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1000 Star HERO Weapons

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


025: CJ-3 Cyberjammer Grenade Designed to incapacitate robot troops by generating large numbers of very powerful, very brief microelectonic bursts. Somewhat effective against early models of Android Soldier series but rapidly made obsolete.

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

5d6 Drain SPD, AOE [22m Radius, explosion] +1/2, delayed return rate 5/minute +1, 4 Charges -1, OAF -1, Only against AIs, robots or other things with cybernetic brains -1

Real Cost: 31

Weapon Familiarity: Thrown Grenades

Description: Looks like a bit like a pealed orange on a stick. When it activates each section pops out a bit and it spins rapidly.

Note: the -1 disadvantage for only AIs and robots can be altered depending on how common they are in your campaign.


026: CJ-4 Cyberjammer Grenade Designed to incapacitate robot troops by generating large numbers of very powerful, very brief microelectonic bursts. Replaced the CJ-3 when the AS series started incorporating defences. Added advanced phasing to overcome these defenses.

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

5d6 Drain SPD, AOE [22m Radius, explosion] +1/2, Armor piercing +1/4, delayed return rate 5/minute +1, 4 Charges -1, OAF -1, Only against AIs, robots or other things with cybernetic brains -1

Real Cost: 34

Weapon Familiarity: Thrown Grenades

Description: Looks like a bit like a pealed orange on a stick. When it activates each section pops out a bit and it spins rapidly.

Note: the -1 disadvantage for only AIs and robots can be altered depending on how common they are in your campaign.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


027: ASKD 1.3 Anti-Stealth Killdrone With the expanding number of advanced stealth options low-resource militias needed a cheap countermeasure. The ASKD 1.3 is simply an anti-battlesuit rocket reprogrammed to fly rapidly around an area and to avoid anything visible. If there is a stealth suit in the area it will eventually run into it.

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

4d6 RKA, AP * 2 (+1/2), AOE 16m radius (+3/4), Only against target invisible to normal sight (-1), Affects a maximum of one target within the area of effect (randomly chosen) (-1) , OAF (-1), 4 charges (-1).

Real Cost: 27

Weapon Familiarity: Rocket Launchers

Description: A rocket launcher with 4 rockets each about the size of a man's forearm.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


027: David & Co. Legal Protector During the mid-21st century the increasingly restrictive "Anti-Terror" laws made almost everyone technically a "terrorist suspect" and therefore forbidden from owning guns. Small concealable spring guns like the Legal Protector become common for self-defence in the increasingly lawless USA.

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

1d6+1 RKA, Autofire (+1/4) OAF (-1), 4 clips of 2 charges (-1/2), extra reload time 1 full turn (-1 1/4)

Active Cost: 20

Real Cost: 7

Weapon Familiarity: Handgun or xbow (designed to operate enough like a hangun that that familiarity covers it.)

Description: Two small bolts are propelled by steel wire pulled by powerful spring-loaded wheels. They are arranged one above the other. Both can be fired at once or individually. Reloading each shot takes about 12 seconds, mostly retensioning the springs with the extensible lever.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


28) Rekationik Energy Blade

An energy sword constructed by an ancient race of alien warriors, it serves several purposes for the wielder:

a) it is a reasonable "light sabre", that can cut armor and flesh rather well.

B) it gives off ultra-frequency radiation that only harms psychics and artificial intelligences.

c) once a minute the above effects can be launched at range.


a) 3d6 Killing, Armor Piercing, Hand-To-Hand. Either Zero or Continuing Charges from a battery.

B) 3d6 Killing, Based on EMCV, Area Effect 6 meter radius, No Range, Only Affects Mentalists or Constructs

c) A+B as an RKA, AoE 2meters, usable once every 12 phases.

Edition: 6e or 5E

Power Build: fudged above

Real Cost: quite a bit, not issued to grunts.

Weight: 3.0 kg

Weapon Familiarity: Energy Weapons (Blades, Beams)

These aliens were religiously opposed to robots, and needed a weapon to compete with their enemies' psionics.

(it cannot be used for blocking as the ones in SW can)


(Heromaker unbound)

Rekationik Blade: Multipower, 296-point reserve

1) SHOOTING : (Total: 248 Active Cost, 97 Real Cost) Killing Attack - (Mind Half) 3d6, Area Of Effect (3m Radius; +¼), Half Range Modifier (+¼), Area Of Effect (3m Radius; +¼), Armor Piercing (x2; +½), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; +1 ½) (169 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (only versus psychic or robots; -1 ½), 1 Recoverable Charge (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; per minute; -¾) (Real Cost: 52)

plus Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6, Half Range Modifier (+¼), Armor Piercing (x2; +½) (79 Active Points); Real Weapon (-¼), Beam (-¼), No Knockback (-¼) (Real Cost: 45)


2) Attack Blade: (Total: 281 Active Cost, 104 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (3d6+1 w/STR), Armor Piercing (x2; +½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (90 Active Points); OIF Durable (hilt with lanyard; -½), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (linked power always damages robots or psykers, even friendlies.; -½) (Real Cost: 45)

plus Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6, Persistent (this power is on whenever user has weapon activated; +¼), Area Of Effect (6m Radius; +½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Constant (+½), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Power Defense; +1 ½) (191 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (only versus the psychic or the artifical intelligences.; -1 ½), No STR Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼) (Real Cost: 59)

Notes: The Circle of Power is on when attack blade is on, and it affects the area around the weilder.Psychic should be any user of an ego power, or those with an appreciable MCV.AIs should be any one with construct rules, or life support which is common to droids, robots, computers with ego, etc.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


Searing Scarab


This is a genetically engineered creature whose sole function is to generate a capsacium-like substance that can be sprayed at high pressure when triggered by the user. They can persist in a dormant state for up to a year (they can still be triggered while dormant), but must be fed before their pepper resevoir can be restored. The exact shape and form vary, but they resemble stylized scarabs and are often incorporated into jewelry and clothing. The designs change frequently to keep them inconspicuous. The original version of this weapon was incoporated into a ring, so that the phrase "giving someone the finger" took on a whole new meaning.



8d6 Flash vs. Sight, No Range, 8 charges, IIF- Scarab (Active: 40, Real: 18)


4d6 Blast, NND (defense is solid eye covering), No Range, 8 charges, IIF-Scarab (Active: 40, Real: 18)


+2 OCV - wide spray (Active: 4, Real: 4)

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


30 (?) PharmaFire Systems PFS 9 Gentle Dissuader (The Needle Gun)


The Needle Gun, also known as the Sliver Gun, takes a liquid reservoir of muscle relaxant, rapidly freezes it over a tiny ferrous needle and uses magnetic acceleration to fling up to 3 of these needles or slivers at a target. The needles and their frozen casing are not large enough do do any real damage to anything larger than a mouse, but can penetrate through skin where the frozen payload instantly thaws and enters the target's system, delivering a chemical that rapidly reduces the target to unconsciousness.


Of no real use against armoured targets, it is a very good way of rapidly and safely knocking out an unarmoured opponent, or one with gaps in their defences. Once you hit, it delivers the full payload over the next 12 seconds, allowing you to duck behind cover until you hear them fall over. Even one sliver is often enough to knock out an opponents, but it never hurts to have some built in redundancy.


Unfortunately the needle gun has been co-opted by criminal gangs keen to unsure a target does not put up a fight whilst preparations are being made for a nice little chat about money owed, or whether it was a good idea to rat on the Don.


Other versions have been developed to deliver other chemical payloads that have different physiological effects (if that if a fair way to describe dying) and a heavier rifle version has been developed that has limited ability to penetrate light armour, ostensibly for the veterinary market.


Needle Gun: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant PD; All Or Nothing; +0), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), +3 Increased STUN Multiplier (+3/4), Damage Over Time (4 damage increments, damage occurs every three Segments, +2 3/4) (24 Active Points); OAF (Hand gun; -1), 12 Charges (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 24 Active Points, 9 Real points

Tech Spec: each needle that penetrates delivers an average of 20 STUN over a 12 second period, or 60 STUN if all 3 needles hit.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


31: Dyson Experimental Muntions DS 01 Vacuum Grenade: Change Environment (-1 Temperature Level Adjustment, Suffocation), Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2) (34 Active Points); 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), OAF (-1), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Grenade subject to destruction or redirection; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Real Weapon; -1/4) 34 Active Points, 8 Real Points


Weapon type: grenade/thrown weapon

Weight: 0.909 kg


Originally devised to repel dust as a method of rapidly cleaning hotel rooms, the Dyson company realised that with a minor frequency tweak, the product had potential for their experimental weapons division. Whilst only actually useful in some pretty specific tactical situations, the Dyson DS 01 has its adherents, especially as a method of crowd dispersal amongst law enforcement planetary police forces, and for forces storming buildings. It is also used by some fire fighting services as the vacuum will usually put out flames that need gaseous oxygen to burn*. It uses ionic repulsion fields to push all the gas in an area away from the centre of effect (the grenade), causing severe chilling in the area and a lack of any breathable air, or anything but trace levels of any gas at all. The effect lasts for about a minute before the stored charge is expended and the field collapses, although a version using a generator for almost unlimited operation and a much greater area of effect is in development. The limited duration is actually a safety feature: a single grenade is not going to be in operation long enough to kill anyone, but can certainly cause them problems when in operation.


As a useful side effect, it does leave whatever area it is used in sparkling clean.


Construction note: the grenade is built using 'Focus' but I have also included an additional limitation 'Grenade subject to destruction or redirection' because you actually throw the grenade and, there is nothing to stop a clever opponent either breaking it or throwing it back. Normally focus would have to be taken off you to be used against you, but you actually throw this one away, and I figured that was worth a bit more.


*Subject to GM approval, obviously!

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


32: Dyson Experimental Munitions DS 09 Longarm (The Remote Control): Telekinesis (20 STR) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 5 Minutes (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Limited Range (-1/4) 30 Active Points, 8 Real points

Two handed ranged weapon (WF Uncommon modern ranged weapon)

Weight 6.16 kg


Optional Imaging screen

Dyson Resonance Imager: Penetrative with Normal Sight (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Roll (PER roll; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Range limited to 50m; -1/4) 10 Active Points, 4 Real Points


Whilst trying to develop a universal remote control for everything, the Dyson Corporation realised that their tesla field focusing device had potential as a weapon and the Experimental Munitions department took over development. The Longarm (still affectionately called The Remote Control by the old school) is a reactionless lifting and manipulation mechanism that uses energy fields to lift and move objects up to 400 kg at a distance of up to 50 metres. This is useful in situations where there are chemical or biohazards, allowing emergency services to take casualties out of the immediate area without having to get too close, or move the hazards to secure containers without contact. Police forces rapidly adopted the Longarm, as it is useful for isolating and detaining suspects at a safe distance, and Fire Departments often use the Longarm as an alternative to ladders.


Some military organisations have also adopted the Longarm as a support weapon, allowing a skilled user to pluck targets from behind cover, as the tesla planes can be focussed through intervening matter (such operators usually use some sort of sense enhancing or targeting device, such as the Dyson Remote Control Finder, a magnetic resonance field generator that can render your immediate environs as a visual image, effectively making matter transparent, which was developed to find TV remote controls that had slipped down the back of the sofa, without having to stick your hand randomly in a sticky crack. This was later renamed to the Dyson Resonance Imager, and is an optional extra targeting screen for the Longarm). The device, with a D.R.I, can also be used from behind cover, which makes it a popular weapon.


The tesla fields interlace with local magnetic fields, effectively stablising the device and making its lifting capacity reactionless.


The sealed battery pack carries charge for about 5 minutes of continuous use.


There is a smaller version in development specifically for pushing buttons and twisting dials and a larger one for heavy lifting on building sites.


Tesla Field Levitation:


I should perhaps explain, in case it is not obvious: that is a frog in a strong magnetic field.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


33: Wormhole Engineering Corporation GenSta Link Gauntlets: Stretching 20m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4) (25 Active Points); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Minute (-3/4), OIF (-1/2), Side Effects (-1/2), Limited Body Parts (Hands only; -1/4) 25 Active points, 8 Real Points


Mass: 0.45 kg each.


Another item originally developed for the civilian market, and arguably not a weapon at all, the WEC GenSta (Generation/Stabilisation) Link Gauntlets certainly assist in weapon use. The devices create a very short range dimensional warp, a wormhole, of very limited diameter and range, allowing the wearer to ignore the space between him and objects up to 20 metres away. The portal is big enough to get a hand and a small handheld object through (and back!), or to grab and retrieve a small handheld object from a distance.


The Gauntlets can be used as simple percussive weapons i.e. you can punch someone with them, but you do it at a safe distance, or you can use them to position a shot using a handgun, or accurately deliver a grenade. There are quite a few tactical possibilities.


One problem with the Gauntlets is that the wormhole destabilises and collapses when the power drains, and there is only enough on-board power for about a minute of continuous use. Strong pulses of energy can also cause field destabilisation. Should the field collapse whilst an object is inserted into the field, it can be sheared clean through (usually doing 1d6 KA to the arm, no defences, possibly severing it).


The field can not form through matter, and so these Gauntlets can not be used to reach inside a sealed object, but the field does not have to form in a straight line, so it can be used to reach around solid objects.

** GenSta Link Gauntlets are bought to you in association with Reach For The Stars Prosthetics, and you are entitled to a 30% discount on arm and hand prosthetics or bionics if the injury necessitating replacement was caused by a collapsing GenSta wormhole. **

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


The Pit Bull

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

Ranged Killing Attack: 3D6K (45), +1 Stun Multiplier (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) 79 Active Points

Limitations: 12 Charges (-1/4), OAF(-1), Limited Range (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Side Effect, Minor penalty, automatic (-1/2) STR Minimum (-1/2). 21points.


The Pit Bull is one of the most popular "Blaster" pistols on the market. It's big, menacing and packs a whallop. If one would believe the galactinet broadcasts, every cop and ranger patrolling the frontier carries one of these suckers and they can punch a hole through a blast door. While the proliferation of the weapon throughout federation law enforcement is somewhat exaggerated, it's highly celebrated prowess isn't too far off the mark. The Pit Bull produces a powerful Particle Beam capable of punching holes in armored materials quite easily. It's patented Energy Matrix Coil technology allows the weapon to generate Heavy Particles, those particles with a virtual mass far greater than their nuclear makeup would account for. When propelled from the weapon at relativistic velocities, the resulting energy is comparable to those produced by mid-range Assault Blasters and comes close to many Plasma guns as well. The downside to the weapon is it's quite heavy for a pistol and it produces one hell of a kick when fired.

Hero notes: At 9 damage classes, it is one of the most powerful handguns on the market and quite popular for this reason. As with all Particle Beam Weaponry, the Pit Bull has the Increased Stun Multiplier and Penetrating advantages, making the weapon dangerous to even armored opponents. It's biggest downfall being its weight (STR minimum 13) and the massive kick the weapon produces when fired. (the Side effect limitation gives it a -2 Range modifier. While the weapon won't affect aim at point-blank ranges, anything beyond that, the resulting range penalty is increased by 2 when calculating OCV. In other words, it's accuracy at range is highly suspect. In fact, this is a problem with Particle Beam Weaponry in general...their recoil prevents them from matching the peerless accuracy characteristics of laser weaponry (in addition to the disparity between maximum effective ranges). If Blasters were even close to being as accurate as lasers are, they would have replaced them as the main weapon at both the military and civilian level decades ago.

Active Cost: 79

Real Cost: 21

Weight: 2.35kg (5.17lbs)

Weapon Familiarity: Energy Weapons (Particle Beam/"Blasters")

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  • 1 month later...

Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


Quantum Matter Overlay Projector

Power Build: 3d6 RKA, NND Does Body (blocked by energy fields)(+2), Indirect (+1/2), No Range Modifier (+1/2) Transdimensional (+1/2) Affects Desolid (+1/4) 30 Charges (+1/4)

Limitations OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), 14 or less activation roll, Jammed (-1/4), Does no KnockBack (-1/4) Full Phase, Delayed Phase, (-3/4), Cannot be used with Rapid Fire (-1/4)

Real Cost: 225 Active, 56 Real (may be reduced if Hyperspace as another dimension and source for Desolid are irrelevant to the setting)

Weight: 26 Kg

Weapon Familiarity: Exotic- doesn't require standard gun skills to use, as its not really even a gun

Description: The Q.M.O.P, colloquially referred to as the "Telefragger," is what happens when a micro-hyperspace teleportation matrix is equipped with a magazine of explosive slugs, a computerized rangefinding targeting array, and a complete disregard for the ethical application of science. Rather than rely on outdated concepts like "penetrating armor" or "crossing distances," the Telefragger skips those unnecessary steps and teleports explosive rounds directly into the innards of its targets, ignoring conventional defenses like armor, or even cover. The teleportation matrix utilizes miniature wormholes that warp the projectiles through hyperspace, allowing it to engage ships traveling through hyperspace, and there are rumors that it was initially developed to deal with some form of undisclosed interdimensional threat. Nowadays, these rather rare weapons can be anti-armor weaponry used to destroy the innards of vehicles or power-armored troops, or extremely deadly sniper weapons that can ignore intervening barriers and strike with inhuman accuracy at any distance, though without exact target coordinates, the weapon will be firing blind and be practically useless. The Telefragger is not a subtle weapon- though the bullets do not interact with real space, hyperspace overlay causes minor distortions in light and gravity as the projectile "travels," which, coupled with the sudden explosive discharge from within the target, make it clear that violence is occurring. The weapon is not entirely irresistible, however. Even the feeblest form of energy shielding around the target will interfere with the intricate hyperdimensional targeting calculations, causing the projectile to miss 100% of the time, often not even emerging from hyperspace. Additionally, the Q.M.O.P remains in the prototype stage, and is a huge, finicky device that has a decent chance of teleporting its own components into hyperspace, causing constant malfunctions that necessitate complex repairs.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


#37) MI-31 Ion Rifle

Developed for the Terran Alliance by the Zedler Weapons Consortium, the MI-31 is considered a top of the line military rifle throughout Terran space. While the manufacturer touts the advantages of a lower intensity Non-Lethal setting, soldiers familiar with the MI-31 often joke that it has a Lethal and Really Lethal setting.


MI-31 Ion Rifle: Multipower, 75-point reserve, all slots OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

u 1) Lethal Setting: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

u 2) Non-Lethal Setting: Energy Blast 10d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (75 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

Additional Features

* Accuracy: +1 OCV; OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-1/2)

* Battery: Endurance Reserve (210 END, 10 REC) Reserve: OAF (-1); REC: (10 Active Points); Requires Power Source (-2), OAF (-1), Lockout (-1/2)

* Range Finder: +1 versus Range Modifiers; OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-1/2)


This next gun, the PC's default weapon in my campaign, is based on the Nintendo Zapper, which was released in 1983 (hence NZ-83).


#38) NZ83 LasGun

The NZ-83 is a cheap, mass-manufactured laser pistol originally designed by the Nain-Zedler Group for the United Nations Colonization Project. All of the pieces necessary to construct the NZ-83 can be produced on 3D printers with commonly available materials. It is currently the most popular sidearm in human history, and is practically ubiquitous on the frontiers of human space. In addition to being cheap to manufacture, fairly reliable and easy to repair, the NZ-83 comes with a hip-holster that features a dynamic capture device that converts the kinetic motion of walking into electrical power to recharge the pistol, giving it essentially unlimited ammunition.


NZ83 LasGun: RKA 1d6+1, Required Hands One-Hand (+0); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Minimum 3 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -3/4), plus Endurance Reserve (20 END, 5 REC); OAF (-1)


This next weapon was inspired by the story about the Swedish plan to launch a satellite-capturing satellite in the Space News thread.


#39) Electroplastic Mesh Grenade

The EPM Grenade consists of hundreds of thin plastic ribbons, each about one inch across, connected to a powerful battery and packed into a small silver sphere. Each ribbon is lined with a thin electrical conduit; when a current is applied the ribbons either straighten out or curl intensely tight. When the grenade is thrown the ribbons are activated, wrapping themselves around the victim and cutting off movement. Once snared, the thin plastic strips offer no protection against attacks made against the snared creature.


Electroplastic Mesh Grenade: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½) (52 Active Points); 3 Charges which Never Recover (-3 ¼), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -1), Cannot Form Barriers (-¼), Range Based On Strength (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼)


This weapon was created for alien security guards, to give them something that felt very different than human weapons:


#40) Yun Corporation Power Staff

Developed by the Yun Corporation for their guards, the Power Staff uses vortex technology to fire a ring of superheated gas (plasma) at a target. In addition to the scalding heat of the plasma, the ring carries significant kinetic force and can easily knock a man off his feet.


Yun Co. Power Staff: Multipower, 30-point reserve; all slots OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) ($130, 1.25kg)

u 1) Plasma Ring: RKA 1d6+1, Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

u 2) Staff: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2 1/2d6; OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


#40) Yun Corporation Power Staff

Developed by the Yun Corporation for their guards, the Power Staff uses vortex technology to fire a ring of superheated gas (plasma) at a target. In addition to the scalding heat of the plasma, the ring carries significant kinetic force and can easily knock a man off his feet.


Yun Co. Power Staff: Multipower, 30-point reserve; all slots OAF (-1), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4) ($130, 1.25kg)

u 1) Plasma Ring: RKA 1d6+1, Does x1 1/2 Knockback (+1/2); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Cannot Use Targeting (-1/2), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)

u 2) Staff: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2 1/2d6; OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), STR Minimum 13 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4)


Should the staff be 2-handed, or is it more of a baton?

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


0041: Micro-Commander 360

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

CLairsentience: Mobile Perception Point (24m) (+10 pts.) OAF (-1), One Sense Only (-1/4), Only through the senses of others (-1/2), Only through drone (-1)

Summon 75 pt. drone, Slavish (+1), Charges:4 (-1), OAF

Standard MC kill-drone


STR: 3

DEX: 8

CON: 5

INT: 3

EGO: 3

PRE: 0

OCV: 8

DCV: 8

PD: 6 (resistant)

ED: 6 (resistant)



SPD: 2

REC: 4

END: 20

BODY: 10

STUN: 20


Flight 20m

RKA 2d6 ED, 0 END cost




Real Cost: 23

Weight: Rack and controller 2kg, drones 4x6 kegs.

Weapon Familiarity: Drones or VF: Vectored Thrust

Description Base cost level drone control system, the drones are not smart enough to operate on their own, don't have the firepower to take on power suits and are not that hard to knock down. The electronics are vulnerable to shocks, so they often drop from even a pistol shot. Be careful though, they can reorientate themselves and get up again (hence they don't have the "No Stun" power).

Variants with area effect weapons or more powerful weapons but limited ammo, AP capacity

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


0042: Macro-Attack Sensor System MASS 1.0

Edition: 6e

Power Build:

Detect Attack Direction and Trajectory (Class of things, Radar SG 5) Sense (2 pts.) Rapid x3 (9 pts.) Targeting Sense (10pts.), Discrimatory ( 5 pts.), IIF (-1/4), Only attacks that hit character (-1)

Active cost: 31

Real.Cost: 14.

Description: A sensor area and advanced software system embeded in any suit of armor, measuring energy, force, current etc. rapidly and accurately enough so that you know what hit you, how powerful it was and where it came from. Trained troops can instantly engage a hidden enemy that hit them using only the data from the MASS 1.0 (some attacks with peculiar trajectories excepted). Projectiles, lasers, plasma bolts, even zeta energy attacks, all can be traced back and fire returned within microseconds!

MASS 1.0 is fully compatible with the Omnitactical Data System

0043: Omnitactical Data System

CLairsentience; sight, hearing, radar, retrocognition : Mobile Perception Point (48m) (+15), Only through others senses (-1/2), Only through others with same system, max. of others (-1), IIF

Active Points: 95

Real Cost: 35

Description: MASS 1.0 is a fully integrated system for sharing data within a small unit. Up to 9 people can access the sensor suit of any integrated power armour suit. Data is stored and can be reviewed at any time to see if that sneaky sniper was caught on video before firing.

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Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons


I was thinking about a concealable Needler (Gaus) Pistol. Slow to reload it since the device has to be pulled apart and reloaded by hand.


#0043: G-2 Gaus Pistol

Edition 6e

Killing Attack - Ranged 1 1/2d6 (Custom Adder:Easily Concealed +2 to concealment (2 active points), Armor Piercing (x2; +1/2) (40 Active Points); 2 clips of 2 Charges (Increased Reloading Time: 2 Full Phases; -1 1/2), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 8 (STR Min. Cannot Add/Subtract Damage; -3/4), -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)


A compact fairly flat gun. Compact size and materials made it easy to hide and keep hidden. Fires single shot with two rounds. Bullets are meant to puncture light armor easy but with the extra puncture the rounds tend to not distort upon entry reducing STUN damage.

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