Queens of the Carnival 5 Legatus
Queen of Gluttony - steraica
Queen of Pride - csyphrett
Mambo Queen - Black Ops
Queen of Vengeance - Bolo of Earth
Queen of Lust - Death Tribble

362, Task Force Death ! _ Death Tribble
Duck Nukem - Bolo of Earth
Rambull Cowatome - steraica
Were Hippo - Death Tribble
Surge - csyphrett
The Flying Fish man - Badger
Bubba the Elf - steraica

363. The Evils (4 evil Monkeys) steraica
Morris Regent (speak evil) - csyphrett
Madame Fortuna (see evil) - Death Tribble
Sin Breaker (hear evil) - freakboy6117
Quiet Riot (do evil) - csyphrett

364. The Sensations (6 heroes gone bad, sensory input powers) - csyphrett
Numb - Bolo of Earth
Doctor X - steraica
Deaf Man - csyphrett
Smell E - Death Tribble
Pinball - Freakboy6117
Discordance - freakboy6117

365. The Suicide Six (merged villains of DC and marvel) freakboy6117
Green Luthor/Gremlin King - steraica
Greenpool - steraica
Riddling Skull - Lucius
Bronze Scorpion - freakboy6117
Psychophine - Nothere
Dead Skull - freakboy6117 (extra one by user)
magneto Mind - csyphrett

366. Black Company (super mercenaries 5) - csyphrett
Sore Loser - steraica
Tinker Tailor - steraica
Hangtime - csyphrett
The Bunny - csyphrett
The Guv - Death Tribble

367. Wermacht (based on German weapons) Death Tribble
109 - steraica
Panzerfaust - Badger
Das Boot - Old Man
Sturmvogel - Bolo of Earth
V6 - csyphrett

368. Los Conquistadors (5 Spanish pro monarchy and re-establish the empire villains) -csyphrett
Isabel - Badger
Cortez - Death tribble
El Rey - steraica
The Moor - csyphrett
El Bufon - steraica

369. The Mages of Darkness (7 evil wizards)
El Mystico Noir - Death tribble
The Syon of Chaos - steraica
The Measurer - csyphrett
Merlina - Death Tribble
Dark Cloak - Nothere
High Plains Drifter - Badger
Dr Cololossus - freakboy6117

370. The Sinister Ones (enemies of the Atomic Fist)
The Twisted Hand - steraica
Open Hands (agents) - Lucius
The Fatale Hand - Death tribble
Manos Forte - pinecone
The Grasp - csyphrett
Hammerhands - freakboy6117

371. Der experimentelle-Scheitern-kader (6 reject Nazi super soldiers) - freakboy6117
Der Wulfen Todt - steraica
Ghul - csyphrett
der Kreig Sentry - Death tribble
Berserker - pinecone
Red Ghost - csyphrett
Herr Rosarot - Freakboy6117

372. The Fearful Four (cowards) - Freakboy6117
Flinch - Bolo of Earth
The Yellow Streak - Death Tribble
The Rat - csyphrett
Switcher - Nothere

373. The Night Skulkers - Nothere
Hangman - Nothere
Whitechapel - Amorkca
Steam Fletcher - steraica
Claw of Darkness - csyphrett
Spring Heeled Jacqueline - Death tribble
Ragamuffinn - freakboy6117

374. Allies o Captain Nemo freakboy6117
The Cloudbuster Kid - freakboy6117
Dr Destruction - csyphrett
Steel Coffin - Bolo of Earth
The Great Mesmero - csyphrett
Blind Jonah - freakboy6117

375. Death Dealers 5 people in armour named after tanks  - freakboy6117
Centurion - Bolo of Earth
Panzer - Death Tribble
Maus - freakboy6117
Netopyr (Bat) - Captn Strawberry
Arjun - freakboy6117 (extra entry)
Abrams - Bolo of Earth

376. The Star Smashers (alien haters 6) - Bolo of Earth
Andromeda - csyphrett
Agent Stone - steraica
Terra Firma - Captn Strawberry
Tarantula - Nothere
Orion - csyphrett
Sunburst - Badger

377. Crazy Eight War Team A (originals) vs Team B (killers) - steraica
Team A
Somnia - pinecone
Burnout - pinecone
Lockpick - csyphrett
Agent 9 - freakboy6117

Team B
xamthippe - Golden Age
Moonlight Mangler - csyphrett
TwobyFour - freakboy6117
Angelus Nox - Death Tribble

378. Six Pack (bodybuilders gone bad) - Death Tribble
Little Latifa - Old Man
Goliath - csyphrett
Bey of Bengal - Death Tribble
Muscle Mary - freakboy6117
Adonis - freakboy6117
Electric Constrictor - nothere

379. Dimension Destroyers - Nothere
General America - Nothere
Athenica - Death Tribble
Gotham - steraica
The Last Aristocrat - Freakboy6117
Archmage - csyphrett

380. The Clive Five (enemies of the Teen Tartens)
Cailleach - Bolo of Earth
Bruce The Robert - Death tribble
The Campbell - csyphrett
Spunkie - Captn Strawberry
Irn Bro - Freakboy6117

381. Five Fallen Warriors of the Temple of Jade
Jade Chamber Pot - freakboy6117
Jade Buffalo - Death Tribble
Jade Banner = Bolo of Earth
Jadeb Ring - steraica
Jade Fire - steraica

382. The Gunsight Boyz (rappers)
MC Zamouri X - Badger
White Ice - csyphrett
DC Malet - Bolo of Earth
Terminator Z - Death Tribble
Hype a Flow - freakboy6117

383. Bad Eggs - freakboy6117

The Yolk - csyphrett
The Eggsterminator - Death Tribble

The Egg Man – Death Tribble

Shelly - csyphrett

Scramble – Steraica


384. The Killer Hobos (5 killer tramps) steraica

Railrider – Death Tribble

Ragged Jake – csyphrett

Sneaky Pete – csyphrett

Old Tom – Death Tribble

Jarhead – freakboy6117


385. Black Flags (5 people who fell out of favour with their countries) freakboy6117

Soldat – Death Tribble

Achille – csyphrett

Lenin’s Ghost – Death Tribble

Sand – csyphrett

Tito’s Fist – Death Tribble


386. The New York Really Vicious Bastards Part 3 Special Teams - Death Tribble

Kicker – steraica

Punter – Death tribble

Returner – Death Tribble

Supercharger (Gunner) – csyphrett

Brawn (back up QB0 – csyphrett


387. The Pelicans 5 Australian amphibious fliers – csyphrett

The Black Albatross – Death Tribble

Gone Goose – csyphrett

Storm Petral – freakboy6117

The Pelican – Death tribble

Kookaburra – steraica


388. Black Gear. 5-7 cyborgs loyal to steraica

Fly – Death Tribble

Dox – freakboy6117

Tar – Lixivious

REM – csyphrett

BUG (Big Ugly Guy) – Death Tribble

LAW – freakboy6117

POD – csyphrett


389. Barklers (minor branch of Sylvestri’s ? -csyphrett

Herbert Barkler – Death tribble

Mindy Barkler – csyphrett

Pandora Barkler – freakboy6117

Ashlynn Barkler – Death Tribble

Drake Barkler – freakboy6117

Buck Barkler - csyphrett

Kev Barkler - csyphrett

Terrier Barkler – csyphrett


390. Despair (8 people who work for the Shadow Boss) – steraica

Tony ‘The Wheels’ Mkarconi – Death Tribble

Bugs Lepus – csyphrett

Mickey ‘Splittyfingers’ - Death Tribble

Shadow Boss – Steraica

Vincenzo – Death Tribble

Danny ‘Numbers’ Newcombe – Bolo of Earth

Fava Beans – csyphrett

Millie ‘The Moll’ Morgon – Bolo of Earth


391. The Memphis Belles (5 villainesses with local flavour) – Bolo of Earth-Speaker

Yellow Fever – csyphrett

Lady Ptah – Hermit

Memphis Belle – Death Tribble

TCB (Taking Care of Business) – freakboy6117

The Pedestrian – Death tribble


392. Three Faces of Fear Death tribble

Dr Phobos – csyphrett

The Night Mare – freakboy6117

Scare Chord – csyphrett


393. Faultless Four – csyphrett

The Suspense – JackValhalla

The Force – csyphrett

Redundant – Steraica

Pop Goes The Weasel ! - Death Tribble


394 . The Avenging Amazons (6 women out to avenge Guillaume Duvall)

La Puissance – Death Tribble

Deva – csyphrett

La Combattant – Death tribble

Lucia Marie – freakboy6117

Bombadier – csyphrett

Highstepper – Bolo of Earth


395. Four Seasons (spices) – Bolo of Earth

Salt – csyphrett

The Lady of Shallot - Cancer

Papa Paprika – steraica

Thyme Lord – Bolo of Earth


396. The Lolita Mob (based on Lolita fashions) – steraica

Kuro and Shiro – Badger

Pretty Peach – csyphrett

Gothik Lolita – freakboy6117

Regina – Death Tribble


397. The Revenants (they survived their deaths. 3 -5 to join Vestal) Death Tribble

Vestal - Death Tribble

Khmaoch nei prei – Badger

Turbo Rex – Badger

The Ice Knight – csyphrett

Crush - Death Tribble

Nyota – csyphrett


398. Red Dragons – (6 fighting in Korea) – csyphrett

Red Banner – pinecone

The Great Wall – Badger

The Equalizer – Christopher

Red Wave – Death Tribble

Lead Tiger - csyphrett

Iron Tiger – Death Tribble


399. Fight or flight (they fight or fly) – Death tribble

Locust – Pinecone

I’m Brian Fly Me – Death Tribble

Huitzilopochtli - Cancer

Metric Man – csyphrett

Death From Above – Freakboy6117

Dash Bash – Nothere


400. The Shady Squad (5 who have all used name Shade) – Nothere

Slim Shade – Badger

Sinister Shadey – pinecone

Shade E – Death Tribble

Nightshade – Badger

Lamp Shade – freakboy6117

Just Shade – Christopher


401 Seven Shadows (seven covert criminals) freakboy6117

The Outsider – nothere

Time Wraith – Death Tribble

Memorex – freakboy6117

Smoke – csyphrett

Mirror - freakboy6117

The Night – Death Tribble

The Shade – Bolo of Earth


402. Lost Legion 5 who have lost something – Bolo of earth

Code Unknown – Death tribble

L’Rax – csyphrett

Bad Bunny – freakboy6117

Rebecca Stanley – Badger

The Wizard Aronac – Death Tribble


403. The Fiends of Stephen (based on the 12 days of Christmas) – Death tribble

The Ringmaster – Badger

The Partridge – freakboy6117

The Maid – Badger

Piccolo – Bolo of Earth

The Goose – Death Tribble

The Swan – Badger

The Leaping Lord – Death Tribble

Turtle Dove – Bolo of Earth

Favorelle – csyphrett

Calling Bird – csyphrett

Drummer – csyphrett

Lady Dancer – freakboy6117


404. The Ten (ten low powered villains)

The carrier - freakboy6117

Slickster – csyphrett

Boost – Nothere

Fadeout – Bolo of Earth

The Quiet One – Death Tribble

kanga - csyphrett

Popout – Bolo of Earth
Zombipocalypse – csyphrett
Stickler – Bolo of Earth 
The Mighty Decker – Death Tribble
405. Mortal Calibre Fighter ! - Death Tribble (4-6 pastiches of fighting games characters)
Red Dawn - Badger
Wang Fei Man - csyphrett
Boomstick – freakboy6117
Video Nasty! - freakboy6117
406. Xarriel’s Elite – steraica (7-13 minions of Xarriel)
The Squid from Beyond ! - Death Tribble
Sa-Des – steraica
Gearenstein Bear- csyphrett
Milk Mother – freakboy6117
Mother Badness – Death Tribble
Krulabarb – steraica
The Hooded One – steraica
Ge5s – freakboy6117
Omegaday – steraica
Huge Hardara – freakboy6117
Kamagoblin – Badger
Megawulf – steraica
Magnificent Martin – Death Tribble
407. Five Barbarians (based on barbarians from history) – Death Tribble
Mo-Far – steraica
Parthian – Death Tribble
Eight King – csyphrett
Philip II – Death Tribble
Vandal the Savage – Badger
408. Millenial Menace (5 under 25 rich and spoiled crooks) - Badger
Muscle Menace – Death Tribble
Titaness – Bolo of Earth 
Red Sea - csyphrett
Mind Tap – Amorkca
The Millenial – freakboy6117
409. The Dark Side (based on Star Wars equipment 7) – freakboy6117
AT-AT – freakboy6117
Tie-Fighter – steraica
Death Star – Death Tribble
Turbo Laser – freakboy6117
Stormtrooper – csyphrett
Star Destroyer – freakboy6117
Ramtractor – Nothere
410.  The Evil Emissaries (6 globes which corrupted people) – Nothere
Mr Furious – Death Tribble
Ms Fortunate – Bolo of Earth
Dr Payne – freakboy6117
Lady Lust – freakboy6117
Skill – csyphrett
The Paindemic – Death Tribble
411. Dinosaurama Marine Edition (4-5 marine dinosaurs) – Death Tribble
Don Mega – steraica
Devil Dolphin – Death Tribble
Coelacanth – freakboy6117
Dako – Death Tribble
Elamo – freakboy6117
412.  Budget Baddies (villains using junk to be baddies) – freakboy6117
Trashman and Punchbag - steraica
G-Mac – Bolo of Earth 
Cartman – csyphrett
Backup – freakboy6117
Deathmaster – freakboy6117
Demolition Dan – freakboy6117
413. Aboriginal Avengers (6 natives with powers) – freakboy6117
Eskimo Knell – Death tribble
Abo – Death Tribble
Apache Brave - steraica
Yakshi – Bolo of Earth
Aztech – Death Tribble
Bikini @sshole – freakboy6117
Dr Darkheart - freakboy6117
414.  The Wrong Side (villain team with sense of humour 5 min) – Death Tribble
Mick Mike – Steraica
Dauphin – Death Tribble
Punchin’ Judy – Bolo of Earth 
Shenanigan – Badger
Onion Bottom – steraica
415. The Order of Mordred (enemies of the Knights of Excalibur 6-13) – steraica
Knocker – freakboy6117
Black Cavalier – steraica
White Dragon – csyphrett
Red Snapper – Death Tribble
Dark Enchantress – Death Tribble
The Target – steraica
Sis the Spiv – freakboy6117
Olive Ogre – steraica
Crossbow – Death Tribble
Grim Gardener – Death Tribble
Iron Norman – Death Tribble
Dr Benjamin Quest – Badger
Indian Joe – Amorkca
Texas Pete – freakboy6117
416. Black Shield Inc (5 security specialists)
Chamaleon – Badger
Tony Cheong – Death Tribble
Wall – steraica
Nightwatch – freakboy6117
Zardan – csyphrett
417. Lucky 13 (use bad luck to fuel powers) – csyphrett
Doctor Triskadecapod - Bolo of Earth 
Mirrorshade – steraica
Ladderman – Death Tribble
Mother’s Ruin – freakboy6117
Hellcat – Badger
Sorrow – Death Tribble
Four-Six - steraica
The Bunny – Death Tribble
Night Howler – csyphrett
Wishbone Ash - Death Tribble
Bad Penny – Freakboy6117
Seven – csyphrett
Umbrella Man – Bolo of Earth 
418. The Fashionistas (Fashion Industry 5) – Bolo of Earth 
Catwalk – Death Tribble
Runway – csyphrett
Style – steraica
The Suit – csyphrett
Glam – steraica
419. The Expendables (villains pressed into service in WW2 4-6) – steraica
Devil Dog – csyphrett
Private War – Death Tribble
Long Ranger – csyphrett
Black Death – Death Tribble
Deathspike – Nothere
420. The Pack (dog themed villains 4+Dog Summoner)
Dog Summoner – Nothere 
Crossbreed – Death Tribble
Dogface – Bolo of Earth 
Sniffer – csyphrett
Retreiver – freakboy6117
421. Six Gunns (gun themed or gun puns) – freakboy6117
Pop Gunn – Freakboy6117
Janey ‘Gatling’ Gun – Death Tribble
Tommy Gunn – Badger
Ray Gunn – Tom Cowan
Machine Gunn – Death Tribble
Long Gunn – csyphrett
422. Dinosoars (5 Dinosaurs with wings and cybernetics) – csyphrett
Velicoroptor – Death Tribble
Stratochelys – Tom Cowan
Trisoaratops- Bolo of Earth
Brutosaurus- Death Tribble
Tornado Saurus Rex – freakboy6117
423. 2016 Pop 5 – Freakboy6117
Cheep Thrills – steraica
The Hills – Death Tribble
Just Like Fire – Bolo of Earth 
Cold Water – csyphrett
H.O.L.Y. - freakboy6117
424. Coven of Nightmares – PhantomGM2602 (Opponents of Court of Dreams 7)
Lord Blackheart – steraica
Lord Blight – Death Tribble
Mistress Chaos – Badger
Knight Terror – steraica
Water Baby- Death Tribble
Eternal Void – Bolo of Earth 
Beast Mistress – Death Tribble
Eclipse Child – steraica
425. Tech Lords (ARGENT sponsored opponents of Nova) – steraica
Supreme Fist – Death Tribble
Axe Man – freakboy6117
Remote Activated Man (RAM) – Death Tribble
Kill Command – freakboy6117
Spicy – csyphrett
RampUp – Bolo of Earth
Lot – csyphrett
426. Shooting Stars Rogue’s Gallery (6 ex-foes of the Shooting Stars) csyphrett
Silver Wing – steraica
Donut – Death Tribble
Baron Winter - csyphrett
HighDe – Death Tribble
Gravos – Nothere
Invidious the Dark – Death Tribble
427. The VPs (6 based on Village People) – Death Tribble
Gun Shy - steraica
Red Skin – cygnia
Deconstruction – Bolo of Earth
ChimP – Bolo of Earth
First Class Private FCP – Death Tribble
Rawhide – steraica
428. Knights of the Crimson Court (5 based on King Crimson songs) - steraica
Red Knightmare - freakboy6117
Vroom – Badger
The Great Deceiver – csyphrett
Epitaph – Death Tribble
Lady of the Dancing Water – Badger
429. The Crushers (5 Star Trek fans of Wesley Crusher) – Badger
One of Five – Bolo of Earth
Replicator – Freakboy6117
The Ensign – csyphrett
Dr Zota – Badger
Warp Speed – freakboy6117
430. Bad Medicine (6 former medical professionals turned bad) – freakboy6117
Neuro-Tick – freakboy6117
230 (tooth hurty) – Bolo of Earth
Dr Darian Tyme – csyphrett
Anaesthesia – Death Tribble
The Perfectionist – Death Tribble
The Vet – freakboy6117
Nerve - Nothere
431. The Deadlytantes (6 members of a finishing school) – Nothere
Miss Take – Death Tribble
Misanthrope - freakboy6117
Miss Demeanor – Bolo of Earth
Miss Adventure – Death Tribble
Miss Step – Bolo of Earth
Miss Terious – freakboy6117
432. Hounds of Hades (7 artifacts based on Greek myths) – freakboy6117
The Shield – csyphrett
Speed Trap – Bolo of Earth 
Kraken - steraica
Lucky Devil – Death Tribble
Ruckus – Nothere
Moon Shot – csyphrett
Spider - freakboy6117
433. Media Moguls (they exist to get media exposure) - Bolo of Earth
Byline – Death Tribble
Mogulians – Death Tribble
The Director – Bolo of Earth
Broadcast - Nothere
Fake News - csyphrett
Battle Lord Overlord Guardian Blog – Death Tribble
Snapchat – csyphrett
434. Covert Cobra (6 Viper agents working undercover) – csyphrett
Berus – Bolo of Earth
Grass Snake – Death Tribble
Took - steraica
Sliver – Death Tribble
Sharper - csyphrett
Ecdysis – Nothere
435. Rogues of Ratman (5 villains who oppose Rat Man) – Nothere
Bummbleshot – steraica
The Croaker – Death Tribble
Toyboy – steraica
Poodle – steraica
Mudpack – Death Tribble
436. Eight Bells (Eight sonic/bell/sea villains) – Death Tribble
Captain Clang and his ship Bellweather – Death Tribble
Chime - csyphrett
Clapper – Bolo of Earth
Belle of Saint Mark – The Arc
Ding Ding – Death Tribble
The Alarm – csyphrett
@Liberty – freakboy6117
Ringer – freakboy6117
437. The Female Cabal for Ultimate Power (FCUP) – freakboy6117
TFB – freakboy6117
Maxima Effort – Death Tribble
Weapon Rack – freakboy6117
Dr Fourier – Bolo of Earth
Tundra – Nothere
438. The Legion of Losers 
Molly Mayhew - - Nothere
The Mighty Plank – Death Tribble
Z-port – Bolo of Earth
The Cruel Cod – Nothere
Heavily Armoured Carl/Armoured Carl – Death Tribble
Mental Mike – Bolo of Earth
439.  Grand Gulag (8 escapees from the Gulag) – Death Tribble
The Ghost – Death Tribble
Copper Lady – Badger
Dva – Bolo of Earth
Dvoynoy – Death Tribble
Zveroboy - Death Tribble
Zek (Zero) – csyphrett
Push – csyphrett
Vinovnyy – Death Tribble
440. Three Little Pigs (3 pig related) Death Tribble
Razorback - csyphrett
Warthog – Bolo of Earth
Pigsty – mrinku
441. Party Crashers (5 minor supervillains who met at J.M.R. Zyron’s estate) steraica
The Balloonist – Nothere
The Socialite -  mrinku
Midnight Mask – freakboy6117
The Fish – Death Tribble
The Scintillating Sparkler - freakboy6117
442. Pandora's Vault (5 criminals sealed in a vault in 1956 USA) - mrinku
The Mind - mrinku
The Unstoppable - Nothere
Gork, Son of Grond - steraica
Ato-Mike - Bolo of Earth
Rocket Fist - Death Tribble
443. The Three Wise Men (3 clever criminals) - Death Tribble
The Case - csyphrett
Pokerface - Death Tribble
The Planner - Nothere
444. The Mad Mob (6 lunatics recruited by Oddball after he escaped the asylum) - Nothere
Oddball - Nothere
Lionel Schwartz, Dinosaur Man ! - Death Tribble
Shock Treatment - steraica
Napoleon Blownapart - Bolo of Earth
Bat Might - csyphrett
Mindwarp - Death Tribble
Ssssssarah - Bolo of Earth
445. Conspiracy Theorists (5 conspiracy theorists with odd ideas about the world) - Bolo of Earth
The Purist - Death Tribble
Modesty Lane - Hermit
Plane Jane - Hermit
Reptile Tamer - Death Tribble
Major Tim - steraica
446.Viper Young Dragons Seven (7 young villains working for Viper) - steraica
Chromatic - csyphrett
John Doe - Death Tribble
Allegiant - SKJAM!
Elys - Death Tribble
VI (Violet Valentine who becomes 6) - csyphrett
Punch Drunk - Death Tribble
Rose Dragon - csyphrett
447. Anti Time Warner Brigade (six villains out to destroy Time Warner) - csyphrett
Thugs Bunny - Death Tribble
TNT - Nothere
The Editor - csyphrett
Tasmanian Saint - Death Tribble
Bell South - csyphrett
Conniving Nigel Nasty (CNN) - Death Tribble
448. Four Eyes (4 villains with eye motifs or powers) - Death Tribble

X-Ray – csyphrett

I-Beam – Bolo of Earth

The Eyes – Death Tribble

IC – freakboy6117


449. The Black Cardinals (4 based on compass) - freakboy6117

HBD – freakboy6117

The Man with No Codename – Bolo of Earth

Dew South – Death Tribble

Penelope, Daughter of the Dawn – csyphrett


450. The Transcenders (5 who may use powers to ascend) – csyphrett

Crack – Death Tribble

Magnetic Tracer – csyphrett

Gravitas – Bolo of Earth

Turbulence – Death Tribble

Big Splash – Nothere


451. The Scottish Terrors (5 to join Highland) – Nothere

Highland – Nothere

The Bagpiper – Badger

The Loch Ness Mobster – Death Tribble

The Bog Monster – Badger

The Selkie – Badger

The Bonnie Prince – csyphrett


452. The Five Tigers of Fist Mountain (5 evil monks and weapons) – csyphrett

The Jade Tiger (uses The Claw !) - Death Tribble

Tiger of the Sun (mask) – csyphrett

Moon Tiger (staff of life) - Death Tribble

Shadow Tiger (cloak of darkness) – Badger

Forest Tiger (camouflage ring) - Death Tribble


453. Lives of the Great Commanders (5-10 descendants of great commanders) – Death Tribble

Sherman – csyphrett

Shogun – Death Tribble

Raviouss Khan - steraica

Vice Admiral – Bolo of Earth

Shaka – csyphrett

The Bull – Death Tribble

Mao – csyphrett

Annabella – Death Tribble

Juan Heredia - csyphrett

Tsar - csyphrett


454. The Coalition - Sean Waters

Terror Tory

Difficult Labour




455. The Conquistadores (5 South American villains) – csyphrett

King Piranha – Death Tribble

El Condor – csyphrett

Inti – Death Tribble

Fumar – quozaxx

Eva – Bolo of Earth


456. FUN (5 ‘harmless’ criminals) - quozaxx

Tagger – csyphrett

King Fun – steraica

The Phantom Flan Flinger – Death Tribble

Polka Dot – csyphrett

The Giggler – Death Tribble


457. The Seven Ages of Man (representing the different stages of life)

Rust – csyphrett

Dementius – Bolo of Earth

Assizes – Death Tribble

The Infantryman – csyphrett

The Lover – csyphrett

Sophmore – Death Tribble

Big Baby – csyphrett


458. Horns (4 men who have horns oppose Halo) – csyphrett

Buck – Bolo of Earth

G.O.A.T. (Great Ogr of the Asian Territories) – Death Tribble

Fallen – Steraica

Narwhal (2) – csyphrett


459. The Gamble (4-8 mercenaries based on Gambling) – steraica

The Tipster – Death Tribble

The Flush – csyphrett

Ace King - Badger

Double Deuce – csyphrett

Punto Banco – Bolo of Earth

Long Shot – Death Tribble

Black Jack – Bolo of Earth

The Shoe – csyphrett


460. The Appliances (4 budget household item rogues) – csyphrett

Blender - steraica

The Fridge – csyphrett

Roaster – Bolo of Earth

Heavy Kettle – Death Tribble


461. Justified League of Anarachists (7 villains based on the JLA) – Death Tribble

The Spark – Badger

Elasto – Steraica

StuporDude – Bolo of Earth

Dark Fangs – csyphrett

Hayseed McCoy – csyphrett

Wonder if it is a Woman ? - Death Tribble

Bird Brain – Amorka

Water Boy – Bolo of Earth


462. The Contraptions (4-6 armoured villains) – Amorka

Marvin the Living Tank – Death Tribble

The Scavanger – Bolo of Earth

Cabbitt – csyphrett

The Tunneller – Death Tribble

The Incredibly Dynamic Clam – Bolo of Earth

The Swiss – steraica


463. Aladin Sane’s band (6 music based vilains) – steraica

Aladin Sane – steraica

Dr Feelgood – Death Tribble

Barracuda – Pinecone

The Piano Man – Bolo of Earth

The Queen – csyphrett

Imagine Dragons – csyphrett

Florence’s Machine – csyphrett


464. Mayborne Manor 6 (six villains Colonel Croc is trying to kill) – csyphrett

The Music Maniac – steraica

Death Tryp – Bolo of Earth

Peerless – Death Tribble

Maltese Mole – csyphrett

General Mayhem – Death Tribble

The Ox – csyphrett


465. The Thin Men (6 who oppose the Bigguns and are thin) – csyphrett

Two Dim – Bolo of Earth

Slim Jim – Steraica

Death Tripe – csyphrett

Rake – Death Tribble

Flying Spaghetti Mionster – Bolo of Earth

Gaunt – Death Tribble


466. Pack (have dog code names 6) - Death Tribble

Pekingese - csyphrett

Labradoodle – Archer

ROVer – Bolo of Earth

Pitt – csyphrett

Bernard - csyphrett

Blood Hound – Bolo of Earth


467. Rail Barons/Baronesses (5 tied to railways) – Bolo Of Earth

Cross Tie – Archer

Spirit of New Orleans - csyphrett

The Locomotive – dsatow

The Flying Scotsman – Death Tribble

Gold Spike – freakboy6117


468. The Puppetmasters (5 evil puppets) - freakboy6117

Cecil the Sea Serpent – Archer

Gonzo the Great - csyphrett

Dummy – Death Tribble

Puppet Porno – dsatow

Dr Samuel Hand – Badger


469. Fab Five (5 blacklisted entertainers) – Badger

Alexa DeSoto – Asperion

Undine Barr – csyphrett

Playtight – Bolo of Earth

Breakage – Cancer

Personal Foul – Death Tribble


470. The Four Feathers (4 feathered motif villains) - Death Tribble

Calamus – csyphrett

Squawk ! - Death Tribble

Fletcher – Asperion

Runner – steraica


471. Nightfright (6-8 Halloween gimmick) – steraica

Mr Pumpkin – Death Tribble

Harvest Moon – csyphrett

WITCH ! - Death Tribble

Scar Crow – csyphrett

Dark Reflection – Bolo of Earth

The Wolf ! - Death Tribble

The Incredible Corny – Bolo of Earth

Mr Boo – csyphrett


472. Dr Entropy (6 Dr Entropy to oppose Astro Man) – csyphrett

Dr Arvin Entropy – csyphrett

Dr Elliot Entropy – Death Tribble

Nightmare (Dr Craven Entropy) – steraica

Creeping Entropy (Dr Alistair Entopy) – Death Tribble

Ms Entropy (Dr Sheila Entropy) – Bolo of Earth

Bailfire (Professor Pyrus Entropy) – steraica


473. Pasione USA (4-6 music based) – steraica

Bat Outta Hell – Death Tribble

Good Vibrations – Archer

Janie’s Got a Gun – dsatow

It’s Time - csyphrett

Art Simon – csyphrett


474. 6 Wildstorm villains – csyphrett

Alpha Blue – Bolo of Earth

Trojan – csyphrett

Extremist – Death Tribble

Whisper – steraica

Regiment – Death Tribble

Mister Majestyk – Badger


475. Hells Belles (6 Deep South based women) – Badger

Old Gloria – Death Tribble

Sherman March – steraica

Caped Fear – csyphrett

Clang – Death Tribble

The Gray Lady – Bolo of Earth

Mind Over Mattera – Death Tribble


486. The Octagon (8 martial artists) – Death tribble

Switch – Bolo

Fan – csyphrett

The Eight Man – Death Tribble

Smokescreen - Bolo of Earth

Parlin – csyphrett

Deton8 – Death Tribble

Super Attack Combo Rysei - csyphrett

Firespite – csyphrett


487. Tamil Terrors (6 Sri Lankan crooks) csyphrett

Dr Elephanthead – Death tribble

Rahid the Sword Lion – csyphrett

Zen Fire – steraica

The Peacock – Death Tribble

Script – csyphrett

Dasa – Death Tribble


488. Seven Nation Army (7 members from different countries Death tribble)

The Swiss – Steraica

Kursk – Death Tribble

Animist (Kenya) – csyphrett

Maginot – Death Tribble

Mindset (China) – Bolo of Earth

Schwarz Panzer – Death Tribble

Losada (venezuala) – csyphrett


489.Periodic Perils (7 based of chemcal elements) csyphrett

Magnesium – Death tribble

Hydrogen – Steraica

Copper – csyphrett

Carbon – csyphrett

Polonium – Death Tribble

Californium – csyphrett

Einsteinium – Bolo of Earth


490. Leapfrog (4 based on frogs) Bolo of Earth

Xenopus – Death Tribble

Toadstool – Archer

Cane Toad – Steraica

The Dart – csyphrett


491. The Returners (five dead Golden Age villains returned to life) cayphrett

Abdol Azium – Steraica

Doctor Despicable – Death Tribble

Halftrack – csyphrett

Doppelganger - Wakshaani

King Plunder – Quackhell


492. The Cold Front (4 cold based villains Quackhell)

Zero Degree – Csyphrett

Shiver - Quackhell

Frosty the Evil Snowman – Death Tribble

Winterchill – Steraica


493. The Victims of Los Asesinos (6 villains eliminated by Los Asesinos) steraica

Wild Thang – Death tribble

The Dark Marshall – Quackhell

ElCubano – Death Tribble

Frankie Fangs – Quackhell

Hard Case – csyphrett

Monkey Hanger – Death Tribble


494. Heist of a Lifetime (Viridian Bat’s 5 Stooges) Death Tribble

Spring Heeled Jack – Quackhell

SnG -Death Tribble

Bugout – Bolo of Earth

Vache – Death tribble

Lock Tone - csyphrett


495. White Army Supremicists (5 opponents of the Devil's Brigade) -csyphrett

The Pallid Knight - Death Tribble

Holy Striker - steraica

Krystalknife - csyphrett

The White Master - Death Tribble

Ike Skrewdriver Steiger - Quaxkhell


496. The Hunting Party (3 alien hunters on earth) Quackhell

Nelson Pettigrew - Death Tribble

Rakshasi - Quackhell

Invizor - Steraica


497. The Savage Seven (villainous allegory to the Magnificent 7) - steraica

Custard - csyphrett (Joker like)

Hotshot - Quackhell (has flamethrower)

A Cut Above - Death Tribble (martial artist)

Savage Vandal - Death Tribble (brick)

Hombre Numero Uno - Quackhell (brickish)

Gundown - csyphrett (gun user)

Ghost Maker - Quackhell (ronin)


498. The Doppel Gang (6 villain copies of heroes) - Quackhell

The Steel King (Iron Man) - Death Tribble

Obsidious (Superman) - Quackhell

Amazon Queen (Wonder Woman) - Anaximander

The Cosmos Crook - Steraica

Aqua Queen (Namor) - Death Tribble

The Chrono King - Quackhell


499. Honour Among Thieves (H.A.T.) 4 gentleman/woman thieves - Quackhell

Brio - Death Tribble

St John 'Sterling' Silver - Quackhell

Gracia - Death Tribble

The Paint - csyphrett


500. Starlight Brigade (5 kids salvaged alien tech) - csyphrett

TrashR- Death Tribble

Flash Mob - csyphrett

Bloorp - Quackhell

The Removal Man - Death Tribble

Fabrikid - csyphrett


501 Roget's Academy (5 evil French students) - csyphrett

Eiffel - Death Tribble

Renard - Quackhell

Le Mime Sauvage - Steraica

Massif Central - Death Tribble

La Pucelle - Hermit


502. The Magpies (5 evil students from Ravenswood Academy) - Hermit

Jack Straw/Lead Dragon - csyphrett

The Acquirer/John Smith - Death Tribble

Kayla Anderson/Crackerjack - Thumper

Allure'Sway - Quackhell

Dupe/David Garner - Death Tribble


503. Nine Circles of Hell (9 members conforming to the circles of Hell cf Dante) - Death Tribble

Gluttony - Thumper

Astrologus (Fraud) - Death Tribble

Limbo - csyphrett

Starker (Violence) - Quackhell

Storehouse (Greed) - csyphrett

Shazala Mistress of Desire (Lust) - Death Tribble

Stygian Destroyer (Wrath) - Quackhell

Father An Ran (Heresy) - csyphrett

Stearno (treason) - Death Tribble


504. The Cleaners (6 villains cleaning up a crime scene) -Quackhell lead by SuperVisor

Remover - steraica

Spatter - csyphrett

Spring Clean - Death Tribble

Blindspot - Quackhell

StoMem - BoloofEarth

Gorger - Death Tribble


505. UnLucky 13 (Viridian Bat and Dr Nymax! team up) - Death Tribble

Vacillator - Quackhell

Walter Walkabout - steraica

Grokk the Talking Monkey With a Zap Gun - Death Tribble

The Zoid - Quackhell

Lucky Al - Death Tribble

Kyoto Kama Killing Katana of Kelp - csyphrett

Dirty Dicer - csyphrett

Water Boxer - Death Tribble

Big Hit - csyphrett

Shaolin Jackson Master of Funky Fu - Quackhell

Gin Sang - Death Tribble

CereBro - Quackhell

The Falcon - csyphrett


506. Fear Five (enemies of Persona Joker) - csyphrett

Claus (trophobia) - Death tribble

White Clown of Death - csyphrett

Xuexing de Mao (cats) - Quackhell

Feitan Gui (Flying Ghost) heights - Quackhell

Arachnos (spiders) - Death Tribble


507. The Green Twisted (villainous X-Men) - Death Tribble

Bullet (cannonball) - Steraica (who also named team,)

Brain Tyrant  (Professor X) - Steraica

Psi-co (Phoenix) - Steraica

The Scream (Banshee) - Quackhell

Rhodes (Colossus) - Death Tribble

Forgotten Jhones (Forget Me Not) - steraica

The Great Green Eye (Cyclops) - Death tribble

Abandon (Nightcrawler/Angel) - Steraica


508. Monstrous Society of Black Monsters (7 black copies of white monsters)  - steraica

Wolfman of Watts - Quackhell

Black Arachnoid - csyphrett

The Creature from the White Lake - Death Tribble

The Abominable Dr Davis Junior - Steraica

Graft - Death tribble

Doll-O-Mite - Quackhell

The Phantom of the Discotheque - Death Tribble


509. The Revengers (villainous versions of the Avengers) - Death Tribble

Ginormous Ant (Antman) - csyphrett

Phantasm (The Vision) - Steraica

Steel Woman (iron Man) - Death Tribble

Ex-Patriot (Cap America) - Bolo of Earth

Mol-Jar (Wonder Man) - Steraica

Bee Woman (Wasp) - csyphrett

Tohophilite (Hawkeye) - Death Tribble

Excelsior (Stan Lee) - Bolo of Earth

Thunderclub (Thor) - Steraica


510. The Monster's Brood (children of the Monster) - Steraica

The Miscreation - Steraica

Gaunt - Quackhell

Vileminded - Steraica

Trenchcoat - Death Tribble


511. The Seven Sisters (all women) - Death Tribble

Soul -  csyphrett

Pariah - Quackhell

Desert Wind - Death Tribble

Lens - csyphrett

Big Blam Pam - Death Tribble

The Texas Stranger - Death Tribble

Vampira - csyphrett


512. The Babylon - Quackhell

multi-Maid- Steraica

David-Renfield-Smith - Steraica

Cybermanager - Death Tribble

Head Chef - steraica

Ms Harmony - Quackhell

Oh Mr Porter ! - Death Tribble


513. Army of Supervillains (Villains based on Legion of Superheroes) - Death tribble

Fight - Steraica

Quad - Steraica

Brightburn - Steraica

Mind Queen - Death tribble

Wave - csyphrett

Peppy - csyphrett

Mentallous 7 - steraica


514. The Ones Above - (Cthulhu like min 6) steraica

Nogad - Death Tribble

Volcanard - Steraica

Query - csyphrett

Colour Drainer Out of Space - Steraica

Azomodius - csyphrett

Shrub-Nearthepath - Death Tribble


515. Battleships (5 based on WW1+2 battlerships) - Death Tribble

Yamato - Steraica

Agincourt - csyphrett

Gneisenau - Death Tribble

Iron Duke - Quackhell

Imperio - Steraica


516. Word Birds (6-8 birds with rhyming names) - Steraica

Blow Crow - Death tribble

Love Dove - Quackhell

Stygian Pigeon - csyphrett

Null Gull - Death tribble

Lurkey Turkey - Bolo of Earth

Craven Raven - Death Tribble


517. 5 villains involved in The Blancmange that Never Slept caper a Viridian Bat enterprise - Death Tribble

The Wild Weird and wonderful Wuzoo - Quackhell

Hazy Shade of Winter - Death Tribble

The marvelous Misdirecto - Steraica

Gibberish - Death Tribble

The Confouding Cubehead - Quackhell


518. deadsperdoes (undead cowboy gimmick - Quackhell

Sally Split - Steraica

Dead Man in Black - Death tribble

Last of his Band - Sundog

Goat Rider in the Sky - Death Tribble

The Mysterious Mr Steraica - Steraica

Lobo Stark - Badger


519. X-Mas Men (5 villains who want to ruin Christmas and are other holiday based) - Badger

Stupid Cupid - Death Tribble

Black Friday - Steraica

Puritan Pilgrim - Sundog

Great Pumpkin - csyphrett

All of the Lights (Diwali) - Death Tribble


520. Decagon (10 villains linked by knowledge of each other) - Death Tribble

Vile8 - Sundog

Battlemaster - Quackhell

Travelstar - steraica

The Cloak - Death tribble

Dagger - csyphrett

La Arena - Sundog

Muchas Armas - Death tribble

Torpedo Moscow - Quackhell

Espia - Death Tribble

Chestmaster - Steraica


521. New Year's Evil Steraica

Trenchmaster - Sundog

Pince Brutale - Sundog

My Immortal - Death tribble

Valici the Vulgarian - Quackhell

Super Cyber Samurai - Death tribble

Ugg the Super Caveman - Sundog

Attila the Nun ! - Death tribble

Formidable - Jack Valhalla


522. Fateful Five (5 Reality Warpers) - jack Valhalla

M.C. Real Life - steraica

Suzuki-Gunn - Death Tribble

Brink - Jack Valhalla

Lilah-Sila Desmond - Badger

Haxor - Quackhell


523. Killjoy Collection (6 golems created by Kilroy Killjoy) - Quackhell

Go-Zilla - Sundog

Rascalz - Death tribble

Stretch Killem - Steraica

Slicey - Quackhell

Super Fist Gunhead Paid - csyphrett

Don't Care Bear - Death Tribble


524. Chinese Zodiac (based on the Chinese Zodiac) - Death Tribble

Drunken Monkey - csyhrett

Xue Gue (Blood Hook) (pig) - Quackhell

Snakeskin - steraica

Sailor easter (Rabbit) - Badger

Long (Dragon) - Sundog

Greatest of All Time (Goat) - Jack valhalla

Top Notch the Marvellous Horse - Death Tribble

Mouse Girl (Rat) - Badger

Ox- Sundog

The Gwailou Tigress - Quackhell

Red Rooster - Death Tribble

Kuro Inu (dog) - csyphrett


525. Slingshots (5 tech thieves) - csyphrett

Projectile - csyphrett

The Ringmaster - Death Tribble

Le Flipper (Pinball) - Quackhell

D-Fens - csyphrett

Boomgun - Sundog


526. The Spectres

Phantasm - Steraica

Invisible Dave - Death Tribble

Blind Eye - Quackhell


527. The Servonts

Combot - Death Tribble

Underbot - sundog

Skybot - Steraica

bullbot - Quackhell

Servont - Death Tribble

Transvont - csyphrett


528. Groundhogs (5 villainous voles)

Clawed - Sundog

Mega Monax - Quackhell

Violent Offensive Lethal Extremist (V.O.L.E.) - Death Tribble

Marvin Mole - csyphrett

Burrow - Jack Valhalla


529. The Almighty (based on Gods)

Alaisingae  - steraica

Whiro - Quackhell

Nacon - Jack Valhalla

The Dead God - Sundog

Ryujin - Death tribble

Eris - Death Tribble


530. The First Raters (opponents of the Second Raters) - Death Tribble

Detroit Express – Death Tribble

The Golden Lion – steraica

Seti, Sultana of Sand – csyphrett

Matchless Miki – Quackhell

Detroit Piston – Death Tribble

Chrome Dome – Death Tribble

Rust Belt – Sundog


531. Lords of the Seven (a ruler for each continent) – Sundog

Florida Man – Death Tribble

Silversmith – Quackhell

M’Pala - csyphrett

Rangda - Death Tribble

Dr Trebleau – Bolo of Earth

Captain Thunderbolt – csyphrett

The Inca – Death Tribble


532. Battle of Philadelphia

Cosmik – Sundog

SeBastian – Death Tribble

Kill Coil – Quackhell

Madjack – steraica

Irontooth – Death Tribble

Backdraft – Quackhell

Death Bat – Death Tribble

Animal Controller – csyphrett

The Giggler – Death Tribble

Ghostscythe – Sundog

Dr Piecemeal – steraica

Barrier – Death Tribble

Dog Fighter – Sundog

The Phantom Eye- Steraica

Crackler – Death Tribble

Hammerhead – steraica

Road King – csyphrett

Hawkesmythe – Sundog

Mesmero – Death Tribble

Nermia – Steraica


533. Champions of Zorb – Steraica

Hargus Blightheart – Quackhell

Lady Demonia – Death Tribble

Kid Undeath – Badger

Repullsara – steraica

Milliclops Th Many Eyed – Badger

The Beast of Zorb – Death Tribble

Bloodskull - Badger


534. Tracey Richard’s Rogue’s Gallery – Death Tribble

Mister Christmas – Steraica

Billy Bass – Badger

Gumbo Malone – Quackhell

Plumnose Smith – Death Tribble

The Blot – csyphrett

Bob the Gob - Quackhell

Mumps – Death Tribble

Bronx Bailey – Badger

535. Instruments of Destruction (cyborgs) – Badger

Staticstician - Sundog

Powersmith - Steraica

Gauss – Death Tribble

Machine Ghost – Quackhell

Viktor Zhekov – Death Tribble

Slide Right - csyphrett

536. Jaguars of Inferno (Birds of Paradise enemies) - csyphrett

Crimson Jaguarundi – Death Tribble

Andean Cat - Quackhell

Geoffroy – csyphrett

Leoparda Guttala – Death Tribble

The Icelot – csyphrett

Golden Jaguar – Death Tribble

537. Chinese Zodiac Mk 2 (not in the actual Chinese Zodiac) – Death Tribble

Huxian – Death Tribble

Snow Leopard- csyphrett

Pangolin – Death Tribble

Sable Bear – csyphrett

Red Panda – Death Tribble

Yunan Giant – csyphrett

Western Dragon - Sundog

Dugong – Death Tribble

Blue Crane – csyphrett

Jinji – Death Tribble

Haozhu – Quackhell

Dapeng – csyphrett

538. Kings and Queens of Fae (villains based of Disney heroes) – csyphrett

This Charming Prince – Death Tribble

Dave Croc – csyphrett

Lord Dumboar – Quackhell

Mercules – Badger

Eeriel – Badger

Nymax – csyphrett

Meredith – Death Tribble

539. Los Angeles Trust Bank Robbers – Death Tribble

Wings – Sundog

Lady Lupin – Steraica

Boomer – Quackhell

Zoomer – Quackhell

Look Out – csyphrett

Tin – csyphrett

Le Sommeil – Sundog

540. The Big Men (size does matter) – Sundog

Hillbilly Hoss – Quackhell

Mountain Man – Death Tribble

Old Stone - csyphrett

United States Ogre – Death Tribble

Humungo - steraica

541. The Feasters – steraica

Hand Sum – Death Tribble

Tongue Twister - Badger

The Gelder - Sundog

The Torso Bandit – Death Tribble

Legs kilkenny - csyphrett

One Eyed Jack – Quackhell

542. The Conundrum Collective - Quackhell

Crossword – Death Tribble

Mister Conundrum - steraica

Query - Quackhell

Switcher - csyphret

The Living Enigma – Death Tribble

543. Golden Guardian Revenge Society – Death Tribble

TheAuteur – Quackhell

Silver Nemesis – Death Tribble

The Sniper – csyphrett

Bertram – Death Tribble

Romulas – csyphrett

544. Terrible Toads (amphibians) - csyphrett

Wart - Sundog

Kroker - steraica

Caecilius – Death Tribble

Sonoran – Quackhell

Mr Toynbee - csyphrett

The Newt – Death Tribble

545. The Alien Resistance Demanding Inner Space (Dr Who parody villains) – Death Tribble

Estn Ld – csyphrett

The Magnificent Intellect – Death Tribble

Fingeris – csyphrett

The Crying One – steraica

Snow Fighter – Death Tribble

HoTEPSa – csyphrett

546. Pantheon Machines (robots as old gods) - csyphrett

Hades – Steraica

The Feathered Serpent – Death Tribble

Jade Emperor – csyphrett

Szelatya – Quackhell

Xipe Totec – Haven Walkur

Shetar – steraica

Asherah – steraica

Bunyip – Death Tribble

Dagon – steraica

Tiamat – steraica

Marduk – csyphrett

Sharabha – Death Tribble

547. Six Degrees of Syndication (media villains) – Death Tribble

The Yellow Pressman - Quackhell

Teleprompter -Death Tribble

Marconi – csyphrett

Papier Mache – Death Tribble

Shock Jock – Quackhell

Click Bait – csyphrett

548. New Shooting Stars Enemies - csyphrett

Darkling – Dr Hammersmith

Railroad – csyphrett

Witch Way – Death Tribble

Sycorax – Quackhell

Flowing Oxen – csyphrett

Korg the Mighty - Death Tribble


549. Wehrmacht Irregulars – Death Tribble

Koingstiger – Quackhell

MG42 – Death Tribble

Pak Four Zero – csyphrett

Opal Blitz – csyphrett

Stug – Death Tribble

Egon – csyphrett


550. Viral Load (paramedics) – Bolo of Earth

Burn Burn Burn – Death Tribble

Targetted Cure – Sundog

Le Fleau – Quackhell

Footprint – csyphrett

Adjuster – Death Tribble

The Plague Doctor – steraica

551. The Hallows (spooky villains) - steraica

Doctor Abracore - steraica

Hundun – Quackhell

Darkwalker - Sundog

Carthus Drax – Death Tribble

Sun Summoner – csyphrett

Ghost in My House – Death Tribble

552. The decade of the Iron Gorilla (Viridian Bat strikes again) – Death Tribble

Grunthar – steraica

The Sloth - csyphrett

Metal Guru – Death Tribble

A.P.E. - Quackhell

Molder N Scully – Death Tribble

Gibbon Gibbons – Badger

Otaku Onsen - csyphrett

The Facilitator - Quackhell

Jellyfish – csyphrett

553. Fugitive Force (alien ex-cons on the run on Earth) – Quackhell

Ozz-zon – steraica

The Jailbreaker – Werehawk

Yuccana – Badger

Overwhelmer – Death Tribble

Formless – Quackhell

Hyperjump – freakboy6117

554. Unseasonable Weather - Freakboy6117

Brutish Summer Time – freakboy6117

Hurricane Desmond – Death Tribble

Sahara Snowstorm – Sundog

Elmer Fludd – csyphrett

Lenticular – Death Tribble

555. Hexagon (six parodies of Power Rangers) – Death Tribble

Red Cobra - steraica

Black Nightmare – Sundog

Gold hedgehog – Steraica

Blue Star – Sundog

Green Rhino – Death Tribble

Dunn Kangaroo – csyphrett

556. The Caverns - csyphrett

Neandertal Master- Sundog

Carlsbad Cavern – Lorehunter

Lechuguilla Monster - Quackhell

Wookey Hole – Death Tribble

Ali Sadr Cave Creature – Werehawk


557. The Black Ocean – (aquatic villains) – Werehawk

Baron Chudda – steraica

Shark – Sundog

Nu - Lorehunter

Seven Seaszar – Death Tribble

Punga – Quackhell

Professor Cephalopod – Death Tribble

558. Enter the Ninja (a team of Ninja) – Death Tribble

Tigre Blanc – Quackhell

Silent Assassin – Death Tribble

Iron Hawk – Sundog

White Phantom – Lorehunter

Fist of Hou – Death Tribble

The White Ninja – Steraica

Joe – csyphrett

Iron Buffalo – Death Tribble

Spider’s Bite – Lorehunter

The Bloodless Assassin – Death Tribble

559. Fun House Gang – Lorehunter

Mirror Mirror – Opal

Grinning Jack – Death Tribble

Ring Master – Lorehunter

Pop Scare – Opal

Dr Peter White – Death Tribble

Gravelord – Steraica

560. The Adrift Seven (destroyed universes survivors) – steraica

The Burning – Sundog

Allyria the Dark – Death Tribble

Absolute 0 – Lorehunter

The Macronaut – Opal

Lansear – csyphrett

Mind Empress – Death Tribble

Paradox – Opal

561. The Nine Terrors (villains from 1830s to 1850s London) - Opal

The Great Stink Beast – Death Tribble

The Ledgerman – Steraica

The Grey Midwife – Lorehunter

His Lordship - Sundog

Dr Hunger – Death Tribble

The Spitalfields Slasher – Opal

Jill the Bat – Death Tribble

Zabo – csyphrett


562. TUSK (5 poachers in the Ivory trade) -csyphrett

Great White Hunter – Opal

Xiangya – Death Tribble

Mac the Driver – Sundog

Mozambique Driller – quackhell

Kinshasa – Death Tribble


563. The Air War (villain edition upto 10 villains involved in the New York battle) – Death Tribble

Kreesh Nal Ib - Lorehunter

Razorwing – steraica

Skylord - Lorehunter

Freemont Flyer – Death Tribble

Snapdragon – Opal


564. Flower Power (5 flower themed villains) – Opal

Holly Caustic – Lorehunter

Rambling Rose – Death Tribble

Lily White – Steraica

Ultra Violet – Death Tribble

Mary Gold – Death Tribble


565. Teen Bandits (5+ teenage villain group from 60s-70s) - Death Tribble

The Unmovable Kid - steraica

Spindizzy – Sundog

kid Rocket – Death Tribble

Psiclone – Opal

Heart Throb – Death Tribble

Silver Queen – Sundog


566. The Capitalists (5-7 promoting a free market) Sundog

Anne Cap – Opal

Bull Run – Death Tribble

Atom Smith – Opal

The Bear – Death Tribble

The Great Orange One – Opal

The Agents of Change and Equity (Blue Chip. The Almighty buck The Exchange, Three Dollar Bill and General Quarters


567. The Legion of Cancelled Heroes (0-6) -Opal

Bravado – Quackhell

The American Soldier – Sundog

Goldstock – steraica

The Purple Beast (blue Aegis) – Death Tribble

Pure Fire – SKJAM!

568. The Mourners (5 individuals who suffered personal tragedy) – SKJAM!

Veil – Bolo of Earth

Premature Burial – Death Tribble

Mysuree- Asperion

Dread and Buried – Death Tribble

Sin-Eater – Quackhell


569. Crime Cabal (villain team past its prime) – Quackhell

It’s the New Dr Magecraft – Death Tribble

Young Punk – Steraica

Scandalous – Sundog

Rebel Gurl – Opal

Shadowmind – Death Tribble

Marble – Opal

Blitz Kid – Werehawk


570. The Nuclear Wing (31st Century Mercenary group based on a-bomb effects) -Werehawk

Sicken – steraica

Burner – Sundog

Private Idaho – Death Tribble

Winter – Opal

Tumour – Sundog

MIRV – Opal


571. Hermandad de la Sangre (5 South American women against the US) – Opal

La Arana – Sundog

Halcon – Death Tribble

Yacumama – Quackhell

Rainha de Amazonia – Death Tribble

Mente de la Gente – Death Tribble


572. The Seven Savages (members of a group killed by the public and LEOs) -death Tribble

Master Macobe – steraica

The Commanche – Sundog

Scalphunter – Death Tribble

coyotI – Quackhell

Indian Princess – Opal

Christi Corpse – Death Tribble

Huitzliopochtli – Sundog


573. The Circle of Life (Animal Extremists) – Sundog

The Savior – Opal

The Wereleopard – Death Tribble

The Hippie – Sundog

Zaroff – death Tribble

Pet A – csyphrett


574. META4 (Aliens waiting to leave earth 4) – csyphrett

Tactica – Sundog

Machriah – Steraica

Elephantiasis – Death Tribble

AUX – Quackhell


575. Lethal Labours (based on Hercules labours 6) – Quackhell

Cerebull - Sundog

Lyta the Hippo - Opal

Oh Lion ! - Death Tribble

Dirty Bird – Steraica

The Hesperite – csyphrett

Diomanthian – Death Tribble


576. The Seven Dwarves (min 5) - Death Tribble

Hungry – Doctor Impossible

Sin – Steraica

Dr Pygmy- Death Tribble

Small Fry – Werehawk

Ulrich Von Nordstein - Death Tribble

Degenerate Dwarf – Opal

Red – Steraica


577. IMP Expression (want to join IMP 3) – steraica

Mime (Over Matter) – Opal

Slapstick – Steraica

Movietone – Sundog

Pitre Blanc – Death Tribble

Toy Boy – Steraica


578. Wild Feral Battalion (anthropomorphic villains min 5) – Death Tribble

Platyputz – Sundog

Wan – Steraica

Skunk ! - Death Tribble

Silver Butterfly – Sundog

The Black Badger – Steraica

Cougar 7 – Death Tribble

Man Bison – Death Tribble

Miss Murder (Crows) - Clonus

Mangoose – Quackhell

Moose – Death Tribble

Pine Marten – Death Tribble


579. ThinkBank (wealthy doing it for fun types 5– Doctor Impossible

Software Slump – Death Tribble

Mister Reginald Wicked – Steraica

Jackdaw – Opal

Red Rain – Sundog

Raja – Death Tribble


580. The Thieves Council (thieves taken down by Henry Cranham’s plan) – Death Tribble

Yeggman – Quackhell

Jenny Faceless – Sundog

Factotum – Death Tribble

Omni – Steraica

Fascino – Quackhell

Champagne Charlie – Death Tribble

Hardball – Sundog

The Fence – Death Tribble

Relay – Death Tribble


581. Team Amerika (Russians duplicating the Pentagon team 5) – Opal

Balor/Red Glare – Opal

Proud Ameriker – Death Tribble

Odessa – Quackhell

Electroplate – Death Tribble

Spike – Sundog


582. The Masters of Silence (time travellers aiming to kill humanity 4) – Sundog

Tyrannus Tempus – Quackhell

Doctor Plesiosaur – Death Tribble

Prod Oren – Bolo of Earth

The Climatologist – Bolo of Earth


583. Divine Right (hey can see the future 6) – Bolo of Earth

Grapher – csyphrett

Gypsy Rose Leigh – Death Tribble

Eyes of God – Sundog

Zoran the Cursed – Steraica

Doomsayer – Quackhell

Taro – Death Tribble


584. Meggido’s Minions (working for Meggido in the Boston job that was a trap) – Death Tribble

Little Tommy Chao – Sundog

Two Blades Harrigan – Death Tribble

The One Man Gang – Steraica

Iron Cossack – Quackhell

Hellbane – Death Tribble

Beam – Sundog


585.The Gem Concord (given powers by mad scientist, have to eat gems 4) – Sundog

Diamond Dog - Quackhell

Emerald Butterfly - Steraica

Riot Ruby – Death Tribble

Jet Nasty – Jack Valhalla

586. The Mite Have Beens (shrunk villains menacing the Budgerigar 4) – Jack Valhalla

Zarkon – Steraica

Ki Lyme - Opal

Mighty Moon - Death Tribble

Sally Forth – Sundog


587. Minions of MAX (Robots/Androids working for Mechanon’s MAX AI 6) – Sundog

Glorious Fembot of the Revolution – Death Tribble

Crowcry – Steraica

Robosoldier – Death Tribble

Bolt Crunchmaster – Quackhell

Robospider – Death Tribble

Virtual 1.86 – Steraica


588. The Terrible Nine (Wild West baddies) – Steraica

Bloody Star - Quackhell

The Grey Man – Steraica

Indian Mike – Death Tribble

Sgt Blue – Death Tribble

30 Ghosts – Quackhell

The Bull – Sundog

Rustler Bob – Death Tribble

Snakebite – Steraica

Mary Blake – Sundog

589. Vegan Rising (Nature extremists 5) – Sundog

Where’s the Beef ? - Death Tribble

Slag – Steraica

J’Hain Ps’mhiss the Vegan Vindicatrix - Opal

Druid Michael – Death Tribble

The Releaser – Death Tribble

590. American Outlaws (links to the Old West min 5) – Death Tribble

Little Nell – Steraica

Hayseed – Sundog

Outlaw No 1 – Death Tribble

Outlaw No 2 – Sundog

Wild Bill Hiccup – Death Tribble

Brave Scout – Steraica

Deadeye Dora – Death Tribble

Gunslinger – Quackhell

Judge Cole Peanut – Death Tribble

591. The Demon Lords (Nerds who use names from D+D Demon Lords ) - Opal

Juiblex – Death Tribble

Pazuzu - Steraica

Baphomet - Quackhell

Malcanthet – Death Tribble

Dagon -Steraica


592. The New Flesh (5 People modified by the Great Beast from Horror Enemies) – steraica
Skitter – Quackhell
Squidra – Steraica
Vanish – Opal
Piecemeal - Steraica
Many Beaks May Light Work – - Death Tribble
Disgust – Steraica


593. Versailles (based on the 1914-18 war from both sides) – - Death Tribble
Eindecker – Sundog
Verdun – - Death Tribble
Fluer – Opal
Schlieffen - csyphrett
Tommy Atkins – - Death Tribble
Tannenberg – - Death Tribble


594. The Omegans (supervillains gathered together to destroy their hero foes) – steraica
Master of the Game – - Death Tribble
The Society Girl – Sundog
Queen of the Hunt – Quackhell
Tharaxes of the Trackless Void – - Death Tribble
Zoran Zorkan - Steraica
The Dread Pirate Gilbert Pensworth II – - Death Tribble
Polus – - Death Tribble
Mx Pentecosla Vonderfaless – Captain Coulson


595. Sweethearts (three couples and a polycule. Powers depend on their relationships) – Captain Coulson
Stars and Bars -  Bolo of Earth
Leather and Lace – Steraica
Pyre, Ra and Mid – Bolo of Earth
Reactoe and Exciton – Dshomshak


596.Force Majeure (mercenaries used by evil orgs ) - Dshomshak
De Minimis – Clonus
Burakku Kiygo (Black Company - steraica
Litigant – Sundog
Corpus Delecti – DShomshak
Bail – Bolo of Earth
Indemnity -DShomshak 


597. Anti-Social Media (remaking society through social media) – Bolo of Earth
Master of Shaolin – - Death Tribble
Naked Anarchy – Clonus
Fashionista – Steraica
Twin Action – - Death Tribble
Pretty as a Picture ! -  Death Tribble
Tick Tock - Bolo of Earth


598. Indecency Brigade (Virtuous’s Rogue’s Gallery but which one killed him) – - Death Tribble
Mammom – steraica
Doctor Medusa – Dshomshak
The Exhibitionist – - Death Tribble
Atrocity – Sundog
Yellow Beryl – - Death Tribble


599. Denizens Dark (apartment residents turned evil by mad scientist) – Hermit
Faceless – steraica
Makeup – Sundog
Magnum Opus – - Death Tribble
Step Out – Hermit
My Way – Bolo of Earth-Speak


600. Pauline’s Perils (villains rename themselves for new employer) – steraica
Maiden in Ironland – - Death Tribble
Vicki the Impaler – Sundog
Rack – - Death Tribble
Pendulum – steraica
Pit – - Death Tribble
The Boot – Sundog
Shark Pool – Bolo of Earth


601. The Games Masters (villains based on board/dice/card games) – Bolo of Earth
Colin Briarley, Master of Monopoly ! -  Death Tribble
Bacca-Rat - Sundog
Queen of Tokyo – - Death Tribble
Roborally – Sundog
Get a Clue ! - Death Tribble
NaponRex- Steraica


602. Central Casting (based on Pyramid on the Sky) – steraica
The Ingenue – Quackhell
Final Girl – Steraica
‘50s Hero – Sundog
Lights – Death Tribble
Expositer – Sundog
Camera – Death Tribble


603. Triad (Wo Hop To oldest Triad in Hong Kong) – Death Tribble
Shi Ling Guan Yuan – Death Tribble
Guizashu - Steraica
Jimmy Lee – Death Tribble
Guard - Sundog
Incense Master – Death Tribble
Great Celestial Claw – Steraica


604. Kinematic’s Group (more mutants for the mastermind) - steraica
Any Old Iron – Death Tribble
Blue Shift - Sundog
Dropzone - Hermit
Ghast – steraica
The Weatherman – Death Tribble
Battery – steraica
Intensely Radioactive Man ! - Death Tribble
Doctor Revelation – Hermit
The Possum – Death Tribble
Kith and Kin – Hermit
Firefight – Death Tribble


605. Empire of the Golden Scorpion ! (Pulpy goodness) – Death Tribble 
The Golden Scorpion – Death Tribble
Orcadius – Sundog
Steel Claw _ Hermit
Telson – Death Tribble
Rock Gasher – Steraica
Svengali Servo – Quackhell
The Golden Peds – Death Tribble


606. Wicked Revival (Timelapse restores various villains to health) - Hermit
Crimson Cobra – Death Tribble
Omphalos – Hermit
Mausoleus – Death Tribble
Croweater/Purifying Flame – Sundog
Retro Gal – Hermit
Grimstone - Quackhell
The Kansas Kid – Rich McGee


607. Clown Town characters (3-4) - Rich McGee
Vile Vinny – Steraica
Spring Shoe O’Sullican – Rich McGee
Princess Bareback – Steraica
Hopalong Rabbit – Sundog
S Serious Sam Killjoy – Steraica


608 Hyde’s Havocs (65dug addicts) – Steraica
Blood Rush - Quackhell
Rainbow Ray – Death Tribble
Desperationado – Sundog
The Overdose - Steraica
Host of the Swarm – Death Tribble


609 Nursery Crimes (5 based on Nursery rhymes) – Death Tribble
I.B.S. (Itsy Bits Spider) – Quackhell
Blind Mouse – steraica
Jill – Sundog
Mary Quite Contrary – Death Tribble
Georgie Porgie – Death Tribble


610. The Limbs (5) – steraica
Thunder Thighs – Quackhell
Arm-ament - Sundog
Armless – Death Tribble
Headbasher – steraica


611. The Hateful Eight (8 criminal masterminds taking on a hero) - steraica
The Golden Snake – Death Tribble
Bee Czar (and Honey) - Quackhell
Oskolok – Quackhell
Quwwa – Death Tribble
Life is But an Illusion ! - Death Tribble
Master of the Orbs – Death Tribble
Cat of Fine Lives – Death Tribble


612. Adonis and his Ladies (based on thread of same name) - Hermit
Adonis – Hermit
Mouser – Hermit
Kyu-To – Hermit
Djinnie – Hermit
Whipgloss – Hermit
Glamazon – Hermit
Naiad – gmurie
Cyberia – gmurie
Quicky – LoresLost
Omoi/Kenran – gmurie
The Mistress – gmurie
Talion – gmurie
Amazon – gmurie
Tinker - MarcusImpudite

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

This post will contain the agreed existing links between various hero and villain teams

The Owls and the Vultures (enemies) Graveyard Shift and the Revenants (enemies)

Dreamstealers and Corruption (allies) League of Giants and Dread Titans (enemies)

Princess Gem Stars and dark Blossom Knights (Enemies) Rebels and Youth in Revolt (enemies)

Rebels and Capone Gang (enemies White Sheep in particular)

Literati and Agents of THORN (allies)

The Flock and the Birdcage (enemies)

White Gear and Black Gear enemies

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread

This post will contain the family tree of the hero White Sheep.

They are (mostly) villains.

Immediate family Patriarch grandfather (deceased)

Visgoth (father)

Miss Kitty (mother)

Unnamed sister

Peter Shipton (uncle) older brother to Visgoth and the on who betrayed his father



The Ram

Glow Peep

Bo Creep



The Sibyl (great great great x many aunt or mother) witch and still alive.


Linked to the group. Unnamed grandfather (supervillain)

Unnamed grand uncle (sorceror)

Dr Nymax! (evil sorceror/mad scientist) cousin to Visgoth

unnamed great grandfather (gangster)

Uncle Peter (Visgoth's brother) In witness protection. Put his own dad in prison and various other family members.

Dennis Shipton (Peter's son) aka The Rotton Blue Ogre. Dr Nymax!'s revenge on Peter and done as a favour to his sister so that his niece Katya would eat her vegetables.

Katya cousin (the girl who refuses to grow up. Has had a similar effect on her mother who is Dr Nymax!'s sister)

Unnamed cousin, Dr Nymax!'s other sister who has a child that was turned into an Alu Demon by a deflected curse

Unnamed Witch daughter of one of Dr Nymax!'s brothers who wants revenge on the killers of her parents and the person behind it all, the Sophia

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread


This post is for ideas that anyone might want to use for villains or heroes.


More dinosaurs for Dinosaurama (include aquatic ones)

a music based hero group

Sweeney aka the flying squad. Six flying Alu Demons.


From the entry for Ren the Space Weasel comes the following Teen Hero teams

Teen Goodness

Teen America


All these were teams that Ren was a part of Wild Feral Battalion, Anti American Teen Force, League of Naughtiness 


Three coins

The Four (villain group)

Legs 11

Two Gentlemen of Verona

Two Guns

Two of a Kind

Three Blind Mice

Three Little Birds

Three Wise Monkeys

Four corners

Four Elements

Four Walls

Five a Day

Six Degrees of Separation

Six Day War

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Seven Dials

Seven Oaks

Ten Green Bottles

Ten Little Indians

Twelve Angry Men

A team based on the Tarot



Twin Cities


Based on the States

A villainous football team (Referees and others to do)

That 60's Villain team. Team of villains awoken from the 1960s

Heroes dispatched by Hilary to bring American Protector down.

(A team of police officers)

The supervillains of Superhero City

Milos Stempf (the Creator)

Villainous versions of the  Fantastic 4

Heroic but changed due to copyright versions of JLA, Avengers, Legion of Superheroes and X-Men

(A team based on Pharoahs)

The Enforcers. (Visgoth's new team and old team organised by The Patriarch)

A team that escapes their creators a la Mutant X both good and bad

Mortal Calibre Fighter 2. Pastiches of fighting games second edition

Dr Reginald Penguin

House of Mystery. The dead are returned to life as they relate what happened to them

Villains killed by the American Protector during his rampage on the West Coast

Dungeonmaster creator of monsters like Shambling Mound, Roper etc

A team based on British monarchy

A team based on American Presidents

A team based on French revolutionaries

A team based on trains

A team of killer heroes/vigilantes

The Knights of... (Sophia) the heavy mob used to fight magical menaces


Society of Skulls

Demon/Devils looking to avenge The Beast Azal

Republicans enemies of the Centurions.

Also enemies of Rome arise to oppose the Centurions

A group named after Japanese aircraft carriers

The group that Dr Death led on taking a small town

Precious Gems that actually house supervillains and or heroes

A Warsaw Pact team that is a response to NATO Meta Ops in hero thread

Heroic versions of Batman's Rogue's gallery

A team based on the Crusader orders

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread


This post is for potential links between teams.

This is for discussion and is not currently agreed.

The Defenders of the Sea and The Marine Marauders for example might have history.

Also Aquarium and Jolly Roger Bunch.

The Infused and Infernal Affairs may have a rivalry or be enemies.

The True Men and the Sisters of Ultimate Evil and the Psirens would be enemies.

Hang Time and the Cream of Thieves would be rivals

The Renegades and the Rebels would be enemies

The Faculty and University Challengers could be allies

The Veterans and Hitler's Brain in a Jar could be enemies

Golden Oldies vs Social Insecurity (old enemies)

Terrors from Outer Space vs Aiens and Saturn Five (enemies)

Terrors from Space and Aliens vs The Bug Hunters (enemies)

Shinsengumi vs Orochi (enemies)

Time Masters vs Guardians of History (enemies0

Sin Dicate vs Guardian Angels (enemies)

Sin Dicate vs Seven Lights (enemies)

Historicals vs Neo Luddities (enemies)

Little Folk vs League of Giants (enemies)

Constitutional Guard vs Sanction (enemies)

Shooting Stars and their Rogues Gallery 

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread


One question did occur to me, Trib. Do you want comments from the rest of us as you build this?



Yes. There are proposed changes that we need to do. For example the Nixon Gang has 2 Haldemann's and so one should have a name change.

Another is for links between groups that we should have though of previously. If you see one say so here.

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Re: Create Hero/Villain link thread


The first thing that comes to mind is the Owls and the Vultures are main enemies. Other bird-related heroes and villains have linked back to that conflict.


The three groups at the comicon might have broken out into fighting maybe extended emnity.


There are a lot of demon related heroes and villains running loose.


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