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Transcript of Steve Long's MYTHIC HERO chat -- Feb. 22, 2012

Lord Liaden

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Steve Long discusses MYTHIC HERO and related subjects.




Steven S. Long (07:55.16 PM)

Good evening folx!


Alan Walters (07:55.24 PM)

Hey Steve!


Steven S. Long (07:55.31 PM)

I hope everyone's doing well tonight.


Bruce Miller (07:55.32 PM)

Hi Steve


CorPse (07:55.32 PM)

I'm sure Steve knows what Hoppin' John is.


Indiana Joe (07:55.32 PM)

Hey Steve.


Alan Walters (07:55.48 PM)

I don't, but then again too much onion gets to me.


Steven S. Long (07:56.06 PM)

Hoppin' John is a character that "Mad Dog" McCreedy played in the Hero tournament at ZapCon XXXVII.


CorPse (07:56.14 PM)

that's hilarious.

You can't really remember that, can you?


Alan Walters (07:56.30 PM)

Was he a redneck hopping vampire?


Steven S. Long (07:56.57 PM)

All this talk of hoppin' john has made me hungry. ;)


Alan Walters (07:57.02 PM)

(I'm so putting that somewhere in 8 Sages.)


Lance Hancock (07:57.08 PM)

I asked this question earlier but.."Why doesn't Equipment Guide not have monetary Cost for the Items in it?"


CorPse (07:57.09 PM)

Are you sure Hoppin' John was playing Mad Dog McCreedy? Sounds like that one could go either way.


Lance Hancock (07:57.23 PM)

like fantasy hero


CorPse (07:57.26 PM)

What, is Lance asking a real question?


Steven S. Long (07:57.33 PM)

Lance -- because it's a resource guide for all games and settings, not for one game or setting. Prices can differ wildly from campaign world to campaign world.


Lance Hancock (07:57.33 PM)



Steven S. Long (07:57.36 PM)

It's up to the GM to set prices.


Alan Walters (07:57.50 PM)

I'd peffer "average cost variance" for fast baseline prices


Lance Hancock (07:57.53 PM)

It's nice to have some sort of a a referance though


Steven S. Long (07:57.57 PM)

Fantasy Hero has a suggested list suitable for a single genre, but the HSEG is broader than that.


CorPse (07:58.11 PM)

I think you should set prices and have the players pay with actual money. GMing is hard work.


Alan Walters (07:58.24 PM)

Forget money, bribe him with food.

I plan on bringing Ho-Hos to Origins.


CorPse (07:58.42 PM)

Mmmm... food.


Steven S. Long (07:58.43 PM)

1 XP per serving of hoppin' john. 2 XP if it has extra bacon. ;)


CorPse (07:58.57 PM)

We are so out of bacon... I'm dying a little inside.


Lance Hancock (07:59.00 PM)

Is there a formula I could use for that bases it off of Real cost or Active point cost?


Alan Walters (07:59.11 PM)

Well... what about weight?

If you can figure metal + exotics off that...


Steven S. Long (07:59.29 PM)

Lance -- sure, if you think that'd work for your game. Maybe 1 silver piece per Active Point in a Fantasy setting, f'rex, or $10 per AP modern.

As long as you're consistent, that's the main thing.


Lance Hancock (07:59.52 PM)




Alan Walters (08:00.09 PM)

Mmm, I'd peffer skill be involved, but I'm in no hurry to price a dao in huan.


Steven S. Long (08:00.32 PM)

Re: skill, Alan, you can use the Trading rules in TUS/HSS. :)


Indiana Joe (08:00.39 PM)

Lance: Point cost tends to reflect combat utility, which means that Immortality would be pretty cheap. :-)


Steven S. Long (08:00.44 PM)

They allow you to vary the price based on how good a bargainer you are.


Alan Walters (08:00.51 PM)

Ooo, I forgot about that. I'll look it up, huge tome there as it is


Steven S. Long (08:01.20 PM)

Yup, it's a big 'un. One of my top five favorites from my Line Developer days. :)


CorPse (08:01.21 PM)

There are probably some cool options in The Ultimate Skill


Indiana Joe (08:01.26 PM)

be careful of things like Life Support, which have a low point cost but might be priceless in dollar terms.


CorPse (08:01.35 PM)

Oh, wait, already covered.


Lance Hancock (08:01.39 PM)

Indiana Joe: well since I am talking about mainly mundane Items that doesn't apply


Steven S. Long (08:01.40 PM)

We'll give it a few more minutes for latecomers, then get started. ;)


Alan Walters (08:01.45 PM)

That's why Material Costs is a big thing--if you want your armor done in Unobtanium, the actual price should reflect that

Otherise, it's PE + OIF


CorPse (08:02.27 PM)

Speaking of Steve Long's Tomes... I worked through Pulp Hero this week for a SF Pulp Game I'm putting together. Great stuff... and only $12.50 for the PDF.


Steven S. Long (08:02.48 PM)

Another of my top five favorites. ;)


CorPse (08:03.00 PM)

What is the top five list?


Lance Hancock (08:03.14 PM)

But I am talking about Items Like the Naginata in the Hero Martial Arts. How do I begin to figure a price for that?


Steven S. Long (08:03.27 PM)

PH, TUS, FH, HC, and PAH. :)


Alan Walters (08:03.31 PM)

Well, it's a long-bladed spear


Lance Hancock (08:03.34 PM)


I like being consistant


Alan Walters (08:03.56 PM)

There's your price for something your village blacksmith can hammer up

That's not counting quality, however.


Steven S. Long (08:04.22 PM)

OK, it looks like it's about 5 after, so let's talk MYTHIC HERO! :D


CorPse (08:04.25 PM)

Those are all great titles... I love the (comparatively) obscure PAH book.


Indiana Joe (08:04.27 PM)

Modern day? google it. :-)


CorPse (08:04.34 PM)



Lance Hancock (08:04.36 PM)

But if I had an average to go off. Then lower or raise the cost as I see fit would make sense


Steven S. Long (08:04.54 PM)

The project's been going on for a couple weeks now and is currently at 35% of the target figure,

That's good news on the Kickstarter statistical scale, which says that 90% of projects that reach 30% of their funding target eventually succeed... but there's still a LONG away to go!


CorPse (08:05.32 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:05.48 PM)

I still need to raise roughly $22K in the next 39 days, which won't be easy -- so I need your help!


Alan Walters (08:05.56 PM)

Yep. Ain't finished til' it's off to bro's hut/


Steven S. Long (08:06.08 PM)

Tell your friends, tell your classmates, tell family members, tell people on the street! :)


Indiana Joe (08:06.14 PM)

Just as soon as Amazon unborks my account... *sigh*


Lance Hancock (08:06.17 PM)

This is the 1st time I am hearing about Mythic Hero.


Alan Walters (08:06.22 PM)

...I get strange looks as it stand.


Lance Hancock (08:06.29 PM)

Like Mythology?


Steven S. Long (08:06.35 PM)

Lance -- correct!



Lance Hancock (08:06.43 PM)




Gordon Feiner (08:06.50 PM)

I do notice that BotE Kickstarter had about 100 more backers... we need to find those 100 people and get them onto Mythic Hero


Steven S. Long (08:06.57 PM)

That's the Kickstarter page where you can pledge your support and help make the book a reality!


Alan Walters (08:07.08 PM)

Well, I did contribute because I'm immensely interested in mythology.


Steven S. Long (08:07.21 PM)

Gordon -- true, but I think we're at least equal or better to where BotE was at the same point in its run time-wise.


CorPse (08:07.24 PM)

The video and the ToC sold me.


Alan Walters (08:07.53 PM)

Splice in some clips from "Thor" and you might win more. >)


Lance Hancock (08:08.00 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:08.00 PM)

Interestingly, I'm seeing a lot of names pledging MH that didn't pledge BotE -- not sure of percentages, but after the project ends I'm definitely running a statistical analysis.

OTOH I'm sure there are plenty of BotE backers who haven't backed MH.


Alan Walters (08:08.29 PM)

Mainly because galatic conqurers are so Buck Rogers?


CorPse (08:08.38 PM)

It seems like this title would have broader appeal.


Gordon Feiner (08:08.48 PM)

The Empress is no mere galactic conqueror.


matt lemmons (08:08.48 PM)

I'd think there would be a big appeal to folks who are mainly Fantasy gamers rather than Super-Heroic.


CorPse (08:08.52 PM)

... but maybe not the same appeal to BotE folks.


Steven S. Long (08:08.53 PM)

Beats me. ;) Probably because of the Champions Universe angle; that interests a lot of people who might not want a generic HERO supplement.

Matt -- I agree. Hopefully those people are paying attention and are willing to throw a few bucks my way. :)


Alan Walters (08:09.30 PM)

Actually, this does help in Champions, if you've read Mystic World.


Steven S. Long (08:09.42 PM)

But the truth is MH is useful for nearly any genre, one way or another. It makes a great "enemies" sort of book for some Champions games, f'rex.


CorPse (08:09.48 PM)

I think the "Steve Long Brand" ought to be a selling point, too.


Alan Walters (08:10.05 PM)

I don't think people would pay for an iron brand of Steve's face.


Steven S. Long (08:10.07 PM)

CorPse -- I'd certainly like to think so, though I'm not sure the evidence is in my favor. ;)

If nothing else I think people are aware that I tend to do good research. ;)

And this will definitely be a research-intensive book!

My mythology library's up to about 350 volumes. I don't have to read every single one cover to cover, but it's a lot of material to condense into one supplement.


Gordon Feiner (08:11.13 PM)

How many mythic pantheons show up in Superheroic Comics? Anyone who says books about Myths and Gods isn't for Superheroes.... isn't paying attention.


Alan Walters (08:11.24 PM)

Which is why I like reading your stuff--you're good at getting to the core. Heck, your colab with bro on Lucha Libre HERO made me more interested


Steven S. Long (08:11.28 PM)

Fortunately for my budget, I think I am running out of useful mythology books to buy. ;)


CorPse (08:11.41 PM)

Steve, have you thought about posting the MH video on youtube? I should be able to link it into the forums on RPGG from there.


Steven S. Long (08:11.52 PM)

Alan -- I can't claim any credit for LLH -- that was all Darren and Jason's baby. I just edited it. :)


Alan Walters (08:11.55 PM)

You sure? You can never buy too many Shinto stories.

*facepalms* My memory is going.



Steven S. Long (08:12.22 PM)

CorPse -- no, I can't say that I had. I'll have to think about that. Not sure if it would do any good, but I suppose it couldn't hurt either.


Lance Hancock (08:12.37 PM)

Question.... why is mythic hero any different than fantasy Hero but with Mythology based setting?


CorPse (08:12.45 PM)

There aren't tons of videos linked directly to RPGG, so it should get some time on the front page.


Steven S. Long (08:12.46 PM)

Alan -- no worries. I was just happy to get mocked in print in LLH. ;)

Lance -- because it's a supplement for any HERO System game, not just Fantasy. It's not aimed at any one genre. Gods tend to occur most often in Fantasy games, sure, but not *only* in them.

And nothing in FH deals with character sheets for gods themselves, guidelines for mythic roleplaying and how PCs interact with gods, all that sorta thing. ;)


Gordon Feiner (08:13.56 PM)

and it's not a "Setting" book per se either.


Steven S. Long (08:14.16 PM)

True. In some senses you could think of each chapter as a distinct setting, given the cosmological information. ;)


CorPse (08:14.37 PM)

Yes... it's like a worldview per chapter.


Alan Walters (08:14.37 PM)

Better add a little something for Sci-Fi. You'd be supprised how useful something like this can be for an "alien god"


Lance Hancock (08:14.46 PM)

ok genre


Steven S. Long (08:15.02 PM)

Oh sure, a lot of these guys would make great templates for Q or Daoud or Metron-style ultra-powerful aliens. ;)


Alan Walters (08:15.21 PM)

If the players are stupid enough to fight them. ;)


matt lemmons (08:15.22 PM)

There's a fair bit along those lines in Champions Beyond already, too.


Steven S. Long (08:15.47 PM)

And for that matter, some of them might make good PCs in a mythic-style campaign. Or at least provide guidelines for creating your own PCs.


CorPse (08:16.11 PM)

Is there going to be a lot that discusses worship, spiritual practice, etc. I find that stuff very cool.


Bruce Miller (08:16.34 PM)

What I always find the mose useful part of the books are the referances so that I can read further.


Lance Hancock (08:16.41 PM)

One thing I would like to see some time is a real SOLID way of figuring Encounter Levels and what would be difficult and what would be easy.


Alan Walters (08:17.03 PM)

Demi-God, Lesser God, Major God... and so on?


Gordon Feiner (08:17.07 PM)

"encounter levels"?


Steven S. Long (08:17.13 PM)

CorPse -- not too much. That would largely entail an entirely separate line of research, and I'll have enough to do as it is. *However,* if the project reaches its goal, I have an idea for what I think is a cool "encouragement" reward for a secondary goal that would delve much more thoroughly into such matters.


Lance Hancock (08:17.22 PM)

Cause right now it's hard to put a weak wizard with an uber woriror


CorPse (08:17.46 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:17.57 PM)

Bruce -- no worries there. The aforementioned 350 mythology books will be listed in a bibliography organized by chapter/subject. ;)


CorPse (08:18.12 PM)

Some of the stuff along those lines in PH is great.


Steven S. Long (08:18.28 PM)

Bruce, no worries there. The aforementioned 350 mythology books will be organized in a bibliography by chapter/subject. ;)


Lance Hancock (08:18.42 PM)

Either the wizard dies quickly and is a good chalange for the warrior or the wizard has a good challange and the warrior obliterates everything


CorPse (08:18.48 PM)

... Still waiting for Steve's Jeopardy appearance ...


Steven S. Long (08:19.02 PM)

Let's not get off-topic, please. ;) Encounter Levels might make a good topic for the message boards.


Gordon Feiner (08:19.10 PM)

what's defining "weak wizard"?


matt lemmons (08:19.12 PM)

I can already tell this bibliography is going to have disastrous consequences for my 2013 tax refund.


CorPse (08:19.25 PM)

Nice one Matt!


Steven S. Long (08:19.32 PM)

CorPse -- I'd love to show up, but I'm not willing to go through Jeopardy's insane application process. Darren has, though.,


Lance Hancock (08:19.39 PM)

one that has a verity of spells but not necicerly strong


Gordon Feiner (08:19.40 PM)

Are you going to organize the Myths by Alpha or Region?


CorPse (08:19.43 PM)

There's always the library.


Steven S. Long (08:19.59 PM)

Matt -- no doubt! Some of my books are pretty hard to find and/or expensive, but others aren't that hard to track down via Amazon, Alibris, etc.


CorPse (08:20.04 PM)

Region would be interesting.


Alan Walters (08:20.07 PM)

Lance is reffering to AP strength of the spells


Steven S. Long (08:20.21 PM)

Gordon -- Alphabetically by mythology, pretty much as listed on the Kickstarter page.


Lance Hancock (08:20.22 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:20.37 PM)

American Indian is first, Armenian is second, Assyro-Babylonian is third, etc.


Gordon Feiner (08:20.41 PM)

dang, I forsee page turns. luckily - PDF!


CorPse (08:20.41 PM)

Region could show how religions close to each influence each other.


Alan Walters (08:20.49 PM)

Well, how strong that fireball is primarily based on the dice, right? That's baseline AP


Lance Hancock (08:21.09 PM)

I guess


Steven S. Long (08:21.11 PM)

Within each chapter, material is organized this way: Cosmology; Gods; Heroes; Monsters and Villains.


CorPse (08:21.22 PM)



Lance Hancock (08:21.36 PM)

if you have 1 wizard with a verity rather than quanity.


Alan Walters (08:21.41 PM)

But wizards tend to be spell collectors, so that's less they can spend on that fireball's strength


Lance Hancock (08:21.46 PM)

and a worriar is the opisate


Alan Walters (08:21.48 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:21.54 PM)

Sure -- the opposite of heroes. Figures who appear in the myths that aren't gods but aren't good guys, either. For example -- Regin in the Volsunga Saga.


Lance Hancock (08:22.02 PM)



CorPse (08:22.08 PM)

An example, thank you.


Steven S. Long (08:22.11 PM)

(Though he's not actually getting a character sheet. ;) )


CorPse (08:22.23 PM)

Oh, Regin will pissed.


that is


Gordon Feiner (08:22.43 PM)

Lance you should start a Board thread for advice on balancing characters in a Heroic Setting.


Steven S. Long (08:22.43 PM)

Sigurd gets a sheet, that's good enough. ;)


Alan Walters (08:22.43 PM)

They're approprately called The Lay of the Volsungs, but that's Tolkien's words.


Lance Hancock (08:23.12 PM)

Is there one already?


Gordon Feiner (08:23.27 PM)

maybe, if you search. but you can always start a new one.


Lance Hancock (08:23.31 PM)



Alan Walters (08:23.34 PM)

Sadly enough most of the Lays are gone.


CorPse (08:23.48 PM)

Steve -- have you gotten into any more pantheons, or is the list more or less locked?


Alan Walters (08:23.57 PM)

Including that one stolen in the 20's from Finland.


CorPse (08:23.59 PM)

I know you might want to save details for updates.


Steven S. Long (08:24.37 PM)

CorPse -- as I mentioned in some of my updates, I've acquired some good sources on Persian, Australian Aborigine, Bantu, and Scythian. All those (esp. the first two) could become new chapters, or sections of the "Miscellaneous" chapter.


CorPse (08:24.57 PM)

Yup, I've been getting the updates.


Steven S. Long (08:24.58 PM)

Beyond that I'm always willing to add more if I find good sources. But I'm having a hard time thinking of any others that I can find good sources on. ;)

If anyone knows of a mythos that I haven't mentioned somewhere along the line, by all means let me know! :)


CorPse (08:25.42 PM)

Yeah, unless you venture into ficitional mythologies... which I thnk you are loath to do.


Alan Walters (08:25.46 PM)

Hrmm... *hunts up the list*


Gordon Feiner (08:25.46 PM)

Are any of the additions possibly going to be just Bonus PDFs, or are you going to try and add them to the main text?


Steven S. Long (08:25.57 PM)

Correct. I prefer to stick to real-world mythoi for this book.


CorPse (08:26.13 PM)

Oh... mythoi.. bonus points for Steve.


Gordon Feiner (08:26.14 PM)

I need good sources on American Folklore...


Alan Walters (08:26.20 PM)

Then what's with the "Make your own God thing"

If we're restricted to real-world myth?


CorPse (08:26.37 PM)

Isn't Surbrook planning an American Folklore book?


Steven S. Long (08:26.49 PM)

Gordon -- assuming we get to the "encouragement bonus" stage, they'll *probably* be PDFs. One that I have in mind could potentially reach 200 pages or more, so it simply can't be included in the book. But if I think of something that would make a good bonus and could go in the book, I'll put it in there. ;)


Gordon Feiner (08:27.03 PM)

He might have been. I know he's made character sheets for some, but that's not what I want.


CorPse (08:27.19 PM)

Mythic Hero, Vol. II, the PDF Years.


Andrew Cermak (08:27.46 PM)

I'd like to see pre-Islamic Arabian Myths get a write-up...Wikipedia has a fair bit to say abolut it, but my efforts to find decent sources in-print have fallen short.


Steven S. Long (08:27.58 PM)

Alan -- you're misunderstaning me. All I'm saying is, I'm not going to cover fictional (e.g., Cthulhu, Melnibone, etc.) mythoi, or ones I make up on my own. That's not in keeping with the nature of the book, But the book does discuss how to create *your* own pantheons if you want to, and that's where "help me create a god" comes in. :)


Gordon Feiner (08:28.05 PM)

oh, will there be an Index?


Alan Walters (08:28.16 PM)

Thanks for clarifying that for us in here


matt lemmons (08:28.18 PM)

Hey Steve, one common thread through most polytheistic religions is an earth mother goddess. Are you going to have them be individual figures in each pantheon, or follow the comics convention of having an overarching Mother Nature spirit that interacts with all the pantheons?


CorPse (08:28.30 PM)

Gordon --- this from the DunDra Con report: "Blackwyrm is working on a Folk Hero sourcebook by Michael Surbrook."


Steven S. Long (08:29.01 PM)

Andrew -- generally speaking I'm reluctant to rely on Wikipedia as my only source. I may in some cases, when the base material isn't available in English (e.g., Hungarian mythology), but even then I'm going to think long and hard.


Gordon Feiner (08:29.23 PM)

@Corpse - cool, thx


Steven S. Long (08:29.29 PM)

Matt -- I will cover the "common" divine type figures in each pantheon separately. After all, a reader might want to use one but not another.


Alan Walters (08:29.30 PM)

Wikipedia tends to be more or less accurate on obscure topics.


Steven S. Long (08:29.47 PM)

If I just wanted to do one "earth mother" write-up, the book would become a loooooottttt shorter. :_



CorPse (08:30.04 PM)

Yes, there would be overlaps.



Steven S. Long (08:30.12 PM)

Alan -- I tend to agree. But that doesn't mean I want to rely on it entirely for my own work.


Alan Walters (08:30.26 PM)

I wouldn't either. :)


Bruce Miller (08:30.28 PM)

Andrew--I've similar problems finding sources for central and northern Africa, the Fulani people specifically.


Steven S. Long (08:30.57 PM)

Andrew -- ping me with a PM on the sources you've found on Arabian mythology and I'll take a look. If you're thinking ARABIAN NIGHTS type stuff, though, that I'm saving for LEGENDARY HERO. ;)


CorPse (08:31.06 PM)

Steve, are you going to get into the regional differences of some of the Greek gods... like Athena in this city, was kinda different from Athena in that city?


Steven S. Long (08:31.51 PM)

Bruce, I've got a decent number of African mythology sources. Not sure how that's going to play out. I may get to do some tribes individually (I know the Yoruba will get their own chapter). Or it may end up like the American Indian Mythologies chapter, split into "cultural groupings" with some coverage for each.

CorPse -- generally, no. If I come across something that's easy to digest, or useful for gamers, I might throw it in there. But generally I want to avoid getting too "anthropological."


CorPse (08:32.34 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:33.00 PM)

Similarly, I'm not going to discuss things like how Poseidon gets syncretized from a bunch of different regional gods, and thus ends up controlling the sea, horses, and earthquakes, which aren't necessarily related. ;)


CorPse (08:33.25 PM)

Might be nice to touch on it briefly, tho.


Alan Walters (08:33.48 PM)

I notice that you stated six sub-chapers in Native American myth. Can you futher elaborate what regionalities these cover?


CorPse (08:33.50 PM)

(synecritzed... a nice verb to file away.)


Steven S. Long (08:33.53 PM)

Might be, but it might also make my work take twice as long. ;) By and large I think I'll leave it to the reader to delve into that sort of thing on his own. ;)


CorPse (08:34.43 PM)

of course, I should spell it right.


Steven S. Long (08:34.45 PM)

Alan. sure. Lemme see if I can do it from memory: Arctic/Subarctic; Northeastern; Northwest Coast; Plains; Southeast; Southwest. ;)

I left out Great Basin and California; they didn't seem as fruitful and I didn't want to spend any more time on the subject than I already was.


Alan Walters (08:35.14 PM)

Makes sense; I recognize the tribes in those areas.


CorPse (08:35.17 PM)

Is Mississippian Culture in there somewhere.


Steven S. Long (08:35.31 PM)

Generating those 30,000 words (yup, it's a 30,000 word chapter!) took over three weeks, after all. ;)


CorPse (08:35.41 PM)

Cahokia is pretty incredible... but I don't know how much we know about them.


Steven S. Long (08:35.42 PM)

CorPse -- that'd generally be Southeast.

There are limits on how far I can go, though. I could literally do a whole book on American Indian Mythologies stuff... though some of it's pretty damn weird by Western standards. ;)


Alan Walters (08:36.33 PM)

Like Kokopelli. :D


CorPse (08:36.42 PM)

I know Western Hero isn't exactly the Hero killer app, but that stuff would really flesh out a game.


Steven S. Long (08:37.18 PM)

I'd love to do WESTERN HERO, but it would cost at least as much to Kickstarter as MH, and probably draw far less support. Maybe I'll give it a try at some point in the future, if MH succeeds.


CorPse (08:37.39 PM)

Maybe as a set of smaller pdfs.


Steven S. Long (08:38.03 PM)

CorPse -- no, that just multiplies my work for less money (or so I am guessing). It's one big book or nothin'. ;)


CorPse (08:38.10 PM)



Bruce Miller (08:38.13 PM)

By far my favorite gaming experince has been the rare WESTERN HERO game.


Steven S. Long (08:38.43 PM)

I could be wrong... but for the time being I'm not willing to take the chance. My preferences tend to run to bigger projects, so I'm goin' with my strengths. ;)


Indiana Joe (08:38.49 PM)

I have the 4e edition, and played in one game. It had a novice GM, so it died quickly. :-(


CorPse (08:38.50 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:39.25 PM)

I already have a bit of a start on WESTERN HERO, in the form of some unpublished stuff I wrote for Deadlands, but that's just a tiny drop in a veeeeerrry big bucket.

For MYTHIC HERO I at least have four chapters more or less written. ;)


CorPse (08:39.53 PM)

Westerns have had a little resurgence on TV & in gaming, but it's still a tough sell.


Alan Walters (08:40.11 PM)

Depends on location.


CorPse (08:40.32 PM)

Justified HERO


Alan Walters (08:40.46 PM)

That'd make a nice setting title

Perhaps the Civil War never ended?


CorPse (08:41.11 PM)



Steven S. Long (08:41.18 PM)

Alternate history I will, generally speaking, leave to individual GMs. ;)


Alan Walters (08:41.31 PM)

Well, it's just a spitball for Western HERO.

Besides, the whole West was actually invented in Yugoslavia.

I think I stunned the chat. :D


CorPse (08:43.09 PM)

[Distracted by my 25 pound cat.]

What he wants he gets.


Alan Walters (08:43.20 PM)

Okay, mostly stunned. :D


Steven S. Long (08:43.29 PM)

He wants his own copy of MH! Order him one today! :)


CorPse (08:43.42 PM)

Only if he can eat it.


Gordon Feiner (08:43.42 PM)

the West was invented in Yugoslavia?


Alan Walters (08:43.42 PM)

I have to drop that hammer somewhere else.


Explain why they still do rodeos and cowboy thing there


Gordon Feiner (08:44.25 PM)

We still do them here...


CorPse (08:44.29 PM)

So, Steve, have any clever ideas for us to spread the word?


Alan Walters (08:44.33 PM)

It's a dying art.


Gordon Feiner (08:44.45 PM)

Tell that to the Stock Show that occupied my city last month.


CorPse (08:45.06 PM)

That's right, Gordon is Denver.


Alan Walters (08:45.08 PM)

I don't see much advertising for the Silver SPrings Rodeo in Florida--and we're an agricultural state full of cows.


Steven S. Long (08:45.14 PM)

CorPse... bullhorns from the rooftops? :) Actually I think fans such as yourself are already doing a great job of spreading the word, and I hope that will continue.


Indiana Joe (08:45.21 PM)

Alright, I need to get to bed. Night all.


CorPse (08:45.23 PM)

Which is a very flashly version of Spokane... where I find myself.



Gordon Feiner (08:45.42 PM)

Rodeo is huge here. I also live next to "The Cowboy State" ... people still make a living just doing rodeo and related events. So not a dying art.


Steven S. Long (08:45.42 PM)

Spokane -- cool city. Enjoyed attending SpoCon there.


Alan Walters (08:46.17 PM)

Still doesn't really explain why they were roping cows while the Civil War raged.


Gordon Feiner (08:46.57 PM)

everyone needs entertainment?


Alan Walters (08:47.02 PM)



CorPse (08:47.07 PM)

Steve, shoot me msg if you decide to youtube the video... I'll get it tied into RPGG if I can.


Steven S. Long (08:47.18 PM)

Will do, CorPse -- thanx!


CorPse (08:47.32 PM)

The wife is home... I'm heading out.


Steven S. Long (08:47.41 PM)

Thanx for stopping by!


Alan Walters (08:47.57 PM)



Gordon Feiner (08:49.01 PM)

I'm trying to figure out who I can rob to up my donation on MH...


Alan Walters (08:49.29 PM)

I suggest your local politician


Steven S. Long (08:49.30 PM)

Now, now, let's not support MH through crime. Just find a wealthy friend and convince him to make a major pledge. :)


matt lemmons (08:49.31 PM)

Might I suggest PACs?


Gordon Feiner (08:49.43 PM)

I was gonna rob Teh Bunneh.


Alan Walters (08:49.52 PM)

That's different.


matt lemmons (08:50.03 PM)

We'll conduct a seance to see how that works out for ya.


Alan Walters (08:50.51 PM)

Depends on if we can find your body first.


Chris Larkin (08:50.54 PM)

Pennies for Hero? Every coin you find on the street you increase your pledge by that much?


Steven S. Long (08:51.17 PM)

Too bad I can't somehow tap into the Order Of The Stick fanbase. ;)


Alan Walters (08:51.42 PM)

Yeah, I noticed that. They have an absurdely huge fanbase.


matt lemmons (08:51.50 PM)

Hey! Good idea Chris, I just realize I haven't cashed in my penny jar in forever.


Alan Walters (08:51.58 PM)

It's bordering fans having their own fanbases.


Chris Larkin (08:52.07 PM)

You need to bribe/mind control/PRE attack Rich Burlew into a HERO shoutout in the comic.


Steven S. Long (08:52.35 PM)

Unfortunately I don't even know him. ;)


Alan Walters (08:52.38 PM)

Hey, write up the characters. That might distract him long enough to steal his fans. :D


Bruce Miller (08:53.01 PM)

I'm more fond of Goblins myself...


Alan Walters (08:53.14 PM)

Oh, you want goblins instead?

They don't generate enough Treasure to pay for a book.


Gordon Feiner (08:54.18 PM)

both a good comics.


Alan Walters (08:54.29 PM)

Oh, that one...

Ah, well. Perhaps I could find a way to hit up Shin-Goji, he and his friends play HERO enough times...

That could in turn encourage his fans...

But that might just be only, say, 100 bucks.


Steven S. Long (08:55.42 PM)

I'm not familiar with that work, but any help would be much appreciated. ;)


Gordon Feiner (08:55.46 PM)

that's 100 closer.


Chris Larkin (08:55.53 PM)

Maybe the Penny Arcade guys? I know WotC pushed them pretty hard to try D&D 4th.


Alan Walters (08:55.59 PM)

Twisted Kaiju Theater? I help moderate the forums there.


Gordon Feiner (08:56.08 PM)

in the game of crowd-sourcing, every penny counts.


Steven S. Long (08:56.27 PM)

Very true, Gordon. I had a $1 pledge yesterday and was happy to get it. :)


Alan Walters (08:56.54 PM)

Pardon, bro mailed me.

About Origin dates, of course


Steven S. Long (08:58.02 PM)

All right, folx, it looks like 10:00 is just about here, so I think it's time for me to skedaddle. Thanx so much for attending, and for your interest in MYTHIC HERO! I truly appreciate all the support. :)


matt lemmons (08:58.07 PM)

I'll mention it on the gaming thread of another forum I post to. Don't know if any of the readers play HERO, but it's a Lit/Folklore heavy crowd so maybe some will be interested for the research alone.


Gordon Feiner (08:58.10 PM)

see ya Steve.


Steven S. Long (08:58.17 PM)

That'd be great, Matt, thanx!

See y'all on the boards. ;)

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