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Twinsense for Hero 4th editon.


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I have two characters who are twin brothers. They cannot speak telepathically, but they always know the direction and aproximate distance of their brother, and whether he is injured or killed. Range should be galaxy wide. What's the cheapest point way of doing this? Maybe some advantages and disads on Mind Link (-1/2 no telepathic speaking, +1/2 can sense each others direction, +1/2 can sense each others health)?

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Re: Twinsense for Hero 4th editon.


It's not going to be cheap any way you look at it. You could create it as a Detect/Sense with megascale, but enough megascale to cover the galaxy would make it expensive. You could also design it with Mind Scan (which it the most accurate power to simulate this effect, as it does exactly what you want it to do with some limitations on it) but enough Mind Scan to cover the galaxy would again make it quite expensive. I think the cheapest would be Mind Scan because the ability to detect a specific person and none of the other effects it can give you would be a pretty hefty limitation. At least -2.

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Re: Twinsense for Hero 4th editon.


I would go Mindlink and just remove everything it can do except direction, distance and condition of brother. This way you don't have to reacquire with the Mind Scan or the sense everytime you use it. For game effects, you want to be able to just find the brother at anytime so why would you turn it off? Talk to your GM and let him decide. It shouldn't cost much since mindlink for a radio is not costly. By limiting to only one mind, it should be really cheap.

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Re: Twinsense for Hero 4th editon.


4E is slightly to old for my rulebooks, but I give it a try anyway:

6E has a Mind Link variant called "Psychic Bond" but unless you are the GM you propably won't be able to reverse-engineer it into 4E.


In 5E and 6E you could use Megascale Advantage on a normal sense.


What you describe is not very different from "Absolute Range Sense" combined with "Bump of Direction". Both of these cost 3 points (the cheapest detect) in 5E and 6E and require no roll to use.

I could see what you describe as being done as a 5 or 10 point Detect.


Regarding the Range:

What is the range it will be effectively used at? It can have a range of the galaxy or even universe, but if they will hardly ever be on different planets much less different star systems a lesser power might be enough.

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